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A Journey Into Magic

The Universe


a part of A Journey Into Magic, by FallenWings.

The universe, full of magic, mystery, and adventure.

FallenWings holds sovereignty over The Universe, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

472 readers have been here.


The universe. The birthplace of life.
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The Universe

The universe, full of magic, mystery, and adventure.


The Universe is a part of A Journey Into Magic.

4 Characters Here

Nagi Nobuhiro [2] "if the world is a scale then balancing it is my goal"
Roman [2] The well has seemed to run dry now...
Takashi [2] "Fight fire with fire!"
Layla Mukaru [0] "I-I'm a candidate to be a... Guardian!?"

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Character Portrait: Takashi
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Takashi was anxious. Today was the Academy Graduation Exam Day. Depending on how high someone scored, they would become this centuries Guardians. Takashi thought hard about all the opportunities he had if he became a Guardian. People would look up to him. Warriors from all over the universe would bow to him in respect. He would get tons of ladies. But then, he knew this all came with a price. Takashi would have to be the most powerful fire mage in the world. Takashi groaned. He knew it would be nearly impossible to become the Fire Guardian.
A lady with a silky red flaming dress strutted in. This was Professor Cirri. She despised Takashi, after a little incident when he was playing with fire. She snapped in Takashi's face. "Concentrate!" she spat. "Maybe I could if you weren't screaming in my face.." mumbled Takashi under his breath. "What did you say?" Questioned Cirri, with a sour look in her eyes. "Nothing.." stuttered Takashi. Cirri flared fireballs in her palms. "Listen Squirt, if you keep the back-talking up, ill send you to detention, and you'll never even get the chance to participate to be a-"An older, more 'cheerful' lady walked in. "Cirri, step back, the trials are about to begin." The lady scowled. This lady was Madame Fionila. She was the Headmaster's husband, Headmaster Huntre Don, or otherwise known as Huneton. Fionila raised up a platform next to each participant. Takashi wanted to back out.. but he knew he couldn't. He had to at least try. On the platform was an arrow, a throwing knife, and a spear. A bow lie next to the arrow. Takashi picked up the bow. Targets rose 20 feet away from each participant.
"Round 1, Sector 1, shoot the arrow in the center of the target. The 75 closest of the 100 of you get to move on, while the other 25 fail." Announced Fionilla. Takashi raised his bow, and pulled back the arrow. He then released. Takashi stared at the target. He didn't get the bullseye. Takashi held his breath as he saw Fionilla plucking the failers out of the line. He held his breath as Fionilla passed him. She didn't take him out! Takashi felt relieved. "Round 2, Sector 2, throw the knive in the center of the target, the 50 closet of the 75 get to move on." After Takashi threw his, he still wasn't plucked. Eventually, he reached the finals.
"Round 5, Sector 5, duel the selected partner I give you. The winners move down the bracket. The top of the bracket... will become the next Fire Guardian!!!" chimed Fionilla. After reaching far to the top, Takashi had to fight one more competitor. If he won, he was the Fire Guardian. Takashi drew out his two fire katanas. "Let the battle begin!" screamed Fionilla in excitement. Takashi summoned a flaming twister. He then created a thick wall of smoke, preventing the enemy from seeing Takashi strike.
The enemy was a grand rival of Takashi, Phiniiti Luarice. Phin illuminated a large 24x24 area of space around him. He spotted Takashi dashing toward him. Phin summoned a fire shield. It deflected Takashi's slash. Takashi shot a scolding fire beam at Phin. Phin shot one too. The beams collided as a wave of smoke erupted the arena. Takashi dove through and slashed Phin's shoulder. Phin fell back in pain. Phin summoned a volcano. It flooded the arena in lava. Takashi was slowed down by the rushing currents of the lava. It was kind of like a normal mortal in a rapid river, but instead Takashi in a lava rapid river. Takashi was about to drown. he knew it was over. Right when he was about the surrender, he thought to himself. He didn't want to give up. "FINAL PHOENIX!" shouted Takashi. Takashi bursted up, partly a Phoenix ( A fire bird). He tackled Phin. Phin mummbled, "I give up." Takashi couldn't believe those words. Takashi.. was now the Fire Guardian? The arena drained out. Millions of cheers filled the arena. Takashi proudly walked up to the stage at the auditorium. "I am now the Fire Guardian, and I will look over you!" he shouted in glee.


