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Snippet #2501660

located in Camdiere, a part of The Mercenaries' Princess, one of the many universes on RPG.


Camdiere is the land of seven Kingdoms. Each Kingdom has it's own rules, regulations and so on. Camdiere -as a whole- is lush and vibrant with many different types of terrains to suit all who live there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki
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Kenji's eyes were shut tight, unwilling to open as he and the elf hit the ground with a painful thud. It was over. Kenji knew someone would be there to keep Iriyn on the ground, so he rolled off of the man and opened his eyes to stare at the clouds while the grass of the forest tickled his back. He didn't blink and all noise seemed to leave the world. All he could hear was the pounding in his ears as blood stained his kimono. Blood trickled down his cheek from a slight gash, but he felt no pain. He felt more empty than before. The last time any blood had touched his skin was seven years ago. A fatal mistake when he decided to take on an army of twenty worthless men. It wasn't even his own blood, but it still bothered the hell out of him.

Everything had to be clean, had to stay clean. He couldn't bleed or stain his clothes with the blood of others. That was highly unacceptable. Yet what he had just done was his own fault. He had just caused all the painful memories to come back. And for what? The possibility that he may be able to feel again? Was it worth it? No, he was stupid. And now the images of his father's and brother's dead body flooded his mind, the sounds of his shrieking mother as she was dragged away to be handled by grubby bandits. Kenji could never handle the red liquid, it always brought back so many horrible memories.

The clouds above him seemed to lose their white pureness and turned to a dark menacing grey. He couldn't tell if it was just him or if it was actually reality. Sound still hadn't returned, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Iriyn flee the scene. I'll kill you. You will wish they hadn't let you go. His eyes remained on the sky as threatening thoughts flew through his head. Then all of the sudden he felt warmth and his senses returned to him.

A light redness came to Kenji's cheeks as he realized Shyc had been holding him all this time, but it was really just because he finally felt the pain from his wounds as feeling came back.... Not really. Kenji felt almost comforted as he lie there in the mans arms. A sudden flashback hit him of him as a child lying in his mother's lap. She had told him a story about her father, and how he was a great warrior. Kenji had always wanted to be like his grandfather, and at this point he was almost better than him.

"Alright, come on. Got to clean your wounds. At least they're not too deep..."

Kenji wanted to lie there forever, but Shyc was more realistic and pulled him up. He usually wouldn't take the help, but he would take anything from Shyc... Yes yes yes. Kenji looked down at his body. The one piece of clothing he owned was ruined. Shredded and stained with blood, and who knew when they would reach another market. But Kenji brushed it off and looked over to the other angry newcomer who now seemed to be threatening him. The woman was holding a very decorative cutlass to his throat and the emotionless words spewing out of her mouth seemed to go through one ear and out the other for Kenji. He turned his head and locked eyes with Shyc as Raze seemed to be defending him.

Kenji was pleased that Raze seemed to have warmed up to him now. Saving the princess really was a good decision on his part, not taking the painful thoughts into consideration. At this rate, Kenji would definitely be able to spend more time with the mercenary he was so interested in.

Shyc turned on the woman as she leveled the blade at Kenji. Hadn't he made it clear that they were not going to kill him? Without thinking, he reached out and snatched the blade into his hand and pulled it straight up, away from Kenji's throat. Shyc hadn't felt anger like this in a long time. But it was pulsing, raging through him like a torrent and he couldn't stop it this time.

"I said we're not killing him, or threatening him!" Shyc exploded, his eyes narrowing at her as he moved and put himself directly between Kenji and her weapon, "You want to threaten someone, you can start by trying me," he growled. "So what if he wasn't in your damned orders. You're only supposed to worry about Sakura, so just worry about her and let me worry about Kenji."

He cut himself short though as Raze's words filled the air, calling for her to back off as well and allow Kenji to explain himself to Fotia. Shyc glanced back to Kenji, he frowned a bit as he looked down at the wounds. Small though they were, they still looked like they hurt and Shyc wanted nothing but to clean them to relieve any pain rather than stand there and fight over such a petty thing. If Raze was willing to give the man a chance, then Fotia needn't step in as she had.

Kenji's lips parted slightly at Shyc's sudden anger. He then watched intently as the man lifted the blade with his bare hands. What is he doing? Kenji wondered. Then Shyc started shouting at the woman and Kenji almost wanted to smirk as the lady was being put in her place. Shyc was being such a turn on. He then noticed the man's frown and wondered what was causing his sadness. Kenji couldn't really comprehend the whole situation. Raze's words seemed to be the cue to have Kenji speak for himself. Everyone was looking at him so he figured he had to step out of his box. Especially because he wanted to please Shyc.

His deep voice began, "I feel I would be beneficial to the group. I'm good at fighting and as you just witnessed I'm fast with quick instincts. My name is Kenji Umeki, I've travelled all around Camdiere and fought for almost all the kingdoms. I have no affiliation. My intentions are to work with Shyc and in order to do that I'm willing to protect the princess. Accept me if you wish or else I'll be on my way." With that Kenji gazed back over to Shyc to see what he thought. It had been years since he spoke that much. But it almost felt relieving.

Shyc felt his face flush slightly, be on his way? Is he really going to give in that easily? the half daemon thought worridly. Shyc shook his head slightly, but held his tongue as best he could. Raze would accept him, right? Even if this woman didn't, Raze would. Shyc wasn't sure why he was so worried about it really. Maybe it was because for the first time in all these years, he'd finally found someone who could put him back together should he ever fall into his daemon side again. Turning, he looked not at Fotia, but at Raze instead.