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Isabelle Moraes Vieira

The token foreign-born delinquent...because every story needs one, right?

0 · 411 views · located in Lake Kenforth

a character in “A Summer at Lake Kenforth-Love, Life, Friends”, originally authored by Iye Khara, as played by RolePlayGateway


The following images are roughly reflective of Izzie’s appearance, but obviously...ignore the rifle :v Also, take into account only the facial features, so disregard the hair. I had trouble finding a picture that had everything I had intended, but these are a pretty good approximation for her face. >.>

At her full height, Izzie stands at about 193 cm tall (about six feet three inches), which is confessedly rather tall for a woman (especially of Brazilian descent), a fact she is well aware of, weighing in at about 186 lbs as a result of her muscle mass and towering physique. Height has always been characteristic of her, and in her youth she used to resent the fact that she stood head and shoulders over most people her age--it made it impossible for her to go unnoticed no matter how much she wanted it to be so; since then, however, she's adapted and uses it to her advantage. Similarly, her strong, firm build seems atypical for a woman—lean, powerful muscles are visible across her arms and abdomen, indicative of considerable upper body strength; she maintains her strength through a daily exercise routine, so that nobody gets the impression that she’s weak (and, y'know, so that she isn't weak). In point of fact, it's easy to mistake her for a man by her height, build, and utter lack of any feminine markers to show otherwise. Her skin tone is immediately indicative of her ethnic origins in Brasil; it is a dark, olive-tan shade, of the kind characteristic of those of Pardo descent, marred from place to place with scars of varying size and origin.

Izzie has, or rather had a naturally attractive face--but the years have done their work and taken their toll on what could have been a prior beauty now fled in the face of smokes, alcohol, stress, pain, and the simple but decimating passage of merciless time. She's no longer beautiful by any standard of the word, and she never was 'cute', at least not by the implications of the word; a particularly astute (or sympathetic, either way) observer could note that she does, however, bear a toughened, indelicate sort of prettiness about her. Sharp, defined facial features grace a small, dark countenance; high, prominent cheekbones carve out a significant portion of her features, surrounding a small, slightly pointed nose (that's evidently been broken one or two or three times in the past), under which rest thin, dark lips ungraced by any artificial colouring or lipstick, often pulled into a discontent scowl. Conversely, her hair is yet another chaotic, radical aspect of her appearance. Naturally a dark brown and wavy in tendency, Izzie has for the past few years been wearing her hair in dreadlocks, dying and highlighting it an amalgamation of black, red, and orange--because her hair the way it was was just too drab and colourless as far as she was concerned. Just wasn't...extreme enough.

One of the first things most anyone notices about Izzie, however, is that she's covered head to toe in tattoos of all different kinds--focused more in her upper body, however. The most readily apparent, and largest one, would be the Motörhead War Pig across her back, adorned with bullets, chains, spikes, and the name of the band itself in arching letters over it. Some are abstract and/or spiritual in nature, such as the large, flaming ankh on her upper left bicep, the Eye of Horus on the back of each hand, and the Uraeus on her lower back. Others are in relation to her favourite bands: these include another Motörhead War Pig on her right bicep, or the Obituary tattoo across her right forearm; she also has one of Death's original logo (in red) at her collarbone, Deicide's '666' on the bicep above her Obituary tattoo, and the Obituary saurian eye tattooed on her left upper arm. And others are frankly simply rather gruesome in nature. For example, she has one across her lower left ribcage of a grievous wound, exuding crimson blood, revealing metallic rib bones (also, as it were, dripping copiously with blood); it’s rather similar to this, except, as said, with metal bones instead of...bone...bones. She has another spanning the upper right portion of her back and running all the way down the back of her right arm, depicting a corpse wrapped in what looks like spiderwebs hanging from a tree of tormented skulls and faces that extends down her arm, eventually devolving into a mass of skulls set against brimstone and blood. The first tattoo she ever got was one of the letters 'IZZY' across the knuckles of her right fist; she did it herself when she was thirteen years old with a sewing needle and pencil lead. And there are a couple more, but they adorn areas that...most will not see, to put it shortly (no, you dirty-minded ass, they're not there. Mostly in her midriff area).

In regards to clothing, Izzie for the most part does not vary a whole lot in her choice of attire, often opting for a tight sleeveless shirt or a band tee. Invariably, over this you will find her wearing a beloved leather jacket of hers; it's covered in studs and spikes across the back, with one large square in the centre covered by a huge Ace of Spades patch that reads "Born to lose - Live to win". As far as lower body clothing, she typically opts for a pair of dark blue jeans, sometimes with a tear or two to be found because she simply can't be arsed to go and buy new ones whenever they tear (and anyway, metalheads/punks are all into torn jeans and so on), tucked into or over a pair of leather harness boots. She goes all out with accessories as well: you will often find her with a copper bullet belt wrapped around her waist, with loops of chains hanging from them, just in case it wasn't obvious enough that she's a thirty-year-old metalhead. You will never, ever find her wearing a skirt, or a dress, or a blouse, or really any article of clothing made exclusively for women (hell, most of her shirts, her jeans, her jacket, they're all made for men, not women...but with her build, it really makes no difference). And similarly, you will never, ever find her wearing make-up. No lipstick, no nail polish, none of that shit.


