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Aerionelle Franz Remil

"Thrusters at full. Alright, let's do this, Hawks! Diving in five!"

0 · 1,727 views · located in Sci-fi fantasy

a character in “A.N.G.E.L. The Eniknight War”, as played by Tsukiakari



Artomidian Second Lieutenant Aerionelle Franz Remil, affectionately known by her squadmates as Aeri, is a fairly averagely built woman, standing at five feet five inches. Her body has a slight hint of muscle and strength to it belying her thin, wiry shape, although she's still slender and rather small. With long, lithe limbs, narrow shoulders, and an average-sized bust, Aeri does has developed rather well, both physically and aesthetically. With smooth, well kept, ever-so-slightly pale skin, bright green eyes, short, soft and straight blonde hair, a petite nose, chin and ears, soft, rosy cheeks and lips, a cheerful, silvery smile and an all-around good nature, Aeri has certainly earned her nickname of "Flower of the Skies."

Aerionelle can generally be seen in either a custom-painted blue version of standard A.N.G. armor, the plating of which has been lightened and the standard back armor modified to contain a micro jump-pack to make dives from aircraft, as well as limited flight-like jumps. At the base, she wears a simple blue and white uniform, as shown in this picture. Over this, she sometimes wears a poncho-like jacket as shown in the picture to the left, usually for meetings and the like, so as to maintain an air of formality.

Currently at Level 1.


HP: 6/6
Attack: 1
Dice: 1D26


HP 30/30
Attack: 5
Dice: 1D36


Cheerful, motherly, kind, and indefatigably loyal, Aerionelle is loved by her squadmates for a very good reason. She does her best to make her fellow soldiers feel at home and to keep their spirits up, encouraging them and cracking jokes on occasion. She is the sort of person who would never let a friend or ally down, and will always be there by her comrades' sides until the very end. Although she is skillful in battle, Aeri still doesn't exactly strike people as the sort of person to expect on a battlefield. She's very sweet tempered, acting more like a kind, if a bit rowdy big sister than a soldier. On the other hand, if you mess with her squad, you should make sure to have your will ready, because she will not let you get off unpunished.


Along with her flight-modified A.N.G. light combat suit, Aeri carries with her several weapons. Two "Cable Blades:" ballistic knives affixed to electrified monofilament cables, which can be used from anywhere to short-range projectiles to traps to melee weapons to grappling hooks, a Tirfing-type railblaster, capable of firing three electrified, magnetically propelled shells in a rapid burst at a target even a long distance away, and her weapons of choice, a pair of high-powered handguns which fire rounds containing Chlorine Trifluoride, a gas which is toxic to inhale, combusts on contact with oxygen, and, through combustion, creates highly dangerous corrosive acid capable of even melting through steel. The flames created by this gas reacting with air are almost impossible to put out, and, consequently, will burn even water or metal until the gas used to start the reaction is almost entirely used up.

Aeri's Eniknight, the Lindwurm is rather lightly armored, forming close to her body and hugging it tightly aside from bulky areas of armor to protect her joints. Already, there are several oddities about it. Its photonic chaingun has been replaced by a much larger and more destructive double barreled, burst-fire buster gunblade, retaining some characteristics of Aerionelle's weapons of choice. The bullets it fires come in long range, rail-propelled bursts of three from each barrel, and explode in blasts of Chi, creating small fires much like those of her pistols. In addition, however, shots fired from this cannon can also split apart in an incredible storm of Chi, firing various small needle-like bullets out in constantly shifting waves over massive areas. This cannon has several other unique traits as well. Firstly, it is placed on her left arm, rather an on her right, to match her preferred limb. Secondly, it has a rather large blade, each flat of which houses one of the barrels. This blade is surrounded by an oscillating field of chi, allowing it to cut through armor and shielding like a hot knife through butter, using vibration, energy, and heat to pierce cleanly through. Secondly, on its arms, mounted at the elbows, are curved shields, which can be swung out, coated in Chi, and used as a defensive measure to protect the unit's wrists whilst not hindering its ability to use weapons. The right-hand shield contains, concealed in an inside compartment, a beam sword which can be dropped directly into the machine's waiting hand and used as a melee weapon along with the machine's bladed rifle. Thirdly, the machine's shoulders have seemingly decorative fins which actually conceal a pair of powerful compact long range beam rifles, which can be unfolded and fired at a thought. Similarly, the machine's right leg has a small compartment housing a powerful laser pistol, which can be ejected and drawn forth at will. Fourthly and most bizarrely of all, its jetpack comes with attachments allowing it, much like her modified A.N.G. Shock Trooper armor, to lock into the bottom of a large, unmanned stealth plane known as a Draco. Once locked in on the plane's underside, her suit can assimilate control of the ship's computers, essentially making the Draco and its weaponry a part of the Lindwurm, and allowing Aeri to enhance the ship's standard payload of guided cluster missiles and quadruple rail busters. The Draco is capable of launching from a stop, hovering in mid air, and so forth, and can use Chi as a sort of shield generator or cloaking field to mask its silhouette from visuals and radar, although it cannot become entirely invisible, or protect itself from powerful anti-armor ordinance. She can also drop from the Draco at will, and fight on foot, or hang from its underside and fire weapons from both the ship and her own Eniknight Armor.

