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Snippet #2792004

located in Demesne, a part of Fragmented Sky, one of the many universes on RPG.




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❝Steady we ride, silhouette flying over the grass. Open your eyes, look who's back?❞

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|| The Ballad of Mona Lisa|| Panic! At the Disco ||

Flo was badly injured. Not only the explosion from Wicked taking out most of her energy, she was also trapped under the rubble. She was bleeding from the head and she just felt dizzy all over. Something was clearly wrong but she could barely even think, let alone come up with a strategy to get out of here. All she knew was that everyone was in danger. Sana - she couldn't have actually betrayed them, right? Wasn't there an enemy on Baron Messiah's side that could control you? Acacia, was that the person Zinnia Evernight warned her about? Flo panted, desperately trying to dig herself out. She had no energy left, no strength in her limbs. Still, she was alive and that was what mattered.

With a heave, the pinkette managed to push her way out. It seems that she had fallen even deeper. Was there a way back up? Hopefully these wings weren't for nothing. Echo and Anguis were nowhere to be seen. "Be... be safe... Echo..." Covered in blood, it was only thanks to Drake's armor that she was still alive. She pressed the SOS button on her armor but nothing happened. Did Vaswald do something to cut out all signals being sent? Flo could only hope Cress could do something to solve it before it was too late. With a painful groan Flo pushed back up to the floor above where Pray was organizing everyone. How long was she out? Flo didn't know and she was afraid to find out. Limping, Flo felt dizzy. How much blood had she lost? "Flo." The pinkette snapped her head to stare at whoever said her name. Harris was lying on the ground, bloodied. "Drink my blood." He whispered, reaching out to her. Nell 2.0 was passed out in his arms, he was bleeding out too.

"You need to... fight. Sana's... attacking everyone. She's killing... and Silence doesn't want to... kill her." Flo stared at Harris and nodded. Would it make the pain in her head go away? Would it give her the energy to keep fighting? She knelt down and sunk her fangs into Harris's open wounds. "Hurts?" She asked, sapping blood from his body. "I barely feel anything." He chuckled. Flo gave him a look, frowning. "Don't die. The kid needs you." Her head felt a little better and Flo wandered off, following the smell of her contract. She needed to get to Sana. "I'm counting on you." Harris said, looking paler now. "Come back for us, okay?"

Acacia in Sana's body had finished slamming a metal pipe on a demon's head, turning her into a soul piece. She then stomped on the soul piece with a gleeful giggle. "Acacia, get out of her." Flo froze time and lunged at Sana. She felt bad but there was no choice but to attack. She wouldn't kill her though, but she would knock her out at least so she couldn't do any more damage. With a fist to the back of the head Sana slumped, unable to react fast enough to Flo's time stopping. "Okay." She said dizzily, almost falling down onto her butt. "Gotta go back down. I'll find Echo..." She stumbled about, her eyesight becoming muddled and faint as she fell back down the hole. It was okay, Flo didn't have to see, she could just follow Echo's smell, even in the darkness of the hole beneath.


"Everyone, listen up." Cress said, bringing all the recruits to attention. "We're going to attack Baroness Vaswald up there in the sky. This will be my final order to all of you." The recruits gulped, their knees trembling. "We're going to load up the helicopters and fly straight for Vaswald. Leo's barriers should help protect us from the beams long enough for us to reach. The smoke from our rockets will provide us cover to help protect us too. Chris will have the last helicopter to himself, and while Vaswald is distracted, he will take the helicopter and defeat Vaswald for us." Felton raised his arm, his eyes wide with alarm. "W-wait! What?! But - are you saying that... if we're just going to die... it's better for us to die fighting?"


"But... wait. If we're just going to die... it doesn't really matter if we die disobeying orders, r-right?"

"Of course."

The rookies began to panic even more. "It doesn't matter if you've lived a wonderful life full of blessings, or a miserable life in the gutters. IF you're going to be torn to shreds by lasers either way, it doesn't change a thing." Cress frowned, standing tall and proud. "Does that mean none of our lives matter? Was there any meaning in us being born at all? Does that mean the lives of all our comrades matters? Were the deaths of our comrades meaningless?" She grinned then, raising her fist to the sky. "No, of course not! Our dead friends! Our fallen friends! They died, trusting us to carry the mission to freedom! And we'll die too, trusting the future to those who will live on in our place!"

"My soldiers, we'll ride to the sky!"

With fear in their eyes, but resolve hardening, the recruits loaded themselves into the helicopters. "Sorry, Leo, Juria. I know you two just earned your freedom." They both held hands, squeezing them together tightly. "Wait, but why do you have to go?" Keron hopped into the helicopter, her eyes blazing with passion. "If I don't, they won't fly with us. I'm needed to inspire the recruits to ride into death. And we'll be the first ones to die to the lasers." But it would give Chris the opportunity he needed to take out Baroness Vaswald, save Shiro, and end the EMP blockers to allow him to connect to those still trapped underground. "Let's go. Thanks for always being with me, Keron." Keron sighed, rolling her eyes. "I knew loving you would be the death of me. Let's do this, partner."


"Shiro, prepare the next volley." Vaswald said, looking bored. "What are they doing down there?" She glanced down the telescope, watching as the helicopters began to whir. "One last final charge? How is that any better than dying?" Shiro synched the Beam Cannons, each of their carriages ready to fire another volley of lasers. "It's ready, Vaswald." Shiro said, her voice dull. "Fire?" Vaswald nodded, the lasers crashing against Leo's barrier yet again. The helicopters continued to approach, coming ever closer, firing their rockets. The next blast of beams shattered the rockets, tearing them apart, filling the air with smoke and debris and fog. "Fire!" Vaswald cried, another volley of beams from each of the carriages.

There was a resounding crack as Leo's barrier finally broke. One by one the Night Raid helicopters were turned to dust, the screams of the soldiers inside them painful to Vaswald's ears. She was never a fan of war, even now, this was all meaningless. But she had to do as Messiah ordered, if only to save her sister from humanity's clutches. "Foolish humans. Why bother charging at me like this if you're all going to die?" Alex Drake's machinery, turned to dust. "Was this really all humanity had to offer?" Suddenly Shiro let out a scream. "E-Ellie! Someone's-" Faster than a speeding bullet, humanity's strongest and brightest soldier appeared. "The other carriages!" One by one they were slashed apart. Chris jumped from one to another, and finally he arrived, his sword burning with the dawn's light behidn it.

"I hope you had your fun." His voice was grim as his sword struck through Vaswald's throat. "That's for killing all of my comrades." All the soldiers were burned to a crisp as the helicopters fell to the ground, the ground a sea of flames. Vaswald grinne,d her hand on the trigger. "If I'm going to die... I'm taking you with me." Her gun was placed on Chris's head. He would die, and it would all be over. Chris's eyes did not falter. "Cress is dead now because of you." Suddenly Vaswald felt something holding her back. Her finger pulled away, she would not press it. Why wouldn't she press it?

"Thank you, Chris." Ellie whispered as she faded away. Shiro sobbed, grabbing the gun but Chris cut it away, taking the controls, flying the carriage safely to the ground. "She's better off this way." Chris and Shiro were the only ones still alive on this side of the the battle. There was no way any of the others could have possibly survived the lasers. Shiro continued to sob, weeping into her hands. Chris put a hand on her head, pain stinging his chest. In order to eliminate Vaswald, it costed all of these lives. "I came into this battle wanting to save all of you." He whispered, staring as the fires burned with dawn's shining sun. "But you all gave your lives to give me a chance to defeat Vaswald." He closed his eyes to pay them his respects.
