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Snippet #2473719

located in Death City, a part of Soul Eater: A New Chapter, one of the many universes on RPG.

Death City



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Character Portrait: Kami Albarn Character Portrait: Soul 'Eater' Evans
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0.00 INK

Sid sat at the train station, periodically glancing up at the clock tower "The trains late no surprise there" he said to no one in particular. The station was busy with people all around, no one paying much attention to the undead zombie ninja. But then again this was Death City so it really wasn't that unusual, Sid soon saw the front end of the train he was waiting on come into view as it pulled into the station. "Finally" he breathed out as he stood up, through the steam that the train was giving off he could barely make out the outline of a short but elegant looking young woman.

She was carrying a pair of suitcases "Sid is that you, it's been ages?" said a familiar voice.

"Ah Kami nice to see you, thought I should pick you up, that's just the type of man I was" he said with a smile (sort of). "Beside's Lord Death wants to see you as soon as you get in." he continued.

Kami laughed "Well it's definitely appreciated, and I thought I might be able to catch Maka before she went to class today but duty calls I guess." she gave a heavy sigh, then looked around "You know who isn't around is he?" she asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Nope and he has no clue that your here, I don't think even knew you were coming back and especially not that you're going to be teaching. Lord Death made sure not to tip him off or he'd be slacking trying to hide" said Sid.

"Good we don't want Spirit slacking off any more then he already does." she said sarcastically. It had been sometime since she had actually exchanged words with Spirit. If it was anything it was a few words back and forth in a mirror call, and the only things discussed was Maka.

"Well shall we get to the school?" she asked with a smile, Sid laughed "Sometimes I wish the roles were reversed when it came to you and Spirit I think you would make damn sight better death scythe then him" he laughed.

"Yes, but then I would be a cheating womanizer and I really don't want to even go there" said Kami just thinking about it made a stress mark come up on her forehead. As much as she tried to forget about it, just the thought of seeing Spirit kind of made her blood pressure raise and not in a good way.

The drive was filled with conversations about what has gone on since Kami had left Death City and of course Maka. Soon the face of the DWMA came into view of the car, Kami smiled "Even though I know I'm not going to be able to avoid Spirit and things will come up that I've been trying to forget. I'm still glad to finally be home" she said with a sigh.

They were dancing again, much like they had when they were in the black room nearly a year and a half ago. As the faint piano music played in the background a thought came to his mind.

"Damn.... she really is beautiful in that dress... Wait what did I just say?", there was a noise that sounded something akin to someone slamming the lid down on a piano and the music stopped.

"What did you say about me?" she asked her voice sounded odd and a bit sing song.

He didn't know what to think first off how in the hell did she hear is thoughts, and secondly what was up with her voice.

"You heard me Soul.... what did you say?" her voice still sounded odd and she wasn't looking at him while speaking to him.

"I... uh... um" Soul managed to mumble out still in shock wondering how she had read his mind. Then things turned even weirder.

It was like all the bones in her neck popped as her head craned up to finally look up at him, but it wasn't his Maka's eyes. They were black as midnight, it almost seemed as though her eyes were missing completely. He started to back away from her out of fear and shock.

"Maka... whats wrong with you?" he stuttered.

"You know what Soul... I don't really need you any more." the demonic Maka said as she kept walking towards him, her bones popping and snapping with each step.

Then in a split second, Maka's arm turned into a scythe and with a blood curdling screech she came at him win inhuman like speed. And just before she was about to lodge the scythe into Soul's chest he woke up with a start. His heart beating so fast it felt like it was about to beat out of his chest, a slight glistening of sweat coating his forehead and bare chest, and trying to catch his breath. He put his hand up to where the crazed scythe weapon Maka would have hit if had been anything but a nightmare. All Soul found was the scar that Crona had given him almost two years ago.

He was finally able to pull his mind into reality from the frightening world his subconscious mind had just dropped him into. After rubbing his eyes a bit he looked over at the alarm clock sitting on the bed side table. It was still almost an hour before his alarm would go off to get up and get ready for a new year at the academy. Believe it or not he was happy to finally get back to school, it felt like it had taken forever to get the school straightened out again, but finally things could start getting back to normal well as normal as it can get in Death City.

Soul pulled the covers off of him, shifted his weight and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Standing up he decided that after that nightmare he wasn't going to manage going back to sleep. He stretched as he crossed the room, opening his bedroom door he could now look over at the door that led over to Maka's room. As far as he could tell there was no stirring from the other bedroom so he assumed that his friend and partner was still asleep. With a wide long yawn he walked down the hall, scratching the back of his head as his bare feet padded on the wood floor. Once he reached the door of the bathroom he opened it and stepped inside. He was in there for a moment and the sound of the toilet flushing was heard, the door opened again as he turned out the light and the turned the corner to head to the shower turning the knob to the door there and then stepping in to the shower. It wasn't long after that, the sounds of the shower running would be heard.