☂First: Isabelle
☂Middle: Moraes
☂Last: Vieira

☂Nicknames: Izzie, Iz, Is. Call her Bella and she will violently disassemble you to your composite molecules, and then put you back together in a form resembling pure agony.

☂Always Known As: Izzie is what she demands to be known as. She won't respond to Isabella (she has always held the opinion that it's just too feminine and 'weak'), she will definitely respond to Bella, and she's okay with Iz or Is. Some people don't even know her name is Isabella and not Izzie. Which, y'know, works just fine for her.

☂Age: Nineteen years old. The combination of having moved to a completely different county at a young age, delinquency, collective time spent in jail for various offences ranging from assault to possession of drugs, and sheer lack of interest in school for the most part have worked against her and as a result she was held back in high school one grade, and thus she's older than most of the people present.


╰☆╮Worst Memory: She has a number. The day she found her mother dead of an overdose when Izzie was seventeen. She doesn't talk about it, and not even her friends are aware that Izzie basically lives alone. She avoids any question of her parents, or who she lives with, and has managed to keep that and her father's abandonment hidden all along. Before that, it was indeed the day the twelve year old girl came home from school to find her mother sobbing, surrounded with empty bottles of beer--and then informed that her father had abandoned them for good.

In particular, though it wasn't her worst memory, there was one moment that stuck with her. Because the ratty, rundown apartment in which she and her mother lived was located not far from the shoreline, whenever Izzie wanted to be alone (and she usually did), she'd go out to the shore, sit on the sand, music playing in her ears and cigarette in hand, watching the waves and wishing she could be anyone but who she was, anywhere but where she was, somewhere on the other side of that ocean. One night, she was sitting and watching the ocean waves, in particular watching a lonely little ship, barely visible in the dark, sailing out to sea. She remained strangely transfixed on the little ship for what felt like hours--until it finally disappeared onto the horizon. And at that moment, something seemed to change for Izzie--because she realised she was never going to cross the metaphorical ocean--what the ocean had come to symbolise for her. She realised that her life was never going to go anywhere, and that she was probably going to be alone and empty for the rest of her life. The next day, her mother died of a combination of an overdose of heroin and alcohol.

╰☆╮Best Memory: The first time she heard Motörhead's 'Overkill'. It got her involved in metal and punk music, and basically changed her life for good. It became a lifeline. If not for that one Motörhead CD, all those years ago, maybe she would have lost hope and perished long before she had a chance to make it out of that life. Maybe she would have become like her mother--a hollow, lifeless shell, a mere reflection of what might have once been a human being, driven not by soul and feeling but by alcohol and drugs. The music gave her a soul, a voice, a breathe, and she never stopped listening from that day on. She scrounged together money to buy band tees and to buy new CDs—overall, she suddenly began to emerge from the destitute, angry shell she had become, and realised that she was steadily beginning to find happiness in her life. One could really argue Izzie's life began with that single Motörhead CD.

Another of her best memories was meeting Alex Webster. She was nine years old at the time, newly immigrated to this strange and unfamiliar nation that called itself the United States, and her parents had dragged her out to a nearby playground. Bitterly, the little girl sat curled up against one of the walls of the playground structure, spitefully snapping at any child who dared approach with a heavily accented "Go away!"--a polite request they typically complied with. Alex, for whatever reason, kept coming back and asking why she wanted to be alone, asking if she wanted to share his toy bucket and spade, asking if she wanted to go on the slide, to which she kept responding with those same two words. Eventually, however, she found herself eventually getting used to him, even enjoying his presence, and at that Alex became the first friend Izzie had in the new country she now lived in. Since then he's been with her through anything she has encountered--the abandonment of her father, the death of her mother, living alone, he's been there for her.

╰☆╮Friends from Childhood: Alex Webster. She trusts him beyond anyone else; he's the only person who knows she's lesbian, the only person who knows she lives alone, and the only person who can really claim to know much about her life.


* Mother: Alice Vieira (nee Noguiera) - deceased at age thirty six
* Father: Sergio Vinicius Vieira - Currently thirty six years old, but Izzie doesn't know where he is or what he's doing--nor does she really give a shit.
* Siblings: None.


๑Brief Personality: Izzie is without a doubt a very difficult person to get along with, and an even more difficult person to get to know and truly understand--she is, put bluntly, an extremely abrasive woman. Rough, fierce, and stubborn at best, cruel, callous, and violent at worst, she tosses about swear words and curses as casually as adjectives and verbs, and she’ll turn a verbal disagreement painfully physical at the drop of a dime simply out of what she perceives as a need to protect her pride and dignity. Her sense of humour is dry and sardonic, with a heavy dose of pessimism, and sometimes insulting to those around her if they aren’t used to her biting sarcasm in the first place; her tried and true way of dealing with others is highly caustic in nature. Izzie is also highly averse to anything she perceives as an attempt to control her or extend 'help' to her, as she is a fiercely independent and self-reliant woman and believes there is nothing she can't do on her own if she really wants to get it done. She has a love of the ‘fast life’ that never seems to abate, from the drugs to the loud music to the alcohol, she does it all and never slows down. Unfortunately, she is as a result heavily addicted to cigarettes and alcohol, to the point where she goes nowhere without at least three packs of smokes on her, and is literally capable of drinking two eight packs of beer and then go looking for more—and in times of great stress she will resort to harder drugs. It's not a healthy lifestyle whatsoever--but Izzie doesn't give two fucks what anyone thinks of her lifestyle, and if you've got any complaints...well, she's all ears. Just be prepared for her to dismiss your complaints. Typically, in a violent manner. She'll tolerate such remarks only from Alex, and even then he knows better than to try to chastise her for how she lives.

