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Snippet #2688426

located in Japan, a part of Until We Meet Again, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Hiruka Sorayuki Character Portrait: Nanase, Yutaro
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⌈ It may sound foolish of me to keep clinging to it, but that's my dream ⌋
The Beginning : ONE OK ROCK

Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042C62

Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder 】


After closing the bar at 3:00AM, Hiruka and Makoto headed back to their apartment together, stopping by a ramen stall on the way to have some supper while chatting about how their days have been. There are almost no secrets between the two of them ever since they were kids, and Hiruka felt the most comfortable when conversing with his brother in comparison with other people. The fact that Makoto hadn't really fell in love before despite already having his virginity lost only two years ago was a topic that Hiruka would usually tease about. Even though he knows that a slanderous man like him has no rights to make fun of anyone's sex life.

Although Hiruka didn't have a whole lot of time to sleep, it didn't deter him much either, as he knows just how to keep himself energetic all day. Being a hairdresser means that he always have to look his best, and keep his mind into what he is doing. Slid the scissors wrong for just one inch and the whole head will become a disaster. Making sure that all customers who had their hair done by him walked out of the shop with a contented smile is the least thing he could do. Kasumi once commented that he doesn't have to try too hard, but that just how he is. That's why she always make him the perfect example for her two younger brothers, as they tend to play around with their job a lot.

The morning at Arisu's passed by just like usual, with streams of customers from both genders coming in almost infinitely, and there are only four of them to take care of business. However, it was a good thing that people are polite enough to wait for their turns. When the last customer of the morning shift left, it has already passed 12:30PM. It was around these time that they got a few moment to rest and have lunch before continuing in the afternoon.

Kasumi would usually ordered packed bento boxes from a nearby convenient store delivered to them for lunch. They mostly sell donkatsu or teriyaki chicken served with rice and miso soup. Of course, they all know that eating processed food wasn't very healthy, but at least they were delicious. The topics they usually chatted with each other are mostly gossips about their daily lives, and sometimes about more personal matter like their love lives.

While Hiruka was sitting and eating away his lunch while reading a newly published weekly magazine, Kazuki draped over him, "Oi, Ruka-chan. Guess what I've just got here."

"Tickets? Whatever they are for?" Hiruka asked as he notices a pair of tickets his colleagues are holding.

"Well, it was for an upcoming concert of a favorite rock band of mine. It's going to be held about a couple of weeks later. I asked Ma-nii and Ka-nee to come along but apparently they've got their plans already. It would be such a waste if I go alone though, so... if you are not busy then, would you mind...?" Kazuki clasped his hands in a very sincere manner and asked.

"A rock concert, huh?" Hiruka pondered a little bit over the offer then nodded, "Sure, why not? Might sound fun."

"Yatta ~ You won't regret it ~" Kazuki said while giving Hiruka a back hug and was about to kiss his cheek, but Hiruka had blocked it with his hand, "No over-intimacy at work, please."

Just like that, the following week passed by quietly in the same manner. Going to work, hanging around at Ahnenerbe, grabbing a few guys for some 'quality time', everything was quite normal for Hiruka. It's Saturday by now and Hiruka is making his way home since Arisu's only open in the morning in Saturday. With his headphone on, Hiruka humming along with the song which was playing on his iPod as he walked on without bumping into anyone. That is, until he came across the park.

A young girl ran up to him and nudged his sleeve from behind, which gained his attention. When he put off the headphone and let it hang around his neck, he turned back and look at her. When she expressed her admiration for his hair, Hiruka couldn't help let out a chuckle, "Thanks for the compliment. Are you lost, little miss?"

Right after that, the most unexpected of person called over to them and approached them. "Yutaro-san?" When he walked up to them, he said that he had been planning to visit Ahnenerbe again for sometimes, but hadn't got much time, "Ah, no worries. It's not like I would spend my time there all the time. I didn't think I would bump into you here though." Hiruka smiled as he watched the two of them reunited, though he was surprised to hear that the small girl addressed Yutaro as "tou-san." So he had a daughter, huh? If that's the case then why would he come to a gay bar, of all places? Chances could be that he's a single father, but Hiruka didn't let it concern himself much.

When he heard the two of them said that his hair was beautiful, he just laughed it off while scratching the back of his head, "Oh, you two don't have to shower my hair with lots of praises like that." It's true that many people would notice his hair first of all things when they met him, but he sometimes doesn't know if he should consider it a blessing or a curse. The young girl introduced herself to be Yuki and that she was in third grade. And soon after, Hiruka found himself having a new nickname, "It sounds nice, thanks, Yuki-chan."

Yuki then suddenly gasped in a rather dramatical manner again then turned to his father to asked if she can invite him to go with them to a cat café nearby, before turning to him and asked again. Hiruka tilted his head with a bright smile, "Of course, I'd love to. My apartment is only a few block away from here so why not?" Then, he turned to Yutaro, "I hope you wouldn't mind, Yutaro-san."

With that said, the three of them walked their way to the cat cafe together. It wasn't very far from where they stood. The moment they pushed the door open, obviously the first thing they saw was an army of cats. And as a child, it's no surprise that Yuki was astonished by the sight. Hiruka and Yutaro sat at a nearby table while Yuki run around and play with the cats. "I will have a cup of espresso, please." Hiruka said to the waitress when she came and took their order, before turning to Yutaro, "She really is a nice girl, isn't she? I was a bit surprised when she called you 'tou-san', you know."

It was a cool nickname xD And about Hiruka's schedule, well, he works for all weekdays and in the morning on Saturday, so nice timing :)

When I decided to change Hiruka's occupation, I was thinking that maybe it suits him better to remember that promise and cling to it ever since then, but I forgot to make the change, though I've got that edited now. And when you said that Jun was ranting, I don't know what would he be ranting about so I just put it like that, since I didn't think it would be a big deal. I've edited it too, so sorry ~~ >.>
