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Alex Webster

0 · 357 views · located in Lake Kenforth

a character in “A Summer at Lake Kenforth-Love, Life, Friends”, originally authored by Iye Khara, as played by RolePlayGateway



Alex Webster is stocky in build--standing at only about five feet and ten and a half inches tall, he cannot claim to be particularly tall (hell, Izzie stands almost a half a foot taller than he is, much to her glee) but he finds little shame in the fact. Instead, he compensates with the build of a linebacker, heavyset and stable--there's nothing lean or slim about him. Coming in at a weight of a little over two hundred pounds of musculature and bulk, it's not what most would expect of an easygoing, laid-back guy like Alex, even though frankly his staunch adherence to physique was first inspired by an off-hand comment when he was twelve by Izzie that she 'hates wimps' (read: Alex prior to the age of twelve). It set him off on the decision to dedicate himself zealously to a routine of physical work-out, and even though at first it was about impressing Izzie it's now more simply to maintain his health and strength. He possesses fairly mild skin, neither exceptionally pale nor notably tanned, and you are hard-pressed to find any markings of note across it--neither scars nor tattoos, since he isn't one for permanent body alterations, nor for doing things that would likely result in him getting a scar.

Alex is blessed with a long sort of face characterised with gaunt, angular features that fit awkwardly on his larger body frame; he has high-ridged cheekbones that give his face something of a sunken quality, and a sloping, strong jawline that terminates in a pointed, rather squared chin. Sunken deep into his dark, contemplative face are dark brown eyes of a mahogany hue that peer out from the dark, angular canvas of his features, often overshadowed by his hair, which is, frankly, Alex's pride and joy. His basalt-black hair falls down about his shoulders in thick (and completely natural) curls, though much to his displeasure, his hair grows at a rate of about a centimetre a decade; in point of fact, the mere sight of a barber shop is enough to reduce Alex to a horror-stricken wreck at the very prospect of a hair cut. You'll sometimes find him with a bit of stubble gracing his features, a hallmark of his tendency to forget about shaving altogether, though luckily for Alex it doesn't come off slovenly and can even be seen in turn as handsome to some.

With regards to clothing, Alex wears largely the same kind of thing you'd see on any other average given person; much unlike Izzie you could pass right by him on the street and you wouldn't be compelled to take a second glance at him, at least not for his attire. He favours simple loose t-shirts unadorned by any designs, typically in shades of white or black so as not to attract an abundance of attention to himself (his build accomplishes that as it is); he'll also wear flannel shirts with the sleeves drawn up to his elbows. Oftentimes he'll tuck them into a pair of dusty regular-fit Levis, and in regards to footwear Alex gravitates towards simple fare such as converse sneakers. Colder days out and about may see him throw on an old flannel jacket of which he is fond, and as far as accessories besides a chain for his wallet (which he got off Izzie, the chain, that is) Alex doesn't go too much for them.


☂First: Alexander
☂Middle: N/A
☂Last: Webster

☂Nicknames: Eh, he just goes by Alex. He's not too big a fan of the nickname 'Al', and being referred to as 'Xander' horrifies him. Izzie sometimes calls him Crespo ('curly', in reference to his hair), but obviously no one else does, and he'd just feel plain weird if they did.

☂Always Known As: As said above. Alex.


╰☆╮Worst Memory: Quite frankly Alex has had a more or less ordinary life, with nothing all too tragic happening. Most likely the worst memory he has came about when he was about fifteen, when a conversation with his parents exploded into a heated argument over his friendship with a known delinquent who went by the name of Izzie. His parents had known her since she was nine, back when a youthful Alex had met her on a playground--a silent, bitter little girl who, judging by her reactions to all the other kids, knew two words of English: 'go' and 'away'. Somehow, despite her continued rebuffs of Alex's naive and innocent attempts at friendship, she found herself eventually getting used to him, even enjoying his presence, and at that Alex became the first friend Izzie had in the new country she now lived in. At this point, it was all fine for Alex's parents, but they began to rethink their assessment once Izzie suddenly began listening to 'horrendous noise' and dressing in leather, bullets, and dreadlocks--all the more so when, to their horror, she turned up with her first tattoo when she was thirteen. It was no shock to them, it seemed, when she took to smoking, drinking, and getting into fistfights--they had long since decided she was no longer fit for their son to associate with, a sentiment Alex reacted to with rage when they saw fit to share it with him. It was the first time Alex realised his parents were capable of judging someone they'd known--that he'd known and cherished--for years, by something as simple as the way she dressed and looked. He retorted that they had no idea who she really was and never would, and from there his relationship with his parents was a slow but steady decline--which they blame Izzie squarely for, and which Izzie still feels great regret for.

Another one would be (and this would normally take precedence except I entirely forgot about it until now) the day Izzie confided in him that she felt that she was a lesbian, when he was fifteen and had already realised that he was heads over heels in love with her. It was as though a door was shut permanently--he realised that no matter what, she'd never feel the same way towards him, and there was nothing he could do about that. He's tried to maintain their friendship as normally as possible since then, and he's done a good job of it--but it's getting harder and harder as his attraction to her refuses to abate even though he knows perfectly well it will not be returned. He's starting to feel like he can't possibly stand being regarded as 'just a friend' by her, much less the thought of someone else sharing with her feelings and emotions that she'll never share with him.

╰☆╮Best Memory: Arguably graduating from high school is his best memory, because he's now able to live on his own away from the watchful eye of his parents, which has become oppressive and overbearing to him. Never a man who was fiercely inclined towards independence nor known for being particularly reliant, Alex cherishes the prospect of being able to do what he likes, see whom he wishes to, and live as he pleases without his parents bearing down on him for it. Helps that he's gotten into a fairly good college that's also located nearby so he doesn't have to up and give up everything (only the things that irk, y'know, his family), so Alex figures things are going pretty okay on that front.

╰☆╮Friends from Childhood: Isabelle 'Izzie' Moraes Vieira (he's one of few people who knows her middle name, or that her real first name is Isabelle and not Izzie). As said above, he met her when he was a little younger than nine and they immediately hit it off--that is, she treated him like shit even though Alex, with a naive curiosity as to why this strange girl was so tight-lipped and abrasive, tried to be as friendly and nice to her as possible. Eventually, it paid off, for he is now the one person in the world she trusts--and he wishes she could see him as just a little more than that.


