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Peter Pan

"To die would be an awfully big adventure."

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a character in “A Twisted Fairytale”, originally authored by ibecameinsane, as played by RolePlayGateway




ā€œNever say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.ā€

General Knowledge



Full Name:
Peter James Pan

"Just Peter is fine."
|| He is known mostly by his first name
He hates being referred to as 'Pete'
He tolerates 'PJ' ||



Peter Pan

Peter Pan


142 lbs

His childhood of physical toils and everlasting adventure paved the way for a lean build, his lithe frame shaped with refining muscle definition. Nowadays he's beginning to look more and more malnourished as the drugs start taking a toll on his body.

"Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough."


Hair Color:

Born with dirty blonde hair, Peter's time spent in the sunlight has brightened the shade to a decadent gilded shade.

Eye Color:

His eyes appear to be the color of murky aquamarine gems in artificial light, in the sunlight the emerald speckles are resurfaced and his eyes take on a ethereal, turquoise glow.


Peter has many scars from his sword fights with the notorious Captain Hook. Lately he's been sporting a whole new set of scars, self inflicted all down his arms. There's also a small bruise-like dot on the inside of his elbow where he repeatedly injects himself with heroin.

Character Color:

Description: Peter, with his alabaster skin and aquamarine eyes, has that vaguely romantic beauty rarely found amongst men addicted to narcotics. He has a lean, muscular build from his years in Neverland and well defined muscle definition. His dusty blonde colored hair is haphazardly styled, cut tapered in the back and longer at the top. His most distinguishable features are his eyes that resemble gems and his cupid's bow mouthā€”features that are known to make even the most sexually disciplined woman swoon. He also harbors a deep, sultry baritone voice that oozes sex appealā€”a nice change from the voice he possessed in his many years being a child.

"You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.ā€


{Whimsical, Audacious, Extroverted, Chivalrous}

Peter was mainly an exaggerated stereotype of a boastful and careless boy when he was a child. He was quick to point out how great he was, even when such claims are questionable. Peter has a nonchalant, devil-may-care attitude, and is fearlessly cocky when it comes to putting himself in danger. Peter appears very judgemental and pompous, heedless to the dangers of the world. Nonetheless, he has a strong sense of justice and is always quick to assist those in danger. He was spontaneous and loud, with a band of kindred spirits looking up to him like a leader. That all changed when he met Wendy. He was smitten with childish adoration, following her anywhere and often flaunting himself in front of her. When she left he was heartbroken, but he held strong. He was prideful and stubbornā€”traits that remained with him into adulthood. Nowadays he's lost his childish wonder and has matured exponentially. He begun to sink into a dark depression, his heedless behavior leading him into self-harm. Peter lost some of his optimistic whimsy because of the drug abuse, but there are still traces of his former self still in there. It's just buried deep under all that self-loathing.


He dreams of Neverland more than anything else. He'll lie awake at night thinking back to when he could soar amongst the clouds with Tink at his side and his heart will ache knowing he cannot have that anymore. He desires the carefree lifestyle of his childhood, holding fast to his disdain for responsibility. He often wishes he could go back...if only he knew how.


He's afraid that he'll never be able to return to Neverland, that he'll never be a kid again. He isn't afraid of growing up anymore because it's already too late. He isn't afraid that he'll never get Wendy back because he gave up on her a long time ago. He isn't even afraid of dying because if he can't return to Neverland, he doesn't want to live.


First and foremost, he's left-handed, which he discovered from a childhood of sword fighting. He readily puts himself in the way of danger without careful consideration. Lastly, he's an overly honest person, always telling the truth even to his own detriment.


Peter is his own worst enemy. He tortures himself back by holding onto the memories of his childhood, longing to return to his Neverland, spiralling uncontrollably into self-destruction.

Likes || Dislikes

He enjoys the feeling of flying, though he can only experience it through reminiscing. He hates walking, driving, and being so oppressed by gravity. He loves being near the ocean, the way the wind smells as it rolls off each wave, and the sound of them beating against the shore.

