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Dylan Nelson

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a character in “2024: Zombie Apocalypse”, as played by JimmyKnoles



Name: Dylan Nelson
Age: 26
Gender: Male

Height: 6'
Weight: 190 lbs
Body Type: Athletic
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Color: Fair

General personality: Dylan lived on the west coast in California. His determination and trustworthiness is what made him a valuable member when he joined the Los Angeles Police Department, eventually moving to SWAT. He usually tries to keep calm in situations, but does have his moments of panic especially when someone close to him is under threat or in danger.
Likes: Rock music, running, justice, reading books
Dislikes: Fake people, Rap, drugs
Fears: Losing the people he's close to.
Ambitions: Living to the next day

Career: Police Officer for the LAPD
Family: Mother [Status Unknown], Younger Sister [Status Unknown], Father [Deceased]
General history: Dylan grew up in Los Angeles and spent much of his life living there with his family which consisted of himself, his younger sister, and their mother. The father walked out on the family when Dylan and his sister were really young, as such the mother took it upon herself to teach her children how to live their lives without a deadbeat for a father. His resourcefulness and need to look for others, especially his sister is what drove him to join the police academy. It was tough, but he was able to pass and become a fully recognized member of the LAPD. When the virus apocalypse emerged and took a big hit into California, Dylan was immediately concerned for his mother and sister.

His mother had moved away to Kansas City, Missouri when she remarried and his plan was to get there and find his mother. His sister still lived in LA like him working as a Vet's assistant. Along the way to Missouri, Dylan and sister had become trapped and surrounded by the undead and were forced to separate. Dylan feels he can't move on until he finds his sister or figures of what happened to her.

Strengths: Firearms training, Standard self-defense and combat training, good endurance and stamina
Weaknesses: Sometimes irrational in judgement especially during the outbreak
Weapons: Glock 22, Colt M4, Survival Knife
Survival Knowledge: Fair

So begins...

Dylan Nelson's Story


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Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson
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"Alright think...gotta keep moving." Dylan kept repeating to himself as he moved his way around wrecked vehicles and other debris heading towards a building in front of him. He had been searching nonstop for his younger sister ever since they got separated by zombies and she had run off in a different direction than he did. Along the way he had occasionally encountered the lone zombie wandering around, and more than once encounter band of people who didn't all seem friendly or he wanted to be associated with them.

Entering the building, noticing the state it was in was not a good sign. Looters and whatever else had already ransacked much of the building for supplies. Hearing the noise of footsteps, he brought out his Glock and held it at they ready in case he would catch whatever was making that noise unaware if they were not a zombie.


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Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson
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Dylan stopped when he heard a voice call out, it sounded like a woman's voice asking of who he was and that she was armed. He thought that it could be a trap as the woman was part of a gang of looters, they would beat him, rob him, and probably kill him if they felt like it. On the other hand Dylan has the false hope it could be his sister that was in this abandoned building and he stepped into the room the woman's voice came from with his Glock already pointing at the source.

"Oh thank god." Dylan exclaimed as he saw the red haired woman standing in the next room and there didn't seem to be any fellow people or looters around her and he lowered his firearm. "Well you're alone, don't look like a looter, and you're not one of the undead so you must be okay." He stated as he put his pistol back in his holster and held a hand out to the woman, "I'm Dylan. What's your name?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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Anastasia kept her pistol raised, scanning the survivor, almost letting out a sigh of relief. She looked him up and down carefully. "I'm Anastasia," she said. She slowly lowered her pistol. "Are you...bitten or hurt?" she asked, softly, hoping that he would say no. She did not want to be alone again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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"No I wasn't bitten." Dylan replied back to her as he watched her lower her pistol. He took a soft sigh and leaned back against a nearby wall. "So tell me Anastasia, what brings you to this abandoned building?" He took a quick glance over her, she seemed to be in healthy shape. Not a zombie bite or scratch on her, he had to admit that it was good to see another human being that wasn't a looter or already bitten.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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"I've been searching for my sister Jenn. We traveling together and a zombie ambush got us separated. I've been searching for her even since. I kind of hoped you were her." Dylan trailed off sadly as slid down the wall and sat on the ground resting his hands on his knee. "I've been searching for a little over two weeks for her even since we got separated." He then looked up at Anastasia.

