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Alice "Valerie" Callinder

"I wasn't expecting this kind of school ..."

0 · 2,444 views · located in Wonderland Academy

a character in “A Twist in Wonderland”, as played by Kura Ravengade


"Despair can only have a grip upon you if you allow it to. A fight that you may strike against it labels you as a true hero in my book."

General Information
Castle of Glass by Linkin Park


Name: Alicia Valerie Callinder (She prefers to go by her middle name, Valerie)
Nickname: Alice, Valerie, Val, Ali, Erie, Vere, Callinder
Age: 16
Role: Alice
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color/Length: Sandy-Blonde; Chest Length
Eye Color: Stormy-Gray
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 132lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian; 1/2 German, 1/4 French, 1/8 Italian, 1/8 Irish; Moved to America from Germany at age six.
Tattoos/Scars: She has a scar that stretches from just between her breasts and straight downwards from an operation on her internal organs after a car accident when she was nine, along with a scar through her left eyebrow, and several scars that crisscross over her face from the same car accident that caused the other two. She does, however, conceal these with makeup when around people other then her immediate family. She also has a tattoo just below the inside of her wrist that holds the symbol of 'Forever' with 'Love' scrawled beneath it, and a heart drawn into the 'Forever' design.
Facial Appearance: With her high cheekbones and slightly rounded chin, she has a face that’s thin but not sickeningly so; it’s almost as if it was perfectly chiseled and rounded out. Her skin is a light peach and there are only a few freckles here and there on her entire body that she refers to as ‘angel kisses’, a name instilled in her since birth. Her eyes are a gray-blue that mesmerize most people, her hair is a perfect blonde-white, and it falls in silky waves to just below her shoulders.
Crush: TBA


In Depth Information


Personality: Alice is extremely sweet and, unlike most people, tries to look for the good in others. The people at her new school are a bit unnerving and are slowly beginning to wear down her ability to look for the good in people. Some of them even frighten her, and she hates the fact that she's alone and arrived not too long after school started. naturally, however, she's kind and loves to be around people. So far she's been too shy to approach anyone, but a few students have. She loves to laugh and make others do the same, and has always been driven to do her best, to impress her parents and not let them down. That's her biggest flaw, however; no matter what she does, she never thinks she does it good enough, or is smart enough. She has an extremely low self-esteem, which, at her old school, always made her friends mad at her.

Danger Level: 4; it’s not like she won’t defend herself when people are outright attacking her, whether it’s with words or fists, but she doesn't go out of her way to endanger herself. However, when rubbed the wrong way, she can become a 7.

Aspirations: She wants to eventually graduate high school and go away to college, where she’ll study to become a bio technician. It’s a long shot, but her biggest dream is to win the Noble Prize for discovering the cure to a horrific disease.

Dominant Emotion: Protectiveness and Sincerity

Quirks/Oddities: Some people find it weird how into studying and doing her homework she is, or her loves for sciences and mathematics, or that she loves learning how to play various new instruments and compose music, but she adores these things none-the-less. Alice also demands that others call her ‘Valerie’, due to it being her middle name and her sister’s first name being Amanda, which also began with an ‘A’. Whenever Alice sees the letter ‘a’ or meets someone with a name beginning with ‘a’, she can’t help but think of her sister. She also refuses to wear something that reveals her scarred abdomen.

Likes: Strawberries, Raspberries, Music, Boys, Dancing, Studying, Homework, School, Animals, Children

Dislikes: Gory Movies, Slackers, Liars, Cheaters, Conceited People, Hatred, Bullying

Average Clothing: All-in-all, she tends to aim for comfortable clothes that aren't too tight and aren't to baggy, just sort of in the middle.
Spring/Summer – Tank tops and skirts or jeans shorts, along with sandals, flip flops, or no shoes at all. She also tends to wear sundresses a lot, and with her favorite colors being blue and white, a lot of her clothes fall into those categories.
Fall/Winter – She loves wearing sweatpants and jeans, with long-sleeved shirts and baggy sweatshirts. She normally wears dark, faux boots and gloves without finger tips that she can flip a piece of clothe over the tips of her fingers to cover. Those and scarves and hats, too. She loves her scarves and hats.


The Past, the Present, the Future


Keepsakes/Special Items: A necklace from her mother and father for her eighth Christmas, with her mother's wedding ring on the chain with the actual locket, which holds a picture of her family, and an identical necklace that her parent's gave to her sister for their eighth Christmas, with her father's wedding ring on the chain, with the same photo inside of it. Also, a ring that her brother used to practically cling to is on the chain of her necklace


History: Alice was born in a small, middle-class family, with a twin sister and a younger brother. Her only living relatives were her parents, siblings, grandmother, and aunt. She was raised to always do her best and look for the good in people, just as her parents, Kathleen and William, did. And she was happy. When her eighth Christmas came around, her parents bought her and her sister beautiful, heart locket necklaces with a picture of a family portrait they had taken for their Christmas cards in it. A few months later, just after her ninth birthday, they were involved in a horrific, ten-car pileup on their way to pick up her sister from a friends house. The only reason Alice lived is because her father pulled her out from between the two cars that had trapped her when she had been ejected from an open side window, using the last ounce of his own strength to save her. He, her brother, and her mother Kathleen, all died on the way to hospital. Alice was in critical condition for several days, and when she awoke, she was horrifically scarred across her stomach. The scar has dulled as she aged and has become a pearly white, but it's still extremely noticeable, and although it isn't a hideous scar, she thinks it is, so she has never worn a two piece during the summer to the beach.

After her parents and little brother died, her grandmother was left as her and her sister's guardian. She was then raised by her rich grandmother, who pushed her and her sister to do their best, enrolling them in a private elementary, then middle, and finally high school. Her grandmother is a strict, old woman that all of Alice's friends refer to as 'The Dictator', for she was always crabby and treated Alice and her sister like, well, crap. Alice, however, loves her grandmother dearly, seeing as only she, her sister, and her aunt's family are still alive.

A few days after Alice and her sister's sixteenth birthday, her sister committed suicide by hanging herself in their bedroom. Alice found her and has been mentally scarred ever since. This was only a few months before Alice was accepted to Wonderland Academy.

When Alice's grandmother announced that she had passed an entry exam and the requirements for a 'prestigious high school' a few states away, Alice really didn't want to go and leave the only home and people she had ever really known other then her parents. She went anyway, if only to make her grandmother happy and to escape the memories of her family and her sister. She arrived a few days before she would actually start school, just so she could get settled into her dormitory and get to know people, despite the fact that school had already started, but she hadn't really gone out of her way to meet many other people. To be honest, she's a bit scared to.

One Greatest Fear: Losing the only remaining people on this Earth that she loves.
One Greatest Secret: She never, ever wears bikinis in the summer; she always wears one-pieces, and hides her past, disastrous life from those around, behind smiles and kind words.


Gallery/Song Lyrics

Take me down to the river bend
Take me down to the fighting end
Wash the poison from off my skin
Show me how to be whole again

Fly me up on a silver wing
Past the black where the sirens sing
Warm me up in a nova's glow
And drop me down to the dream below

'Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Hardly anything there for you to see
For you to see

Bring me home in a blinding dream,
Through the secrets that I have seen
Wash the sorrow from off my skin
And show me how to be whole again
'Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Hardly anything there for you to see
For you to see

'Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Hardly anything else I need to be

'Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Hardly anything there for you to see
For you to see
For you to see

Face Claim: Ashley Benson


So begins...

Alice "Valerie" Callinder's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Meg Tharamel Character Portrait: Ace de Mewler
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#, as written by Polka

The scene had moved fast. One minute Meg was questioning the new girl, as was her right and now everyone was protecting her.

The Bryant boy, the one who's sister Petra thought was pathetic was coming on far too strong for her liking. Who the hell was he to question the Queen.

He was yelling into their faces. It didn't really bother Petra so she decided to stay calm and wait for Meg's response.

It was not until the new girl started to speak that Petra really started to lose her patience with this group of idiots. Here they were surrounding her as if she were some precious stone, there was Audrey, Helena, Sam, Malia and Tarrent. All as pathetic as the next.

It was not long before this new girl was out of her seat and dousing Meg in left overs. Bad Move...

"And that, my dear ladies and gentlemen, is how you take out the trash," .

Just as the girl had time to finish her sentence, Petra swung forward taking this girl by the collar. She pulled hard so that her face was right into Valerie's.
' How about I show you how I take out the Trash?' She grinned ' Or perhaps you would like Ace here to show you?'.

She pushed the girl back with one hand, now standing in front of Meg. ' I suggest you all get lost. And take these piece of garbage with you '.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Petra Mason Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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At first it was a giggle, but then, as she saw the comicalness of the situation,the milk spilling down over her beautiful hair, the expression on her face that most likely meant 'You are so going to pay for that' ,she laughed loudly, the sound echoing a bit since people had stopped conversation to stare.
She started to clap in admiration, first slowly and then quicker as her laugh was the only thing to be heard ,and gradually,brave students started to clap along with her. She noted it would take a lot of willpower to clap so openly in Meg's face,except she just couldn't help herself!
"That was amazing!", she said between giggles. This was so funny! It was straight out of a teen television drama show. She wished other people were here, like Jamie or Dean,because they would probably react much worse than she was now.
'The Queen', a title which Audrey used sarcastically, as did most of her friends, was giving Valerie what one would call 'a death stare', and she wondered how 'The Queen' would get her revenge, and if she would still want Valerie to be in her club. Maybe she'd still want her, but Audrey did not frighten herself with the details of what she would do to attain such a follower.
She now had the information that Valerie wasn't some meek, only do-gooder, and she could insult someone deeply if she needed to, if her amusing words in German were any contender. As soon as Audrey stared at Meg again, it was impossible to restrain herself,so she took Sam's hand, which was protectively over her shoulder, and protected her eyes instead. Looking to her right, she picked some french fries from her tray and chewed on them so she wouldn't laugh again.
The girl was no longer overwhelmed. This new entertaining event had stripped her of thinking too heavily on her emotions to doing what she did best- act without thinking.She noticed Helena had tried to comfort her,and she was quite thankful her best friend had regarded her. So, before reaching for more food, she gave Helena's hand a squeeze. Tensions had seemed high before,but they probably had loosened up a bit. She remembered Sam and Tarrant coming to Alice's defense,which was very sweet and knightly of them, but she assumed it was in their nature,especially to a girl they obviously both liked. She had been rather taken aback by Sam's outburst but his putting his hand on her shoulder was a hint that he still had his composure.
Tarrant had had more of a peaceful approach, one that meant he didn't want trouble and they wouldn't get it if they just went away. She remembered the teen movie reference again, how the evil queen bee would approach the new girl, and then the new girl would show her merit by doing something awfully embarrassing to the queen, and all the guys liked her and the queen swore revenge, and then she laughed again on the similarity of the situation.
Whenever Audrey had done some prank or other on Meg, usually with Jaime at her aid, she liked to be discreet and then run.This was a courageous thing to do,especially to Meg, who had scary lackeys.
She gingerly lowered Sam's hand at this point, sure she could contain herself this time, and when she saw Meg covered in Valerie's pasta, all that happened was a twitch of her mouth. She tried to not look directly at her,just in case, and that was when she made eye contact with Meg's little brother Cyrus.

