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Bryant Matthews

The game of life is a lot like football. You have to tackle your problems, block your fears, and score your points when you get the opportunity.

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a character in “a contemporary tale”, as played by The Littlest Mermaid


"I think pressure exists in a situation only when you are unsure of your talent and people are expecting a lot from you due to your lineage." - Armaan Malik


< N A M E >
Bryant Matthews

< N I C K N A M E S >
Bry || Rare - Normally by his parents || Likes
Austin Matthew's Little Brother || Frequent || Dislikes

< A G E >

< G E N D E R >

< R O L E >


< H A I R >
Bryant's golden hair hangs over his forehead in a messy style most days.

< E Y E S >
His bright green eyes are interrupted only around the middle by little golden flecks that reflect light like diamonds do.

< B U I L D >
Being quarterback of the football team has been wonderful on Bryant's body. Three-hour practices every day and then his daily morning runs have left his body so chiseled that the outline of his biceps show through his usual t-shirts worn at school and his pecks are firm under the fabric.


< P E R S O N A L I T Y & F A M I L Y>

Loyal || Ambitious || Reserved || Studious || Humble

At school, you can find Bryant either out on the football field running drills, in the locker room studying plays, or in the library. He's the guy who's always laughing when you see him walking down the hallway, normally flanked by at least two of his teammates wherever he goes. However, you'll never see him out at a party unless he's been kidnapped by his team and forced to go (don't laugh, it's happened at least twice). Bryant is the responsible one of his friends so he's the one they call if a party gets out of hand and someone ends up drunk or in a fight. He's always there to handle it and keep them out of trouble.

Despite all of the girls that are constantly all over him, he's never been known to have a girlfriend. His teammates make fun of him all the time because while they sit there and boast about their conquest of the week, he just laughs along and shakes his head, never telling of his personal life.

When Bryant walks into a room, heads turn. He walks with an air of confidence, although in his mind he's anything but. His grades are almost top of his class, he's number one on the field, and he's not ignorant to the whispers, squeals, and advances the girls at school make, but he's still not sure of himself. His older brother, Austin, was Valedictorian, quarterback of the football team, captain of the baseball team, twice crowned prom king, and after high school was drafted as quarterback for Notre Dame. Feeling as though his brother is the reason for his popularity, Bryant can't be totally confident that it's genuinely his abilities that have gotten him to where he is.

His parents have always been massive football fans and are very invested in both of their sons' careers. Each morning at 5:00 A.M., Bryant goes on a run. When he gets back, his mother is up and has made him a breakfast that sticks to the strict diet she's put him on. The night before his games, his father is sitting in front of the TV, watching old game tapes, and pointing out what Bryant did wrong and needs to improve on, as well as what his strengths are out on the field.

After high school, Bryant wants to attend the University of Alabama and is hoping to be offered a full ride with a football scholarship. The college scouts will be checking out the varsity team games this year now that he's a senior and he knows he'll be watched closely as he is the great Austin Matthew's little brother.

< Q U I R K S & H A B I T S >
- Bryant is always muttering plays under his breath or thinking about how the team is going to defeat that week's rival. There's hardly a time when there's not football on his brain, and when that rare moment comes, it's normally because now he's thinking about school.

- He cracks his knuckles frequently when he gets nervous or anxious.

- He runs his fingers through his hair to tousle it a lot.

< L I K E S >
Running || Books || Football || His Family || Music || Laughing & Making People Laugh

< D I S L I K E S >
Pressure || Being Referred to as "Austin Matthew's Little Brother" || Peer Pressure || Science


< R O L E P L A Y E R >
The Littlest Mermaid

< H E X C O D E >

< F A C E C L A I M >
Alex Pettyfer

So begins...

Bryant Matthews's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews Character Portrait: Zayn McNamara Character Portrait: Callum Winters Character Portrait: Leonidas Clement Character Portrait: May Kang
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0.00 INK

#, as written by sappho

megumi saito
{megara | #948DD0 | attire}

The loud music from the house, spilled out from the front door and out on to the lawn, as several kids she knew filed in and out of the large country house. Meg was happy to finally get some escape from the school year, in the form of a good old fashioned party. It was only a couple months into her senior year, and the senioritis had really started to set in. Not to mention the thought of college truly scared her, all of her friends wouldn't stop talking about the universities that they applied to and how excited they were to finally 'move on'. Meg was no where near that point, and being honest with herself she didn't know if she'd figure it out either. She hadn't spent her high school career really searching for what she wanted to do, and rather met the quota. It had become rather tiring in dodging the constant questions about where she was going and what she wanted to do, she felt like her excuses would soon catch up to her. Her mother was adamant to talk about the subject anyway, Meg assumed her mother was ultimately avoiding the topic of money which they had none. Maybe she was just avoiding the fact that she couldn't pay for it.

"Meg! Hey! I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up there for a second" It was Grayson Saunders. Corner Back of the football team, and the grand host of the party. The corner of her mouth lifted slightly in a smile, "When have I ever missed a Saunder's party? Especially when there's the promise of Bacardi"
. Grayson grinned with a slight wink, "only for you Saito, save me a dance alright?" She just smirked at him, turning on her heel. "I'll think about it" She called over her shoulder as she made her way from the Saunder's large yard and followed the thumping music into the house.


leonidas clement
{the beast | #883E08 | attire}

Leo didn't frequent parties, actually he never went to parties to be more accurate. He hated parties. The loud music, drunk teenagers, and general lack of morals was enough to keep him away. He would even be here if it hadn't been for Tyler begging him to attend. Probably his one and only friend at the school, and someone he promptly never even would've talked to in his old life. Tyler was odd, unpopular, and a complete dork. However, he was the first to approach Leo when he moved schools, and showed him the first shred of kindness. Tyler also had the amazing ability just to put up with Leo's constantly moodiness. So when Tyler exclaimed that he had finally been invited to a party and begged Leo to come with him he couldn't say no. It just felt wrong.

