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Alice "Valerie" Callinder

"I wasn't expecting this kind of school ..."

0 · 2,443 views · located in Wonderland Academy

a character in “A Twist in Wonderland”, as played by Kura Ravengade


"Despair can only have a grip upon you if you allow it to. A fight that you may strike against it labels you as a true hero in my book."

General Information
Castle of Glass by Linkin Park


Name: Alicia Valerie Callinder (She prefers to go by her middle name, Valerie)
Nickname: Alice, Valerie, Val, Ali, Erie, Vere, Callinder
Age: 16
Role: Alice
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color/Length: Sandy-Blonde; Chest Length
Eye Color: Stormy-Gray
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 132lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian; 1/2 German, 1/4 French, 1/8 Italian, 1/8 Irish; Moved to America from Germany at age six.
Tattoos/Scars: She has a scar that stretches from just between her breasts and straight downwards from an operation on her internal organs after a car accident when she was nine, along with a scar through her left eyebrow, and several scars that crisscross over her face from the same car accident that caused the other two. She does, however, conceal these with makeup when around people other then her immediate family. She also has a tattoo just below the inside of her wrist that holds the symbol of 'Forever' with 'Love' scrawled beneath it, and a heart drawn into the 'Forever' design.
Facial Appearance: With her high cheekbones and slightly rounded chin, she has a face that’s thin but not sickeningly so; it’s almost as if it was perfectly chiseled and rounded out. Her skin is a light peach and there are only a few freckles here and there on her entire body that she refers to as ‘angel kisses’, a name instilled in her since birth. Her eyes are a gray-blue that mesmerize most people, her hair is a perfect blonde-white, and it falls in silky waves to just below her shoulders.
Crush: TBA


In Depth Information


Personality: Alice is extremely sweet and, unlike most people, tries to look for the good in others. The people at her new school are a bit unnerving and are slowly beginning to wear down her ability to look for the good in people. Some of them even frighten her, and she hates the fact that she's alone and arrived not too long after school started. naturally, however, she's kind and loves to be around people. So far she's been too shy to approach anyone, but a few students have. She loves to laugh and make others do the same, and has always been driven to do her best, to impress her parents and not let them down. That's her biggest flaw, however; no matter what she does, she never thinks she does it good enough, or is smart enough. She has an extremely low self-esteem, which, at her old school, always made her friends mad at her.

Danger Level: 4; it’s not like she won’t defend herself when people are outright attacking her, whether it’s with words or fists, but she doesn't go out of her way to endanger herself. However, when rubbed the wrong way, she can become a 7.

Aspirations: She wants to eventually graduate high school and go away to college, where she’ll study to become a bio technician. It’s a long shot, but her biggest dream is to win the Noble Prize for discovering the cure to a horrific disease.

Dominant Emotion: Protectiveness and Sincerity

Quirks/Oddities: Some people find it weird how into studying and doing her homework she is, or her loves for sciences and mathematics, or that she loves learning how to play various new instruments and compose music, but she adores these things none-the-less. Alice also demands that others call her ‘Valerie’, due to it being her middle name and her sister’s first name being Amanda, which also began with an ‘A’. Whenever Alice sees the letter ‘a’ or meets someone with a name beginning with ‘a’, she can’t help but think of her sister. She also refuses to wear something that reveals her scarred abdomen.

Likes: Strawberries, Raspberries, Music, Boys, Dancing, Studying, Homework, School, Animals, Children

Dislikes: Gory Movies, Slackers, Liars, Cheaters, Conceited People, Hatred, Bullying

Average Clothing: All-in-all, she tends to aim for comfortable clothes that aren't too tight and aren't to baggy, just sort of in the middle.
Spring/Summer – Tank tops and skirts or jeans shorts, along with sandals, flip flops, or no shoes at all. She also tends to wear sundresses a lot, and with her favorite colors being blue and white, a lot of her clothes fall into those categories.
Fall/Winter – She loves wearing sweatpants and jeans, with long-sleeved shirts and baggy sweatshirts. She normally wears dark, faux boots and gloves without finger tips that she can flip a piece of clothe over the tips of her fingers to cover. Those and scarves and hats, too. She loves her scarves and hats.


The Past, the Present, the Future


Keepsakes/Special Items: A necklace from her mother and father for her eighth Christmas, with her mother's wedding ring on the chain with the actual locket, which holds a picture of her family, and an identical necklace that her parent's gave to her sister for their eighth Christmas, with her father's wedding ring on the chain, with the same photo inside of it. Also, a ring that her brother used to practically cling to is on the chain of her necklace


History: Alice was born in a small, middle-class family, with a twin sister and a younger brother. Her only living relatives were her parents, siblings, grandmother, and aunt. She was raised to always do her best and look for the good in people, just as her parents, Kathleen and William, did. And she was happy. When her eighth Christmas came around, her parents bought her and her sister beautiful, heart locket necklaces with a picture of a family portrait they had taken for their Christmas cards in it. A few months later, just after her ninth birthday, they were involved in a horrific, ten-car pileup on their way to pick up her sister from a friends house. The only reason Alice lived is because her father pulled her out from between the two cars that had trapped her when she had been ejected from an open side window, using the last ounce of his own strength to save her. He, her brother, and her mother Kathleen, all died on the way to hospital. Alice was in critical condition for several days, and when she awoke, she was horrifically scarred across her stomach. The scar has dulled as she aged and has become a pearly white, but it's still extremely noticeable, and although it isn't a hideous scar, she thinks it is, so she has never worn a two piece during the summer to the beach.

After her parents and little brother died, her grandmother was left as her and her sister's guardian. She was then raised by her rich grandmother, who pushed her and her sister to do their best, enrolling them in a private elementary, then middle, and finally high school. Her grandmother is a strict, old woman that all of Alice's friends refer to as 'The Dictator', for she was always crabby and treated Alice and her sister like, well, crap. Alice, however, loves her grandmother dearly, seeing as only she, her sister, and her aunt's family are still alive.

A few days after Alice and her sister's sixteenth birthday, her sister committed suicide by hanging herself in their bedroom. Alice found her and has been mentally scarred ever since. This was only a few months before Alice was accepted to Wonderland Academy.

When Alice's grandmother announced that she had passed an entry exam and the requirements for a 'prestigious high school' a few states away, Alice really didn't want to go and leave the only home and people she had ever really known other then her parents. She went anyway, if only to make her grandmother happy and to escape the memories of her family and her sister. She arrived a few days before she would actually start school, just so she could get settled into her dormitory and get to know people, despite the fact that school had already started, but she hadn't really gone out of her way to meet many other people. To be honest, she's a bit scared to.

One Greatest Fear: Losing the only remaining people on this Earth that she loves.
One Greatest Secret: She never, ever wears bikinis in the summer; she always wears one-pieces, and hides her past, disastrous life from those around, behind smiles and kind words.


Gallery/Song Lyrics

Take me down to the river bend
Take me down to the fighting end
Wash the poison from off my skin
Show me how to be whole again

Fly me up on a silver wing
Past the black where the sirens sing
Warm me up in a nova's glow
And drop me down to the dream below

'Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Hardly anything there for you to see
For you to see

Bring me home in a blinding dream,
Through the secrets that I have seen
Wash the sorrow from off my skin
And show me how to be whole again
'Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Hardly anything there for you to see
For you to see

'Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Hardly anything else I need to be

'Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Hardly anything there for you to see
For you to see
For you to see

Face Claim: Ashley Benson


So begins...

Alice "Valerie" Callinder's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Sam Bryant Character Portrait: Helena White
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She was almost clear of the tennis courts when the voice intruded her now-private argument with herself. Despite the fact that she dimly recognized the sound of it, she couldn't quite place who it belonged to, nor why the deep undertone and reverberation caused a slight flutter of her heart. She was probably just startled, which could also explain the butterfly-like feeling that stirred in the pit of her stomach.

Valerie paused mid-step, her blonde hair bouncing in it's ponytail, and turned her head in the direction in which the voice had come from.

"Sam," she said, smiling slightly. She had always been good with names, even when in a new place and given an onslaught of them. "It's nice to see you again, too," she joked, obviously in response to his insanity joke. "But I can assure you that I'm the most sane person here," she tacked on with a slight head shake.

"Though, I suppose this school tends to make us all a bit crazy sometimes."

She laughed and turned and eyeroll in his direction. "No kidding. I've been here for less than an hour and I can already see that. I think I've lost a few of my sanity points in the short time that I've been here," she said jokingly, yet was completely serious all-the-same. "I don't really know how much more of this I can take, and as I said before, I've only been here for a short time," she sighed out, moving over so that she could speak to him a bit more quietly, having never been the shouting type.

"Valerie, right?"

Using her fingers to toy with the bottom of her frilled skirt absentmindedly, she nodded. "That's my preferred name, yes," she said, eyeing him with a thoughtful gaze. "I thought you didn't remember me? I heard you ask your sister who I was, after I had been introduced to you twice. As you Americans would say, 'what gives, dude'?" she asked, a slight smile on her lips. The smile was sad, however, and more of a ghost of one, and she lowered her gaze. "It's alright, though. I've been told that I'm pretty easy to forget. Plain and simple Valerie, who can't even keep her own sister-"

She stopped herself. No, she couldn't slip back into the depression she had been feeling only moments before. Her self-pity would get her nowhere, especially when it came to making friends.

Instead, her hand lifted and wrapped around the two necklaces that hung from her neck, her fingers curling around the charms and rings that hung from them. She offered him a slightly-shaky smile. "I'm sorry about that. Sometimes ... I just ... Well ... I get sad, to be blunt," she said, tightening her grip. "Anyway, it was nice to see you again, handsome, but I should probably get back and take my pain medication, so I'll see you later?" she asked, moving over and starting to pass him. She paused and lifted her racket, lightly bopping his where his forehead met the top of his head with the mesh that connected the metal bars around it.