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Character Portrait: Nagi Nobuhiro
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#, as written by Outlaw
Nagi was stood in line it was finally here the day he had been waiting for. After today nagi would be free he could go about doing what ever he wanted to do because after today there would be a new earth guardian. Nagi had never wanted to be at the academy in the first place he had be sent here after some incident he couldn't remember where he had apparently shown some strong innate earth magic. But since he had arrived at the academy he had been in the middle of the class. He could learn to use the magic faster than anyone but his wasn't very strong the others seemed happy and joyful when using there magic, he on the other-hand had been taught from a young age that magic was not a toy to enjoy.

As the trials began Nagi was looking forward to his loss he couldn't wait. still he tried his hardest because he wasn't going to embarrass he family. the first 2 rounds went better than expected given that they had to use weapons, it was something that Nagi had always said felt wrong to him. then round 3 was his favorite thing it was what he excelled at, earth shields. this was a task to see who of the remaining 50 students could create a shield to withstand the hit of a cannon ball. this task was done in groups of 10 and nagi was in the final group. watching the others in this task Nagi was surprised by how think they made the walls, even the top student in the class had at least 25Cm width to the wall. soon enough it was nagi's turn for the cannon and he did what he always did threw up a wall with little effort. he got some strange looks for how thin it was but, he knew it would hold it was the only thing he was confident of his shields.

Things went well in the 4th round though he put that down to alot of people not mastering things before starting something new. then it was here the 5th and final round of the earth guardian selection exam. the 5 remaining candidates would have to battle a golem and each other to return the prize to the judges and take the winners position.

The task took place out in the canyon so as to give a challenge with terrain. thinking this was his time to leave the others to it soon after the start Nagi just lay down on top of a ledge and relaxed. this wasnt something he could even hope of winning so why try guardian wasn't something he had wanted to be for more than the first week at the academy it was too much hard work. in the distance and getting closer to him he could here the sounds of battle, "well might aswel see who's winning" Nagi said getting up and heading towards the sound.

When he got there Nagi was surprised to find that the battle that was going on was the 4 candidates, while the golem watched on laughing. 'this isn't good i might end up guardian if they all beat each other and not the golem' nagi thought. "idiots what are you doing the golem first" Nagi yelled. he turned to leave wanting to avoid the beating he'd get from who ever was the last standing. "HELP ME PLEASE SOMEONE!!!" came a soft female voice. the voice was out of lace the final 5 where all male so Nagi spun at the sound of it and saw for the first time that the golem's chest was being used as a prison for the prize.
"Here is the new Earth Guardian Nagi Nobuhiro" said the official at the judging podium. "wait what happened?" Nagi asked and everyone that heard just laughed. the truth is that nagi really didn't remember but all the spectators and the other candidates tell the same story.

Nagi had seen the girl in the golem's chest and jumped down to where the others where fighting ignoring them and heading for the golem. he hadn't even really hit the golem he used magic to sink its legs and to restrain its arms then simply enchanted his fists and broke open the cage.