Remembering The Past



Place Of Origin:

|| Epsom, Surrey, England, UK ||

Birth Date:

|| September 22, 1989 ||


All children grow up...except one. Peter was never meant to become an adult. When Wendy left, he was going to let her goā€”however heartbroken he may have been. But he couldn't just let her go. The night she returned home, he followed her. It was a vain attempt to reassure himself that she was going to be okay, that she was meant to grow up. For her happiness he was willing to let her go, even if he had to watch her move on. That's when Hook got into his head. Peter is sensitive about the subject of "growing up". When confronted by Hook about Wendy's growing up, marrying, and eventually "shutting the window" on Peter that night, he became very depressed. The more he tried to deny it, the more he began to realize that his arch-enemy was right. Wendy's window wouldn't be open for ever. She needed someone who could take care of her. She needed a man, not a boy. As he watched her unseen from her bedroom window, he finally convinced himself to let her go. That night was going to be the last time he'd ever see her. But Wendy wasn't the only thing he'd lost that night. Peter couldn't return to Neverland. He's lost his ability to fly because his childlike exuberance was gone, replaced by an agonizing depression brought on by unrequited love. He realizes that he cannot have everything he wants and in doing so is denied the only thing he's ever needed: Neverland. He begins to age after that, living on the streets as a wayward orphan, fueling a resentment towards Wendy knowing that the older he gets, the less able he is to return. Now that he's an adult, he can't return at all. This realization sent him into a spiralling vortex of self-destruction. He gets high just to experience the feeling of flight again. He considers suicide but he's too prideful to go out that way so he constantly putting himself into danger. Peter lost his whole world; but he never lost his best friend. Tink was always there. If only he wasn't too preoccupied drowning in his own self pity to realize it.

Password: Happily Ever After
How often can you get online? Every day
How often can we expect you to be able to post? Every day

So begins...

Peter Pan's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn Rider Character Portrait: Wendy Darling Character Portrait: Peter Pan Character Portrait: Lumiere Delacroix
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The stars were beautiful. Especially up close. Wendy stared around in wonder, barely paying attention to where she was going. She had dreamed of something like this since she was very small. "Second star to the right and straight on til morning," a voice said to her right. Slowly, she pivoted her head towards the source of the voice, and there he was. Peter. A smile broke out onto her face; it was something she just couldn't help. He'd had that effect on her since the first moment she had laid eyes on him. His boyishness, charm, and high spirits were positively infectious. As she looked down, the world had simply fallen away, and she was flying completely surrounded by the stars. Suddenly, she was violently jerked to the right, taking her off course. With wide eyes, she looked around frantically trying to find the source. Peter was just hovering nearby, a confused look on his face. Instantly she was jerked the opposite way. She had one last look at his face before everything went black.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Wendy opened her eyes, finding her son inches away from her face, his eyes wide. "Come on mommm," he whined, holding the 'm' of mom out for the longest time. It may have been early, and she may have wanted to sleep longer, but she couldn't ignore the precious boy in front of her. She giggled, leaning forward and kissing his brow. "Alright, alright, I'm up," she said, slowly crawling out of bed. Stephen was growing so fast, it was hard to believe he had just turned five a few weeks ago. She had been at the young age of seventeen when he was born, scared out of her mind and completely alone. Yet now she couldn't imagine her life without the little boy. She ruffled his dark locks, a trait he had inherited from his no-good father. She wouldn't let her day be ruined by thoughts of Lumiere. Not when she had her perfect little ray of sunshine in her life.

The morning was a busy one, fixing breakfast, and getting ready to take Stephen to school. She missed him while he was gone, but since she was a single mother, it was nice to have some time to think of herself. She decided to wear a light blue sun dress that morning, since it was supposedly going to be a hot day. She left her hair down, letting it fall in its natural waves.They left the house a few minutes late, forcing them to run the few blocks between Wendy's appointment and the school. Thankfully, he was right on time, and she gave him a long kiss before watching him enter the building.