Beneath what resembles an irascible, insensitive, destructive skin however can be found a rather different persona. A persona that is far more vulnerable and conflicted than Izzie would ever suffer anyone to see on the surface. Her violent lifestyle, proclivity for fighting, drugs, and loud music, none of it can obscure to her mind the fact that she has no idea what she is doing with her life--she seeks a better, happier existence for herself, secretly discontent with the careless, unhealthy life she's living, but has already condemned herself to the belief she'll never go anywhere else. The violence, alcohol, smokes, music, and loose sex used to work to stave off the doubts and uncertainties of life, but their effects are rapidly waning--and yet her tendency to fall back on them isn't at all, especially when she's constantly torn by overwhelming guilt, remorse, and uncertainty, even though she fears even now that she'll die alone with a syringe in her arm by the time she hits twenty. She's headed straight for self-destruction, decay, and collapse, and knows it. Plagued with fears, guilts, anger, and pain that stretch back to years that seem to have befallen someone other than herself when she looks back on them now, they fester within her, refusing to grant her a moment of clarity and peace, forcing her to fall back on her vices and lonely, unhealthy lifestyle to cope. Her abrasive and wholly unpredictable personality mirrors her fear of personal pain and abandonment--Izzie has convinced herself that if she keeps others at arm’s length with her wild and aggressive attitude, she can avoid making connections, and thereby the pain of the inevitable severance of those connections. She has come to fear the pain of losing those she loves and cherishes, and believes that by avoiding true friendship and love she can remain untouched by this grief.

Alex Webster is the sole person who has managed to pierce through this mindset--and Izzie still fears constantly that he might leave her, by his own will or by forces beyond the control of either of them. For one, she knows that he's got a pretty good future ahead of himself in college, but she herself has no such future, her delinquent history having doomed any chance of significant success in higher education. Even now, though she typically trusts him implicitly, there are underlying fears that Alex is going to eventually leave her behind to focus on his career, find new friends and eventually forget all about her.

๑Likes: Izzie is a straight-up metalhead with a passion for metal and punk music. And when she says metal and punk, she sure as hell ain't referring to that poser bullshit like nu metal and metalcore (I'm lookin' at you, Avenged Sevenfold and Slipknot), or 'faux-punk' (I'd be lookin' at you, Green Day and Blink-182, but I'll spare myself the eyesore). When she says metal, she means fucking metal. Anything from the deathgrind of Cenotaph and Carcass, grindcore in the vein of Napalm Death and Assück, the technical death metal of Death and Suffocation, straight up death metal like Deicide and Nile, the thrash metal stylings of Megadeth and Slayer, classic heavy metal such as Judas Priest and Motörhead, hard rock legends such as Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath, crust punk in the vein of Doom and Gallhammer...hell, even jazz and blues, such as Art Blakey, Weather Report, Miles Davis, and BB King. She listens to it all, most of it (in particular, the metal and the punk) at outrageous volumes that make people wonder how the hell it is she hasn't gone deaf yet.

And in addition, Izzie enjoys reading. Much to the surprise of most people who take her for little more than a mindless, violent metalhead, in point of fact, Izzie can claim to have run through the works of Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Steinbeck, Orwell, Kerouac, and Wells, reading in depth into every book she comes across. You'll often find her, cigarette in hand, headphones buried into her ears blasting Deicide's 'Trifixion' at outrageous volume, dark eyes scanning intently over the pages of a Murakami novel. On which note, she's remarkably good at passive multi-tasking, which is what enables her to listen to music and read at the same time without being distracted fully one from the other. Hell knows how she does it (Alex sure as hell doesn't). She and Alex will often lend one another books and discuss whatever they've lately been reading.

Besides that, she seems to rather enjoy alcohol and cigarettes (well, obviously, she doesn't enjoy them...but, well, she's addicted to them). Not much else, really. To her, life is her music, her friends, and her drugs. Take all those away from her, and she realises there isn't much for her in life.

Oh, and she loves swearing.

๑Dislikes: Oh, well now we're getting into something that Izzie could go on for years and years about. Let's try to shorten the listen just a bit before she goes off about everything from the abomination that is the cherry pie (god how she hates those horrific things) to how goddamn annoying the colour yellow is (seriously, whose fucking idea was that disgusting fucking colour?).

First things first. Izzie hates hates hates hates hates shitty music. Now, what constitutes shitty music, you ask? First and foremost, as said above, poser metal. Nu metal and metalcore, shit that's watered down for assholes who can't take the force of real metal (all that, of course, being her own words). And don't even mention deathcore, that eldritch abomination masquerading as 'extreme metal'. She thinks they're making a shitty, accessible form of 'metal' to feed to idiotic emo teenagers who don't know jack shit about real metal and giving metal a bad name. Besides that, she loathes rap and pop music, as well as alternative rock, and should you turn it on in her presence, she'll...well, she won't react well.

