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A World For Stars

A World For Stars


Look inside for detail's.

4,288 readers have visited A World For Stars since AvalonKnight created it.




Beyond the reaches of Earth, in the endless field of star's is a place that beings of great power reside. There are two different kinds of these worlds, the Real Spirit World and the mirror version, where all evil spirits exist.
Long ago Celestial beings and demon spirit's were banned from Earth by the Great Sun Lord. He made them a world were they didn't have to hide who they were and that place is called Spiritus Terras, or Spirit Lands. The good and evil spirits lived here but not all was peaceful. The Dark spirits were jealous and angry with the Celeste's so they attacked. The Celestial spirits fought back and won, sending the Dark Spirit's it a mirror world, the opposite of Spiritus Terras, known as Cogitationis tΓ©nebris or Dark Reflection.

Its been thousands of years since the Demon Spirits were banished to the Dark and now the Celestial Spirits and spirits of the Light now live in peace. But something starts to brew in the Shadow's, the Demon Spirits are tired of their banishment and wish to over take Earth and wipe out the human species.

It is up to the Celestial Zodiac spirits to stop them. Gifted to the selected twelve spirits, were Celestial keys giving them the ability to transport to Earth whenever a Demon Spirit is spotted. But will they be able to stop the Demon Spirits from taking over or will the Zodiac's hearts blacken and their star's dim? For the Demon Lord Spirit wants them all. He he won't stop until he has possession of the Zodiac.


Spiritus Terras is much like modern day earth. There is technology. Yet Spiritus Terras just seems to have a more magical feel about it. There are many forest's, fields and natural beauties so the spirits don't like to build much. The main city in Spiritus Terras is an island called The Kingdom. Now don't be mistaken by the name, though it may look like a kingdom there are no peasants or anything, but small white homes, cute stores and cafe's. Its everything you would find in the modern day of Earth. The Zodiac live here. Though the are of higher status then most other spirits they get the better end of the deal when it comes to housing and money. Spiritus Terras is a beautiful place, even better then Earth.

The area is littered with long fields of various colored flowers, there is fruit and animals unknown to the human world and there is no pollution because of the use of magic. When Spirit's travel to Earth and are hurt they can't heal. They have to return to Spiritus Terras to be able to replenish their energy and magical power.

Cogitationis tΓ©nebris is the oppisite of Spiritus Terras. Their lands are dark and rotten, evil lurks everywhere and the spirit's there are cursed in eternal darkness.


Leo | The King of the Zodiac Spirits | brave, strong, kind, protective, possessive, leader | Power: Energy Manipulation (Reserved)
Scorpio | The Knight | stubborn, fierce, aggressive | Power: Metal Manipulation (Reserved)
Sagittarius | The Archer | sharp shooter, calm, level headed, stoic | Power: Wind Manipulation (Reserved)
Aries | The Warrior | hard headed, fiery, excited | Power: Fire Manipulation (Reserved)
Pisces | The Water Guardian | Intuitive, impressionable, creative, unclear | Power: Ice Manipulation (Taken)
Taurus | The Earth Warrior | Solid, sensual, stubborn | Power: Earth Manipulation

Virgo | The Innocent | responsible, sensitive, pure, nurturer | Power: Healing (Reserved)
Libra | The Balanced | Social butterfly, kind, strong willed | Power: Telekinesis (Reserved)
Capricorn | The Guardian | kind, timid, authority, protective | Power: Shape-shifting & Blood Manipulation (Taken)
Aquarius | The Water Maiden | Sudden, extreme actions, rebellion, independent | Power: Water Manipulation (Taken)
Gemini | The Twins | Master of multi-task, two sided | Power: Replication (Reserved)
Cancer | The Crab | emotional, nurturer, strong | Power: Acid Manipulation

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[b]Full Name:[/b]


[b]Appearance Age:[/b]

[b]Real Age:[/b]

[b]Which member of the Zodiac are you?:[/b]


[b]Status Title:[/b]


[b]Romantic Interest:[/b]


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[b]Hair Color:[/b]

[b]Scar's/ Tattoo's/ etc:[/b]


[center] [font=Century Gothic][color=put color][size=140][b]Dig A Little Deeper[/b][/size][/color][/font] 
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[b]Oddities: [/b][/center]


