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A New Age of Music: The Club Scene

A New Age of Music: The Club Scene


With club and house music taking over the radio, and clubs growing in popularity, a group of friends think up the best idea ever: We'll start our own club! But running a business like this isn't exactly a walk in the park..

1,117 readers have visited A New Age of Music: The Club Scene since Arekkusu created it.


Club and house music has become increasingly popular within the past year or so. Nowadays, the biggest stars turn to these genres for their beats, and pull out a variety of electronic and house based tracks. Because of this, clubs around the world have grown much more popular. It's a sure fire way to get your name out there, and make a decent amount of cash. The perfect business, right? Wrong. Although owning and maintaining a club sounds like a dream come true, the idea is about to put eight friends through some of the weirdest events of their lives. Love will spark, rivalry will ensue, tempers will flair, and the club isn't even opened yet! Come join these eight friends as they try to stay on top and own the best club in the country.

Welcome to Club Sparkz


Club Sparkz, an 18+ dance club that opened recently. It has gorgeous dancers, awesome music, and a decent crowd. What more could you want? Come on in to enjoy one of the best experiences of your lifetime!


Guy 1/DJ/Co-Owner (Taken by Arekkusu)
Guy 2/Bouncer/Bartender/Dancer (Reserved)
Guy 3/Bouncer/Bartender/Dancer (Reserved)
Guy 4/Bouncer/Bartender/Dancer (Open)

Girl 1/DJ/Co-Owner (Taken by MirrorMirror1498)
Girl 2/Dancer/Bartender (Taken by Neru)
Girl 3/Dancer/Bartender (Taken by AnimeGirl)
Girl 4(Dancer/Bartender (Taken by Violentious)

VIP 1 (Open)
VIP 2 (Open)

NOTE: You don't have to be one of the main characters. You can be hired help or a customer

Character Sheet

Age: (21+)
Position: (You can have more then one position)
History: (If you're a VIP, include how you became one)
Appearance: (Anime pics if you can. But if you want to get all fancy and write one out, go ahead. I won't judge)

1) No one liners! PLEASE!!
2) Keep it PG-13. Minimal cursing
3) Romance is encouraged, but keep it acceptable. No nasty stuff
4) Have fun my peeps :D

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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"And.. that should do it." Takashi looked over a sign that was hanging on the front of an older looking building. The whole place had recently been repainted, and redecorated. The sign was pretty big, expanding across a section of empty wall.

Club Sparkz Grand Opening! Tonight's line-ups include DJ AleXxX & DJ Hikaru! Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime oppurtunity! Entrance fees are $8 at the door, or $6 online. Must have valid ID availabe at the door, or you will not be admitted. Come join us this Friday night from 8:00pm - 3:00am and Saturday night: 10:00pm - 5:00am

Takashi smiled a little at his slight accomplishment. It had taken him a little over a week to make that sign. Now he had to make about a dozen more. "I thought someone would be here by now. What gives?" He tugged open the worn out steel door and walked inside the club. It looked weird to him, mostly because there weren't any colored lights swirling around and tons of people dancing to extremely loud music. Takashi slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone, checking the time. 7:45.. The guests are supposed to be here at 9:30. So, we've got some time. To gain some attention to the new club, Takashi had asked around 200 people to come to a free preview of Club Sparkz. He had told them to invite whoever they wanted, and they would all get the special treatment. Half priced drinks, VIP access, no entry fees. The whole package. He couldn't give them free everything. If he did that, the club wouldn't make any money.

It wasn't Takashi's first time performing in front of a crowd, in fact he was used to larger groups of people. But for some weird reason he was nervous. Real nervous. He walked over to one of the overly plush couches and flopped down, gazing around, bored. "Hurry up already!" He shouted to the empty building.


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#, as written by phooka
Hikaru ran, scurrying into the club, and plopped down on the floor, panting hard. "Sorry, Takashi, I was minding my buisness, driving here, and then my stinkin' car broke down, so I decided to walk the rest of the way, but I ended up getting chased here by some dogs!" She crawled over to her friend and hopped onto the couch and smiled, "It was Awesome! I felt like I was in a freakin' video game!"

She pulled off her hat, her medium length blonde hair tumbled out of it, and she fanned herself with it. "So, what's the deal? Where's everyone else at? I guess we've got two hours...but still." Hikaru stopped talking for a second and then jumped up out of the seat, "man, I just can't sit still, I'm going to go check the speakers."