Ignorant people grate on Izzie's nerves. So do people who call her out on her callous behaviour or tendency to be a bit hypocritical at times. She has an inherent tendency to rebel against authority when it tries to exert control over her, which explains her apparent distaste for institutions such as the police or politics. And, given how independent and self-reliant she (does her best to look like she) is, Izzie hates it when people try to help her, even Alex. She loathes nuts. Dresses, skirts, and make-up are repulsive to her. The very concept of flip-flops makes her want to hurl (including the name of them...flip-flops? Really? Read that over a couple of times and tell me it doesn't sicken you).

But these are all largely trivial dislikes (okay, so she gets pretty angry over music, but that aside). But there's one thing she truly hates--and that's liars. Liars, traitors, backstabbers. The worst of her considerable hatred goes out to them, people who incur unendurable harm on those around them, manipulate and use them, without a thought for the damage they are doing.

๑Best at: Izzie's pretty good in a scrap, being surprisingly strong due to her daily exercise routine (fuelled by a determination to never be seen as weak in any way). She's an experienced fighter, and has wiped the floor with dudes twice her size. And she's shockingly intelligent about the things she really puts her mind to, proving a quick-minded and sharp woman. She's good at keeping things she doesn't want known to herself, which is how she's managed to basically ensure her friends besides Alex know nothing of her domestic life or her parents. And lastly, she's a fairly good guitarist. She only owns an acoustic (as if she has the money for an electric guitar and amplifier) so on it she plays mostly old Brazilian folk songs and blues songs, and she's not a brilliant guitarist, but she can play, and sometimes even sing along with it. But because of her gruff, raspy voice, this reflects on her singing voice, which couldn't be called lilting or beautiful in any regard...not that she goes for that sound in the first place.

๑Worst at: Izzie is, as a consequence of her years of self-imposed solitude and hostility towards others, absolutely terrible at dealing with any feelings she has towards others--and any feelings others have towards her. Things such as love and affection flat-out confuse and scare her, and if she were to feel love towards someone, it's highly likely that, confused and fearful of what it could possibly lead to, she would shut that person out and try to crush those feelings out. She's also pretty bad at handling subtle feelings or situations, since all her life she's dealt with feelings and problems by simply shunning them, or reacting to them with overkill.

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❤Currently In Love With: Nobody present. Do you see any of the chicks present blasting death metal or....well, doing anything that Izzie would consider attractive? Which isn't a slight to the ladies present...not by anyone's standards but Izzie's, anyway. She just really wouldn't consider a relationship with really any of the women present--then again, one has to wonder if she'd consider a relationship at all with anyone beyond one night stands with people she hardly knows, if at all.

❤Ideal Traits: Izzie's ideal woman someone who shares her taste in music, is tough, can handle themselves in a fight--someone who can handle her general abrasiveness and erratic demeanour without flat-out giving up on her as she's used to people doing. As it is, however, outwardly Izzie's experience with relationships is limited to one night stands in which she seeks the temporary, fleeting pleasure of sex, fervently avoiding the dangers and pain of love and an actual relationship. As she says it, "A good relationship is like fireworks: loud, explosive, and liable to maim you if you hold on too long." She is also lesbian, but given how tight-lipped she is about her 'love life', if thus it can be known as, most people assume she's either asexual (judging by her demeanour) or heterosexual but uninterested.

❤Dream Date: Dream date? Hell if she knows. Anywhere would be fine. Hell, isn't love supposed to be about the person, not where they take you? As long as it ain't some kind of weird-ass girly thing, Izzie doesn't care if a date means roughing it up in a mosh pit at a Suffocation concert (ha, she should be so lucky) or going out to some romantic cafe at sunset. Anyway, she's convinced it's never gonna happen anyway, so why think about it?

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☣Turn Offs: Pop music, poser metal, flirts, people who are weak and whiny, pompous douchebags, ignorance, cowardliness, angsty emo jackasses who think their lives are fucking made of pain and whatnot when they've got everything fucking great in their lives....the list goes really, really long. Might as well just wait and see--and hope you don't fall into any of those categories.

☠You're Dead if: Pet peeves? As Izzie would put it, she doesn't have pet peeves; she has major psychotic fucking hatreds. And you're dead if you play pop music near her, if you make fun of her tattoos or her music, if you mock her heritage or her accent, if you...basically, if you say anything to her, what with her unpredictable temper, there is a 50/50 chance she'll kill you. And that's only partially hyperbole. Most of all, if you start shit with Alex. Izzie will not tolerate her best friend to be insulted (even if Alex, with all his easygoing nature, probably will).

☹ Fears: Izzie fears above all being abandoned or betrayed by those she trusts--it's her one most crippling fear in life, the one that stands in the way of her ever attaining happiness in life. She can't interact with anyone without feeling that if she gets too close to them, they'll hurt her by leaving, whether of their own accord or due to circumstances outside of her or their control--ie, death. More information under personality, I guess. Other than that, Izzie is honestly a rather fearless woman. She claims that she has nothing to fear from anybody, because ultimately everyone is human and that means they're as weak and vulnerable as the next person. Besides that, her fear is of deafness--she constantly fears that one day she'll wake up, somehow deaf and unable to hear her music. It's kind of an irrational fear (well, so is her fear of abandonment), but it remains as such.