That poor, poor baby, she lamented, as she gave Cyrus a small sad smile and a wave, as she did almost every time she saw him. She had learned over the years that Cyrus had a drastically low self-esteem, which was probably the Queen's handiwork. Cyrus always tried to avoid Audrey at all times, and she wondered why. Was it because she wasn't threatening to beat him when she saw him? Was it because she didn't push him around,tease him, or yell at him? She swore she would find out. But on those rare occasions when he wandered the hallways or gardens by himself,he really wasn't all that bad. Sure, he would cower in fear, but he didn't try to hit you or threaten you.
Unlike his fellow club member Ace, who really didn't care if he punched you or throttled you to the ground. Sometimes she swore Ace thought he had nine lives or something.She had only probably interacted with Ace one time, when he had bumped into her and left without even saying sorry. He walked around like a program, or a robot, and he was undeniably creepy.
And of course, then there was Petra. Someone that got a kick out of giving others pain, or watching them receive pain, which Audrey thought was the cruelest thing she could imagine. She had a smart, free mouth, and although she could manipulate people, she couldn't do it as well as Meg, so that's why she was her follower. She also took orders easily, as did all the club members.
Audrey's biggest question was not why they did it, because she knew that, but why they all had the same classes, although they were in different grades.She knew Petra was a senior, but she had never taken any of the required classes as long as she knew Meg, and she questioned how the Garden Club had arranged it and gotten away with it.

She wondered what Meg would want with a girl like Valerie. Obviously now she could see that the girl would not be as compliant as her minions. Would that have an appeal to Meg? Maybe it would make this game just a whole lot more fun if Alice was not willing to join her. How unnerving that was to think about.

All of this thinking for Audrey, as it does for most human beings, happened in only a few minutes.

Just as the girl had time to finish her sentence, Petra swung forward taking this girl by the collar. She pulled hard so that her face was right into Valerie's.
"How about I show you how I take out the Trash?" She grinned " Or perhaps you would like Ace here to show you?"

She pushed the girl back with one hand, now standing in front of Meg. ' I suggest you all get lost. And take these piece of garbage with you '.

Oh no,what's happening?! I think for two minutes while the milk was running down Meg's hair, and this happens!
She stood up. This was outrageous and certainly not very nice!
She got up out of her seat, and the situation was no longer funny to her, which was unsurprising. She considered Valerie one of her friends now, and she wasn't going to let any of her friends be pushed around!
"We're not pieces of garbage, Petra, but Meg seems to be a trash can today." She gestured to the lunch splattered on Meg's clothing, "Now go away, because we were here first and you just decided to be extremely nosy like you guys always are and come barge in on our lunch."
She wasn't usually this mean, but these were her friends, and those people were not!

So she turned to see the reaction of the Queen, and also what the rest of her entourage would do. She made predictions in her head and most of them were predictable. Meg would leave in a huff, but her minions would continue to provoke them. Meg would scream and a fight would start. Sam would go ballistic, and all hell would break loose. She didn't really mind any of this happening, and mentally prepared herself for each situation.

Was it weird she thought of inviting the new girl to play chess, and then join her for tea?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Petra Mason Character Portrait: Meg Tharamel Character Portrait: Laura Riddle Character Portrait: Ace de Mewler Character Portrait: Cyrus Tharamel
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Dean smiled around the roll in his mouth as he felt the pressure of Chess on his shins. As two light legs fell to either side of his head, he raised his hand to take the joint out of his mouth. He blew 3 rings into the air, all entering each other to make something of a bullseye. Dean was always rather fond of this talent of his, though he blew them as far away from Chess's face as he could. She never liked the smell of the his lovely little herbs, and though he couldn't care less, Dean never tried to intentionally bother her. Though he never said it out loud, he liked Chess's company.

"Twas brillig in the slithy toves..." she began to sing. Dean's grin broadened. Although she claimed to be apathetic, and often was to others, she always seemed to know what he needed to hear, even when Dean didn't know it himself. Humming along with her, though not very well, they finished off the lullaby on a calm and happy note. Dean clapped slowly, interrupting the soft silence that had settled like a blanket in the field.

"Beautifully sung, Chess, as always," he said, "Could you by any chance be a witch or a psychic? I certainly wouldn't be surprised. Just five minutes ago, I used those words to describe our dearest friend Meg. The Jabberwock seems to fit her like a glove, does it not?"


Ace stepped out of Accounting, lost in his own mind. Uncaring of students or staff, he walked through the mess, eyes searching above the crowd for familiar blonde crown of curls. There! Barging through the crowd towards Meg, Ace realized that his heart was pounding. That moment of panic he felt when he's lost was already easing off, but it was still uncomfortable. Ace rubbed his chest absentmindedly.

All wandering thoughts vanished however when he caught up to the Queen. "Hello, my Queen," he said to her, and rightly didn't expect a response back. Looking to the side, he saw her brother, small, yet very difficult to miss. Not looking into his eyes, Ace said quietly, "Hi, Cyrus." He looked down then, looking at and following the pair of bright and polished white slippers and the pair of worn out and dirty running shoes to the cafeteria.

What happened next was a blur. Only when he was at the table did he notice the new student. He glanced at the curious passion on Meg's face. Why does she want her so badly? he thought with a frown. Still, it wasn't his place to question it, though the feeling of unease stayed with him whenever he looked at the girl's face.

"Or perhaps you would like Ace here to show you?"

When Petra mentioned his name, Ace looked up from his where he had zoned out. Petra's hands were around the girl's collar. Clearly, he was meant to look intimidating. Baring his teeth into a hideous grin, Ace glared at the girl. "I wouldn't mind."
Clenching his fists, he felt the knuckles cracking and popping rather loudly. He wouldn't mind hurting the girl. Just a little bit to show that Meg was his. Turning to glance at his Queen, he only then noticed the sopping milk stained hair that adorned her face.

Without thinking, he rushed forward, and, while her collar was still held by Petra, grabbed her jaw, thrusting it up to look at him. "Do you know what you just did, girl?" He spit in her face, "You've just harmed the Queen, and I can't have that."

How dare she? Who does she think she is? Ace fumed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Petra Mason Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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Malia watched the whole scene with light amusement, her lips curling slightly. This should happen more often, this is the most interesting thing I've seen in days, she thought as she watched The Girl pour her lunch down the front of Meg. She liked this girl- she was exiting. Malia leaned against the table as the watched the others reactions. Meg seemed to be only seconds from blowing her top, and her followers were tense. It was so easy for Malia to imagine them as a pack of dogs right then- all of them waiting on their leader to give them the signal to attack. One of them seemed to not want to wait and jumped at The Girl, who Malia had seen call herself Valarie in response to one of Meg's boundary-overstepping questions as she said something about trash.

It was strange, seeing them attack someone so up-close. Malia tended to avoid them and their annoying natures, preferring different places to sleep. They were vicious and they looked threatening, and most of the people around seemed threatened. Audrey stepped up and told them to leave, but Malia knew that that may very well be telling a snail to go faster than a cheetah, from the look of pure hate in the eyes of Petra.

"Or perhaps you would like Ace here to show you?" Malia heard the woman say and Ace responded quickly and, Malia supposed, scarily. He cracked his knuckles and seemed to finally come out of the haze he was in, if only for a moment. He saw his precious queen's milk covered hair and he lunged as well. Valarie had made a target of herself on her first day. That had to be a new record. They normally tried to figure out if the new ones had something they wanted.

Nevertheless, they looked like they wanted to kill and Malia figured the school wouldn't be quiet for days if that happened. Plus Tarrant might be mad (or worse, sad), and he could be frightful. Malia sighed and put her hand into her jacket, extracting her knife just in case. She flicked it open and started to file her nails as she looked at the pair who had Valarie in their grips.

"Honestly, can't this wait until tomorrow? The girl didn't know any better and you wouldn't want to scare her to another school on her first day, would you? That would be boring, right? You won't be able to make her scared and worship Meg if she leaves," she said as she stepped forward. "I would let her go. It's not like you to break someone too quickly" she stopped filing her nails and pointed the knife at them. "She can learn," She added as an afterthought, knowing full well that while her argument was reasonable, they would more than likely not leave and it would be a fight. She didn't enjoy fights, really, but she could fight. She did, however, see pain as something she could feel on an emotional level. One of the very few things she could, so she did go into times when she would crave it.

While now was not one of those times, she wouldn't mind it. So she prepared herself for a fight, her body tensing in a subtle way and her fingers curling around her knife as she pulled it back and held it against her dress in a way that looked clam but a trained eye would see the tightness in her fingers and the way one quick movement would do damage, as well as how it was concealed by her body so no worker would see it. To many people, Malia and her knife would be a normal sight and wouldn't bother them, but Malia did fail to consider how Valerie might respond to her holding a knife.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Petra Mason Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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Sam's jaw dropped and he nearly doubled over laughing, chocolate milk beginning to run down Meg's face and features. It seemed his intervention wasn't needed at all as Valerie showed that not only did she have quite a big bark, but enough bite to back it up as well. 'Note to self,' he thought, 'cold shower after lunch...' He steadied himself before he fell over, using Tarrant's large form to lean on. Audrey picked the perfect time to stand up and Sam quickly occupied her vacant seat as his cheeks began to throb and small tears formed in his eyes at the sight of Meg, fuming in the muck.

Wiping one of the latent droplets forming in his eye, he caught sight of a fly as it passed through his vision and up over them all. Adrenaline was coursing through him due to the event, but the fluorescent lights above them made him feel incredibly tired all of a sudden. Sam rarely had a good night's sleep and it was beginning to catch up to him. He felt as if he could doze off at any moment, but let himself enjoy only the pleasure of a single blink. The blink turned into a few seconds, and then a minute, and still his eyes stayed closed, head inclined to the ceiling above.


Sam's eyes opened to a commotion going on somewhere around him and spotted a fly as it buzzed above his head. 'That's one loud fly...' came his thoughts as they drifted back to him. But the sound was too peculiar to be a fly. 'Too....violent...' The fly drifted back down and Sam saw the cafeteria around the table he sat at. The kids all around staring at the scene around the table. The group confronting each other as they stood in front of him. And then he saw Meg, the source of the violent buzzing. And an eyebrow on his face rose higher and higher as he took in the sodding sight of her. Covered in what looked like chocolate milk and pasta, she looked.... 'Delicious...'