She jogged over and went into the back room behind the DJ station where all the wires and switches where, and turned the speakers on. She then went and turned on a random song. The sound blared though the empty room sounding more like a train than music, and she turned it back off and shouted to Takashi, "It works!" And then went back to the back room to turn the speakers back off.


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Zane found it kind of funny that he first met the owners of Club Sparkz at a popular nightclub in town. Then again, he supposed it made sense, but still, what were the odds. He'd just laid off at Starbucks (it'd been a crap job anyway; those coffee makers were definitely possessed), so he'd gone with his usual cure-all: a night of pounding music and crowded dance floors to rid himself of stress and worry. He'd met Yakashi and Hikaru, they'd mentioned the club they were planning to open soon, Zane had offered his services as a dancer, and the test, as they say, was history.

Now if only he could find the place.

"Well, it's official: I'm totally lost." Sighing, he pulled out his earbuds and started swinging them around, letting the wire wrap around his fingers before unravelling and then wrapping around the other way. It was a nervous habit of his; he blamed the ADHD. He also blamed Hikaru for not supplying decent directions. Giving just the street number really wasn't all that helpful. Plus, he didn't even have a phone number to text either of them to see if he was getting close. "Okay, don' panic," he reminded himself, stopping to look around. "I just need to stay calm, take a deep breath, and oh, look, there it is!" Apparently the place he was looking for had a big ol' sigh on the front. Go figure.

Knowing better than to look a gift horse in the mouth, the young man shoved his earbuds into his pocket with his iPod shuffle and hurried into the building, compelled by the sound of techno dance music. Without the strobe lights and crowds of people, the inside of the club didn't look a whole lot like a club, but at least it sounded like one. "I sure hope y'all didn' start the party without me!" he yelled over the speakers, his slight New Orleanean accent slipping into his words. As the speakers shut off and Hikaru reentered the main room, Zane threw himself down onto the nearest couch, grinning like an idiot. "Boy, y'all weren't kidding. This place's nice!"


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#, as written by Cazuki
Ricky sighed, how had he gotten into this mess in the first place. He thought
Oh yeah, it was that guy... he remembered the man who had challanged him to a game of Blackjack back when he had worked in a casino. The man had won every single hand, no matter how many times Ricky played him. The man had never asked for money though, only that he work in a new club called Club Sparkz.
Ricky sighed again and opened the door to the club, he could hear a random song play, then shut off again as someone shouted that the sound system worked. He looked around and saw someone else walk into the club, a guy. Then he saw one guy he remembered, or at least one that the man who had beaten him had given him a description of. Ricky walked up to the man and said
"Your name is Takashi... correct? My name is Ricky Harrison"


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#, as written by Neru
It was 8:25 and Briana was rushing down the street towards Sparkz. Oh great, I'm gonna be late. She thought to herself while shaking her head a bit. She would have been out earlier, but she had quite a few arguments with her brother, concerning her choice in clothing. "Ugh, I'm 21 let me be an adult will ya Ryu." She mumbled to herself, while checking the time once more. "Ack! Freakin Ryu!" She hissed out, begining to run the remainder of the way to the club.

Reaching Sparkz about 10 minutes later, Briana doubled over to catch her breath while she looked around. Huh it looks almost empty..wonder if anyones here yet. After catching her breath a bit, Briana tugged open the door stepping in. Her gaze roamed around, nodding in approval. "Well, this place looks good." Briana called out over the music as she spotted Takashi. Skipping over to her friend, she dropped onto the couch beside him. "Sorry I'm late Takashi. Ryu had some objections with my outfit choice."


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Takashi laughed as Hikaru decided to test the sound system. "It's gonna have to be louder!" He shouted back, jumping off the couch and looking around. I sure hope y'all didn' start the party without me! He turned around and spotted Zane walking in. "Hey, you got lost again didn't you?" He joked, laughing a bit. Takashi walked over to the bar and jumped over the counter, checking to make sure they had enough drinks for tonight. Your name is Takashi... correct? My name is Ricky Harrison. He gazed up from the bar to see a familiar face. "Oh yeah. The guy I beat back at the casino. Glad you could make it." He wasn't trying to be a kind of smart ass or anything, but Takashi usually spoke whatever he thought. "Tonight should go alright, but I don't want to take any chances. You're gonna be our bouncer until things start to calm down." He hopped back over the bar and checked the lighting near the dance floor before walking back over to the couch and dropping down next to Briana. Sorry I'm late Takashi. Ryu had some objections with my outfit choice. He looked over her outfit and blushed a little. Takashi had always thought Briana was pretty cute, but hadn't told anyone. "You look perfect." He grinned.


