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Eiko Braginski

A Highschool Freshman looking for her little sister. Yandere

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a character in “2024: Zombie Apocalypse”, originally authored by Eiko B. Winters, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name:Eiko Braginski

Body Type: Thin banana figure
Eye Color: Changes depending on mood
Red: Normal
Blue: Sad
Green: Angry
Purple: Love
Pink: Weak
Orange: Excited
Grey/Silver with pink swirls: Fear
Dark red with black swirls: insanity
Hair Color:pink
Hair length: extremely long, down to her upper thighs. She puts it up in a ponytail at times, but usually lets it fall loosely down her back.
Skin Color:pale
[insert image here, optional]

General personality: Cheerful and bubbly with an infections laugh. Usually pretty outgoing and will recklessly run into battle. She's obsessive over people she cares about. When in pain or feels somone could harm a loved one, she tends to want to cause pain to that person in any way necessary.
Likes: Music, video games, fighting, books, anime,
Dislikes: Pain, people she deems evil.
Fears: Being alone
Ambitions: Her little sister

Career: Highschool student
Family: Mother(Deceased) Father (Deceased), Little sister named Naomi (Alive)
General history: At age four, her mother gave birth to her little sister, who at the time was thought to be her father's, but was really a result in her mother's cheating. At age six, she witnessed her father murdering her mother, then tried to go after her sister. Eiko then grabbed a gun and shot her father in the leg, not killing him but weakening him long enough for them to escape. After that, she lived alone with her sister, who became mute after the murder. At the age of twelve, she heard word of her sister being bullied at school. She went to her school and, with a baseball bat, she smashed all the desk in the room, demanding to know who had been hurting her sister. Her sis then found her voice and told her to stop. At the age of 13,she punched a mirror and went after her teacher with a piece of glass for yelling at her friend and making her cry. The teacher got put in the hospital. When she was 14, she beat up the popular group at school with a baseball bat. She but three of them in the hospital and physically scared two of them. At the age of 15, the infection broke out. She was the only one to escape her school, and set on a quest to save her sister (who is staying in a huge mansion, safe from the zombies. On her 16th birthday, she found the zombizied version of her father, and killed him, which she described as the best birthday present ever.

Strengths: beating things, knives, guns.
Weapons: The black pistol she used to shoot her father, three Swiss army knives, wooden baseball bat with white tape around the handle.
Weaknesses: Driving, control over emotions
Survival Knowledge: advanced for her age.

So begins...

Eiko Braginski's Story


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Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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((I've skimmed over it an have a general idea of what's going on))
Eiko was being chased down by a zombie man( looks like he used to be a teacher). The zombie had a rusty pipe in hand and three bloody holes in his chest.
"Shit..." Eiko mumbled as she continued running. Blood was leaking from her forehead and her jeans had been ripped. She leaped on a rock and jumped, twisting her body around so she faced the zombie.
"Go to hell!!!" She shouted as she shot him in the head. The zombie falls to the ground dead. Eiko lands on the ground and breaths heavily. She turns her head and see' s a few people a few yards away from her talking.
"Survivors" she whispered, standing up slowly with gun in hand. She could make out one person's appearance, blond hair with a snipper.
"Maybe they have food." Places hand on growling stomach.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Where did all these people come from? Cathy thought when she noticed a small girl with pink hair running toward her. She pulled out her pistol aimed it at the ground near the girl's feet and fired. Stop she said. What is your name and what do you want


