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Jaehaerys Targaryen

"Life is for living, don't you think?"

0 · 800 views · located in The Seven Kingdoms

a character in “A Time of Thrones”, originally authored by Belynta, as played by RolePlayGateway


Jaehaerys Targaryen


The Basics

Name:Jaehaerys Targaryen
Affiliation:House Targaryen


Jaehaerys is a woman of passion and that passion is evident in everything that she does, she loves life and does her best to live it fully. This intensity of emotions is present in all aspects of her life from horse riding to social gatherings. When she laughs it is with all her heart, when she cries it is as though her soul were weeping. She is generally a happy young woman and her vibrant happiness is infectious with others struggling not to be caught up in it. It is vary rare that someone can resist her laughter and her smiles and her exuberant nature. However Jaehaerys can also be prone to dark mood swings and when in this mood many do not know how to deal with her. During these dark moods she is either very angry and aggressive or depressed and feeling as though life is not worth anything. Only her twin Aerys can deal with her when she is in one of these moods and the rest of her family usually leave her alone till the storm passes.


Jaehaerys is the eldest daughter of Aegon and Rhaenys Targaryen and the second eldest of their children, she is twin to Aerys heir to the throne and the two of them have always been close. Jaehaerys often feels like he is the only one that understands her and she him. When they were children they were always playing together and people often jested that they were attached at the hip. This lessened somewhat as they grew older more out of necessity than choice, at least on Jaehaerys side, as each of them had lessons to learn and duties to perform. Jaehaerys has grown closer to her other siblings as she has grown older and often keeps the younger ones amused when their parents are busy. Her younger siblings enjoy spending time with her due to her exuberant nature. As a young child Jaehaerys was very much a tomboy and hated dresses and other girly things, she always wanted to be out climbing trees and pretend sword fighting with her brother Aerys. As she has grown into a woman Jaehaerys has come to accept her role as Princess and whilst she still resents having less freedom than her brothers she keeps it hidden.


How often are you online?:On and Off throughout the day.
How often do you think you'll be to post?:Once a day (in the evenings)more often at weekends.
How much do you know about Game of Thrones and/or the A Song of Ice and Fire series?:I have read all of the books several times and I have watched season 1 of the HBO series.
Do you like chocolate?:Erm who doesn’t? lol. Rolo’s are my favourite!
Password: Iron Throne

So begins...

Jaehaerys Targaryen's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister Character Portrait: Torren Greyjoy
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#, as written by Brock10

Edrick nodded at his daughter, glad of the respect she had shown Steffon, and downright suprised at the smirk. Had she finally fallen for the young lord? He honestly had no idea. Steffon seemed mightily pleased with himself, and suddenly Edrick was aware of the dishonor he was showing his daughter. She was lower than everyone, and Edrick was encouraging that she was weaker. That was wrong. Edrick climbed off his horse, and helped his daughter up.

"My Lord Steffon Baratheon of Storms End, your betrothed and my daughter, Alyria Stark of Winterfell."

As his daughter and he stood there, awaiting Steffon and Kale's response, he kissed his daughter on the cheek, hoping she had pleased the young Baratheon. She deserved a good man.


Tybolt smiled at his daughter, ecstatic she was commited to becoming Queen, the only thing that even came remotely close to being worthy of her, but the highest thing she could acheive. He was glad that her devotion to Lannister's and to becoming Queen was still on the forefront of her mind. As they approached the door, her joke about her mother made him roar with laughter, a Lannister laugh. Hear me Roar, Tybolt thought to himself, amused by the wit of his Daughter.

When she presented the gift she had prepared, he was astounded. Under his own nose, she had taken Valyrian Steel taken from his conquest of Dorne, Gold from his own mines, and created the finest looking Sword he had seen. It was beautiful, clearly taken from some of Joanna's talent for art. The hilt was modelled to look like a Dragon's head, Ruby eyes giving it the Lannister colours. In the actual blade were engravings of Lions, Wolves, Krakens, Stags, Roses, Spears and Hawks, all below a magnificent Dragon, domitating the blade. He was impressed by his Daughter's intelligence, and thought with the blade. He then looked at her, stopping her, and began to speak, allowing how proud and impressed he was to convey though his voice.