Sam wondered slightly what had happened, though his stomach was beginning to outweigh his concerns and drift back to the food covering her. Everyone around him seemed ready to hop up and fly into an all-out brawl. Even Malia had a knife out. At the sight of her though, he really didn't focus too much on the knife she held, a little tighter than someone feigning a casual composure he might add. 'God, I joined the wrong club...'

Helena was beside Sam as well, Audrey was on her feet in front of him, Tarrant stood in front of Meg's usual entourage as well. 'What the hell is going on?' And Sam's eyes fell on the girl at the center of it all and a slight memory crept back into his mind, beginning to bore the letter 'V' into his thoughts. He examined the determined look on her face, the passionately fierce blue eyes that were set on Meg at the moment, her lightly curled golden locks framing it all, and of course, he didn't skimp as he scanned over the rest of her. But for the life of him, he had no idea what the 'V' meant...

His studying of Valerie was cut off as Meg's crescendo of threats finished and she abruptly turned and stalked out of the cafeteria, lackeys in tow. Sam chuckled a little at the droplets of chocolate milk that indicated the exact path Meg had taken out the doors. His stomach pulled at him again as he whirled in Audrey's seat to spot his tray across the table and scooped up the piece of apple pie still on it, taking a rather large bite and allowing a delighted hum to escape him. Swallowing too fast, he began to choke and grabbed a bottle of chocolate milk from the table, no actual idea if it was his or not. He took a deep sip to clear his throat and let out a satisfied sigh...

"Dunno what she's so crabby about..." he said as he gestured to the milk trail out of the cafeteria, "this stuff is amazing!" Now that the distraction Meg posed was gone, Sam went back to staring at Valerie again, she seemed so familiar...

Leaning close enough to whisper to Helena Sam kept his voice low. "Hey, who is that? And what in the hell happened to Meg?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Petra Mason Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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Insanity broke loose quite quickly after they arrived at the table. First Dean left, trailing snarky comments alone in his wake. Cyrus tensed, prepared to follow Ace outside and lead him back to the group after they'd finished doling out justice, but Meg made no gesture to do so. She just relaxed. Cyrus frowned deeply, an expression that quickly faded into confusion. Later. They'd provide justice where justice was due later. Meg apparently thought this new girl was so important that nothing could get in her way.

Then Sam spoke up. And Tarrant. And then the girl herself. Cyrus managed to keep himself somewhat sedate by watching Petra grab the impertinent little thing by the collar. He pulled off his shirt and held it out to his sister so she could mop the worst of the offense from his hair and shirt, chewing nervously on his lip. Then Ace dove into the fray, and the boy's anger calmed Cyrus a bit. Between them both they could get the job done well enough. He smiled faintly, looking to his sister for a cue as to what to do next. His arms were wrapped around his lower torso, though it wasn't particularly cold in the cafeteria. He mostly just felt small among his club-mates.

And then Meg joined into the mess, quieting everything. She pushed Petra and Ace away, focused on the girl. And then she started in. She was quiet at first, but Cyrus knew it wouldn't last long. He slunk behind Ace, grinning madly. He wasn't lowed to smile when she yelled at him like that, but she wasn't looking at him now and he was positively euphoric at this point, with all the cold, sweet justice floating around, even if it wasn't aimed at him at all. Soon Meg's voice rang through the cafeteria, almost every occupant cowed to a state of silence by her large voice.

Cyrus lingered a moment to retrieve his shirt, which Meg had thrown upon the floor at some point in her tirade. He managed to compose himself as he looked for a few brief moments at the collection of people before him. Some of them were offenders, some of them were not, but they'd all pay by the queen's hand, and it was the new girl's fault. "You'd best watch your backs. Meg isn't afraid to let the heads roll." He said softly to them as he tried not to grin, his eye on the new girl in particular. His bared torso probably told the group just what Meg wasn't afraid to do, a variety of different coloured discolourations spattered his skin, welts and bruises of many different punishments, both new and old.

All of a sudden the boy turned and half stumbled half hurried away, as if Meg had just pulled an invisible lead forcing him to come along. He was back to grinning as he grabbed Meg's things as well as his own and followed his sister and the rest of the group out of the cafeteria, clutching his shirt in his fist. He hadn't entertained a second thought when he'd given Meg his shirt, he rarely did, but there was a jacket in his bag he could wear. Just a little bit of luck.

Cyrus decided that it would probably be best to wait for her Majesty to speak, as she would do so when she was ready to. And it probably would also be wise not to mention that her group hadn't had anything to eat. Cy swallowed his grin, returning to a somewhat blank expression, and followed his queen obediently. There would be plans in their future, he knew. Delicious plans. vengeful plans. Justice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Sam Bryant Character Portrait: Meg Tharamel
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#, as written by Polka

It had happened far to quickly for Helena to keep up with. Sam had gotten angry which of course scared her slightly, even though he was just being protective. Even Audrey was speaking up but all Helena could do was look down and keep to herself. All she was good at was organisation and this was just utter chaos.

When Petra and Ace jumped forward Helena clung to Sam's arm. It was a natural reaction to take protection from one of the stronger people at the table. He was already partly shielding her from most of the action which she appreciated.
It was not until Valerie had been pushed back to the floor that Helena noticed the Food and drink dripping from Meg.

Why? Why had this new girl stood up to Meg. Surely, someone must of told her not to mess with the most sadistic and torturous girl in the school. ' I'm late! ' The small blonde girl whispered as if to suggest she was going to leave. Yet she didn't. Helena sat timidly at the table as Meg began to threaten the all.

As if Helena did not have enough to worry about....

It wasn't till Sam quietly asked her explain the situation that Helena stopped panicking.
She took a deep breath ' The new girl is Valerie and she just pissed off Meg.... I don't know what to Sam ' her voice trembled in fear.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Petra Mason Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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Audrey became frightened at Meg's words, and it did not help that she just kept getting louder and angrier. She had finally snapped, although it did not take much to tick off Meg. She involuntarily shook, and when 'the Queen' trotted away, her minions in tow, after pushing around Valerie, Audrey looked back to her brother for support,the only person she knew who would not hesitate to console her right now.
As soon as she saw the look on her brother's face, her eyes got even wider.
Oh, no. No,no,no.
Whenever Sam had a momentary memory lapse, his eyes would get cloudier, and his eyebrows would be furrowed, as if he was assessing the situation not as an active participant, but as one observing from a distance. He discreetly said something to Helena, who responded a bit louder so Audrey was able to listen in.
"The new girl is Valerie and she just pissed off Meg.... I don't know what to do Sam", Helena's voice, like Audrey's would be if she spoke right now, was trembling, and her heart went out to her best friend. They both needed her right now, so it was no time to be stupefied by the wicked witch. She took a chair and sat next to Sam, taking his chin in her hand and swiveling her head to him.
"Sammy, that is Alice Valerie although she likes to be called Valerie." She pointed to her," When we entered the lunch room I dragged you over to her because I had never seen her before, and she is a new student. I hugged her and then you went to get my lunch for me after you introduced us, and also your lunch. First you grabbed a cheeseburger but decided I wanted a hamburger, and then proceeded to get me fries,a soda, and chocolate brownie. You piled your own plate with these and also two more hamburgers and a salad.While you were there you spoke to Helena and also said hello to Malia. When you returned, Tarrant was here and Valerie winked at you and asked us all for advice, to which you promptly said that she would get a crash course of what you should avoid, since Meg and her entourage were approaching the table. Meg was harsh, like she always is, so Valerie poured milk down her hair and threw her pasta at her shirt. She then screamed hell and a half to her,left, and now we are sitting here."
As she spoke,relaying events to a confused Sam, she was relieved that his eyes seemed less distant and more here. This was an asset to always taking the precaution of recording every detail in her brain,especially when she was around her brother. She had harder cases before, but Sam seemed quite alright except for not remembering this whole period. Which, she noticed, was about to end soon. She took five huge bites of hamburger and chewed it quickly, and when that was done, decided to swallow the french fries, which were not many since she'd been eating them earlier.

The tables had hushed now, and she bent down to address one of them, since their faces were on the side.
"And have you reached a conclusion?", she asked quietly, as to not disturb a table across the way that was about to fall asleep.
"Naturally, in all debates that pertain to religious content, we have decided it is best to agree to disagree."
"For the best, I should say." She whispered as she saw the table across from them shift in their sleep, being careful not to wake him as she sat upright again.

She chugged down most of her soda, and now she had to use the bathroom. Wonderful. The bell rang then, which made Audrey jump, and afterwards she wished she hadn't, because now she had to use the bathroom more. She hugged Helena, telling her it'll be all right, and then kissed her brother on the cheek. "I'll meet you in Advisory guys, I have to use the bathroom."

She walked past the small group of Valerie, Tarrant,and Malia, giving them a small wave and a smile. She walked out into the hall to the nearest restroom, and set her things down on a counter nearby. After she finished, and was washing her hands, two women came in whom she knew were nurses. They were deep in loud, gossipy conversation, so she didn't disturb them.
"And then Susan walked right in on Tony and Stacy!", one of the nurses hollered, and then the other woman gasped, but didn't seem so surprised. The other nurse tutted like she was expecting it.
"Girl, did you see that kid in the padded room? He's crazy!", the other nurse said, and Audrey stopped washing her hands for a bit.
"Harold's a regular, sweetie. You'll get used to him."


Audrey wondered how long her best friend had been in there, and this made her uncomfortable. She wanted to get him. Sure, Jamie was insane sometimes, but they couldn't just keep him locked up in there every time he acted up!
She quietly left the bathroom, a mission in her mind.
Oh my gosh, I'm gonna be a secret agent again! she thought with an excited glee. She 'picked up' Jamie rather often, and every time she took more risks so it would be more like a full fledged action spy film. She took care to walk like she wasn't going to the secluded part of the school, and raised her head high, playing it cool.
I wonder if this is what my father does. Break his comrades out of jail and stuff. She grinned to think that she was now just like him. She got to the hallway that separated the regular school from what she called 'the crazy rooms'. There was a teacher leaning on the doorframe of his classroom, looking around at the other students in the hallway.

What to do, what to do.....
She passed the teacher and bravely smiled at him and waved. "Hi!"
He smiled back at her and waved too then looked back into the hallway, but not right next to the adjoining hallway.
Yes! Now he thinks I am not a threat!
She weaved back through the students, preparing excuses in her head if someone asked her what she was doing. She didn't like to lie, but Audrey the Spy HAD to if she wanted to save her partner from doom!
If someone asks, I did not know. I had to....use the bathroom, and thought there might be one here. Or, I was looking for my earring!Or....I dropped my soccer ball that was autographed and it came rolling down here!
She hunched down, and snuck into the hallway. The lights were brighter here, but it was empty.
She walked, her footsteps echoing a bit.
A spy would never walk so out in the open! She looked behind her.
She decided to sneak from pillar to pillar in the hallways until she reached the nursing station.
Classic spy music played in her head, and it was like a real movie!
Da da.....dadada....DANA! DA NA NA NA NA DA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Her stuck her head out of the pillars as she moved, quick to duck behind the pillar if someone started to walk down the hallway. It only happened twice, but when it did she felt as if her heart stopped and she couldn't stop grinning.
The halls were pure white here, and as she slinked deeper and deeper into the forbidden part of the school, her adrenaline made her pay no heed to the consequences.
This was so fun!
Her head was spinning,her fingers shook with excitement, and she arrived at the nursing station.

