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Travelling With A Friend

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Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jazira on Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:52 am

((OOC : Anyone can join. Fighting is alright, but no killing the main characters - Jazira and Lucario.

The plot : Lucario is taking Jazira to a pond in the woods, so she may retrieve something from there. After that, they will travel together, possibly encounter a black dragon, and eventually travel to her own world. Open to other plots and worlds...))

Standing outside the Multiversal Cafe, Jazira waits for her friend to join her. In her current form, she stands at about 5'2, with long dark hair and golden eyes. She has a light tan, and pointed ears, silver dragon wings, silver legs and clawed feet. Her long tail swishes behind her in contentment, and her lightly tanned human arms folded across her her stomach.

Looking around at the city before her, she picks out the road that would lead to the forest. She could easily just fly there, but she'd have to carry Lucario or leave him behind. She didn't want to do that. She felt like walking, anyhow. Looking at the city itself, with it's many shops and such on this street, she wonders how people could live in such a crowded place.
~ Jazzy

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Horsk on Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:24 am

"God damn!" Keia yelled as she flew from the cafe, one of her hoverboots malfunctioning, dragging her straight towards one of the many walls of the city. As she collided with the wall, her visor cracked leaving a large crescent shaped crack straight across her eye line. Keia clambered to her feet, the impact seemed to have broken her left, the malfunctioning, hoverboot stopping it from pushing. "Well, there's a relief" She smiled, pulling her broken visor from her face.

As her visor lifted, her pale skin showed through. Keia had blue eyes, her pupils shrunk massively once her visor was lifted, and she rubbed her hands against her eyes."Sun straight in the eye. Really not my day!" She cursed to no one in particular. Once she had finished rubbing her eyes and cursing, Keia rubbed her hands over her blue, metallic armour, brushing the dust off.

When her armour was clean to a satisfactory level Keia took her helmet off, her short blonde hair hung by her ears. "Well, now the visors' gone I won't be needing this." She muttered as she threw it against the floor, more cracking noises erupted from the helmet.

Her outbursts had attracted much attention from the crowds of passing people, but Keia ignored their stares, and stared around the street, from the shop windows at eye level, to the signs above. Keia couldn't see what she was looking for, she checked every sign and window, but still couldn't find it. She thought she should ask for directions but none of the crowd would stop when she asked.

She saw someone standing at the entrance to the cafe she had just come from. "Excuse me! Excuse me!" she said, hobbling over to the cafe.

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jazira on Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:35 am

Standing by the door to the cafe, Jazira was startled when someone seemingly flew out of the cafe and slammed into a wall not far away. Pretending not to have seen such a thing happen, she dropped her arms to her sides and continued to look at the city around her. She had done something similar to that a long time ago, and it was truly embarrassing for someone else to have seen.

Jazira was still looking around the city when she heard some one saying "Excuse me!". Curiously, she looks around at the strangely armored girl approaching her. It was the same girl who flew from the cafe moments before, but now she had thrown away her helmet. Looking behind her to make sure she was the one the girl was speaking to, she turns back.

She wonders what the girl could want with her. She had stolen nothing that she knew of. The things she owned now, she either had possession of before entering that first portal, or she earned by working for others in this world. She didn't recognize the girl from her earlier travels, either, on any world she has encountered.

"Yes?" she asks as the girl comes closer.

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Horsk on Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:42 am

Keia was happy that the stranger had answered her, as most people in the city seemed to ignore her, whether it was due to her being 'Keekar' or not, she did not know. "Do you know where I can find the way out of this city? I have looked around, and asked in the cafe, but no one will lead me out. It's so big." Keia frowned at her predicament. "If... it's not too much trouble."

The small armored woman stared up the stranger, her dull blue eyes blinking, and her lips drawn back.

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jazira on Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:02 pm

She smiles at the woman and points to the road she would be taking. "Of course. Just follow this road until you come to the city's wall. Turn right, and the gate to the forest is not far from there on the left. The other exit, if I remember correctly from my flight here, is..." She stops to think for a moment, then points to the road not far from where they stood. "Ah, it's the road to the right here, and it leads to the East Gate, to the plains."

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Horsk on Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:14 pm

"Thankyou" Keia said, her thin lips making a smile. She turned to the road which the other woman had said led to the forest and began to hobble towards the city wall, which she could see faintly through the crowds.

"Farewell, kind lady" Keia turned back to the cafe, still walking, and waved. Turning her head back to the direction she was headed Keia started attempting to push through the throng of people, but her short stature disabled her from pushing through.