"You will become Queen one day, and join another House. But never forget, you are a Lannister, and always will be. Just so you dont forget, I present you with a gift."

He lifted a golden necklace, rubies in it, with shapes of various Lion's and Lioness's hunting in the necklace, the actual centerpiece being a Lions head roaring towards whoever looked at it, rubie eyes, and a mane filled with Bronze, Silver, and Gold, meaning an insanely expensive necklace. As she wore it, he also gave her an instruction.

"When we enter the main hall, if the King is there, bow to him first. Then, go to Aerys, and present him with the full suit of Armor I prepared, blush at him, be as attractive and feminine as possible. The Armor is silver, it has engravings of Golden Dragon's in it. Good Luck."

With that over, they both stepped into the Great Hall, ready to partake in the Game of Thrones...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
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Aubrey Stark

Aubrey smiled sweetly at her brother as Brennidon responded graciously, helping her from her place on her tall bay mount so her feet were on the cobblestone road. " Thank you, dear brother." she said thankfully before carefully taking her hand back from her brother. She used this soft feminine hand to gently pet the beautiful horse as he spoke to the stable hands who had come up to the siblings.

After her horse was taken away Aubrey turned her head to look at her younger brother, who took her arm in his, and nodded.

" I believe now is as good a time as any, Bren." She murmured, the small smile on her lips growing slightly as she revealed her perfectly straight teeth to her sibling. " Shall we go then?" Aubrey asked as she took a few steps forward, lightly tugging Brennidon as she fought to hold her laughter.

She wanted to see everyone. She wanted to meet anyone. But, most of all, she wanted to thoroughly enjoy herself this Name Day.

Elaena Targaryen

Elaena noticed as her elder brother Aerys walked by outside and stood swiftly, realizing it was about time the princesses and princes met with their family in the throne room to greet their guests. With her long hair gently blowing behind her, the nineteen year old made her way to the main throne room where several of her family members waited patiently.

She took her place near Jaehaerys, her elder sister, who stood by their mother's throne. Elaena gave her sister a lovely smile, her eyes reflecting this also and showing it was not forced. " Are you looking forward to seeing the Great Houses?" She asked her sister softly, sticking to her Jaehaerys' side as she joined her two siblings in waiting for the rest of their family.

(I will post Vysenia's after the Rhaenys responds... I just wanted to get these two up for now before I forget.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister
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Joanna Lannister

Joanna couldn’t help but feel an immense sense of pride as her father praised her work, it seemed imbedded in her to constantly seek out his praise and affection and couldn’t quite figure out why, she supposed it something to do with having four siblings, each of them competed for their fathers attention in different way and hers was by making him proud. “Oh father have no fear, I am never going to forget my name, I do wish I could keep it even after I marry” she sighed lightly, her sadness toning her voice at the thought that she may not be leaving with her family after the celebration, that was if her father’s plans went accordingly. Although she did feel her spirits lift as she was presented with the necklace, it was simply divine; running her hands over the lion carvings a smile graced her beautiful face “thank you” she gushed lightly, unable to come out with the right words to describe the necklace.

Clasping it around her neck she beamed with pride as she did with anything with Lion’s on, the sign of her house and it was an honour to wear “I really love it” she smiled placing a loving kiss on Tybolt’s cheek before embracing him tightly, something that as she grew had happened less and less but in that moment she taken back to when she was a child. Pulling away slowly she laughed lightly “Shall we go in father? It would bode well not to keep the King waiting.”

Queen Rhaenys Targaryen

Rhaenys smiled at Vysenia as they walked back into the Keep from the gardens, it was obvious that her daughter was excited to see the Stark and Baratheon boy but the Queen couldn’t help but hope she would become better with some of the daughters of the great houses, she was pretty sure the Lannister’s had a daughter the same age as Vysenia, it would be good for her to have a female friend, every young girl needed one. As they walked into the grand hall Rhaenys was immediately greeted with a procession of respectful bows and curtseys from the lords and ladies of the court, she would down the hall noticing her two other daughter were already sat in their seats waiting for the greetings to begin. Rhaenys smiled, her daughters were all so reliable
the male members of her family however were another story; neither of them was present yet,