* Mother: Gertrude Webster (nee Stein) - Currently forty eight years old.
* Father: Andrew Webster - Currently fifty one years old
* Siblings: Elaine van Dyke (nee, of course, Webster) - Currently twenty five years old
Brother in Law: Nicholas van Dyke - Currently twenty six years old
Nephew: Jack van Dyke - Currently four years old


๑Brief Personality: Alex contrasts with Izzie's abrasive, violent demeanour so thoroughly it practically incurs whiplash on people who meet them together and can hardly think that they're friends--much less childhood friends. Alex is a laid back, easygoing type of guy, more than content to spend the day sitting on the porch with a book and a mug of steaming hot tea, watching the sun setting slowly over the skyline with his feet up on the railing, dozing in the warmth of the late-day sun. He likes the simple things in life, never much a man for extravagance or overspending--that much, he can claim to have learnt from Izzie, frugal as she is and has to be with her own money--and so he's never really wanting for anything, nor on a shortage of money whenever he needs it; in point of fact, for the most part he spends money purely on books, his favourites being science fiction classics such as the works of Frank Herbert, HG Wells, and Isaac Asimov, as well as tales of the fantastical and the terrifying, such as those of Jules Verne and HP Lovecraft. He never seems to be in too much of a rush to go anywhere, which can be pretty infuriating to friends and strangers alike when they're on a tight schedule or have to be some place at a specific time--but it just never seems to get to him, and he still prefers to go at things his own slow, leisurely pace.

Socially, Alex is an amiable, pleasant type; he's friendly and polite to most everybody, with an almost soft-spoken but affable way of communicating. He doesn't like harsh tones of voice and obscene, venomous words (from anyone but Izzie), especially when directed at himself or his friends; it is one of few things that will rouse him into a temper, and though he'd rather smooth over rough patches with some quiet humour and a bit of laughter, even Alex has his limits, and all that frustration he has to lock away and out of sight to maintain a mellow demeanour has to come out eventually. He regrets it whenever a break in his polite persona leads to a complete breakdown of his temper, and it does take quite a lot to get him to that point unless you know exactly what buttons to push, but when he does lose it, everything comes bursting right out, and even Izzie finds him a bit scary when he really goes off his rocker.

In general, however, you'll find him a good-natured, easygoing sort of man, cordial towards stranger and friend alike, and gentlemanly and polite as pie to any lady (much though Izzie begrudges it, considering it a chauvinistic sort of attitude--but that's just how he is). He appreciates the outdoors, enjoying a quiet, leisurely walk around in the open air, and though he does, after all, associate constantly with a delinquent who smokes, drinks, and fights, often in that order, Alex has failed to get himself caught up in that whirlwind that Izzie has gotten lost in the midst of. It's a matter of highly divisive nature to him--because on one hand, he doesn't want to sacrifice himself and lose sight of who he is, but he wants above all for her to share the feelings he has for her, as though turning away from who he is will somehow make her spontaneously decide she's heterosexual--he recognises the futility but the thought still beckons to him. He doesn't realise how much of an anchor he truly is in Izzie's life and how much she depends on his easygoing, amiable attitude.

๑Likes: Alex, as said, is not a complex man when it comes to his joys in life. Chief amongst his pleasures would be books--for him, there is no experience more satisfying in life than sitting back and relaxing with a good book. In general he leans towards science fiction books--but only ones which, he feels, are possessed of a degree of 'substance'. You won't find him reading Star Wars novelisations, that much is for certain. He likes books that make him think about the universe, life, and where humanity is headed in the future, but doesn't bother with books whose only selling point is cool lasers and impossible physics. Nevertheless, he and Izzie will often discuss from time to time books they have read or are in the process of reading, though Alex often finds Izzie's books to be frankly a bit long-winded and too wordy, and Izzie doesn't like having to wrap her mind around the complex physics and sciences that are often entailed in Alex's reading.

Like Izzie, Alex is a music-lover at heart--though admittedly he doesn't go quite as far as Izzie does. No matter how hard he tries, he can't wrap his mind around the vicious assaults of death metal and grindcore she so admires, though he often ends up having to listen to it anyway, and he's never said a word against it for fear that it'll cause Izzie to think less of him. Instead, Alex opts for more easygoing, peaceful music--if Izzie's personality represents the kind of music she predominantly enjoys, then the same can be said for Alex, who treasures the blues above all, considering it to be the highest form of music, easily trumping the fanciful pretensions of classical music and the complex arrangements of jazz (though he does also appreciate the latter); additionally, he is known to hold in high regards classic hard rock such as Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple. In some ways, in terms of musical preferences, they do agree--after all, Izzie does also enjoy some blues and jazz, and in fact Alex can also claim that at times he's in the mood for some of the things she listens to, such as anarcho-punk and crust punk, sometimes even classic heavy metal like Black Sabbath or Judas priest, though that's as far as it goes for him.

Alex also enjoys drinking tea, considering it his beverage of choice in all matters. Green tea, black tea, oolong--and lesser known types such as noon chai, genmaicha, and masala chai. He finds most all kinds of tea to be very relaxing, and in combination with the above you will often find him reclining with a mug of tea, some soft blues playing in the background and a book held in his hands, eyes devouring each word one by one. All in all, this is what he holds dearest in life, and along with his friends they make up the bulk of his day to day activities. As an aside, he also actually likes the feeling of working out, the strain and the effort, because it makes him feel like he's really doing something good for himself when he exercises.

๑Dislikes: Alex does not hate easily, but there are things that he simply does not like. Chief amongst them is bad attitudes. He just doesn't like people who act rotten. He won't judge them and assume they are rotten (were he to do so, he sure as hell would never have befriended Izzie, considering she was treating him rotten as hell), but he's also not going to sit around and let someone ruin everyone else's day. He'll try to diffuse the situation with affability and the usual friendliness, but failing that he'll put it straight up to whoever it is being an ass that they're bugging people and they should stop. Similarly, he doesn't like vulgar language and venomous tones of voice--which is ironic considering who his best friend is, but in that respect, Alex is honestly kind of a hypocrite. If Izzie's being...well, if she's having one of her 'moments', Alex will do his best to calm her down, but he's never going to take a hard stand against her for fear that she'll see it as a betrayal (to be honest, she would). And when push comes to shove, in any situation, he'll always back Izzie up.