They looked helpless, fiddling nervously with their fingers.
And Bingo was his name-o!!
She knew these ladies, since this was not her first visit here. She nodded at them,smiling a little, greeting them "Hello" with what she considered the suave of a spy.
"Audrey!", they yelled exasperatedly, one of them gripping her by the shoulders, "Hallelujah!"
"I'm here for Jamie", Audrey said cooly with the nature of a true spy.
"PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TAKE HIM!!" One of them pointed to his room and led her over.
She heard a yell from within. "AUDI! AUDI IS THAT YOU?! HI AUDI!"
She smiled, and one of the nurses opened the door revealing him right there in front of it.

"Jamie, I'm here to get you outta here!", she hugged him, but on closer inspection noticed the straight jacket.
"Good God, are they insane or what?" She lifted him up and pushed him over to the nurses.
"Get him out", she demanded.Oh, wait,that's not very nice.
"Please." He had a goofy grin on his face as they took it off him,but then he fell to the ground.
She then pulled him up, leading him by the hand, running with him down the hall. She waved to the nurses, laughing, a childish glee in her eyes.

As they got back to the main hallway, she stopped to take a breath and he hugged her.
"I missed you, how was tea?", he asked.
She shook her head and smiled slightly. "You have no idea." She decided to save that story for another time. She looked over at him quizzically. "How did you get locked in here again,Jamie?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Harold Duffy
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"Please for the love of God take him!!"

Harold's heart leapt at the nurse's desperate plea. He heaved himself up off the ground, stumbling as he threw himself against the door. He'd heard her earlier, could it really be? Was she coming to set this poor rabbit free?

Audi! Audi is that you?! Hi Audi!” He hollered as he lips brushed against the steel trap on the barred window. Harry's lips twitched a bit at the sound of the locks being unlatched echoed in the room. It was the only sound that came to mind when he thought of freedom. When the door was pulled open he was perched right on the threshold with a ridiculous grin on his face.

"Jamie, I'm here to get you outta here!" Audrey told him in glee, greeting his smile in kind. She walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his bound form in a tight embrace. Then the realization sunk in. She pulled away from him, her gorgeous wide eyes trailing down he snaps and straps keeping in confined in the jacket. "Good God, are they insane or what?" Harold slumped to the side as he was pushed in front of the nurses, grinning from ear to ear. "Get him out-...." She demanded, "Please." The nurses obliged, surrounding him as they unbuckled him. As soon as he was free he slumped to the ground, for reasons unbeknownst to even him. He looked up, fixing his gaze on Audrey's. She pulled him up and he went with her as she pulled him behind her, casting a wave over her shoulder. He giggled a bit, relieved beyond belief that he was out of that wretched room. Hand and hand they made their way to the main hallway, quiet save for their giggling.

Harry couldn't conceal his exuberant attitude any more and turned, hugging her tightly as he muttered, "I missed you. How was tea?”

She laughed as he pulled away and stood in front of her. "You have no idea." He watched as she looked him over, with that quizzical look adorning her gracious features. "How did you get locked in here again, Jamie?"

His cheeky grin turned to one of mischief as he began their steady pace, motioning for her to follow. "The orderlies tried to keep me away from making some Earl Grey for lunch. I had a skillet in my hand,” he gesticulated as such, stopping in the middle of the hall in a position similar to one a person would possess if they were about to throw a javelin. Harry pointed to an empty space in front of him, making eye contact with Audrey. "Orderly,” He flipped the imaginary skillet in his hand and aimed, throwing it mockingly. He smacked his forehead to induce an impact and stumbled backwards as he added, "WHAP! Right in the dome piece.”

Audrey laughed and helped him up again, and as soon as he was upright, his eyes shimmered with enlightenment. "You know what we should do?!" He didn't wait for her to answer, "Race you to class!" They took off down the hall, grasping invisible wheels in front of themselves as they made loud car noises. Vrooming down the hall, Harry made a serpentine, weaving past students as they made their way to Advisory. Audrey began making loud siren noises and Harry bursted out in exuberant laughter. "You'll never catch me alive, copper!" He made a loud screeching noise as he swerved, running smack into a wall, spinning into the center of the hallway. He ran right into a person and all childish gaiety ceased as he watched the girl fall to the ground.

"Oh my God, are you okay?!" He hollered as he hoisted the blonde up effortlessly. He didn't take the time to process who it was, he just desperately wanted to know if she was okay. He grabbed her forearms and turned her around, his gaze trailing up the span of her back, "Do you have bruises? Broken bones? A hernia?!" He grabbed either side of the girl's head, his fingers getting lost in those soft tresses. He turned her head to the side, scanning the back of her skull for blood, "Did I crack your skull open?! Is there blood?! Do you have a concussion?!" He let go of her head and stuck his fingers in her mouth, prying it open and getting uncomfortably close to her to take a peek inside her mouth. "Any broken teeth!? A loose molar?! Did I make you swallow a canine?!" His sporadic questioning stopped abruptly when he finally processed the fact that whoever this girl was, she was okay. "Oh thank goodness," He sighed in relief, pulling his fingers out of her mouth to give her a tight hug, only after planting a sloppy wet kiss on her lips. Wet probably because her saliva had dribbled out onto her chin thanks to his excavation.

He leaned back and finally took in the girl's appearance. He didn't know her. Her long light blonde tresses were unfamiliar to him, as was the startling stormy blue of her tantalizing eyes. She was so pretty! Harry looked at her in awe, "Hey! I've never seen you before!" He stuck his hand out to her, offering up a salutational shake. "Harold James Duffy, ma'am. But you can call me the March Hare." He frowned in focus, lowering his hand before she could have a chance to shake it. "You can call me anything really: Harry, James, Jamie, Jimbo, Marchie. Anything but Harold." He scowled, "I hate the name Harold." He quickly perked up, his bright smile bringing light to his dark brown eyes, "What's your name?" He may have asked but he held a hand up almost right after, stopping her from answering. His smile faltered a bit as he got lost in her eyes once more, "Don't tell me-..." He breathed out, "I'll find out eventually." He shoved his hands in his pockets with a suave confidence, "I'll see you later, blue eyes." He walked away, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek before he wandered off towards the French class where his Advisory was held.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Petra Mason Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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Why wasn't he surprised? He watched in dread as Valerie thrust her lunch forward at Meg and then poured her milk carton over the girl's head. No one stood up to Meg like that without a major death wish. Even he, one of the most insane of the school and certainly one of the most unstable, Tarrant knew to not mess with Meg. It wasn't necessarily a fear of her that kept him on edge, it was a fear of her followers. Speaking of which, as Valerie made a snide quip, Petra suddenly grabbed the collar of Val's shirt. By the time Tarrant had narrowed his eyes subtly and tensed defensively, Petra had thrust her aside and moved back to Meg. Silently, he clenched his fists at his side and bided his time while he seethed below the surface.

How dare they treat her like this? How dare the damned 'Queen' and her followers strut around like they owned the place? Suddenly, he blinked his eyes in surprise and shook his head slightly. Oh God...there went his personalities. Not now, not here- especially in front of Valerie. He heard Audrey's voice nearby and he turned to look at her as she shook in a commanding tone to Petra. A smirk crossed his face, the corners of his lips turning upwards. He'd be lying if he said that commanding, confident tone of hers wasn't attractive. Granted, he loved the way she was kind and giving, but it was also so very interesting to hear her speak her mind. By the time he looked back at Valerie, Ace had grabbed her by the jaw.

"Let go of her..." growled Tarrant, though it was a half-hearted growl with not much volume. As much as he wanted to stand up for his childhood friend, it was Ace he was addressing. One did not simply stand up to Ace. His fists still clenched at his sides, he noticed a flash of movement and glanced out of the corner of his bright green eyes to see Malia removing her knife. Had he not been so fired up, he might have told her to put the blade away. Yet, the blood boiled in his veins and he was just about ready to explode at this point. One more second and he might just throw himself at Ace. Meg's rant, however, prevented such events from occurring.

Even after the Gardening Club had left the cafeteria, Tarrant stood there with his jaw clenched just as tightly as his fists. "Y-yeah, you better leave!" he yelled after her. "Damn cowards!" In his moment of rage, he reached down on the table and lifted his half-eaten apple, aiming to throw it. As he wound up, he suddenly stopped and looked at the apple in his hands. Ooh...tasty, he thought, placing the apple to his lips and slowly biting into it. His personality was fluctuating, changing on the dime, and he certainly wasn't very stable. He needed a fix. Now.

The bell rang out loudly but Tarrant didn't seem to care. Taking around bite from his apple, he shoved it into his backpack and placed the bag on one shoulder. He turned to Valerie then and smiled quickly at her before stepping forward and enveloping her in his long, lean arms. "I'll see you around, alright? Maybe after school today?" He let go of her reluctantly and started to the doors, pushing them open with his free shoulder as he bee-lined for the bathroom. This bathroom was one of the few in the school where teachers didn't seem to check. He sat up on the counter in the bathroom and opened his bag quickly. He ran his fingers along the inside of the bag and found the flap he'd sown in. He removed a thread cutter from his pocket and started to open up the flap, exposing a pack of cigarettes, a lighter and a thin little thermometer.

Making a mental note to restock the flap later that night, he started to light a cigarette and took a long, slow drag from it. He held his breath for a while and then slowly let it out, the smoke trailing skywards in a light, gentle stream. How beautiful...

The cigarette should hold him over, hopefully, until school ended for the day and he could return to his dorm. It didn't seem to last long enough for Tarrant and he lit up another one and finished it before he lifted the thermometer up to eye level. The Hatter watched the liquid slowly move through the glass tube as he slid off of the counter. Resting it against the edge, he brought his palm down roughly on it, snapping it in half with a satisfying crack. It was an odd habit, his mercury "addiction", but he believed it was keeping him sane. It reminded him of a life he once knew when his mother would let him explore her workshop where she made her hats. The metallic taste of mercury had been disgusting then, but it reminded him of the taste left on his lips after kissing his mothers cheek. And so, Tarrant turned the thermometer slightly and dropped a few beads of mercury on to his finger.

