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Snippet #2616297

located in Japan, a part of Our Brand New Life at Sakura Square, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Keiko Misanami
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Dinner had been complicated, especially since Yukito was rambling on about Narukei liking her, but she wasn't sure if Yukito meant as a friend, or if he was referring to a less likely scenario? She highly doubted that it was true, especially if the younger brother meant romantically. Why would someone like Narukei ever like her? Besides, she wasn't looking to flirt with anyone, nor did she want to get in a relationship. She had a scholarship to worry about and a sick grandmother to take care of. She didn't have time for boys, especially not a boyfriend. Not going to happen..

"Oh Ne-chan. I apologize if you are upset, even though I am not so sure myself the situation. If I had done something to upset Miss. Santioa, I hope she could tell me soon. Ah, but,..."

Keiko overheard every word, but kept quiet and put her plate in their dishwasher. She didn't mean to be eavesdropping, but she was kind of just here and it couldn't be helped. Though, she still felt incredibly awkward and guilty for doing so. This was a family moment and she knew she shouldn't have been here at all. She caused a lot of problems, and she really didn't understand exactly how, but she knew it was her fault. That much was obvious.

"It's fresh still, but it's all we have left after I cooked. That is until I go shopping again. Would you mind having her at least snack on it. Just say it's from you. I doubt she'd eat it otherwise."

Keiko smiled a bit, finding it a bit heartwarming that despite all the chaos the four seemed to still care about each other, regardless of how little of niceties they were. The short girl began to noticeably start crying and Keiko finally turned to look upon the two. She wanted to step forward and comfort the small girl named Nemui, but she knew that it crossed boundaries that she had no right to overstep. So she let the girl cry, and she seemed to calm down, seeing as it was just over the kind gesture, and not because she was actually upset or anything.

Narukei chuckled, but the cute moment between the two was destroyed when his phone rang. She thought it was a bit odd to have a phone call this late, but she realized that it was none of her business, and left it at that. Besides, if her parents called this late, she would have answered it.. so she couldn't judge anyone anyway. She missed them so much.. so whoever was calling him must have had a good reason.

"Do you mind if we head out now Miss. Misanami. I will walk you home and if you don't mind I'd like to check up on Gran."

"I don't mind. I'm all set. Got to find Hachiko though.. She'll freak out if I return this late without the dog.." Keiko replied with a small laugh. She was already a bit nervous, wondering if her grandmother had spent this whole time worrying about her. She hoped not, she never meant to stay gone so long.. and she still never made it to the grocery store like she had planned.

"Excuse me for a moment..."

She definitely didn't want to eavesdrop on his phone call, especially when she caught the first few words that came next. It was a girl, and she definitely didn't want to hear what he'd say to whomever was on the other end of the line. His relationship status didn't concern her at all, so she decided to make herself useful. Besides, it was less intimidating outside under the stars.

"Hello Gabby-"

Keiko nodded, slipping outside to search for the dog. She noticed the Cherry blossom trees in the yard, smiling a bit. He seemed to care about whoever he was talking to, and she was a bit glad that people were still so close. She only wished more of her family cared for her grandmother as this family seemed to care about each other. They had their distances and disagreements, but everyone in that house cared for someone else so deeply that it was worth arguing and crying about. She envied that kind of family. Her mother and father were always very casual and a relaxed couple. They got along well, but they hardly ever fought, and when they did it never was a whole lot of conflict. Their love was like vanilla, towards everyone. It was boring, it wasn't passionate at all. This family was passionate, even if it wasn't about the same things..

Though Yukito definitely got under her skin a little at dinner. She wasn't very fond of him announcing that Narukei 'liked' her. Even if he did, why would they be seeing a lot more of her because of it? She had baseball practice, along with plenty of responsibilities around her house. Where was she supposed to find all this time? Surely he wasn't talking about romantically? Did she not make it clear that she didn't want a relationship? She'd never experienced a crush before, and she definitely didn't want to start now. She was actively doing everything she could to avoid falling for anyone. Why did he try to go out of his way to imply romantic interest, especially since it definitely seemed like there wasn't even a snowball's chance in hell of there ever being something between someone as popular as Narukei and as tomboyish as her. He could have any girl he wanted, why a girl on the baseball team who has cuts and bruises all over her? There were plenty of feminine girls who smelled like roses and wore skirts that were chasing after him, hell, even some of the less tomboyish girls on the teams followed him around from what she'd seen over her annual visits to this town. She didn't feel so much like the new girl, seeing as she was so familiar with this town..

Hachiko approached, but went right by Keiko and scratched on the glass. The dog's beady brown eyes looking straight up at Narukei as she whined for his attention. Keiko twitched a bit at this and shook her head, "Jeez... even the dog..?" She asked herself in disbelief. Though she laughed a bit later. It was ridiculous how many people were drawn to the Iyazaki's, even her grandmother's pet! She went to pick up the dog, but it only growled at her in return. It always did dislike Keiko, so the brunette girl let out an annoyed huff, sticking her tongue out, "Stupid Mutt..." She had a frown on her face afterwards, really starting to loathe that dog and it's picky behavior.