"You shouldn't worry about others all the time. It takes so much out of you that you'll get tired. So don't worry about me, alright Sam? I'll be fine on my own. I always have been, and I always will be. Besides, it's not like anyone really cares, anyway. They only pretend to out of obligation to seem polite and make sure that the 'new girl' doesn't feel alone. It's purely obligation to do as you were raised to. So please, don't feel obligated for me. You should feel concern for yourself, after what happened in the cafeteria. I'll try to take some of that bitch's wrath away from you and your friends, but while I'm positive nearly all of it will befall on me, you should watch out for you and your sister. I wouldn't want you two getting hurt because of my foolish actions, verstehen?" she asked quietly, turning to face him, her free hand dropping onto his shoulder despite their height differences.

"Your sister and you aren't my friends, but I don't want you two to get hurt, nor do I want anyone else that was at that table to be hurt. It's doubtful that I'll be around any of you very much during the school year, but I'll watch out for you guys. I'm just ... Well ... Es tut mir leid," she said softly. "I'm sorry, Samuel," she said in translation for him to understand. She lowered her hand to his chest and merely stared at it, at the spot directly above his heart in which her hand rested. With a light pat, she stepped back and away from him.

"By the way, I like your full name better than your shortened nickname," she smiled a little, poking the center of his chest with the blunt end of her racket. "If we ever hang out or something - whatever American teenagers do - I'm going to call you that. Even if we just say hello in the halls, you'll only ever be Samuel to me. Not Sam. Samuel," she said, smiling brightly at him. She was already backing away, her racket held behind her back by both hands. "I'm glad I met you, and I'm glad that I have Tarrant, too. Your sister doesn't seem that bad, either, so I just wish ... I want ... I hope ... That I can have some friends for once," she added softly. She perked up again and smiled. "It was nice seeing you again, Samuel. I'll 'catch you later'," she said awkwardly, already turning away, her skirt's frills floating up slightly in the twirl. Her right hand rose, her fingers curling slightly inward towards her palm. "Bis später!" she called. "See you later!"

With that, she took off and away from him, her heart thundering in her chest. What was it about that boy that made her want to be friends with the group of people that he was friends with? What about him made her want to have friends at all? She had always been just fine on her own. But that was ... That was when she still had Amanda. Things had changed ... And she didn't really understand why. Without Amanda ... She was ... She was incomplete. At least she was buried in a town near the Academy, seeing as their grandmother had respected their parents' and their wishes for all of them to be buried in the same cemetery. This way, Valerie could visit them whenever she wanted to. She had visited the day before, on her way to the Academy, which was undoubtedly why she had been thinking of her sister so much since she had arrived.

The first chance she had, she was going to visit the cemetery again.

A small tearing in her chest caused her to stop, and gentle tears sprung to her eyes.

She had been doing so well. So why did she feel so ... So ... Awful? It was almost as if her heart were snapping in two. All she wanted to do in that instant was cry. But she couldn't. She wouldn't. Especially with Helena walking towards her, undoubtedly having her destination be Sam. "Hello Helena," she managed to choke out, her voice a bit strangled. She turned her face away, and with a slight wave to the girl, took off. Grandmama would kill her if she ever found out that her granddaughter had let an outsider see her cry, or show any emotion at all.

She wouldn't cry, no matter how badly she wanted to. Amanda. Jasper. Kathleen. William. Her family. Yes, they were all dead, but no, she wouldn't cry.

She wouldn't cry.

~'.'~*~'.'~*~'.'~*~'.'~*~'.'~*~'.'~*~'.'~*Time Skip*~'.'~*~'.'~*~'.'~*~'.'~*~'.'~*~'.'~*~'.'~*~'.'~*~'.'~

"Ja, Oma, ich bin hier. Ich bin einfach nur gut. Ich habe sie heute Nachmittag." A pause as she listened to the other end of the line. "Ja, Oma, die Studenten sind sehr schön. Es war ein ... Interessanter Tag, um es einmal vorsichtig auszudrücken. Es ist sieben Uhr hier. Ich glaube, ich bin jetzt im nach einem schnellen Imbiss. Es war eine lange Reise, und ich bin immer noch ein wenig Jet Lag leidet. Außerdem habe ich meinen ersten Tag in der Schule morgen, und ich möchte sie nicht einschlafen während der Unterrichtszeit." Another pause, and she sighed and smiled a little. "Ja, Oma, ich liebe dich auch. Gute Nacht.*"

She clicked the end button on her cell phone, set it on the table beside her bed, and rose. After tossing a sweatshirt on over bra, she slid on her black veil, typical for a funeral yet her normal attire at night, and rose.

"I can't believe I forgot to buy snacks before I came up to my dorm and took off all of my makeup," she muttered, adjusting the mask enough so that her face wasn't showing in the least. Her blonde hair shone like a beacon at the back of her head, and after placing her necklaces in her jewelry box - she felt utterly naked without them - she pulled on some slippers, her heart hammering in her chest, and moved to the door. She cast a worried glance back at her jewelry box, before turning and leaving the room, locking it behind her.

"Please, please, please don't let anyone see me ..."

It didn't take her long to reached the large lobby-like sitting room that was the entrance of the dorms. The vending machines, of course, were out of order, and the only other ones that she had seen in or around the dormitory was outside, in an area in between the two dorm buildings. She would end up freezing her tush off, but she needed to eat something after she had taken her pain medication.

"Like I said before, please don't let anyone see me," she whispered, closing her eyes tightly for a moment as she said the prayer. Finally, she drew in a deep breath and darted out into the dark, cold night, goosebumps immediately rising on her thighs. She ignored the cold as she walked briskly to the vending machines, which were in a small, enclosed building in between the two dormitories, which held basically the vending machines, a phone booth, some comfortable beanie bag chairs, a television, and a radio. A nice place to have a movie night in.

Shoving the thoughts from her mind, she moved over to the vending machine that held bags of chips, and the one beside it, which held little microwavable foods. And there she stood, debating between what food she would get, and what to get to drink, when the door to the small building opened, letting in a woosh of cold air, which ruffled up the bottom of her veil.

With a gasp, she whisked away, grabbing the veil quickly in an attempt to hold it over her face. Her voice was soft and choking when she spoke.

"Wh-Who's there?"

{Conversation with Grandmother: Yes, Grandma, I'm here. I'm just fine. I got her this afternoon. *pause* Yes, Grandma, the students are nice. It was an ... Interesting day, to say the least. It's seven o'clock here. I think I'm going to turn in after a quick snack. It's been a long trip, and I'm still a bit jet-lagged. Besides, I have my first day of school tomorrow, and I don't want to fall asleep during class. *pause* Yes, Grandma, I love you too. Goodnight.}

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder
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Malia had been sleeping peacefully almost every chance she could, but at the current time she seemed to be having trouble getting back to bed. While that might be normal for many people- it was not for her. She could sleep through a bombing normally, and fall asleep in a war zone. Sadly, what had woken her up the last time had been a nightmare of her mother and sister's deaths. It was also the last time she had felt any real hurt. When she had woken, she had sighed and stood up, the memory fading to gray because she couldn't really remember the hurt all that well anymore. She remembered the feeling- but it was like feeling someone else's emotions. She didn't work like that anymore, and she couldn't be hurt thinking about it. Slowly, she slid off the bed and slid her feet into her plain slippers, equally matching her loose white shirt and short cotton shorts in levels of comfort. She reached over to her nightstand, the memory, but not the hurt feeling, evident in her mind. She grabbed for her army knife and flicked it open, closing her eyes as she held it to her wrist and carefully dragging it across. This pain she could feel. Once it was gone, she would no longer feel the memory of the feelings ever occurring, but apathy couldn't not make her feel pain. She almost smiled as she blood trickled down her arm and onto her leg, the pain lighting up centers of her brain long forgotten. Pain- pain couldn't be taken away. All the other things could, of course, but the brain needed pain to survive, to alert when something was wrong. It was her one thing. Ever so slowly, she reached over and grabbed a gauze from her dresser- she always kept them handy, as it could get messy and she didn't want to deal with bloodied sheets or clothing - and wrapped it around her wrist, the first layer immediately being soaked in blood and the second layer still showing though. She wrapped it around a few more times until no blood could be seen and tied it off, relishing at the sting she felt from the touch of the fabric to the open wound.

Slowly, she set the blooded knife down without closing it up and stood, walking to the door of the dorm. She knew she should get a drink, as she hadn't really drank anything all day- not even with her lunch, so she headed downstairs, not even bothering to go get a coat to cover her arms when she learned that the vending machines were closed and she would have to go outside. She walked to the area quickly, and noted another figure standing in the little building as she opened the door. She recognized it as she girl from before, the new one who liked Tarrent. The girl seemed to react oddly to her being there, turning and hiding her face and asking who was there very timidly.

"Malia," Malia said quickly before walking over to the drink machine and placing a dollar in, waiting for the iced green tea she pressed the button for. She heard the rumble of the machine and grabbed the drink out quickly, opening it with the hand with the guazed wrist and taking a sip. She then turned to the other girl, who was still attempting to hide her face. She figured she might be spending an awful lot of time around the girl, if she decided to stay that is, so it would be best to be in her good graces, if not simply for the fact she didn't want anyone else waking her, ever.

"Malia Russet. I'm the girl who had the knife, earlier. I am sorry if I scared you in any way, shape, or form. I just imagined the whole deal getting bloody fast. Meg's hounds can tear things to pieces. You're Tarrent's friend, correct? He is one of my friends as well, one of the two I feel are true friends. Therefore, if you spend time around him you are bound to be spending time with me at least some of the time, especially when the whole club is together, so I would hate for you to be afraid of me." she said quickly, her voice portraying no emotion as always.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Sam Bryant Character Portrait: Helena White
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Samuel Bryant

Sam opened his mouth to respond, but snapped it shut almost immediately as the torrent of words began to rush out of Valerie like a tsunami. He blinked multiple times trying to keep up with her in an almost vain attempt to stay on the same thought track as hers. Sam marveled at the talent women held when it came to stringing words together and launching them at unsuspecting prey.

"I'm sorry, Samuel."

Once again he opened his mouth to respond, but shut it quickly once more. The conversation had seemed to have taken a dramatic turn in the wrong direction. 'What have you done?!' he mentally berated himself. What had he said to bring her down like this? Or rather, what hadn't he said that he should have? He realized at that moment, that he wished Audrey or Helena were there right now, one of them would know exactly what to say or do. Or be able to tell him what to say in Helena's case.