Sighing slightly as she approached Jaehaerys and Elaena, she smiled greeting both her daughters with loving embraces “you both look beautiful” she stated tucking a strand of Elaena’s hair behind her ear, like she use to do as a child “Jaehaerys my love have you seen your father or brothers for that matter?” she asked taking a seat on her throne next to the grand Iron throne upon which her husband sat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Alyria Stark Character Portrait: Aegon V Targaryen Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark
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Aubrey Stark

The middle child of Edrick Stark felt perfectly at ease as she, accompanied by her brother, walked through the slums of King's Landing. Brennidon, on the other hand, seemed to be quite anxious as he pulled Aubrey closer and was that his hand on his sword she saw? She glanced to her brother, eyebrow raised as she glanced to his sword and back to his pale features. As they left the area, she hoped he was aware of the teasing and jesting comments that would come up from just this alone.

Walking through the gate, Brennidon turned to her and spoke with a smile on his lips. Aubrey couldn't help the grin that spread over her own lips, revealing her pearl-white teeth. " It is," she agreed, her tone seeming more excited than before.. if that was even possible. " But I can't wait for this celebration to begin so I can dance," Aubrey added though she left out a portion of her words; with all the young men. The Stark was practically like a child when she was allowed near boys who were not her family or of lower class. Fair game was fair game though and Aubrey loved to flirt with and tease practically any handsome man she came across. Even Brennidon knew of the trouble she'd gotten herself into in the past due to her bold and flirtatious nature.

" Hm, father?" She turned her head to look and felt her smile dim slightly, turning more demure and proper than displaying her confidence, as she also spotted Lord Kale Baratheon. She hid the jealousy she felt as she witnessed her elder sister, Alyria, meet her betrothed, Steffon Baratheon, for the first time in years.

Vysenia Targaryen

As her mother and herself entered the throne room, Vysenia sped up to sit by her sisters. " Good afternoon," the younger girl said cheerfully to her siblings, a lovely smile on her still maturing features as her long blonde hair shifted over her shoulders. Of course, she became silent as soon as she sat, comfortable but proper, and watched her sisters and mother greet each other.

Elaena Targaryen

As their mother came forward, Elaena stood and returned Rhaenys' loving embrace before releasing the Queen to allow Jaehaerys to be hugged as well. " Thank you, mother," the curly haired blonde said softly, giving an informal curtsey in greeting. Her mother tucked a loose strand of her hair behind Elaena's ear and she couldn't help the smile that spread over her lips at the memories this brought forth. Many days of just sitting with her mother as a child, reading books with her siblings and making sure they got to bed with loving kisses and hugs from her.

The middle princess returned to her seat as she looked to the doors, waiting to see Rhaegar and her father, Aegon. Perhaps she should have stayed with Willem those few extra moments to remind her brother to come to the throne room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen Character Portrait: Harlon Greyjoy
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Rhaegar Targaryen

Willem was exactly right... it had been too long. He couldn't even remember the last time they had seen each other. His great friend had definitely grown into more of a man since the last time they had spoken. He was taller than Rhaegar himself, of course he had two years on the young Targaryen. His friend began talking rapidly, and Rhaegar couldn't do anything but smile. The excitement was plain on Willem's face, and in his words.

When he finally stopped to breathe, Rhaegar couldn't help but bellow out a laugh, echoing off the stone walls. "Ah, my friend, you haven't changed a bit!" he exclaimed, taking a step back.

"I'll make you a deal. You get one Greyjoy brother, and I get the other!" He smiled, his white teeth gleaming. "Of course then, that means next I'll have to unhorse you myself!" He laughed again, clapping his hand on his friend's shoulder. He chose not to respond to Willem's mention of the girls. His friend didn't know about his love for his sister, Jaehaerys. No one did. And he wanted to keep it that way. He had no idea what his father would think, let alone his friends who didn't understand the Targaryen way of marrying sister and brother. And if his friend found out it wasn't just for duty, but also for love? He didn't want to think of it.

