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Snippet #2731273

located in Reinos, a part of Corruption Within, one of the many universes on RPG.




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"We will always be family, no matter what." The smiled dimmed a tiny bit. "But there are important things that need be shared with everyone, the meeting will be within a few hours." My smile brightened again and I kissed her forehead. "I think you should go rest and enjoy a moments peace, I doubt we will find much in the near future." I stood up helping them to their feet and patting Ajax back and moving him closer to Aiyana. "Why don't you go with your mother and wash up? We all have a big day coming." He smiled eagerly and took Aiyanas hand in his leading her off nearly before I could get another quick kiss in. Seb and kota followed behind them, only Zed stayed. I crouched down and rubbed his head with both hands. "It's good to see you boy." There was a life in Zed that had not been seen in years, my lack of emotion had sadly affected him as well as me. But all was right now, that was until Tryndamiere appeared beside us and Zed let out a low growl at his ghostly form, baring fangs. I sighed a little, and kept a hand on Zeds head, reassuring him. "Yes?" "As sweet as that was I believe its time the world knew there was a real god of war back in this world. I need the prayers and belief of everyone if we are to gain enough power to fight this corruption." He was right, and I suppose he had given me my reunion uninterrupted. This meeting was going to be full of shocking news and I knew it would not all come from me. "Dose Sephanie know of your.... Elevation?" He raised a hand to his chin in thought. "No, not exactly, she would not have felt Tempos death as we were off world, she would the presence of the god of war but not that it is me." A dark smile grew on his face. "I can not wait for her to find out."

The hours passed quickly and before I knew it we were already gathering for the meeting. Sabrina took her place at the head of the council table, and the other members who were within the city slowly filtered in. Sabrina used a series of spells and crystals so that those not within range of the city could still be part of the meeting. Abook and several other smaller members sat in empty chairs as ethereal figures. An extra couple of rows of chairs had been set up to accommodate everyone that Sabrina decided needed to be kept informed.

It took less than an hour for everyone to arrive, as soon as Aiyana say beside me I took her hand in mine and when the room grew naturally silent Sabrina stood and spoke. "Thank you all for attending, we have several pieces of important information that you all need to hear, some grand some not so but important regardless. First I would like to introduce Leesha Paper and Arlen Bales." She waved her hand and they both stepped forward and bowed/curtsied. "They are friends of Atlas and my late husband that have agreed to come and help with the corruption as best they can. As far as we know they are the best suited among us to fight this kind of enemy as they have faced similar all their lives." She looked at both Arlen and Leesha in turn and bowed, probing everyone else to do the same." Leesha stepped forward and spoke. "Thank you all, I hope with all my heart we are able to help combat this evil you face, but you have my word that even should our warriors and methods prove lacking we will not abandon you and strive to help in all ways possible." She bowed again stepped back with Arlen and Sabrina continued, nodding her head in thanks. "Next I believe Atlas has some news of the utmost importance."

I had dreaded telling this news but it needed to be done. I stood up and took a moment to gather my thoughts. "Tempos is dead." I let my words float on the air for a long while, the shocked silence felt most heartily by the Giants present. "He forfeit his life in the most honourable of ways and will be remembered always." I paused, struggling with my words slightly, knowing what came next would be just as big a shock to the others. "He did not die without needlessly or without a plan. While Tempos may be gone, we have a new god of War, Blood and Fire." Everyone seemed to lean forward in anticipation, some already guessing who it was and I already knew everyone to be wrong. "The new god of war is..... is...." Tryndamiere shot forth from me. "ME!" He stood centre room and doing his best to look as godly as possible, but failing for the most part and only looking the smug bastard. The silence that followed passed quicker than expected but was not broken by shouts or denial but by a loud clattering of metal on marble. Pantheon stood bare chest, his armor torn off and thrown to the floor. He quickly began tearing away at the rest of his armor, throwing it heavily to the floor. Finally his sword was drawn and thrown at Tryndamieres feet. Then noise that Pantheon made will live with me forever, the snarling growl that burned hotter than any fire except the one in his eyes. But there was more to it than that, in a single sound he gave of unbelievable anger but also pain and sorrow so deep only a few among us even began to understand. His firey eyes were locked with Tryndamieres wide smiling ones, it was Pantheon that eventually broke off and stormed from the room, his foot hitting the doors so hard they nearly broke from there hinges. It wasn't until Pantheon left that the room truly erupted into shouts and cries, everyone trying to make their point or argument heard. This went of for several minutes until my fist slammed into the table, making the room echo then fall silent. "There is not argument here. No one asked for this, not even Tryndamiere. But this is where we find ourselves now, and whether you like it or not he is potentially one of our most powerful weapons, but that weapon needs what once fed all the gods. Our prayers. If the people believe in the god of war again and send him their prayers and wishes he will grow in power. This is not speculation or opinion, this is a fact and one we must all get used to fast." I returned to my seat, having said my piece and wishing to say no more for now. Tryndamiere decided to remain out for the moment but at least moved from the center of the table and moved to stand beside Usha and from what I could tell do what he normally dose when near her.