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#, as written by Cazuki
Ricky growled slightly when Takashi left. He probably didn't mean to sound like a smart-ass but to Ricky, who is honestly a very bad loser it sounded just like that. Besides, even though his father had trained him in boxing and as such the art of self-defence, he hated doing violent things, which many people didn't assume because of his almost truggish look. He sighed
"Well, i suppose i have to honour by bet" he said quietly and walked away from the bar, leaning against the side of the doors. There wasn't going to be much to do until 9.30, when the club was supposed to open for the first time.
Well... at least the first night is going to be interesting... i wonder who'll come in... i heard Takashi got 200 people in for the first night... i would rather be at the bar, talking to them rather than down here intimidating them he looked over to Takashi, who was sitting on a sofa with somebody.
"Hey boss! That your girlfriend or something?" if he was stuck here he might as well get some fun out of it.


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Violet started to speed down the highway since it was empty. She was in her Kawasaki Ninja and she had her headphones hanging from her neck.
She was playing Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru but it was the remixed version. Violet started to see Club Sparkz's through her tinted helmet lenses.
Violet started to break as she approached the club. She parked and left her motorcycle in it's own horizontal parking spot.
She walked over to Takashi. Violet had her helmet in her hand and she was still playing her music.
Violet was now playing Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO but it was covered by a group called Insanity X.
So basically, she was playing Party Rock Anthem which was being played by Insanity X. Violet changed the song to Alive by Becca.
Violet smiled then she said, "I'm Violet Ikeda." To Ricky she said that since Takashi walked somewhere else.


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#, as written by phooka
Hikaru looked up as people began filing into the club. The first one being Zane. She always liked Zane quite a bit, but never really showed it. She ran up to him and jumped onto his lap.

"Zaaane!" She shouted, throwing her arms around him, "I thought you died or something, but I guess it's just how suckish I am at writing up directions. I'm sorry!" She quickly turned around and hopped off of his lap, onto the seat next to him. "If it makes you feel any better, I got chased halfway here by some really big dogs."

She laughed at the thought, it wasn't funny then, but now, it was pretty darn hilarious. "I'm pretty sure Emmett is still off with the tow guy, who is probably really confused as to why I gave him $90 to fill the truck up and then took off running. Not exactly the smartest things to do, but I'm pretty sure he's one of my brother's friends, so it's okay."


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#, as written by Neru
Briana blushed lightly at Takashi's remark. "Well thank you! Maybe if you told Ryu that he wouldn't have flipped out on me." She giggled a bit while looking around the club. It look fairly nice, and she figured it would look better once people started coming in. "We have enough drinks right? I'd hate to have angry coustmers." Briana remarked before hearing Ricky call out. Hey boss! That your girlfriend or something? She chuckled at the remark, looking over to Ricky. "Yeah I wish. Takashi's afraid my big brother might murder him if he tried anything." Briana joked though she fell onto her side, her head resting on Takashi's leg. She looked up at her friend, sticking her tongue out she laughed a bit while she fiddled with one of the many bands around her wrist.


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The dancer rolled his eyes, though the smile never left his face. "Oh, gimme a break, you know I'm lousy with directions. I make Amelia Earheart look good," he joked, crossing his arms behind his head. Zane laughed as Hikaru practically laughed herself at him, returning the hug. "Ha! You ain' getting rid of me that easy, hun." He had to admit, Hikaru was pretty awesome. She was probably one of the few people who could match his own natural energy. "And don' sweat it about the directions. Least I made it here, so next time shouldn' be much of a problem." Besides, his getting lost was nothing compared to her day so far. You had to feel bad for anyone unlucky enough to get chase by dogs for several blocks. Zane could honestly say he'd never had that problem. Although he did have to laugh about her fiasco with the tow guy. "You know, suddenly, I feel better about my day."

