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Snippet #2558573

located in The Safe Haven, a part of In The Safe Haven, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Safe Haven

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Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Simon Faust Character Portrait: Skylar Faust
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"I think the saddest people try their hardest to make
people happy because they know what it's like to feel
absolutely worthless and they don't want anyone
else to feel like that."
— Robin Williams


Simon's story has no beginning or end, no one's story does; arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead. For his sister, this was a new start, an answered prayer to begin a new chapter, a better life. Regardless of what she chose to call it, Simon didn't see it that way. He wasn't so ignorant to believe that Skylar actually wanted to go to this supposed "safe haven." He knew that the only reason she agreed to it was because of him. And he hates the way she's been looking at him recently, like she had to walk on eggshells, like he would crumble at one misspoken word. It was as if she didn't know who she was looking at anymore and it hurt him more than his own self-deprecation ever could. To see him with a bottle of bourbon in his hand or a cigarette between his lips was akin to a parent hearing that their child had been doing the same. She was everything to him: a mother, a father, a sister, and a friend. But sometimes he just wished she would just stick to being his friend. It's true what they say, that those that care about you are the most annoying people in the world when they know something's wrong. Because Simon was all she had, Skylar seemed to go above and beyond to provide for him and make sure he was alright. The truth of the matter is that he hasn't been alright for a very long time. He can't even muster up the strength to fake a smile anymore when it'd been so easy before. It's that selfishness that coaxed him into robbing that bank. He'd felt so guilty that he couldn't put on a happy face for her that he decided he'd make it up to her, bring some extra payroll into their not-so-steady income of petty theft. He'd never used his power to pop up on the other side of a steel vault before and it showed. One bloodied nose later and Simon woke up after three days of unconsciousness just to find out that they were boarding a plane to Rome as soon as possible. They packed up what little they had and left for the airport the next night.

Despite what Simon had jokingly referred to as their "new acclimated fortune", the siblings ended up in coach. From America to Rome, they used up most of their money, having spent the last bit on buying more clothing for themselves in preparation for whatever climate they'd have to face. The clothes on their backs just so happened to be new, a vain attempt on Skylar's part to convince the other members of the house that they weren't to be pitied. Meandering down the aisle at a leisurely pace left Simon with naught to do but itch at his neck. He'd never owned a button up shirt before and the starched cotton collar was literally rubbing him the wrong way. Once they'd gotten to their row, Skylar wordlessly insisted he take the window seat, which didn't come as much of a surprise. Of course she'd give him the best seat, not to mention it put her between him and whomever was meant to join them. He knew it was her way of protecting him, had become accustomed to it by now, so he didn't argue.

Even though it being his first time on an airplane, Simon wasn't nervous in the slightest. He approached this new experience as he did with everything else, with a cold indifference. When the plane took off the ground, he barely even noticed. What he did notice was the slight groan of thick plastic at his side. Glancing down, he saw his sister's hand on the armrest, gripping it so tightly her knuckles had gone pale from the exertion. He doesn't think twice before he grabs her hand, lacing his fingers through hers in a sign of comfort. Dragging the pad of his thumb back and forth against the back of her hand, he felt her slowly deflate in her seat, her adrenaline rush waning at the familiar anchor he provided her. When turbulence came and she tightened her grip, Simon couldn't help but huff a chuckle, squeezing her hand in reassurance before he began humming Metallica just loud enough for her to hear. From the corner of his eyes, he sees the corner of his sister's lip perk at the sound, and she slowly begins to relax again.

Fifteen hours and forty-five minutes. That's how long it took. Almost an entire day had past and neither of them had gotten any sleep at all. Both of them were too keyed up, albeit for very different reasons. While he cannot speak for his sister, Simon was dreading the experience. He didn't want to go to Safe Haven before and the prolonged journey sure as hell didn't change his mind. If anything being on the plane for so long left him a bit stir crazy. Throughout the endeavor, Simon tried to remain as still as he could lest Skylar become paranoid that he would try and teleport out of the plane. As melodramatic as it seemed, Simon had begun to warm up to the idea after the first ten hours. Plummeting to your death was definitely better than being suspended in the air, having to put all your faith and trust into two engines and a pilot. Nevertheless, he bore it with a calm and collected countenance. He was almost thankful when he overheard a voice on the speaker system alert everyone to buckle their seat-belts and prepare for their descent. Scratch that, he thought as he finally stood, collecting his carry on, the same duffle-bags they've had for years, Very thankful.

Simon followed Skylar out of the terminal towards the gate. He paid little attention to where they were going because he assumed Skylar would know the way. Without a doubt she'd probably spoke to the person meeting them here and received all the details. Instead, Simon cast his attention to the bags in their hand, getting drug around by his coat whilst he thought morosely how sad it was that their whole lives could fit into two battered bags. When he finally looked up again, he saw her. Skylar had approached someone sitting alone, a young woman not much older than himself with dark hair and even darker eyes. With steely determination, the elder sibling cleared her throat as they stood before the girl. Simon just stood, looking for all the world like he did not want to be there, waiting for the introductions and welcome to come. The faster they got acquainted, the faster he could get out of this airport.