(Dont worry he sounds OP but he cant use any of this at will yet)


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Character Portrait: Roman
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Roman raced across the courtyard and passed many mumbling people, the subject was all the same; the new guardians. Earth, wind, fire, and water. The elements that make up the earth. The four guardians before had disappeared, so they were looking for the new protectors of the earth, and roman had happened to be one of the Water mage's in the trial for the new water Guardian. She also, woke up late, and was now running behind schedule. Running through to where the other mage's were, she frantically looked around, and tried to calm her nerves a bit. She saw a couple of familiar faces, and each face she thought had a better chance at becoming the next guardian then her. The only thing on her mind, was breathing in, and breathing out.
“You might want to pass me along that gold bracelet of yours.” Came a familiar voice from behind her. She jumped a bit before turning around, and giving a kind of anxious smile. Looming in front of her was her mentor like teacher, Professor Derenese. He had taught her a lot of tricks in the game of water elemental magic, and was the one person in this school who she felt believed in her as much as say, her brother would. Looking down at her small wrist, she unclasped the gold chain of her mother. She wanted to protect that at all cost, as her parents had died when she was five and it was the only remnant that they were ever alive for her, as she could barely remember them. Her brother was also very protective of it also. Handing it to Derenese, he slipped it into his pocket, and patted it down as if a sign to say it was safe and secure. “Good luck.” He smiled as her, as he ran off to talk to some of the others.
Roman pulled her long black hair up into a tight pony tail, not wanting it to get in the way of her sight as the trials progressed on. Finally looking around the space, she noticed what had been set up. Of course there was a rather large pool, well actually an extremely large pool there, and then a couple of weapons and targets set around. She could get a small sense of what the trials could be like. Almost on cue, a professor walked through the large set of doors. She was a pretty important person here, but Roman had her mind on much bigger thoughts so she really couldn’t remember her name. “Let the trials begin.” She hollered out, with a very wide and boisterous grin on her face. All of us went to where it would both start, and that was by the pool. “Trial one!” She cried out in glee, continuing on “All contestant must swim five laps and back, we will time you. The twenty slowest ones will be out of the running. Enjoy yourself!” She ended off with. I took a long breath, and as they called for start, I Dove into the water, and began swimming, keeping my mind only focused on so. I had finished before I knew it. Crawling out of the pool, I saw I obviously wasn’t the first person out already, but was certainty not one of the last. I let out a small sigh of relief knowing I had passed at least on.
As they progressed on and on, they had many water filled changes before they finally got onto the weapons part of the testing. And the first one was archery. Roman smiled in a sense of relief knowing that this was what weapon she was trained more to use, and what she was truly good at. And so when she lifted up her bow and arrow to aim, she took in a breath, and exhaled as she shot, hitting the bulls eye spot on. Lowering her bow, she didn’t know how to feel at that point. She looked around at how many little people remanded, and that’s when it truly hit her that she was getting really close to the finale.

It really hit her hard when she realised she was in the finale. She had passed the rest of the trials, without even thinking about it. “Final trail!” The professor called out, an even bigger smile playing on her face then when we started. “Roman Carlile, and Demenka Feragon are to dual it out in are arena. There element of course will be added, we’ve simulated a very storm and powerful rain storm, with the bonus of thunder and lightning. Good luck to both of you.” As we got prepared the thoughts on her mind was how she was petrified of lighting and how much she hated Demenka. Looking over at her opponent he had the same cocky smile on as the day she caught him calling a girl fat. She pretty much kicked his ass, and the head master let it slide, as this was not the only time Demenka had been bullying someone, she got sided with. She really hadn’t seen him do it since. He walked up to her and said “May the best man win.” And to which she replied “Real men have balls. We both know you don’t have that.” Before going and getting ready in position. And as they started the storm, a tiny part in roman was screaming on the inside. And then the trials started. The whole thing from that point passed by pretty fast. She remembered Demenka shooting massive waves at her, and her using that to only fire back at him, things led to another and she saw that he was drowning. She realized she didn’t want to win that way. Getting him out of the water filled area, she pounded on his chest, trying to get him to spit the water out, as he did. In return as thanks he punched her in the side of the face, knocking her to her back. He pinned her down, about ready to almost snap her neck, before she slipped her hands away, in return flipping him over. Standing up she pressed her foot down hard on his throat, blocking his wind pipes. She called for a water arrow, and then aimed it right smack in the middle of his head. He slammed his hand hard on the ground, and through what little could be heard from his voice, he called out.
The nest events really passed by her with no reaction. She was fatigued, and had a black eye, and it said what battle they had lasted for hours. Professor Derenese stood by her side at that point, and all she could feel was him slipping the gold bracelet back into her hand; and his smiling voice telling her congratulations.


