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Snippet #2610998

located in Earth, a part of The Chosen Elements, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Camila watched as Greyson tried to figure out a way to get out. Cami had a few ideas herself, but they all involved using her powers. Still, they needed to get out. Not that she minded being in a room alone with him, but she could hardly function from the nerves. Not to mention there was his daughter. This was no condition for a child to be in. "I-I think I have an idea" she said quietly, knowing that what she was about to do was dangerous for many reasons. She took a deep breath and stepped closer to the wall furthest away from Grayson and Kelsey. She pressed both hands and her ear against it and closed her eyes. There was an awful lot of noise for just a wall. By the way the sound waves traveled, it seemed like there was something protecting the walls all around the room. "There's some kind of electric shield guarding the wall" she stated, wanting to fill Greyson in on what was going on. There was a possibility she could break it apart, but the would require a ridiculous amount of energy. Still, she had to try. She backed up a step or two, keeping her hands on the wall, making a small thumping noise with her thumb. She could feel the wall's structure trying to break apart, but the shield wouldn't let it. Regardless, she continued to try until the shield fought back, appearing in a silver outline for a second sending her backwards onto the floor before disappearing again.


Tália stood her ground, staring down the hooded figure only a few feet away from her. She wasn’t scared, not in the least. Quite the opposite, she was angry and needed someone to take that anger out on. The figure didn’t move nor speak, as if it were waiting for Tália to make the first move. ”Alright bud start talking” she demanded, folding her arms across her chest. ”Who the hell are you and why am I here?”. An odd sound came from the figure, something that sounded like laughter. Talia’s face twisted in annoyance as it stopped laughing and began to speak. ”You’ve got some nerve”. His comment only made her want to punch him in the face even more, if that were possible. ”Wrong answer” she spat. ”And at least have the decency to take off that hood while you’re talking to a lady”. Tália was fed up with all this nonsense. All she wanted was to bash the thing’s face in and go back home to her friends. The figure laughed again but did as she asked and removed the hood. Talia’s face arranged into a repulsed expression and she waved her hand towards him. ”Never mind, keep it on”. This time though, it didn’t listen, but only stepped closer and closer. Tália attempted to move, but her entire body was suddenly paralyzed. She shouted at him to let her go, her body temperature easing rapidly, but it only causedthe opposite effect. He grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up off the ground, leaving her gasping for air. ”Tell your friends that I’m ready for them” and before she had the chance to respond, several electrical currents ran through her body. Tália screamed in agony but there was nothing she could do. She felt as if her skin was being ripped off of her bones. After getting the desired effect, the figure let her fall to the ground with a thump, covered in cuts and bruises. ”If you survive”. And just as he had appeared, he was gone, leaving her a battered lump on the floor. This was it, she was alone, she was paralyzed and she was seconds from dying. Her entire body hurt, her skin was burnt in several places and her bones destroyed. She couldn’t move or speak, but the tears rolled down her face like a waterfall. She didn’t care about dying, she cared about the fact that she’d have to leave her brother, Cami and Ophelia behind to deal with the consequences.


Remi watched as Mathew retreated and sat on the floor. He apologized for some reason after Remi’s comment, and Remi immediately felt awful. He didn’t mean it in the way that Mathew took it. Despite his fears, he knew he had to fix it. ”Hey...I was joking* he clarified, leaning down in front of him. He’s even cute when he’s upset he thought then mentally kicked himself. That was enough of that. ”Come one, I have an idea” he said, taking Mathew’s hand and pulling him up before he could protest. Maybe if they combined powers they could get somewhere. Just as Remi was about to explain this, something in the atmosphere change. There was a sudden negative energy. Two in fact, and they were close. He didn’t recognize one of them, but he would have bet his life that the other was Talia’s. ”Talia-!” he almost yelped as he moved closer to the wall. There was something very wrong here.


Ezra continued to examine the wall, taking Willow’s suggestion into full consideration. ”It’s worth a shot!” he said, taking a few steps away from the wall. Last he remembered it was night time, and if that was still the case he couldn’t count on using the solar energy. He’d just have to rely on whatever was beyond these walls. He closed his eyes and faced his palms upwards. Merely seconds later there was a multicolored glow surrounding them. He remained still and silent as the glow began spreading from his hands to his entire body, covering it what looked like a blanket made out of a star filled sky. When he thought he had enough energy, he opened his eyes and step towards the wall again, pressing both hands against it and letting the accumulated energy flow from his body into the wall structure. Here was a loud clap of what sounded like thunder, and the wall began to glow a light silver. Not two seconds later, though, it was gone and the wall was back to normal, as if nothing even happened. ”Well
” he said scratching ghee back of his head. ”That was embarrassing.”