He tapped his finger nervously against his thigh in an attempt to calm his nerves, which were going a mile a minute. He hadn't been to a party in, well never. He scanned through the mass of students in the house recognizing some of them, he doubted that the even knew who he was. "Hey I'm going to go get something to drink, do you want anything?" Tyler spoke up, his friend even more skittish and jumpy than normal. "I'm alright, thanks"
He wasn't too big on drinking. "Suit yourself, you have to loosen up sooner or later" Tyler shrugged disappearing through the crowd towards the kitchen. Leonidas scrunched his nose slightly, in distaste to the garish and rather uneducated music selection that flooded through the large speakers. He scanned the large living room, his eyes landing on a small couch in a surprisingly quiet corner. He hurried his way through the crowd to claim it, before some couple decided to go for it. It seemed like the only spot in this damn living room that he would somewhat feel comfortable.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews Character Portrait: Zayn McNamara Character Portrait: Callum Winters Character Portrait: Leonidas Clement
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0.00 INK

Bryant Matthews
{hercules | text code: #F39C12 | outfit: here}

As Bryant pulled up in front of Grayson's house he rolled his eyes and chuckled at the sight. The front door was wide open, practically spitting out high schoolers, most with red solo cups in their hands and a few were even puffing at cigarettes. "Typical Saunders," He huffed under his breath as he jumped out of his car and locked the door. The music was so loud the pavement was practically pounding beneath his feet. The neighbors must be out of town again, otherwise there's no way the cops wouldn't have already busted this up.

He couldn't believe he was here. The last time he'd been to one of Grayson's parties he'd had to sneak four plastered members of the football team up into his room and make up a story to his parents the next morning about how and why they arrived in the middle of the night. They had believed him right up until Hunter King, the kicker, had vomited the breakfast Bryant's parents had insisted on making them all across the breakfast table. After that, he vowed to never return to one of these parties until his buddy Zayn begged him to go. Zayn tended to be a bit hot-headed and Bryant was known to be the "mom" of the football team, always watching out for the other players, so perhaps that was what had sparked the invite.

Hey, dude. I'm walking in now. Bryant sent Zayn a text before he made his way past a couple that was making out against the porch railing.

The inside of the house was just as chaotic as the outside. There were cups already scattered over the tables and a couple of them had even rolled off onto the floor. A few people yelled his name when he walked past a makeshift beer pong table. He looked and saw that it was some of the football team so he grinned and nodded.

"Hey, Matthews! Get over here!" One of the voices from the table turned out to belong to Grayson, the party host. "You ready for that game this Friday?"

Bryant rolled his eyes, laughing. "I think the question is, are you ready? Or are you going to be too...uh, distracted?" The teen raised an eyebrow and nodded his head towards the girls who were leaning over the pong table in low cut crop tops and high waisted shorts. At his comment, the girls all looked up and grinned, pleased that the quarterback was looking at them. Each one tried to catch his eye, but he simply winked and turned his attention back on Grayson, waiting for his rebuttal.

"This is how I focus, baby." He smirked, smacking the girl nearest to him's ass. She didn't protest and instead turned around to hang on his shoulder, placing a one hand flat against his chest while the other held a cup. "Maybe you should try it sometime. Getting laid might help you relax a little." His eyebrows rose in a challenge before pressing the girl against him and whispering something provocative in her ear.

Used to this tease, he simply replied with another eye roll and waved him off, "I'm gonna go get a drink." He excused himself, before giving the boy a warning, "We have practice tomorrow. Don't come late, hungover, or wasted." His tone was playful but the seriousness that glinted in his eyes he was sure Grayson would pick up on. Then he waved, telling the others he'd see them around and turned his back on the table, off to the kitchen to grab the one drink he allowed himself to have at parties.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews Character Portrait: Zayn McNamara Character Portrait: Callum Winters Character Portrait: Leonidas Clement Character Portrait: May Kang
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0.00 INK

xxx{ gaston ; dialogue: #618989 ; outfit}

xxxso, i'm sorry to my unkown lover
xxxsorry that i can't believe
xxxthat i anybody ever really
xxxstarts to fall in love with me.

Ummmm im almost there gimme 2 secs pls. A typing of a phone's keyboard could be heard as a boy stopped his walking to respond to text messages he received. He hadn't meant to walk to the party, but his father and he got into an argument resulting in him being "grounded" from using the car. He'd roll his eyes, thankfully he didn't live too far from the Saunders' residence, and he could already hear the music blaring from the house. Sending a quick text to Bryant he'd laugh aloud. yeah almost there pretty boy, pops was bein a mass duche

Both Callum and Bryant knew of his issues with his dad, not necessarily being the star child reserving that for his brother. They just didn't see eye to eye. Reaching the house, he'd notice all of the other people running around red solo cups and the smell of weed entering his nostrils. The heavenly smell of the bud, he'd look around before seeing Callum awkwardly standing outside the house. Zayn's laughter would soon be heard by the other boy as he raised an eyebrow. Callum sure was an odd one, but no matter what Zayn would prefer to have him in his life. He doesn't seem to feel the sense of self-dread and hatred because he isn't "smart" like Zach. Shrugging off his worries, he'd place his arm over Callum's shoulder before laughing once more. "C'mon my friend, let us get wasted and forget the shackles of the agonizing life we live," he would pull Callum into the house before a cheery chorus of his name echoed through the house.

He'd wave towards Bryant before he'd remove his arm from Callum's shoulder before gesturing towards the table of drinks, where he would personally be visiting a lot tonight. It was a party, and Zayn almost never got hangovers. So he'd be fine. Snatching up a drink for himself he'd down it within a few seconds. Before he would scream aloud with a whooping noise, several people following after.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews Character Portrait: Zayn McNamara Character Portrait: Eleanore Da Cruz Character Portrait: Callum Winters Character Portrait: Evelyn Addington
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0.00 INK

Image Image
evelyn addington
elsa| #7BB2B1 | outfit
If it wasn't for her sister Evelyn wouldn't have been caught dead in a place like this. She was never the party type, too many sweaty bodies and hormones floating around for her to care for. However, when Adrienne decided to go since her current puppy-dog crush Henry was in attendance, she couldn't just let her sister go by herself. Much to Adrienne's liking.