"So what did you do before the world turned to shit?" he asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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"I was a SWAT officer with the LAPD, I was only in SWAT for a few days when the first cases of the outbreak happened. We tried to hold them off with the National Guard to let people evacuate, but then we were overwhelmed. Chaos ensured and order collapsed. It was everyone for themselves, I loaded up my Glock and grabbed an M4 before heading off to find Jenn." Dylan explained after he heard Anastasia's story then heard her offer to look for his sister. "Thanks I really appreciate it, having another person is better than trying to do this alone."

"Everyone move this way!" Dylan ordered to the screaming civilians before turning around and fired his M4 assault rifle at the approaching zombies. A scream made him turn and watch in horror as a zombie pulled Melvin down and and bit right into his leg. Melvin screamed even louder as his leg was torn from his body.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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Anastasia watched Dylan curiously. "A SWAT officer, huh? I guess I got lucky that you came into here. You probably know a lot more about survival than I do," she stated. She fidgeted with her hair and then opened up her backpack. She grabbed a Slim Jim jerky stick and offered it to Dylan. "Are you hungry?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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Dylan smiled and grabbed the jerky stick, opening the package and then took a bite of the snack, "Thanks, man I've almost forgotten what a Slim Jim tastes like." He then finished up the snack and tossed the wrapper aside, "World has ended, doesn't matter much if I littered." Dylan then stood up when he noises in the distance, he grabbed his M4 and made for the exit. "Come on we need to get moving, those don't sound like looters."

He checked the exit and saw an open parking lot, the zombies were only a few seconds from coming into the room where he and Anastasia were in. Being out in the open would be a little bit better than be surrounded inside a building. "I think we can make across the lot, you ready?" Dylan turned his head to look at her for a couple seconds before looking back out at the open parking lot again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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Anastasia looked around nervously for a moment before grabbing her pistol. "Yeah, I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she said, following closely behind Dylan. She knew he would probably be fast, but she also knew that she could keep up. Anastasia was agile and quick, partly because of her youth and partly because she ran laps around the ice rink as part of her pre-hockey game work out.

She kept her pistol ready to fire at minutes notice and made sure her bag pack was on securely. She had a first-aid kit, some snacks and ammunition she had managed to get a hold of in the pack. She knew that it wasn't much, but she also knew it was valuable and kept her alive so far.

She raced into the parking lot, adrenaline pumping through her veins. She could hear the creatures shambling around, moaning and gnawing hungrily, watching them make their escape.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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Dylan kept pace next to Anastasia as they ran across the parking lot, the zombies snarling and moaning could be heard to their sides and behind them. He was amazed on how well she managed to keep up with him and made a note to ask her the next time they could take a break. He felt himself trip over a fallen corpse which really wasn't a corpse. The zombie turned it's noticed to see what had bumped into it, and slowly rotated itself and crawl towards Dylan.

"Damn it!" Dylan cursed as he saw his M4 rifle had bounced a few feet away when he had tripped. He pulled out his pistol and fired straight at the head of the zombie, and it fell down unmoving. Getting back up on his feet he could see more zombies coming out of the abandoned building that he and Anastasia had escaped from. Looking around for options he saw a brick building on the opposite side of the street of the lot, it had a fire escape ladder on the side of it.

"Quick up the fire escape!" Dylan pointed as he rushed to pick up the assault rifle before leading the way to the fire escape with her following him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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Anastasia almost screamed as the zombie lunged at Dylan. She cringed, but let a quick sigh of relief out when she realized he was okay. She took out a few zombies, but only the ones that were an immediate threat as she did not want to use unnecessary ammunition.