Like Izzie, Alex doesn't like most rap. The predominantly vulgar lyrical content is an immediate turn-off for him, as he doesn't like to hear someone rhythmically talking about the drugs they do, the gangs they run with, and the people they kill. He also dislikes pop music, though it has less to do with lyrics (however, that does partially factor into it) and simply that he doesn't like the sound of it. Unlike Izzie he won't hold it against a person if they do prefer to listen to rap and pop. He also has something of a predisposition against nu metal and metalcore--though that's only because of Izzie's passionate hatred for either genre, and he figures, well, he'll be damned if anyone knows metal better than Izzie does. If asked, he'll just say he doesn't really listen to either but 'a friend of mine who listens to metal has told me they're not representative of the genre'.

Besides that, there's not much. Arrogant assholes grate on Alex, but then, who don't they grate on? Ignorant or uncultured people can get on his nerves. He's not a big fan of cheese, carbonated soda, or peanuts, but acknowledges that it's no fault of the cheese/soda/peanuts, so he doesn't hold it against them.

๑Best at: Alex is pretty much the guy to go to if you want to diffuse a tense situation. He's an all-round unflappable guy when Izzie isn't concerned, so unless you really know how to push his buttons, he'll keep a calm head and politely but firmly resolve the conflict before it gets out of hand. He's fairly intelligent in regards to matters scientific, hoping to major in astrophysics in college and having built up a considerable base of knowledge in regards to the complex and fascinating universe of physics. And lastly, he's possessed of a pretty considerable measure of physical strength--he's no bodybuilder by any means, but if you're moving heavy furniture around or need a hand lifting something heavy, he's your guy. I'd say he can most definitely hold his own in a fight, except that he normally wouldn't get into a fight in the first place unless Izzie's involved and in that case, you're liable to have both of them beating on you and at that point there ain't much more to say.

๑Worst at: Alex is, all things said, not good at being punctual. He tries not to seem lazy and he doesn't like the thought of keeping people waiting, but he grabs a book, boils up some tea, says 'well, I've got half an hour, that's plenty time' and the next thing he knows two hours have passed--and the only reason he's realised it is because he finished the book and happened to glance in the general direction of the clock. His easygoing, laid-back persona can be absolutely infuriating to people, as can his adamant support for Izzie no matter what the situation. And he's got a long fuse--or rather, has very few things you can even use to light that fuse in the first place--but if you manage to push his buttons just right, you'll find that in those precious few respects Alex has a woefully short, rapid-fire temper. And unfortunately, Alex is plain and simple still blissfully naive as ever in some regards. You'll sometimes have to spell things right out for him because at times he just doesn't catch the subtext. He has god-awful balance and is known to trip up and down stairs like a character out of an old cartoon.

☳☳☳☳☳ℓσνє ιηтєяєѕт/¢яυѕнєѕ☳☳☳☳☳

❤Currently In Love With: You may not have worked it out quite yet (I know I've been very cryptic about it) but he is, in fact, in love with Izzie. Unfortunately.

❤Ideal Traits: Assertive, honest, forthright, sharp but good-natured, cultured, someone with dignity about them and independence--starting to sound like anyone in particular?

❤Dream Date: Alex hasn't thought that far ahead yet. It's a friggin' miracle if Izzie ever returned his affection at all (not to mention, y'know, completely unexpected, considering she's more or less secure in her sexuality), so he hasn't exactly started drawing out the plans for his theoretical 'first date'.

☳☳☳☳☳gєттιηg ρєяѕσηαℓ☳☳☳☳☳

☣Turn Offs: Vulgarity, perversion, rudeness, prejudice, discrimination, disrespect, things like that, he really doesn't like. Also not a fan of extremely conservative people (because frankly in his experience they tend to be pretty prejudiced and discriminating types).

☠You're Dead if: You hurt Izzie--well, if you hurt Izzie you're probably already dead, but that's more in regards to emotionally. He knows how emotionally fragile she really is and he's not going to stand idly if he thinks someone has hurt her emotionally. Also, if you chew with your mouth open or smack your lips--he hates that with a passion.

☹ Fears: Alex is afraid that if he ever tells Izzie how he feels about her, she'll get angry with him and decide to up and leave. He's so used to her presence in his life, so used to borrowing and lending books to and from her, to waving aside the smoke from her ever-present cigarettes, to being there for her whenever she's in a particularly morose state, that the prospect of that changing is strange and unhappy to him--yet he knows that, with a promising college life ahead for him and an uncertain future for Izzie, a future whose only certainty is that it doesn't seem to be headed anywhere prosperous or happy, eventually things are going to change for the worse.

❣Can't Live Without: His books, his music, his easygoing persona, and, of course, his friends.

☭Regrets: He regrets not acting on his feelings for Izzie when he feels he should have--he constantly wonders how it might be different now had he told Izzie those years ago how he felt for her instead of waiting until it was too late.

ღPlans For the Future: To find a career in the field of astrophysics and maybe someday become as influential as the great giants of physics--Einstein, Dirac, Heisenberg, so on--were in their time.

☳☳☳☳☳αηутнιηg єχтяα☳☳☳☳☳

☞ He's picked up a few words here and there of Portuguese from Izzie, but he could never get her to actually teach him how to speak it at least basically.

So begins...

Alex Webster's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katelynn Nicole Madison Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Kazuya Akashi Character Portrait: Alex Webster Character Portrait: Iris Evangeline Breth
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#, as written by xKyrie
"System rebuilding... checking for errors... system saving... Process can't be completed!" Several words and phrases flashed towards the screen and Kazuya fixed a critical eye towards it. He had been working for this particular troublesome error for almost half an hour and he still can't find what is the root of the repeatedly popping warning alert. He typed in another syntax code when he noticed the unusual part of the program and alternately stared at the two monitors in front of him. He was so absorbed in his work that he didn't notice the opening of the door in his room.