×Weaknesses: Her crippling fears of abandonment and trust are her one glaring weakness. If you were a truly cruel, evil person and wanted to hurt her, you could accomplish this by biding your time, getting close to her, managing to get her to trust and truly cherish you, take comfort in you--and then leave her. Leave her, reject her, abandon her, any such thing. Experiencing that again would probably make her revert straight back to the hostile, empty girl she had been before she became friends with her current group, and it would in all likeliness destroy any chance of her enjoying life ever again. Besides this, her abrasive attitude, foul mouth, tendency towards violence, and proclivity for drugs doesn't exactly appeal to everyone, nor do her plethora of tattoos, which many find off-putting--not that she gives a shit.

❣Can't Live Without: Music. She cannot. Live. Without. Music. It gave her life true meaning all those years ago--it was a lifeline that she still holds onto with all her strength. If she were to, for whatever reason, lose her hearing, she would feel as though her reason for living was gone, such is her dependency on music. And she's very dependent, though she doesn't realise it, on Alex; without him, she probably might not have made it this far, given how his easygoing, laid-back attitude anchors her and helps her through her morose, depressed states.

ஐFavorite Things: Also music--but I won't go in depth to it this time, I think I've made the point. She also loves motorcycles and muscle cars, and would buy one or the other except that she can afford neither.

☭Regrets: She regrets a lot of things. She feels responsible for her father's departure, and therefore sorrowfully regrets both his abandoning of her and her mother, and, by offshoot, her mother's death. She feels responsible for that as well, because she feels that had she not been the cause of her father leaving, her mother wouldn't have sunk into drugs, and she wouldn't have died as a result. Less significantly, Izzie regrets, subconsciously, part of the way she's been living her life, because it has closed the door on any possibility of higher education or university--none would take her with her criminal record and delinquent tendencies.

ღPlans For the Future: (The ღ symbol is a Georgian letter. Had to say it). None whatsoever. She has no idea what she's doing with her life. No idea what college or university she should go to, if any--no idea what to major in if she decides she should. She wants to someday join a metal band, but she doesn't play any instruments besides an acoustic guitar (acoustic death metal? That'll be the day), and though she can do death metal vocals, she's convinced that people will think she was only 'allowed in' to a metal band because she's female and is okay at death metal vocals.

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☞ It's important to note that she immigrated to the United States from her home country of Brazil, where she lived in the favelas (ie: the desolate, wretched shanties and slums) outside São Paulo until the age of nine. That much she'll say about her life (that is, that she's from Brazil, nothing much more). So she's fluent in Brazilian Portuguese with some command of Spanish, and proficient with English--she has an accent and messes things up from time to time.

So begins...

Isabelle Moraes Vieira's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katelynn Nicole Madison Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Kazuya Akashi Character Portrait: Alex Webster Character Portrait: Iris Evangeline Breth
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie
"System rebuilding... checking for errors... system saving... Process can't be completed!" Several words and phrases flashed towards the screen and Kazuya fixed a critical eye towards it. He had been working for this particular troublesome error for almost half an hour and he still can't find what is the root of the repeatedly popping warning alert. He typed in another syntax code when he noticed the unusual part of the program and alternately stared at the two monitors in front of him. He was so absorbed in his work that he didn't notice the opening of the door in his room.

"Kazu!!!" A familiar chirpy voice surprisingly piped up behind him and Kazuya can't help but let out a groan when he actually saw his sister next to him. "Nee," he started and paused his fingers mid-air on the keyboard. It was still early in the morning and he knew how loud his sister talks, remembering the time when his mother declared that they can even still hear her voice from three rooms away. "I'd appreciate it if you tone down your voice. It's too early in the morning and Okaa-san--"

"Kazu-kun! Didn't you already forgotten? You're supposed to be at your car travelling to Lake Kenforth now," she immediately cut him off, tugging at the hem of his sleeves endlessly. Then she turned to his room and noted it, her eyes wandering. Kazuya reflexively stood up from the chair, keeping his hands on the pocket of his pants and followed her line of sight. The brunette continued to stared disapprovingly at the messily scattered books and manga on his bed, the still open portable play station left carelessly and the different clothes dumped on the floor. Letting out an irritated huff, she tried to glare at him only to see him shrugging in return.

"Was there a hurricane on your room again last night, Kei?" She made a clucking sound and casually picked up one of his shirt. "I thought you were invited to go to Katelynn Madison's house for this summer? Did you plan to ditch them?" One by one she started to pick up his clothes and tried to smooth out the wrinkles in it. Her younger brother just shrugged again and gazed wordlessly at the cabinet of books situated on the corner of his room. Silence permeated between them and the only sounds that can be heard was the rustling of his clothes as she went through the motions of folding it neatly.

"I was debating whether I should go or not," He finally answered, fixing his glasses not looking at her.

Anthea Kazumi Akashi-de Lacella stopped folding the particular blue polo-shirt and turned at the black-haired boy. "What do you mean?" She asked him, cocking her head to the side obviously confused. "I thought you finally decided to tell Rosemary-chan what you felt? Besides haven't we agreed? You'd go there this summer! After all the troubles Katelynn went to give you the invitation! You will go!" She passionately stated when Kazuya offered no answer to her questions.

Though instead of getting deterred from his uncaring expression, she then tugged him towards the bathroom and opened the door. "As a man of your words and since you already confirmed it to them, you will go there and introduce yourself to all those she invited. Wakarimasu?" She added, stressing the do you understand part and pushed him inside. "I'll be preparing your things and stuff just take a bath and prepare yourself, Kei!"