"I'll just stay here alright? If you need me, or want to leave just send me a text - "
Adrienne just rolled her eyes, "Yeah, whatever" before dashing away from her sister into the house. Evelyn frowned, her relationship with her sister was only getting worse and it killed her on the inside. It seemed like everyone was just done with her lately, she felt her anxiety bubbling in her chest just thinking about it. Tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, she took a couple anxiety pills and sat back down on one of the patio chairs in the backyard. There were a few stray party goers in the backyard, but most were inside. She could practically feel the thumping of the bass coming from the walls.

Taking a deep breath she turned to her phone, and began to scroll aimlessly through social media, to distract herself and pass the time. She had completely forgotten about the lemonade she had packed in her purse and rummaged around for it, her face lighting up as she took a drink. She always brought her own to a party, you could never trust the alcohol there. Or at least, that's what she told herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews Character Portrait: Zayn McNamara Character Portrait: Callum Winters
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0.00 INK

#, as written by sappho

megumi saito
{megara | #948DD0 | attire}

Meg made her way into the house, pushing past all of the bodies of the party goers. At parties she normally floated around, it was her own loose terminology of trying a bit of everything and then moving on. However, first things first she needed a drink. She had been to Saunder's house before, and knew exactly the route to the kitchen. There were a few other people lingering, but she ignored them making her way to the counter. Just as he said, there was a bottle of Bacardi on the counter, a smile lighting up her face. She helped herself to a cup, taking a large sip with a content sigh. Nothing like a cup of alcohol to make you forget all of your problems.

Meg turned sharply, cup in hand and bumped into someone that had been entering the kitchen. "Shit!"
She muttered as the alcohol spilled a little on the ground and on her shorts. It had taken her a full work week to buy them. She turned, rather pissed to reprimand the person who had ruined her drink. It was none other than Bryant Matthews.

She was a little shocked, solely based on the fact that he never seemed like a party person. She had occasionally seen him at a few considering his teammates were always there, but he never did anything crazy. He was also the one boy that she had never truly flirted with, considering he seemed to stay far away from the female eye. She didn't get it. He was gorgeous, the star of the football team, and had the perfect family. Why wouldn't he indulge if he could have everything?

"You know Matthews, you'd think with all that coordination from football, you'd be able to avoid a small obstacle" Her tone was both sarcastic and teasing. She didn't think she'd ever had a real conversation with him before. Maybe just admired him from afar, but with how his friends were she didn't have any high hopes for his personality.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews Character Portrait: Zayn McNamara Character Portrait: Callum Winters
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0.00 INK

callum winters
{lefou; dialogue: #cc263c; outfit: here }

xxand i thought you'd feel the same as me
xxit's time that i come clean
xxbut for now can we just both pretend to sleep?
xxsometimes the one you want is not the one you need.

A familiar laugh reached Cal’s ears, and he looked up, already grinning despite himself. A little bit of the anxiety, the self consciousness shrank back as he saw his best friend. When Zayn slipped an arm around Callum’s shoulders, he had to fight to stop the blush that so wanted to colour his cheeks. And they went into the party like that. For a moment, he let himself wonder what it would be like if it wasn’t just a friendly gesture, if there was something more. What it would be like to lean in against Zayn, lean his head on his shoulder. And then Zayn’s name was called out in a cheer, and the arm disappeared from around Cal’s shoulder. The daydream ended abruptly, and the beer on the drinks table was suddenly looking much more appealing. But he was driving, and he had a feeling he’d end up driving Zayn home as well. So instead, he went in search of something non-alcoholic, slipping away and not even saying anything. Sure, he played football, but he wasn’t really part of the team. Not like Zayn was. And the night was going to be hard enough without having that rubbed in his face.

“Can I help you with something?” A voice asked as Cal started checking bottles in search of something that wasn’t laced with alcohol. He looked up to see a boy he recognized vaguely. He was in one, maybe two of Cal’s classes, but they never really spoke. Cal only really noticed him because of how attractive he was. Even now, he couldn’t quite make eye contact. “Oh, um, just looking for something.... not alcoholic. I’ve got to drive home,” he said by way of explanation. The boy, Luke, raised an eyebrow as he pulled a bottle of Coke from the back. “Pretty sensible of you. You’re in my AP chem class, right? I think I recognize you. The super smart, super cute, gay one. Callum, right?” Cal couldn’t stop the blush this time, and was rendered a little speechless.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews Character Portrait: Zayn McNamara
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0.00 INK

Bryant Matthews
{hercules | text code: #F39C12 | outfit: here}

yeah almost there pretty boy, pops was bein a mass duche.

Bryant's eyebrows furrowed with slight worry as he read Zayn's response, but he knew if it was anything serious, he'd hear all about it later. He was rounding the corner into the kitchen and typing out a quick reponse to Zayn letting him know he was headed to get a drink when he bumped into a small figure.

A little gasp told him it was a female whose cup he'd sloshed and that she wasn't happy. His green eyes caught hers and at once he realized who was standing annoyed in front of him. It was Meg, although Bryant was pretty sure that wasn't her full name. She was always a resident of these parties and constantly had a dance partner; or at least that's what he'd heard. They had actually never spoken before since usually the only reason he and her were in the same viscenity was when he was DD.

"You know Matthews, you'd think with all that coordination from football, you'd be able to avoid a small obstacle," Meg sneered, although Bryant wasn't sure if she was being flirtatious or was reprimanding him.

The left corner of his mouth twitched upwards to form a small smirk at the remark and he allowed his eyes to find the stain the liqour had created on her shorts. "Yeah well, on the field I don't have the distraction of cell phones," He chuckled, wagging his phone. "Uh, I'm sorry about your shorts." He nodded, eyeing the wet mark.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews
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0.00 INK

#, as written by sappho

megumi saito
{megara | #948DD0 | attire}

She watched his mouth draw up in a coy smirk, "Yeah well, on the field I don't have the distraction of cell phones," he waved his phone in the air. "Uh, I'm sorry about your shorts." Her eyes followed his to the stain on her right leg. "Me too, they've been through a lot" She sighed setting her cup down on the granite island in the kitchen. She was a little sad, and bit annoyed but what was she going to do about it?

