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Snippet #2508073

located in Iveir, Continent of Dhaemar, a part of Kings of Elements: Reboot, one of the many universes on RPG.

Iveir, Continent of Dhaemar



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Character Portrait: Kanan Thiyer Character Portrait: Renardine "Minnow" Lunvari
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The knock drew his attention. He hadn't been sleeping anyway. Rested on the bed with one arm up over his forehead he had tried to sleep, but it never came. Kanan had removed his shirt long ago and was enjoying the cool air across his skin, hoping it would help to make it easier to sleep, but that seemed to fail. Instead he listened to the soft sounds of the world outside his window and the soft passing of guards around the halls outside. He heard the quiet shuffle, felt the presence of the other as he stood outside his door.

Sitting up, he took a moment and then moved to the door. Slowly opening it, Kanan lifted an eyebrow as his gaze settled upon Minnow who stood there. The blonde looked shocked to find himself standing in the hall. His heart skipped a beat as he watched the younger protector. He hadn't seen him since the attack and he felt awful just then for not going to see him. Worry coursed through his frame as he took in Minnow's appearance. Something was wrong.

"Minnow," he called as he stretched out a hand to brush aside the long locks of blonde hair, "What happened?"

. He thought to himself as the door opened. He looked like a deer trapped in the headlights as Kanan looked down at him. And he was shirtless. Again. A harsh blush raced across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, and for once he was grateful for the darkness. He probably looked like a train wreck anyway.

Minnow looked up at him, his mouth opening and closing dumbly a few times. Not a single syllable would pass his lips, though, and the young boy’s gaze fell quickly to stare at the floor. Once more he was shocked when he felt the touch of Kanan at his face, even though it was just his fingertips ghosting against his skin. It was warm, and without thinking, Minnow’s own hand quickly shot up and grabbed his wrist. The strength behind the touch was weak at best, and his fingers trembled as he held the man’s hand there. His lips parted as if he were trying to explain himself, but he was at a loss for words.

He must have seemed like such a little kid in that moment. He couldn’t even handle his own nightmares, he had to come running to someone else for comfort. But
 in that moment he didn’t hate himself for it, in fact he could care less. He took a step forward, for once letting his body do what it wanted to. And that was to get closer to whatever was warmest.

”Night terrors
.” It was hardly a whisper, and it was followed by a bitter laugh that was hardly audible. Minnow didn’t dare meet his fellow protector’s gaze and instead stared at the floor. A ghost of a smile in mockery of himself donned his lips; he wished he was fatigued again, wished he had a reason to blame for this run-in.

Well, it was now or never. He had already embarrassed himself this far, he didn't really have much to lose. "Can I sleep with you?" His facial expression was bitter, he was fairly ashamed of himself for sounding like such a child in front of Kanan, for allowing such a weakness within himself. He fully expected the protector to deny him, but Minnow had decided that this was probably the best way to leave. It certainly couldn't be more awkward than the alternate parting words he was thinking of. He probably could have just run, but he already had enough of being a scared kid for one night.

In his expectations, his fingers slipped from Kanan's wrist, and he took a tiny step back, ready to turn and leave.

Kanan felt Minnow's fingers wrap around his wrist though the grip was light and without strength behind it. He watched the other for a long while, trying to figure out what was wrong. He couldn't tell very well in the darkness and shifted his frame just a bit to allow some of the moonlight to try to hit the boy. When that failed, he settled for waiting patiently. Minnow took a step forward and Kanan stood still, allowing him to get close. The words 'night terrors' made the taller Protector raise an eyebrow as he watched Minnow carefully. For a moment, he mentally berated himself. He should have known.

When the question came to sleep with him, Kanan took in a short breath. Everything went still for a moment, his body tensing as he watched the little blonde healer. His mind went blank briefly before it started working again. Several things came to mind, none of which he voiced for fear of scaring the poor boy. But as he didn't answer, Minnow's hand released his wrist and he took a step back as if he was ready to just up and leave. Kanan, once again without thinking, snatched Minnow's hand in his grip and dragged him into the room without a word. One arm wrapped around the boys waist to hold him in place just in case Minnow thought about running away.

The door closed gently.

Holding up the arm that he had grabbed, he leaned down to whisper to Minnow, "You cannot just ask that, and then leave," he said his voice a soft growl almost as if he were irritated, or better yet, struggling with something himself.

"I think..." he started and then paused. His arm tightened around Minnow. Releasing the hand that he'd held up over his own shoulder, he reached down and tilted the boy's head up to face him, "You're breaking me," he muttered and proceeded to kiss the other Protector without warning.

It shouldn’t have been that surprising, but Minnow was still a little shocked that Kanan did not let him leave. He stumbled as he was dragged into the man’s room, kept only from tripping by the grip around his waist. The sound of the door closing hardly registered to him as he was pulled closer to Kanan’s body.

Then the warmth of his breath tickled at his ear and with the soft growl that rumbled from Kanan’s form- one that sent unnatural chills up and down the boy’s spine, his blush only heated further. It had only been a simple request, one that he did not intend to have these results, but Kanan was so close and he couldn’t help his heart from thumping painfully against his chest, couldn’t prevent his mind from reeling and expecting the impossible.

His focus was only held by the words that kept passing Kanan’s lips, and his breath caught in his throat as the other protector’s fingers brushed his chin, angling his head up to meet his gaze. His own lips parted to say something, probably something inaudible and made to voice his confusion, when the space between them shortened drastically.

For the umpteenth time that night, Minnow was stunned. He froze as their lips met, his mind suddenly going blank and abandoning him to fend for himself. This was certainly not what he envisioned when walking down the halls- heck, he hadn’t even meant to still be in the castle. Now here he was, in Kanan’s bedroom of all places with the man himself.

