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Michael Elwood

"...We did make them waterproof, right? Right?"

0 · 263 views · located in Cypress Academia

a character in “A Man-Made Love”, originally authored by Gamer_Templar, as played by RolePlayGateway


Michael Elwood


Full Name
Michael Elwood



At first glance the most striking thing about Michael's appearance would be his height. Standing at about five feet and eleven inches, his lanky figure practically makes him a landmark among the crowds, and certainly throws a wrench into any plans that involve not being noticed. His eyes and hair are a shade of green, and he is seldom seen without his glasses.

One hears so much about the high-flying students at the top of the class who almost never lose their cool. In Michael's case, however, this is far from the truth despite appearances to the contrary. Constant pressure to maintain his good grades has worn away at him a fair bit, leaving him very anxious when it comes to deadlines and time management. While the thought of missing an appointment gives him guilt, he has a strong sense of honour about him, and will always keep a promise. Mike treasures what free time he has, particularly among the (very) small circle of friends he has down at the so-called Gentlemen's Club, often supplying a wry, self-depreciating sense of humour.

Michael grew up in a rather well-off family, one that had earned their fortunes through hard work and constant toil. While this background gave him a strong work ethic, all work and no play made Mike a dull boy. His parents meant well, although this meant having less opportunities to socially interact with people in school over the years. However, he did find friends among the small percentage of people who were deemed "misfits" by the majority of the school, which led to him becoming one of three members of the exclusive Gentlemen's Club, a haven for social pariahs like himself.

So begins...

Michael Elwood's Story

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Character Portrait: Celine Cherie Character Portrait: Michael Elwood
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As one can imagine, building a robot wasn't exactly a walk in the park, even with the combined intellect of the Gentlemens' Club, along with whatever resources were available. Everything had to be made just right, so that these so-called Roboticas weren't identified as non-human by the rest of the school. In Michael's case, that was probably going to be a bit tricky. It was one thing to build your own gynoid, and quite another to do so under time pressure. The lad had been expecting a chance to put his feet up for once, but the project intrigued him too much to refuse. Inevitably, this resulted in a few... oversights. A miscalculation in measurements ended with his Robotica being nearly six inches shorter than he intended, and let's not get into the matter of her missing eye. Still, Michael felt proud of his accomplishments in spite of the many challenges and obstacles. After all, how many people could say that they built their own robot waifu?

At the moment, Mike was carrying his Robotica, Celine, up the driveway to his house. His parents were often away on separate business trips, and now was such a time. At least it saved having to come up with an awkward explanation of an exchange student coming to live with them on such short notice. Once he was inside and out of the cold, he brought Celine up to the spare room where she would be sleeping, and gently placed her on the bed. At least he'd had more luck in fabricating her personality and memories, he thought to himself as he reached around the back of her neck for the activation switch, slightly complicated by the fact that she was lying face-up on the bed. His efforts were rewarded by the sound of a click, and as the activation process began he sat down in a nearby chair and attempted to look casual, as if he'd simply been waiting for her to wake up.

"Hello Celine," he said to her, as he'd rehearsed so many times before the real thing. "You fell asleep during the trip and I didn't want to wake you up, so I carried you up to the spare room. How are you feeling?"

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Character Portrait: Celine Cherie Character Portrait: Michael Elwood
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Celine's right hand reached out in search of a pillow as she awoke. She was quite the heavy sleeper and mornings were her least favorite time of day. Her bed felt unusual somehow but that didn't stop her from trying to fall back to sleep. A passing thought of school crept into her mind but she could care less. It wasn't like there was anything worth looking forward to. Celine knew better than to expect anything different than what she was used to; being gawked at for her missing eye.

Unable to find a pillow to clutch onto, she groaned and moved to lay on her side with her knees tucked up to her tummy to hug instead. It was as if the girl rolled herself into a ball to shield herself from the cold. Satisfied in her newfound comfortable position, she sighed softly almost the way a cat would purr and prepared to return to sleep. She pictured herself painting on an easel overlooking the ocean from the edge of a cliff. For some reason, that kind of imagery she found calming.

A male voice greeted her from across the bed but she only groaned in response, pulling the blanket over her head in a poor attempt of hiding herself. Her orange locks of hair stuck out from underneath like a typical children's drawing of the sun's rays. Only this ray of sunshine didn't want to peak out and greet the world if she could help it.

The person in her room continued talking despite her obvious unwillingness to cooperate. That was certainly new. Back home her family if she could call them that any longer, were no longer interested in how she proceeded with her life. It was both a troubling and relieving fact.

"Feel me up in my sleep, did you?" she responded with an unimpressed huff.

Celine would have much preferred to be left to rest than carried like a damsel in distress. God only knows how much she hated the delicate treatment that came with bearing the resemblance of a doll. She believed she was fully capable of taking care of herself. On the other hand, her troublesome history might prove otherwise.

"I certainly feel creeped out.. some boy I just met is watching me as I sleep." Celine dared to point out.

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Character Portrait: Celine Cherie Character Portrait: Michael Elwood
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The activation process went off without a hitch. Michael watched as Celine twitched into life for the first time, shifting around in bed to make herself more comfortable in a manner practically indistinguishable from that of a human. She actually looked rather adorable, huddling up into a ball. The sound of his voice managed to stir her from her slumber. She opened her mouth to speak, and...

"Feel me up in my sleep, did you?"

W-wait, what?! Michael did have a good idea of her personality, having programmed her himself, but he hadn't expected her to be this forward! He could feel his face going red with embarrassment already. In his own home, no less! The sheer audacity of her statements compelled him to respond in an effort to salvage the situation before the Robotica built to go to the prom with him ended up seeing him as a creep.