He inhaled first, letting the scent fill his nostrils for a few heartbeats. Then, he lifted his finger and slid it along his tongue. Swallowing, he shuddered from the taste but tried to force himself to imagine it wasn't. As he tossed the thermometer into a toilet and flushed, he felt the increase in his pulse throughout his body. He should have been worried by this. He knew nothing about mercury was good. Yet, he still did it. Just like how a nail biter chews on their nails, or an addict continues a drug despite knowing the consequences. He was flirting with danger and death and he loved it.

Tarrant exited the bathroom, adjusting his hat on his head, and started through the hallways slower this time due to how at ease he felt. A familiar voice made him perk up and he noticed Audrey, Valerie, and Harry all standing around each other. He grinned and started over to them, stopping temporarily as Harry kissed Valerie on the cheek and then hurried off. His brow furrowed slightly, he walked over to Valerie and stood next to her in an almost protective manner, watching his friend run off. He would have yelled a "hello", but he knew they'd see each other soon enough.

"...what was that about, Val?" he asked, sounding much peppier than he had earlier. In fact, his current fix kept him from feeling at all jealous or upset that Harry had kissed Valerie...yet, had his other personality been active, he would have certainly been more upset.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Petra Mason Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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This is a joke, right?

One moment, she was staring down her nose at the trash-heaped girl, and the next, she was being shoved back a few steps by a girl, who had grabbed the straps of her dress roughly and yanked her close to her face.

"How about I show you how I take out the Trash? Or perhaps you would like Ace here to show you?" Valerie's eyes flicked to the boy, who was grinning a bit madly, his eyes slightly lost. "I suggest you all get lost. And take this piece of garbage with you," the girl said darkly. With a shoved, Valerie was sent stumbling back another few steps, only to find her face grabbed in a vise-like grip by the boy that had been mentioned earlier - Ace. It was painful, almost beyond so, and she knew that she would be bruised the next day.

Why weren't any teachers intervening? Were they just going to allow all of this to happen without even any words at all? What was wrong with this school?

"Do you know what you just did, girl? You've just harmed the Queen, and I can't have that."

She felt oddly brave in that moment, and despite his hold on her face, Valerie felt her lips twitch up in a squished yet daring grin.

"Queen? Queen? Jesus freaking Christ, this is high school. Not a monarchy. What are you, a dumbass?" she asked with a raised brow. It sounded, however, more along the lines of, "Bveen? Bveen? Eus fraking Ist, es is eye cool! Nah a onarfy. Aht o oo, a unass?" It was quite incomprehensible, might she add, but she didn't care. At least she managed to get in the last word with this one.

"Let go of her ..." It was a feeble attempt on Tarrant's part to get the boy to release her, but an attempt nonetheless, and after a few more heartbeats, Ace did so, but she refused to give them the satisfaction of rubbing at her jaw. Instead, she tilted her head back and locked a dark gaze on Meg, a small scowl on her lips.

"Honestly, can't this wait until tomorrow? The girl didn't know any better and you wouldn't want to scare her to another school on her first day, would you? That would be boring, right? You won't be able to make her scared and worship Meg if she leaves. I would let her go. It's not like you to break someone too quickly. She can learn."

Another new voice. But she didn't know how to respond to this. She could learn? She didn't know any better? Oh, God, that was just precious! How hilarious that they would actually buy what the girl was saying and that she could learn to 'worship' this bitch.

“How dare you?” Aw, the little slut-ess was angry. How sad! “You are not fit to be at this school, Honey! You are to be put in a ... A pit, in the deepest, dankest, darkest pit! I shall have you drowned in your sour chocolate milk, and have your guts stuffed with this rotten pasta!" Now that was a bit disturbing. "I shall crush you. I shall pound you! I shall dissect you, Honey! I shall rip out your eyes, shove them in your back pocket, and make you watch me kick your ass! I shall feed you to the termites, and then I shall smash the termites into tiny fragments, and then I shall grind the tiny fragments into dust, and I shall take that dust and feed it to the bloodworms, and the bloodworms I shall feed to the birds, and the birds I shall release into the air, and then shoot them down with my 12-gauge shotgun, and so on, and so on, and infinitum, Honey!" What was this? Some sort of demented version of a science class? What a high-and-mighty bitch. As if she could ever achieve any of that. "I hope you enjoyed your little moment of glory, because you are going to hate every single moment that will come after! You will beg for forgiveness, and when you do I'm going to punish you because I'm big and you're small. I'm right and your wrong and there's nothing you can do about it. You're a pathetic, whimpering little twit. You're the lowest lowlife in the history of civilization. What do you say to that? You can say nothing, and there is nothing you can say, because you are genetically predisposed to ineptitude, and are a no good, good for nothing nobody just like your friends. I shall skiiiiiinnnn you all!” Aw, the poor baby was getting angrier. Somebody forgot to take her nap today. “VERMIN! PUKE! SNOT STAIN, ARE YOU LISTENING? All of these disgusting little slugs will suffer the most appalling indignities because of you. YES YOU! I shall rip the rebellion out of this party of nitwits and devour it whole. I shall hang each and every one of you upside down by your ankles until all of your bodily liquids drain out through your noses and into jars! YES, JARS! Which I shall then hang around the school with your little name-tags, upon which I shall write “WARNING, MAXIMAL IDIOCY TOXICITY”! Honestly, this was more hilarious than the time that her and her sister had put a dead squirrel in their teacher's desk - who, by the way, had an unnatural fear of squirrels.

“Ms. Valerie has allowed her weakness and filth to overtake this miserable collection of excuses for people, giving them the impression that they can be Heroes! You feeble-minded imbeciles! There you are, standing before me like the squits of squits, and you think you've won? You are the excess of inanity. You are the definition of worthlessness. You are a rotting lump of pure WRONG! But I am a match for you, Honey. In me you have met the QUEEN! The ultimate force to be reckoned with. And I tell you that there is nothing I shall not do, no length to which I shall not go, no punishment that I shall not inflict, no fingers I shall not snap, until I've got you all crawling in your own blood and patheticness! I will be watching you. Each and every one of you festering pest-worms. When you turn the corner, when you go to your little smelly dorms, I will be watching all of you, and especially YOU. ENJOY YOUR YEAR IN HELL, VALERIE!”

"One, I don't think that my 'weaknesses' and 'filth' is what caused this. Instead, it was my bravery to stand up to a slutty, high-and-mighty bitch like you," she said, her voice quiet and her eyes a dark and intense blue. "Two, if we're all worthless, than you are nothing, you pathetic excuse of a human being. You aren't human, actually. In all honesty, you must be the offspring of Satan and his whore of a concubine - who must have been your mother, I suppose. So before your mother was, well, your mother, she was a whore. a prostitute. A stripper. Isn't that sad? I can almost guarantee that if one were to flip back in old porn magazines, they would find pictures of your mother splaying herself for all the world to see," she smirked, her racing heart threatening to beat out of her chest. She stepped closer, closing the distance completely between them, and as she stood toe-to-toe with this psychotic young woman, she felt her lips curl up in a smart-ass of a grin. Her eyes narrowed as her voice dropped to a near-whisper. "And I will, Pauper. I will enjoy my year in Hell, because it'll be quite a better one than yours will soon become. This will be the year where you will be knocked off of your high-horse, peasant."

As soon as the girl had spun away, Valerie raised her hand and waved with a sarcastic happiness after her. "'Bye now! I hope to see you soon, best friend!" she sang, before she turned and moved to the nearest seat their table, easily lowering herself into it. It was then that she noticed that Audrey had turned to Sam, her hand gripping his chin and forcing him to look at her.

"Sammy, that is Alice Valerie although she likes to be called Valerie." The girl pointed at Valerie, whose expression was more then puzzled. "When we entered the lunch room I dragged you over to her because I had never seen her before, and she is a new student. I hugged her and then you went to get my lunch for me after you introduced us, and also your lunch. First you grabbed a cheeseburger but decided I wanted a hamburger, and then proceeded to get me fries,a soda, and chocolate brownie. You piled your own plate with these and also two more hamburgers and a salad.While you were there you spoke to Helena and also said hello to Malia. When you returned, Tarrant was here and Valerie winked at you and asked us all for advice, to which you promptly said that she would get a crash course of what you should avoid, since Meg and her entourage were approaching the table. Meg was harsh, like she always is, so Valerie poured milk down her hair and threw her pasta at her shirt. She then screamed hell and a half to her, left, and now we are sitting here."

What the Hell? She just basically relayed everything that had happened only moments before. But why? Why would she have to tell Sam all of that? Unless ... No, that wasn't possible. That girl was before was merely pulling her leg about people being crazy at this school. But still ... No! Kick that silly thought from your mind this moment, Valerie!

She's talking to a table, Valerie. Open your eyes!

It was true; Audrey was whispering to the table. Valerie couldn't help it; she stared at the girl with what could only be called astonishment, and after a few moments, began to blink.

"Y-yeah, you better leave! Damn cowards!" Tarrant again. God, too many things were happening at once. She just couldn't take it much longer, and when Tarrant looked ready to throw an apple after the retreating group of psychopaths, she had had just about enough. It was when he dropped his hand and instead took a large bite that she was pushed to her limits.

"Are you all crazy?" she asked, looking around the table with astounded eyes. "That bitch just threatened all of you because of me, and you're holding conversations as if it never happened? Audrey's talking to a damned table for crymony's sake! Sam's acting like he's high, and Tarrant! Jesus Christ, you're acting drunk! This chick has a knife," she pointed at Malia, "And the only sane on is shaking in her boots like a frightened fucking rabbit!" She spun the finger on Helena. "What is wrong with you all!?"

With that, she launched up, slapping her hands on the table. "I've been here for less than an hour and I already want to return home! This school is for nuts!" She grabbed her bag and the bottle of water that she had brought with her, threw her bag over her shoulder, and took off from the cafeteria.

She was stopped by Tarrant as she passed him, his arms pulling her into a tight hug. "I'll see you around, alright? Maybe after school today?" Yeah, right ... If I had it my way, I'd be gone already. But I'm not going to leave and give that bitch Meg the satisfaction of thinking that she's won. Oh, no. That bitch is going to have a long year.

Instead, she smiled, all the while those thoughts running through her mind. "Yes, you will. I'll be at the Tennis fields if you want to hang out or something. I really need to practice," she said, lifting her hand and flicking his nose. He slowly released her after that and left the room as the bell rang. She followed suit, unsure of where she intended to head to, but decided to just wander. If she got lost, she'd undoubtedly manage to find someone to help her out of the maze of halls.

She hadn't taken one step before she was collided into by a hard figure. She was sent tumbling to the ground, landing hard on her bag, and her water bottle went flying to somewhere unbeknownst to her. After a momentary lapse in vision, she shook her head and managed to focus. She saw shoes first, followed by jeans, the bottom of a shirt, a neck, a jaw, and finally the entire face of her assailant - who was by this point freaking out over knocking her over.

