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located in Tokyo, Japan, a part of Halcyon, one of the many universes on RPG.

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Akiyama Tomoko - a knight who had served the Kotonoha household for as long as she could remember, as her parents did before her, had requested audience with Kotonoha Minami. Tomoko had served the previous head long before Takiya and Risako had taken over Minami’s position. She was known to be a loyal retainer and an honourable warrior. Despite her dutifulness and discipline, Tomoko was also known to be stern and rough around the edges - though she always did her best to hide it when faced with Minami or her children. She always put forward her best manners in front of the Kotonoha clan.

Dreams had been haunting many of the staff, but where many feared for the defences and sudden invasion of the Kotonoha estate, the image stuck in Tomoko’s head were the eyes of Ambre Vermillion. She had seen the girl sloping throughout the house, restoring the damage that had been done to it. Every wall she saw Ambre work on, Tomoko remembered the eyes she had looked at her with. First when they had met in the hallways - and Ambre had stared at Tomoko like as if she were a more apparition. Then the hakama Ambre had methodically wrapped around Tomoko’s feet to throw her out of the kitchen - and lastly… The void in her eyes when the girl maimed and tortured the Dullahan. Tomoko could not forget.

There was only a single person in the household that Tomoko knew might provide her answers and so, she headed down the well to the pillar chamber, to meet with the previous head of the clan, Minami. The opening of the seal down the well made sure to announce her arrival soon as she entered, Tomoko could see Minami stand - unwavering as always - in front of the Kotonoha pillar..

“Minami-sama, there is something I would speak to you about.” The knight bowed before the previous head. Inklings of the wounds she had taken a few days ago she still wore as scratches on her face. Tomoko had insisted the magicians had better uses of their time - but Minami would know that scars inflicted by a powerful opponent were marks of pride to the guard.

“I am worried about the Vermillion girl. If you’ll permit, I would request your thoughts on the matter.”

“You mean Ambre?” Minami turned from gazing at the Pillar to face Tomoko, “Why is it that you are concern about her, of all people?”

“During the invasion, she fought one of the monsters.” Tomoko started, but hesitated. It was difficult to criticize Minami’s guests in front of her, but the knight’s own sense of justice demanded her to do so, “- Fought is not the right word. Strength is not what defines a warrior. Even to their opponents, a warrior must show respect. They must not inflict needless suffering. The girl…” Tomoko shortly looked away from Minami. “Ambre. Her moves were calculated, but they were not efficient. She sought to harm her opponent. Ambre did not kill her opponent; she left it to suffer.”

Tomoko’s face had turned pale at the memory, her eyes lowered as she continued to speak. “She shows remorse for the damage she has done to the estate. I do not believe she is evil - but this is no way for a child to act. I am concerned, but confused. I do not know what a girl with such power needs to grow honourable the way your son has. I know of no one else to ask.”

Minami listened carefully to the concern of her loyal guard. She pondered a bit as of why Tomoko would be worrying so much about a foreign magician from a faraway country whom she had barely got to know until a few days ago, but knowing that her fellow Magic Knight is an honorable warrior, and a person with a heart of gold, it is normal of her to feel so.

“I see.” She nodded to Tomoko, “To begin, I believe her behaviour is partly due to the difference in what us Magic Knights and what the Mages view as ‘honor’. They all came from foreign lands, and you cannot expect them to be raised to act like we do. I do not know much of what the Vermillion clan did in bringing up their children, but whatever she does, Ambre is still a Mage. She fought as a Mage, and I think it is of her own belief that as long as she can get the upper hand on her opponents, whatever she did to them is justifiable. This is a shared trait amongst many magicians I have met in my life, and it has become their own code of honor. For that, you must accept that while Ambre can slowly be changed in the way she acts to be less destructive, she will always be a warrior of her own calibre, and Ambre will never be the same as Takiya and Risako have grown to be.”

Minami stopped a bit to let her words sink in, before continuing, “For the next part, I am not to meddle with the business of the Vermillion family, but as far as I know, both Ambre and Kallen were raised solely by their mother, Elise, in a similar manner as I did to both of my children. But looking at them, I believe they have been left to fend for themselves even within the presence of their guardian. Elise is a respectable Mage, but she does not know how to balance between her duty with her clan and her responsibility with her offsprings. That no doubt had been weighing too much for her to bear, and it had greatly affected the way she guided them. I might have been tough on both Takiya and Risako, but I still left enough room for them to search for what they believe to be righteous, and they did. It is not the same when it comes to Ambre. Whether she noticed it or not, her surroundings have had a big influence in the way she is today. She is a defiant and feisty child indeed, and while her ways of dealing with her opponents may seem intriguing to you, it is what she simply believe she must do, otherwise she will lose her own persona, and lose her mark in this world.”

The former head set her gaze back on the Pillar, as it exudes a rather intense aura, as if it is trying its’ best to hold the burden for the two Pillars that had fallen. “I believe the best thing to do at the moment is to keep watching over Ambre. She will not simply listen to mere words from anyone, for that I have no doubts. To protect our world from its’ impending threats, the six of them still have a long way to go. There is no better way for them to find their own paths and realize where their real strength lies than to face the challenges waiting for them themselves. The same applies to Ambre. You will see that her golden heart will be revealed, sooner or later.”

“To trust her to find her own way...” Tomoko pondered. The confidence Minami placed in the girl was impeccable; an answer Tomoko could not have found for herself… But Tomoko had no children. She could only accept Minami’s words were a wisdom beyond her. The former head was known for good judgment, after all. “Thank you for your counsel, Minami-sama.” The knight bowed her head. “But there is one more thing I must ask of you. When I met the girl - Ambre… Her eyes were empty. I sensed no anger, sadness or bloodlust. Despite her wounds, she showed no signs of being in pain. Is this too the way of the mages?”

“Alas, as you have known, I have my duty, I do not have too much time to spend near the children, so I cannot say exactly why she seemed apathetic like you have said. Perhaps it is the way Ambre had chosen to deal with the hardships she had faced in life. I have seen many who, even in the face of death, bore no fear nor courage, but simply nothingness. And I believe she is building a shell of sorts to shield herself against any odds that may come her way. It will take time, but I have a strong feeling that she will eventually shred that shell.” Minami replied.

“I hope so, Minami-sama.” Tomoko felt for the child. To be so young yet be compared to fallen warriors from the Kotonoha clan, the knight truly wished there was something they could do - but had no choice but to cling to Minami’s words of hope. “Thank you for your time and guidance. I will return to my duties.” Tomoko bowed to the former head - though the knight’s face was still pale and her eyes wavered. “By your leave.”

“Stay vigilant, Tomoko. We will all need it in the upcoming days.” Minami said to the Magic Knight and returned to her position.