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Character Portrait: Takashi
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The air grew dark and foggy. This was unusual. It was barely the afternoon! Takashi smelt smoke... everywhere, but there wasn't any near to be found. All his emotions were triggering. He just became Guardian... would he even last to use it's powers? He heard screams. "Give me the Guardians..."whispered a strange voice. Takashi drew out his katanas. He set them aflame. "Who ever, or whatever you are... stand back!" yelled Takashi. He hoisted himself ontop of the arena's glass roof. He planted his feet on the dome. "Come at me you coward!" he screamed. The wind moaned. "I see you don't have a Wind Guardian to lower the wind. Pity, you as a fire element can't stop me!" cackled the whispering voice. The dome cracked. Takashi ran.

Right as the dome clasped, he reached onto the side of the arena. Broken glass cut through his palms. He already felt exhausted from his duel earlier. Was this some sort of test? Or was it actually real? Takashi yelped in pain. He slid down onto the chared, wet, and tattered ground. Where were the other 2 Guardians? He saw an odd shape fly through the fog. Hard rain started pouring down. Takashi snatched a rope from the arena closet. He tied it to the back of one of his swords. Then he threw the sword at the object, and grasped onto the rope. The sword stabbed the side of the object, Takashi hoisted himself up the rope. As he got closer, he saw it was a dragon. The sword gashed its side... but the dragon didn't notice of course... because it was wearing armor. Takashi peeked over. On the dragon, was a monster... a kappa. Water sploshed in its head. Takashi leaped up and kicked the kappa off the mount. Then he controlled the dragon. The dragon grew furious as he realized its Kappa master wasn't on his back, instead, a random teenager with black shaggy hair. The dragon flew upside down. Takashi gripped tight onto its reigns.

Takashi couldn't stand it. The blood was rushing out of his head. He stabbed the dragon in the neck. It flipped back over. They went crashing down, toward the academy. They hit the wall of a building, with a large crack. The dragon grunted in pain. Takashi felt num, as he clung onto the saddle. He felt his hands on something smooth... an amulet? An amulet was fastened onto the side of the saddle. It had a ruby inside, with a gold triangle, that had an emerald eye inside. Teachers rushed over.

Takashi woke up inside the medics. A witch doctor gave him some medicine. Takashi felt the amulet in his grasp. Perhaps they thought it was his. He peered through the window. The sky was still "funny". "Does anyone know whats going on?" asked Takashi. "No, and people are starting to get desperate for the Guardians to help. I kinda feel sorry for you and the others, since you were just chosen 3 hours ago. "I've been out and about for 3 hours?""Actually, you were out for an hour, but you've been asleep here in the medics for 2 hours." Takashi grunted. "Well, I am a Guardian, and I have to do my job." Takashi leaped out of his cot. "Oh no no mister." chimed the witch-doctor. "You need to recover." "From what, feeling num?" "Yes, and that you have a major cut across your arm." Takashi saw the bandages wrapped around his arm. "I feel better, just let me go!" Takashi ran out of the door. "Your'e a feisty one." mumbled the witch-doctor. Takashi set out to meet the other Guardians.


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Character Portrait: Nagi Nobuhiro
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#, as written by Outlaw
Nagi's head was still spinning he had been just hours away from his freedom and now he was the earth guardian. with his trails finished he was heading over to watch the air guardian trials when everything happened. the air grew dark and foggy and something changed in the feel of the earth it was subtle but definitely there. "give me the guardians..." Came a voice that was far away but sounded like it was a whisper in Nagi's ears.

nothing felt right, there was the usual beating on the floor of a running crowd but they where heading into the indoor arena building and not out of the academy ground. then a feeling came strong from the ground it was the precursor to a large directed earthquake and it was heading for the arena. Nagi ran the other way out of the grounds.