"Oh my God, are you okay?!" He grabbed her arm and pulled her up, causing her to momentarily fly in the air before she landed on her feet - only to find his hands gripping her upper arms. "Do you have bruises? Broken bones? A hernia?!" Her head was grabbed by his in a surprisingly-gentle grip, but was moved back and forth quickly enough to give her whiplash. "Did I crack your skull open?! Is there blood?! Do you have a concussion?!" That was when he crossed the lines. He shoved his fingers into her mouth - Dear God, where had they been? Was that ... Was that ... It was! It was dirt under his nails! Gross![/b] - and was prying her lips apart as he peered inside. "Any broken teeth!? A loose molar?! Did I make you swallow a canine?!" [i]If you'd just let me answer, you'd know that you didn't and that I was fine! Holy shit, kid, slow down! Finally, as if he only then realized that she was alright, he released her. She worked her jaw, which had been extremely sore in the first place and was now throbbing with pain, and swiped at her lips. Dumbass ... "Oh thank goodness."

And then he kissed her.

What was wrong with this school!?

She shoved him away, stumbling back to rub roughly at her mouth with the back of her arm, an annoyed look on her face.

"Hey! I've never seen you before! Harold James Duffy, ma'am. But you can call me the March Hare." March Hare? Where the Hell did he pick up that nickname? At this point, she had already learned that it was best just to go with whatever he did and said, and not even bother to get a word in. Instead, she reached to shake his hand, but found herself gripping air. She didn't even bother to look to see why.

"You can call me anything really: Harry, James, Jamie, Jimbo, Marchie. Anything but Harold. I hate the name Harold." He was scowling one moment, and then smiling the next. What was he, bipolar? ]b\"What's your name?"[/b] She opened her mouth to answer, her lips parting, but found herself shushed by his raised hand. "Don't tell me ... I'll find out eventually." God, she was getting tired just listening to this guy! "I'll see you later, blue eyes." Blue eyes? She finally gains a nickname other than Blondie and it's Blue-Eyes? It was ... Sweet.

Valerie blinked as the boy took off, letting out a heavy breath after he dropped a kiss on her cheek.

"I ... I can't keep up with this," she groaned, dropping her forehead onto the nearest row of lockers as Tarrant walked up. "What was that about, Val?" She managed a tiny shake of her head, her arms hanging down beside her comically. "I ... I don't really know," she whispered dumbly, completely lost on what she was supposed to do at this point. She stood like that for a few moments, before pushing back from the lockers and rubbing at her temples. "I'm going to my dorm to get unpacked. I just need time to myself for a little while. I'll be at the Tennis fields when you get out," she said, already starting away, her lost water bottle forgotten. "Crazy asses ..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Sam Bryant Character Portrait: Helena White
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Malia was pleasantly surprised they had left. In her head, the whole encounter had been much bloodier. Of course, most of the encounter had been in her head, as she had zoned out a few minutes after she had said what she wished to say. She had, however, pulled herself back in when they left instead of fighting.

"'Bye now! I hope to see you soon, best friend!" was the first thing Malia heard when she came back from la-la land, and it only took her a few seconds to realize it had come from Valerie. That was a mistake, and one Malia was looking forward to seeing the repercussions of. Maybe it was better if this girl didn't know the ins and outs of the school- it was slightly amusing to watch it all play out, and Malia was a sucker for anything that made her feel.

The apathetic girl's eyes followed Valerie, seeing her as she took note of Audrey explaining the situation to Sam. Must look pretty strange to her, Malia thought dryly as Audrey then took up a conversation with the table. Normally, Malia would have put this off without as much as a smile, and Malia still did that. But the new girl looked... confused. That was an emotion that as far as Malia could tell, no understood all that much.

"Are you all crazy?" Valerie just about yelled and Malia was going to ignore it, as she stood nothing to gain from answering, when she followed it up with "That bitch just threatened all of you because of me, and you're holding conversations as if it never happened? Audrey's talking to a damned table for crymony's sake! Sam's acting like he's high, and Tarrant! Jesus Christ, you're acting drunk! This chick has a knife," Malia looked up at the mention of her and waved the hand that held the knife with a straight face. "And the only sane on is shaking in her boots like a frightened fucking rabbit! What is wrong with you all!?" she finished and Malia looked back down, deciding it was better to just ignore it.

Anything she said wouldn't be sugar-coated or with the slight possibility of being a joke. Most things she said she said only when she thought it would further her interests or if she felt herself or anyone of her friends (or anyone connected to her friends) was threatened. So, she reasoned, anything she said then might not be the best thing.

"I've been here for less than an hour and I already want to return home! This school is for nuts!" Valarie said and Malia only nodded in agreement as she left, only to be stopped by Tarrant for a moment and then she was off again. Malia took her leave as well, folding her knife back into her jacket and going back to her table. She quickly grabbed her bag and thew it over her shoulder, its contents sloshing awkwardly as she left the cafeteria and began walking. This was advisory, but Malia didn't really ever go to it. This was prime sleeping time, when they wouldn't stop her from really just doing what she wanted, and she would not have it disrupted by other students loudness.

Malia quickly made her way through the maze of classes and hallways before getting outside and pushing herself to a full run, rushing past the beautiful scenery. She had never really stopped to admire the trees and flowers, but she had tried in the past. She even sketched it from time to time, but it always ended up fantastical instead of what was really the thing, and she always fell asleep watching it. So she had stopped trying long ago. Once inside the Dormitory, she quickly opened her door and was greeted by her bed, which was piled high with all manner of large pillows. Her bed was visible through the door and farthest the window, and she loved it there. She could sleep no matter how bright it was, and it was right next to the loft area that she liked to hang out in if she wasn't with the Tea Club or sleeping. It was great if she didn't want to be found, and she liked to type and draw up there.

Malia left the door open- it wasn't as if anyone would interrupt her, and she would have to get back to class on time. She quickly set her clock for ten minutes before Advisory was done and climbed into the bed, laying on top of it. She didn't want to have to fix the bed any before she left, so she covered herself with a soft blanket and curled into herself and fell asleep.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Harold Duffy
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Jamie grinned cheekily as he told her of his mischief with wild hand gestures, demonstrating his exact technique to her. This made him fall, and Audrey laughed and helped him up again.What a dope he was! She became excited as his eyes promised another game.

"You know what we should do?!" He didn't wait for her to answer, "Race you to class!"
"You're on,soon to be loser!"
They gripped their steering wheels and made like cars down the hall, making loud beeping sounds and other vehicle noises.
Yay, this is great! Wait, he's getting away! What do I do?
Audrey decided she was now a police officer, and she was in a car chase with a criminal.
Jamie stole the precious artifact of the Mayan temple, which he is now going to try to sell in the black market! People were getting out of their chase, but Audrey did not consider this to be fast enough if she wanted to catch up to the perpetrator.
Hey, I know what will make this go faster!
"WEE-WOO WEE-WOO WEE-WOO", she made the loudest siren noises possible, and her confidence was lifted as people hurried out of the way, giving her straight access to her thief.
Colors were spinning around her, faces were indistinct or did not exist at all. The authorities catching her now, or the consequence of the crazy rooms did not pass her mind at all.She loved the rush of adrenaline that was coursing through her.
Harry busted out in the laugh of a conniving villain. "You'll never catch me alive, copper!" He made a loud screeching noise as he swerved, running smack into a wall, spinning into the center of the hallway.
"Wait, Jamie watch out!"
Too late, Jamie crashed into a person, and desperately tried to make sure she was okay.She smiled to her best friend's big heart and his natural desire to look out for people. He proceeded to put his undeniably dirty fingernails in her mouth.
Ewww, gross!
Once he gave the girl a big, drooly kiss, Audrey decided to see who it was.
Oh, hey it's Valerie! She waved, but Valerie couldn't see her because Jamie was in the way.

"Hey! I've never seen you before!" He stuck his hand out to her, offering to shake her hand. "Harold James Duffy, ma'am. But you can call me the March Hare. You can call me anything really: Harry, James, Jamie, Jimbo, Marchie. Anything but Harold." He said this in quite a grimace of a tone, but she couldn't see his face since she was behind him. "I hate the name Harold.What's your name?"
God, he is talking way too much ,Audrey shook her head and laughed. Although she couldn't see him, she could see Valerie, which was indefinitely more hilarious. Her eyes were wide, then her expression revealed she was annoyed, and then she was surprised as he kissed her. Jamie's kisses, from previous knowledge, were never dry, but most definitely soppy. She had looked like she wanted to say something, but obviously her friend would not let her, so she gave a look of defeat.
He held a hand up almost right after, stopping her from answering any of the millions of questions he had asked. "Don't tell me-..." He breathed out, "I'll find out eventually." He shoved his hands in his pockets with a suave confidence, and Audrey stifled her giggles from behind her hand,because it was amusing that her best friend assumed he had somewhat made a good impression and was just that closer to winning her over, "I'll see you later, blue eyes." He walked away, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek before he wandering off.
She ran up to him, grinning. "You're a moron, did ya know that? I'll see you later." She laughed, hugged him, and then sped back to where Valerie was. She wanted to inquire on her state of health, but Valerie was already walking away.
Sheesh, he was only being nice.

By this time, another figure had joined them. It was Tarrant, who seemed in a much better mood than he was previously. Audrey only had a limited knowledge of Tarrant's experience with drugs, and did not know the frequency of which he took them, or, if he even did them at all anymore. She ignored this aspect about him, since it wouldn't do their friendship any good if she bickered with him about his health and mental well-being.
This always led her to wonder why she was admitted to this school, and decided it was because the people here were just much more accepting of her,and involuntarily thought the way she thought. It was indisputable that she was much happier than she had been in her old schools, and a a fleeting memory of her old friends passed through. They weren't nearly as caring as her new friends or even acquaintances. It saddened her to think that even Dean thought of her more than her elementary school friends did. This didn't mean she didn't love them as much as her friends here, because that wasn't the case because she missed them terribly, just like she would miss anyone else. Her old friends had filled her mind and heart with so many memories and emotions, and it be hard to forget them. However, noticing how much in thought she was about them, she decided to put this topic away into the cabinets of her brain.
"Hi, Tarrant!", she hugged him too, and kissed him on the cheek. These signs of affection were very common to Audrey, and Jamie too, but it always gave her a rush when she kissed Tarrant. It was probably because she cared what he thought of it.
Aw, wait, I never got to catch Jamie and put him in jail.....Man... She looked back to his retreating figure,and decided she would get him later. She wrapped her arm around Tarrant instead, although he was too tall so his chest was really the only area she could reach at this point. Why was everyone always so tall? Audrey decided to leave it be, but it was a back-of-the-mind mission to find a boy shorter than her.
"Let's walk to class together! Did you see that just now? That was hilarious, wasn't it? How could he not see the obvious displeasure written across her face?!", she laughed again in spite of herself. Valerie's emotions, not very well hidden over the stone coldness she was trying to portray, had been quite comical. "And how about that scene in the lunchroom today? Wasn't that irrefutably half comical but also half scary? Meg frightens me." She shuddered to think of it. Meg's claims and promises had certainly not been pleasant,but it was really really scary. It was surprising that her threats had not stimulated Audrey's same response in everyone else.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Petra Mason Character Portrait: Sam Bryant Character Portrait: Helena White
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Everything seemed to begin happening in a chaotic rush as Sam sat there, recovering slightly from his memory lapse only moments ago. Helena and Audrey filled in the pieces perfectly, and it all seemed to fall back into place, if just slowly. When he was first evaluated, his doctor's seemed to have trouble explaining exactly what was happening with his memories, but Sam had surprised them all when he explained his understanding of it. Like a complete puzzle, Sam's memory seemed to be shaken up and completely scattered at times, only having a single piece left on the board, his sister. Piece by piece though, the picture could be put back together, and eventually, restored with only minor gaps and missing fragments.