Wendy didn't have any specific plans for the day, so she walked idly to the main street in town, heading to a particular favorite spot of hers; a locally owned coffee shop. No one could ever have enough coffee. Any parent would understand. As she waited in line, her mind wandered back to the dream. It had been eleven long years since she had gone to Neverland, and left Peter to grow up. She had regretted that decision many times in her life, but had a hard time feeling that way with Stephen in her life. Peter entered her thoughts daily, yet she feared he didn't even remember her. For months she had hoped to see his face at her window, but it was always empty. She forced his face out of her mind. There was no use in thinking of someone who she would never see again. She had to move on.

It wasn't for lack of trying, because she had tried more than her fair share of times. But men these days didn't want relationships, they just wanted you for one night. She had willingly given herself to men, believing love, only to be tossed aside the next day. That was the case when Stephen's father. Lumiere had no desire to know his son, and refused to even look at Wendy if the boy was with her. Wendy was past being furious about that, and now was just sad. Stephen needed a male role model, someone to look up to. It was a shame he would never know his father.

She ordered her iced mocha and took a seat by the window, pulling out the latest novel by James Patterson and opening it to her bookmarked page. She lost herself in the words, letting her mind be free of her heart's pain for just a short while.


It was too god damned early for Flynn, and yet he was awake. Sleep hadn't come easily last night, so Flynn had eventually given up on it all together, deciding to browse the television for something worth watching. Early morning tv was a bore, he came to find out. All infomercials and paid programming. So, he decided to turn on his Xbox and play Call of Duty. There were always gaming nerds online, no matter what the hour. Plus, playing any sort of action game always made him reminisce on his days as a thief. Excitement had filled every waking moment. His life now was slightly more.. lackluster.

He had tried many things to add excitement to his life. Partying, gambling, drugs, sex. Nothing seemed to satiate him... although the sex was great. He loved pursuing women, but most were just too easy, and it took all the fun out of it. He liked the mystery and intrigue, the cat and mouse games. He could walk into a bar, smile at a girl, and she would instantly want to go home with him. There was no fun in that, no thrill in the chase. So, he just stuck with flirting mostly.

"Eat bullets!" he yelled at the screen, pressing the trigger and spraying bullets at his enemies. He was seated on the very edge of the couch, eyes intently focused on the screen. His team needed five more kills, the other only needed two. He laid down in the grass, aiming at the nearest door. A figure appeared, and he took him down. Four to go. Another appeared, looking at his fallen comrade. Instead headshot. Now only three. He inched closer to the tv, looking for any sign of movement. A teammate died, and he swore loudly. Two members of the opposing team rushed him, and somehow he took them down without dying. "One more... one more..." he whispered, running around the map like crazy. Bullets flew at him, but somehow didn't hit their mark. Finally, he saw someone in the window, and took his aim. They had a shootout, and Flynn won. "YES!" he screamed in triumph, throwing his controller down and pumping his fists in the air.

His stomach grumbled, interrupting his victory dance. He glanced at his phone, realizing it was now later than he thought. Damn, it was time for breakfast. He changed, putting on a black t-shirt with a slight v-neck, and a pair of skinny jeans. He left the apartment, donning a pair of black shades. The walk was quiet, since it was still early. As he passed by the coffee shop, he saw Wendy sitting by the window, nose stuck in a book. He approached the window and tapped lightly on the glass. Her head shot up, and she smiled at the sight of his face. He waved, a goofy grin on his face, and she waved back, before he walked on by to head for the local diner. The bell above the door jingled as he entered, and he took a seat in a booth next to the door. When the waitress approached, he ordered pancakes with an extra side of bacon and coffee. He threw the menu aside afterward, staring around the practically empty diner. He vaguely wondered what he was going to do with his day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinkerbell Character Portrait: Peter Pan
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He was flying. With the wind in his hair, the sun on his face, he was finally in complete utter bliss. He could finally feel again.

And then there was nothing. There wasn't any wind cradling him in midair and he didn't feel the warmth caressing his skin. He crashed down to earth, waking with a start on the floor of some decrepit apartment in a cold sweat. Peter groaned, sitting up as he came down from his heroin-induced high, running his fingers through his hair. He crinkled his nose as the smell of decay smacked him across the face, sending him crashing down even further. The pestilence in this place was revolting. But this was his usual spot. They gave him the good stuff, for a low price. Peter could give a shit less about their roaches or the cracks in the floor or the leaks in the ceiling. Then again, he didnā€™t really care about anything lately. As he scratched the back of his head, he inhaled the scent of his shirt, frowning when it turned out that he wreaked of this place. Tink was going to be pissed.