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Eiko gasped and stopped suddenly. "What name's Eiko! I've been looking for survivors." Her stomach then gave off a loud growl. Eiko blushed. "And food..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Cathy took out a bag of crackers and her last bottle of water and gave it to the pink haired girl. Thats my last bottle of water don't drink all of it. She said You destroyed that zombie following you, who taught you how to shoot?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Eats crackers and takes a small sip of water. "When I was little, my father tried to hurt my sister and I. I had to do something, so I guess it's kinda a sink or swim situation." Hands the water back and wipes mouth with sleeve. "Thank you, by the way" She clears her through as she runs a hand over her messy pink hair while looking up at the dull cloudy sky. "N-now if you don't mind my asking, can I get your name?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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No you can't get my name. Now please leave. There are two survivors on the building across from us and a brown haired girl roaming the streets if you want company. she said pointing her gun at the girl again. Dont make me shoot you.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Eiko blinks once while looking at the blond. Her red eyes then swirl into a bright blue baby color. "You don't trust people so you chose to be alone in the world with no one helping you." She chuckled a bit as the blue in her eyes became darker ocean-like color. "I used to be like you." She latched her gun into her belt loop. As she walked forward, past the blond, she stopped a few feet away from behind her. "Thanks again for the food."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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No problem. Cathy said. Once the girl left she turned her head to the setting sun. Why did I give her that water. I need that. Idiot, feeling bad for others will get you killed. she thought sadly. There was a few zombies walking around on the streets below. She deicided to take her anger out on them. Quickly she pulled out her sniper attached the suppressor and killed two zombies, then she stopped. Great now im wasting ammo. She put away her sniper and sat on the edge of the roof watching the sun disapeer over the horizon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Eiko heard a few gunshots. She instantly figured zombies where near by and gripped her gun. As she walked by an old building, she heard a quiet Meeoooww! Turning around quickly, she saw a small black kitten, with green eyes and a red bow around its neck. She smiled.
"Hey little guy," she cooed. "What are you doing here out all alone?"
"Meeeow!" It replied, nudging her hand softly. Eiko giggle and started to pet it. It purred.
"You alone?" She asked. It meowed again and she laughed."do you wanna come with me?"
The kitten jumped up on her shoulders and sat proudly. It let out a happy meow.
"Okay then!" She said. She looked at the ribbon, and saw the name, Nana, written. She smiled.
"I always wanted a pet!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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((Holly crap! Your sick for one week and you miss so such))
Eiko walked across the roof of a building humming with Nana sitting on her shoulder, swishing her tail back and fourth happily.
"Mew!" Nana cooed, nudging her face to Eiko's cheek.
"You got that right, we wiped some serious ass!"
She jumped from one building to another (as it was only a 5 foot gap), still humming quietly. It was when she got at then edge of the building, she saw a girl with a hockey mask tackle a guy.
"Oh, what's this?" She whispered. She watched the scene to down, deciding to bet on the guy, in which she was correct, after seeing the guy pin the down.
"Just like an anime!" She squealed, letting her fangirlyness show.
The one with the mask took it off, and she saw was the girl she had seen earlier.
"Oh...small word." She watched as the blond collapsed on the ground, and smiled a tad. "Sneeky shooter, isn't she".
Eiko layed down on the roof, the side of the roof hiding her so no one could see her, and started to sing the song she was previously humming while Nana chased a butterfly.
"Everything is said and done,
Everyone has had there fun,
Time to make my exit from this fairytale..."


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Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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"My departure was foreseen, from the very beginning, assume life of insanity, mmmnnn"
Still singing, Eiko peaked her head up, and saw that the blond girl had made a run for it. Eiko smirked, mumbling how she was a sneaky, yet brilliant idea. She watched her run off, the guy shooting at her. Once the blond made it down, she collapsed on the ground.
"What the...!" Eiko gasped. She saw how blood was dripping from her head. "She must have gotten nicked"
Eiko turned her head slightly, and saw five zombies advancing on her. With her injury, she hadn't noticed them and they were coming up fast.
"Oh shit..."
"Mew!" Nana said, jumping onto Eiko's shoulders. Nana's ears perked up as she saw what her master was looking at. Eiko and Nana looked at eachother, and with an enthusiastic "Neeow!" Eiko nodded and grabbed her gun.

