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Torren Greyjoy

"The Iron price must always be paid."

0 · 506 views · located in The Seven Kingdoms

a character in “A Time of Thrones”, originally authored by Belynta, as played by RolePlayGateway


Torren Greyjoy


The Basics

Name:Torren Greyjoy
Affiliation:House Greyjoy


The term Iron could have been invented specifically to describe Torren Greyjoy, he is the epitome of an Iron Islands man. He is a lean wiry man with a strength that belies his age. That strength also applies to his character as he is often described as Iron willed by those who know him. He is a hard but fair man and one who believes punishment should be the same regardless of who committed the crime. He treats everyone, including his own family, with that same belief. His wife and children know him as firm man who shows his love in actions rather than words as he is not given to verbal speeches of affection. They do not doubt his loyalty to them however or his loyalty to the Islands and his family’s honour and welfare come first. After the sparse affection he received from his own father he has always been determined that his children do not suffer the same. He dislikes many of the other Houses as he feels they have things a lot easier and yet are still unhappy with their lot. He feels that he and his House do not get the respect they deserve from the other Houses and he intends to change that.


Torren was one of five siblings born to his parents, Thoric and Sereh Greyjoy, with him being the youngest and now the only surviving child. His father was a hard man who believed in his boys being tough and not being soft in any way. He showed them no real affection unless you counted the lessons he drummed into them. On the rare occasions he spent with his sons it was only to ensure they were doing well in their lessons and were behaving like men and not boys. Of his three sons Torren bore the brunt of this as his father seemed to hold him in particular dislike. No matter how hard he strived he never seemed to meet his fathers expectations. Things worsened when both his brothers were killed, when their ship ran aground, and all of his fathers expectations fell on his shoulders. His mother did her best to ease his burden but she was no match for the sheer force of her husbands personality. His sisters were treated little better with Thoric only interested in how much wealth and power they could bring to the family by marriage. Unfortunately neither managed to match his expectations as both died before a wedding could take place. His elder sister Reyna died from illness only a few short days before her wedding and Tarna died during childbirth (the child was not legitimate). Torren’s mother began to wilt over the years after the death of each of her children and by the time Thoric died she was a shell of her former self. Though having always been frail his mother still clings to life and Torren always makes time to visit her.

Torren met his wife Mira when he was still a young man and for him she was the bright light in his otherwise dark existence. Their courtship was not one that his father approved of. Thoric wanted Torren to marry into one of the other Great Houses and Mira though related to House Baratheon was a second cousin. Thoric considered this beneath his son and heir and yet for the first time in his life Torren defied his father, refusing to give Mira up. His father grudgingly allowed the courtship to continue, as he did want to lose his last son and heir, and finally granted permission for them to marry. Torren and Mira have a very strong relationship based on mutual love and loyalty to their children, they think alike and are a formiddable team. Mira gave Torren three sons, Donnel, Rodrik and Harlon and also two daughters, Alys and Lynna and Torren is proud of them all. He ensured he was their for their name days, and other important occasions. He has tried his best in his own way to not become the man Thoric was. Thoric died still disapproving of his wife and never acknowledged their marriage unless he had to.


(this is just because I would like to know these things to make sure this roleplay goes smoothly)

How often are you online?:On and Off throughout the day.
How often do you think you'll be to post?:Once a day (in the evenings)more often at weekends.
How much do you know about Game of Thrones and/or the A Song of Ice and Fire series?:I have read all of the books several times and I have watched season 1 of the HBO series.
Do you like chocolate?:Erm who doesn’t? lol. Rolo’s are my favourite!
Password (Character sheets without the password will not be accepted. This shows me that you actually read the rules): Iron Throne

So begins...