"For your payment, I'm going to need you to get me a warm washcloth" She flicked her hand towards the drawer to the right of the sink. Although, she realized he probably already knew where they were. They were both familiar with Saunders. Her mother would kill her if she got to the wash and smelled alcohol on her shorts. She had to try and get the stain and strong alcoholic smell out of them before she went home.

She might as well start a conversation while they were at it, at least make things less awkward for her sake. Matthews was someone she tried to avoid, she wasn't really in on his whole 'celibacy' act. There had to be something more sinister between his interactions (or lack of) with girls, or at least that was the first conclusion her brain jumped to. "I'm surprised to see you in here anyway, aren't you always on designated driver duty? Or did you finally decided to fuck it and call an uber?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews Character Portrait: Zayn McNamara Character Portrait: Callum Winters
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0.00 INK

Bryant Matthews
{hercules | text code: #F39C12 | outfit: here}

Bryant nodded at her request. He felt like asking for a warm washcloth was a reasonable payment. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her wave towards the drawer the Saunders family kept their cloths in but he had already turned towards it, knowing exactly where they were.

While he was waiting for the water from the sink to reach a warm temperature, he heard Meg make another snide remark, her tone once again unreadable. "I'm surprised to see you in here anyway, aren't you always on designated driver duty? Or did you finally decided to fuck it and call an uber?"

This time, Bryant didn't chuckle. In fact, he was thankful he had his back to her because he felt his face heating up just a bit. Why was it that everyone thought it was so weird that he didn't like to be out all night drinking a liquid that made him unaware and no longer in control of his own actions? He liked being able to get up for his morning run without feeling regret from his previous actions the night before. There had been so many times one of his teammates had shown up to after school practices still hungover from the night before. If he wanted to continue improving with football and live up to his family's and coaches expectations, messing with his body by getting drunk was something he just couldn't afford.

After he was sure the flush was gone from his face, he glanced back at her, dipping the wash cloth under the now warm water. He wanted to say something along the lines of I'm surprised to see you alone, don't you normally have your tongue down someone's throat at this point in the evening? solely because the insinuation behind her remark had made him uncomfortable and a little mad, but he wasn't the type to be petty. Instead he simply replied,"One of my buddies actually asked, or rather begged, me to come. I guess I'm here for moral support rather than a sober ride home tonight." Bryant shrugged, walking back over to her and holding out the damp cloth, "But the night is still young so I guess you never know what could happen."

Not bothering to go into anymore detail about who his friend was, because it wasn't really any of her business, he remembered that he still hadn't seen Zayn. He swept his eyes around the rooms that he could see and found him. The baseball player was in a corner and looked like he was being reprimanded by that one kid he was always with. Cal, Bryant thought he remembered Zayn saying that name before. Zayn's figure was swaying where he was standing and he kind of looked like he was about to be sick but it looked like the other kid had it so Bryant, in the middle of his own mess with Meg, decided he would just keep an eye on him and intervene if it looked like he needed to. He brought his eyes back to the girl in front of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews
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0.00 INK

#, as written by sappho

megumi saito
{megara | #948DD0 | attire}

He was silent, and his back was turned away from her so he was unreadable. She couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious by it. She hated not knowing how someone was feeling in regards to her actions or her words, being blunt was something that she liked. She suddenly realized that not everyone enjoyed drinking and partying, like herself. It was more of a distraction than anything for her, she needed as much escape as she could get from her home life. Bryant was perfect, she was not. He probably saw her as some girl who made it her goal to get into the pants of every boy on the football team. Why did she care what he thought of her anyway?

He finally turned back around to face her, a damp washcloth in hand. "One of my buddies actually asked, or rather begged, me to come. I guess I'm here for moral support rather than a sober ride home tonight."
Oh. "But the night is still young so I guess you never know what could happen." Oh. She felt a little bad for immediately assuming the worst in him, as he seemed rather laid-back? Unassuming? She really wasn't used to any guy being like this. Most of them were super high strung and flirty whenever they talked to her.

"Thanks" Her voice came out rather small and quiet, she was a little tired from keeping up a front with Bryant when he wasn't responding the way most did. She grabbed the rag and began scrubbing at her shorts. "You know that's really nice of you-" She spoke quietly but refused to look him in the eyes out of embarrassment, instead focusing on the shorts, she never really complimented anyone. "Babysitting your friends while they're out having fun" She paused for a moment finally looking up at him. "But this isn't really your kind of 'fun' is it?" She couldn't believe he still came to these things to look after his friends, if he didn't even enjoy it. Or maybe he was just a good friend? A good guy? She still refused the idea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews
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0.00 INK

Bryant Matthews
{hercules | text code: #F39C12 | outfit: here}

Meg went to scrubbing her shorts before mumbling out what he thought was a small "Thanks", then she continued, eyes downcast, "You know that's really nice of you, babysitting your friends while they're out having fun." While she was talking and cleaning, he had turned around to fill up his cup from the keg, finally getting to his first and only drink of the night. When Bryant turned back, she was looking at him and spoke again, "But this isn't really your kind of 'fun' is it?"

That stopped him, cup half raised to his mouth, lips spread slightly. Honestly, no one really ever bothered to ask what his idea of fun was. His teammates all just made fun of him for not getting hammered with them or screwing every girl that looked his way in the school. He attributed the latter to jealousy for some of the guys, including Saunders, because Bryant knew he got the most attention out of any of the guys on the team. "Not really," He replied, bringing himself back to the current conversation and taking down a small swig of his beer.

What did he consider fun? The football player spent most of his time doing just that: playing football, studying football, training for football, etc. The only thing he did outside of football was study for school. It filled up his days, though, and he didn't mind the constant distraction from his family's continuous pressure. Thinking about it made Bryant's heart rate spike slightly, and he took another gulp, beginning to drink a lot faster than he normally did.