Giggling, he looked around at the rest of the crew who'd assembled. He didn't know most of them, but that was the point of getting here early: 1. To get set up for tonight, and 2. To get introduced to future coworkers. They all seemed pretty cool, even if that Ricky guy was kind of intimidating. Note to self: Do NOT hit on him. And it even looked like Takashi had gotten himself a giiiiiiirlfriieeend. "Don' look now," Zane whispered conspiratorially to Hikaru while motioning toward the other co-ownerd and Briana, "but it looks like love is in the air. How long do you think 'til they start making out?"


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Takashi blinked and laughed, nudging Briana's side. "I'm not that afraid of him. But I will admit, he can be pretty creepy sometimes." He had heard Zane's remark, and decided payback was in order. "It's not just over here. You seemed pretty cozy with Hikaru on your lap." He joked, laughing a little. So far, the night was going pretty well. There was still another 40 minutes or so before the club opened, and Takashi looked around, trying to think up what to do. "Oh, that reminds me." He jumped up from his seat and climbed into the DJ booth that was positioned above the dance floor. He pulled out a box that was stuffed underneath a pile of CDs and walked back over the rest of the group. "These are everyone, just in case you guys feel like coming here on your days off and partying." He handed each of them a VIP access card and a key to the front and back doors of the club. "Now all we gotta do is wait for our guests."


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#, as written by Neru
Taking the card and key that were handed to her, Briana rolled off the couch jumping to her feet as she slid the card into her back pocket along with the key. "What time were they supposed to be showing up?" She questioned Takashi while walking over to the bar. Slipping behind it, she looked over everything they had, taking a mental inventory of it. She then pulled out a glass, getting some water before she leaned against the bar looking at the others in the room. "Hmm...Bored.." She breathed out a quiet sigh looking down at the glass she held in her hand. Tilting her head a bit, a grin came over her lips as she dumped out the water. She then pulled out a random bottle of vodka, pouring a small amount into the bottom of the glass. Tugging out a book of matches she kept tucked into her pocket, she striked a match to life before setting the liquid on fire, kneeling down a bit to watch it burn. Briana would never admit it to anyone, but it was clear she was a bit of a pyro. She looved setting things on fire, or just messing with matches. "Hey Takashi...I'm bored." She stated, though her gaze never left the glass infront of her.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Layla Embers
Character Portrait: Violet Ikeda
Character Portrait: Zane Durant


Character Portrait: Zane Durant
Zane Durant

"Life may not be the party we expected, but as long as we're here we might as well dance!"

Character Portrait: Violet Ikeda
Violet Ikeda

"If I'm a bad person, you don't like me. Well I guess I'll make my own way"

Character Portrait: Layla Embers
Layla Embers

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."


Character Portrait: Violet Ikeda
Violet Ikeda

"If I'm a bad person, you don't like me. Well I guess I'll make my own way"

Character Portrait: Layla Embers
Layla Embers

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

Character Portrait: Zane Durant
Zane Durant

"Life may not be the party we expected, but as long as we're here we might as well dance!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Layla Embers
Layla Embers

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

Character Portrait: Violet Ikeda
Violet Ikeda

"If I'm a bad person, you don't like me. Well I guess I'll make my own way"

Character Portrait: Zane Durant
Zane Durant

"Life may not be the party we expected, but as long as we're here we might as well dance!"

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Re: [OOC] A New Age of Music: The Club Scene

Sorry. Been working all weekend T_T Well, I gave him long enough, so he can post his character later if he still wants. But I'll go ahead and start it up :D

Re: [OOC] A New Age of Music: The Club Scene

When are we startinng?

Re: [OOC] A New Age of Music: The Club Scene

So, how much longer are we waiting for OverworkerWarden?

Re: [OOC] A New Age of Music: The Club Scene

I thought I edited the intro page. Whoops. Sorry, but Violentious took that spot. You can still submit a normal character, but I won't be accepting anymore DJs.

Re: [OOC] A New Age of Music: The Club Scene

Alright, so once OverworkedWarden submits his profile we can start! :D

Re: [OOC] A New Age of Music: The Club Scene

Would it be cool if I reserved a male character?

Re: [OOC] A New Age of Music: The Club Scene

You do too! And I like it though xD. Save me the spot of girl two please? :P

Re: [OOC] A New Age of Music: The Club Scene

I do not! xD Tye's the one who thought up this own. And I liked the idea, so I went with it >.>

Re: [OOC] A New Age of Music: The Club Scene

And this is why you can never figure out which rp you replied too and haven't XD You make sooo many

[OOC] A New Age of Music: The Club Scene

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