The Lindwurm has several special features. Firstly and rather bizarrely, its feet can fold upward upon thin metal sheets, as shown in the image, and, though slight use of chi fields beneath it and boosters mounted on its back and limbs, it can skate over the ground at tremendous speeds. Secondly, its helmet contains very advanced systems that interface with her brain, tremendously increasing her five senses, computational rate, and reaction time, and allowing her to detect, think and act much more quickly than a normal Human. Finally, when in a pinch, the unit's reinforced joint armor, visor, shoulder and helmet fins and reinforced chest plating, and secondary pieces can be released, leaving only the skeletal frame of the armor and what lies below it: namely, a neuro-responsive, nano-machine controlled jumpsuit made of fibers that move like external muscles along with her own body, exponentially empowering her movements and hardening like an exoskeleton to protect her from harm. The machine's motors and sections of powered armor, when combined with this "super soldier" jumpsuit and the reaction-enhancing effects of her helmet's systems, allow her to move and react with impossible speed and strength, nothing more than an azure blur across the battlefield. However, the suit cannot store chi in this mode due to the absence of the fuel tanks housed in its armor, so once it runs out of power, the suit and jumpsuit must be released, leaving Aeri with only her natural abilities and whatever armor and weaponry she might have carried with her before she activated her armor. Consequently, this system is only to be used as a last resort. This system will be made into a skill card, if we still run on that system.

Incidentally enough, anything she is carrying or wearing before she puts on her suit is erased from existence and replaced with her Eniknight frame, only to mysteriously reappear when she releases the armor again.


Born into an old Artomidian noble house, Aerionelle was expected from a young age to go into the military, as her predecessors had done. Educated in all manner of different arts from a young age, ranging from how to cook and play the piano to antiquated manners, chivalry and ideals to tactics, strategy and self-defense. As soon as she was eligible, she was sent to a prestigious military academy, from which she graduated with high marks just as the strife with Stratia reached a fever-pitch with the Star Maiden incident. Although when it was announced that the transport in fact contained civilians and not an invasion force, Aeri was horrified by the slaughter her people had wrought, in the end, she justified her country's actions by way of possible misunderstanding, and through the blunder of Stratia, rather than the meditated murderous acts of Artomidians. When war was declared and the invasion began, Aeri was assigned command of a small squad in the 11th Artomidian Airborne Shock Troops (AASTs). Aeri's 10-man unit, due to its stalwart defense of a small suburb of Aracello known as Richmont, became known as Richmont's Hawks. During the battle of Aracello, they led a counterattack on the Stratian landing zones, and wiped out an entire Stratian platoon through guerrilla warfare in the ruined city streets. With the airborne's high mobility, they had the advantage over their enemies, and dealt them severe casualties before the Hawks were finally given the order to retreat, and thus were forced to depart, aiding in the evacuation effort along the way.

Promoted from Soldier First Class to Second Lieutenant due to her valor in the defense of Richmont, Aerionelle was quickly noticed by the higher-ups, and was reassigned along with her squad to serve as one of the initial field-testers of the new Eniknight technology. At the head of her squad, she prepared to serve as the spearhead of a war of attrition, where she and her fellows would cut off Stratian supply lines, sabotage their ordinance, and generally raise hell against the invaders from beyond the sky...

Note: Anyone who wants to apply as a member of Richmont's Hawks may feel free to. Just send me a PM first so we can maybe coordinate a shared backstory.

So begins...

Aerionelle Franz Remil's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: Aster Rei Elionsvie Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Unemori
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(Rolled 15. Hit.)

As Ryunosuke spoke, a loud crack tore through the air, cutting him off mid sentence. Aster smirked, watching as her shot tore a deep gash along his leg. She had overcompensated for her weapon's recoil again, but she'd still hit him.

"Quit your posturing, Artomidian murderer, and die quietly. I'm in no mood to listen to a headstrong idiot flaunting his stupidity," Aster hissed, her voice rendered somewhat dull and distorted by her helmet. As she spoke, she started lining up her next shot. The spearman would probably come at her now, which meant she'd need to be ready.


A quiet whirr sounded out over the city as 10 shapes darted across rooftops, shooting over the rubble-filled streets with an inhuman agility. Aerionelle checked her jump pack's fuel. It would last long enough to get to the evacuation point. There was just a little way left to go. If they could just stay ahead of the Stratian airforce blockade, then they'd be home free. They just had to outrun their pursuers a little longer. Just a little longer...!

