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Snippet #2517680

located in Kingdom of Teirwen, a part of Game of Thrones: You either win or die., one of the many universes on RPG.

Kingdom of Teirwen



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Character Portrait: Isabelle Catherine Delphine Character Portrait: Isac Bellaloa Character Portrait: Sinead Morrigan Character Portrait: Amelia Victoria Bellaloa Character Portrait: Adelaide Emeline Dellagore Character Portrait: Damien Isac Bellaloa Character Portrait: Nathaniel Charles Bellaloa
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Sinead certainly didn't look to be amused by the young Prince's antics, and Ria thought that she had a right to be. They had after all traveled a long way to come and meet them and this was the greeting they got from the man they were engaged to? That certainly wasn't getting off on the right foot. Still, he had made her want to laugh with his lack of consideration and bored manner. Clearly the older of the two brothers was the the most responsible and likely the most fit to rule.

Both Isabelle and Sinead graciously accepted Prince Damien's offer to show them around, which meant Ria was either going to have to trail after her Queen or go find her own way to Isabelle's chambers and then her own. Maybe I should just go explore on my own... The idea tempted her greatly, but she knew Isabelle would likely expect her to be there to order around the maids and keep her company or whatever and as she glanced over at Queen Sinead's lady, who would likely be in the same boat as her since lady's were often expected to be at their Queen's side. Honestly, Ria wondered if this would give her more time to herself or less now that they were here. Oh, well. She best put to use the time she was going to be here. She glanced back at Queen Sinead's lady again while the King and Queen were undoubtedly sending people off to go find the runaway Prince.

She didn't know the girl's name, but she was a pretty, young red haired girl with both a kind face and eyes. The sweet type, maybe a little shy, Ria suspected. She didn't think she would have trouble with this girl, she didn't seem the eye-gauging and backstabbing type. Maybe Ria would even grow to like her a little. At the very least she would attempt conversation with her and try to get to know her.

When the prince began to lead the Queens away so they might get their bearings, Ria trailed after them, keeping an appropriate distance. They made their way through the courtyard with a lovely pond, complete with two swans and a couple of children playing games. If Ria didn't know any better she would've thought she'd stepped into a fairytale.

It didn't take long before the tour came to a close as Queen Isabelle found her room and concluded it was time for a rest. Not too surprising, considering they had been on the road for hours and before that they had been on a ship. Her Queen called her into her chambers but before she could turn from the rest of the group, she offered them all a quick smile and then hurried in after her Queen, letting the heavy wooden door close with a thud.

Isabelle wanted a bath. Also not surprising considering the long trip. "Of course, my Queen." She smiled and wasted no time in calling all the maids, insisting that they spare nothing - tonight was the feast after all and that her Queen would want to look and feel her finest and so the woman all came rushing in with scented bath salts, oils, soaps, combs. Everything a Queen could want. Satisfied that they had taken her serious, Ria stepped back to her Queen's side but before she could ask if there was anything else Isabelle would have her do, she was told to go tend to herself. Well, that was a relief. She might finally get to see the rest of the castle. "Thank you, my Queen. It has indeed been a long journey, I will be back in time for the feast but before that I might go explore the castle. I think I would like to stretch my legs a bit." She smiled at Isabelle and then took her leave, stepping back out into the corridor and only just now hoping she wouldn't get lost.

As she roamed through the castle halls, taking note of this turn and that she decided to head out to the stables in hopes that her horse had been comfortably stabled by now. She had insisted that her mount be handwalked or ponied only as she didn't want him to be overtaxed during the long journey. A ride would be pleasant, but the journey had been hours long and even at a walk without bearing a rider she thought he could use a restful night in the stables before being ridden again. She decided that after seeing his current state she would decide whether or not he was fit to ride.

After returning to her room where her things had been finally placed, she rummaged through her trunk and found a pair of breeches, switched out her gown for a deep hunter green one that was much more comfortable, pulled her long hair back into a quick braid like she always did for riding and put on some boots. Not exactly lady-like but she wouldn't mind if these clothes got dirty or torn and she was pretty sure off in the distance somewhere, many miles away that her mother was shrieking in horror at the state of her. The thought brought a smile to Ria's lips. When the maids arrived to tend to her she told them to have a bath waiting for her when she returned within an hour which should give her plenty of time to do whatever she pleased and plenty of time to prepare for the feast tonight.

