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Fujiwara Sachiyo

A kunoichi from a mostly extinct clan, Sachiyo is a master of wire techniques both mystic and mundane.

0 · 386 views · located in Feudal Japan

a character in “A Ninja Tale”, as played by Hal_Wannabe


Fujiwara Sachiyo
Sachiyo wears stylish kimonos at almost all times with sleeves that just come over her hands. Her brownish black hair sometimes gives off an eerie glint in strong light. Everything about her, from her style, grace, appearance, and posture screams that she's a highborn lady. An image she's taken a lifetime to cultivate.
Run all you want. You only go deeper into my web.

Fujiwara Sachiyo
Age: 22
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 117
Weapon(s): Wire and various poisons.

Personality:Cold and Calculating, she always tries to keep a leg up. But once an agreement is reached she will never break her word.
Likes: Solitude, quiet. Meatbuns, cats.
Dislikes: Loud noises and loud people,
Talents: puppeteering,
Flaws: Her vanity is her number one flaw, and her mouth gets her in more trouble that she likes.
Hobbies: When moving through towns she will often take the time to put on puppet shows for children, finding it a way to relax and stay connected to a world she's not a part of.

Bio: Fujiwara Sachiyo is a kunoichi from the Tsuchigumo clan. Having been broken during the ninja wars the techniques have been passed down in secret ever since. She is cold and calculating, never giving an inch she doesn't have to. She often takes on assassination missions given her skill in bladed wires and poison. She constantly wears a kimono and is extremely deliberate in her manner. She was taken in by her master at the age of three and grew up learning the techniques. She is an assassin for hire and often spends weeks away from her home. Her most versatile technique. Sachiyo is a force to be reckoned with, even her kimonos or a weapon, different portions soaked in different poisons to create her hidden protection, the Poisoned Silk Armor. Having just finished a mission she returns home.

So begins...

Fujiwara Sachiyo's Story


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Sachiyo yawned as she traveled. She'd been unable to sleep the night before, wishing nothing more than to return home. Not that home meant much. Her feet were carefully placed as to not cause the dust to rise and dirty her kimono.

This last one had taken far too long. Over three months to get to Nobunaga, get paid, kill the target and leave. That man is a fool. No matter the era, someone will rise up, rightful king or not. His brutality will be his own undoing. Her pouch clinked with all the gold she'd need for awhile. She walked up the path, not knowing that were the wind blowing in the opposite direction she'd smell smoke from the parts of the forest burned the previous night. She was just eager to get to the last refuge of her clan. The tree she knew affectionately as 'The Parlor'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato Character Portrait: Takashi Kunosaki Character Portrait: Yuuki Kunosaki Character Portrait: Fujiwara Sachiyo
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#, as written by Metsumi
Yuuki could only listen as everyone explained. Her face was set into a look of focus. Her hand up against her mouth in thought. She wasn't a genius like her brother but if they were to hide in town they would need a disguise. The idea of taking up the identity of a ninja from a different clan was excellent. So was saying they were of different clans...but...

Hio-san started talking about a contract, one not of the mundane realm. She saw the bloodstained scroll and her eyes narrowed. It didn't seem to be the kind negotiated over tea and sweets. Yamahashi asked Hio who her contractor was and noticed his hand was drifting to his weapon. Distrust was still evident. When he started to explain Iga techniques she wandered off onto a branch that extended out into a view of the vast forest.

She looked out and saw trees for miles around. A beaten path wove through the trees. Now on that path a lone figure could be seen. Yuuki watched for a bit, wondering whether it was a common traveler or a threat. As the figure got closer she could make out it was female. No female traveled alone unless they were a miko, kunoichi, or just very brave. She heard Yamahashi calling and she walked casually back to the group, her expression now back to its soft features. "I believe if we disguise ourselves, it should be as the common villager or traveler. Something un-ninja like." She smiled. "But learning about each clan's weakness is very helpful. Thank you." She bowed her thanks. "Finally, I would like formalities to be dropped. Yuuki-chan or Yuu-chan is fine. Right Taka-chan?" She elbowed him.

"We also may have unexpected guest on our way. Whoever she is, I suppose we hide ourselves."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Himawari Takato Character Portrait: Fujiwara Sachiyo
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Takato looked out at the mention of someone coming, a girl in a fancy kimono walked along. "Hide. I'll take the lookout spot." He scrambled up toward the top of the safe house, watching her silently until she disappeared underneath the tree. He gripped his chains tightly, keeping them apart and at the ready.

Sachiyo paused underneath the tree, her eyes narrowing. She looked up and then back down. The platform had touched the ground recently, the grass where it landed uneven. Someone had found her home.

"Assassins?" She whispered. She wove a wire duplicate and used her strings to manipulate it down the path, wearing her favorite kimono. She sighed as she made the figure vanish into the trees and looked up and started to climb, knowing all the dead spots were one couldn't be seen from the top.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Yuuki Kunosaki Character Portrait: Fujiwara Sachiyo
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#, as written by Penfold
Piitaa acted instantly at the mention of the stranger climbing onto a branch and into the deeper foiliage using his skills to blend with the surrounds, Despite wearing his blood red clothing his Iga skills evident The group in the tree being nearer to Piitaa would hear a faint "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiink" of a blade leaving its sheath but oddly enough it took much longer than a normal Katana....more evidence that he has his Nodachi out somewhere....the weapon that has secured the deaths of many Samurai and Ninja alike even before he put his claim and his kills onto it.

he stayed silent now his mind whirring as he clung to a branch hidden in the growth he pushed his hearing to the limit being able to pick up every faint sound it seemed now, the wind breezing through the tree branches, it was as if he could hear the sun grace the leaves with its presence he would be able to hear anyone approaching no matter where they came from....provide it was an ordinary traveler, or a samurai, but if it was a Ninja which was more likely...only a ninja could sneak up on other ninja without getting noticed, a samurai would have been heard a mile away in comparison....a ninja would mean Piitaa would have to work harder to firstly find the person and second to track them....he heard rustling above and below but focusing on hearing and not seeing left Piitaa only able to tell who was near him by their steps and breath and even that put it down to gender for him, he could hear Yuuki moving however as Kai was also of a more stealth focused clan her step would naturally be lighter than the princess Piitaa's mind would have had no stealth training beyond the basics, her sills focused on diplomacy and disguise....only a matter of time before who ever was approaching them...and when they did Piitaa would be ready to jump down and put the long blade to her back, the long reach of the sword able to silence any escape "provided it all goes to plan" he thought to himself "if not then the fun begins"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato Character Portrait: Takashi Kunosaki Character Portrait: Otoha Zokiro Character Portrait: Yuuki Kunosaki
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Kai quickly crept into the giant jar. She peeked out from under the lid. Yamahashi and the Princess had dissappeared into the tree. Himawari was up somewhere in the crows nest. The others she had no knowledge of. She pulled out her Fukiya and the sound of a blade drawn greeted her ears. Probably Yamahashi or the Princess...She loaded a dart into the thin tube and put it to her lips. Who ever this was, she would knock them out. Asking questions would be reasonable. Killing this person if unnecessary wasn't. "Especially if they work for Nobunaga...."