Casting his gaze around, Sam spotted her and nearly jumped out of his shoes at the sight of Helena. 'Yes! She can help me out here! She'll know exactly what to--'

"See you later!"

Standing there like an idiot frozen in place, Sam could only watch helplessly as her tennis racket tapped him lightly on the head and she pivoted, leaving him standing there, dumbfounded as she walked away. "Warten Sie...komm zurück..." He said to the blonde girl already too far away to hear him. Realizing he actually used the German words for 'Wait...come back...', he almost chuckled. It was rare for Sam to ever use anything he actually learned in his classes.

"Helena," Sam said, walking up to his tiny blonde friend, "I think I'm completely hopeless..." He went to clap a friendly hand on her shoulder, but just as soon as his arm raised again, a surge of light-headedness caused him to stumble, nearly taking the slight girl out in his misstep. "Oh God, sorry!" Righting himself and making sure Helena didn't fall, Sam shook his head out and pinched the bridge of his nose, forcing his eyes to focus. "Sorry chica, I guess I'm a bit more tired than I thought."

Every step he took caused them to move and disappear, only to poke their heads out further ahead or waving him on to hurry up. His friends, family and others as well. Audrey was there first of course, at the bottom of a steep mountain. He had scrambled down quickly after her, trying to catch his sister before she slipped away again. Then the terrain shifted again.

Ice and snow was all around him, and Sam shivered in the cold, but trudged on as he caught sight of Malia smiling down from a dead and frozen forest, still frigid and unmoving in the chilly air. Dean was there too, and Tarrant as well. But they shimmered away just before he could reach them as well.

The grass crunched under Sam's bare feet as he walked around the academy in his daze. People were scarce at this time in the evening as most were either studying, preparing for sleep, or off in their own shenanigans elsewhere. Sam on the other hand, had finally managed to get some sleep after his run, and was now experiencing one of the rare misadventures that came with his unconscious mind. Dressed only in his track pants, goosebumps prickled at his flesh as he had climbed out his window and down the boys' dorm into the crisp autumn air. And he continued on, chasing figures that weren't really there.

Hopping over a fallen log, he tried to keep sight of the golden ponytail as the girl in the tennis outfit ducked around another tree in the forest, ponytail bobbing in tow. He missed a step as a vine clutched at his ankle, turning the stumble into a graceful roll and catching himself on hands and knees. A slender hand stretched into his sight and he looked up to stare into Helena's smiling face as she offered him a hand up. A grin split his face, but disappeared just as quickly, watching the pretty smile shimmer and fade with the rest of the girl like the others had. Meg was there then. A bit away, but in plain sight. Alone, with those big brown eyes looking straight through him. She seemed on the verge to say something when the three shapes behind her caught her attention. Without a word, she too disappeared.

Sam was on the very edge of the dark woods outside the academy when he stopped and turned the other direction, hopping over one of the benches as he came back onto the academy's grounds. A random plastic bag blew into his path, accelerated by the slight breeze and caught on his foot, taking away any traction his bare feet had on the slick grass. As he continued on though, he was began to slip awake, ever so slightly...

He ran on as he caught sight of Audrey once more. His sister was fast, faster than he had never known her to be before. He had always been the one to come out on top in their footraces, but failed to keep up with her now. The forest was gone now and the expanse of a long-dead city lay before him. Broken buildings and abandoned houses sought to hide his sister as he was in quick pursuit. As fast as his sister seemed in this odd place, he was gaining on her. Every corner he turned brought him closer and closer. The buildings around him shifted from unrecognizable towers to the familiar scenery of the academy. His mind wandered for a split second, but snapped back as he caught sight of his sister running through a door just ahead. He turned a corner, hoping to cut her off, and heard sounds of people talking just ahead!

Rounding the corner quickly, Sam slammed into something suddenly and snapped back to reality. Clutching at whatever it was he hit, he rolled, his body quickly reacting to protect the figure in his arms. His back skid on the ground to a halt and he rolled over, looking down into Malia's eyes. Checking around him, he realized he had done it again. Running around the school shirtless and acting like a maniac.

His face drained of color immediately, still as stone, Sam could have sworn he had swallowed his tongue as his eyes locked on Malia again. Malia, the person he had just bulldozed unintentionally, the girl he was currently smothering, and the girl who was most likely going to shank him in a moment unless he moved... "Oh crap...Sorry Malia I was..." He frantically scrubbed his mind, trying to find the right words then relaxed slightly at an obvious realization. "Let's face it, this isn't the worst thing I've done. And at least I'm wearing pants this time..."

Standing once more and offering his hand to the downed girl, his thoughts wandered again. 'Of all people I could have run into, it had to be Malia...Sam, you are a complete idiot. At least it wasn't...' At that moment, he noticed Valerie, or what he assumed was the blonde-haired girl from earlier. "What the hell is on your head?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant
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What had that one doctor told Tarrant all those years ago? He forced himself to think back to does days. How old was he? Nine? Twelve? Nineten? Wait- he was only eighteen. Tarrant let out a nervous laugh. His mind always seemed to be all over the place at times like these. There were times he got so out of hand, he couldn't even keep up a normal conversation. Round and round the brim of his hat went in his fingers. He kneaded the soft material under his fingers, worn down from having done this before. Glancing at it, he frowned. Tarrant should certainly fix that. Some glue there, some extra fabric there. He stopped and hugged the hat to his chest briefly.

Even now, three years after his mother's death, the hat still seemed to hold the old sentimental value it usually did. Finally, as if hugging the hat had done it, the memories flashed back to him. Yes, he was ten. Ten years old. It had been after his outburst at the party, when his parents finally decided enough was enough. The memory was so vivid now, he could have sworn he wasn't actually in a class room and that he was in the psychiatrist's office, sitting on one side of his mother with his father on the other side.

The younger Tarrant had swung his legs back and forth absentmindedly, hugging his brand new hat to his chest because it didn't fit him all that well. On his left sat his mother and, previously, his father had been on his right. Just a few minutes into the appointment, though, the refined politician excused himself from the room and, upon returning, took the seat to the left of his wife. Tarrant hadn't even cared. In real life now, he swung his long legs slowly, humming gently to a tune. However, he started to finger the edge of the hat nervously as the whispering began again behind him. What had the doctor said, though?!

"Now, Tarrant, when do you get these...outbursts? What are they like?" The usually talkative Tarrant was silent, humming along as he hugged the hat and continued swing his already gangly legs. Instead, his mother rested a hand on his knee and started to speak.

"He's just...not himself, sir," the woman replied, her voice weak. Mrs. Hightopp had never been a loud woman. Suddenly, the man beside her let out a groan and shook his head.

"Honestly, Judy? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he looked back at the doctor, eyes narrowed. "My son's insane and I want a cure." Still oblivious, Tarrant stuck the too big hat on his head and grinned when it fell down past his eyes. From inside the hat, he could hardly hear the argument that followed. After he'd pulled his head out, though, the doctor was talking again.

"There isn't much of a cure...just, set him up on some meds and take some precautions with him," the old psychiatrist murmured. "For example, most drugs that kids do these days will worsen any symptoms."

"My son isn't going to be a druggie, if that's what you're trying to insinuate," George Hightopp growled. The psychiatrist gave a quick smile and shrugged.

"That's what all parents say, isn't it?"

Back in the present now, Tarrant felt hands on either side of his cheeks. Eyes widening in surprise, he realized he heard Audrey speaking. "Tarrant darling, are you alright?" The Hatter blinked rapidly at her, eyes wide with what appeared like the innocence if a child.

"H-huh? O-oh, yeah...I'm fine." He smiled down at her in his characteristic manner. "I just thought I heard something, you know?" She started talking to where he'd heard the voices and Tarrant looked over his shoulder quickly. Nothing was there but the tables. Was she talking with the tables...? He turned to face her and then blanched, brow furrowed in concern. Why did she have to be insane? Why did someone so perfect have to be as raving mad as him? It wasn't really fair, was it? What was "it"? He wondered for a while before deciding "it" must be life...or something like that.

"Let's get out of here. I have something I wanted to talk to you about anyway." Audrey whispered in his ear as she held him close. He hadn't even noticed she hugged him but, he did now, of course. Hugging her back, he nodded and then pulled away to stand up and gather his belongings. At ease now, he sat his hat on top of his head. What could she wish to talk about now? Once they were down the hallway, walking toward the gym, he looked over at Audrey.

"So, um, what's up?" Audrey decided she didn't want to dance around the subject, although the pure, child-like look Tarrant had given her earlier was still swirling through her head. He had looked so innocent, as if he was too good for this world, and it had stunned her. She wanted to jot down details of the face right away, which would help her with the short composition she was writing in her free-time. It was a small piece about reliving childhood memories, but she tried to preserve the face for later because her annoyance of being called a lunatic was still inflamed.

"When we were speaking earlier,you said that we're 'all crazy here', and I wanted to tell you I was quite offended, because I certainly am not." She looked right at Tarrant, a peeved-off expression on her face. "What I'm trying to say is, I have many theories of why I was sent to this school, and although I know most of the students here are....deranged, it most certainly does not apply to my case." She raised her chin in defiance, her eyes narrowed.

Tarrant blinked slowly, his brow furrowed, as if he didn't quite understand what she had said. In all reality, though, he did know. Had he meant to call her crazy? No, of course not! Was it true...? He bit the inside of his cheek lightly and chewed the flesh in a nervous manner. Well, it was...right? The Hatter looked down at Audrey, smiling broadly at her. She really did look different when she was being intimidating, seeing as she really wasn't that scary to begin with. However, he knew he really shouldn't upset her. Audrey was notoriously emotional and he couldn't bear to lose her as a friend, seeing as he only had so many.

