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Snippet #2693549

located in Japan, a part of Welcome Home, Sis!, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Nemui Fujioka Character Portrait: Himeko Katsukawa Character Portrait: Kurumi Fujioka Character Portrait: Yukito Kitomura Character Portrait: Shin Ogawa Character Portrait: Aina Malik Character Portrait: Kurou Kitomura Character Portrait: Izaya Shuuhei
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"Only if he wishes to do so, you shouldn't be so quick to spring responsibilities on our guests, you know?"

With a frown on her lips, Kurumi silently agreed with Kurou. In her haste to not be locked in alone with her ex inside of his bedroom overnight, she managed to totally disregard Izaya's personal life... He had an elderly grandmother, did he not? She immediately felt like such an asshole for volunteering him so shamelessly, but she couldn't take her words back now, "Hai, hai... it's not like we can force him anyway..." she mumbled at her secret ex, playing with her hair in an irritated manner. Most of all, she just wanted to avoid talking to Kurou as much as possible. She did not wish to accidentally stir romantic feelings up to that needed to remain buried. It was ages ago, and neither of them was the same people anymore... Hell... she was starting to doubt if she ever knew the real Kurou at all. Was it all just some stupid game for him? He probably still laughs at how much of an idiot I was... Kurumi thought to herself as strands of her blonde hair twirled around her finger and instinctively she untwirled it and began the process all over again.

"Honestly, if you're gonna dump this on someone else, shouldn't it be the King who ordered this?"

"But.... hasn't she been through enough tonight..?" Kurumi tried to argue, looking to those in the room for support. She had her own bad experiences and was determined to spare her Kouhai as much grief as possible, especially where Kurou was concerned. However, she was starting to become suspicious of Yukito as well, despite her lack of proof that he was malicious. So far he only seemed to be a bit mischievous at best, but certain moments made her question her initial judgment of him. Perhaps he wasn't so harmless after all? She wasn't sure yet, but the theory was planted within her head now.

"She's handcuffed to Ogawa-Senpai. I doubt they'd be very comfortable guarding your door. I suppose you're stuck with me a while longer, neighbor."

An obvious sigh of relief escaped her lips when she realized that Katsukawa would be spared from spending the night at Sakura Square chained to a model. It was obvious that Kurumi felt sympathy for the younger girl, even if she did not know her. As far as Kurumi was concerned, they needed to stick together. Very few guys looked out for women, so wasn't it a womanly duty to look out for each other? Even if her feelings were not reciprocated, Kurumi as an older sibling felt obligated to protect those younger than her, especially girls.

"If only we all could use that excuse. I'm sure Katsukawa-chan and Ogawa-Senpai were inconvenienced as well.."

Red flags came up as soon as she heard the content of Nemui's words. She could tell that her little sister was about to lose her cool. Years home alone together meant that they knew each other a little better than most sisters would, but as soon as Kurumi opened her mouth to respond, it was far too late for damage control.

"Just admit this isn't about what you -have- to do but instead you just don't -want- to do it. Don't come up with some lame cop-out to preserve your image. Katsukawa-chan just LIED to her mother, what's your excuse?!"

Blue eyes widened as she listened to her little sister's harsh words towards her guest of all people. Kurumi for once was extremely embarrassed to be related to Nemui, even though her little sister presented a valid point. Why did Malik-san make up an excuse without even trying to accept the order? Does she really think she's better than us? Kurumi wanted to believe that Aina was simply an innocent and naΓ―ve person, but at the moment she made it difficult to believe that. She felt bad for judging her, but considering her part in the order, she deemed Aina's participation as getting out easy.

"Nemui-san... I."

Kurumi shot a warning glare at her sister, hinting that enough was enough. The blonde rubbed her temples, trying to control her stress levels before she was just another person yelling. That wouldn't solve anything... however, Nemui did have to be stopped before she completely roasted the poor new girl. Even if Kurumi was currently having her doubts, she couldn't watch this play through silently.

"Everyone draw so we can get this game over with, okay?"

Izaya's interruption brought a smile to Kurumi's lips. Sounds good to me... Kurumi thought to herself, glad that the hostilities seemed to simmer down shortly after. It was good that Suzuki's cousin decided to step in. His words brought exactly the distraction that they needed to get everyone back on the right track. It was nice to have a peacemaker among the group.

"I-I have some studying to do... We should hurry. Some of us have to get home before we're grounded."

Though it was short-lived, Nemui was still making subtle jabs at Aina, much to Kurumi's annoyance. Would she really have to set her sister straight in front of everyone in the room? That would be utterly humiliating! She wasn't Nemui's mother, so why did she always have to act like it? Sometimes she wished her Mother would step up so that she wouldn't have to... but it was better than some sort of unfamiliar maid or butler watching over them. They were too old for that.

"Well, I guess the situation resolved itself."

A bead of sweat slightly fell down Kurumi's face, wondering if Yukito was overlooking things or simply being positive. Either way, the animosity in the room was far from dissipated. It was lingering around like a bad haunting. However, his devil-may-care attitude was somewhat infectious... Kurumi ran her fingers through her hair and decided she would overlook Nemui's misbehaving if everyone else in the room could. Honestly, she just did not want to be 'that' sister, not that night at least.