After making her way outside and getting lost twice on her own, she finally managed to locate after asking a maid. It was a great stone building that must house dozens and dozens of horses. She made her way inside, earning a few curious looks from the groomsmen who must have no idea who she was as she made her way down the aisle, stopping to admire the horses along the way. They all looked fit and healthy. This pleased her, she simply wouldn't stand to have her mount in a place that didn't care for their animals. Finally, she saw her horse. Khan was a large red chestnut, the color of a setting sun and meant to be a hunting horse, young, tall and lean with swift gaits and a hot headed temperament. He was probably never meant to be a girl's horse but he had been a gift from her father when she had turned eighteen last month. He knew how much she loved her horses and how she never liked to ride like a lady and so Khan had been perfect. Her mother had been outraged at the gift, saying a hunting horse was no gift for a lady, but she also knew that her daughter had always loved riding stallions. They were often unpredictable and aggressive but she had always risen to the challenge of riding them. Ria had adored Khan and Khan seemed to appreciate her as well, their personalities matched well. "Ah, there's my handsome boy." She said, grinning as she stepped into the stall. The great red stallion dipped his head to nose her shoulder. "How are you feeling?" The horse looked bright-eyed and energetic enough but the trek had to have taken something out of him even though he was young and fit. Still, perhaps a walk so he could acquainted with his surroundings as could she? That would probably be okay. She called for a stable boy to saddle and groom him, even though she could have done it herself.

When the boy returned with the tack, Ria frowned. The boy was carrying a sidesaddle. Common for ladies to use, but Ria had always despised the contraptions. They were uncomfortable and made it hard to ride the way she did. "Please put that back, I would much prefer a hunting saddle. And don't worry, I can tack him myself but I would like it if you gave me a leg up. He's awfully tall." She said, kindly.

The boy nodded awkwardly and the scurried off. When he returned, he carried a nice, rich brown hunting saddle. Ah, that was much better.

After tacking Khan and swinging up onto his back, she steered him out of the stables and out into the grounds, hearing the click of cobblestones beneath hooves. A ride always cleared her mind and this would also be another way for her to get familiar with the castle. Khan strode forward, his head held high. She patted his smooth neck and looked out at the grounds. It was truly a beautiful place and Ria genuinely hoped she would get acquainted with it soon as she had already gotten lost a few times on foot. As she passed the courtyard, her shoulders relaxed and her mind wandered back to her home in the north. Her father's health was declining and he had fallen ill when she had left. Not surprising for a man his age, but still the news had shocked her and her gut twisted slightly when she knew that her mother was not going to be sorry when he passed. She was going to have to send a letter back home inquiring as to how he was doing. She also wondered how her younger sisters were doing, seeing as they were still at home.

She steered Khan past the entrance to the woods, while the idea tempted her she knew she was going to be running low on time. Actually...Shoot. She saw people beginning to make their way into the castle, probably headed to feast. That meant she must've spent too much time already. She spun Khan around and set off back toward the stables at a smooth, ground eating lope.

She was gratefully Khan had always covered so much ground so quickly. She reached the stables in record time and hastily gave him back to the dazed looking boy as she rushed the words at him. "Care for him well...Cool him off. Oh! And give him something sweet. He's been good." With that, she literally ran back to the castle, almost running right past her room and into the guards in her haste to get into her room and have the maids make her up again. They looked rather mortified at her tousled hair and dirty boots. They did what they could with the time they had and quickly washed her up in water that had already gone cold and dressed her in a rich red gown, encrusted with little black beads shaping what looked like flowers. She also donned elegant rings and a lovely diamond necklace and set her out on her way. As she stepped out into the hall she breathed a sigh of relief as she saw Isabelle making her way down the hall. Thank goodness, I thought I was terribly late... She thought as she followed after her Queen who had made her way into the ballroom.