"You would look really good in a hat, you know?" he said, head tilted to the side so his hat fell to the side a bit. The Hatter smiled even further, as if such a thing was possible. "Your cheekbones..." Finally, he trailed off and let his smile fall a bit at a time until it had completely melted off of his countenance. "Look, when I said that...I didn't necessarily mean you, okay? I mean, like, most people here are pretty crazy. I'm barking mad! But, you're not. Your brother isn't either, okay?". He smiled and wrapped an arm loosely around her shoulders as they kept walking. "You know I don't mean to upset you, right?"

Audrey's resolve faltered for just a few moments. But in that minuscule expanse of time, her chest constricted, like it had in the lunch room, and she couldn't breathe. However, it was a different, more pleasant kind of breathlessness.
Why is it that this time, no breath seems like a better option than struggling for it?

"T..thank you." She said softly, running her hand over her left cheekbone lightly, a look of bafflement still on her face. Why, of course she had been complimented before, but in this particular situation, where they were so close to each other, and in that specific tone of voice... it was heart-stirring. "That's really sweet of you to say..."

Audrey wasn't an insecure girl. Whenever someone complimented her, it wasn't in her to say "Oh, I actually am not that pretty", or "Haha, you're just saying that to make me feel better, but in reality I'm just worthless", because she knew she wasn't worthless, and it was deceitful to say so. Her personality made no room for apprehension and disbelief in herself, but it did make plenty of room for candor and confidence, and this made Audrey a bit different from the majority of girls. She loved to see the beauty in herself and in others, rather than the other way round.

Still, when Tarrant said these things, she did believe them a little bit more.

When Tarrant decided to concentrate on the subject at hand again, she tried to regain her composure as he spoke.
"No, of course you didn't mean to offend me, I mean I guess you were just generalizing, and I shouldn't have taken it so personally." She smiled up at him. "I'm sorry I took it so much to heart. It's just, this isn't the first time someone's called me insane, and it's just I have my own personal reasons for being here and I don't quite like being labeled as someone I'm not."

Tarrant flushed slightly and rubbed the back of his neck as he noticed her run a hand against her cheekbone. The way her voice wavered made her even less intimidating, of course, but it was still quite endearing. "You're welcome," he replied, smirking slightly in response. However, her next comment, as they returned to the true subject, caused him to frown and sigh lightly. "Right...well, um, I mean...please don't take this the wrong way, okay?" He smiled weakly but kept walking. "You talk to tables and stuff, Audrey. I know I hear things also...they say I'm schizophrenic. Stuff like that happens to people though, y'know? Not like you can control it at all. A-and, I'm not saying you're the same...but, doesn't it like..." He trailed off, afraid to finish the statement. Now that he thought about it, why had he said this? She'd be so upset, wouldn't she?"...concern you?" He winced, worried she'd yell or get upset at him.

What? I don't understand....
"I don't know what you're talking about." Audrey looked at him in helplessness. "Why should I be concerned?" She raised an eyebrow higher than the other.
"I know a lot of the tables here, and although I don't like talking to all of them, some of them are my friends....."
Did he say something about hearing things? I'm so confused...
"What do you mean, you hear things?Did you hear what the tables were saying about you?"
Is he upset because they were insulting him? Her eyebrows creased in concern.
"You shouldn't listen to them, Tarrant, they were just following their queen's orders. I think it's because she doesn't like people with colored hair."
She touched the top of his faux-hawk with her pointer finger. "I think it rather suits you. However, she just can't stand individuality and personal thinking.Her kingdom is ruled by extensive blandness and monotonous unity."
Wait, he said something about being schizophrenic.. Her face got a bit whiter, and her hands clammy.
"Schizophrenia.You think I have schizophrenia."
Her mouth parted a bit in surprise, and tears budded in her eyes as she realized he was just hinting at calling her insane!
" lied to me! You think I'm insane just like everyone here! You said that I wasn't and then you sneakily tried to take it back!"
It was just like all those years of elementary school came flooding back to her.
"Are you crazy Audrey? Chairs don't talk and they don't have feelings."
She felt herself be shoved back a bit, and there was a bit of laughter.
"Look,I want to be your friend, but you have to stop doing this." The girl looked her in the eye, watching Audrey with a wary expression, as if she were dangerous.
"I...I don't know what you're talking about Suzanne. Maisy just wants to have a chat with us. Don't you like her?" Nine year old Audrey looked back with wide eyes, defending the chair.
Suzanne looked to the side, with a semblance of worry written across her face. They were in a nearly deserted classroom, since all the other students were outside at recess. The only inhabitants were them, a teacher's aid, and a boy who had skinned his knee and was being attended to.
"Audrey", Suzanne had that weird smile on her face, as if she wanted to run, "Chairs don't talk. They never will talk."
"You are just a bully!", Audrey shouted,"Just because Maisy can't run or play, you can't count her out!"
"Why don't I just count you out!?", Suzanne yelled and pushed her in the shoulder, and Audrey took a step back, frightened. "Don't talk to me anymore, weirdo!" Suzanne pushed Audrey all the way down,stomped out the door, and Audrey fell to the floor, clutching at Maisy for support.
"What did I do wrong? I just wanted us all to be friends together." She whispered as she looked up at the chair.
"Some people just can't share friendship as well as you do,Audrey", Maisy responded and the little girl nodded in response.
By this time, the teacher's aid had finished bandaging the boy and had run over to where Audrey was.
"Are you okay?! Did the girl hit you,Audrey?"
She couldn't lie. "She pushed me around a little, but that was all."
The aid knelt to the floor. "Are you ok? What were you arguing about?"
"Well, I wanted us to have a conversation with Maisy here", Audrey gestured to the chair, "but Suzanne was just bullying her as she wasn't even real."
The teacher's aid looked at her in disbelief. " you talk to the chairs often, sweetie?"
"Uh,yes",Audrey hesitated to answer. The doctors had asked her the same questions. What was so wrong about it? "Some of them are my friends. That's why I wanted Suzanne, Maisy, and me to have recess together."
"Honey, that's a bit insane...", the aid tried,who was ignorant of Audrey's condition. "Chairs will never have the ability to talk. Neither will tables,lamps,fans, or any other inanimate object for that matter..."
"W..what?!", Audrey cried, "I can't believe even you hate my friends. Inanimate objects?! Who ever heard of a more derogatory term?!" She stood up and pulled Maisy to her side, backing up slowly.
"Now, dear..."
"Don't 'now,dear' me! You are just like the rest of the human population! You abuse them, you take them for granted, you will not even consider the fact that they are people! They have lives, they have emotions, they have feelings just like you! I am sick of the human race being such harassers! Is that why they call me insane? Because I actually care?! Because I sympathize with them!?"
"L.l..let's not get out of hand..I just want to help.." But by this time,Audrey had a stapler in her hand from the teacher's desk. The aid tried to reach for her and Maisy, but the second Audrey thought she was going to try to hurt her or her friend, she hurled the stapler at her face.
Audrey had tears streaming down her face. This was not the only time this had happened.
This was not the only memory she had.
"I..I..I'm not crazy", she whispered, and then sobbed, big,loud,heaving sobs. "I'm not. Schizophrenia is when you hear things that aren't real.Everything I hear is real,and I can't believe you don't understand that."

Tarrant's eyes widened and he shook his head rapidly, trying to take back everything he'd just said. "N-no!" he cried, shaking his head. "I'm not saying your schizo...I'm sayin-" He cut off as she started crying heavier. He reached out slowly to wipe away her tears instinctively but, suddenly, he stopped. "A-Audrey...please forgive me, I'm sorry," he spluttered, certain he'd gone and ruined the friendship they'd built up. Sighing, Tarrant shoved his hands in his pockets and looked aside.

"I'll go now, Audrey...I, erm, I have things to put away in my room or something." Both of them knew that was false. Tarrant's room was messy and just as scattered as his mind. It seemed he hadn't cleaned anything up since he first attended Wonderland Academy. Pulling his hat a bit further on his head, he suddenly turned and hurried away, cursing himself under his breath. The Hatter returned to his room and simply flopped down on the bed, unable to forgive himself for what had just happened.

Audrey sniffled as Tarrant left, the tension in the air receding when he was no longer in sight.
I..I..I feel just a..a..awful.W..W...When will people realize that we have to take every person into a.a..account,regardless of their r..r..role in our lives?
She leaned against a wall, but then slowly slid down it onto the floor when she realized she didn't want to support herself,and wiped her eyes with her sleeve.
The halls were empty, since most teachers so early in the year still had the strict ruling of 'not letting students out of the classroom' and Audrey felt uplifted in the fact that she had Mr.Donalds as a teacher.
I..I..I can't believe he just l.l..left me here...Hurt seeped through.
She looked up and down the halls.
What should she do now? She stood up and brushed herself off, then walked the rest of the way to the gym,every step making her sniffles go away, every step drying her eyes even more, until her face felt starched and stretched.
She peeked inside, and, at a first glance, found it empty.
Sammy's not even here,she sighed, and decided to walk around aimlessly until the bell rang, for lack of a better thing to do.

After a few hours,Audrey felt peaceful and like herself again. She had decided after classes, she would be by herself so no one would see her so upset, because then her sadness would rub off on other people, and when she was crying she didn't realize this would happen, but now she did. United sadness was the last thing she needed, so she went to the lake and skipped rocks.

She wasn't an expert rock skipper,but the repetitive picking up the stone,throwing it, and then watching it fall into the water was consequently calming, so soothing in fact that all her worry and dispiritedness had been alleviated.

Sadness shouldn't be felt for so long,because then you can't get on with your day because you're addicted to feeling gloomy and sad.

If she didn't think about it,she almost couldn't remember why she had been crying, so she thought of it less and less and began to think of happier things..Audrey couldn't believe it was now nighttime, but something about the lake made time look as if it wasn't passing until it did. That's why it was her favorite place.She hummed as she walked to her dorm room in the now dark,believing her new roommate was inside.They had installed a new bed a few days before and she was notified she would be getting one.

Now she was excited. She wondered who it would be?
Oh my gosh,what if it's Valerie Alice?! That would be so nice!
She turned the knob of the door, and when she found it empty she was disappointed,so she sat down at her desk and waited. She saw her things, so she must be here, and it would only be a matter of time before she came back.In the meantime, she pulled out her laptop and researched some things that needed to be done for class.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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Malia, who had been standing stoic as she awaited a response from the new girl, yelped as a force rammed into her, causing her to fall to the floor and bump her head. She blinked a few times to clear her vision, suddenly thankful she had closed the lid of the bottle she had been thankful from. The tea bottle rolled away, but that was farthest from Malia's mind as she lightly pushed Sam, trying to get him to move off of her.