"Damn, Damn, Damn."
She cursed. A few members of the crowd looked down at her, but still didn't allow her to enter the road. Hanging her head, Keia walked to the side of the road and sat down outside a shop from which gorgeous aromas drifted. Keia pulled the small, blue backpack from her back and un-clipped the top pulling out several tools.

Grasping strange tools in her hands, Keia unlocked a panel on her left boot, and began to fiddle with intricate wires and plugs inside. She sighed heavily.

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jazira on Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:50 pm

"You're welcome, and take care of yourself," she replied, waving back to the girl. Or woman, I should say, she thought to herself. She watched the woman depart and head to the crowd before looking back inside the cafe, waiting for her friend to join her, still. She could see him making his way among the tables towards the door.

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby love4shadow on Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:36 pm

(( wow, sorry for the wait xD))

Lucario got up from the table and took one last look at the man and woman sitting at a table drinking wine, he decided to forget all about it and walked out to Jazira" Who was that girl?" Lucario asked, Lucario was all mainly blue, he had a furry pale yellow body, at his weist was a black line that went all around him and his upper legs where blue and looked like baggy shorts, the rest of his legs where black, he stood on his toes like a dog would, his shoulders whre black and his arms where blue, his wriest down to the tip of his paw like hands where black, he had a spike on the upper part of both wriests and his chest. the upper half of his nose was black and went all around his head, a black line went up his forhead and down his head. He has tall pointy ears and what looked like four black toughes of hair on the back of his head, but they are actually skin. He stood at 3'2.

He met Jazira in the cafe that they where standing at the entrance to, Jazira came from a diffrent demension and Lucario's just not from around here. Lucario was able to sense the aura in people. If something happens to his eyes or it's just to foggy or dark to see, he can just close his eyes and all lifeforms and things like tree's, rocks, mountains, and people, turned diffrent shades of blue. This can help him in hunting, battle, and even just traveling from place to place.

(( here's a pic of Lucario if you can't really tell what he looks like. I know i'm bad at explaining: ... ucario.jpg ))
ImageImage Click Meh 8D

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jazira on Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:44 pm

((No worries ^_^ ))

Jazira smiles as Lucario joins her outside. "She was looking for the way out of the city. I do not know much more than that. Shall we start out? I'd like to be in a comfortable tree by nightfall, if that is alright." She points out the road they should take. "This one leads to the forest, while the other road goes to the plains. I'll let you lead the way since you know where it is that we're heading."

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby love4shadow on Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:50 pm

Lucario nodded" Ok, let's go" He began to walk towards the road and made sure Jazira followed. He tried his best to get through the waves of people and not leave Jazira behind, though she was taller and he could see her, she may not be able to see him.

After maybe a minute of walking, they where at the city wall. He looked back at Jazira" So do we go left or right?" Lucario asked. He really knew nothing about the city. He knew how he got in, but getting out was a whole diffrent story in his mind.

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jazira on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:08 pm

She followed closely behind Lucario, keeping him in sight as they pass by the shops and a few houses. After a few moments, they stopped at a city wall, with a fruit stand on one side, a cutlery on the other and in front was another string of shops carrying different wares. "We go right from here. The gate will be on the left, not too far away," she replies to his question. She looks around before they start moving again, but sees nothing more to interest her.

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Horsk on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:20 pm

Keia stood from her sitting position. She lifted her left leg in the air and turned on her left hoverboot, on the lowest setting. Jets of hot air shot from her foot, sending a whirling mass of the dust below into the air surrounding her. Keia began to cough violently, and switched off her boot.

"That's why I need a visor."
She thought, walking over to her floored helmet before picking it up. "I'll repair it later." She mumbled, sliding it onto her head, and adjusting it so the crack was as much out of view as she could make it.

Standing back from the hustle and bustle of the crowded street, Keia lifted from the ground, and shot above the heads of the citizens. She flew through the street briskly, her feet warming up every second. Once Keia reached the end of the street, the city wall, she performed a sharp turn right. The turn through her off balance, and she hurtled diagonally to the right, towards a row of housing.

She screamed loudly, narrowly missing the corner of the building, and regaining her balance. "I need to land" she thought, or said, she couldn't tell in the panic. As she reached the exit to the city, Keia landed roughly on her weak leg.

She yelped as her weak leg wobbled. Ignoring the pain, Keia looked at the large gate, that was wide open.

"Well then."
She said said to herself, hobbling past the guards towards the forest.

