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Snippet #2515556

located in Misaki Creek Academy, a part of Misaki Creek| An All Boys Academy, one of the many universes on RPG.

Misaki Creek Academy



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Character Portrait: Seto Viltrol Character Portrait: Christian Sinclair
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"Oh my,...what a lovely day it is...but I don't want to be tardy!"

ImageThe immediate sound of the alarm from the wide flat-screen television on the front wall went off, playing a nice mellow smooth jazz tune. A muffled moan and a silhouetted form shifted lightly underneath the silk ivory sheets, quite disturbed from dreamy slumber. A porcelain pale long slender hand appeared from under the covers moving the sheet slightly down, immediately revealing a shock of pure white hair. The hand lazily sauntered over to the chrome-plated night-stand, grabbing the remote control for the t.v.. Turning down the sound, the form slowly drifted into an upright position, revealing a groggy ivory highly attractive face and a toned muscular upper bare chest.

His eyes slowly opened, presenting two unusual, yet miraculous heterochromia set of orbs: one icy blue and the other light gold. He ruffled his hair and looked at the silver clock on the opposite wall of his lavishly expensive futuristic loft room.... 6:40 am.... Blinking emptily for a few minutes, he then realized he was going to be late for orientation and dorm accommodation day at Misaki Creek.... He was going to be late!!!! The young man, named Christian, hurriedly got out of bed, rushing around the room to find all of his things he needed to get ready. There was a brief knock on the door before the butler entered in, looking cool and calm as ever despite his master running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

"Master Sinclair, everything is prepared for you so don't worry. Take a nice shower and put on your uniform.", he cheerfully chimed as Christian slowed in his tracks taking a deep breath. With a half lazy smile, Christian nodded and walked into the large adjacent posh grey bathroom. Stripping of his night pants, he slipped inside the crystal ornate shower and turned the sliver knobs, letting the jet spray warm water hit his form. Christian smoothed his silky hair back and took in the relaxing sensation the pulsating jets offered. This was going to be his second and final year at Misaki Creek and he was a little disappointed that he had to graduate and leave Japan to go to a prestigious university back in London.

He was going to leave some good friends behind, never knowing if he was going to visit anytime soon. Christian sighed quietly at that as his back softly hit against the grey marble wall... After ten minutes in the shower, a soaked Christian got out, wrapping his lower half with a beige fluffy towel. He walked over to the large bathroom mirror and stared blankly at himself as he grabbed a clear blue tooth brush and a tube of toothpaste. From outside his bathroom, Christian's uncle strolled into his room and took a seat on a black leather couch. "Make sure to give the headmaster my warmest regards! He has done a lovely job with honing your yokai, beautifully.", he spoke loudly.

"Yes, I will but could you give me some privacy?", Christian replied slightly annoyed, he then spitting out the remaining toothpaste in the sink. His uncle chuckled softly and shook his head, "You always like to be left alone and no one bothering you at home but when you are at school, you become an extroverted lad who likes everyone's company. I really don't get you sometimes even though I have practically help raised you.", he went on and on while Christian mentally rolled his eyes as he gargled his mouth. Christian's uncle waved his hand at the butler, "Make sure to pack all of Christian's luggage into the limo.", he ordered, the butler bowing in affirmation as he exited the loft.

Christian exited the bathroom, zippering up his grey school trousers, "I'll leave you alone and let you finish getting ready... Since the school serves breakfast, I think you should wait to eat until you get there.", he rising from his seat and exiting with a wink on his face. After another five minutes putting on the rest of his school uniform and dousing himself with the finest light cologne, Christian exited his room with his black satchel book-bag slung over his shoulder, quickly heading down the white marble steps to the foyer. Five butlers and maids on each side lined the entrance to the front door. One maid swiftly came behind him and gave him a big bear hug, "I'll miss you so, Chrissy-chan!", she happily said, squeezing him almost to death.

Christian's eyes almost bugled out of his head, "I get it.... I'll miss you too.", he strained, trying to come up for air. Quickly, the head maid swatted the young maid, "Stop that! You know not to hug the young master so tight.", she scolded, reprimanding her for her actions. The maid gave a loud pout and let Christian go from her "death grip". Straightening himself, Christian gave a small smile to the maid, "It's okay, Beatrice.... I like Mura-sama's hugs.", he chuckled softly as he closed the space between the chipper maid, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. The maid quickly blushed and fainted on the spot causing everyone to shake their heads.

After everyone said their goodbyes to Christian and the head maid trying to shake the amorous-struck maid out of her stupor, Christian, now outside, momentarily looked back at the manor and his uncle, "Make sure to call me tonight when you're settled in your dorm.", his uncle said, patting Christian on the back. Christian only nodded and seated himself in the limo, "Please don't call and bother me too much. I need the space.", he replied, not wanting his uncle annoying him and being in his business. His uncle only winked and stepped back from the driveway as the chauffeur closed Christian's side of the door and got inside the drivers seat.


And so, after exiting the driveway and driving down the road, the sleek black Rolls-Royce jetted, cherry blossom petals swiftly fluttering in the wind around the limo, "Ummm, Ricky?", Christian spoke up, "Could you put on my favorite song?". The driver nodded, "Of course, master Sinclair.", he answered, a sweet mellowed tune quickly filling the limo. Christian relaxed against the leather upholstered seat, humming quietly to the song. The ride didn't take too long and soon the Rolls-Royce arrived in front of the school gate causing a couple of the students to look on curiously. The chauffeur stepped outside and causally opened Christian's door.

Stepping outside, the morning light reflected off of Christian causing him to unnaturally glow, cherry blossoms swirling softly around his ivory pale, tall statuesque form. The male students watched in awe as Christian smoothed his hair, nonchalantly, back, silver rimmed aviator shades donning his face coolly, "Thank you, Ricky.... You know where my dorm room is so you can put my luggage near the door.", he politely conjectured. The chauffeur bowed and began taking out the luggage from the trunk. Noticing that he had eyes on him, Christian bowed gracefully to them, "Good day... I hope you all have an enjoyable new school year.", he smiled. They all just nodded dumbfounded as Christian began his stroll around the familiar school grounds.

Having some time to spare, it only being 7:50 am, Christian walked with great graceful strides around the campus until he saw a good friend of his lounging on a near by bench, doodling away to his hearts content. With a knowing lazy smile, Christian quietly walked up to Seto, "Ah.... What might you be doodling, my good man?", he chuckled softly, folding his arms to his chest. Knowing he didn't have long before he was to graduate and head back to England, Christian couldn't help but stare wistfully at Seto behind his dark sunglasses. Secretly sighing deeply, Christian wished so desperately that he could have another year at Misaki and be with his friends.

But that was not to be, Christian finding it increasingly hard to say goodbye and depart from such a fine supernatural academy. "I know you made the twins and I something so tell me, what highly delicious cuisine you brought with you today?", he cheerfully said, his stomach, embarrassingly, beginning to growl. If Christian didn't eat something right away, he was certainly sure he was going to pass out from hunger. With that, Christian took a seat next to Seto and put his arms on the back of the bench, crossing his legs elegantly as he took in the spring morning scene gratefully, "Just....Gorgeous...".