"Kazu!!!" A familiar chirpy voice surprisingly piped up behind him and Kazuya can't help but let out a groan when he actually saw his sister next to him. "Nee," he started and paused his fingers mid-air on the keyboard. It was still early in the morning and he knew how loud his sister talks, remembering the time when his mother declared that they can even still hear her voice from three rooms away. "I'd appreciate it if you tone down your voice. It's too early in the morning and Okaa-san--"

"Kazu-kun! Didn't you already forgotten? You're supposed to be at your car travelling to Lake Kenforth now," she immediately cut him off, tugging at the hem of his sleeves endlessly. Then she turned to his room and noted it, her eyes wandering. Kazuya reflexively stood up from the chair, keeping his hands on the pocket of his pants and followed her line of sight. The brunette continued to stared disapprovingly at the messily scattered books and manga on his bed, the still open portable play station left carelessly and the different clothes dumped on the floor. Letting out an irritated huff, she tried to glare at him only to see him shrugging in return.

"Was there a hurricane on your room again last night, Kei?" She made a clucking sound and casually picked up one of his shirt. "I thought you were invited to go to Katelynn Madison's house for this summer? Did you plan to ditch them?" One by one she started to pick up his clothes and tried to smooth out the wrinkles in it. Her younger brother just shrugged again and gazed wordlessly at the cabinet of books situated on the corner of his room. Silence permeated between them and the only sounds that can be heard was the rustling of his clothes as she went through the motions of folding it neatly.

"I was debating whether I should go or not," He finally answered, fixing his glasses not looking at her.

Anthea Kazumi Akashi-de Lacella stopped folding the particular blue polo-shirt and turned at the black-haired boy. "What do you mean?" She asked him, cocking her head to the side obviously confused. "I thought you finally decided to tell Rosemary-chan what you felt? Besides haven't we agreed? You'd go there this summer! After all the troubles Katelynn went to give you the invitation! You will go!" She passionately stated when Kazuya offered no answer to her questions.

Though instead of getting deterred from his uncaring expression, she then tugged him towards the bathroom and opened the door. "As a man of your words and since you already confirmed it to them, you will go there and introduce yourself to all those she invited. Wakarimasu?" She added, stressing the do you understand part and pushed him inside. "I'll be preparing your things and stuff just take a bath and prepare yourself, Kei!"

An hour and a half later Kazuya found himself in front of his car with his sister endlessly spouting out various reminders. "Just loosen up a little, try talking to others and I'm sure you'll be having a great time before you know it. And remember don't eat until someone takes the first bite you know that you should show them how Japa-"

"OK, OK, Nee-chan. Relax, I'm not going to attend a television reality show, OK? I'm just going over Madison's for a few weeks, that's all." He finally cut her off, placing a calming hand on her right shoulder and looked at her, his eyes dancing with amusement. "And yes, before you open your mouth and ask me again, I remember everything you've told me. Just relax, I'll be at my best behavior and I'll show them the Asian way of courtesy." Kazuya spoke when he saw her opening her mouth ready to dish out another comment. He lightly smiled and quirked an eyebrow inquiringly. Anthea immediately shut up and sheepishly smiled at him. He just nodded appreciatively walking away and checked his baggage.

"That's great to know. So see you after a few weeks?"

Kazuya made a small sound of approval at her question. He busily went through his things, making sure that his sister did not pack anything embarrassing. It had happened before and he certainly did not want to remake the experience. He was glad to see that she neatly brought his laptops and spare batteries. She also packed some books and mangas which arguably almost took the whole space of his luggage, and also a selected number clothes and toiletries.

"I'll be going now," he uttered while strapping in the seat-belt and warming up the engine. "Just tell Mom and Dad I left early."
"I will, take care Kei, bye bye!"


Kazu almost made a risky U-turn when he saw Iris' car parked near the cabin. 'She's early!' He thought despairingly. He had been wishing that he was the earliest person to arrive so that he can immediately take refuge at one of the cabin rooms but obviously he had no luck. He was ready to back out when unfortunately made an eye contact with the said girl. Seeing the traces of her glowing smile, he can't help but flush bright red. Knowing the he was already seen, he decided to park his Sedan next to a Volkswagen Kombi. Casually stepping out, he silently collected his things and waved to the owner of the house in greeting, "Hello Madison" "Vieira, Webster,... and Breth" He added turning to each of them.

(What a wall of text O_O)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katelynn Nicole Madison Character Portrait: Piper Keegan Character Portrait: Ray Liverstock Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Alex Webster Character Portrait: Damien Lewis
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Kate came up from the water surprised as she saw and heard Damien. She smiled softly as she heard him complement her swimming. "Thanks, I am certainly not swim team you are." Kate complimented him truthfully. "I went to a couple of your swim meets and you were great."

"Compared to you what I do is merely recreation. Which I mean it is...I do enjoy swimming a lot, and I would join the team if I thought I could make the team." Katelynn said shrugging. "But dance is my passion. Everything else I am only decent at in comparison." Kate had participated in every school and private dance recital she had ever been invited to perform in, and always got amazing responses. Also when she went into a solo competition she came out with first place for her age group, the very thing that lead to her successful Julliard audition.

"Wish I could give my sister this kind of life, but she would probably be much like yourself. Never figured you for one to care about all the money, just as long as your heart is set free like a wild mere then you can be free to do what you want truly." Damien said sitting with one knee to the ground, the other bent at the knee with his right arm draped over the knee.

She smiled as she remembered the one time she had met his sister. It was after graduation and she saw his mother looking for him amongst the sea of red and white caps and gowns, when the little girl took it upon herself to say "hello" with the cutest smile, leaving his mother to introduce the two of them. "Yes your little sister. I met her when your mother came to graduation with her. She's adorable." She said with approval. "And seems quiet smart too."

