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Snippet #921089

located in Multiverse, a part of The Avatar Chronicles, one of the many universes on RPG.


Excerpts from the main canon of the story.


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Tanso's lithe form would react quickly as Gen's electromagnetic wall approached. Taking to the tree's the young monk navigated the labyrinth as best he was able until he and Gen were a far enough distance from the others. Despite his words, Tanso had no true desire to harm Gen's comrades, but he had been ordered to put Gen to the test and Tanso would obey the will of his master. All serious thoughts aside, however, he couldn't remember the last time he had been this excited for a fight. This was personal in a way Gen could not possibly yet understand. Dropping from the top branch to the forest floor, Tanso removed his staff and twirled it. "I suppose I should say something dramatic like 'Show me your strength', but that's not really my style. So...whenever your ready, punkin."

As they traversed the expanse of the labyrinth they had finally come to the point in which Gen's staff had been firmly planted in the ground. Shaking at first the staff would dislodge and find its way swiftly over to Gen's waiting hand. The electromagnetic wall behind dissipated and his feet touched the ground. "Punkin? I've been ready, I was born ready. Now, show me your strength." Gen grinned toward his newly found opponent, and while this would seem like a confrontation that could lead to death, he couldn't help but feel that killing him was not Tanso's goal.

Gen's evaluation of Tanso's intentions proved correct as the man assumed his stance. If one had been in enough battles it was easy to tell when your opponent faced you with killing intent. Tanso, while clearly intending to win this fight, was not attempting to kill Gen. His stance was languid and fluid, much like the man himself and spoke a speedy and unpredictable fighting method. Tanso's first instinct was to embrace the latent kinetic energy that this place seemed absolutely filled with, but he wouldn't do that just yet. To reveal the source of his power wouldn't do at this point. Gen wasn't an idiot and if too many similarities were noted...well, it would make Tanso's goal that much harder. No, that would have to wait until later in their 'story.' For now he would face Gen in a purely physical sense and if he was forced to resort to his kinetic energy he would do so. Slipping a kunai into his hand with a flourish, Tanso hurled it at Gen before launching his attack. "Good! Then let's make this quick, I've got places to be."

Something was all wrong, Tanso's mannerisms and stance did not show he was here to harm him whatsoever. The mysterious man had to be after something else then, and Gen didn't know exactly what. Something he didn't exactly have time to ponder as his nemesis had already made the first attack. Though with easy Gen batted the kunai with his Tenkei directly back at Tanso. Taking a stance and facing his enemy, clearly Tanso was aware that Gen could manipulate electromagnetic energy and this fact did little to deter the man from facing him. Tanso was most definitely hiding something. Gen's curiosity got the best of him. "You're not here to kill me, and the display of my power didn't alarm you. Exactly what the hell are you here for anyway?" Gen studied his opponents face intently, looking for any clue, any sign that would tell him just about anything. Though deep down he didn't think that Tanso's expressions were as elusive as his flashy fluid footwork. Much to Gen's chagrin, the way Tanso moved reminded him eerily of himself.

Tanso chuckled as his own kunai was deflected back at him. Catching the airborne weapon with his index by it's finger-hold, Tanso spun the weapon and tucked it away before delivering a series of swiped with his staff. It was nothing horribly difficult, Gen's biggest task would be discerning just where Tanso would swing. As their battle raged on Tanso talked. "Who's to say I'm not here just to draw you away from your lovely lady friends? I mean, do you really trust that other fella...he looked a little odd to me." Tanso's body would bend with the agility of a true warrior as he flipped backwards into his original starting position. "Then again, maybe I'm here to deliver a message. You were attacked at the Temple of Gaia, no?"

Tanso had hastily advanced and attacked with a flurry of swipes with his own staff. Each time he attempted to strike, Tanso's staff would be met with a block by Gen's weapon. Similarities in fighting styles, similar weapons. Something wasn't exactly adding up, they were invariably similar to a scary degree. But he couldn't imagine how that was possible. After all the strikes were successfully defended against, Tanso had made his maneuver back to his original spot. Gen had to laugh somewhat at the remark about Malevolence. "You have a point about him, but something tells me he won't kill them." The way Tanso moved was slightly more wild than Gen, but not drastically so. The last comment the man made really struck home. "I was..." the pause and facial expression Gen gave urged the man to continue on with what he was saying. If he were here to deliver a message then it was important that this little match be ended, the message delivered, and Gen immediately return to his main objective.