Finally Peter was knocked out of his reverie. Tink, he thought, his heart racing at his sudden sporadic movement. Fuck! He rushed out of the door, ignoring the friendly goodbye of the dealer shooting up on the futon in the corner of the room. He rushed down the stairs, tugging on his coat that heā€™d had tied around his waist. He jogged across the street without looking, smirking as he heard the screeching of tires as an oncoming vehicle slammed on the brakes before ramming into him. The driver of the car got out, yelling at him and shaking his fist. Peter simply turned to him with an ā€˜eat shit and dieā€™ grin, flipping him the bird before he took off towards the direction of his apartment complex.

He wouldnā€™t confess the lingering disappointment that came with cheating death. He didnā€™t want anyoneā€™s pity any way. Peterā€™s quickened pace slowed down to a calm stroll. He meandered down the sidewalk, checking the time on digital sign in front of the bank for the time. It was just after nine thirty. Tink was going to be really pissed.

Peter made his way past the elementary school, glancing at it briefly before half-jogging seven blocks down to his apartment complex. It was a reasonable complex, reasonably price, and the apartments didnā€™t look too bad. Tink wanted to rent an apartment one block over but those were too pricey. They barely make it by as it is. Heā€™d gotten a job, got fired, and repeated that process for months until he landed a small construction job that didnā€™t drug screen. As he sauntered into the complex, he shoved his hands in his pockets, his anxiety spiking.

He climbed up to the second floor of the third building and unlocked the door, shoving his weak body inside. His blood sugar was low, and his crash was coming full swing. He barely managed to keep himself up right as he dropped his keys onto the small end table in the foyer, calling out to his roommate and best friend.

"Tink! Iā€™m home!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinkerbell Character Portrait: Peter Pan
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āBut dreams have ways of turning into nightmares.āž ~Erin Morgenstern