Kate shook her head as she continued her with what was on her mind after hearing his statement. "You don't wish your sister had this kind of life. I wouldn't wish it on anyone." She said looking at him seriously. "Yes the nice things are there and the easy of having money....but there are so many people that just want to be friends with you let alone in the same area with you just because you have money." She said her voice taking on a disappointed tint. "Then add in the fact that you have to always look your best, be on your best the best in general. There's a lot of your right I do enjoy the time I get to me. Not, Laura and Trevor Madison's daughter. Thanks for noticing" She said sincerely.

Katelynn smoothed her hair back. "But, if you really think she would enjoy all the things here. I think you should bring her up here for a day or so. Let her enjoy the house. It will be like a small fun adventure for her. I wouldn't mind at all, if she did." She said smiling at him. "I know when I was her age I pretended this place was my castle."

Just as she said that a wave of water hit her making her hair rush over her face. Kate moved it out of the way only to see Piper looking at her Alex and Damien apologetically as she got them wet. "It's no problem Piper really. Its just a little water." She said lifting her body out of the pool from the edge next to Damien and walked over to the table with fresh towels on it, next to Ray and Izzie, grabbing one.

"Rereading them again huh, Ray?" Kate said teasingly as she made her way over to Damien handing him a towel to dry himself if he wished because unlike everyone else he was on the edge of the pool. "Here you go." She's said giving him it before making a clean swan dive into the pool without splashing. Kate swam back up to the surface gracefully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katelynn Nicole Madison Character Portrait: Piper Keegan Character Portrait: Philip Lefeuvre Character Portrait: Ray Liverstock Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Alex Webster
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Kate sighed Phillip walked away from her. "Better prepare myself for a night of glares." She muttered to herself. Last time she had tried to connect with Tina over a nice dinner, Tina glared at her every time Phillip made Kate laugh or vice versa. That wasn't to say they weren't keeping her included in the conversation but she just appeared to be against any other conversation occurring between Katelynn and Phillip.

She turned back around to seeing Damien gone calling out that he was going to fix Piper's car, which was nice of him. Just then she saw Alex coming over, as she was climbing out to sit on the edge drying her hair.

"Have to say, this is a really nice place," Alex spoke sincerely. "Thanks a lot for inviting me out here."

She shook her head. "Its no problem really. I much rather spend summer out here with friends than go on a 5th trip to Europe. Its getting kind of ridiculous." Kate said rolling her eyes. "So thank you for coming."

Looking at Alex I saw his eyes shifting back and forth to the chair where Izzie was. "You should come with me to the kitchen." She said standing up. "I need to figure out what we are eating and go shower, get changed." She said offering him a hand and helping him out of the water.

They both walked to the main kitchen where Izzie was at drinking her beer. Kate looked in the fridge seeing the fresh produce the help had put in there. "I guess...we could do the grilling out tonight." She said pulling out the Steaks, Burgers, Tofu Burgers and Hot Dogs. Turning to Alex she spoke again. "I should shower and go talk to the others about what they might want." She said purposefully leaving Izzie and him alone to solve the little tiff they had with one another. "Feel free to meet me out there guys. Also whenever Phillip and Tina make it down can you tell them or ask them what the want." She said not really wanting to deal with him at all

Kate went upstairs to her bedroom on the west wing of the house, quickly hoping into the shower to rise off the chlorine before getting out and putting on her summer dress . She walked downstairs to the entrance of the cabin, before walking down to the main road where Ray, Piper and Damien were with her car; enjoying her walk along the way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Kazuya Akashi Character Portrait: Alex Webster
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie
Kazuya was thankful that he was able to debug the program only few minutes after he focused on it. He leaned on the chair and combed his fingers into his hair. "I'm really getting rusty", he stated out loud and looked at the codes again. He sighed before swiveling the chair and facing the bed. Moments later, he felt getting somewhat thirsty, he then opted to go into the kitchen to look for something to drink.

When he got to the main kitchen, after almost getting lost, twice, he immediately noticed the fridge and opened it to fetch himself a drink. He found a number of alcoholic drinks and fresh produce, among other things. He then tried to look for a bottle of cold water and when he succeeded finding one, he turned around and started searching for a cup. He was busying himself with his water when he noticed the other people who were currently in the room. He was mildly surprised to find Izzie and Alex in the kitchen too. Raising the bottle mid-air, he asked them, "Do you guys want cold water too?"

He didn't know both of them that well. He is aware that Vieira, Izzie- as what she's usually called, is one of those girls who had a reputation for being delinquent. Kazu figures her tattoos didn't help her that much to alleviate such accusations. But he also knew that she's one of those independent and difficult persons you wouldn't dare want getting angry at you. Alex Webster on the other hand is her complete opposite, a laid-back guy who is well-known for being polite and friendly. Looking at both of them, they're obviously like the polar opposites, that makes people wonder how they became such close friends.

"Should I leave you guys alone?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuya Akashi Character Portrait: Alex Webster
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie
Kazuya actually heard Alex ask him about the place but then a sudden thought was formed in his mind and he concentrated his attention on this idea. Before he knew it some people crowded the kitchen, some he's actually familiar with. But there was a particular girl that he didn't know, the Philip guy's girlfriend perhaps. He shook his head upon noticing his somewhat gossipy actions and decided to leave the kitchen at once. Smiling awkwardly at Alex, he nodded before walking out, not looking at any of them.

He walked back to his temporary room and shut his door close. He approached his bed and promptly lied eagle-spread on it. Recalling the scene before, only when Izzie left the room did he finally figured how stupid he'd been. Asking them out of the blue if they wanted water had been so random for someone like him. And even stating an obvious question had been his epic failure. He really don't have the sensitivity for certain things such as feeling the air around him or something like that. He knew that if he had been a normal guy, he would've certainly felt the tension between the two. Being his normal oblivious self, he actually asked them whether they wanted to be left alone, instead of having tack and just leaving quietly. He didn't know what happened between them. He actually don't care but he hoped that whatever issue they have, they will resolve it.

