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Silvia Albott

"If we conquer our emotions then that'll make you stronger at least thats what they say"

0 · 308 views · located in Modern Day

a character in “A Pledge for Justice”, originally authored by Polarisbear12, as played by RolePlayGateway


♦ [color=] Snake[/color] ♦

[url=] Song | author [url]


General Information



Face Claim


Hair Color
Eye Color
Cruel Grey
Silvia has procured various scars over the years but are small in size. Half of a snakes tattoo is on her left arm ending just before the elbow that she got when she first started her "night" job.
Silvia has mid-length black hair that she often puts up in a ponytail but will wear it down on occasion or in some other style. Tan skin covers her body making her hair seem darker than it really is and her eyes even crueler. Although Silvia is lean with little to no fat that doesnt mean she isnt considered a beauty.

Normal Clothing
She often wears loose blouses and tight jeans with her black boots. Of course she never goes without some form of weapon on her person namely her favorite knives and her favorite gun the FN Five-seven USG.

Silvia wears a black tube top, a dark purple trench coat, and black pants. On her left arm she has a snake tattoo, she got as an sign of her ending her ignorant life. She normally keeps various knives hidden throuought her outfit and doesnt bother with the necessary percautions as some do. Silvia usally has a cold, emotionless expression on her face, or a smirk.


Silvia always carries with her a deck of cards that she is often shuffleing to relieve stress.
Gunslinger: When Silvia fires a shot, it typically is going to hit whatever she was aiming for. She's able to account for a moving target and adjust her aim well for such occasions. Her accuracy doesn't really suffer much if she were in motion or her target was moving fast. Her drawing speed is swift, and she's even able to deal with targets while swinging.

Martial Arts: It's almost inhuman to watch her at work, there isn't a bit of wasted movement and her patience is lethal. She is able to perform acorbatic movements with ease like they were childs play. She knows how and where to hit her enemy, vicious attack patterns keep her opponent off balance and leave them little room to make any kind of error without being punished for it. She's trained to be more of a weapon than a woman, and the brutal blunt strikes she can deliver end most brawls quickly.
Fights||Guns||Money||A good fight
Cowards||Ignorant People||Perverted Men
Silvia secretly fears herself on becoming nothing but a killing machine. That or losing everything she worked for has gone to waste.
Silvia often suffers from extreme migraines. They usually come out ofthe blue or something triggers them. Once these migraines come about Silvia is pretty much rendered defenseless.


Under the Mask


Real Name
Silvia Albott
Ultimately Silvia is the same with or without the mask, and without it its just acting. Silvia is usually calm and collected during her attacks. She shows no remorse to her actions, even killing her father without a bat of her eye. She doesn't seem to have any interest in a love life and disregards all 'friends' that she has.

She is constantly haunted by the image of her father, the man she killed and tries her best to ignore it. Most people just think Silvia is quiet but in reality she's simply trying to get away from what she had done all those years ago. Silvia is constantly on the alert to her surroundings so as not to think about what her mind has conjured over time.

There have been moments where she would space out for hours. During those hours it's best not to bother her since Silvia will sometimes try to phyisically attack whoever she sees. Emotionally Silvia is detached from this world not caring for the consequences of her actions.

But during the day she takes on a cheery facade becoming the girl she once was all those years ago. Silvia will wear fake smiles and laugh, making jokes and doing her usualy legal business but still keeps that quiet air about her.
Father||Deceased|| In order to make sure their company didnt go down in ruins Silvia killed her father and took up the title of being Ceo of the company.
Mother||Deceased||Silvia's mother was killed under orders from her father since she had been a prositute and was threatening to reveal this truth.
Silvia was originally a good child and lived pretty luxuorious and still does as Ceo of her late fathers Corporation. But first lets take a step back to where it all started.