The air was cool; the forest quiet save for the low hum of insects. "Shh." Thorn cooed. "Can you hear them?" he asked. The fragile body of the fairy delicately hovered just above the aged man's shoulder. Her wings fluttered faster than anyone could blink, but were soundless. Then there it was, the rumbling sound of a cannonball. It bellowed throughout the island, and sent shivers down the small body of Tink. The tiny fair winced, but the feeling of exhilaration pulsed steadily through her. She smiled, her laughter the sound of small chiming bells. The man Moved forward, stepping out of the wooded area to a cliff that overlooked the pirate ship. He climbed atop of a rock and sat, gazing below. The young fairy followed behind, landing silently beside him. From what they could see, it was the familiar ship of captain Hook. Poised, they waited. A boy had washed up on the shore, an Englander. The pirates were occasionally put face to face with an oncoming ship, which they always got rid of the moment it was in range of destruction. The pirates were interested in the boy of course, not wanting anyone still alive from the ship. As was Thorn also interested, so it seemed.
Tinkerbell and Thorn both knew the boy wouldn't last long, if Hook had his way. Thorn wearily looked down at the fairy, staring meaningfully at the girl. Fairies could feel thoughts as well as hear them, and she knew Thorn was aware of what she wanted to do. She wanted to save the boy. The man spoke to her, his deep but worn voice like velvet. "I'm not a stranger to your love of lost causes, dear one. But you have to be careful who you meet." He watched carefully as the fairy floated at face level. "You can't unmeet them." He looked away from the fairy, staring out at the marmalade sky. Tinkerbell fluttered away at an average pace, reluctant to leave him but drawn to the boy plastered to the sand. "Farewell, Tink." he mused, his voice in the distance as she quickened her pace.
She didn't have as much time as she'd hoped. The crew of Hook's ship rowed at a swift pace, but seemed unaware of the fairy's presence. A fever of panic rushed over her, quickening the heartbeat of the small girl. Being so small, fairies can only hold one emotion at once; without any other emotion to balance it. Practically fainting, she managed to pull herself together. Thorn had always taught her to push bravery over anything she'd been feeling.
Starstuff, or pixiedust, were tiny molecules of stars, so they say. But, before it is dust, it is chunks of star. Star so powerful, that with strength if it were to be forced together it could be dangerous. A small fairy would need great strength, Thorn had always taught her. She hovered before the boy, who seemed slightly dazed and confused. She glanced back to the pirates, who inched closer by the second. Acting quickly, she took two star rocks from a small pouch she carried. They were light but dense; both pieces barely fitting in her tiny hands. Squeezing her eyes shut she faced the water, the gracefully breaking waves seemed peacefully out of place. Taking the two pieces, she smashed them together in front of her. A large bright light blinded her even through closed eyes. A deafening ringing sound rung out, and the small sound of rustling leaves and wind brush over everything, the unaware creatures on the other side of the island only feeling a strong breeze. There was a moment where she was floating, but shortly after her breath caught in her chest, and she began plummeting in a downward spiral. Though it was only a few feet from where she'd been hovering, the fall into the cold water was long for a being of her size. With a splash she was submerged in what felt as cold as ice. Her heartbeat slowed, and as hard as she tried she couldn't move. Inside she struggled but the fight to keep any warmth in her was unbearable.
But, he'd seen her.
Her small glow still flickered even in the dark water. Realizing the small butterfly thing had miraculously saved him, he leaped to his feet. The pirates were cast away, their ship half smashed into rocks. The cliff they'd smashed into had somewhat of an avalanche, the boulders sliding and tumbling into the ship.
He stumbled into the water, still trying to regain his balance. It was dark and somewhat cloudy, though the faint glow was still lingering. He splashed at the water as if trying to move it out of the way, its icy temperature stinging at his numb fingers. Frantic himself, he plunged his hand below the surface, careful as to scoop the delicate body without grabbing at it.
It was cold, and as soon as he saw the tiny fairy his eyes widened. He rushed out of the water, holding the tiny body gently to his chest trying to keep it warm. The glow of the fairy's body was dim, but visible. He held her up close to his lips, trying to warm her with his breath. He felt tears well up and slowly trickle down his cheeks. Silly- he didn't even know what it was and he was crying over it. "Please... Please live." he begged, choking his words out between small sobs. He could feel the almost unnoticeable movement of her chest, the soft breathing. The fairy couldn't tell if she had much time left, but out of the water she found that her energy wasn't all lost. "What can I do?..." the boy pleaded, fearful of the creature's life.
She spoke, her voice still rang out like bells. Fairies had their own language, that only few beings other than fairies were able to understand. To anyone, it sounded like chimes. It was possibly one of the most beautiful things to hear, even the boy was left in awe. "You need to... give me something of yours." her voice rang in soft rolls.
And that, was the day Peter gave Tinkerbell his heart.

