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Snippet #2697877

located in Japan, a part of Welcome Home, Sis!, one of the many universes on RPG.




Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nemui Fujioka Character Portrait: Himeko Katsukawa Character Portrait: Kurumi Fujioka Character Portrait: Yukito Kitomura Character Portrait: Shin Ogawa Character Portrait: Aina Malik Character Portrait: Kurou Kitomura Character Portrait: Izaya Shuuhei
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"She's handcuffed to Ogawa-Senpai. I doubt they'd be very comfortable guarding your door. I suppose you're stuck with me a while longer, neighbor."

For once, she was relieved to hear the newcomer speak, but it did very little to alleviate the nervousness Nemui personally felt because it only gave him additional ground to spend the night at Sakura Sqaure, her new home! She was not comfortable with it at all, but Nemui had already caused one scene too many, she was not interested in bringing about another so soon. Not to mention it seemed he was trying to settle some sort of score with her new step-brothers. Nothing about his offer made Nemui feel that he was throwing himself under the bus from the kindness of his heart. Perhaps she was being too paranoid, but she preferred to be a little over the top rather than a news crew finding her entire family slaughtered in their beds in the morning. Maybe I've been watching too many slasher films... Nemui considered, nibbling at the inside of her cheek. Even she knew when she was becoming a bit too neurotic.

"But.... hasn't she been through enough tonight..?"

Shortly after Izaya spoke, so did her own sister. Did she really want to jump the stranger's bones so badly that she couldn't think rationally about him at all? Nemui was really astonished by how stupid her sister was willing to behave in order to spend extra time with a complete flight risk. He was a stranger to them, that meant he could be immeasurably dangerous. What if he smoked crack or decided that their kitchen might be a nice place for him to cook meth?! Hell, for all they knew he might have a craving for the other white meat...people! There were several factors that made Nemui distrust Izaya, and none had any real merit other than probability and his choice of attire.


It seemed that at least one other person in the room felt the same way as she did, but she wasn't sure if it was for the same reason, "If it's any consolation, I agree with you, Kitomura-Senpai." Nemui added, trying to lighten the mood of the room. It seemed that everyone was taking turns losing it, perhaps because it was getting late and the game was getting very hectic, pushing many to their social limits. Either way, she just addressed her legal brother by his last name. Even if they had only known each other for a few days, it was not a common occurrence in most families for new siblings to do so.

"Malik-san, I hope you don't mind me providing a consequence. After all, you did avoid the order. I don't think anyone would mind that I provide that order for tomorrow."

A small smile formed on her lips satisfied that at least someone else felt that Aina should not be the only one that got to walk away from an order without penalty. Though something about Yukito offering to do it himself left her uneasy. Nemui wasn't sure why she felt that way, but she knew that if he was the one giving the order that Aina would not get out of playing the game properly so easily. Serves her right. Nemui thought to herself, taking a contented breath in, hoping no one noticed. The sound was fairly faint, who would be paying enough attention to notice? She was reasonably confident that it went undetected.

"Oh right, Shuuhei-san. Would Mari-baachan be fine without you? You did say she would need you."

When Yukito mentioned Izaya's other, more pressing responsibility, Nemui was thrilled. In that moment, Yukito felt like her knight in shining armor. Even though she knew her new younger brother was nothing of the sort, he definitely had the aesthetics to deceive her. Honestly, anything that kept Izaya out of this house during the later hours of the night was fine by her. Once the doors were locked, she wanted Izaya to be on the OPPOSITE end, her ability to sleep soundly rested upon that hope.

"I could take your place in guarding. It won't be a hassle, since I do live here."

Eh...? Why would he volunteer? Nemui was completely baffled, and despite being able to keep a straight face during her other thoughts, astonishment was painfully evident on her features after Yukito graciously proposed to take Izaya's place. She couldn't fathom why he would wittingly lose sleep, especially since he was a pop idol and his appearance was his career. Losing sleep was not good for the skin, the basis of his initial appeal. It made no sense. Wasn't he tired..? The entire family woke up insanely early to get the Wedding going without a hitch, she was sore, exhausted, overwhelmed, and irritated. How was he expecting to stay up that late?

"Do whatever you want."

If his words weren't enough, it was clear that Kurou wasn't thrilled about it. Nemui wasn't sure why, but as long as Yukito and Kurumi were alright with it, it wasn't any of Nemui's business. In fact, she would sleep much sounder knowing no one but the family was inside of Sakura Square. I might get some sleep tonight after all... Nemui thought to herself gleefully, but kept her face composed. She didn't want to give away her emotions and thoughts too easily. Being read like an open book was annoying after a while, and she actively attempted to avoid being an easy read when she could help it.

"I don't think there would be much of a problem with Kurumi-san and Kuu-nii sleeping together."

"It's a bit weird, but other than that... it doesn't seem like much of a bad thing." Nemui added, curling up inside of the blanket with a shiver. The later it got, the less her body heat seemed to be helping her, or perhaps it was foreshadowing? The night had not been well for everyone else, and thus far Nemui had been considerably lucky. She wondered how much longer that luck would last.... Seeing as everyone else but herself and Izaya had been thrown under the figurative bus, she felt it would end soon as the game was coming closer and closer to it's impending closure. She only hoped it wouldn't be worse or similar to the order that she had given Himeko. Why did I have to try and impress the others into thinking I'm not painfully shy? What did I have to prove? Why should I care if my order was lame...? Showing off put Katsukawa-chan in an awkward position... What if karma comes back to bite me ten fold...?" She worried, feeling her stomach twist into painful knots as anxiety took over.

"Now get your sticks. Let's see what the King has in mind for all of us."

"One step ahead of you."

Nemui held hers up, careful to not show anyone her number, "Same here." Nemui replied in an even tone, slightly giving off a disinterested and bored vibe. However, she shifted her attention to Himeko, then to Shin. She hoped that Shin was a gentleman. She remembered him from her mother's photo shoots, but that did little to ease her mind. Just because they were acquaintances did not mean she knew anything about his character. Nemui believed he would not do anything strange to her friend, but she could not say that she was one hundred percent certain that he would not. An entire weekend was a long time, and unless he was completely homosexual she doubted that he would be in control of his hormones all of the time. Men in the manga she read often stated they 'can't hold back any longer' or 'I cannot control myself anymore'. Her narrow experience with romance that was biased and often untrue left Nemui's perception of men quite warped compared to reality. W-What if he makes a move on her? S-She can't escape!! O-Oh My God... Nemui internally panicked while her face remained calm, though she definitely appeared to be zoning out.

"Okay. 2 will leave a love bite on 5's body which should be seen for a week."

Only brought out of her vivid worries by Shin's voice, Nemui's golden brown eyes widened when she realized his order, visibly freaking out despite not being one of the chosen from that order. Love bite!? She had seen several in manga, but she felt heat rise to her cheeks when imagining what it was like in real life. Who would be the unlucky victim? She quickly revealed her number, "N-Not it!" Nemui stuttered in a highly flustered manner. Just the thought gave her mental images of Shin trying something similar with Himeko. Was it too late to try and steal her away from him? She had never picked the lock to handcuffs, but Youtube had how-to videos for just about anything, right?