Eiko jumped from the roof to the fire escape on the tenth floor (having jumped five floors). With another jump, Eiko was on floor seven, then fifth, which was close enough to aim. The zombies were right behind the blond woman, teeth bared and about to bite.
Eiko shot, hitting the first one between the eyes and smiling as it dropped dead instantly in a pool of blood. Eiko had to suppress a dark chuckle as she shot again, this time the bullet went straight though the second zombies head and hit a third one in the eye. Eiko couldn't help it now. She laughed, insane and cold as they screamed in pain, eventually dying slowly and grumsomly in their own blood. Shooting twice more, the five zombies were laying dead behind the girl with blood pooling around them in a warm crimson glory
Eiko smirked, satisfied as Nana wagged her tail proudly.

"Insanity, the weight of the air is torture,
Psychopathy, don't know who I am anymore
Insanity, the illusion of ignorance
Captivity, try and stop it from corrupting"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Eiko had decided to follow the blond haired, seeing as her ear was still bleeding and she had medical supplies. She found her by three zombie corpses, her ear bleeding and her leaning heavily by a wall. Eiko ran to her side, putting her arm over her shoulder as she saw the wound was making her wobbly. She looked up at Eiko and was probably about to ask her what she was doing when Eiko interrupted.
"That guy's following you." She said quietly. Eiko took her wrist and dragged her to an exit in the back of the station, which led to a small hill in the suburbs of the city they were in. Eiko kept dragging the blond up the hill, passing by a few houses and turned a sharp left, where they slid down a steep concrete platue. Eiko had skinned her knees while sliding, but payed it no mind as it didn't hurt very much.There at the bottem, they saw a wide river under a large concrete bridge. The bridge had a sidewalk under it and was out of sigh for anyone to come here.
Eiko smiled and ran under the bridge, leaning against the side of the bridge as she let go of the woman and watched her slide down the side. Nana jumped off Eiko's shoulder and sat at the bank of the river, poking the fish that swam by.
"Sorry for dragging you off like that, but it was the only way to get away without being caught." She reached into her bag and pulled out a first aid kit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Cathy nodded her head in thanks. Then she sat down, dizzy from blood loss. She watched the girl clean and bandage her ear. Feeling embaresed about their first conversation she spoke up. My name is Catherine but can call me Cathy. Oh and thanks. She said. Then she pointed towards the cat. Where did you get that?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Eiko smiled. "She was abandoned by her owner, so I adopted her, right Nana!"
Nana meowed, running up. She sat in front of Cathy and cocked her head to the side a bit before jumping on Cathys shoulders and nudging her cheek.
"I think she likes you" Eiko said as she finished patching up the wound. Then she stood up and took off her jacket throwing it on the ground. Then she took her hair out of its previous ponytail, letting her unnaturally long locks fall down past her back.
"I think we'll be safe here for the time being".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Cathy pulled the knife out of her pocket. She looked at the young girl in front of her and then at the knife. Slowly she got up. I might be safe. But you aren't. She said grinning. The girl looked at her confused. Thats when Cathy tackled her. She landed on top of the girl who was now half submerged in the river. As she put her knife to the girl's throat the girl's eyes went from grey to green. Interesting she thought. Nana or whatever this girl called the cat scratched at Cathy's hand. She flicked the kitten off her hand and whispered into the girl's ear. Come with me and do whatever I say. If not I'll kill your cat. If you don't care i'll kill you.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Eiko gasped as Cathy tackled her, landing in the water, soaking her hair and shirt. She growled as Cathy put a knife to her throat. She knew her eyes had gone green, as they did that when she was angry. She listened to Cathy's order. The tone of voice she used and the smirk she had. It reminded Eiko far too much of him.

Black swirls appeared in her eyes.

"Do whatever you say?" She repeated, the corners of her mouth twitching up into a wide smile. "Whatever you say? Hahaha, I save your life, and you want me to follow you." Her eyes went wide and her smile got huge, ear to ear. "Ahhahaha! Y-you really are a sneaky one! Hahahaha!" She kept laughing, not a normal one, but an insane one, full of bloodlust and amusement at what she had said. "Your smart, I'll give you that much." What Cathy didn't see was that Eiko had swiped her hand up and grabbed a fistful of her blond hair. Pulling her off, she threw her to the ground, standing above her, she stepped on her hands and kicked her knife to the side. While Cathy struggled underneath, Eiko grabbed Cathys neck and laughed as she gasped and sputtered.