The setting changes from Arcacello to Sci-fi fantasy


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: Vage Leer Character Portrait: Aster Rei Elionsvie Character Portrait: Azmeen Seriph Character Portrait: A.N.G. Soldier Character Portrait: Stratian Pilot
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(gotcha covered then)
=The A.N.G. soldiers guarding the civilians see that one of their own comrades is assaulting the snipers and take advantage of the opportunity to get Nia into the jeep with her siblings. One of them stays with Vage and the other takes Nia and assist Raven in getting her into the jeep while shutting the door. Vage sees them move her into the jeep and smiles knowing they are about to be taken to safety. As he smiled watching them the other soldier steps in front of him. He looks up at the A.N.G. soldier standing before him. The moment he glances up the A.N.G. soldier slams the stock of his rifle down hard against Vage's skull, knocking him out.
=The two soldiers cuff Vage's wrist and and ankles and put a bag over his head, before dragging him around the back of the jeep where they load him up. One of the soldiers gets in with Vage to insure he is subdued while the other soldier returns to the front and confronts Raven.=
The prisoner is secured and loaded up and we are ready to depart to Holygrounds now.

Ryunosuke's HP 4/5

XxEvil1xX rolls 1d25 and gets 19(19) hit

= The moment Aster was able to land a hit a on Ryunosuke's leg, Seriph seen his chance to move in and slashed downward and across his enemy's chest. Unable to damage any vital organs however inflicting a deep cut across his chest. Seriph laughs as he slings the blood off his combat knife and prepares to engage him again =

=Laughing Seriph mocks his enemy=
Honor, this one preaches about. Oh what an unfortunate manifestation of reality you live in, if you think I give a damn about honor. I fight like a dog cause I will hunt your kind down like one. I'm about to turn you into dog shit.

= With that Seriph charges at his enemy again, knife in hand =

Ryunosuke's HP 3/5


=back in the city, the skies roared as nine Arrow Piercer fighters jet over the city in an aerial pursuit of an unknown flying object that destroyed three of their fighters. While the ships were racing after the target and firing at it, their was chatter amongst the Stratian pilots involved in the pursuit=
Storm-3 , this is Storm-1 Your 20 is at the nose of the formation correct, over?

Storm 3 to Storm 1, my 20 is indeed at nose, over

Storm 3, Storm 1, Have you been able to identify the bogey, over?

Storm 1, Storm 3, negative, bogey's size is very small, assuming the bogey is an unmanned aircraft, over

Storm 3, Storm 1, rog, maintain aggressive posture, out

=The Stratian fighter squadron continues to fly in a tight formation tailing Aerionelle=

The setting changes from Sci-fi fantasy to Arcacello


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: Stratian Pilot
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The rest of Aerionelle's squad noticed around the time she did. Several black shapes had appeared on the horizon, and were coming in fast.

"We've got fighters!" She exclaimed. "Head for cover! Our evac Dracos can't make it to us here! You'll have to take your chances on the ground!" Powering up her jump pack, she launched herself forward, outstripping her squadmates and shooting ahead of them.

"Aeri, what about you?" One of her comrades asked, concern evident in his voice. Aerionelle just grinned beneath her helmet.

"Do you need to ask? I'm going to provide a distraction. You guys get some distance. We'll meet back up at the rendezvous point."

"Whatever you say, Aeri. Just don't die on us. After that bet we made this morning, you still owe us all drinks once we make it to Holygrounds."

"I don't intend to."

And with that, the blue bullet shot away from the rest of her squadron. They'd been flying lower than her, which meant that they were probably out of the incoming Stratian fighters' view. Once she pulled away, she was pretty blasted sure those fighters would follow. Her jump pack had enough special modifications that it could keep her in the lead for about 30 seconds. After that, she'd be in range of their guns. That meant she had that long to lose them.

Leaping across a road, she landed on a tall office building across the way, rolled over the roof, and then dropped straight down for the street below, igniting her jump pack after a few seconds of falling and barely pulling up in time to launch her way through a parking garage across the way. Crashing through a glass door, she didn't even slow down, breaking out a window and dropping into a small alley below. Kicking in her jets at the last second, she slowed herself down enough to make the landing, and crashed into the ground below, the shock absorbers in her armor's legs sparing her bones from being turned to dust by the force of the impact. Bounding forward with a rocket assisted jump, Aerionelle darted into a small alleyway, then threw herself down under a pile of rubble. Her 30 seconds were up, but she'd like to see those jets find her after that insane little stunt. She dropped her armor's power levels, hoping to thus avoid detection by the Stratian pilots' scanners. She just hoped her team had made it safe and sound.