"Oh crap... Sorry Malia... I was" Sam stuttered out, and Malia squirmed, trying to get him off of her. "Let's face it, this isn't the worst thing I've done. And at least I'm wearing pants this time" Sam was more relaxed at this point, but he still was crushing the smaller girl underneath him, causing her breathing to be cut off.

"Can't-Can't breathe!" Malia stammered, pushing against him again. This time, he took the hint and got up, followed by Malia a moment later. She took inventory of any new bruises forming on her skin, and after finding none she dusted herself off. Blood was coming from the wound on her wrist again, but other than that she was fine.

"Well, it could have been worse, I guess. I don't think you meant to tackle me anyway." Malia muttered, dusting herself off.

"What the hell is on your head?" Malia was alerted to Valarie's presents again by Sam's question, and for the first time Malia noticed the black veil that the 'sane' blonde girl was using to block her face. Though, Malia didn't know anyone who sane who would wear a veil to bed, but Malia didn't have friends with many people deemed sane- in fact, one of her close friends frequented the padded cells of the school.

"I was wondering the same. It's sort of late to be wearing a veil" Malia muttered before looking at her wrist again, sighing when she saw that the top layer was now covered in blood and she would need to wrap it a few more times. She held her wrist up to her chest so it would catch on her shirt if any dripped over. The movement hurt a bit when she bent her wrist so it would be flush with her shirt, but that only caused her to hiss and experimentally flex it again, this time a smile forming over her features. "Sam? Next time, please get off of me quicker. I couldn't breath for some time there" she said in about as lighthearted of a voice as she could manage, and she pressed her non-wounded hand to her back and hissed in mock-pain.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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"Malia ..." It was a response, but there was a long pause between that one word and before she would speak again. When the other girl did, a face jumped to Valerie's mind; a face that was combined with a bored look and a flash of metal - a knife.

Oh, the crazy girl with the knife from the lunch room ... That's who she is. I thought I recognized her footsteps.

"Malia Russet." It was a start, at least, and she was finally speaking again. It was hard for Valerie to deny that she was grateful that the girl was doing the speaking, because she had been struck quiet with fear and surprise at the girl's arrival. "I'm the girl who had the knife, earlier. I am sorry if I scared you in any way, shape, or form. I just imagined the whole deal getting bloody fast. Meg's hounds can tear things to pieces. You're Tarrant's friend, correct? He is one of my friends as well, one of the two I feel are true friends. Therefore, if you spend time around him you are bound to be spending time with me at least some of the time, especially when the whole club is together, so I would hate for you to be afraid of me."

Valerie couldn't deny the soft laugh that escaped her lips. The girl thought that she was afraid of her because of her knife? Oh, no, no, no. That knife couldn't do much in the matter of scaring her, for she was already scarred enough that, if given any others, she wouldn't be bothered in the least. No, she didn't enjoy pain, and would rather not be faced with it, but if she was, that was that and there was nothing else she could do in order to stop it, aside for fight back, of course.

Should she respond? Should she turn around and face the other girl? Or should she run for the door and escape any questions that may ensue due to their unlikely encounter?

She wasn't given very much time to make a decision, however, before there was a loud crashing sound, the grunt of a young man, and the surprise gasp of a young woman - Malia, she supposed, for she wasn't facing the girl and therefore couldn't be positive that there wasn't another person with her.

"Oh crap...Sorry Malia I was..."

Oh, dear God, not him! Not Sam, of all people! Of all the people that could have walk in on me, why did it have to be Sam? Don't let him see ... Don't let him notice my face! And even if he does, let him forget. Please, make him forget!

But he was already speaking again, so her silent prayers to whatever entity - if there was any - out there would undoubtedly fall on deaf ears.

"Let's face it, this isn't the worst thing I've done. And at least I'm wearing pants this time..."

... Did she really just hear what she thought she heard? It was more than a bit disturbing to overhear something like that from someone like him.

Admit it, you'd have loved to have seen him whenever he wasn't wearing pants.

Shut up, internal voice!

You're just telling me to shut up because you know it's true.

Shut ... Up!

She smacked herself repeatedly in the forehead, scowling through her black veil. She really needed to get help for her mental battles.

"What the hell is on your head?"

Dammit! I swear, I am so done with praying to you, God! You've never done anything for me in return, so I'm pretty much done with believing in you!

How was she supposed to respond to this. There wasn't any logical explanation as to why she was wearing the veil, and she really didn't want two people that she had only just met to know about her facial scars. It was bad enough that they would undoubtedly eventually find out about the scars on her abdomen, so why did God have to torture her with allowing them the knowledge of her disfigurations face-wise?

It just wasn't fair.

Only a few moments had passed, during which Malia had obviously taken notice of her veil, also.

"I was wondering the same. It's sort of late to be wearing a veil. Sam? Next time, please get off of me quicker. I couldn't breath for some time there."

Don't ... Don't ask about it ... Don't look at me ... Don't look!

Hyperventilating. She was hyperventilating. The normal reaction that she had to her fear of other's responses to her scars where already occurring. Her breathing was quick and ragged, she was growing dizzy, and undoubtedly she was turning a pale white. It was childish, of course, but she couldn't control herself.

Pressing her lips firmly together, she straightened and squared her shoulders before slowly turning to face the two other inhabitants of the small building.

"That's ... It's ... Well ... That is ..."

Why was her heart thundering so loudly, so quickly? It felt ... As though it were going to burst.

She was going to being sick. She was going to throw up, and she couldn't help it.

"I ..." she choked up, tears filming in her eyes.

Her shoulders slowly slumped forward, her head dropping forward.

"There isn't any point, is there?" she asked quietly, her eyes half-closed and tears lightly dropping down her cheeks. "In hiding them, I mean. You're all going to find out sooner or later, somehow. So what's the point in hiding them anymore? It's been less than a day, and it's already happening again ..." Her hand lifted, her fingers pinching the bottom of the veil, and with a small tug, it was pulled from her head. The tears were forming streams on her scarred cheeks, and she dropped her hand dejectedly, already extremely sick to her stomach.

"You wanted to know so badly. So how does it feel to know then? I hope you feel like crap, because I do ... Thanks to you," she whispered, clenching the veil in her fist. "Don't you dare pity me, because I don't need it. Admit it, both of you. Admit that you're disgusted with them. Freak and ugly sum up most of your thoughts in this moment, don't they? Go ahead and get it out of your system," she growled out, lifting her head and glaring at them through her tears. "I don't know why I thought that this place would be any different than my school in Germany. People are all the same, and let me tell you something. You're the monsters. Just because I'm scarred doesn't mean that I'm not a good person! And you know what? I am a damned good person, and I don't need any of you. I don't need anyone. I never have, and I never will, so ... So ... So there!"

A throw of her arm caused her to fling the veil to the ground, and after grabbing the food and drinks that she had bought, she fled the building, slowing only when she was outside and the threat of slipping prevented her fast pace.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Sam Bryant Character Portrait: Ace de Mewler
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Samuel Bryant

Sam scratched the back of his head in his usual manner as he gave a slight tilt to one side with his head and a shrug in Malia's direction. It's not like he purposely lingered a second too long after bowling her over. After all, he did just awaken as he hit her. 'Oh well, what can you do?' He thought silently. He really hoped there wouldn't be a next time. Not anytime soon anyway...

Turning his attention back to Valerie once more, he sensed the air in the room begin to shift as the subject of the headpiece was brought back up. As Malia had pointed out, it was an unusual piece of clothing at any time of the day. Other than a funeral... 'Oh hell!' The thought crashed into his head before he could rationally think it through. 'She killed Meg!' Realizing what he had just imagined, he immediately dispelled it and mentally reprimanded himself for the thought. Even if for the sole fact that Meg wouldn't go down that easily.

"I ..."

He caught the quick glisten beneath Valerie's shading headgear and the overall shape of her features changing slightly. Something was definitely wrong. But as to what that something was, was anybody's guess at this point. It had been a simple question, both on his part, and Malia's as well. Sam couldn't grasp why the mood had swung so drastically so quickly. His lips parted to speak once again when Valerie's choked voice seemed to come to life once more.

"There isn't any point, is there? In hiding them, I mean. You're all going to find out sooner or later, somehow. So what's the point in hiding them anymore? It's been less than a day, and it's already happening again ..."

Sam stole a quick glance over at the girl standing next to him. There had to be something he was clearly missing here. He was hoping it was something as simple as a man missing some inside joke between two women, but he found no evidence of that when his eyes fell on Malia. Suppressing the urge to run up to Audrey's room and drag his sister down to translate these indiscernible signs, Sam returned his attention to the blonde once more. And in one, painfully slow movement of her hand, Sam regretted ever inquiring about the headpiece...

"You wanted to know so badly. So how does it feel to know then? I hope you feel like crap, because I do ... Thanks to you. Don't you dare pity me, because I don't need it. Admit it, both of you. Admit that you're disgusted with them. Freak and ugly sum up most of your thoughts in this moment, don't they? Go ahead and get it out of your system," Sam felt like he had been slapped, but stayed where he was, refusing to take a step back. He felt any acknowledgement of what she was saying may make her feel worse than he already imagined she did. "I don't know why I thought that this place would be any different than my school in Germany. People are all the same, and let me tell you something. You're the monsters. Just because I'm scarred doesn't mean that I'm not a good person! And you know what? I am a damned good person, and I don't need any of you. I don't need anyone. I never have, and I never will, so ... So ... So there!"

In a final effort, Valerie tossed the veil and bolted out the door. Sam had no idea about Valerie's scars, and he felt horrible having practically pointed them out without knowing. Kneeling down to pick up the discarded veil, Sam scrubbed his free hand through his hair and let out a pent-up sigh. He had just woken up, but he was exhausted from the events of the day. Worse off, he couldn't help thinking the majority of it was his fault.