He tiredly ran his hand on his face and stared at the chandelier on the ceiling. Everything in this room had been tastefully decorated and he appreciated the fact that most of the guest rooms had been uni-sexual. It would have been weird to find himself into something colored pink and full of frills. He took off his glasses, actually blurring his vision but he paid no heed. He knew it had been rude of him to sleep this early while being surrounded by others. He didn't even talked to Katelynn that much but still it was better than having a staring contest with the ceiling. He decided that he will just talk to them tomorrow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemary Dawn Montez Character Portrait: Kris Sanders Character Portrait: Kazuya Akashi Character Portrait: Alex Webster
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0.00 INK

Rose jumped when Alex came down and she smile with a small friendly wave. "Morning Alex!" she chirped, already in her usual happy-go-lucy mood. Whether it was in the moring, or at midnight, she was almsot always in a good mood... almost. Alex had asked if they've seen Izzie, and she shook her head.

"Nope! Haven't seen her." she replied honestly and innocently. To be honest, Rosie wasn't a huge fan of Izzie. She was practically her exact opposite. Violent attitude, kind of ignorant, but one thing she had in common with her, was that they were both independent, and didn't really care what people think about them. That is probably the one and only thing that doesn't have her at Rosie's throat, and Rosie at her's.

Kazuya began to talk, and he kind of stared at Rose, makin gher blinka nd look away awkwarly. Then Kris snapped.

"Did you need something Kazu or did you fry your brain with one of your inventions?"

"Because trust me when I tell you she's not interested in babbling moron."

Rosie narrowed her eyes. Kris had kinda gone too far with that one. He could have ignored it, just like Rose had. So, she leaned over the the bowl of fruit and grabbed a few grapes, and pelted them at Kris. "Hey, Kris! Hush! It honestly doesn't matter!" she said and threw a few more at him. With her throw, as a pitcher, it probably had a little sting or burn to each grape bouncing off his chest. SHe couldn't help but have a little giggle slip fro her lips. but, once again when she told him to be quiet, her voice rang with a unique sound of authority. Alhtough she was small, she was still tough.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemary Dawn Montez Character Portrait: Kris Sanders Character Portrait: Kazuya Akashi Character Portrait: Alex Webster Character Portrait: Damien Lewis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie
When Kazuya saw Rosemary on top of the counter, all coherent thoughts left his mind. He found himself staring-no gaping, looking quite dumb, at the blond-haired girl. He promptly shut his mouth close and continued to silently study her, his face reddening when their eyes met. With her shirt hanging lazily off one shoulder and a smile pasted on her beautiful face, the black-haired Japanese boy couldn't help but be mesmerized by the girl.

"Did you need something Kazu or did you fry your brain with one of your inventions?"
He had been so entrance with Rosemary that Kris Sanders' statement totally surprised him. Quickly snapping his neck towards him, he found himself being directed with the baseball boy's narrowed eyes. "Because trust me when I tell you she's not interested in babbling moron." He then added sneering towards him.

Kazuya didn't honestly know what got to him. Aside from seldom crossing paths with each other, rarely in fact, on the school, he never really had a real conversation with him before. Kazu heard that he had a girlfriend, someone by the name of Rosemary but he knew full well that she wasn't the same Rosemary Dawn Montez. He didn't know what his problem was, but what the the baseball fanatic said was obviously crossing the lines.

Kazuya's aware that he did looked somewhat idiotic staring mutely at the petite girl, but it wasn't any of Kris' business to tell him on to it. If there is one thing he didn't like, it was those people who act all high and mighty as if they owned the whole universe. Those persons who seemed not being able to stop their mouth from opening and spewing out 'constructive criticisms' to those they don't like.

Narrowing his eyes despite his lackadaisical nature and general avoidance of argument or debates of the like, Kazuya opened his mouth, opting to answer him. But before he could feel his irritation increase and take over his passive attitude, Rosemary suddenly spoke out of the blue surprising him once again. "Hey, Kris! Hush! It honestly doesn't matter!" She said after pelting the other guy with some of the grapes that she got from a nearby bowl.

Looking astounded and a somewhat touched with her defense of him, Kazuya felt his ire waning. When he heard her giggle soon after, the black-haired man almost let out a chuckle as he saw her charming and childlike face.

He decided not to answer Kris' comment and instead focused to Rosemary. She had looked convincingly authoritative even in her small stature. He let out a small smile once their eyes met and turned to the fridge on the side. "Morning to you too, Montez." He said as a response then he looked around and finally noticed Alex inside the kitchen too. He faced him and gave him a nod of acknowledgement. Once he got over the pleasantries, about to approach the refrigerator and get his food, he was after all itching to leave for his room, the glass door of the kitchen was silently opened.

In came a stumbling Damien who acted drunk but actually looked like he'd been to hell and back-- with his pale skin, tired eyes and the beads of sweat dripping down his face. Kazu was about to ask for his well being as he had just noticed the other guy bracing himself a little conspicuously against the bar but quickly changed his mind once he saw him preparing a drink.

"This will a be long summer." He heard him say and Kazuya found himself lost for words as he just stared at him, wondering. He wasn't aware of what happened last night. After he realized how stupid he was asking both Izzie and Alex uncharacteristic questions, he immediately went to his room and slept early. Studying the drinking guy, he noted that Damien looked sicker than he did yesterday. 'Did he got himself drunk all night?' The black-haired asocial guy thought to himself, still looking at him quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemary Dawn Montez Character Portrait: Kris Sanders Character Portrait: Kazuya Akashi Character Portrait: Alex Webster Character Portrait: Damien Lewis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie
"Mornin'," Hearing Alex greet him, caused the black-haired man to turn to him. "Hello Webster", he greeted with an acknowledging nod, walking towards the refrigerator to retrieve food. "Sorry about yesterday", he started, stopping his words in the middle, seriously judging on how to resume his statement. He didn't think that Alex would like it if Kazu will broadcast the scene that he had unintentionally intruded to yesterday. He just hoped that the other guy had readily understood what he had been trying to say and left it at that. Else he may spout words that he shouldn't have, if he continue speaking.

Focusing on Kris' apology, he just shrugged to show that there is no problem between them. "It's OK." He simply answered, shrugging one more time, "No harm done, Sanders". He opened the fridge and took the first form of food that his eyes came across to, which is actually an apple. Not really caring what he will eat, he grabbed it and closed the door of the fridge.

