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Harriet Smith

"Just relax, sit back, and try not to punch people in the face."

0 · 527 views · located in New York City

a character in “A God No More”, originally authored by ladygeekiness, as played by RolePlayGateway


☩ Basics ☩
Age: 20

Gender: Female, duh.

Sexual orientations: Heterosexual, but almost Pansexual to be honest.

☩ Delving Deeper ☩
Harriet is a very laid back person who rarely cares, and people who know her know that if she starts worrying, something is REALLY wrong. She does get frustrated with other people sometimes as they can be so annoying and slow. Not in the physical sense, Harriet understands slow in the physical way, as she often can't be bothered to run unless she needs to. She can pack a good punch despite her well cleaned hands, so if ever in a fight with her, guard your face. She prefers to stay in one spot, whether it be sitting in a field, or staying in a city or country, which is a shame because her family travels a lot. Harriet is often philosophical or wise, and likes to sit and think, maybe while listening to music or maybe even playing music on her flute or piano.

Harriet Rose Smith was born as a triplet, with two brothers. Her parents were a gardener and a musician, so she grew up with an appreciation for nature and music. But despite getting along with everyone in her family well, she was the polar opposite of everyone in her family. Even as a toddler she stayed quiet and would sit by herself drawing or reading once she was old enough, or playing her flute once she learnt to play it. Her siblings were the opposite, always running around and exploring, never sitting still, so her parents were confused as to why she sat still, and later on became confused because they just didn't understand their daughter. Her mother despised winter, as it killed a lot of plants, and nothing could grow in it, whilst Harriet loved winter and it's white, delicate scenery. She also saw the other plants that grew in winter, and how without winter, there would be no spring.

Her father was more like her, but still could never fathom her. They both loved music, and just sitting down and being quiet rather than bustling around allImage the time. But her father was still busy often, meeting up with friends and other musicians, making a lot of noise. That was their main difference, the fact that her father made lots of noise and she stayed quiet. However, her family loved her for who she was, and accepted her. Harriet's family traveled a lot, and left for a new place every school holiday, which Harriet despised. A fond memory of their travels was when they went to New Zealand when she was 11. She was sitting alone reading a book whilst her family went hiking, when a boy walked pass their caravan, stopped and made fun of her for reading. Harriet stood up slowly and walked over to the boy, who continued to laugh. She then punched him hard in the face and knocked him out. And so, Harriet discovered her inner lion of sorts.

When Harriet was 18, she and her brothers decided to leave home and go their own path. Her brothers decided to travel the world together for a few years, then settle down in Australia. But Harriet wanted to see New York's outer suburbs, where there was less noise, but she could still see the Big Apple. So she packed her flute, kissed her family goodbye, and moved to New York. After renting a room with an elderly Ms. Jones, she looked for a job, and had a vague idea of what she wanted to do, but if a job came up that paid well and she was qualified for, she would take it. But, she had the thought that being a music reviewer for a newspaper would be good. So she went to the New York times and applied for a job as a music and stage reviewer, and it paid well due to New York's buzz of musical activity. But her room she was letting out was costing a fair bit, so she got a modelling job alongside the reviewing. Eventually, Harriet had enough money to buy a nice sized apartment on the edge of New York city, and it's where she lives now. She still visits Ms. Jones though, she makes killer cookies.

Likes: Snow||Music||Sitting Still||Flowers||Reading||Classical Music||Art||Silence||New York||Ms. Jones, her old landlady||Cookies||Stage Performances

Dislikes: Loud Noises||Running||Bad Plots||Metal Music||Cruelty||Hot Days||Sour Things||Bullies||Travelling||Self Absorbed People||Stupid People||Nettles

Secrets: Harriet has a minor heart problem. It's VERY minor, but it terrifies her, and it's why she doesn't like running too much, in case her heart pops from beating too fast.

Fears: Her Heart Stopping||Having No Friends or Loved Ones||Overheating

☩ Relationships ☩
Crush: Harriet doesn't have one, and doesn't expect to have one soon.

ImageBoyfriend/Girlfriend: None, and Harriet doesn't see commitment as something that will happen, but it would be nice to have someone.

Other Affiliates: Harriet has nonidentical brothers, but does't see them very often as they travel around the world together. Harriet could never understand them or why they would want to travel so much. Harriet is also distant friends with Nike Rhodes, millionare sports star. She's met her at different conventions she's had to review the music for, and she sees her occasionally due to that, but doesn't meet her close up other than then.

☩ The Outside ☩
Height: 5 ft 6"

Build: Petite and graceful

Looks: Harriet has wavy blonde shoulder length hair that is almost white, and she sometimes curls it with a curling iron. She has grey eyes with a hint of blue, and lush pink lips. Her skin is pale and fits her petite form nicely. Her round face and graceful neck seem to flow into her shoulders, which flow into her arms that end in delicate musician's fingers, giving her an air of grace and flow, like water. She often wears cardigans and jeans, geeky tops, and just whatever is in her wardrobe that fits and looks nice. Her wardrobe has an overall warm feeling, like a night by the fireplace in winter. she's what people would call a quiet beauty.

Distinguishing Features: Harriet and her brothers all have the same birthmark on their left shoulder in the shape of a sort of rose. Because Harriet was the only girl, she got Rose as her middle name due to this fact. Harriet's fingers are what people call pianist fingers, long and graceful. It's an attractive feature. Harriet also has a tattoo on her wrist of a treble clef and a flower that she designed herself.

☩ Other ☩
Other: Harriet has a great singing voice, and can play most instruments roughly, but can play flute and piano especially well. She also has a degree in art and music.

So begins...

Harriet Smith's Story


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Harriet Rose Smith
Harriet woke up, her icy blue eyes snapping open as her phone made a loud flute noise. She sat up, and realised she'd fallen asleep in her reading chair by the window. She looked down at her book, and sighed. She had almost finished it now, and she could barely remember what happened in the chapters she'd read. The only down side to falling asleep with a book. She put in her bookmark, and gently slid the hard covered book onto it's shelf. She looked at her iPhone, and picked it up. She unlocked it and checked her new message. It was from her boss. "Don't forget that party tonight! A new DJ's there, and we need to review it quick sharp!" Harriet groaned, remembering the club and the party, and the work. She looked at a clock on the wall, and saw it was late in the afternoon. She figured she'd best pick out an outfit. She walked to her room, her bare feet making no nosie on the carpet. She smiled blissfully at the quiet in the house, then grimaced at the thought of all the noise at the club.

Stepping into her bedroom, Harriet looked around, glad to see everything was in it's place. She stepped over to her wardrobe, and opened the doors, and looking for something nice to wear. Her wardrobe was mainly white, but that was fine, as the club's lights would make her seem more colorful than she actually was. She stroked her chin as she thought, and saw a perfect outfit practically shouting at her. She was glad clothes couldn't shout really, or every time her wardrobe opened it would scream. She picked out a white lacy dress, white leggings, and light blue shoes, with a silver sequined clutch purse. She laid it out on the large bed, and observed it, making sure she liked it. Holding up the dress to her body, and her round face formed a cute grin. She put the outfit on, and did a little twirl in front of her mirror, raising her hands above her head. Satisfied, Harriet put her money and phone in her purse, and smiled, happy with her choices. She needed to pass the time however, so she decided to practice on her flute. Picking up her case, she walked back to her plush armchair by the window, and assembled the graceful instrument. She sat down, crossing her feet over each other, looing graceful although no one was around. She turned to the window, and started to play.