"I should really stop sticking my nose where it doesn't belong..." Saying the thought aloud, he realized Malia was still present. The beautiful girl being a witness to his final act of stupidity of the day. "You know, I have a sudden urge to run out after her to fix all this, but I'm almost positive I'll make things even worse." Sam rose to his bare feet once again and regarded Malia before he left, taking in the hand she tried to conceal behind her back. "I guess tomorrow is another day, right?" The sentence was in a much more defeated tone than he meant, but he really couldn't help it at this point. "Sorry about the bullrush a bit ago, I guess I'll try to confine myself back to my room for the rest of the night."

Walking over, he lifted his hand and laid it lightly upon her shoulder, giving it a friendly squeeze before walking off again. "Have a good night gorgeous, and get that hand looked at please!" He couldn't help throwing out the last bit in a joking manner before walking back out the building and back toward his dorm.

Upon reaching the room, Sam immediately threw a shirt on to cover his freezing chest and flopped down on his bed. He didn't bother turning the light on, and could just make out a shape in the other bed. He couldn't tell if it was Ace or not, but he didn't care at the moment. He realized he still had Valerie's Veil. He needed to talk with her the first chance he could in the morning. He couldn't believe how frustrated he was with himself and how stupid he had been over the course of the day.

Sam reached for his phone on his nightstand and quickly found his sister's name. He doubted she was asleep this early, but he'd be damned if he messed something else up today. He let out a small laugh at the truth in the message he typed before hitting send.

Sis, your brother is an idiot...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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Malia watched Valarie as she seemed to struggle to get what she wanted to say out. She wondered why it was such a big deal- it was just a simple question. Though, she seemed to get her bearings sooner than later, and she was very mad they had asked the question- either that or very sad. She removed the headpiece slowly, muttering about 'it happening again'. Her face was scarred badly, but other than that she didn't appear to be damaged in any way that would require her to cover her face up. Malia did wonder, though, what happened to the scars during the day. They most certainly hadn't been there before- lots of makeup, perhaps?

"You wanted to know so badly. So how does it feel to know then? I hope you feel like crap, because I do ... Thanks to you. Don't you dare pity me, because I don't need it. Admit it, both of you. Admit that you're disgusted with them. Freak and ugly sum up most of your thoughts in this moment, don't they? Go ahead and get it out of your system. I don't know why I thought that this place would be any different than my school in Germany. People are all the same, and let me tell you something. You're the monsters. Just because I'm scarred doesn't mean that I'm not a good person! And you know what? I am a damned good person, and I don't need any of you. I don't need anyone. I never have, and I never will, so ... So ... So there!" The girl went off on a rant- but most of it was very unjustified. Malia didn't think she looked ugly or a freak, and she most definitely didn't feel pity for her. Maybe she would have- if things had been different, but she didn't. Not even the hardly-there twinges of it she normally called 'emotions'.

Valarie stormed off, leaving Malia and Sam in their spots. Sam muttered something about sticking his nose where it didn't belong and wanting to fix all of this, before running off and telling her to have her hand looked at. Malia nodded before doing exactly what he had wanted to do- following after her. She was on the way anyway. It took Malia some time to find her- she was fairly fast and even with Malia running she had a head start. When she did, however, Malia put her non-bandaged hand on her shoulder to stop her and looked at her in the eyes.

"I don't pity you- I don't feel scared of you. I don't feel repulsed by you- or anything else for that matter. That's my problem- I don't- ever. I just thought it would be best if you knew," Malia said in a quick monotone before turning swiftly and walking back to her room, wondering who her roommate would be. She hadn't bothered to check the list- she knew her room because that was always the first thing she found out, so she didn't need to look at a paper- a person had already told her everything she needed to know.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malia Grace Russet Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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It didn't take her long to reach her dorm room, and by the time she had, she was freezing from the tip of her nose to the tips of her toes. Needless to say, she changed quickly, her head ducked in order to avoid Audrey's gaze, and quickly retreated into her bed.

"I am sorry that you will need to see these every day for the next year," she murmured, tracing one of her scars lightly, her voice holding a sleepy quality to it. "And tell your brother that he is an idiot ..."

With that, she slipped off into, in how American's say, 'La-La Land'. To be blunt, she was out like a light, the occurrences from the day having worn her to a fine line.

"Somebody call nine-one-one! Hurry!"

"There's a little girl over here, and she isn't moving! Get over here and help me get her out!"

"Don't move her! Don't touch her until the paramedics arrive!"

"We can't just leave her like that! There's so much blood ... And we don't know how much of it is even hers! If she's bleeding, we need to stop it before she bleeds out!"

"I don't care! Don't move her!"

"Stop bitching and call a damned ambulance! You in the tank top! Get your ass moving and help me get her out! She's the only one with a pulse in this entire wreck, and I'm not about to let her die! If she wakes up, she'll only see her family!"

Stop yelling ... Stop it, or you'll wake up Tomathy ... Mommy said that he has to sleep or he'll be cranky when he wakes up ... But Mommy and Daddy aren't talking anymore ... Why can't I hear my Mommy and Daddy? And who are you? Why are you being so loud? Why is your voice so worried and scared? Stop it! You're scaring me! Where are my Mommy and Daddy? I want them now!

"She's moving! Oh, thank God! Sweetie, don't try to move, or you'll only hurt yourself. Let us help you. Don't move."

Who are you and why are you so sad?

It was too bright outside. The light was blinding when Alice opened her eyes. It glinted off of the windows - no, not windows. Glass. Everything was glass. Why weren't there any windows? And why was there so much glass? And where were -


Everything. Everything was coated, covered, matted with blood. Everywhere she looked - blood. A blur of a face before her - no blood.

Mommy. Daddy. Tomathy. Blood.

They weren't ... What was wrong with then?


"Oh, Jesus, sweetie, don't look!"

"But ... Mommy ... Daddy ... Tommy ... Why aren't they ... Why aren't they moving?" Her voice was a croak to her own ears, and it hurt so badly for her to speak. I don't wanna talk, but I don't know what's happening ...

"Why ... Why is there blood? Why isn't Mommy moving? Mommy? Mommy? Mommy, you never finished what you were saying to Daddy ... You were talking about the trip and how important it was ... You need to finish talking about it, or you'll never get it done, remember? And you gotta sing to Tommy, because Tommy's gonna wake up, 'cause there's so much noise ... Mommy, why won't you talk to me!?"

A sob escaped her lips, tears spilling over her eyes and mixing with blood. She could barely see past the mixture, and her face - it hurt so bad. Her stomach hurt, too, and her arm, and her leg, and everywhere.

"Mommy, you have to kiss my boo-boo 'cause it hurts and you're the only one that makes it feel better. Mommy? Mommy!"

"Mama! Don't go!"

Her hand froze in mid-air, the darkness no match for her eyes as she stared directly ahead. Her fingers were twitching slightly, shining like porcelain pencils in the night. Her bed had a light wetness to it from sweat, and more sweat soaked her pajamas. Her hair was matted to her head, and she couldn't seem to catch her breath. Tears made sticky trails on her cheeks, and for a moment, she simply sat there. Finally, out of nowhere, she fell back on the bed, her eyes glued to the ceiling.

"Don't go," she whispered, a tear escaping and trickling down the side of her face. She rolled over, her hands grabbing the pillow and bunching it up against her face as more tears threatened to reveal themselves and spill over her lids.

"I don't want to be alone anymore ..."

"... Don't go ..."

Why did yesterday have to happen? I don't know if I'll be able to face Malia or Samuel again, especially after the way that I acted. I was a complete Schwachsinnige, and I'm embarrassed to even think about how I treated those two. I should have at least given them the chance to speak in order to tell me their reactions, but at the same time, I'm not sure how well I would have held up if Samuel had ...

Valerie shook her head, ridding herself of those thoughts before they further depressed her, and paused mid-swipe of her mascara. She was right, though; she had overreacted, and had acted like a fool to her new acquaintances. Sam hadn't had enough time to even work out how he felt about her scars, let alone relay them, and she really shouldn't have responded so harshly and quickly to something that, to them, may have been a minor inconvenience that wasn't that big of a deal in actuality.

She resumed the automatic movements of applying her carefully-assigned makeup from a special crew of makeup artists that her grandmother had hired in order for her to learn how to cover them, allowing her mind to wander once more.

It just so happened to mull over the image of Sam, standing in the small lounging building, in nothing but a pair of sweatpants - which, she may add, revealed a lack of any type of underwear beneath. How he hadn't frozen to death was beyond her, but she couldn't deny the fact that he had looked positively scrumptious, despite her failure to have noticed it at that point in time. What a shame, too; she could have savored the moment, had she not behaved in the fashion that she did.

Musing over the image of a half-naked Samuel, Valerie felt a twinge of guilt as she looked over at Audrey, who she had only just found out was her roommate. If only the girl knew what she was thinking in that moment, then she wouldn't have been so warm and welcoming to her the night before.

Of course, Audrey had seen the scars. In all honesty, how would she have hidden them from her roommate of all people? At least the other girl was sweet enough not to care - either that, or she was just so far out of it that she didn't even know what was up and what was down. A light shrug and Val returned the tube of mascara to it's bag on her desk, which held a mirror large enough to reflect the upper half of her body. Moving into the bathroom, she removed her pajamas and adorned a pair of slightly-worn dark jeans, a plaid black t-shirt with a black belt just below the breasts, and a pair of black and white converse hightops. She pulled a brush quickly and efficiently through her hair, biting her lip as she did so.

Sam had looked really good ... And by good, she meant really, really good. What with his lean muscles, broad shoulders, and his ass!

Valerie's eyes widened and she shook her head quickly, slapping her cheeks hard enough for red splotches to appear. Stop it! The boy's sister is in the other room, for Pete's sakes!

She took in a deep breath and left the bathroom. She moved over to her bag and plucked it up, tossed it over her shoulders, and gave a small wave to Audrey. "I will undoubtedly see you at breakfast. Until then, Wiedersehen," she called over her shoulder. She shut the door quietly behind her, slipped her new necklace, which held her room key, over her head, and made her way out of the dormitories.