He waved a hand, not caring that his friend had so much to talk about. "Being a prince is boring," he responded. "Although I have become quite skilled with a bow. You and I must go in to the yard and-"

"My lord," a guard said, approaching from the doorway. Rhaegar turned reluctantly away from his friend to the guard. "Your mother requests your presence in the Great Hall."

So it was time already? He silently cursed the guard for interrupting his reunion with Willem. "Very well, I will be there shortly," he replied to the guard before dismissing him. He turned back to his friend. "Alas, it seems I must go. But we will talk later." He embraced his friend once more before leaving for the Great Hall. As he walked inside, he noticed that all the ladies of his family were already present, sitting in their respective places, and his elder brother, the heir, sat next to his father's throne. He scowled.

He approached his mother first, bowing slightly, though not smiling as he addressed her. "Mother, you look absolutely beautiful." He moved to Jaehaerys, and her beauty made him pause. Her gown was breathtaking, and the low plunging neckline immediately drew his eyes. He felt warmth rising to his cheeks, and he quickly kissed her hand saying, "You look lovely, my sister." He exchanged pleasantries with his other two sisters, before taking his place beside his youngest sibling, Vysenia. He sat still, a neutral look on his face. He wasn't looking forward to seeing and watching all the royal families shower his older brother with nice words, while Rhaegar himself would be almost nonexistent. The families would spend more time being friendly with the future king than the younger brother who wouldn't amount to much.

Alys Greyjoy

She had enjoyed exploring the city, seeing both the beautiful and downtrodden parts. All of it was absolutely fascinating. Most citizens just stared at her, obviously not knowing who she was. Perhaps they were confused why such a beautiful woman was wearing breeches and a tunic, instead of a gown like most ladies. Or perhaps they sensed that she was higher born than she looked. Either way, she graced them with a smile before moving on.

As she emerged from an alleyway, she saw that she was right near the docks. She scanned the boats, and her eyes instantly found her brother's ship, Lady Amalya. She quickly made her way through the throngs of people, searching for her brothers. After searching, she found they had just walked off the boat. She took off at a dead run, throwing her arms around Donnel when she reached him, squealing with delight. She clung to him for a good minute, before releasing him and stepping back. "Brother, it is good to see you," she said, a large smile on her face. She glanced over at her younger brother. "Harlon, how did you like the trip?" she asked, placing her hand on his shoulder for a moment.

She listened to their responses, smiling the entire time. She felt whole again now that she knew Donnel was here in King's Landing with her. Before she could say anything else to him, her father's guard approached them, Duncan. "My lady, I am glad to have found you," he said to her, before also addressing her brothers. She listened to them exchange words for a few moments, before growing bored. She grabbed a spare horse that had come with the guard, and hopped on. "I will see you at the castle, brothers!" she exclaimed, before turning the horse around and letting him gallop down the street.

The people parted before her, grumbling that she was coming down the streets so quickly. She hardly cared though, loving the feeling of her hair flowing behind her, as red as fire. When she reached the castle gates, she dismounted the horse and handed him off to the stable boy. He took the horse to the stables while she looked around in awe. The castle was so large! She walked around a little, not really knowing where she was going. She wondered if she would run into anyone from the other families, and if they would even know who she was.

Aeron Stark

A huge grin lit up Aeron's face at his father's words. His father and brothers were normally much too busy to practice dueling with him. The thought excited him. "With one condition," he said, "I get to use a real sword!" He giggled, finally stopping circling his father's horse, and riding to the left of him.

He gave a shout of surprise as his father lifted him up onto his large horse. He felt so tall! He laughed as the horse turned through the streets with ease, people scrambling out of their way, not wanting to get trampled. When he looked ahead, he saw the black stag on a gold field, the banner of the Baratheons. Behind their banner loomed the walls of the Red Keep, so large they made him feel like the tiniest ant.

The two houses rode together the final distance to the castle gates, where he found the rest of his family waiting. He found that his eldest sister was waiting for the eldest Baratheon, and they exchanged pleasantries. Aeron really wasn't interested in hearing what they had to say, so he hopped off his father's horse, landing swiftly on his feet.

He walked around his father's horse, finding Callum Baratheon with his family. "Callum!" he called happily, smiling and waving.