Clearing his throat, he set the cup on the counter and rubbed the back of his neck. "But it's yours?" It was a question, not an assumption, even though he was pretty sure he knew what her answer would be. He turned his back to the counter and leaned against it before taking his hair out of his beanie, tousling it slightly, and putting it back up. His swift intake of alcohol and a reminder of his familial pressure was making it feel as though someone had turned the AC off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews
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0.00 INK

#, as written by sappho

megumi saito
{megara | #948DD0 | attire}

Meg watched him freeze slightly at her question. She really didn't know why it had struck such a nerve, but then again she really didn't know a lot about Bryant himself. "Not really," She wasn't surprised at all by his answer, from what she had heard he really didn't seem like the party type. He seemed to freeze for a moment, as if he was thinking over something and took a few hurried sips of his drink. Did I say something? She thought to herself as he seemed visibly uncomfortable.

He seemed to collect himself and turned to her slightly "But it's yours?" Now it was her turn to contemplate. Her obvious answer to everyone else would've been "yes", but she almost felt embarrassed. Her cheeks flamed slightly, and she looked at the floor to avoid having to look him in the eyes. "I think it's fun" She said quietly, clutching the washcloth. It reminded her of something she always avoided, ignored. She knew she had built quite a reputation as an A+ party girl, and while on the outside it seemed true, partying was nothing more than a cheap distraction. "I also like to paint, read, and go to the Saturday drive-in, but nobody really cares about that shit anyway, do they?" Not only was she embarrassed but she was also a little angry. She didn't owe anyone an explanation for her habits, especially not Bryant.

She pushed off the island and tossed the washcloth in the sink, offering Bryant a curt smile. "Thanks for the party favor" She gestured to her shorts and dashed out of the kitchen, trying to get away from the Blonde Prince. She just wanted to go home. Normally by this time she would be out on the dance floor, but she just felt sick. She tried to push her way through the partygoers to the door when she felt hands wrap around her waist. "Hey hey, you can't - can't leave yet. I haven't gotten my dance" Saunders. She could smell the alcohol on his breath, he was clearly drunk. She pushed at his hands but his grip was like iron, "Saunders, get off of me-" She said trying to push him off of her. "Nuh-Uh, not yet pretty lady. I buy the alcohol, I get a dance" He tightened his grip, and she struggled against him, but he was much stronger than her. At this point Meg's breathing became panicky as the image of her father flashed before her eyes. She just froze in place as he tried to yank her back into the mosh pit of the party, and she was brought right back to being a scared little girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews
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Bryant Matthews
{hercules | text code: #F39C12 | outfit: here}

Bryant's eyes searched hers while he waited for her answer and he noticed a pink color beginning to stain her cheeks. She agreed that it was indeed her idea of fun and then spit a snarky sentence at him afterwards, "I also like to paint, read, and go to the Saturday drive-in, but nobody really cares about that shit anyway, do they?"

Immediately his eyebrows shot up and his eyes widened. He had definitely not meant to insult her and he didn't really think that's how he had sounded. Bryant opened his mouth up to defend himself but she threw the damp cloth in the sink, flashed him an ingenuine smile, and waved a hand at the mark on her shorts, forcing out, "Thanks for the party favor." Then she spun around and marched out of the room.

What had he said? A bewildered expression stained itself on his face as his eyes followed her across the room. She looked as though she was making a dash for the door and for a curious moment he wondered if he should go after her. The thought fleetingly left his mind as he didn't really understand why he would go running after her; after all, he hadn't said anything to offend her. Had he? Rolling his eyes in confusion, Bryant brought his cup back to his lips and downed the rest of its contents. He was considering breaking his "one drink" rule and filling himself up another cup, when his gaze flickered back up to the place he'd last seen Meg and a very disturbing scene met his eyes.

Saunders had wrapped his hands around Meg's waist and was saying something in her ear. It was something that made her face draw up in a scowl and she seemed like she was attempting to push him off of her. Either he didn't notice or he didn't care because the obviously intoxicated football player pulled her closer against him and looked as though he was trying to disappear into the crowd with her.

Without a second thought, Bryant pushed himself off the counter he was leaning against and strode across the house within a couple of strides. His presence made the dancing crowd part just enough that he could slip through without much difficulty. He only was able to pick up the last couple of Saunders' words as the boy wrapped his arms even tighter around Meg and she seemed to freeze under his touch, "...I buy the alcohol, I get a dance." But Meg didn't look as though she wanted to dance with him.

There were a couple ways Bryant could approach this situation. He could be loud and cause a scene so everyone could see him throw Saunders off of a girl and be seen as a hero, or he could handle it quietly and without turning any heads. He decided to go for the latter. "Saunders!" Bryant exclaimed, slapping a hand on his teammates shoulder. "Thanks for keeping my dance partner company while I went outside to get some fresh air." Bryant's eyes wandered down to where the other boy's grip on the girl's waist loosened only slightly. He turned disbelieving eyes on Bryant.

"You? Dance partner? With her?" Curiosity and suspicion danced across Saunders' raised eyebrows as he flickered his glance between Bryant and Meg. "You dance?"

Forcing out what he hoped was a believable chuckle, Bryant made sure his next sentence sounded slightly slurred with alcohol, "I do tonight." Then he held out his hand to Meg, his eyes pouring into hers, hoping she would pick up on his intention.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews
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#, as written by sappho

megumi saito
{megara | #948DD0 | attire}

"Saunders!" Bryant's sudden voice dragged her out of her mind and back into the present. "Thanks for keeping my dance partner company while I went outside to get some fresh air." Meg was shocked. At first a little confused, but as Saunder's grip on her loosened slightly she understood exactly what he was doing. "You dance?" Saunders was not buying it, rightfully so considering that Bryant had never really peaked interest in dancing with a girl before.

"I do tonight." He slurred his voice slightly, and her eyes looked at him in a mix of shock and disbelief. She had seen him drink barely one cup of alcohol so she knew this entire thing was an act. Was he really trying to help her? After she had stormed out on him? It took her a moment before she realized his hand was outstretched in her direction. She grabbed it, gratefully, and used Bryant to essentially pull herself out of Saunder's grasp. The momentum made her stumble directly into Bryant, so close that she could practically hug him. Normally she would've jumped back but, she refused to move away from him, in some odd twist of fate she actually felt safe being close to Bryant. Considering he had just rescued her from a potentially scary situation.

