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Lumiere Delacroix

"C'est la vie."

0 · 519 views · located in Happily Ever After

a character in “A Twisted Fairytale”, originally authored by ibecameinsane, as played by RolePlayGateway




“On n'aime que ce qu'on ne possède pas tout entier.”
"We love only what we do not wholly possess."

Connaissances Générales

General Knowledge


Full Name:
Lumiere Jaques Delacroix

"I don't do nicknames."



Twenty Two


Beauty & The Beast


165 lbs

"Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé."

"There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved."



Although not very athletic, Lumiere's time spent cleaning up the palace has kept him reasonable fit. Heavy lifting helped shape the leans muscles he possesses today, keeping him lithe and slender with refined muscle definition.

Hair Color:

His hair is stained obsidian with natural chocolate brown highlights

Eye Color:

The color of the ocean after a storm. Which is...? Beautiful


Lumiere has scars from day to day casualties around the house. There's a bunch of miniscule scars all over his back from when he fell in a briar bush from atop on of the castle towers. He's also obtained a bubbly burn scar from when he spilt hot wax on the inside of his left wrist. It appears in the same shape of a thin trail, almost as if he inflicted a self harm wound across his vein. Fortunately, that is not the case.

Character Color:

Description: Perhaps it's the enigmatic void that lay beneath the depths of those icy sapphire irises, or the underlying sardonic tilt of that elegant brow, or the way he materialized out of the shadows that attracts most women. He has a lithe frame and possesses a taller than average height, his build one of Adonis quality. To be fair, he is quite attractive. Luscious lips, bedrooms eyes with a devil’s advocate’s semblance, and seemingly flawless skin naturally sun-kissed gone pale by lack of sun exposure. Blue is such an underrated color. Nonetheless, his cerulean eyes were anything but forgettable; sinfully dark, chaotic, a hint of lechery and glee making them gleam brightly.

"L'on est bien faible quand on est amoureux.”

"One is very weak when one is in love,"


{Cunning, Lecherous, Eloquent, Detrimental}

Lumiere has a kind, generous personality. He cares very much for his friend Adam, giving him all the help he ever needed without question, and is very forgiving of his friend's mistakes. He also is quite cunning and his sharp witted has been known to get them both out of some scraps. His good traits, however, are masked by his more negative traits, as well as deliberate "blackening of his name", so very few people know of them. He hates to quarrel, and will slither out of situations he doesn't want to be in. He hates to be pinned down to anything, and is a quite cowardly. The only way he can make himself do something brave is to tell himself he is running away. He also lies a lot, and likes to tease Belle, though subtly. Lumiere's worst, or at least most troublesome trait, is his courting. He cannot rest until he has made a girl have sex with him and becomes quite insensible, but once she loves him he swiftly forgets her.


He's never really thought about that.
"I suppose I don't have any."


He has no fears according to him. However, he is 'not keenly fond' of things like: falling (of any kind), Adam's rage, drowning, and thunderstorms.


This former candlestick often runs his fingers through his hair when he's idle. You know what they say: Idle hands are the Devil's playground. So he tries to keep them busy. He'll clean, have sex, read, play chess, etcetera. One of his more redefining quirks is the dastardly tilt of his brow and the lecherous lop-sided grin he usually has adorning his gorgeous features. And if you want to know a little tedious factoid about him: Lumiere is ambidextrous.


Simply put, Lumiere is a womanizer—the Devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes. If you want a committed relationship with him then forget it. He'll give you the best night of your life and follow it up with the worst day of your life. He'll never call, never text, and if he sees you on the street he'll avoid you at all costs. He's selfish in that regard, wanting nothing to interfere with his bachelor status. He's also a bit of a coward, running away from his problems all the time. And yet, through all of these flaws, he holds a soft-spot for his best friend's girl. He knows about all of the affairs and orgies Adam is involved in but he doesn't tell Belle, despite his unrelenting urge to want to. On more than a few occasions he's thought of seducing her and keeping Belle all to himself, regardless of the impact it'll have on his friendship with Adam.