The setting changes from Arcacello to Planet Geia


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: Vage Leer Character Portrait: General Star Character Portrait: Kay Stone Character Portrait: A.N.G. Soldier Character Portrait: Nia Tavian
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=Understanding that he is a prisoner of his nations enemy, Vage though still angered by the rude awakening Captain Stone gave to him quickly changed the moment Nia stepped into view. He smiled to see that she was alright. He had no clue at all what had happened to her after being rendered unconscious by the A.N.G. soldiers that have captured him, and is now fortunate to know her fate was more promising than what she had feared. Still not knowing the young womans name he simply replied with a few words and a smile=
You are alright

=Captain stone then nodded to Nia and then with a head gesture signaled for two of the A.N.G. prison guards to come forward. One of the soldiers pointed a rifle at Vage to insure he didnt try anything funny while the other soldier unlocked his cell and had his wrist and ankles hand cuffed. Both soldiers then pulled Vage out of his cell and stepped behind him their weapons at the ready in the event he tried to escape. One of the soldiers looked to Captain Stone and spoken=

Sir the prisoner is secured and is cleared to egress the holding cell to the desired location

=Captain Stone looked at them and nodded=
Acknowledged proceed to escort the prisoner to our destination while Ms. Tavian and myself accompany you.

=With that Vage, being carefully escorted by the two soldiers exit the prison with Captain Stone next to him and Nia to the outside of the Captain.=

=As they all exit the prison Vage finds himself at the A.N.G.s main military base named after the capitol city it resides in "HolyGrounds." Vage looked to the sky and can see his former home stretching across the sky from one horizon to the next, resembling only a small line that from where he is standing only appears to be a few millimeters thick. Around the ring he sees tiny lights that fade in and out like lightning bugs in the sky however he knows such lights are from aerial explosions of aircraft being destroyed in combat, presenting a morbid beauty for the planets ambiance . He looks down and he can see A.N.G. soldiers everywhere, in one area off in the distance he can see them doing weapons qualifications on a shooting range, off in another location he can see them sparing hand to hand in close quarters combat training, and in another location he can see an instructor barking orders at his men to scale an obstacle course. Seeing all of this really opened Vage's eyes up to realize that he had underestimated his enemy, now seeing that they go through just as much intense training as he did.
After about seven minutes of walking and silence they enter a large building that has been ordained by statues of heroes from Artomidia's past, once they have stepped foot on the freshly polished floor Vage decided to break the silence and speak up=
Excuse me for asking but where are we heading

=With that said one of the soldiers behind him struck him in the back with the butt of his gun=
Silence dog!

=Captain Stone raised his hand to command the soldiers to stop and faced him=
If I wanted you to strike my prisoner I would have issued you the order to do so. Now again soldier, ESCORT the prisoner to our destination.

=The soldier paused a moment and rendered a salute before proceeding=
Yes sir, very sorry.

=Captain Stone sighed a moment as he pinched the bridge of his own nose in frustration then he decided to reply to Vage=
Stratian, we are currently located at my division's commander's building. It is here where we will hold the last portion of your military tribunal to determine what is to be done with you now that you are in our captivity.

=the group enter an elevator and as the elevator doors closed to move up to the desired floor Vage replies to Captain Stones statement=
Is that to include execution?

=A pause falls over the group in the elevator as Captain Stone pondered a moment on whether or not he should reply since they where in such an enclosed space and he didnt know how Vage would react, however once the elevator doors opened up and they stepped out Stone then replied=
Yes, in fact I was the one who argued the validity that you should be executed for your involvement at Arkacello as well as your cardinal sin for residing in the heavens which prompted the catastrophes we all now endure.
=his tone of voice then changes to a frustrated yet tolerable one as he continues to speak=
But.. however, Senator Tavian's daughter here for some reason wishes to play devils advocate, and had argued against me for your pardon.. So we shall all find out what becomes of you

=Vage very humbly replies with an "I see" as they continue to walk down the hall. As they do so Vage can look through the window of an office seeing two officers yelling at each other, presumably over a battle strategy while another officer is rubbing his face, no doubt stress before walking to the window and shutting the blinds. In another office window Vage sees a woman cleaning out the office of what he guesses is her husband, tears in her eyes leading Vage to believe the man might have been killed in combat. After passing the second office the group comes to a door guarded by two A.N.G. soldiers on the front of the door it reads "A.N.G.E.L. Commander B. General Star."
Captain Stone steps forward to address his business before the guards as they salute him.
I have come with the Stratian prisoner Leer to conclude the mans tribunal.

=The two guards then stand aside to allow them to enter=
Very well Captain Stone, General Star has already given you permission to enter.

=The doors then open and the group enters. Before them they see a woman sitting at her desk, off to the side are three other A.N.G. soldiers wearing their dress uniforms and sitting in comfortable chairs as if they have something also to do with this meeting. The three soldiers before them sitting down are Aerionelle Franz Remil, Raven Rookien, and Ryunosuke Unemori. =Vages eyes glanced at all of them a moment before returning back to Captain Stone who walked towards the womans desk, stopping a short distance from it to salute, and speek=
General Star, before you I have brought the Stratian prisoner Leer, for whom you wish to conclude his tribunal.