An hour and a half later Kazuya found himself in front of his car with his sister endlessly spouting out various reminders. "Just loosen up a little, try talking to others and I'm sure you'll be having a great time before you know it. And remember don't eat until someone takes the first bite you know that you should show them how Japa-"

"OK, OK, Nee-chan. Relax, I'm not going to attend a television reality show, OK? I'm just going over Madison's for a few weeks, that's all." He finally cut her off, placing a calming hand on her right shoulder and looked at her, his eyes dancing with amusement. "And yes, before you open your mouth and ask me again, I remember everything you've told me. Just relax, I'll be at my best behavior and I'll show them the Asian way of courtesy." Kazuya spoke when he saw her opening her mouth ready to dish out another comment. He lightly smiled and quirked an eyebrow inquiringly. Anthea immediately shut up and sheepishly smiled at him. He just nodded appreciatively walking away and checked his baggage.

"That's great to know. So see you after a few weeks?"

Kazuya made a small sound of approval at her question. He busily went through his things, making sure that his sister did not pack anything embarrassing. It had happened before and he certainly did not want to remake the experience. He was glad to see that she neatly brought his laptops and spare batteries. She also packed some books and mangas which arguably almost took the whole space of his luggage, and also a selected number clothes and toiletries.

"I'll be going now," he uttered while strapping in the seat-belt and warming up the engine. "Just tell Mom and Dad I left early."
"I will, take care Kei, bye bye!"


Kazu almost made a risky U-turn when he saw Iris' car parked near the cabin. 'She's early!' He thought despairingly. He had been wishing that he was the earliest person to arrive so that he can immediately take refuge at one of the cabin rooms but obviously he had no luck. He was ready to back out when unfortunately made an eye contact with the said girl. Seeing the traces of her glowing smile, he can't help but flush bright red. Knowing the he was already seen, he decided to park his Sedan next to a Volkswagen Kombi. Casually stepping out, he silently collected his things and waved to the owner of the house in greeting, "Hello Madison" "Vieira, Webster,... and Breth" He added turning to each of them.

(What a wall of text O_O)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katelynn Nicole Madison Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Kazuya Akashi Character Portrait: Iris Evangeline Breth
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie
Kazuya just nodded at Izzie's deadpanned response and silently observed the other visitors after him. He was surprised to see Piper Keegan walking and apparently leaving her car on the road. He almost volunteered to call the car service when he figured that the the girl may not be need it that badly. After all he can't see Piper worrying about it. After Piper, it was Ray Liverstock who pulled up quite noisily. Seeing the familiar faces of his classmates, it did turned out that he knew most of the people Katelynn invited. But aside from Iris and Katelynn herself, he don't know much about them.

"Any one order a daily dose of nerd?" Ray shouted to every one and Kazuya noticed the four boxes of beers that he brought. The black-haired man didn't really care about alcoholic drinks. It isn't that he can't drink because he certainly can. He just can't see the merit of losing control of yourself. In reality, Kazuya Akashi is really a good drinker. It takes more than few glasses to get him drunk. And when he does Kazu not the noisy or annoying type that loses awareness of his sanity. In fact, he acts like someone who's sober and thinks very much normally like he usually does.

"Of course Ray...come on. I'll show you guys around...I am sure you can tell this place is huge." He heard Katelynn cheerfully reply to Ray's declaration. She then proceeded to tour them inside the cabin. He followed Katelynn as she opened the main door, bringing his luggage and backpack with him. Deciding to walk behind them, he looked at the black-haired spirited girl on the corner of his eyes. Smiling slightly when he saw Iris' expressions and gestures, he then continued to familiarize himself with the layout of the cabin, at the same time still staring at her.

As they went further inside he can see the surprise on the others faces when Katelynn showed them the room. She showed them the theater room, indoor pool and lake and bunch of other rooms that he honestly did not paid attention to. He was too busy gazing at Iris' bewildered expression, stifling the chuckle that threatened to come out when he saw her reaction. Though he can also say that even from someone like him, who was used to seeing such extravagance, that the furnishings of the house was amazing. It was astounding and interesting to say the least. Just from seeing the tables and chairs, one can easily assume that the Madison's are a wealthy bunch.

Her parent's wealth doesn't reflect that much to Katelynn Madison though. As far as Kazuya knew about her, she's one of those girls who doesn't flaunt their wealth to every person they meet. "You guys have free reign of the house. There are bedrooms on the east and west wing of the cabin." When he saw her pointing to their bedrooms, he immediately murmured a quick thanks before going to the farthest room on the west wing of the cabin. He didn't know if he can take another minute not solving the particular syntax error that he had been working on this morning.

After setting his backpack on the table, Kazuya carelessly dumped the other luggage on the bed before him. He deftly opened his bag and took out his laptop, pressing the Turn On button soon after.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katelynn Nicole Madison Character Portrait: Piper Keegan Character Portrait: Ray Liverstock Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Alex Webster Character Portrait: Damien Lewis
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0.00 INK

Kate came up from the water surprised as she saw and heard Damien. She smiled softly as she heard him complement her swimming. "Thanks, I am certainly not swim team you are." Kate complimented him truthfully. "I went to a couple of your swim meets and you were great."

"Compared to you what I do is merely recreation. Which I mean it is...I do enjoy swimming a lot, and I would join the team if I thought I could make the team." Katelynn said shrugging. "But dance is my passion. Everything else I am only decent at in comparison." Kate had participated in every school and private dance recital she had ever been invited to perform in, and always got amazing responses. Also when she went into a solo competition she came out with first place for her age group, the very thing that lead to her successful Julliard audition.