Saunders gave them both a double look before a silly grin plastered on his face and he winked at Bryant. "Alright bro, but keep a careful eye on that one, she's- a feisty one" and with that he stumbled off drunkenly into the crowd. Meg stood there frozen for a moment, trying to collect herself, realizing she was still holding on to his hand (in a death grip fashion). Her face flushed slightly from embarrassment and she let go taking a step back.

No one- no guy especially had ever gone out of their way to help her. She was a little shocked- mainly confused on how she was feeling. Normally with other guys Meg was flirty and fun, but she never really felt anything. Now her heart tugged in her chest differently, and it scared her. "Bryant... I- thank you... Thank you" Her voice got quieter near the end of her sentence as she genuinely meant the gratitude. She was at a slight loss of words, considering this had never happened to her before.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews
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Bryant Matthews
{hercules | text code: #F39C12 | outfit: here}

The weight he had felt on his shoulders lightened immensely as soon as Meg took his hand and pulled herself to him. He had a strange urge to pull her even closer but felt that out of any situation to start making moves on girls, this wasn't the best. As soon as Saunders had said let go, said his piece, and walked away she let go of his hand and took a stumbling step backwards.

"Bryant... I- thank you... Thank you" The seriousness of her tone compared to earlier told him that a sincere thank you probably wasn't easy or normal for her. The pink had returned to her cheeks and he couldn't help but let one corner of his mouth twerk upwards slightly.

Bryant brought his eyes to meet hers and shrugged, a playful smile dancing across his lips, "I told you the night was still young." He was used to coming to people's aid at parties, however it usually consisted of driving drunk teammates home and coming up with excuses for why they weren't in their own beds. Only a few times had he ever had to drag one of the boys off of a girl, and for some reason this felt very different than that. He opened his mouth to say something, thought better of it, and shut it again. Rubbing the back of his neck, he debated with himself on if he should take a step out of his comfort zone. In the end, he decided he would. He had another hour or so until he wanted to be back home and in bed. There was plenty of time for something crazy.

Knowing that Saunders had probably already spread the word about how the "virgin" Bryant Matthews supposedly had a dance partner, he felt as though every eye was on him as he opened his mouth and stuttered out, "I-Uh... We're already standing here... and plus I feel as though almost everyone is watching me now - you know I don't normally dance at parties - so I..uh.. Did you maybe want to - ya know - dance?" He half hoped she said yes and half hoped she said no. He had danced with other girls, of course, but it had always been them coming onto him whenever he would get dragged onto the dance floor by one of his idiot friends, and dancing wasn't really his forte. Clearing his throat, he leaned in so his lips were at her ear, just to make sure she could hear him over the music, "You can say no." Then he pulled back and nodded slightly at her, hoping to make it clear he had no expectations.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews
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#, as written by sappho

megumi saito
{megara | #948DD0 | attire}

She finally felt a little more at ease after Saunders had left, and Bryant's lazy - yet playful smile made her feel a little bit better about the situation. A little more at ease, however she was still tense. "I told you the night was still young." Meg truly wanted to let out a small little laugh at his comment, instead she settled for a well-known, and comfortable smirk. How easily he made her feel better with his words had her feeling a little strange and definitely out of her comfort zone, but did she really care? She was starting to see the real Bryant Matthews, and it was a little unexpected, and definitely not what she had imagined. For one, he was a complete and subtly awkward dork, but oddly she found it rather cute.

She really hadn't expected what followed. "I-Uh... We're already standing here... and plus I feel as though almost everyone is watching me now - you know I don't normally dance at parties - so I..uh.. Did you maybe want to - ya know - dance?" Her lips parted slightly, as in a half attempt of making a shocked 'o' shape with her mouth. The Bryant Matthews, aka never had an interest in girls in his life, and especially never danced had just asked her to? Out of every possible girl in the room. Her.

He seemed just about as uncomfortable and nervous as she did, stumbling and stuttering over his words. The whole show made her smile just a bit, because she could tell he had never done this before, and he seemed so innocent. He suddenly leaned down before she could respond whispering in her ear, "You can say no." She wasn't ready for him to be so close to her, flushing slightly as it caught her off guard. Still she could tell how unsure and nervous he was, and even though she still felt a bit awkward herself the shift of power made her feel a little more at ease. He was stepping out of his comfort zone and therefore she was stepping back in. Dancing was something she loved to do, and she did it shamelessly without a doubt of who was watching. But with Bryant? Someone who made her feel different in a way that scared her. Did she really want to dive in even more? But she reminded herself.

She was at a party. The one place she allowed herself to let go. Of course this was a little different, but was it really?

She looked down at the ground for a second, almost mentally reminding herself that she was Meg, not some silly little school girl. When she met his gaze again, she had a rather playful smirk on her face. "Turn down the opportunity to be the first girl you ever dance with? How could I possibly say no to that?" It was then that she started to pay more attention to the thumping bass of the music than anything else. She took a step closer to him, for the first time noticing the little golden flecks amongst the green within his eyes. Seeing as how Bryant had probably never danced with anyone in his life she didn't want to make him uncomfortable, so she started off by simply swaying and moving her body to the beat, nothing overly sensual, but just to see if he could follow a rhythm. Meg would never classify herself as an 'expert' at dancing but she simply knew how to let herself go, and have fun. Now that she felt more comfortable, she grinned at him a small laugh escaping her lips, "You just have to let yourself go!" She made sure to speak rather loudly so he could hear her over the music.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews
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Bryant Matthews
{hercules | text code: #F39C12 | outfit: here}
Meg turned her face from him and looked down, flooding him with a mix of relief and dread. The relief he understood because what he had just suggested was absolutely ludicrous. He didn't know how to dance! Especially knowing that the school was watching. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that three of the couples nearby had slowed down their matched rhythm to look and listen. On top of that, the moment he had asked if she would like to dance, he had head a sharp intake of breath and several whispered, "What?" and "Did Matthews just ask her to dance?" and one that especially made him mentally roll his eyes "Why did he ask her and not me?!" He stretched and unstretched his fingers, trying to get some bloodflow back into his hands as they had gone cold as the seconds ticked by.