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby love4shadow on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:29 pm

Lucario began walking right" So how do you know the place well if you're not from this demension?" Lucario asked. He looked up at the clouds, they were pretty dark, and the dark clouds where heading towards them. Those look like the exact same type of clouds the night of the attack. Lucario looked back at the ground, he could see the gate. He stopped and took one last look at the city. He looked at the gate, their where two soldeirs, probably to make sure no one who was not suppose to got in. Lucario walked right past them and was now outside. He looked around, trying to get his bearings.

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jazira on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:40 pm

Keeping pace with Lucario, she replies, "I got here from a portal near the Cafe we just left. I decided to stay for a while, and flew over the town to the forest. I prefer sleeping in the forest to sleeping in such a crowded place." Looking around she sees the girl from earlier speeding by above the heads of the crowd and screaming. Wondering if the girl may need help, she spreads her wings. As she is about to take off, she sees the girl land just this side of the gates. Folding her wings back against her body, she continues walking with Lucario.

"You say you are not from around here either. Where are you from?" She asks as they leave the gates. She eyes the two guards as they pass by them, but pays them no more attention than that. Looking up, she sees the dark clouds and wonders if it would have been better to stay in the city for one night.

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Horsk on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:54 pm

Keia staggered down the cobbled path which led to the forest. She mumbled to herself as she walked.

Maybe it's the auto-conductor?
Or the Gallium Arsenide panel?
Or maybe the chips are just... broken?

Whilst walking, Keia pulled her backpack off and un-clipped it again. "I'm gonna' need a few more of those..." She sighed, rummaging her left hand in her bag, her tongue stuck out on her lip.

Suddenly Keia stopped and turned back towards the city. Several paces behind her she could see the lady from outside the cafe. As the other woman and her companion drew closer, Keia butted into their conversation.

"Heeey! Do you know where I can get any more of these? She held up a small cylindrical item. "It's kinda' important for my hoverboots, so if you know anywhere I can find one it'd be really helpful, I mean because I checked the city and they didn't have anything, which is strange for a large city...
She spoke at an accelerated pace, her chirpy voice almost indistinguishable from gibberish at those speeds.

After the last few words had left her lips she stopped, and took a deep breath.

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby love4shadow on Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:10 pm

Lucario nodded as he looked around" It is nicer in the forest for sleeping, alot quieter" He closed his eyes, the black tuffs of skin on his back of his head rose, he searched for the stream where the didgeridoo was dropped.

While searching he heard Jazira ask where he was from, he slowly opened his eyes, the tuffs of skin fell slowly. He looked at the ground" I lived maybe a 3 day walk away from here, with my old master, Samantha. Their where really no city's or towns around, we lived in the wild. Samantha, though, was raised in a castle. Her parents died and she was found on the road, so they took her to the castle"

Lucario looked up at the sky again" Samantha found me when she was 8 years old. I was still an egg. She took me to who was taking care of her and showed the egg to her, she emideatly shook her head and told Samantha to take me back out and put it back where she found me. She refused and kept the egg. We lived together since"

(( watch from 1:47 to 2:36 it shows a Lucario seeing everything in Aura.))

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jazira on Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:23 pm

"It is quieter here. Much more peaceful." Listening to his story, she sighs. "Such hard times we live in, now. Why ...?" Pausing, she sees the girl from earlier begin speaking to them.

Straining hard to keep up with Keia's fast words, she looks at the item the girl holds up. She shakes her head. "I'm sorry, I do not know who would make such things. Although, you might ask someone from the Cafe we were at earlier. There are portals near there that lead to other worlds. Perhaps someone there could help you find more."

((Ah...You should post that on the Arcanyasia (?) topic as well so they can see it, too))

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Horsk on Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:28 pm

Keia's expression was disappointed with the woman's answer. Her erratic speech slowed. "Oh...I don't really like the city..." She sighed, as if letting a tremendous load off her chest.

Keia looked at the city, then back at the forest. "I want to live there." Her short arm pointed to the forest, and her expression lifted with prosperity.

(( Don't worry guys, I will leave you alone eventually. ))

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby love4shadow on Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:37 pm

(( you'r not bothering me lol))

Lucario turned and saw Keia. She said she wants to live in the forest. Lucario wanted to say something, but then again didn't, he decided to keep quiet, besides, he found the stream, it wasn't as far out as he remebered, maybe he got into the city through a diffrent gate, making it seem like the stream was further away. Forgeting his manners, Lucario stared and Keia, as if she was from a totally diffrent planet.

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Re: Travelling With A Friend

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jazira on Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:39 pm

((ignore this post, please...))
Last edited by Jazira on Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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