Likes || Dislikes

Lumiere isn't one for commitment or confrontation. If a past lover comes looking for him, he'll do everything in his power to avoid her. He doesn't like the scene a broken heart happens to cause, hates being the center of attention when he's made out to be a douchebag. Contrariwise, he adores being the center of attention when it comes to be desired by women. More trivial likes/dislikes: Likes—French cuisine, Fine wine, Chocolate, Beautiful women, Chess, and being desired. Dislikes—Commitment, Mexican food, Spinach, and crazy exes.

Se Souvenir du Passé

Remembering the Past



Place Of Origin:

|| Paris, France ||

Birth Date:

|| December 7, 1990 ||


Lumiere was born in France amongst other orphaned servant children. When Adam's family 'adopted' him for his service to their palace, Lumiere was quickly placed as Adam's charge. His main duty was to serve the young prince, and in doing so the boys quickly became friends. They were inseparable, even after Adam's shallow behavior landed a curse on the entire castle. He spent most of his life as a candlestick, still meandering through the castle to beseech his master's needs. All of Adam's lechery had been put to a screeching halt, and Lumiere's had been too for that matter. They had been both bachelors for so long that they forgot what it was like to be chaste. So when Adam began falling for Belle, Lumiere was overjoyed. He saw it as a new beginning, a chance for him to be born again and change his ways. But when the curse was lifted and he saw how beautiful the maid had turned out, he immediately bedded her. He went on a sexpianage filled with random woman after random woman until all of his seducing led him to one Wendy Darling. She was another one night stand of his, but it had gone sour. She ended up having his child. Since then Lumiere has avoid her and his son like the plague. He'll readily come out and say that the child isn't his, even though he's only denying what he knows to be the truth. He's simply stubborn in his old ways, desperately clinging to the years of lechery he missed out on because he was a candlestick.

Password: Happily Ever After
How often can you get online? Every day
How often can we expect you to be able to post? Every day

So begins...

Lumiere Delacroix's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn Rider Character Portrait: Wendy Darling Character Portrait: Peter Pan Character Portrait: Lumiere Delacroix
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The stars were beautiful. Especially up close. Wendy stared around in wonder, barely paying attention to where she was going. She had dreamed of something like this since she was very small. "Second star to the right and straight on til morning," a voice said to her right. Slowly, she pivoted her head towards the source of the voice, and there he was. Peter. A smile broke out onto her face; it was something she just couldn't help. He'd had that effect on her since the first moment she had laid eyes on him. His boyishness, charm, and high spirits were positively infectious. As she looked down, the world had simply fallen away, and she was flying completely surrounded by the stars. Suddenly, she was violently jerked to the right, taking her off course. With wide eyes, she looked around frantically trying to find the source. Peter was just hovering nearby, a confused look on his face. Instantly she was jerked the opposite way. She had one last look at his face before everything went black.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Wendy opened her eyes, finding her son inches away from her face, his eyes wide. "Come on mommm," he whined, holding the 'm' of mom out for the longest time. It may have been early, and she may have wanted to sleep longer, but she couldn't ignore the precious boy in front of her. She giggled, leaning forward and kissing his brow. "Alright, alright, I'm up," she said, slowly crawling out of bed. Stephen was growing so fast, it was hard to believe he had just turned five a few weeks ago. She had been at the young age of seventeen when he was born, scared out of her mind and completely alone. Yet now she couldn't imagine her life without the little boy. She ruffled his dark locks, a trait he had inherited from his no-good father. She wouldn't let her day be ruined by thoughts of Lumiere. Not when she had her perfect little ray of sunshine in her life.

The morning was a busy one, fixing breakfast, and getting ready to take Stephen to school. She missed him while he was gone, but since she was a single mother, it was nice to have some time to think of herself. She decided to wear a light blue sun dress that morning, since it was supposedly going to be a hot day. She left her hair down, letting it fall in its natural waves.They left the house a few minutes late, forcing them to run the few blocks between Wendy's appointment and the school. Thankfully, he was right on time, and she gave him a long kiss before watching him enter the building.