It felt like five minutes before she looked back up at him, a coy smile that eased his nerves slightly danced on her lips, "Turn down the opportunity to be the first girl you ever dance with? How could I possibly say no to that?" A loud laugh escaped his mouth before he could stop it and it was only stifled when she put her body on his and began to sway.

He put his hands on her hips as the girls his teammates had forced on him several times before had taught him to do, and began to follow her lead. Bryant picked up on the rhythm fairly quickly, surprising even himself. Maybe she was just easy to dance with. Even though he was following along well, he felt the color rising in his face as his blush deepened. This was just such a different experience for him and he couldn't shake the knowledge that people were watching. The thought made his movements stiff and he wasn't sure how to become more fluid with the music.

He was wishing he had gone for that second drink earlier, perhaps that would have helped. If he was being completely honest with himself, though, he probably would have taken one of those pills the football players were always passing around if it would have helped him relax. He had always denied them at other parties, but the heat in his face had spread to his entire body and he would do almost anything to get rid of the feeling of nervousness that was poking his gut.

Bryant's discomfort caused him to instinctually grip Meg's waist tighter but he hadn't noticed. He was holding on, trying not to drown in the sea of people who were moving up against one another so packed together that it pushed him closer still to Meg. He could smell her perfume and it filled his nose, chipped away a spot of nerves and cause the warmth he was feeling to cool down slightly. Keeping his eyes and thoughts on her only to try and block out everyone else, he studied her movements. The way her hips swayed, the way there was a small gap between the waist of her shorts and her skin as she moved back and forth against him, the way her hair kept tickling the lower half of his face. He smiled slightly.

So consumed with his thoughts, he almost didn't hear when she told him "You just have to let yourself go!"

Well. That was a lot easier said than done.

Digging through his brain, he was trying to remember what his teammates had done all those times he'd watched them drunkenly dance with girls. Most of the images he saw he quickly shook away as he wasn't exactly wanting to send the message he expected in her pants. Instead, he went for the more subtle movements. He slid one hand around her waist, holding her to him with enough strength that they were completely touching, but loose enough that she wouldn't feel trapped. With the other, he slid his hand down the side of her thigh and stopped just below where her shorts were cuffed, splaying his fingers out so she could grab hold if she wanted.

He had been focusing so much on those movements, he had forgotten to keep with the rhythm she was making. The song had changed and so had the tempo she was swaying to and he had become completely lost. The heat returned to his face, embarrassed that he probably felt like a lost little boy behind her. The arm that was around her waist tightene a bit more so his mouth was at her ear, he muttered a shy, "Sorry.." before loosening his grip a bit again and doing his best to pick up on the new rhythm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews
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#, as written by sappho

megumi saito
{megara | #948DD0 | attire}

Meg smiled as he began to loosen up and follow her movements, his face a little red (from embarrassment?) she couldn't guess. However, Meg was finally close enough to him to finally admire the boy. She understood why a good portion of the girls at the party where jealous of her. Bryant was without a doubt the most handsome boy at her school. Golden blonde hair, a strong jaw, and the softest green eyes. Meg just never gave herself the chance to even think about him like that because of who he was. The quarterback, the sweetheart, the good guy. And yet, here he was dancing with her.

He placed his hands on her waist, brushing against the exposed skin at her waist which made her bite the inside of her cheek slightly. She was never this nervous dancing with guys, but something about Bryant made her so. She could tell he was equally as nervous, his eyes occasionally searching the crowd, probably wondering what everyone else was thinking of him in that moment.

She noticed however that after a minute or so he began to loosen up, a small smile lit up his face which she returned. They began to move more fluidly together, Meg realizing of how much more intimate this felt than it had with anyone else. Every accidental brush of his hand against the bare skin of her stomach, made her face heat up while if she was dancing with any other boy it would’ve been nothing. At the same time as the nerves however, she was feeling just as bold as she normally was if not more.

As his hands gripped her waist tighter she slid her hands up his chest to around his neck, dipping his face ever so close to hers. Unfortunately the moment was ruined, as the song changed entirely and he fell off beat his face flushing a rosy hue. She could tell he was a little embarrassed but Meg was so lost in just simply being so close to him to even notice. He leaned down to her ear muttering a soft, “sorry” his breath tickling her neck. When he pulled away, she smiled at him and shook her head slightly, “don’t apologize. For a guy who claims to not know how to dance, you’re doing quite well. I’d say you’re a natural”. She cocked her head slightly, her hands slipping from his neck down to his shoulders where she squeezed them lightly. “You’re so tense, Bryant, you know I-“ She stopped mid sentence, figuring talking over the music wasn’t worth it. She dropped her arms from around his shoulders and took his hand with a light tug in the direction of the kitchen. “Come on” she called over the sound of the music and pulled him past the bodies of other dancers into the kitchen, which fortunately was now empty.

She let go of his hand and rummaged around in her pocket pulling out a small little pill capsule. “Here, take one of these. It’s nothing to crazy-“, she knew he probably had never taken anything not prescribed in his life, “but just something to help you relax”. She removed two of the small white, circular pills from the capsule and placed one in his palm. She walked over to the sink and took one herself (for good measure) and grabbed a small cup of water, which she held out to him. The corner of her twitched up in a small smirk at his appearance. His hair was tousled and his face was flushed, “you know, I don’t ever think I’ve seen you look so disheveled in your life... I kind of like it” her tone was lighthearted and flirty. The pill must’ve already begun to make her more relaxed, or maybe Bryant had begun to make her so nervous that it just spilled out of her mouth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews
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0.00 INK

Bryant Matthews
{hercules | text code: #F39C12 | outfit: here}
Bryant's breath hitched when her hands grazed his chest and he methodically closed his eyes, absorbing every ounce of the physical touch. True, most of the girls at school drooled over him, but he had hardly even danced with any of them let alone been with one. He had fooled around with one or two people when he'd first been noticed by the girls at school, but it had been two years since the last time someone had touched him with such sensuality and it was dizzying. As she looped her arms around his neck, his lips parted and a small sigh escaped as he opened his eyes and found his face was almost level with hers.