The bell was a gunshot to begin a race in Sam's mind, his body reacting on its own out of repetition and rising to leave as Valerie seemed to be having a slight breakdown. 'If only she knew how right she was...' He thought before turning and offering a hand to Helena, hoping to comfort his friend as she still trembled slightly. "Don't worry," he consoled the brown-eyed girl as he pulled her to her feet, "they come near you, I'll kick their asses so hard they'll need to unbutton their collars to...well, you get the point." Not his greatest line, but he meant it. Flashing a smile to Helena one last time, he left everyone in peace, not much reason to stick around now that his sister was already gone and Valerie was no longer entertained by them all.

Walking the halls to Mr. Donalds' room, Sam nodded to the people that addressed him in the hallway, but kept moving. The hallways twisted and turned and students packed them like ants running about, some acting in a manner that described the school perfectly, others just trying to get by. Apologizing at every student he bumped into, whether it was his fault or not, Sam finally made it to the doorway and pulled his test from his back pocket, stashed there earlier in the day.

"Samuel," Mr. Donalds addressed him, taking notice of the paper in his hands, "Ah...still doing as well as can be hoped in your classes.[/b] In a school of geniuses, it was obvious most would be progressing in their schoolwork, but Sam's memory was something Mr. Donalds liked to keep an eye on.

"Just checking in," Sam let the teacher hang onto the graded test as he always did and headed back to the door. "If Audrey stops by today, tell her I'll be in the Gym please, as usual." At the approving nod, Sam continued back out the way he had come and looked about. A bit away, he spotted Valerie again. For a moment, he stood there, debating on walking over to the beautiful new student and Tarrant close to her. He had a question or two that was nagging at the back of his still recuperating memory. For some reason, it was recovering much faster than usual, the accounts of the cafeteria almost completely restored. Audrey had always been the centerpiece in that restoration, and this time was no different. But this time, Valerie's piece was more of a focal point for his mind. 'Who is she...?' An idea formulated in his mind though, and he continued walking, opposite the direction the two were standing. Suppressing another yawn, Sam headed West, away from the academy and took a right along the path.

The garden was beautiful this time of year, all of the leaves beginning, or already deeply changing in color due to the oncoming cold season. Unfortunately, most people stayed away. To his surprise though, he found two gardeners busy at work, unearthing and cutting roses from a white rose bush. He stooped to retrieve one of the fallen roses, the red paint already dried on the surface of the petals. The gardeners paused for a second as they saw Sam in the garden and shook their heads before hurrying away.

Continuing on in the maze full of leaves and flowers, Sam wished he came here more often. It was peaceful and devoid of a lot of the bulk of students, but he knew why he didn't. Hair less curled than before, and any trace of food or milk removed, Meg was the Rose in her entourage of thorns as Sam lifted the painted flower to his face to take in the smell. The paint covering the petals diluted and warped the natural scent of the delicate beauty between his fingers. Being ever the observer, Sam couldn't help but see the connection between the flower and Meg as she sat atop her cushioned throne.

Casually approaching the Gardening Club on their own turf, Sam acted as if he was walking through a field of flowers and butterflies, and not at all like he had just stepped into the loin's den itself. "I should really come here more often," gesturing about at the beautiful scenery around him, Sam ignored the vehement looks he may have been receiving from the Queen's hounds, "it must look amazing here in the Spring."

Giving the Rose one last twist before removing it from shielding his face, he looked over to Meg once more, once again ignoring anyone else. "Glad to see you back to your normal self again Meg." He gave one of his normal smiles to the leader of the Gardening Club, still only paying any attention to her. But as his attitude began to grate on the nerves of the guard dogs, Sam threw the rose in his hands in a quick motion, sending it whizzing past their heads into a statue close behind them. The impact showered red and white-hued petals around the area and cut off whatever any of them were about to say. "I really don't care to hear what any of you have to say, be good little puppies and toss yourselves from a window with your leashes firmly anchored." His voice carrying a bit of vehemence to it.

Turning his attention back to the only one Sam even cared to speak to, he changed his tone back to its normal glide. "You're the only one who really matters here, right Meg? I was hoping we could talk about what happened today. Alone..." The last bit he added intentionally, daring any of Meg's lackeys to try pushing him around.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Meg Tharamel Character Portrait: Laura Riddle Character Portrait: Ace de Mewler Character Portrait: Cyrus Tharamel Character Portrait: Dean Frasier
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Chess reacted just the way Dean had assumed.

“Though accurate your statement, I find it disheartening that I can't leave you alone without your mouth getting you into trouble.”

He felt the the cold, disapproving look she was sending him without having to turn his head.

“She'll have her little cronies come after you, Caterpillar. Only the insane equate pain with success-- Though I suppose no could accurately accuse you of being in your right mind.”

"That's is only half true, I'm afraid. No one really has their heads in this little world of ours, but the Queen won't have mine. Don't you worry, my dear Cheshire Cat, my head is stored safely away where no one, not even myself, can find it," He said with a lazy grin, looking up at his companion.

Her worry was wholly unnecessary, Dean believed. With Meg off playing with the shiny new victim, the unwilling toy in her sadistic little world, her club's attention would be far away from him. The only thing he had was a front row seat to the show, which he absolutely will take. He still knew very little about the girl, which annoyed him very much. Hopefully this little conflict will shed some light on the girl.

Just as he finished, the bell signalling the end of lunch went off, the metallic, angry sounding ruining the calmness of the empty field. Sighing, Dean swung his upper body up, grabbing the sides of the tree branch with his arms. He hoisted his face up to be very close to hers.

"Time to scamper, my feline friend. Our brains need rotting!"

Gripping the girl's face tightly, Ace took pleasure from the thought of the bruises on her face the next day. That'll teach her to mess with the Queen. If not, he wouldn't mind teaching her another lesson... When he felt the angry pressure of light fingertips on hs shoulders that shoved him aside, he quickly stepped back to let Meg through.

Even though he couldn't grasp the words Meg said, they moved far too quickly, and he was already zoning out, Ace could feel the fiery anger in her tone and knew she was reigning down a tirade upon poor little Valerie. A grin spread on his face as he watched Meg do what she did best. Valerie had become the next target of the gardening club, and Ace was excited to take part in the fun.

When she finished, turned, and stormed away, he turned to follow, but managed to collide first with the stumbling form of Cyrus.

"Sorry," he said instinctively, then frowned. He felt a rush of an unfamiliar feeling, seeing the bruises and scars littering the back of the smaller boy. Ace didn't want those scars to be there. Frowning, he automatically helped him up, gripping his shoulder and pushed him gently forward, not with the usual violent shove. Composing himself, Ace followed the group, eyes trained to Cyrus' feet as they usually were. He waited for the usual thoughtless fog to come, but... it didn't. Ace couldn't understand why that was until finally it did, and he didn't worry anymore.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Petra Mason Character Portrait: Sam Bryant Character Portrait: Helena White Character Portrait: Harold Duffy
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#, as written by Polka
Helena put her down as soon as Valerie began to speak. She did find this girl strangely intimidating but yet there was something about her that was possessing.

Audrey had already skipped off somewhere and Sam had followed so now Helena was left quite alone.
She knew where she would be able to find her friends so she decided to follow Valerie who made a point of saying Helena was quite normal.

She queitly followed her out of the Cafeteria and watch her bump into ... him.

Helena's pale cheeks flushed pink. She would never tell anyone how she felt about the boy, he was clearly strange but that was what she liked about him. He was the only mess she never wanted to clean up.
He was Audrey's best male friend which made it awkward. He was always around but Helena never had the confidence to say anything to him other than a quick 'Hello'.

Neverind... she thought before beginning to walk over to Valerie and Harold.

It was at that moment he kissed Valerie. Helena was not sure why but decided not to stick around, instead she ran past the two yelling something about being late.
She had lost the chance of ever getting to know him and all because she was too shy to say anything.

She decided to head off to find Audrey, though she was somewhat shaken.



Petra could only laugh when her Queen spat her poisen over the bunch of idiots. Thinking they were all brave enough to protect the pretty blonde girl... it was just pathetic.

Of course she followed Meg straight out of the Cafeteria, making sure that Cyrus and Ace were both Ok. Though she did sense and uneasyness between them.

Once the group arrived in the Garden they noticed some idiots painting Roses.
Petra smiled in delight as her Queen tortured them for their crime. She even got a few punches in before they were sent away.

Petra joined the others in the garden. She didn't love it thier but she preferred it to going to class so she was not about to complain.
She noticed both Cyrus and Ace were in conversation so she drifted off to sleep for a few moments. Only to be rudely awakened by Sam throwing roses.
This guy had a serious problem and it really made her angry.
' Orders? ' she asked waiting for her Queen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Harold Duffy
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Tarrant offered Valerie a quick, chipper smile as she looked up at him while rubbing her temples. "Alrighty," he replied, reaching out and playfully ruffling her hair. "Don't get lost, Val." His tone, lighthearted and teasing in a way, hopefully would calm her. "I'll see you there after school, then." She started to leave and Tarrant let his hand fall from her hair and then hang down at his side as he watched her leave and head back to her dorm. Poor thing, she was probably so confused by this school. A voice by his side caused him to turn his attention away from Valerie.

"Hi Tarrant!" cried a cheerful voice as a pair of slender arms latched around him. Tarrant looked down and to his side as Audrey leaned up and kissed him lightly on the cheek. In response, a smile spread slowly across Tarrant's lips, causing his cheeks to dimple slightly as he looked down at her.

"Hey there, Audrey," he replied, returning the hug but not the peck on the cheek. It wasn't that he didn't like her-- because he did like her. In fact, now as he began to think of it, why didn't he just kiss her on the cheek quickly? It couldn't hurt anything! He started to move in to kiss her cheek but, realizing their height difference made it awkward to lean down, he decided instead to kiss the top of her head lightly, still smiling.