=The woman sips what appears to be a glass of scotch before setting it down and standing to return Captain Stones salute=
Very well Captain Stone, you may be seated as the prisoner steps forward.
With that Vage takes Stone's place while the Artomidian officer sits down.=


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: Vage Leer Character Portrait: General Star Character Portrait: Raven Rookien Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Unemori
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It had been a brief wait under the rubble pile until the Stratian fighters had finished making their passes over the area. Finally, they had pulled out, and Aerionelle had taken her chance to escape before a search squad came in to find and capture her. She'd had some trouble getting out of the ruined city, considering the number of Stratians moving through the streets, but aside from a few small scrapes with the enemy, she'd managed to get out relatively unnoticed - just the way she liked it.

Fortunately, her squad hadn't quite made it to the evac point by that time, and it had been a simple measure to catch up with them and join them on the way to the Dracos. Then, it had just been smooth sailing away from the city, since the enemy's aerial patrols were still regrouping after the hit her squad had done on them.

And, after a few days recuperation, she, the commander of the newly nicknamed "Richmont's Hawks" - whose actions in the battle of Arcacello, while minor, had been one of the few decisive victories on the field - had been called to the office of one of the higher-ups. Honestly, it seemed to her that there was only one option for what this meeting might pertain to. After the Artomidian media had started focusing on her and her squad's efforts, latching onto it as a sign of hope amidst a crisis, she had been promoted almost immediately, and awarded with a medal known as the "Hawk's Feather," given for extreme acts of bravery and skill among the AAST corps. Sure, it was a PR measure to garner support for the military, and Aeri realized that. But the fact that she'd been given a fairly prestigious medal and a promotion still gave her at least some right to pride in herself, didn't it? Anyway, since that was all said and done, it seemed to her that this would be her next movement orders, and her objectives. They were going to move out again. While she wasn't battle hungry by any stretch of the imagination, she still had to admit that she couldn't wait.

She entered the General's office early, and, after saluting and reporting in, seated herself in silence. As the proceedings unfolded around her, she had to admit, she was curious. She had been called there amongst an odd bunch, to be sure. Raven Rookien, someone she recognized by reputation, if not by acquaintance, was a rather infamous assassin who had been caught during a botched takedown of an A.N.G. Intel agent. The murderess now worked for the Artomidian government, she understood, but she couldn't help but wonder why she, a regular soldier, would be working alongside a mercenary killer. Then, there was some weird guy named Unemori, or something, who she had never even heard of. Judging by his outfit, he wasn't a ranked member of the military, although he might have been some sort of rookie, or something. But what topped it all off was who came into the room next: Vage Leer, another person with a reputation.

His trial had been all over the news. Evidently, he was some sort of Stratian soldier who got cold feet when ordered to kill a civilian, and had gone rogue. While this normally wouldn't have been enough to exonerate a POW, apparently, the girl he rescued from his comrades had been pretty important, and he'd sustained heavy injuries while doing it, giving him both a powerful argument and a powerful ally. Aeri didn't really care how it turned out, but what she did care about was why in the hell she was apparently going to be assigned something involving a POW.

Only one way to find out, she supposed.

The setting changes from Planet Geia to Geia


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: General Star Character Portrait: Kay Stone
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(Well, I was going to wait for the others to post, but since they won't, I guess I will.)

Aerionelle was already standing up when the captain yelled his reproof - probably at the other two, but she could never be sure with the higher ups - and as such, was a little annoyed to be included in the group that was getting yelled at. Stepping forward, she sighed, stood at attention, and saluted.

"Senior Soldier, Aerionelle Franz Remil, of the 11th AAST Corps, commander of the 7th squadron, reporting for duty, ma'am. What is it that I shall do?"

The setting changes from Geia to Sci-fi fantasy


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: Vage Leer Character Portrait: General Star Character Portrait: Kay Stone Character Portrait: Raven Rookien Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Unemori
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(heya ya other guys, I know one of you is having computer problems and the other is having personal problems, so dont think I mean anything by this, its just to move the story along)
=Aerionelle was correct that his scolding was indeed not directed at her but more so at the other two whose attention seemed to stray. After seeing that the two weren't even paying attention to his own commands, the Captains blood began to boil. He clenched a fist a moment to where his knuckles whitened at the force of his grip. He wanted to jump down their neck for their lack of attention however he knew it would be out of General Star's interest to see him do so, instead he thought of the most delicately reprimandable action for them while being in his superiors presence. With violently loud footsteps the Captain walked past Senior Aerionelle who was the only one who properly reported in, and stormed towards Ryunosuke and Raven. He grabbed the two by the lapels of their uniforms and forcibly pulled them forward to where they were soon standing next to their peer at attention. Once he got them to where they needed to be he leaned forward to where his head was inbetween the ears of both Raven and Ryunosuke.
I will deal with you two later.
=he sneered as he then returned to General Star's side=
=Vage blinked and thought to himself=
oO( Is this guy like this to everyone? )


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: Vage Leer Character Portrait: General Star Character Portrait: Raven Rookien Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Unemori
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=General Star looks over the three a moment and then looks over to Vage=
Mr. Leer, please, you may join these three individuals.