Wendy didn't have any specific plans for the day, so she walked idly to the main street in town, heading to a particular favorite spot of hers; a locally owned coffee shop. No one could ever have enough coffee. Any parent would understand. As she waited in line, her mind wandered back to the dream. It had been eleven long years since she had gone to Neverland, and left Peter to grow up. She had regretted that decision many times in her life, but had a hard time feeling that way with Stephen in her life. Peter entered her thoughts daily, yet she feared he didn't even remember her. For months she had hoped to see his face at her window, but it was always empty. She forced his face out of her mind. There was no use in thinking of someone who she would never see again. She had to move on.

It wasn't for lack of trying, because she had tried more than her fair share of times. But men these days didn't want relationships, they just wanted you for one night. She had willingly given herself to men, believing love, only to be tossed aside the next day. That was the case when Stephen's father. Lumiere had no desire to know his son, and refused to even look at Wendy if the boy was with her. Wendy was past being furious about that, and now was just sad. Stephen needed a male role model, someone to look up to. It was a shame he would never know his father.

She ordered her iced mocha and took a seat by the window, pulling out the latest novel by James Patterson and opening it to her bookmarked page. She lost herself in the words, letting her mind be free of her heart's pain for just a short while.


It was too god damned early for Flynn, and yet he was awake. Sleep hadn't come easily last night, so Flynn had eventually given up on it all together, deciding to browse the television for something worth watching. Early morning tv was a bore, he came to find out. All infomercials and paid programming. So, he decided to turn on his Xbox and play Call of Duty. There were always gaming nerds online, no matter what the hour. Plus, playing any sort of action game always made him reminisce on his days as a thief. Excitement had filled every waking moment. His life now was slightly more.. lackluster.

He had tried many things to add excitement to his life. Partying, gambling, drugs, sex. Nothing seemed to satiate him... although the sex was great. He loved pursuing women, but most were just too easy, and it took all the fun out of it. He liked the mystery and intrigue, the cat and mouse games. He could walk into a bar, smile at a girl, and she would instantly want to go home with him. There was no fun in that, no thrill in the chase. So, he just stuck with flirting mostly.

"Eat bullets!" he yelled at the screen, pressing the trigger and spraying bullets at his enemies. He was seated on the very edge of the couch, eyes intently focused on the screen. His team needed five more kills, the other only needed two. He laid down in the grass, aiming at the nearest door. A figure appeared, and he took him down. Four to go. Another appeared, looking at his fallen comrade. Instead headshot. Now only three. He inched closer to the tv, looking for any sign of movement. A teammate died, and he swore loudly. Two members of the opposing team rushed him, and somehow he took them down without dying. "One more... one more..." he whispered, running around the map like crazy. Bullets flew at him, but somehow didn't hit their mark. Finally, he saw someone in the window, and took his aim. They had a shootout, and Flynn won. "YES!" he screamed in triumph, throwing his controller down and pumping his fists in the air.

His stomach grumbled, interrupting his victory dance. He glanced at his phone, realizing it was now later than he thought. Damn, it was time for breakfast. He changed, putting on a black t-shirt with a slight v-neck, and a pair of skinny jeans. He left the apartment, donning a pair of black shades. The walk was quiet, since it was still early. As he passed by the coffee shop, he saw Wendy sitting by the window, nose stuck in a book. He approached the window and tapped lightly on the glass. Her head shot up, and she smiled at the sight of his face. He waved, a goofy grin on his face, and she waved back, before he walked on by to head for the local diner. The bell above the door jingled as he entered, and he took a seat in a booth next to the door. When the waitress approached, he ordered pancakes with an extra side of bacon and coffee. He threw the menu aside afterward, staring around the practically empty diner. He vaguely wondered what he was going to do with his day.