"So, let's not all get in a bad mood. This is for fun after all."

Nodding her head, Kurumi gave Nemui one last warning glance, "Exactly. So let's have fun guys, okay?" Kurumi smiled brightly in the friendliest manner she could. Honestly, she just wanted everyone to get along smoothly and to keep her secret about Kurou exactly as it was -top secret-. It wasn't for Kurou's sake at all, for the most part, she wanted to protect her family's image for Nemui's sake, but also her mother's. She did not wish to make their mother's career any more difficult than it already was.

"Malik-san, I hope you don't mind me providing a consequence. After all, you did avoid the order. I don't think anyone would mind that I provide that order for tomorrow."

As Kurumi glanced between the two, she shrugged her shoulders, "It is only fair. No one else backed out." She stated, wrapping up in her blanket. All she knew was that she was glad she was not the one who backed out on an order. Kurumi had enough of the game as it was. It was fun at first, but by now she had had her fill of its adrenaline for one lifetime.

"Suspense is part of the fun."

That was true, but it also wasn't at the same time. Romantic suspense was awesome... but cat and mouse suspense like this was only fun for one side and that was Yukito's where Aina's new order was concerned. Considering the terms of the new order, Kurumi was very grateful that she chose to go along with her original order. Who knows what someone else would have come up with as a punishment.

"So, let's continue on. We only have a few minutes before we end the game."

Kurumi glanced to the clock as well, surprised by how late it was. She honestly wanted some much-needed rest, but that was very unlikely when she would be sharing a room and bed with Kurou. For the most part, she accepted that she would not get a wink of sleep that night. Thankfully it was the weekend and not a school night! Though she did wonder how Shin would be able to avoid his modeling responsibilities for an entire weekend. That alone would be interesting to watch, let alone all the other awkward occurrences they would experience.

"I could take your place in guarding. It won't be a hassle since I do live here."

Was he just being kind or was he suspicious of her and his older brother? Kurumi wasn't sure, but she decided to play it off, "That's a great idea!" Kurumi replied in a sweet and supportive tone, despite her thoughts being the exact opposite of her spoke words. She smiled with her eyes closed in an attempt to keep from being too obvious. She wasn't the best liar in the room but she surely wasn't the worst either. I really hope he doesn't know... please don't know... I've been trying so hard... she was praying to any god that would listen at that point. She didn't want to be the wedge in their new family. Even so, if her mother had only told her daughter's who she was seeing, she would have come clean before the wedding or engagement ever happened!

"I don't think there would be much of a problem with Kurumi-san and Kuu-nii sleeping together."

Kurumi felt her body tense a little, but she blinked innocently, attempting to keep a poker face, "Of course not. I just don't think his room will smell nice." Kurumi joked, giggling a bit to cloak her nervousness. The way Yukito had looked at her and Kurou... it made her want to vomit. Did he really know everything or was he bluffing? She also realized that Kurou might get offended by her cover up, but she assumed he'd prefer that than the honest truth. Neither of them would get to live it down and it would be all over the tabloids. Their newly conjoined family would be the scandal of the year!

"We're siblings after all. So, don't worry. I can handle things from here. Have some, Malik-san. It would ease your nerves."

The mention of their sibling status made Kurumi's stomach churn. Everyone knew they were legal siblings by now. It was likely all over the news even this late at night considering their high profile parents and even Yukito's status. Everyone at school would know sooner or later... Ease her nerves? Wasn't he the one who did something to make her nervous in the first place...? It was none of her business what happened between Yukito and Aina, as she deemed Aina fit to handle herself as Yukito's Senpai if Yukito became truly out of line, but it was interesting.

"Kitomura-kun. Thank you and I am fine with my consequence. I will accept it."

Quirking an eyebrow, Kurumi stared at Aina for a moment longer than considered normal. I wonder if she accepted because of Nemui's snide remarks? I'm sure it won't be anything -too- bad... Kurumi shrugged it off, giving her younger brother the benefit of the doubt. He didn't seem like a bad kid, his knack for mischief aside. He apparently was a bit of a troublemaker at times, but that didn't make him a bad person. Right...?

"Now get your sticks. Let's see what the King has in mind for all of us."

Biting her lip nervously, looking over the remaining sticks, Kurumi retrieved a stick. She held it close to her racing heart, wondering what would be in store. She really did not want any more excitement in her life after kissing Yukito and having to share a bed with Kurou!! That was more than enough for her. Closing her eyes for a second, Kurumi began to pray to any god that would listen, begging to not be a part of this round too.

"All right, let's end this game. I'm the King. Okay. 2 will leave a love bite on 5's body which should be seen for a week."

Kurumi blinked several times, blushing a bit. The shade of pink was very pale, hardly noticable at all, but it was there. This was going to be far more embarrassing than the previous orders. They would actually see someone putting a love bite on another person right in front of everyone. She looked to her stick and held it up proudly, "Not me~ Announce your numbers so we can get this over with, only one person hasn't been King yet!" Kurumi chimed happily, placing it down on the table for the next person to pass out after everyone else revealed their numbers and the order was carried out.