It wasn't the last time they'd saved each other, both meaning the world to the other. Though, she never saw Thorn again after that day. But the memory was from long, long ago. Centuries perhaps, but time was the hardest to read, for it always changed everything here. They didn't have time in Neverland. Things just stopped; but at the same time continued forever. But many things were unexplainable. It was to her knowledge now, that Thorn was one of Tink's soulmates. She'd learned from him, that soul mates weren't what everyone one wanted. They are a mirror, a person who shows you everything that is holding you back. They tear down your walls and smack you awake. They aren't meant to be there forever, just to come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then vanish. They break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life. It was that day that she'd met Peter, her best friend to this day. Her life changed drastically, and she couldn't ask for much more.
As she sat by herself in their small apartment, she picked anxiously at her arm. Even now as a human she could really only hold one emotion, but with worry came anxiety. Sometimes her emotions ran through her like pages. They flipped fast, but not too drastically. She'd began with bored. Whenever Peter left her alone, she rarely went out to do much. She had a few other friends, but she prefered to stay by his side, only wandering without him occasionally. Her emotion went from boredom to wonder. She wondered where he'd gone, the idea of him wasting his time looking for Wendy, poisoning himself with some drug, or doing something else toxic to himself crossed her mind. She'd brushed it off at first, but he next emotion was worry. Hours past by, not that she could really tell. She was fearful for his health, and mental state. He was sick. Constant sadness plagued his seemingly lifeless eyes. It pained her to even look at him sometimes, always wishing there was something she could do for him.
Her emotion from worry was anxious. In a stage of anxiety she was always jittery, and never felt still. Her thoughts fluttered as fast as her wings used to, and her breathing was uneasy. If she tried to sit still, she began picking at her skin, until the point where she'd bleed. Her cheeks were streaked with dried tears by the time she heard the door open. She was too tired to spring up and greet him; realizing she'd been up all night. She sat gravely still, frozen in what seemed a mix of hurt confusion and anger. Not that she could have that many emotions, she was just in the process of choosing one that fit her mind set best.
Instead of being angry, she let go of the tenseness of her body that had been stressing her the whole time he'd been gone. She stood from the couch she sat on, her weak body moving toward him. Her usual confident stride was replaced by a somewhat sloppy trudging, as she wrapped her arms around the neck of the man that had once saved her life. She buried her face into his chest, and cried. Slowly he put his arms around her as well, the two supporting each other.
After a few moments she stopped sobbing, and she looked up at him. "I know what you've been doing. You smell." she confessed, shrinking away from the embrace. She leaned against the counter, still. She was frustrated now, but decided not to lash out at him; yet. She sighed, taking a deep breath and moved into the kitchen before he could answer her. "I'll make breakfast. Sit down at the table, Peter." she requested, hoping he would cooperate for the sake of both of their well beings.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn Rider Character Portrait: Wendy Darling Character Portrait: Ariel Character Portrait: Phillip King Character Portrait: Peter Pan Character Portrait: Anastasia Tremaine :)
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Flynn still sat in his booth, waiting for his food to arrive. His stomach grumbled unhappily at him, and he absentmindedly patted it with his right hand. 'Don't worry, you'll get fed soon enough,' he thought, staring out the window. Various people passed by; some he knew, others he didn't. Staring at the street made him think of his past, something he really didn't like to reminisce on. The streets had been his home not too long ago. After his father had passed away unexpectedly, his mother had existed in a permanent drug-induced high that was sometimes accompanied by a drunken rage. She practically stopped caring for him, using all of her money on drugs or alcohol. So he ran away. Life on the streets wasn't pretty, but it was a hell of a lot better than being ignored and unloved at home. At least he got to feel alive.

At the beginning it was rough; he had no idea how to live on his own. He spent nights sleeping in abandoned subway stations, stealing unused food from dumpsters behind restaurants. It took time, but eventually he learned how to steal, acquiring more than one outfit and food that wasn't in the trash. He began to thrive, more than he ever had at home. And he began to feel alive, a true free spirit. He traveled all over the world, seeing places he could only ever imagine. He stood on top of the Eiffel Tower, saw Big Ben, walked along the Great Wall... and that was just a few examples. The one thing that each place had in common was that he didn't stay for too long. He didn't want to become too familiar with people, and eventually get caught because of it.

He was broken from his thoughts by a plate of food being set in front of him, a stack of warm pancakes with strips of bacon. He inhaled the scent, stomach awakening loudly. He took a sip of coffee, letting the warmth run down his throat, and he sighed contently. Dousing the pancakes with syrup, he began to practically inhale the food, shoving big forkfuls into his mouth. The bell over the door jingled, and looked up from his food to see a redhead entering the diner. It was none other than Ariel. A grin spread across his face, even though his mouth was stuffed with food. He figured he looked like a chipmunk, but he hardly cared. Her eyes met his, and she gave him a slight nod. Well, at least it was acknowledgement, but it wasn't too overly friendly. Sure, he knew she didn't really care for him. But her disinterest only made him want to pursue her even more. If girls were too easy, it made the game of cat and mouse practically nonexistent.

His eyes followed her, even though she made a point to not look at him as she picked a booth on the opposite side of the diner. As soon as she sat down, she grabbed the menu and threw it up to hide her face. Flynn just chuckled, shaking his head slightly. That wasn't going to deter him, not in the slightest. She was approached, spoke briefly with man, then was left alone once more. This time she held a paper up instead of the menu, conveniently blocking her view once more. Although, he didn't fail to notice that she took another peek at him before pretending to be absorbed in the paper. Hell, she was practically begging for him to come over. So he'd give her what she wanted.