=Without question Vage complies with General Star's request and goes to stand next to Ryunosuke. Once he does so General Star smiles at the four and speaks once again=
quote]Allow me to tell you what is going on here. The Artomidian National Government has decided to make revisions to the 2nd Brigade. No longer will the 2nd Brigade specialize solely in infantry combat, it will now be the front runner to Project: E, the prototype with which we discussed Mr. Leer will be testing. Should Project: E, be successful, 2nd Brigade will be the first to be equipped with the prototype armor we call the "eniknight," starting with the original testers that survive production.
Also, 2nd Brigade no longer will fall with in the A.N.G.'s military major command of operations. You might say it is become the start of a new branch of our military. In addition to this, 2nd Brigade has been renamed to the Artomidian National Government's Eniknight Legion, or A.N.G.E.L.
You three are probably wondering what this means for you since none of you were ever part of 2nd Brigade. Well allow me to first start with Senior Soldier Remil. Ms. Aerionelle Remil, would you please step forward? [/quote]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil
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A special prototype? A new division of soldiers armed with some kind of new weapon? While the young squadron commander wasn't surprised that she hadn't ever heard of such a thing - it was obviously top-secret, at least, it had been until now - she was still surprised - at least slightly - that she had been personally chosen for such a test. While she had made quite a name for herself, and arming her with a powerful new weapon would be a good boost to popular morale, if this prototype ended up killing her - which, from some of that Star had said before, seemed like a possibility - the backlash could be formidable. It seemed risky politics, but it was a gamble that could pay off, anyway.

"Yes, ma'am." The young soldier stepped forward after a brief salute, and stood at attention at the fore of her comrades-to-be. Even if this was unexpected, she could feel fate at work here. This was her destiny, and by god, she'd take it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: General Star Character Portrait: Kay Stone
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=The General returned Aerionelle's salute=
Soldier Remil, please stand at ease. You have demonstrated without a shadow of a doubt that you have proven yourself as a valued soldier within the A.N.G. If you only knew of all the positive feedback that the 11th A.A.S.T. Command has circulated about you, you would understand why you have been hand picked for the accommodation you are about to receive.

=Captain Stone picks up a box with the newly crafted crest of the A.N.G.E.L. engraved on top of it.=
I will first tell you this, even though the Battle of Richmont ended in defeat, your squads efforts were not overlooked. It is because of your squads actions in holding back the Stratian offensive as long as you did, is why 800,000 people owe their lives to you for their escape to Caska and Holygrounds, as well as allowed for the strategic retreat of 12,000 able soldiers who are now aiding the Caska regiment on the frontlines at our prefectures boarders.
The Artomidian Airborne Shock Troop detachment has recognized you by name for leading a fighter squadron of Stratian Arrow Piercer Fighters away from their position which greatly aided them against the Stratian invaders.

Because of their valued service the 11th A.A.S.T. has been absorbed by A.N.G.E.L. and will be the first detachment to push back the Stratians as Eniknight Legionaries. Also because of your recognized service you have been awarded the Heaven's Sword, One of the highest awards to be bestowed upon a soldier during war time.

=General Star opens the box that is in Captain Stones hands and pulls out a medal of a winged sword pointing up, blade running through the center of a halo. The General pins the medal on Soldier Remil's chest, while Captain Stone replaces the box with another=

In addition, to this medal, it has been unanimously agreed upon by A.N.G. High Command that you are to be stepped promoted from Senior Soldier, to 2nd Lieutenant (Lt.).
=The General opens the second box and pins the officers rank on her lapel=
You're duties and responsibilities will be briefed to you in private however there are two orders of business regarding your new position that we will discuss here and now.

The first of which is, the individuals you see before you will be assigned to your squad to include the former Stratian Leer and another individual currently en-route Senior Mezzerai. They will answer to your orders, while Captain Stone will serve as your superior officer as Company Commander. I expect great things out of your leadership 2nd Lt. Remil , I trust the men and women under you will be cared for and in turn care for you.
Lastly a detachment with such merits is worthy of some prestige within our ranks, this is my personal award to your detachment, to allow your men to be branded with something more than a number. Your first duty as Squad Commander of the 11th AAST is to grant them a name worthy of their praise, something they can find more pride in than just saying they are the 11th AAST.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil
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"Thank you, ma'am!" The young soldier said, smiling with irrepressible excitement as she gave a grateful salute. Not only was she being promoted and awarded with accolades that would distinguish her, even amongst a well known line of able soldiers, but she got to remain in command of her beloved division, and to use a new prototype weapon that, from the sound of it, was unlike anything the battlefield had ever seen before. Who could help but be beaming with joy at such a fortuitous prospect? Certainly not Aerionelle.