"But you should know I'm not somone to be messed with"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Gasping for breath she muttered Neither--am-I. Using her legs she kicked Eicko in the back making the girl stumble. Now being able to use her hands she pushed herself up, but before she could stand up the girl was on her again. But now Cathy could fight back. Using both hands she grabbed the girl's long pink hair and yanked it down pulling the girl off Cathy. Stumbling to her feet she grabbed her knife but before she could use it the girl attacked her. Laughing her insane laugh the girl twisted the knife out of Cathy's hand. Seeing the girl with a knife in her hands scared Cathy more then seeing a sane person pointing a gun at her. This girl is insane. Punching the girl in the nose, breaking it, she bolted from underneath the bridge towards the train station.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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"GAH!!" Eiko screamed as Cathy struck her in the nose. She heard the sound of footsteps as Cathy ran off.
"Damn" Eiko snapped her fingers for Nana, and the black kitten jumped on her back, then Eiko ran after Cathy towards the train station.

Eiko didn't know why she wanted to catch Cathy. She had no intention of killing her, or even hurting her. But for some reason kept running after her. Something about the was Cathy had attacked her, that determination to get what she wanted to survive. It reminded her of her sister.

And also, the way Cathy had looked at her like she was crazy...

"I'm not insane..." Eiko whispered to herself. "I'm not insane."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Nelson Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Cathy heard the girl running behind her. She tried to speed up but she was hungry, cold, wet, and tired. When she entered the train station she saw the bodies had been moved and the gun was missing. Cursing she ran out of the train station towards the building where she attacked the man. Quickly she climbed the fire escape. She reached the top and saw the man pointing a gun at her. I need to hide, please sir I"ll explain later. she said eyeing the gun warily, aware that the girl was getting closer to the building.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Eiko Braginski
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Eiko continued to chase her though the train station, down the street and to the building where she had fought those five zombies. Her nose scrunched up in annoyance at the sight, and she stomped on the head of one of them, causing brains and blood to spray all around the ground. She smiled, chuckling darkly, when she saw her reflection in the blood.

Her eyes were a dark blood red, not the usual candy apple red, surrounded by flames of black. The black was slowly fading away as her sanity started to break though the insane shield.

Eiko gasped, and stepped away from the corpse, leaned up against a wall and sunk to her knees. She was trembling, slightly with anger, at herself or that girl, she didn't know.

"I did it again...didn't I?" She sniffed, burying her head in her knees. "I'm not insane....I'm not insane...Right?"

She sniffed, tears coming down her face as she cried into her knees.

(This is a flashback)

"Don't cry sis!"

Eiko peaked her head up to see she was in her old middle school, age 14, in the principals office waiting for the principal to get there. She had gotten in trouble for attacking a student and nearly choking them. She didn't know why she did it, but she did. she was sitting in an old bench in the office with her sister. The eleven year old red head in question was sitting next to her, holding her in a strong hug as Eiko had cried into her sisters shoulders in fear of getting in trouble.

"Why!? I'm going to get in trouble and probably arrested!!" She sniffed, pressing her hands tighter into her lap. "I guess it's for the best, that's where insane people like me go" Her sister frown, then punched Eiko hard on the shoulder. For an 11 year old, she was strong.

"Your not insane!!!" She had shouted, making Eiko flinch under her gaze. "I mean, sure, you have your moments, but your not insane! Your pretty and nice and I don't know what I'd do without you! I love you big sis!"

(End flashback)

Eiko cried harder into her knees at the thought of that memory from two years before. She missed her sister so much.

"I'm not insane. I don't even believe myself anymore..."