As he stood up, he briefly thought of Rapunzel. She had been his first love, since he hadn't allowed himself to love before he met her. Love meant connections, and he would want to stay instead of move on. Only after he got caught did he allow himself to feel again. She had been a bright, shining star in his dim world. And yet he had left her. Frankly, he knew she was too good for him. Even her parents knew it, which was why they had forbidden their relationship. Sure, she had defied them and ran away, but eventually duty took her back to her parent's legacy. He couldn't have made her happy, truly. His parents had seen it from the beginning, and he should have as well. He pushed all thoughts of her from his mind. Their relationship was over now.

He grabbed his plate and mug and carried them over to her booth, sliding in beside her instead of sitting across the way. He knew she would pretend to be unhappy about it, but she had been looking at him multiple times, sending him signals. He set his plate down, and taking a sip of coffee before setting that down as well. "Good morning, Ariel," he said with a smile on his face. He began eating once more, but this time restraining and having more manners than when he was alone. "I must say, you are looking positively radiant this morning. How has your day been so far?" He figured he's start with idle, typical chatter. Perhaps it would warm her up to him a bit.


Wendy snapped the book shut, her heart aching. The story had a happy ending, of course. Most novels did. The couple was reunited, the killer got the justice he deserved, good triumphed over evil. She wished the world actually worked the way it did in books. Perhaps she's still be with Peter in Neverland, or he would have followed her, decided to grow up and live with her. Make a life with her. Frustrated, she shoved her book back into her bag. It had been ten years and counting, and still Peter invaded her thoughts on a daily basis. Somehow, she still wasn't able to forget about the love they had shared when they were both only eleven. She was twenty two now, with a child, and still no love had ever come close. She had tried, numerous times, only to be taken advantage of and then tossed aside like trash. It aggravated her to no end. Perhaps it was only meant to be her and Stephen.

Her thoughts were broken up by the appearance of a familiar face. Phillip. The sight of him brought a smile to her face. He was handsome, and one of the nicest men she had ever met. Why she had ended up with all of those losers and not the guy before her was a question she asked herself frequently. Of course, someone like him probably wouldn't want to end up with the likes of her. She was tainted, multiple times over, and came with baggage: her son. He approached her when he entered the coffee shop. "Good morning, Wendy," he said simply, giving her a genuine smile. "Morning Phillip," she returned, smiling back at him. "I wish you a pleasant day." He paused at her table briefly, still smiling. "Well, I haven't the time to chat at the moment for I'm off to work, but it was a pleasure seeing you this fine morning." She nodded, glad he had at least stopped to say hello. "Thanks for saying hi, Phillip. It was great to see you," 'I wish you would stay...' she thought briefly, although she didn't dare to say the words out loud. He would just laugh at her.

He turned to leave and she began to pack up her things, grabbing her bag off of the chair and slinging it over her shoulder. She grabbed the iced mocha, finishing the rest and throwing it in a nearby trash can. She saw Anastasia, Drizella's younger and frankly more sane sister. She gave the girl a small wave as she walked out the door and back out onto the sidewalk. She saw Phillip heading down the sidewalk, and she had a great urge to chase after him. But, he had to head for work, and she would only be getting in his way. He had stopped to say hi, and if he had really wanted to stay and chat with her, he would have. She just stood there, quite dumbly, staring as he retreated. After multiple seconds. she got her wits back and began walking in the opposite direction.

As before, she had no idea where she was headed. She had no plans for the day, having it off from work, and had nowhere to be until she had to pick Stephen up from school. She began heading back towards her apartment, walking by the school and wondering what Stephen was doing. She found a bench a few blocks from the apartment, and sat down, enjoying the air. She had no other book with her to read, so instead she just stared at the surroundings, her mind wandering many different places. Perhaps she would just sit and wait for school to be out. Normally she would be running errands or find something productive to do, but for some reason she didn't feel the need. She wanted to be here, on this bench, and nowhere else. She had no idea what it was, but something was keeping her here. Perhaps she'd eventually find out.