"Wish I could give my sister this kind of life, but she would probably be much like yourself. Never figured you for one to care about all the money, just as long as your heart is set free like a wild mere then you can be free to do what you want truly." Damien said sitting with one knee to the ground, the other bent at the knee with his right arm draped over the knee.

She smiled as she remembered the one time she had met his sister. It was after graduation and she saw his mother looking for him amongst the sea of red and white caps and gowns, when the little girl took it upon herself to say "hello" with the cutest smile, leaving his mother to introduce the two of them. "Yes your little sister. I met her when your mother came to graduation with her. She's adorable." She said with approval. "And seems quiet smart too."

Kate shook her head as she continued her with what was on her mind after hearing his statement. "You don't wish your sister had this kind of life. I wouldn't wish it on anyone." She said looking at him seriously. "Yes the nice things are there and the easy of having money....but there are so many people that just want to be friends with you let alone in the same area with you just because you have money." She said her voice taking on a disappointed tint. "Then add in the fact that you have to always look your best, be on your best the best in general. There's a lot of your right I do enjoy the time I get to me. Not, Laura and Trevor Madison's daughter. Thanks for noticing" She said sincerely.

Katelynn smoothed her hair back. "But, if you really think she would enjoy all the things here. I think you should bring her up here for a day or so. Let her enjoy the house. It will be like a small fun adventure for her. I wouldn't mind at all, if she did." She said smiling at him. "I know when I was her age I pretended this place was my castle."

Just as she said that a wave of water hit her making her hair rush over her face. Kate moved it out of the way only to see Piper looking at her Alex and Damien apologetically as she got them wet. "It's no problem Piper really. Its just a little water." She said lifting her body out of the pool from the edge next to Damien and walked over to the table with fresh towels on it, next to Ray and Izzie, grabbing one.

"Rereading them again huh, Ray?" Kate said teasingly as she made her way over to Damien handing him a towel to dry himself if he wished because unlike everyone else he was on the edge of the pool. "Here you go." She's said giving him it before making a clean swan dive into the pool without splashing. Kate swam back up to the surface gracefully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katelynn Nicole Madison Character Portrait: Piper Keegan Character Portrait: Philip Lefeuvre Character Portrait: Ray Liverstock Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Alex Webster
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0.00 INK

Kate sighed Phillip walked away from her. "Better prepare myself for a night of glares." She muttered to herself. Last time she had tried to connect with Tina over a nice dinner, Tina glared at her every time Phillip made Kate laugh or vice versa. That wasn't to say they weren't keeping her included in the conversation but she just appeared to be against any other conversation occurring between Katelynn and Phillip.

She turned back around to seeing Damien gone calling out that he was going to fix Piper's car, which was nice of him. Just then she saw Alex coming over, as she was climbing out to sit on the edge drying her hair.

"Have to say, this is a really nice place," Alex spoke sincerely. "Thanks a lot for inviting me out here."

She shook her head. "Its no problem really. I much rather spend summer out here with friends than go on a 5th trip to Europe. Its getting kind of ridiculous." Kate said rolling her eyes. "So thank you for coming."

Looking at Alex I saw his eyes shifting back and forth to the chair where Izzie was. "You should come with me to the kitchen." She said standing up. "I need to figure out what we are eating and go shower, get changed." She said offering him a hand and helping him out of the water.

They both walked to the main kitchen where Izzie was at drinking her beer. Kate looked in the fridge seeing the fresh produce the help had put in there. "I guess...we could do the grilling out tonight." She said pulling out the Steaks, Burgers, Tofu Burgers and Hot Dogs. Turning to Alex she spoke again. "I should shower and go talk to the others about what they might want." She said purposefully leaving Izzie and him alone to solve the little tiff they had with one another. "Feel free to meet me out there guys. Also whenever Phillip and Tina make it down can you tell them or ask them what the want." She said not really wanting to deal with him at all

Kate went upstairs to her bedroom on the west wing of the house, quickly hoping into the shower to rise off the chlorine before getting out and putting on her summer dress . She walked downstairs to the entrance of the cabin, before walking down to the main road where Ray, Piper and Damien were with her car; enjoying her walk along the way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Kazuya Akashi Character Portrait: Alex Webster
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie
Kazuya was thankful that he was able to debug the program only few minutes after he focused on it. He leaned on the chair and combed his fingers into his hair. "I'm really getting rusty", he stated out loud and looked at the codes again. He sighed before swiveling the chair and facing the bed. Moments later, he felt getting somewhat thirsty, he then opted to go into the kitchen to look for something to drink.

When he got to the main kitchen, after almost getting lost, twice, he immediately noticed the fridge and opened it to fetch himself a drink. He found a number of alcoholic drinks and fresh produce, among other things. He then tried to look for a bottle of cold water and when he succeeded finding one, he turned around and started searching for a cup. He was busying himself with his water when he noticed the other people who were currently in the room. He was mildly surprised to find Izzie and Alex in the kitchen too. Raising the bottle mid-air, he asked them, "Do you guys want cold water too?"