"As for my division, it's already been given a name by the media, and by the people, hasn't it?" Her smile grew broader, as, with a slight air of pride in the accomplishments of both herself and those under her command, she completed her first duty as Second Lieutenant.

"The seventh squadron of the 11th AAST division already has a name. We're Richmont's Hawks," She finished coolly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: General Star Character Portrait: Kay Stone Character Portrait: Cyrus, Mezzerai
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=General Star smiles and returns her salute=
Richmont's Hawks it is then

=Everyones attention was then abruptly pulled to the door way as a womans scream could be heard. Captain Stone darts infront of the general serving as her shield as he pulls out his pistol and aims it at the entry way. The doors swung open for Cyrus entrance. Captain Stone's eyes narrowed as he aimed at the mans head a moment, slowly pulling back on the trigger. As soon as Cyrus brought up his hand to salute and announce himself, Captain Stone eased up on the trigger and looked at him make his way to a chair before gazing toward the General as if asking for permission to tear this guy a new one for creating the scare that he did, and dripping blood all over the Generals marble floor.
General Star gave a laughing smirk a brief moment as she closed her eyes and shook her head as if she knew what he was thinking. She walks over to Cyrus=
Senior Mezzerai, I would like to introduce you to your new detachment
=She says as the others in the room look his way, Captain Stone behind them, burning a hole through him with his glare=


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: General Star Character Portrait: Cyrus, Mezzerai
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=General Star smiled and looked over to Lt. Remil as a response. =
Lieutenant, care to fill your soldier in?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: General Star Character Portrait: Kay Stone Character Portrait: Cyrus, Mezzerai
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"Roger, Ma'am." The now-Lieutenant saluted, then turned to face the new arrival. "Greetings. I am Second Lieutenant Aerionelle Franz Remil, commander and field operations director of Richmont's Hawks, former 7th squadron of the 11th AAST corps, now First Squadron of the Artomidian National Government's Eniknight Legion - or A.N.G.E.L. - a special military unit that will utilize prototype technology to help drive back the Stratians. In layman's terms, we're super soldiers. To make a long story short, you've been transferred to the division along with the others in this room with you. We are to receive these new Eniknights soon, and make immediate use of them, under the direct command and supervision of General Star and Captain Stone, both of whom are standing before you. Do you have any questions?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: General Star Character Portrait: Kay Stone Character Portrait: Cyrus, Mezzerai
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Cyrus began to work a kink out of his neck with a crack as he listened to the explanation. He smiled as h straightened out the kink with a satisfying snap. He began to get excited with the new assignment. He had always loved new and advanced gear and there EniKnights sure seemed like some high octane stuff. " So basically we've been selected test out some experimental high powered weapons and be super hero's." With a hearty laugh Cyrus leans back in his chair. "Sure glad i didn't miss this one eh captain?" Cyrus nudges captain stone with his bloodied elbow in mock friendship though fully aware of the mans distaste for him. He turned back to the lieutenant with a intensely excited glare. "So when do we get to see these works of militarized art?" Eager to get his hands on a new tool for destruction the former mercenary was itching for some practice time, though not to much he wanted to try whatever this top secret weapon was out in the real world asap.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: General Star Character Portrait: Kay Stone Character Portrait: Cyrus, Mezzerai
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=Captain Stone looked down at the blood on his uniform. His eyes studied it and then arose back at Senior Mezzerai it was very opperant he was trying everything to keep his cool and not fly off of the handle and kill this man. Without his eyes leaving Mezzerai he speaks to the newly appointed Lt.=
Lt. Remil, you are aware that it is my jurisdiction to determine who does and does not get assigned suicide missions. I highly suggest you keep your soldiers in check. Lesson one for officers, the officer is the first to be accountable for the soldiers actions
=he said in a firm almost threatening tone as he walks toward the General=
If nothing more needs to be addressed, I will go and inform the development team that the soldiers are on their way.

=General Star nods=
Very well, Captain you are dismissed

=The Captain says as he salutes the General and takes his leave.=

=The General returns his salute and faces the others=
As for the rest of you, you are to proceed to Weapons development lab, you will find it east of this building, two blocks away, you are dismissed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil
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"Yes, sir," Aerionelle replied, saluting resolutely as the captain left the room. As Cyrus spoke up and attempted to leave, the now-lieutenant turned, sighing.

"Just one moment, Senior Soldier Mezzarai." Aerionelle checked him sternly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I like to think of myself as a very lenient person, especially to those under my command. But here at the headquarters, I'd like to request that you at least observe protocol. I can understand being tired. I can understand showing up late. I can even understand showing up covered in blood! However, I won't compromise on respect to our superiors. As my new charge, your actions are also my own. It's unacceptable to act so blase toward your superiors. Keep that in mind."