It was during that time that he saw Rosemary playfully throwing grapes towards Kris. Feeling a sudden case of dislike at the baseball fanatic, Kazuya just settled himself with clenching the apple a little tighter than he intended to.

He knew he don't have a reason to dislike Kris. Nothing really. They are just schoolmates who don't have anything to do with each other if they can help it. Rosemary too, whatever she's doing, he actually don't have a problem with it. This sudden bout of ill feelings shouldn't have sprouted in the first place. The cheery girl had just been her normal playful self; and giving Kris' more attention than usual does not concern him. It wasn't as if he and Rosemary Dawn Montez were together in the first place.

He also unfortunately knew about the said girl's feelings towards the black-haired athlete. With the way that he's watching her, its bound by now that Kazuya learns some of the facts about her. Though it wasn't easy, trying to hide his feelings and urging himself not to care with Rosemary's obvious infatuation to Kris. There are times that he just wanted to corner her and confess; just to be able to let go of everything. The catch though, is that try as he could, he can't have the courage to say how he liked her in front of her.

He did try other methods before. Of course with the urging of his sister, he had undergone different ways in order to confess his feelings. Unfortunately none had been successful. He had once resorted into making letters, something the girls from Japan always did to their objects of affection but he wasn't able to push it through. Sure, he was able to write a decent 'love letter' but when he was about to put it inside her locker, he suddenly got the proverbial cold feet and found himself backing out.

After that, the other methods also greatly failed.

The little courage that he had slowly dwindled, until it only came to a time where he just wanted things to get over with. It doesn't help him on how adamant his sister had became just to make him confess. She used to tell him to let everything out so that he can finally move on from this standstill that he put himself into. It was also one of the reasons that she had tirelessly urged him to come into this vacation.

"Hi Ray!" He heard the blond-haired girl with her 'adorable' accent greeting Ray when he entered . Kazuya resorted on giving the other guy an acknowledging nod. He don't have anything to say to him and being a guy of few words, he just decided to shut his mouth close.

Looking around the room, he then recalled how Damien Lewis appeared in this kitchen moments prior. He looked sick. Sicker than the normal type of illness perhaps, if he's not mistaken. With his brother being a renowned doctor, Kazuya have gotten some knowledge and tips or so, to be able to see at first glance if a person has a serious sickness or not.

The black-haired Japanese man had been thinking of calling his brother. Just in case Kazuhiko can find someway to help Damien and before he knew it, he had been staring quite long at the older guy. Inwardly groaning at his unthinking actions, he settled himself into abruptly casting his eyes into another direction. He didn't know what Damien felt about his inquiring gaze but he didn't worry himself into giving it much thought. He and Kris had been in a misunderstanding so early in the morning and he didn't want to add another person on the list.

Not long after, Damien had left the room. Presumably to make himself presentable which in turn caused Kazuya to momentarily forget his interest about contacting his brother.

He turned back to Rosemary, who was still sitting at the counter, looking comfortable to where she currently is. Hiding his smile by taking a bite out of the apple, he leaned towards the wall and tucked his other hand on one of the pockets of his pants.

Izzie entered the kitchen, talking with Alex once again which made Kazu think that whatever problem they had yesterday have been now resolved. Not knowing how to treat the girl, he just stayed quiet and continued to eat his apple in the corner.

He had been contemplating whether he should get a glass of coffee before retiring to his room. He had never let a day pass by without taking his coffee. Still not used to being with other people that much; he's a little antsy with his prolonged stay at the kitchen specially with Rosemary nearby. He knew that an apple is not enough to feed his hungry stomach but he's also reluctant to cook in front of them.

Sinking his right hand deeper into his pocket while still munching the red apple in the other one, he felt a piece of paper tucked inside. He took it out and immediately saw his sister's notes. "Kazu, remember to eat a decent breakfast! :)" It read, complete with the happy smiley post-scripted with his sister's signature at the end. Shaking his head in fondness, he then decided to toast some bread and prepare a coffee.

He was concentrating on searching the counters for a cup when he noticed his clothes. Suddenly, he remembered what he had discovered earlier this morning. He thought he had checked all that Kazumi packed for him, making sure that he is well-prepared for this summer vacation, but it turned out that he was wrong. Like what is usual, his sister failed in packing the correct things for a trip.

Yeah, she did prepared him clothes enough to last for his whole stay here at Katelynn's summer house, however what she did was pack a very few pieces of clean clothes and a lot of dirty pair of clothes. Unconsciously grimacing at the bleak thought of his clothing supply, he decided to push through his one and only choice. That is to go to a laundry service center and to shop for more clothes, soon as he could.

The worst thing though is he that didn't know the nearest shop here.

Kazuya is unfortunately born with having a bad sense for things that concerns geographical directions. He usually gets lost once or twice before he can perfectly memorize the way to a particular place. Even his travel here to Lake Kenforth had actually been quite an adventurous trip. His overly concerned sister had to drive him to this place more than twice in order for him to perfectly know the right roads to take from their home.

He was thinking of asking Katelynn to give him directions towards the shops or accompany him if she can, but he saw her leave together with Damien. He later got an idea though. An actually very apprehensive idea but his only last resort. He knew that it would take him lots of guts to continue this plan and he steeled his will.

Rosemary is the only person- aside from Katelynn that is, that he's familiar with right now among these group of people. She may say yes and may also reject him. He's not sure, but at least he tried to ask her. It would be actually weird for him to ask help from Alex, Izzie or Ray or worse, Kris. And because of that he gathered all the courage that he can find and faced the smiling girl.

"Mon-Rosemary, Are you busy later this afternoon?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemary Dawn Montez Character Portrait: Ray Liverstock Character Portrait: Kris Sanders Character Portrait: Kazuya Akashi Character Portrait: Alex Webster
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0.00 INK

Kazu kept talking and talking.

Rosie didn't want to be rude or anything by telling him to give her a second to actually speak, but frankly, she knew her way around here just as well as he did. Although, yes she had been here countless times throughout her past two years livng in the United States, because she becamw pretty much best friends with Kate the next cuople of days after she had arrived.