Silvia's mother was a prostitute who wormed her way tothe top and got the title of wife when she gave birth to Gerald Albott, owner and creator of Albott Corporations that dealt with all sorts of things namely politics and pharmacitical products. She and her mother lived a life of luxury with her mother enrolling her daughter in defense classes well aware of how scary the real world was like. A few years later at a fundraiser Silvia was introduced to the higher ups of Freling Conglomerate and Hunter Enterprises and their children. Having no else to spend time with Silvia grew close to the children of big companies, often asking to arrange playdates.

However not too long after finding friends, Silvia's mother was killed in a car accident. Thankfully Silvia had been in her fathers car so the two were fine. That event changed the way Silvia thought of the world when her father said she was killed because a few people were jealous of her mothers position. Silvia continued taking defense classes but now they were a lot more fiercer than before. 2 years later and her fathers company was beginning to crumble and at that time the corcumstances of her mothers death was brought to light. In cold rage Silvia killed her father but because she had shown promise in makeing the company flourish once more they kept their silence.

And just as they thought under Silvias tutalege the company regained its original sparkle. And the young woman herself became quite the powerful lady. At first she had to work for them changing and adding new ideas to the original plan. but after a year or two Silvia finally understood how it all worked, becoming ruthless in her tatics. Instead of her fearing the board of directors it turned the other way. A few threats, throw in a couple thousand and you can do just about anything. But it wasnt until 6 years ago Silvia became what people called a villian of society. Unlike most villians Silvia stuck to the more elegant side of things such as highend drugs, weaponry and dirty politics. Only in her recent years has she truly became a villian by going to the front lines and doing her night job.

Password:Corn Maze


Silvia still visits her old friends always greeting them with a fake smile.

So begins...

Silvia Albott's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Freling "The Nightengale" Character Portrait: John Clarke "The Captain" Character Portrait: Silvia Albott
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Annie found herself being protected by a much larger man, whom she thought at first to be a guard and then she saw his uniform and it absolutely did not match the others. It was a red white and blue military looking costume that suited his frame perfectly and looked more like hers, heroic. She held onto him as he led her through the warehouse full of guns and guards. She couldn't fight well and basically was helpless at this man's side, especially since she could not use a gun or fire one well. She was trapped in a fire of ammo when suddenly he took her to a pile of crates and used his patriotic looking shield to cover the two of them from on coming bullets. She closed her eyes and did not like the intensity of being within so many peoples scopes, range, and in this chaos. Annie felt like she might start having an attack, but the man was doing a good job of protecting the two of them. She submissively followed all of his instructions.

Once the man had killed the guards, he asked her something but was cut off before a reply was made, when all the lights went out. The sounds of explosives filled the air around the warehouse and she knew that whereever there was bombs, there was fire. The element in which she hated most because water since she wasn't able to swim either.

She saw light again in the darkness of things, but it was in the form of flames. Captain told her to run and move and she followed him out of the danger zone. When they both were safely behind ta large piles of crates and supplies, he seemed to be distracted about something or someone. She looked up and saw the Nightingale about to fight two villains alone. She sighed and didn't know what she should do. She nodded as the Captain said that he needed to go help Nightingale.

Once the Captain had left she got up and sneakily followed him to the base of the building of which all the villains and heros were on the roof of. She saw a few guards start running to the building to get the hero's and she decided to come out of her stealth mode and start kicking some real ass.

The men shot at her but she managed to distract them long enough to where she was close enough to make them stop firing at her and run at her inside. This is where Annie proceeds to hit some in the back of the neck breaking a certain bone in the body, leaving them paralyzed. She felt a bullet graze her hip and she screamed looking down quickly to analyze the damage. It wasn't bad, but it might hurt and take a few days to heal. She took out her dagger and ran at the last guard who'd taken out a knife himself. She ran at him and him at her then before he could stab her she dropped to the ground and slid through his legs as she lifted up one leg and nailed the man where it truely hurts most. He tripped and landed on his stomach and Annie pounced on him and stabbed him in the spinal cord twisting the knife.

Annie stood up slowly and panted wildly, she went to the wall and managed to regain her breathe. She wondered what was happing on the roof, she just hoped that the Nightingale wouldn't kill her or recognize her...