Audrey wrapped an arm around him, though it only came to his chest due to his height. The Hatter placed an arm loosely around her shoulders in return, looking down at her. "Let's walk to class together!" she suggested.

"Sure," Tarrant said, his voice having returned to its normal, chipper tone. As they walked, Audrey continued to speak. "Did you see that just now? That was hilarious, wasn't it? How could he not see the obvious displeasure written across her face?!" The Hatter let back his head slightly as he laughed wholeheartedly.

"Jimbo certainly lacks a social filter," he said. "I'd wager he's the craziest of us all-- and we're all crazy here!" Again, he laughed, his deep laugh mingling with her lighter, higher pitched one. "And how about that scene in the lunchroom today? Wasn't that irrefutably half comical but also half scary? Meg frightens me." Tarrant bit his lip, shaking his head slowly as he fought back another wave of chuckles. He could just imagine the milk running down Meg's hair over and over again. Oh God, it was too funny! He'd pay good money to watch it again!

"It was absolutely wonderful!" he replied. "I've never seen 'Her Highness' so upset before! She looked like she was about to explode with anger." By then, his laughter had caused his diaphragm to ache slightly and he forced himself to stop laughing and recover. "Oh God...I do wonder how she'll react when she sees Valerie next. Her little pets won't be too thrilled to see Val again." By then, they'd reached their Advisory period with Mr. Donalds. Quickly, he gave Audrey another quick hug with one arm and then reluctantly unwound his arm from around her to go sit at his table.

Hearing something behind him, Tarrant turned around quickly to see absolutely nothing besides an empty table. He frowned, his brow furrowing subtly and he turned around again only to hallucinate again and imagine whispering behind him. Becoming slowly more agitated and paranoid, Tarrant removed his hat and held it in his lap, fingering the edge of it slowly and nervously.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Petra Mason Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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"Damn them all ..."


"I hate them ... I hate this school ..."


"Why did I have to get dragged into all of this?"


Valerie stumbled slightly, her sweaty palm barely managing to keep a grip on the tennis racket. She dropped to one knee, her arm draping over the one that was propped up, and she heaved a few breaths. Sweat tickled the back of her neck, where it made a curvy line down the center. Instead of standing, she dropped to her butt and splayed out across the ground, her arms out in a 'T' and her legs out in a 'V'. She was completely and utterly exhausted, both physically and mentally, and really hadn't a clue as to what she would do.

Should she stay?

Grandmother would be angry, but I'm sure she would let me leave ...

No. That would be considered cowardice, and cowardice was frowned upon in her family. Her sister had been weak, according to her grandmother, who admitted that she had only ever expected Valerie to survive, seeing as she had always viewed her as the strong twin.

It was a bunch of crap.

Amanda had been far stronger than she had ever been and ever would be. All that she could do was plaster on a smiling, happy facade and explode at people at the most random of times. Amanda had always been cool, calm, collect; quiet and soft-spoken. Valerie, on the other hand, had been the 'rebellious' one. The one that was too intelligent for her own good.

"Whatever ..." Her voice was a grown as she rolled over, her hands placed palm-down on the ground. Bracing herself slightly, she pushed herself up, grabbed her racket in the same motion, and turned to face the tennis-ball machine, which had run out of balls.

"That's what she said," she snickered, snorting slightly, for it was such a stupid in ridiculous joke, and she was in such an oddly foul mood that she couldn't help the sound. Bending over to pluck up a ball, she rolled it in her fingers, her icy eyes glued to it and seeming almost mesmerized. Out of nowhere, she spun, the ball whipping out of her hand and flinging at the far wall, where it slapped it dropped to the ground, a crack appearing down the center of it.

"Seriously, what's the point? I'm just a foreign, freaking German girl whose entire family is dead. It was unrealistic for me to ever think that I could make friends here, let alone ones that wouldn't judge me for my past ... Well ... Unluckiness, nor for my uncommon mood-swings, yet violent ones nonetheless. I can't believe that I actually thought ... Dammit, I don't know ... This place is so messed up!" She rubbed her hands roughly through her mass of blonde curls, letting out a frustrated growl. Spinning, she lashed out with her legs, kicking a ball and slamming it through the net.

"What the Hell am I supposed to do? Huh, Mama? Papa? What the Hell am I supposed to do at this school? Obviously it isn't just for geniuses ... So what kind of school is this?"

Obviously, there was no answer to her question. Instead, the chirping of crickets, buzzing of bees, and a slight swish of wind was the reply. Nothing that could help her.

As always, she would have to make this decision on her own. Hell, she'd been doing it for nearly half of her life anyway. Why start relying on others now? She was the caregiver, not the caretaker. She dealt out the protection; she didn't not receive. It was merely her way of life, and if that changed, she probably wouldn't know what to do with herself. Hell, she could barely handle not having an answer from the freaking heavens.

Maybe she was crazy too.

"... Nah ... But I'm still confused as Hell and royally pissed at Grandmama," she said with a sigh. Valerie moved over to the fencing that surrounded the tennis fields, curled her fingers in the metal wiring, and dropped her forehead against it. Her eyes peered out through half-closed lids, her lips slightly pursed, and in all honesty, she didn't want to move from that spot. The wind was just strong enough to help cool her sweaty, flushed body, yet light enough so that it barely ruffled the tennis skirt that she wore.

"... I guess that I can stay for a bit longer. I mean, I've only been here for, what, two hours?" She glanced at her watch out of the corners of her eyes and shrugged. "Okay, so an hour and a half. But still! I'm not about to pussy out of this school already!" she exclaimed, pushing back from the fence and slapping repeatedly at her cheeks. "Get it together, Val! Grow up and grow a pair! Jeez, if Grandmama were to see you now, she'd be spitting out curses at you in German! And you know exactly what she'd say. You always were a spoiled, spineless, good-for-nothing brat who only ever took advantage of my generosity," she said, her voice mockingly old. She spun from the fence, a scowl on her face.

"Whatever, as if I need any friends here ... Helena's decent, Tarrant's nuts but my child-hood friend and a great guy, Sam doesn't even remember me, Audrey talks to inanimate objects, a crackie has it out for me, one girl is some sort of half-cat, half-human reborn Dr. Seuss, and one girl carries a knife! Oh, and don't forget the weird kid that decide to smooch on you, and that bitchy, holier-than-though slut Meg and her damned little minion-filled-entourage. God ... Mother ... Shit ... Ugh!" She threw her hands into the air, grabbed her racket, and started for the gate that would allow her to leave the tennis fields. "I guess I'll just play it all by ear," she muttered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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Making his way away from the garden, Sam walked a bit fast for any other normal person. Usually he was relaxed and decided to take his time, but after the brief conversation with Meg, he suddenly felt the need to blow off some steam and walked with a clear direction, purpose showing in each of his long strides. To be honest, he really should go to find Audrey, his sister was always the perfect person to take his mind off things and cheer him up seeing as how he always tended to forget his own problems and focus more on her. But the lack of any actual physical activity was beginning to bug him as the day wore on.

His first destination was his room in the boy's dormitory where he changed out of his jeans and boots, and into a more comfortable pair of shorts and running shoes. He exchanged his shirt for a sleeveless one but paused for a moment, deciding it was better not to go shirtless with the year drawing closer to winter. 'Really don't need my nipples falling off tonight...' he thought ruefully.

Leaving his room, he scooped up his headphones and put them on just before closing the door and heading out. Stretching as he made his way down the hall and eventually back out into the open air once more, Sam took off at a steady pace as the first song began playing into his ears. Veering his path away from the lake, he decided against it due to the insects beginning to come out around the waters at this time of the day. 'Really don't need itching dots all over my body tonight either...'

Sam decided to cut straight off the path and into the grass of the academy, preferring the soft and uneven under footing compared to the hard surface of the paths. His thoughts began to drift unwittingly through his head as each step propelled him forward. Some of them still in pieces, others as clear as day. It bothered him that he still had lapses here and there, but the sleep deprivation was the worst. Everything seemed to be getting better, or at least managed easier, but the fact that he had one in the middle of a group of people today was a bit worrisome. He still couldn't believe what had happened in the cafeteria earlier. The pieces were all in place once again, but it still felt odd thinking about it. It wasn't even funny anymore, not after speaking with Meg at least. She definitely deserved what she got, but still...

That Valerie girl had marked herself out as Meg's number one enemy now, but she had also shown others that you could actually stand up to the club of antagonists. That was a credit all in itself, no matter how this finally turned out. 'It could be worse,' he thought, 'this school could be a normal one, filled with ugly women...' Thinking of the new girl again, he smiled a bit, she was more than attractive, even without putting Meg in her place earlier. She seemed a bit put off or distressed earlier though when he had seen her in passing on his way to see Meg. Was she upset about the earlier events? Or was she simply having a hard time adjusting to the school? Maybe she suffered from depression or anxiety?

The questions spilled off one after another, and suddenly out of thin air, Valerie seemed to appear before Sam as he began passing the tennis courts in his loop. Slowing to a stop just before the gate, he pulled his headphones out of his ears as she walked out in front of him. She seemed to be mumbling something, but he couldn't quite make out the words.

"You know, talking to yourself is the first sign that you're going crazy." He put on a grin to let her know he was kidding and waved. "Though, I suppose this school tends to make us all a bit crazy sometimes." He regarded her as he walked up, taking in the tennis uniform and racket she held in her hand. "Valerie, right?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Petra Mason Character Portrait: Sam Bryant Character Portrait: Helena White
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#, as written by Polka
Helena had no idea where to find Audrey.
She ended up awkwardly waking around, quite alone.

With no destination in mind she drifted outside, quite far away from where Meg and her cronies had their club.
The tennis courts were usually quite safe. Helena had a perfect spot just under a tree where the red and white flowers had a perfect 2:1 ratio. However, that was only because Helena had sat and picked them to make it seem more symmetrical.

She took her place on the warm ground and removed a golden pocket watch from her pale dress.
It read 12.01... it was always on the wrong time. The battery had died a long time ago but Helena had never once taken it to get a new one.

Looking up from the golden watch, Helena could make out Valerie getting quite annoyed with a racket in her hand.
She reminded Helena of Audrey when she got a bit too agitated.

The blonde girl stood from her solitude and made her way over. She noticed Sam too.


Go get food?
Such a strange order.

However, Now was not the time to disobey her Queen.
Petra had noticed how Meg looked at Sam. In fact Petra had noticed the electricity between them long before any of the other members of the Gardening Club.

Petra made her way into the School, only to realize she had no Money. Though that could be easily sorted.
She wasn't paying particular attention when she picked her victim, she only noticed his blonde hair.
The boy didn't even have to be asked, he gave her his money as soon as she grabbed the scruff of his collar.