She heard Dylan's cry to get the fire escape and she stepped up speed. She was surprised at how fast she could move. Maybe I should have done track in high school... she thought to herself, chuckling a bit as she ran towards the building for her life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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Dylan brought his pistol up and fired as he saw a zombie emerge from the alleyway the fire escape was located on. He allowed Anastasia to go first to climb up the fire escape and he followed her. "Good thing zombies don't know how to climb huh?" Dylan allowed himself to joke as he reached the rooftop alongside Anastasia. Looking all around he could see zombies slowly roaming the streets in search of their next victim. It was going to get dark soon, and traveling around at night wasn't the best option now. They would have to wait til morning to try and make progress.

"Looks like we're going to have to stay up here for the night." Dylan sighed as he took a moment and sat down on the ground to catch his breath. "You move pretty fast for nanotechnology surgeon student." He laughed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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Anastasia smiled at Dylan and fought the urge to roll her eyes. "What? You don't think people can be smart and fast simultaneously?" she asked, with a smirk. "Besides, I'm plenty athletic. I played hockey." She watched the zombies move around, wondering where they would go next. She didn't know if she should try and make conversation with Dylan or not. He seemed friendly enough, but she didn't know what was out-of-line to say in an apocalypse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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"Well I don't doubt that." He laughed a little bit as maneuvered himself to get comfortable with his back resting against a generator. "You played hockey, that's pretty cool. I did sports back in high school, was on the cross country and basketball teams there. Mom would use to laugh when I couldn't stop running, even at home." Dylan laughed a little more as the memories of his childhood came back to him. However his thoughts sobered when he thought of his mom, and of his sister who was still somewhere lost out there in the apocalypse. Sure Jenn could take care of herself to a degree, but for how long? And will she be alive long enough for him to find her?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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Anastasia smiled to herself. "It bugged daddy so much that his daughter played hockey. He didn't feel the ice was the place for a lady." She studied Dylan closely, wondering what was going through his head. It seemed like he was worrying. She decided to start up a conversation and try to suppress his worries. "So, where are you from? How did you end up here in Cali?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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God why do you send people near me, haven't I killed enough Catherine thought. The two teens made it up the fire escape and just stood on the roof a moment. Do I stay here and watch them for a few days or should I move on to the next city Catherine checked her backpack and saw she was running low on water. Shit, I guess im staying here until I find more water....... I wonder if they have any She thought, still watching the teens on the roof. I need that water to survive, The sun was setting and Cathrine deicided to tell them that they were't alone. She took off the suppresor of her sniper, shot a waring shot above the teens head's and ran to a abanded building to plan her next move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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Dylan smiled a little bit when he heard Anastasia's reply about her and her father. He remember his mom giving him a talk, trying to persuade him from not joining the Los Angeles Police Department. The reason for that was she was worried her son was going to hurt or worse, when he walked his beat every shift. Dylan was brought out of his self reflection by Anastasia's question. "I'm from Los Angeles, born and raised there. Went through high school and then joined LAPD. How about you where are....Shit!" Dylan shouted as he heard the sound of the sniper rifle shot. "What the hell was that?" He looked at Anastasia.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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0.00 INK

Anastasia sat up and looked around. She glanced at Dylan, confused. Who was shooting and why? Where did the shots come from? Questions flooded her mind as she looked around nervously. "...what's going on?" she asked Dylan, with a concerned expression. Her eyes scanned the streets, but all she saw were the living dead and corpses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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"No idea, but I'm guessing someone was trying to either take a shot at us, or spook us. It sounded like a sniper rifle." He looked around him, the setting sun did not help as illumination was already starting to fade. "It could of been looters as well, probably sent someone here to loot us, but I don't know." Dylan then noticed on how nervous Anastasia was getting with how she was looking around her multiple times then scan the streets. "Hey it's going to be okay." He laid a hand on her shoulder to show that he meant it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Anastasia Greene
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"I'm not going to lie...people scare me more than zombies ever have," Anastasia admitted. She tried to look brave. She kept her pistol close, and with her free hand, held the hand Dylan had put on her shoulder, grateful for the reassurance. She squeezed his hand for a moment and then let go, putting both hands on her pistol again.