Kissing him.

How long had he waited for this?

Of course he had denied any feelings that tried to surface, any thoughts that even hinted towards this intent before. Did he ever even realize that he was falling until now? It hit him like a ton of bricks, and in his surprise, he forgot to respond to the older protector, instead just standing there dazed.

Kanan pulled away slightly. His eye gazed at Minnow as he held him. Finally within the moonlight, he could see that the other's face was worn, tired and haggard. He also noted that the blonde looked dazed, unfocused. Kanan wasn't sure if it was because of the kiss or his words. Maybe a mixture of both. Or was it that Minnow was too far in shock to register? Did he not... want that? He frowned a bit as he stood there holding the other.

"Minnow?" he asked gently. It was so hard not to continue, to not put the shorter one against the wall and kiss him again with all the passion and feelings that he had been bottling up for so long because he had been unsure, and unwilling, to open again to another. He wanted very much to show the little blonde healer exactly just how much he affected Kanan. His fingers played with the boys hair briefly before running gently along his jaw line and then to his chin where he held Minnow's face upwards to look at him.

"What's wrong?" he finally asked.

Minnow blinked rapidly as Kanan’s voice broke through to his addled mind. He let out a shaky breath that he had been holding way too long. At this rate, his cheeks would never return to their normal color. The blonde-haired protector looked up at him silently, not trusting himself to speak just yet. It was horrible of him, he knew, to leave Kanan wondering, but this moment

As Kanan finally voiced his concerns, a small frown tugged down the corners of his lips, and his gaze settled upon Kanan’s, eyes intently watching his own, but there was no real readable expression to his face. Minnow’s sight seemed to trail down to the one-eyed protector’s lips, and a soft breath of laughter tumbled out of his mouth.

He was no longer at a loss, he knew exactly what was going on just then and he knew exactly what he wanted. His hands, which were previously at his side and resting on Kanan’s shoulder, finally found motion. He slid his own palm around Kanan’s waist, his fingers finding themselves tangled in the belt loops pulling Kanan closer to him as his other hand shifted to the nape of the one-eyed protector’s neck. Minnow stepped up a bit to close the distance once more, pressing his lips against Kanan’s, closing his eyes and breathing in the man’s scent.

Startled was an understatement. He wasn't expecting Minnow to return the kiss. He had been expecting the boy to say that he hadn't wanted the kiss, that he had wanted to leave. Kanan felt the tug around his waist, the gentle kiss from the smaller blonde. All control went out the window then. Moving, probably a bit rougher than he wanted originally, he put Minnow against the wall, pinning him there. Tilting his head, he added a bit of pressure to their lips to give Minnow a deeper kiss. His hand cupped Minnow's head as he kissed him, the other still around his waist.

Pulling back to get a breath from the kiss, he took a moment to gaze at Minnow before leaning down and lifting him up. Using the wall still to keep the boy from falling over he had the little healer just barely above his face, but not so far that he couldn't easily kiss him, which he did again, "You... are not going to sleep just yet," he told the blonde, his voice speaking underlying tones of what he was planning to do and the promise to go through with it. To further his intention, he dragged the healer from the wall and to the bed where he put him down and leaned over him. Once again, a small, but rare smile, came upon his face and he tangled his fingers in the boys soft hair.

"Minnow..." he called softly then kissed his neck and throat.

Minnow stumbled a bit as he was pushed backwards, his head soon thumping against the wall as he was caught between a solid object and Kanan. He didn’t mind though- it wasn’t as if it hurt. He was surprised that Kanan actually felt this way though, but he wasn’t objecting, pressing the kiss just as hard as he got it.

As Kanan released his grip a bit, Minnow took the air gratefully, panting ever so slightly. He let out a startled, short-lived laugh as Kanan picked him up and pushed him further against the wall. Wrapping his legs around the one-eyed protector’s hips, he leaned forward, settling his arms over Kanan’s shoulders and losing his fingers to his white hair. At the next kiss that he received, Minnow nipped the other’s bottom lip gently, pulling back just slightly before releasing his hold and resting his forehead against Kanan’s.

At his partner’s next words, the healer blushed once again, lips parted as short, heavy breaths slipped past. He soon found himself carried to the bed, and he was grateful for the softer material against his back. Minnow gazed up at Kanan as the man leaned over him. With the gentle caress of his hair and the intense look that filled the other protector’s eye, he shuddered.

When Kanan’s lips were planted against his throat and he heard his name uttered from the other’s lips, Minnow groaned softly, his eyes flickering shut for a moment as his fingers found the man’s white hair once more. They tangled between the locks, and his grip tightened just slightly as he pulled the other back to his own lips. After another meet between them, he breathed shakily against the other protector.

.” Minnow mumbled softly against him, even after the time that had passed, his breathing was still shaky at best, not to mention the perpetual blush that refused to leave his cheeks, though by now it was caused more from the heat between them rather than any residual embarrassment.

"Relax," Kanan breathed at him, though his own heart was racing and he was only just barely keeping his trembling to himself. He gave a soft laugh and decided to tease the other a little bit, "I haven't even done anything," taking a breath he was right next to Minnow's ear as he breathed in deeply. Releasing the air through his nose, it brushed past the boys hair and he moved to kiss him again.

It wasn't how he had expected to spend the rest of the night, but it was certainly better than what he'd been doing before hand. At least now his thoughts were settled and no longer in turmoil. Everything washed away as he held the little blonde healer. Minnow wouldn't know how much he was affecting Kanan either, just how much healing he actually gave the one eyed warrior. It was more than just physically.