"N-no I did not!" Mike protested. "It was either carry you inside or leave you in the cab! And besides, I only came in here about a minute ago to wake you up." While he was unsure of how this experiment would turn out, life was certainly going to be a lot more... interesting with her around.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Celine Cherie Character Portrait: Michael Elwood
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Celine started having a free-flowing giggle fit under the covers at the boy's expense. She couldn't help herself. It also felt like the first time she had laughed in years. Little did she know, it was her first laugh in all her time of existing. She slowly emerged, moving the blanket slightly aside as she yawned. It would only be a hindrance to continue communicating with a blanket on top, as comfortable as she had been. It did not appear this Michael if she recalled his name correctly, planned on leaving her unattended anytime soon. Frankly, she was surprised he hadn't left the room to hide his embarrassment with that face as red as a tomato.

After she had rubbed the weariness away from her eyes, she smirked confidently. Her green-yellow eyes glistened with mischief at an idea as she stepped out of bed, sliding her small feet into slippers approaching the bashful male. She stood before him, inspecting him from top to bottom without shame as if interested in his physique. When she was done examining him, she leaned forward to invade his personal space and left barely any gap for him to breathe comfortably. "You're lying." she stated matter-of-factly. Her expression remained much the same as she spoke, unshaken by their close proximity despite having just met.

With her eyes never leaving his, she continued to theorize. "For one, you could have woken me up in the cab instead of carry me. Didn't that occur to you? For two, if you just came here to wake me.. why are you seated? You don't look nearly exhausted enough to be desperate for a sit down and nor do you claim to have been here for very long. At the very least, you are seated because you intend to be here for long otherwise you'd be standing up at the door prepared to turn around. Am I somehow mistaken?" She resumed standing upright and let out another unimpressed huff.

Celine folded her arms and closed her eyes as if something was troubling her. "I must admit, of all the perverts in the world.. it is a relief to end up stuck with one who can't lie. Let's say... in the event you spike my drink and my cherry gets popped.." She opened one of her eyes to catch his reaction to her words. Although she spoke with an aura of confidence that didn't waver, her accusations were just a means to test the waters. Celine rather enjoyed meeting new people. It was the trust factor in relationships where she was not as keen.

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Character Portrait: Celine Cherie Character Portrait: Michael Elwood
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Why, oh why hadn't he made her just a little bit more gullible enough to believe him? Michael froze as Celine went right up to him and proceeded to neatly pick apart the story he'd fed her with. And was she really checking him out already?! The poor lad's face had gone even redder at this point, trying to form words but succeeding only in making noises as if he'd short circuited.

Not even five minutes into the Robotica's runtime and she already had him by the balls. Recovering his wits, Mike made an attempt to save face while he still could.

"At least I wouldn't spike your drink or try to take advantage of you. I have morals, you know!" And with that, he hurriedly left the room.

Very interesting times indeed.

Later, at school, Michael was roaming the familiar corridors, on his way to the Gentlemens' Club. The three of them had agreed to hold a meeting to see how each of them had fared with their respective Roboticas thus far. Hopefully I wasn't the only one who had problems, he thought to himself. When he got to the Club's room, he opened the door to find that there was nobody in. Shrugging, he took a seat in his usual chair and patiently awaited the arrival of the others...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Celine Cherie Character Portrait: Michael Elwood
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Celine twirled a strand of hair around a slender finger while staring at the teacher, feigning interest in what he had to say. While he mouthed off about something that would be on the next exam, she was unfazed compared to the rest of her student body who whined and nagged about the topic being too hard. A small smirk formed from the girl's pink lips as she was more than prepared for any exams Cypress had to throw at her. Frankly, she was confident and bored. I thought this school would prove to be a real challenge but the only challenge I've had to deal with thus far, is living with a perverted geek. The school bell rang, much to everyone's delight as her peers rushed to exit the classroom. Celine however, took her sweet time picking up her books from the desk and pushing in her seat as she contemplated on the tasks she had to get done today. Hm... I should finish sewing up the gowns for the drama club and...

She left the room, flicking her hair over her shoulder and ignoring the stares received as she walked down the hallway. Although she had grown accustomed to having a white rose for an eye, it was too out of the ordinary for her fellow classmates to ignore. Pulling out her cellphone from her uniform pocket, she rang her only acquaintance in this foreign country on a whim when she reached her locker. Just because she didn't necessarily like him, didn't mean she wouldn't bother him. Admittedly, there was a thrill in doing so every time. Celine was also well aware that keeping to herself 24/7 was sure to drive her insane. She couldn't just bother and annoy herself could she?

As soon as the line picked up, she spoke first not willing to wait for the standard greeting. "How many times do I have to tell you to keep out of my underwear drawer?" she randomly blurted out. There was absolutely no meaning whatsoever behind her words. She wasn't even suspicious that he had been rummaging through her things in the first place. "I'm an A-cup if you must know.. for goodness sake. Sorry to disappoint you, Michael." Regardless of what he replied with, she carried on in her attempt to make him uncomfortable. "Oh, what did you say? You like girls with small chests? I'm not interested. There's just no such thing as girls interested in small d-"

Before she could finish what she was about to say, a hand wrapped around her mouth by the class president who had snuck up from behind. The class president told everyone else to carry on after Celine's interesting cellphone conversation earned the attention of those around her. While Celine did not care about her reputation or Michael's, the class president did. She was one of those nosey type of people who were reassured they could help anyone, even Celine. Celine bit the girl's hand without warning, not appreciating the intervention. "Ow! You should take more care in your private conversations you know." Celine gave the girl a backhanded wave no longer interested in her locker, wandering off and placing the phone against her ear again. "So anyway..."