It didn't take her long to cross the campus to the school, and having visited it the day before, quickly found her way to the dining hall. Granted, she was exhausted from the day before, but there wasn't much that she could do about it. She was required to attend school on this day, and it was unlikely that the administration's office would take kindly to her skipping.

She paused, however, just outside of the cafeteria.

Taped to the doors was a rather large piece of paper, which was decorated with orange and black markers and glitter, along with random pumpkin, skeleton, and other creepy stickers. On it were the words:

Halloween Bash!

A masquerade ball in which all students are invited to wear the costumes of their choosing!

Location: Gymnasium

Requirements: Must meet school regulations, and have a mask as a part of the ensemble.

Tickets: $6 per person; $10 per couple @ DOOR! May be purchased during lunch for $4 per person, $8 per couple.

Also, an after party will be thrown between the dormitories for anyone who is interested in attending!

Remember to have fun!

~Student Council Members~

A Masquerade Halloween Ball? What odd customs America celebrated ... But who was she to judge? With a slight shrug, she slipped into the dining hall, her backpack catching slightly on the door handle, which she easily freed with a light tug, the flutter of a picture to the floor going unnoticed by her.

Approaching the breakfast line, she frowned.

What if Samuel or Malia slipped out the fact that she had scars? It was unlikely that Audrey would - she was as sweet as cotton candy - and Malia didn't really seem to harbor very many emotions for, well, anything. But who knew with Samuel ... Hell, with his behavior from the day before, perhaps she had lucked out and he had already forgotten about the entire encounter.

She definitely hadn't ... How could one teenage guy be so utterly attractive without even trying? She was almost tempted to slap him for it, for it was so unfair.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Helena White Character Portrait: Meg Tharamel
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#, as written by Polka
Thankfully Helena had been ignored for most of the evening by Meg. She waited until she knew the wicked witch was asleep before taking her bed sheets into the bathroom and locking the door behind her.
It was the same routine every night, if she was lucky she could sneak into Audrey's room before lights out to guarantee a safe sleep.
Unfortunately, she never got the chance to sneak away as Meg stayed up relatively late.

the last time Helena trusted Meg and slept in her own bed she was missing at least an inch from her hair. It had been hacked away in an uneven fashion which kicked Helena's OCD into over drive.


Helena woke up early the next morning, making sure not to wake Meg as she left. She decided to head straight to the Cafeteria for breakfast. Maybe she would spot Audrey or Sam, being in their presence often calmed her down.
yet there was no sign of them that morning, in fact the hall was relatively empty. Helena checked her watch, she had no clue what time it was but she assumed she was late for something and pushed her way to the front of the cue.

She hadn't noticed Valerie as she barged past, it wasn't until she was told to move to the back of the line she noticed her.
Valerie looked Solem, maybe Meg had done something to her for standing up to her.
' Are you ok? '' Helena asked in a small voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Sam Bryant
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Sam seemed to groan, yawn, and sigh all in the same sound as he stretched from his sitting position on the dock. It was still early, and more likely than not, most of the other students were still asleep; a luxury Sam wasn't often graced with, as was the case this morning. Multiple times he had woken in his fitful sleep to dreams and images he had already forgotten, only to lay back down and be woken again some time later. Oddly enough, he was beginning to get used to it.

So he did what he always did when he couldn't sleep and couldn't do anything else: he put on some clothes and ran around the academy, awake this time, in a vain attempt to tire himself out. Stopping at the same place he always did, the lake. Sitting there on the end of the wooden dock in his sweatshirt, track pants, and running shoes. The sun was just beginning to shine light over the treetops and onto the lake itself, causing small wisps of steam to dance on its surface, dragonflies chasing the few mosquitoes there were up here in the northern part of the country through the steam.

Beep beep!

Letting out another sigh at his sanctuary was disturbed by his watch, Sam rose to his feet and headed back toward the dorms, grudgingly at that.

It didn't take him long to shower and get ready for the school day ahead of him. Donning his normal blue jeans and boots, he pulled a plain black t-shirt over his frame before ruffling his hair in the mirror a bit so it would fall where he wanted it to. Heading out of his room, he paused a moment as he caught sight of the small black veil he had acquired the night before after Valerie had fled from them. 'Should I bring that?' He mulled over the statement for a second before remembering how embarrassed Valerie had been when it was pointed out the night before. Prancing about with the veil on display wasn't the best idea...

Opening his closet, Sam pulled his school bag that had been scarcely used and decided to use it for the day. Throwing his books and school papers in first, he delicately laid the veil inside. Doubting he'd actually get a chance to speak with Valerie, it didn't hurt to be prepared. Closing the closet, he paused once more and pulled a dark blue button-down from its spot on the hanger and shrugged as he threw it on, rolling up the sleeves and buttoning only the bottom buttons. 'Why the hell not..?'

Stifling another yawn, Sam looked at his watch as he waited on one of the benches in between the dorms. Audrey always took longer than he did. 'She's a woman, she takes forever to get ready...' he thought ruefully. At this rate, breakfast would come and go without him unless he left soon. Sam loved his sister dearly, but food was vital to him functioning throughout the day. Murmuring a silent apology, he rose and headed to the cafeteria, his long legs taking him there at a swift pace as they were ushered to greater speed at his growling stomach.

Feeling generous for no real reason, he opened the door for a student behind him before passing through himself. Unfortunately, his decent deed was all but canceled when he grabbed their shoulder to halt them and move them back gently as something caught his eye. A small photograph sat alone on the floor, directly in the kid's path, only to be saved by the trampling tennis shoes by Sam's reflexes. He leaned over and picked it up to have a look, finding something vaguely familiar about the two young girls who appeared to be twins...

"The Halloween Bash! I'm going to be a GODDAMN STINKIN' REPTILE!!! I mean, a Ninja Turtle. They have masks right?"

Sam's attention was torn from the photograph by the turrets-plagued student before the poster, covering a laugh at the hilarious outburst and scanning over the poster for himself. He couldn't remember the last Halloween bash for obvious reasons, but loved Halloween itself. 'Free candy mixed with costumes and a party, what's not to love?'

Heading toward the food lines, Sam gave a slight wave to Tarrant with the picture in his hand, realizing he was still holding it. "Yo hatter! You know who's picture this is?" Shortening the distance to the large boy and himself, Sam extended the picture out for Tarrant to observe, catching sight of his horribly depressing expression.

"You look a bit down, something up?" It was true, the man didn't look up to shape this morning, but that could be said for about 99% of the population at the academy. 'Perhaps Audrey's empathetic side is rubbing off on me...God I hope not...'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice "Valerie" Callinder Character Portrait: Tarrant "Mad Hatter" Hightopp Character Portrait: Audrey Cassidy Bryant Character Portrait: Sam Bryant Character Portrait: David Archie
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When Valerie returned, there wasn't much talking. Audrey had already prepared the small assignments she had been assigned,and was struggling to stay awake when the girl walked in.
Yay, my roommate is Valerie Alice!
She was about to say hello, but the air felt heavy in a way, and she looked up to Valerie.
Oh!, she thought in surprise as she saw her, taking in her face before the other girl turned it away.
There were scars Audrey had previously not seen before, lines running across her face.
W..w..why did I not see that before?, she thought, appalled by what she saw.
"I am sorry that you will need to see these every day for the next year," she murmured, tracing one of her scars lightly, her voice holding a sleepy quality to it. "And tell your brother that he is an idiot ..."
Audrey was about to comment, but Valerie proceeded to fall into bed and go out like a light!
For a few minutes, she was unable to move.

She hesitantly walked over to her, careful not to breathe on her.
She blinked when she saw the scars again.
Does she cover them with makeup?
Valerie stirred, and Audrey took a frightened step back, sighing soundlessly in relief.
Poor darling....What happened to her?
The scars had scared her initially, and they still did a little, but they weren't too bad now.
She noticed the girl didn't have anything on her, she was just there on her mattress.
She silently got one of the many blankets she had on her bed, and gently wrapped it around the girl on the bed. She tiptoed back to her side, and then slowly went to sleep herself,still thinking about the scars.


Audrey jumped off the cliff of the waterfall,wind whooshing around her whole body. She shouted enthusiastically as she felt the few moments where it was like she was flying. She closed her eyes for one second,feeling the spray of the waterfall,then covered her nose automatically with her pointer finger and thumb as she could sense she was about to dive into the lake at the bottom. Her body straightened on instinct, since she believed a cannonball was more painful than being vertical, even in her dreams.
All this lasted about five seconds, and then she was submerged completely.
She opened her eyes underwater and she felt that time had stopped.
The water wasn't moving,and neither was she,only her eyes could open and close. And there, right below her in her immediate vicinity, was a beautiful music box in pastel pink and yellow, with traces of milky white swirls.She remembered this music box from seventh grade, one she had seen in a shop window for a week before it was sold.
I had wanted it so badly.
Her hand could move now,so she opened it. Her eyes couldn't blink anymore, so she supposed only one type of body part could be in motion at a time.
There inside the music box were two dancers. There was no male,only two lovely,blushing ballerinas, one set permanently in fourth position,and the other in an arabesque. They started to twirl to a song she faintly recognized, but the music box melody was so hard to pinpoint.
As the song replayed,the two ballerinas stopped looking forward and instead looked up at Audrey. They began to sing, in whispering,haunting voices.
"Ring around the rosy"
"Pockets full of posies"
Their spinning slowed to an eerie pace.
"We all"
"Down", Audrey whispered.


Audrey did not wake up with a start, but rather slowly opened her eyes to her royal purple sheer curtains.The creepy feeling from her dream has almost but disappeared as she looked up to the window.She had picked her bed to be closest to the window and nearest to the bathroom,seeing this as the perfect spot to wake up early graciously and still have the minimum required steps to get ready.She wasn't going to push her excitement about getting up before the world was awake,because she was not a morning person a few years ago. She slowly got up and touched her bare feet to the cold floor, and padded over to the bathroom,rubbing sleep from her eyes,noticing the time on her alarm clock that said 4:52 AM. She didn't remember her dream, only that she felt it had a positive start,and she couldn't quite complain on that aspect. She closed the door with a quiet click,trying not to disturb her new roommate.

