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Snippet #2611608

located in Earth, a part of The Chosen Elements, one of the many universes on RPG.




Characters Present

Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Eric Newman Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Remi Beaumont Character Portrait: Talia Beaumont Character Portrait: Nathan Parker Character Portrait: Delaney Scott Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix Character Portrait: Damian Thomas Wright
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​​Delaney continued to watch, her eyes on the ground near Talia but not directly on her. It was hard for her to look. She wasn’t bothered by her condition or state she was in, but the way others were crouched around her and the solemn atmosphere of the room. Just then, a woman appeared out of thin air. She walked towards Talia, and soon she was gone. Delaney wildly looked at her. Why would she do that? The woman explained who she was and where Talia had been sent. Delaney just listened quietly. relieved Talia was being sent somewhere to be taken care of. She made a mental note to go and visit her later. She could help heal her, and it would be good practice for her.

The woman, Celeste, brought up Lord Kain and Delaney looked down at her hands. An evil galactic lord? She meant, they would actually have to fight him? After what he had just done to Talia? No way. Delaney sighed right when Celeste brought up training. Woah, woah, woah. She looked up quickly, trying to register what was going on. An evil galactic lord Kain..train to fight him..possibly end up like Talia. Before the words could set in her mind, Eric was by her side. “Are you alright?” Delaney stared at the ground for a few seconds before turning her head to look at him. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but we’ve been chosen among millions of others, to fight against some evil galactic lord and face death while doing so?” She shook her head. The request was ridiculous. If she helped, she saved millions of lives. If she helped, she faced losing those she loved.



Nathan had his hand on Ophelia’s shoulder roughly two seconds before he yanked it away. Bad idea. He could feel the heat radiating off of her body. He took a cautious step back and kept his eyes on her at all times, in case she did anything rash. That was the last thing everyone needed right now. A woman appeared, took Talia away, and explained why everything was the way it was. Nathan listened carefully. Everything started to add up slowly, but some blanks were still left. Maybe they could be filled in over time.

Ophelia turned to him swiftly and declared they had to find Kain, the one who had nearly killed Talia. Not only did they have to find him, but she had to kill him. Nathan looked at the fireball involuntarily forming in her head and he outstretched a hand towards her, enough not to get burned, but close enough where she could feel the heat. ​“Absolutely not. I’m sure everyone here right now would love to get their hands on him, but you can’t go after him and expect to kill him when you’re running off your emotions.” Nathan tried to calm her down, but he knew how she got when she was angry. She’s a wild fire and will take down everything in her path. Whatever it takes. He shook his head slowly and planned out his words before speaking them, his voice low and stern..​ ”We already have someone on the verge of dying. We don’t need another person in that situation.”



Eva appeared at Willow’s side and Willow shook her head angrily. Her nerves were shot. ​“I can’t believe this.” Willow let her hand drop to Lucas’ shoulder and he wrapped an arm loosely around her leg. She looked at him, trying to remain calm. She needed to stay calm if she wasn’t going to make the situation worse. She wasn’t going to put Lucas in harm’s way; she had to remain calm. Not to mention there was another child in the room, who from the looks of it, belonged to Greyson.

A woman appeared, Talia disappeared, and Remi started screaming. Remi. Willow turned to Eva. ​“Can you please look after him? I need to go..” Her words drifted off, and she was already unwrapping Lucas from her leg. ​“Mommy’s gonna go to Remi for a second. I’ll be right back. Aunt Eva is going to stay with you, okay?” Lucas looked up at his mother and nodded, staying quiet. He could tell something was wrong and kept his mouth shut. He was handed off to Eva, and he lifted his arms up towards her. Willow left the two and made her way to Remi, who looked possessed at this point. She blinked in shock. She had never seen her friend like this in all the time she had known him. Then again, Talia had never been like this before. She continued to cross the floor, and it seemed every step closer she got, the more ballistic Remi became. She needed to calm him down.

She closed her eyes briefly, clearing her mind and concentrating. As soon as she relaxed, she heard everyone. Their thoughts raced through her mind, but they were far off and distant voices, but she singled out her best friends. His was loudest right now. She opened her eyes and held the connection with him. ​“Remi,” she kept her message soft in his head. ​“I need you to calm down.” She knew that would be fruitless, considering the state he was in, but she needed him to hear her. She didn’t want to tamper with his emotions, but if it came down to that, she would. She waited for a few seconds and nothing. She could feel the energy he was accumulating and she huffed. This was not good. If he kept it up, he could injure everyone around him. She opened the link up more, allowing his emotions and mind to completely open up inside her own. His emotions hit her like a brick wall. Her head immediately throbbed and she put and hand to her temple. Negative emotions were everywhere. Sadness, pain, frustration, anger. It was so overwhelming she had to close the link between them. She had never felt anything like that before. She put a hand on her gut. Her lungs burned; she didn’t know she had been holding her breath. It took her a second to recoop.

When she could breathe, she walked over to him swiftly, closing the gap between them in a few seconds. She took a place besides Greyson, and grabbed Remi firmly by his left arm. ​“Remi!” She grasped his arm and glanced to check neither child was looking. She brought her hand swiftly across his face and stepped back. She hoped that would do it.



A figure appeared between the group and took Talia away. The woman identified herself as Celeste, and it seemed as though she had known them all for a while, including him. Damian watched her. He didn’t like her. The way she just appeared before everyone and immediately took control of the situation. On what authority was she acting? If she was so important, why was this the first time she had shown her face to any of them? He didn’t like her, but he couldn’t help but be impressed. Not everyone could act the way she had under pressure.

He turned his head to get a better look at her. She seemed sad by the sudden turn of events, just like the others. “You were all hand picked by celestial beings to carry on celestial duties on Earth. Including stopping Lord Kain. …. You will all have to train and master your abilities in order to defeat him.”

Lord Kain..interesting.. He, along with the others, had been picked, out of the billions on earth, to defeat him. He stared at the group in front of him. He could almost smell the weakness radiating off of the others. Damian knew he could take on the challenge, with or without the others. He didn’t need them. However, he would enjoy training. He could see what the others were actually capable of. He knew what they could do, but not to what extent. It was the same with Eva, although he had gotten a taste of that earlier. He didn’t want to train with Eva in front of the others. No, because there would be others to intervene, and that would not be acceptable. Being interrupted during his time with Eva would call for pain to those interrupting them. Damian started running through lesson plans when his thoughts were interrupted by Celeste. Eric, Ezra, Remi, and Greyson were to lead. Damian chuckled darkly. Like he would listen to them. They could try to control him. They could try to instruct him. They had authority appointed by a random woman. How legitimate was it? Damian stood up straight, taking his back off the wall. At least he could look forward to training, even though participation was questionable.