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Annette Daniels

"Better to be alone than in bad company, friend. Betra er einn ad vera, en illan stallbrodur hafa."

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a character in “A Curse or a Gift?”, as played by CandyOrchird




FC: Hera Hilmar

Image"Annette Ista Daniels. That's what my parents named me. Annette - Ah-nett."

Image"Anna, Anne, Ista... But, please, don't call me anything else."

Image "I'm 16 now, thank you very much."

Image "I'm a student. At some college or another. Honestly, I don't pay attention anymore... They let me graduate high school early so I could go on and do stuff. Because I'm so totally prepared to give back to my community."

Image "One of my friends owned a horse. I say owned, because I snuck out one time at her house, shape-shifted into another horse...and, well, let's say that was one of my times that I wasn't particularly focused on what I was doing. So, she owned a horse, and I loved to ride it. I also love to run as a horse - majestic or not, they're fast.

I like reading. I like music. I like all that kind of stuff that a nerdy teenager should. What else can I tell you? I'm actually kinda normal, you know, behind this whole schizophrenic-shape shifting-multi personality craziness."

Image "I've been 'gifted' with the powers to shape-shift. Mind you, it's not all that great. It doesn't always go how you want it to go - a lot of times, when you need it most, you'll transform into something like a frog when you're trying for an elephant, or if you want to get an elephant, it'll have one leg.

Seriously, that's happened. Especially when I'm not focused.

And don't ask about that horse incident."

Image "I don't really talk about it. You know, it really was kinda normal. I know we're not - and everyone else has some other scarred past - but I'm not really like...I guess I don't think about it much.

I mean, I had friends, I've had just about everything I ever needed... I even got my own room for the longest time. It was cool. I mean, it is kinda hard to share a room with someone who might just shape-shift into a cheetah and claw your face off. I think that's why my door was almost always locked in the morning.

It's been a quiet life for me. I don't really speak to people - well, not the people that everyone can see. I speak to everyone who no one else can see, because they keep my secrets. Sure, if you ask one of my other personalities, they'll tell you something different - but who would you really trust?

Anyways, I'm not sure what you want me to tell you. There really wasn't anything too fun, except for the horse incident. I don't have much to share with you. I take my own road, and while I'm trying to learn different languages, that's about the most exciting thing I can offer you. I've just been trying to live quiet since our parents died."

Image "I see people. Like, my own people - I can see Esther right now. She's laughing. I've had multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia since a young age, so I've been told, and it's never really bothered me. I've gotten used to it."

Image "I don't know what you want to hear from me. I'm normal. Normal. As in, I can't help you anymore."

So begins...

Annette Daniels's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillya Daniels Character Portrait: Annette Daniels Character Portrait: Chris Daniels Character Portrait: Camilla Daniels Character Portrait: Amber Daniels
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It was raining outside. Chris was in the car, in the back seat, and it was dark outside. Chris could have walked, but they had come to pick him up. His parents had come for him. And as they were driving home, that is when it happened. Someone shot them both in the head as they were driving. The car swerved off the road, and into the woods before hitting the tree. Chris climbed out of the car, and ran. Ran into the woods, and all the way home.

He woke up, shivering. It had just been a nightmare. A nightmare he never told anyone about. The story was, they were driving home alone. No one ever knew he was there, and Chris never told anyone. He felt to ashamed, too guilty he could not do anything. That he did not see anything. So he kept it a secret.

He needed something to distract him. He let his roommate sleep, and went to the basement. He had his own setup down there. He liked to experiment, it helped keep his mind busy. That, and his photography. But otherwise, Chris still tried to act normal. Or at least, normalish. They may have lost their parents, but has seen his entire family drift away. The only one who still acted relatively normal in his opinion was Amber. He used to have to worry about waking up with whipped cream on his face or something. Not recently, though. And oddly enough, he sort of missed it.

As he was looking through his projects, and orb of light suddenly sprung out of a can. It began bouncing and flying all throughout the house, making noise and being relatively annoying. He ran back up stairs, only for it to hit him right in the head before going off and annoying other people.

Somehow, he needed to catch that thing before it was time for school. "Everyone, watch out!" he yelled. "We need to catch this thing!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillya Daniels Character Portrait: Annette Daniels Character Portrait: Chris Daniels Character Portrait: Camilla Daniels Character Portrait: Amber Daniels
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Close your eyes, my dear, drift off to sleep... Annette could hear the voice of her mother, whispering to her that she needed to sleep. She had just had another nightmare, that Esther had died, and she was alone. Whenever she dreamed that she had lost her best friend she always found it to be one of the most discomforting things she could dream of.

Esther had left her for the last time, and she was left with all of her other friends, the ones that never loved her as well as her family did. She could never let herself be stuck with them. She cried at the thought of losing Esther when she slept.

Sleep... Everything will be fine...

"Everyone, watch out! We need to catch this thing!"

Annette threw a pillow over her head, yawning. She didn't know what Chris was speaking about, and she didn't want to deal with trying to figure out whatever they needed to catch. But, just as she was about to drift off to sleep, the pillow was no longer on her head, and there was a bright orb flitting through her room.

"Can you not do something right for once?" she yawned, crawling out of her bed. Thinking about the way her limbs seemed to slink along, she transformed into a cheetah, flicking her tail. Annette yawned once more, and curled up on the floor, before remembering that they had to catch whatever it was that was floating around the house.

"You all better catch this... waking me up so early..."

"Annette, you honestly don't think they did it on purpose, do you?" Esther was walking alongside her, and suddenly leaned over to scratch her ears. Annette struck at her with her paw, and suddenly transformed into a two legged cheetah.

She growled, and shifted back into a human, stretching her back. "I swear, Esther, if you don't leave me alone..."