The first few weeks she had started here at the Academy, she had felt a little scared. She didn't know anyone, and although she was starting to acquire friends,it felt incredibly lonely without her brother. In turn, she hadn't been sleeping right, and woke up earlier,at about the time her brother usually woke up.In her old home, her brother would make a lot of noise while waking up, so she would wake up momentarily, but then go back to bed. That first month, she would awaken just like before, but she couldn't go back to sleep in her new surroundings, so she just stayed awake and went to watch the sunrise, which she had fallen in love with. It was a habit now, although she didn't tell a lot of people. A little part of her still wanted to be known as the late riser to her brother, for childhood purposes.

After she had brushed,washed and sprayed everything that needed to be brushed,washed,and sprayed, she walked out of the bathroom in her towel over to her dresser drawer,picking out her outfit which included her favorite tassel scarf and her fifth favorite belted dress which was appropriate for autumn.She looked back hesitantly at Valerie.

Not gonna risk that. She went to change in the bathroom.

Walking along the red dirt path to the lake, Audrey felt the quiet enclose around her, making it too quiet. Then,she heard a lark sing in the distance,a sweet,light tune and she smiled in the direction she had heard it from and decided to sing as well. Audrey did not like to sing that much in the presence of others,because she knew other people would judge her for her less than melodious voice, and she did not like to be judged harshly and silently.It was mostly the good singers that scrutinized her,picking apart the strains in her voice and how she couldn't quite hit the high notes, then describing to great lengths how she could improve.The advice was always unwelcome, along with the demonstrations of them singing as an example,since she felt it was mostly about them and what great singers they were.She didn't feel like she needed to meliorate her singing. Her voice carried, resonated, and sounded like her and no one else, so what else would she need to change?
A melody from one of her favorite childhood movies floated into her mind.

"I have often dreamed
Of a far off place
Where a great warm welcoming will be waiting for me
Where the crowds will cheer
When they see my face
And a voice keeps saying
This is where I'm meant to be”

She made up the tone of the song,making it rather fast-paced and light-hearted.She knew the song was supposed to be less giddy than she was making it, but it felt good to sing it faster and more joyfully than reminiscing and hopeful.Singing it this way took away all her breath ,made her light-headed,and woke her up a little. Her voice was the only thing she could hear in the silence, and she spun around in glee, the faster she spun, the faster she sung. She smiled wide,knowing that occasionally it was better to be alone than with other people, and how she could be alone for hours and hours sometimes and not care at all. She didn't know it was a symptom of hers, staying alone for so long.She instead blissfully ran the rest of the way to the lake, and skidded to a stop when she reached her destination.

Yay,I'm here! With plenty of time,too. She now walked,slowly over to the enclosure and breathed the crisp,clean,cold air of fall,which seemed to heighten her senses.There were a few leaves here,and she picked up a red one she knew belonged to a red oak tree. There were a variety of trees planted all around campus,like redbud,dogwood, and hickory trees.

As she neared, she couldn't help but think about how much she loved the open enclosure next to the lake. It was the most impeccable, perfect place to watch the sunrise in the morning.She settled into a comfy,plush chair,bringing her legs in with her and resting them in the lotus yoga position, a leftover smile on her face. A light breeze was making some strands of her hair blow backwards, and she fiddled with the leaf in her hands as she waited.

He was flying. Then his head smashed through the glass, and bits of it got embedded in his face, arms, and even his chest. He heard the snapping of ribs. His mouth was full of blood. From where he lay, he could see two bright lights speeding towards him, and from the corner of his eyes he watched as the moon peeked out from behind the clouds. Then the impact came, smashing and crushing what remained of his already shattered body. That's when his heart stopped, and David woke up.

This was Brad's dream. David felt himself sitting up, searching blindly for his watch. He put it on, even though he didn't remember wanting to. In the dull morning light he could barely make out that it was only 5:00. Without waiting for his command, his body began to move, forcing him to get up and head for the bathroom. David felt himself splashing water at his face, then walk out and head for the closet. For some reason, his hands reached for the shelf that belonged to Brad. He began to pull on jeans and a T shirt, but hesitated. Why am I doing this? Then it hit him, of course he wasn't doing it, Brad was! Brad picked out his favourite hat from the numerous collection. He plugged in his headphones, and humming Led Zeppelin he headed outside.

Brad walked slowly, kicking a can in front of him absentmindedly. His mind was completely absorbed by the lyrics;
Leaves are fallin' all around, time I was on my way
Thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleasant stay
But now it's time for me to go, the autumn moon lights my way
For now I smell the rain, and with it, pain
And it's headed my way.....

He stopped short when the can, having skidded a good 10 feet, rolled into the water. Unconsciously, his feet brought him straight to the lake. Brad inhaled the fresh air deeply, grateful that he came here. The lake was a great place to think, or even just to listen to some music...
A-ramble on, and now's the time, the time is now
Sing my song, I'm goin' 'round the world
I've gotta find my girl
On my way, I've been this way ten years to the day
I gotta ramble on, I gotta find the queen of all my dreams
I tell you no lie...

Then he noticed another human shape; a girl was meditating in one of the many plush chairs. Her slim silhouette was outlined by the rising sun, a true picture of peace and tranquility. Brad contemplated her for a minute before working up the courage to approach her. He was very surprised to recognize the figure as-


Audrey turned slightly at the voice, and smiled at the person it belonged to.Oh,hey,it was Dee! Or,was it Brad? She decided not to call him by any name until she was sure.
"Hello there. I've never actually seen someone out here this early.Would you like to join me?"Her eyes and her smile had gotten sleepier the more she had sat here waiting, along with her brain, so she didn't feel like being too chirpy. Especially at this early hour. It would ruin the tone of the morning.
She pointed over towards where the sun was just beginning to rise, and then motioned to a chair next to her, her face a bit expectant.Both of the boys were good friends of hers.

"Sure thing!" Brad flashed a cocky smile, allowing himself to fall back into the comfortable chair next to her. "Early bird gets the worm, I suppose. What got you out this early?"

She knew who owned that self-assured smile. It was definitely Brad talking to her. Over the years, she'd learned their two individual personalities. Dee was shy and kind, while Brad was more brash and outgoing.
"I usually come out here most mornings. It's been instilled in me since I came here. How about you? Couldn't sleep,Brad?"

"Just an, uh, unpleasant dream, that's all."

Audrey's eyebrows creased in concern. "Well,I hope it's not a recurring thing.Although-", she grinned,teasing, "I do enjoy the company."
The sun had slowly started to rise a few minutes before, and the smallest bit of sun could be seen.The sky's fading dark color started to recede as the sky was filled with delicate pinks,oranges,and purples.
She was left breathless, only pointing to it before she settled into her chair,not even smiling.Instead,she was left with a look of wonder on her face.
"I wish I could paint well enough to try and attempt that." She whispered.

Brad remained silent as he watched Audrey watching the sky paint itself with warm hues. He leaned back into his own chair, admiring the beauty unraveling itself before his eyes. Brad was not usually the sentimental kind, unlike his brother, but for the moment both boys felt peaceful.
]“You won't know that you can until you do.”

She turned only a bit to smile at him softly. "Trust me, I've tried."

She looked over to the left, to the terrain that stretched around the lake, and saw a figure running in.
She warily stared at it, until she realized it was her brother.
He can't see me here! I'd shatter the illusion of being the cranky,sleepyhead that wakes up hours after he does. Even though it wasn’t a big deal, she didn’t want Sam to think she had changed, even a little bit.
He was a bit far away, and sometimes she would watch the sun from behind a pillar, not even in his range of sight. But now she was too close.
"I gotta go, Brad. I'll see you later,yeah?" She absentmindedly hugged him,then sprinted back to the path, careful to make it so her brother was not looking. Brad looked very tired as well. Maybe he’d head back to his dorm and sleep a bit more until the rest of the school woke up.

She hadn't been planning on running before, but now she could see why her brother loved it. The rushing air, the lactic acid running through her muscles, the breathlessness. She couldn't think about anything except her destination. She stopped near the boy’s dormitory, and then admired the now fully rising sun from afar, but then continued her run after a few minutes.

When she got back to her dorm, there was more sun in the room, and her roommate was showing signs of waking up.

Then, she was overcome with a feeling of dizziness.

Oh, woooah. She stumbled over to the bed, her hands at her temple. She felt woozy, so she immediately lied down.
Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to go running before having eaten.
She decided to take a little nap, hoping it would make her feel better. There was a little time before she was expected at breakfast.
She covered herself up, and then reached towards her phone. There was a text message there she had not seen prior from her brother.
As she read the text quickly, she knew that something must have happened between Valerie Alice and Sam, even though she didn’t acknowledge it last night.

That’s what Valerie said too., she wrote back. She looked over to the girl, set an alarm for fifteen minutes, and then crashed into bed to get rid of her headache.


When the annoying alarm sounded,Audrey woke to an empty dorm and only a slight buzzing in her head from dizziness.She quickly got her bag ready with a notebook and a pen and pencil. She also stuffed the recipe for one of her classes, along with a little snack to have during Advisory. She hummed while she retouched her hair, and then, in her new reawakened mood, skipped over to have breakfast.

When she approached the cafeteria, she was met by a very large poster that a boy was taping to the front.She recognized him as the Student Council treasurer. She waved to him, and he shyly waved back. He was a very timid person.

Oh my gosh, Halloween,I forgot, I love Halloween!!, she jumped up and down as she read the poster, energy coming to her which was completely fueled by her excitement.

When she walked in she was intent on finding her brother.She saw his back and eagerly ran to him. She bumped into him, and was sent back by the impact.

“Whoops!”, she giggled as she almost fell to the floor.
She looked up into the eyes of Tarrant.
She gasped, seeing how awful he looked. She remembered the scene from yesterday.
Did I do that?, she thought horrified. The argument was almost a fading memory in her mind, seeing as she did not hold many grudges. She put his hand on his shoulder.

“Tarrant, are you okay? I’m not upset about yesterday, I promise.”