Torren Greyjoy's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister Character Portrait: Torren Greyjoy
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#, as written by Brock10

Edrick nodded at his daughter, glad of the respect she had shown Steffon, and downright suprised at the smirk. Had she finally fallen for the young lord? He honestly had no idea. Steffon seemed mightily pleased with himself, and suddenly Edrick was aware of the dishonor he was showing his daughter. She was lower than everyone, and Edrick was encouraging that she was weaker. That was wrong. Edrick climbed off his horse, and helped his daughter up.

"My Lord Steffon Baratheon of Storms End, your betrothed and my daughter, Alyria Stark of Winterfell."

As his daughter and he stood there, awaiting Steffon and Kale's response, he kissed his daughter on the cheek, hoping she had pleased the young Baratheon. She deserved a good man.


Tybolt smiled at his daughter, ecstatic she was commited to becoming Queen, the only thing that even came remotely close to being worthy of her, but the highest thing she could acheive. He was glad that her devotion to Lannister's and to becoming Queen was still on the forefront of her mind. As they approached the door, her joke about her mother made him roar with laughter, a Lannister laugh. Hear me Roar, Tybolt thought to himself, amused by the wit of his Daughter.

When she presented the gift she had prepared, he was astounded. Under his own nose, she had taken Valyrian Steel taken from his conquest of Dorne, Gold from his own mines, and created the finest looking Sword he had seen. It was beautiful, clearly taken from some of Joanna's talent for art. The hilt was modelled to look like a Dragon's head, Ruby eyes giving it the Lannister colours. In the actual blade were engravings of Lions, Wolves, Krakens, Stags, Roses, Spears and Hawks, all below a magnificent Dragon, domitating the blade. He was impressed by his Daughter's intelligence, and thought with the blade. He then looked at her, stopping her, and began to speak, allowing how proud and impressed he was to convey though his voice.

"You will become Queen one day, and join another House. But never forget, you are a Lannister, and always will be. Just so you dont forget, I present you with a gift."

He lifted a golden necklace, rubies in it, with shapes of various Lion's and Lioness's hunting in the necklace, the actual centerpiece being a Lions head roaring towards whoever looked at it, rubie eyes, and a mane filled with Bronze, Silver, and Gold, meaning an insanely expensive necklace. As she wore it, he also gave her an instruction.

"When we enter the main hall, if the King is there, bow to him first. Then, go to Aerys, and present him with the full suit of Armor I prepared, blush at him, be as attractive and feminine as possible. The Armor is silver, it has engravings of Golden Dragon's in it. Good Luck."

With that over, they both stepped into the Great Hall, ready to partake in the Game of Thrones...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harlon Greyjoy Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy Character Portrait: Torren Greyjoy Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy
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Harlon Greyjoy

Harlon was caught off guard for a moment. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a figure running madly towards them, and when he turned towards it, he could tell it was Alys. He figured she'd be the only one of his sister's to do something like that. For a moment, he looked around the docks and surrounding streets. It wouldn't be good for her image if someone of importance saw her acting like that. Now her arms were wrapped around Donnel, the happiest expression on her face. Hm, maybe the time on the ship made him think about his sister's reputation. He was happy to see her, though. Alys was one of the sister's he favored.

"I enjoyed it - it was a good experience," Harlon nodded, smiling. Finally, Duncan was addressed and exchanged words with each of them. Of coarse his father had sent Duncan to bring the three of them to him. Honestly, Harlon would've just went up to King's Landing with Donnel. Then maybe he'd go and greet the nobles himself. Then again, maybe it was better for them all to be together. Alys had already taken off on the spare horse, though, so that wasn't going to happen.

Harlon laughed quickly, "I wouldn't expect anything less than a war."

The three didn't waste anymore time, though, at the docks. With Alys already riding off and every other family on their way to see the king, it wouldn't be smart to stand around. However, it didn't take long to find their father. Riding on his horse, it was easy to see his discomfort. He knew he'd rather have ridden on the ship with him and Donnel.

"Father," Harlon greeted once they'd worked their way over there. The castle was within view and a confrontation was only moments away. "Everything going smooth so far?"