He didn't know both of them that well. He is aware that Vieira, Izzie- as what she's usually called, is one of those girls who had a reputation for being delinquent. Kazu figures her tattoos didn't help her that much to alleviate such accusations. But he also knew that she's one of those independent and difficult persons you wouldn't dare want getting angry at you. Alex Webster on the other hand is her complete opposite, a laid-back guy who is well-known for being polite and friendly. Looking at both of them, they're obviously like the polar opposites, that makes people wonder how they became such close friends.

"Should I leave you guys alone?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemary Dawn Montez Character Portrait: Ray Liverstock Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Alex Webster
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0.00 INK

Rosie frowned at first when Izzie said no. Well, she honestly could care less if she came. Once again, Izzie was her exact opposite pretty much. But, then, unfortunately, Alex seemed to talk her into it. Rose didn't care who came, and Alex was fine, but, Izzie on the other hand... she shook her head clear. Play nice... she told herself, and then, gave a tight smile directed at the cursing-happy Izzie.

"Cool." she simply said, in her musical voice, although, it wasn't as musical. Then, she looked back at the rest.

"Hey, Ray!" she called into the living room, where he seemed to escape to, flopping down on the couch.

"Is that a yes, or a no! You coming mate?!" she called over, not feeling the motivation to get up and walk over there. Hey, what's wrong with the shortcut?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemary Dawn Montez Character Portrait: Philip Lefeuvre Character Portrait: Ray Liverstock Character Portrait: Isabelle Moraes Vieira Character Portrait: Kazuya Akashi Character Portrait: Alex Webster
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie
"Well, I don't really know my way around here that well..." Rosemary started to say and Kazuya found his hope dropping into nothing. He knew what will be the next statement after that. He may not socialize with others that much, still he knew enough when someone is aiming for a 'nice' way to reject an invitation. He was still cursing his luck inwardly, having gone through most of the Japanese curse words that he knew and now he is going over the recent American ones that he learned on his stay at the States.

He actually knew next to nothing about cursing. Aside from the usual 'shit' and other 'mild' ones, the black-haired man doesn't usually curse. It wasn't that he aimed to be the all around nice boy, someone weak and totally unknowing of how the society works. But he can't help it. His mother's never ending preachings and reminders had been instilled into his very soul that he just grew used to it without ever thinking anything else.

Still, inwardly blaming and belittling himself for ever opening his mouth and asking that dreaded question, Kazu stared at Rosemary in utter surprise when he heard her reply. "Okay!" She had stated, smiling widely before adding, "But, I think some more people should come that know this place better, because, honestly mate, I am just as lost as you are."

He noticed her looking around, apparently searching for someone else to come along. He wished to all the Shinto Priests he can find to not have Kris Sanders accompany them. Anyone else can come, even the 'scary' antisocial Izzie, or the other nerdy guy in the group, Ray. But never Kris. He might just endlessly annoy him with his unwanted and sometimes useless comments.

When he heard Philip volunteering to guide them for the exploration, Kazu is actually torn between feeling relieved or stressed. This is another guy he never had a decent conversation with. After that, Izzie and Alex have both decided to join and the boy had felt the control of the situation slipping out of his hold. He wasn't a social person first and foremost. The only reason he was here with them was because of Rosemary and Katelynn. Though Kazumi repeatedly reminded him to make some friends along the way, Kazu actually care not much about that. His main concern for joining them was to 'confess' to Rosemary. It was his way of closure. He has had this feeling ever since he met Rosemary and got to know her better and being a man of logicality and rationality, Kazuya would rather rid of this romance thingy instead of pursuing it.

It wasn't in his character to do so, he never imagined or planned himself into the scenario where Rosemary and him would become more than what they are right now. Call him pessimistic or a loser, like what Kazumi always never failed to tell him, Kazuya is not the type of person to fall in love and sail in the sunset type of guy.

"Is that a yes, or a no! You coming mate?!" He then heard the blond-haired girl's musical voice calling towards Ray, who he didn't know when he came in the kitchen. He had been so absorbed in his thoughts that he failed to notice certain things about his surroundings. He had actually been mildly surprised when Philip suddenly piped up before.

He held back an incoming sigh, with the way Rosemary is inviting everyone who is currently in the kitchen, he's quite sure that in one way or another, Kris would undoubtedly accompany them. If he didn't need this, and if he didn't have a blasted problem with reading the map or looking for the right directions, things would not progress into this. Don't misunderstand him; he does not hate any of them. Besides Rosemary who he knew for quite a while, the others are total strangers to him. Yes, they usually meet at the campus grounds. Once or twice he can see them at the cafeteria during lunch time. But as far as novelty and the cliché go, he doesn’t know anything about them.

He just hope that he wouldn't end up regretting ever asking that question more than he currently does. A week's worth of clean clothes and some time with Rosemary might not be worth the stress that would soon to follow now that the whole entourage seems to be coming with them. He groaned inwardly with his anti-social thoughts and instead cleared his mind. Yes, it would be stressing to be with these people longer than he normally wanted to, but at least he will have his change of clothes. He may not like how the circumstances came to be, but at least, Rosemary will be with them.

All throughout the exchange, Kazuya kept a passive face. He didn't look happy but he never showed himself being disappointed or anything of the like. His expression looked passive, and he tried to paint a small smile in his face to cover whatever turmoil he felt inside. This people may not deserve all the negativity he has for them. Though naturally not-social by nature, still Kazu tries to pave his way to ensure that his judgment about others will not be purely tainted and based on initial impressions.

He pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose and stared at Philip, giving him a somewhat grateful nod.