Inside the Arena things where calming down everyone was thinking that they where safe this was the most secure structure in the academy it had to be. people where sitting themselves down catching their breath and talking about the things they had seen in the fog. there was a light rumble that everyone just put down to the battles outside and carried on what they where doing, then everything the building included began to shake out of control. panic started to break out but before if got too bad a pillar erupted fron the ground with someone on top of it.

Nagi stood atop the pillar looking intimidating and everything went quiet. Nagi way feeling quite drained from using so much energy to creat the tunnel out he had just created but was hiding it well. "listen to me all of you. i am the new earth guardian Nagi Nobuhiro and this place is dangerous. i have created a tunnel out and i want you all to leave quick and calmly" Nagi said to the room at large. "what tunnel where is it" someone shouted seeing no entrance. Nagi took a deep breath and focused muttering something and then part of the ground became stairs going down. "right there" Nagi said a little happy with himself.

just as the first person was descending the steps the building began to give way. Nagi say it and threw up a pillar to catch it. "Dont be so shy i need you all out now!" Nagi yelled and people sped up going as fast as they could. Nagi kept throwing up pillars to support walls and catch falling debris, he could feel himself getting light headed this was too much. after the last person went down the steps nagi returned the ground to normal and as he moved he stumbled. his focus lost the energy he was using gave out and the pillars started to crumble and the building came down on top of him.

Nagi was looking up at the sky through some gaps in the rubble. he would probably have been crushed if he hadn't sunken himself to just below ground level. it have been a few hours now and he strength was coming back, it was about time that he moved from under the rubble and looked for some answers as to what was going on. using his powers to move the rubble just above him Nagi got up and set off looking for someone anyone that might know something.


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Character Portrait: Roman
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Romans heart was pounding so fast, and her eyes blurred up and her head throbbed as if she was going into shock. But that all tumbled away as she heard the harsh, almost whispered words appear saying “Give me the guardians...” Her heat stopped then. “What the hell was that.” She said, as the whole arena almost seemed to shake. Roman started running towards where the entry doors where, and outside. The sky seemed black and angry, and she had to cover her mouth from the smoke that seemed to be around. A large was also brewing up a large rainfall. Roman did her best to try and subdue it, so it only left as a smaller trickle, glad as it would probably stop some flooding that could have happened.

Running back inside, she stepped up onto the podium the announcer had been on for the trails, and called out “Alright, calm down!” in her most booming and loud voice. When that failed, she practically yelled “Quiet!” and people settled back down. Bending over to ask a professor if they had a basement, he said yes, and she called back out “Alright, this roofs not going to hold up, we have to get everyone to the basement, it’s our safest bet as it’s to dangerous to file you all outside.” She stated. Now addressing all the authoritive figures here, she said “Get them to safely as easily as you can, you might need to rush.” They all nodded, and everyone started following the orders. Roman stepped from the podium, and went to help.

As the final people started making it through, she called out “Make sure everyone squeezes in, sit on people if you have to.” At that point some of the professors tried pushing her into the basement, and she refused. Running back towards the doors so she wasn’t there when the roof collapsed, she only barley got there when the roof tumbled down. Putting her arms over her head, she made it just under the door frame so huge debris wouldn’t hit her.

Roman was left with a couple scratched and bruises, but from what she noticed she was fine. Moving back to where they filled to the basement, she saw parts of the structure covering the doorway, not letting them through. With no one to help, and the unkind weather to now deal with, she started lugging away the pieces, getting the stairwell back where they could climb up before they lost their oxygen. She was glad not many of the pieces where too heavy. Eventually after an hour of doing this, she got through. A professor came from the below surface, and roman simply said “Keep the calm” They nodded, and they went off too it. Roman then left the arena, trying to find someone who could explain what was going on.