How should she put it? She kind of wanted today to be a day of just hanging out around the house, maye go down to the lake, and not run around anywhere. "Well, I don't really know my way around here that well..." she began to say, her voice musical and upliftng, showing no signs of anything other than her ususal persona what so ever. She opened her mouth to speak once more, but Kazuya beat her to it.

"If you want we can also ask others to accompany us. It'll be fine with me, it's just that my sister packed me several of clean clothes and a lot of dirty clothes for this trip. I don't think the clean ones will last for my whole stay here and so I'm thinking of having those laundered."

So, more people could come? Hm, maybe a group of them coiuld go with him, and then head into the little town she passed on the way here. So, Rosemary had a change in thought.

"Okay!" she decided with a bright smile. "But, I think some more people should come that know this place better, because, honestly mate, I am just as lost as you are." also slipped from her lips. Bright blue eyes darted around to everybody else in the room.

"Anybody else up for some exploring?" she chirped in a voice that almost nobody could say no to. Rosemary didn't try to make it that way, it was jsut natural and she didn't even realize it. Then again, she didn't realize half the things she did. Like for instance, she was now on the ground, sitting on the floor, back resting against the cabinets clsoest to the ground. Since when did she get down from the island? The thought made her laugh quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemary Dawn Montez Character Portrait: Ray Liverstock Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Alex Webster
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0.00 INK

Rosie frowned at first when Izzie said no. Well, she honestly could care less if she came. Once again, Izzie was her exact opposite pretty much. But, then, unfortunately, Alex seemed to talk her into it. Rose didn't care who came, and Alex was fine, but, Izzie on the other hand... she shook her head clear. Play nice... she told herself, and then, gave a tight smile directed at the cursing-happy Izzie.

"Cool." she simply said, in her musical voice, although, it wasn't as musical. Then, she looked back at the rest.

"Hey, Ray!" she called into the living room, where he seemed to escape to, flopping down on the couch.

"Is that a yes, or a no! You coming mate?!" she called over, not feeling the motivation to get up and walk over there. Hey, what's wrong with the shortcut?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemary Dawn Montez Character Portrait: Philip Lefeuvre Character Portrait: Ray Liverstock Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Kazuya Akashi Character Portrait: Alex Webster
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie
"Well, I don't really know my way around here that well..." Rosemary started to say and Kazuya found his hope dropping into nothing. He knew what will be the next statement after that. He may not socialize with others that much, still he knew enough when someone is aiming for a 'nice' way to reject an invitation. He was still cursing his luck inwardly, having gone through most of the Japanese curse words that he knew and now he is going over the recent American ones that he learned on his stay at the States.

He actually knew next to nothing about cursing. Aside from the usual 'shit' and other 'mild' ones, the black-haired man doesn't usually curse. It wasn't that he aimed to be the all around nice boy, someone weak and totally unknowing of how the society works. But he can't help it. His mother's never ending preachings and reminders had been instilled into his very soul that he just grew used to it without ever thinking anything else.

Still, inwardly blaming and belittling himself for ever opening his mouth and asking that dreaded question, Kazu stared at Rosemary in utter surprise when he heard her reply. "Okay!" She had stated, smiling widely before adding, "But, I think some more people should come that know this place better, because, honestly mate, I am just as lost as you are."

He noticed her looking around, apparently searching for someone else to come along. He wished to all the Shinto Priests he can find to not have Kris Sanders accompany them. Anyone else can come, even the 'scary' antisocial Izzie, or the other nerdy guy in the group, Ray. But never Kris. He might just endlessly annoy him with his unwanted and sometimes useless comments.

When he heard Philip volunteering to guide them for the exploration, Kazu is actually torn between feeling relieved or stressed. This is another guy he never had a decent conversation with. After that, Izzie and Alex have both decided to join and the boy had felt the control of the situation slipping out of his hold. He wasn't a social person first and foremost. The only reason he was here with them was because of Rosemary and Katelynn. Though Kazumi repeatedly reminded him to make some friends along the way, Kazu actually care not much about that. His main concern for joining them was to 'confess' to Rosemary. It was his way of closure. He has had this feeling ever since he met Rosemary and got to know her better and being a man of logicality and rationality, Kazuya would rather rid of this romance thingy instead of pursuing it.

It wasn't in his character to do so, he never imagined or planned himself into the scenario where Rosemary and him would become more than what they are right now. Call him pessimistic or a loser, like what Kazumi always never failed to tell him, Kazuya is not the type of person to fall in love and sail in the sunset type of guy.

"Is that a yes, or a no! You coming mate?!" He then heard the blond-haired girl's musical voice calling towards Ray, who he didn't know when he came in the kitchen. He had been so absorbed in his thoughts that he failed to notice certain things about his surroundings. He had actually been mildly surprised when Philip suddenly piped up before.

He held back an incoming sigh, with the way Rosemary is inviting everyone who is currently in the kitchen, he's quite sure that in one way or another, Kris would undoubtedly accompany them. If he didn't need this, and if he didn't have a blasted problem with reading the map or looking for the right directions, things would not progress into this. Don't misunderstand him; he does not hate any of them. Besides Rosemary who he knew for quite a while, the others are total strangers to him. Yes, they usually meet at the campus grounds. Once or twice he can see them at the cafeteria during lunch time. But as far as novelty and the cliché go, he doesn’t know anything about them.

He just hope that he wouldn't end up regretting ever asking that question more than he currently does. A week's worth of clean clothes and some time with Rosemary might not be worth the stress that would soon to follow now that the whole entourage seems to be coming with them. He groaned inwardly with his anti-social thoughts and instead cleared his mind. Yes, it would be stressing to be with these people longer than he normally wanted to, but at least he will have his change of clothes. He may not like how the circumstances came to be, but at least, Rosemary will be with them.

All throughout the exchange, Kazuya kept a passive face. He didn't look happy but he never showed himself being disappointed or anything of the like. His expression looked passive, and he tried to paint a small smile in his face to cover whatever turmoil he felt inside. This people may not deserve all the negativity he has for them. Though naturally not-social by nature, still Kazu tries to pave his way to ensure that his judgment about others will not be purely tainted and based on initial impressions.

He pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose and stared at Philip, giving him a somewhat grateful nod.