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Snippet #2663756

located in The Land Of Evil Eye, a part of In The Name of Evil Eye, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Land Of Evil Eye

"The place where you all come from... Will you miss it?"


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Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Mona Rezart
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Mona Rezart

Rays beat down on Mona’s face, the young woman in question sprawled out on the waving grass. The blades of green tickled her elbows and the round of her cheeks, swaying in such a way that proved them true to the meadow’s name. Distant sounds of laughter came from some distance away, coming from the joy and happiness of families and couples enjoying their free time. Yet, as far as Mona was concerned, she was all alone. Alone in the rare quiet that she’s come to appreciate, in the quaint atmosphere quite opposite to the world from which she had originated. Behind closed eyelids danced colorful orbs, entertaining her with a little show. And though she loved moments such as this, the quiet always grows from peaceful to alarming, and the urge to move herself surged in a spasm.

Her green eyes shot open, and immediately she shielded her face from the shining sun. Mona sat up purposefully, suddenly feeling too alone in the vastness of the Plains. The quiet quelled her excitement of the day, and she found herself trying to remember why she was lying there in the first place. There was Market. Then the summons. Summons. Ah, yes. The suitors.

Earlier in the day, Mona had been bargaining with the usual prospects. The older lady from across the town keeps returning day after day, being absolutely sure that the headpiece she was offering for trade was solid gold. The price she demanded was much higher than what Mona had deemed was much more suitable for the barrette. Noon struck, and amidst her cluttered thought Mona remembered the invitation to the Castle. After excusing herself from the counter, she made a quick escape to the streets of Market Market, but was met with double the obstruction from other days. Men and women pushed up against her as she tried to push her way through to the capital, and when they proved too much, she made a quick detour out of the village. And shaking off her pursuers got her lying in the grass to catch her breath. Right.

Well, she must have lost the majority of those people. The older ones must have given up for sure. It’s the more robust youth for whom she needed to keep an eye out. Mona stood from her spot and swiftly brushed the dirt off her hind before starting her walk to the castle. It wasn’t very far from where she was, thankfully. She would have to enter from behind, but it wasn’t any problem for her, probably. And it beat using her familiar to scope out the premises-- it can always be used to trace back to her.

As she approached the back gate of the castle, Mona searched the windows of the stone architectural achievement. She couldn’t find whom she was searching, so instead she reached her arm through the gate and waved her hand, signaling for one of the two guards posted at either side inside the gate. They ignored her for the most part, despite the young ladies rather obnoxious “Yoohoo”s and “hellooooo”s. Irritation threatened to imperfect the stoney look on either guard’s faces. Mona kept it up, her voice increasing in volume, until a sharp voice called out.

“Who goes there?” The woman demanded. She came into Mona’s view from within the corridors of the castle, her crown giving away her position. The Queen stood grounded to her spot, her dark eyes squinting to look at the figure on the other side of the gate.

Mona smiled widely and held onto the bars, squeezing her face through the space in between. “Nine, your Majesty! I’ve been summoned by the King!” She thrust her hand through, holding up two fingers. “Two days ago, I’ve been called to come here?”

The Queen lifted her chin, whether it was in contempt or scrutiny, Mona couldn’t tell. She heard a “hmph,” and then the ground beneath the young woman began to rumble. Mona’s eyes widened as she removed her face and hands from the gate, and her legs shaked from underneath. In an instant, the ground raised high at a quick velocity, launching the blonde above the gate. She struggled to maintain her balance, and she turned incredulously at the Queen, as if asking if she were expected to jump the distance to the other side. The Queen snorted, and leveled steps rose for Mona to use as stairs. She cautiously scaled the earth and began taking steps toward the older woman, hearing the ground behind her move back into place. She shot a wink to the guards before falling in step next to the Queen.

As they walked the halls and up the stairs to the King, Mona’s excitement could not be contained. ”Wonderful demonstration of your skills, as always, your Majesty.”

The Queen sighed. “Thank you, kind-”

“I’m always so impressed by how dexterous you’ve become since-- ahem, well, they’ve forgiven you for the most part. And, please, stop me if I’m rattling too much, your Majesty, but I must say, for the amount of times I’ve visited the castle, I’m rather curious as to why this time I’ve been called alone. Oh, and by the way, I apologize for waiting so long, you know how busy it has been lately at the Market-- can never go too easy, even if we’re so superior in trade, haha.”

The Queen stayed silent. Mona chuckled.

“I do need to add that there are a lot of stairs! I know that the castle looks ginormous on the outside, but to actually climb the place is eye-opening. Where are we going, by the way? I’ve--”

“We are here.” The Queen stepped aside from the door, and Mona giggled in response.

“Oh, thank you, your Majesty!” The older woman could only elicit a grunt before making her way back downstairs. Mona watched the figure disappear then turned to open the door. Upon knocking, the door fell through the ground, and beyond led a Gateway. The colors reflected on Mona’s face, and for a second she could have sworn that perhaps the Queen was mistaken? She was expecting the throne room-- though that would mean that they would have taken a very long detour. She thought once about going back to be sure, but shook that thought away and stepped into the glow.

After a couple seconds, Mona opened her eyes to a bland room. Her eyes went first to the table, then drifted to the two figures standing in the room with her. She blinked in astonishment, not knowing what to say before uttering, “Hello.”

“A rather meek response coming from you, little Mona.” A regal woman, similar in age to the Queen came into Mona’s view from behind her. “Where did all that excitement go with the Queen?” The King of Coin smiled playfully at the young woman, then turned and nodded blankly at the King of Wands.

Mona could only furrow her brows. She turned her gaze to the only man in the room, sending an odd look. She observed his garments, and figured that at least they were not of Coins. She chuckled lightly. “I’m just taken aback, is all. I’m not sure what’s going on?” She searched the faces of the two opposite to the room, hoping for answers. An explanation. Anything.