Tanso could tell that his last words had affected Gen. The man was curious now and worried about his comrades. Chuckling, Tanso shrugged and shook his head, auburn tresses flailing about wildly. "Here's something to think on. Don't get so caught up in one goal that you lose sight of the world around you.It took what, an idle threat to get you to run out here with me? I mean, I know I'm handsome and charismatic, but to throw caution to the wind...I know, you think you can trust your friend...but even you should know that he's on the precipice of insanity...and not the good kind. The dark scary kind that makes babies cry." Pointing towards Gen with his Staff accusingly, Tanso shook his head. "You're so hung up on your 'objective' that you're neglecting to note the obvious. These people...the Faction...they're not going to keep doing things the way they've been doing them for long. At some point they'll realize that the best way to get to your chikadee is the easiest way possible...right under your nose. I mean, for all you know they could be upon her now...having their way with her...that's such a dreadful thought, but one you need to consider." "Your objective is important" Tanso said, being serious for a moment "but don't get so focused on it that you lose sight of the bigger picture. She's not some five year old you need to clear from the battlefield." Tanso spat at the very idea. "As much as you may dislike the idea, Gen, she's a tool and tools are meant to be used, not shoved away and forgotten."

As much as Gen hated to admit it, Tanso certainly had a point, not to mention he had a very eloquent way of driving the point home. Perhaps in his mindset to protect Tenrai from a clear enemy, he had forgotten the hidden ones that lurked in the shadows. A look of concern crept along his face as he dragged his mask down, revealing in totality the expression he held. Somehow he knew that Tanso wasn't here to kill him, nor even to really harm him. Perhaps Tanso came to him to give him information under the veil of a threat. Testing Gen of his wisdom more-so than his combative capability. Where as in this instance, Tanso's wisdom pertaining to over all objectives was correct. It was time Gen started concentrated on the grand strategy and not just going moment by moment. "I can see what you mean concerning clouding ones judgment based solely on a single objective. And perhaps I've allowed myself to take things too nonchalantly so far. However you're wrong. People aren't tools, people are people. I may be a tool, but that's because I didn't have the luxury of being born like most beings that inhabit these lands. So to that end, you're right, but not about Tenrai. You're not even right if that were to pertain to Kuni. They have lives, dreams, aspirations and emotions. To call them simply a tool only goes to show now narrow-minded you are." Gen's look of concern turned to slight contempt. However he harbored no ill will toward Tanso, the man had a purpose as well. Though Gen couldn't quite figure out what Tanso's grand strategy was. "So if you brought me out here for a lesson in practicality. You in return got one in morality. Now if you weren't out to harm any of us, as you said, our enemies could be upon her any moment, and I really must go. You could come along...if you wanted."

Tanso chuckled at Gen's reply the staff decreasing back to the size of a toothpick that he promptly stuck between his teeth. "A living breathing tool can have hopes and dreams...they're just meaningless. " Tanso didn't voice whether or not he believed this, however given the difficulty of discerning his lies from truth it was entirely possible that Tanso didn't buy his own bullshit. At Gen's offer of traveling together, Tanso shook his head. "Don't misunderstand, Gen. I'm not your comrade." His eyes narrowed momentarily before taking on their usually cocky flare. "The next time we cross paths I may do more than make idle threats against your little chickadee." Turning away from Gen, Tanso's coattails flares up, caught by the wind as he strolled into the labyrinth forest, humming the same tune he'd had going upon arriving. What was most peculiar was the he picked up immediately where he left off from earlier. "Later, Gen, and remember to use the tools your given, before you get killed by some weakass punks. Keep in mind that I'm the one that's supposed to kill you...kinda."

Watching Tanso walk casually off into the depths of the Labyrinth Forest, Gen contemplated many of the things the man had to say. But further introspection of such a nature would have to come later, for now he had to return to his charge. Turning to face the correct direction, or what he assumed to be the correct direction. Gen lifted his staff and felt with his own energetic pulsations, quickly his staff attuned itself to the location in which the other piece of itself was at. Which was undoubtedly where Tenrai and the others were. "Let's go." Raising up off the ground the staff propelled him toward his destination.