That's when the song had changed and he had fallen off rhythm.

After apologizing, he was relieved when she responded, “Don’t apologize. For a guy who claims to not know how to dance, you’re doing quite well. I’d say you’re a natural." The heat returned to his face and deepened further when she squeezed his shoulders, “You’re so tense, Bryant, you know I-“ She grabbed his hand and gave it a soft tug, he followed her right into the kitchen.

Bryant was glad to be away from the crowded dance floor, even if it was just for a moment. All of the bodies together had made it quite warm and he could feel sweat beginning to drip down the back of his neck from underneath his beanie. He removed the hat and stuffed it in his back pocket before running his fingers through his hair, trying to get the sweat soaked hair off his forehead.

Meg had begun to rummage around in her pocket, retrieving what looked like a pill capsule. His nerves spiked and he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, eyes wide and looking at the two pills she dropped into her hands. “Here, take one of these. It’s nothing to crazy but just something to help you relax.“ She put one in the hand he had subconsciously held out and without another thought, walked to the sink and took hers.

Merely a few seconds later, her eyes had found his still bewildered ones and smirked, “You know, I don’t ever think I’ve seen you look so disheveled in your life... I kind of like it.” Bryant's lips formed a small smile while one of his eyebrows shot upwards. That pill works fast.

Bryant eyed the little white circle that was still sitting in his palm. He absolutely one-hundred percent should not take this pill. So, why did he want to? It could hinder his body in some way during tomorrow's practice which could mess up his game on Friday. He wouldn't be able to get up in time for his run if this pill left him with some sort of hangover. But, a beautiful girl wanted him to take one because she wanted him to loosen up. He always did what he should. Maybe it was time for him to go a little crazy. Just for one night.

He sighed loudly before raising his eyes to meet hers once more, "Fuck it. But I need another drink, first. Reaching over to the counter where all of the liqour bottles stood, he grabbed the first one that his fingers touched. It was Bacardi. He removed the lid, put the bottle to his lips, and took a giant swig. His insides were once again warm from the alcohol and he felt the confidence he needed to pop the pill in his mouth, and chase it with rum.

After a few moments, Bryant's head was swimming and he felt so at peace, he was itching to get back out onto the dance floor. The music coming from the other room almost sounded as though he was hearing it with cotton balls. The sound was muffled but the beat was smooth. His eyes darted around the room, noticing how everything was brighter. It seemed as though most of his senses had been hightened. And that wasn't the only thing that had increased. When his gaze landed on Meg, he unawaredly let them drip ever so slowly down her body, noticing the skin that peered between where her shirt lay and where her shorts began. A strange feeling started in the bottom of his stomach and traveled south down his legs.

Another person drunkenly crashing into the kitchen ripped him out of his stupor and he looked Meg in the eyes, shaking his head and vaguely feeling that if he hadn't taken that pill, the heat that was flooding his face would feel much hotter than it currently did. "What did you give me?" He questioned, putting one arm on the counter in front of him so that Meg's back was against the counter and he was about a foot away from her. "I feel...good." Setting his other arm on the counter so that she was now boxed in by his arms, he smiled and leaned closer to her, his breath quickening slightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megumi Saito Character Portrait: Bryant Matthews
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0.00 INK

#, as written by sappho

megumi saito
{megara | #948DD0 | attire}
Meg watched him stare at the pill and then glance back up to her, as if contemplating whether or not he should take the pill. “Fuck it. But I need another drink, first”. Meg couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on her lips, she was glad that Bryant was finally branching out from ‘the boy next door’ and trying something new. She watched him take a drink of coincidentally her favorite, Bacardi, and popped the pill in his mouth.

She watched him for a moment, the damn thing always set in quite fast, it’s why she liked it so much. His shoulders seemed to relax and his green eyes became even brighter than normal. His eyes then shifted to her, and her cheeks flamed as his eyes dipped below hers to give her a thorough look up and down. What had she done? Or more importantly, how had she done it? Bryant not only had just danced with her, but now he had willingly taken a euphoriant without really any shadow of doubt. Her of all people. That odd feeling in her stomach came back as she stared at him through her lashes. She suddenly felt the need to be closer to him, just to tangle her fingers in his blonde hair and pull him into a -

Another partygoer stumbled into the kitchen in a drunken stupor, and she nearly jumped from how quickly it pulled her from her thoughts. However as quickly as they stumbled into the kitchen they stumbled right back out into the party. Meg let out a small sigh and turned back to Bryant, just as he placed a hand on the counter to her left, stepping in closer to her. ”What did you give me?” A lazy smile appeared on her face, it was probably best for him if he didn’t know. "I feel...good." He placed his arm on the other side of her, trapping her against the counter, leaning dangerously close to her face. His close proximity gave her butterflies, and she locked eyes with him. ”Is that so?” She whispered, her eyes flicking from his green ones down to his lips. She hesitated for a small moment, unsure of how he would react, but eventually the drug kicked in and she pushed off the counter and pressed her lips against his in a kiss. She noted his lips tasted faintly of the Bacardi he had just taken a sip of, which made it all the more enticing. She placed her hands on his chest, bunching his shirt slightly with her fists, tugging him closer to her and deeper into the kiss.

After a moment a voice spoke rather obnoxiously from the kitchen. ”Fucking hell you two” Saunders stumbled into the kitchen and Meg instantly pulled away from Bryant, her face red as a tomato. ”Get a room”. With that he snatched a bottle of fireball from the counter, ands stumbled out the door. More than anything she was annoyed that Saunders had ruined a part of her night yet again. She let out a small sigh, and turned back to Bryant her face a mask of emotions. Meg gripped his arm slightly so she could balance herself as she whispered into his ear. ”If you’re tired of getting… rudely interrupted, we can go back to my place. My mom’s working an overnight shift… if you want” With that she pulled back slightly not before placing a faint kiss on his jaw right below his ear.