"I'm heading out, ma'am. I'll report to the lab at once," the young soldier finished, turning, saluting, and then walking briskly from the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil
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As Aerionelle approached the lab, she noticed another shape going in before her: Vage Leer. While normally, this wouldn't have halted her for an instant, what she next saw was something that did.

With a loud cry, her new subordinate drew back, soaked by some sort of green foam. Probably a cleansing fluid meant to purge possible contaminants to the lab, if she had to guess, but it was also something she really didn't want on her pristine uniform.

Peeking around the rim of the door so as not to give him a clear shot with that sprayer of his, she looked in in time to hear the doctor's introduction and commands. She sighed. If there was one thing she had dreaded about being a test subject, it was having to take off her clothing for the test itself. She wasn't exactly willing to remove even a piece of her precious attire if people were staring at her, but it looked like she'd be forced to, willing or not.

"Second Lieutenant, Aerionelle Franz Remil, reporting for duty. Before I enter, I have two questions and a request. First, exactly how much of my clothing do I have to take off? Secondly, does it have to be done in front of everyone? Call me shy, but I like my privacy. And thirdly, could you spray me and NOT my uniform? It seems like that foam might be a bit difficult to clean off."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: Dr. Hugo Splietzer Character Portrait: Cyrus, Mezzerai
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=After spraying down Cyrus he turns to see the officer sticking her head from the door. The doctor listened to every word she says and replies in his fast paced rhetoric=
First question, undergarments providing they are not loose fitting may be warn, anything that hangs precisely one half inch from the body however his prohibited. Excess of clothing could jeopardize the production phase of the prototype creating a faulty product that could result in death. However all male testers may quickly proceed to production vats upon chip installation so as to give all female testers a degree of privacy. However the body is a natural thing comprising of nothing more than bone, flesh, fats, and connected tissue, all feelings of shame and pride related to the human anatomy should be discarded as nonsensical and irrelevant.
Second question, yes and no. All eniknight testers are to be monitored at all times during the production phase by our staff to ensure the eniknight manifestation sequence is running smoothly, as well as ensure your vitals are kept safe guarded to prevent accidental death.
Third question, denied, all articles of clothing that enter into this lab must be sanitized as I view them to produce harmful pathogens and other bacteria deemed to not meet my satisfaction. Solution A Product 413A20-2 is not difficult to clean off, it has been tested and found to cause no residual effects or staining and will dissipate upon its evaporation
=With that before she could get another word in the Doctor sprayed her down from head to toe just as Vage and Cyrus had to endure before pointing to the same spot he pointed to for Vage and Cyrus.
Please step over there at remove at minimum your boots and place them in that plastic bag on the wall, then wash your hands. Removal of further articles of clothing may remain pending until male testers are chipped and sent to their designated production Vats.

=Dr. Splietzer then looked to the two male testers, Vage and Cyrus=
When you are finished removing your articles of clothing I ask that the two of you follow this white line to the squares painted on the floor. Please step directly in the center of the square for your chip installation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerionelle Franz Remil Character Portrait: Vage Leer Character Portrait: Dr. Hugo Splietzer Character Portrait: Cyrus, Mezzerai
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((K looks like it's you and I again Tsukiakari, man I hope recruiting picks up))

=Within moments Cyrus repeats the same process Vage undergone as Dr. Splietzer embeds the Neural tap chip in the back of his head, where afterwards he goes through the same airlocked doors Vage went through that quickly close behind him upon passing through. Giving the female eniknight testers their privacy to undergo the same preparations.
Dr. Splietzer is paying no mind to Lt. Remil's presence as he resumes work on his computer as she preps to also be injected with the neural tap microchip. Dr. Splietzer's fingers dance across his keyboard as he is preparing the next phase of the tester's production process by activating the vats.
On the other side of the doors Vage and Cyrus stand before a row on cylindrical transparent vats that look like they each could easily hold a person or two. Behind them on the upper level is a window looking down upon the room, no doubt for the production team to operate from a distance, no necessarily the most comforting thought to have. Vage and Cyrus are able to see men and women in white lab coats going back forwarth and taking their places as if they were about to send a rocket to the moon for the first time. Off to the side cameras can be seen in place, pointed at the vats, presumably to aide the production team in observing the creation process.
A buzzard goes off with a red siren light turning on over each vat, that quickly kills the silence of the room. Vage and Cyrus quickly look around to see whats going on, cant help becoming alert by the sound. As soon as the sound is heard, a door from the inside ceiling of the vats open. Following the ceiling opening up, a pink powder begins to pour down into each tube. Each vat gets filled with about three inches of the pink fiber before the ceiling opening seals shut once more.=

The hell is all that stuff?
=Vage ask pressing his hand against the glass looking down at the fine pink powder=