[center] [font=Century Gothic][color=put color][size=140][b]What I'm All About[/b][/size][/color][/font] [/center]
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[b]History: [/b]

Toggle Rules

1. Romance is greatly encouraged
2. Anime picture's only please
3. I will be putting up information on the powers in the OCC.
4. To make sure you read these the password to reserve in Apple.
5. If you have any question's don't be afraid to ask.
6. Reservation's will only last for 48 hours, unless you tell me why you can't make the character.
7. No killing off any other characters, just NPC's.
8. I'm the GM, meaning I'm the Boss.
9. If i think of anything else I'll tell ya.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Raine Knight Character Portrait: Jin Hatta Character Portrait: Chastity Pure Character Portrait: Imi Waters Character Portrait: Leo Ritz Character Portrait: Ryu Tachibana Character Portrait: Kira Reindl Character Portrait: Grace Amara Character Portrait: Eva Pudritz Character Portrait: Ichiro Nakamura Character Portrait: Kai Loncarski
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Raine watched as both Imi and Tadashi left the meeting. Raine just sighed quietly but was interuptted by the ringing of her cell phone. Pulling out the sleek touch screen Raine answered.
"Oh thank goodness Miss.Knight you answered I was afraid you wouldn't we have two problem's, there is a hydra demon sighting in Dallas, Texas and its causing some major damage, me and my crew are getting the people away but its to strong, that and I got word from one of my worker's in the Spirit World it seems there is a hexed demon sighting in the far mountain's right by the Dark Reflection Gate" the man, Tyler, sounded panicked. Raine had hired him to be her eyes and ear's when she was busy and him and his crew had been working with her for 100 years now. The fact that there was a demon spirit in Spiritus Terras slightly surprised Raine. Everyone knew that demon spirits were unable to get into the light realm without being summoned, and only demon's had the power to summon other demon's. Raine instantly knew who had summoned the hexed demon into Spiritus Terras. It was her brother, Jasper, with him being half demon and zodiac spirit he was the only possibility. Raine's eyes narrowed at the thought of her brother. No one else knew of Raine's true heritage nor did they know she had a brother and she planned on keeping that little fact to herself, she didn't want to trouble the other Zodiac. With a quick thanks Raine hung up and stood from her chair, an aura of authority and confidence now surrounded her.

"There are two siting of demon's at the moment, Jin, Kira, Ichiro, Grace and Eva I need you to go and deal with a hydra demon in Dallas, Texas, Grace you are head of that mission so take you team and lead at once, Leo, Kai, Chasity and Ryu you are coming with me, there's a hexed demon sighting in the White Mountain's in Spiritus Terras near the Dark Reflection Gate, we need to move now before it gets close to the mountain towns" Raine ordered.

"I will meet you all in the east field in 2 minutes" Raine said then left the cafe and headed towards the east field. Once she was there she dialed both Imi and Tadashi leaving them a voice message that said if they weren't dealing with anything at the moment for Tadashi to meet her in the moutain's and for Imi to go to Dallas. She then hung up and waited.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raine Knight Character Portrait: Jin Hatta Character Portrait: Chastity Pure Character Portrait: Leo Ritz Character Portrait: Ryu Tachibana Character Portrait: Kira Reindl Character Portrait: Grace Amara Character Portrait: Eva Pudritz Character Portrait: Ichiro Nakamura Character Portrait: Kai Loncarski
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Image Chastity Pure

Chastity was worried that she'd be scolded like crazy in about a millisecond, but instead was helped up by Raine she smiled back at Raine, with a small blush. Okay, I officially feel like an idiot. Chastity sighed and just as she was about to thank Raine, but she felt something on her cheek. She looked over and met Leo's eyes before blushing harder.
Um, th-thanks...
It was so simple to make Chastity embarrassed. She blushed basically about everything. She remembered earlier that he made an attempt at comforting her, but she just stormed into her hiding place known as the ladies washroom. She'd thank him for that later, because he was already confronting Ryu. Chastity was instantly snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Eva talking about "her baby". She sweatdropped.

I'm sorry, Eva! I'm really, really, really, super sorry! And I-
Chastity looked at her friend and seen her caressing her gun. Chastity felt a slight vein pop as she assumed that Eva did not hear her. Seconds after her apology, Eva took the time to acknowledge her and overreact about how she doesn't deserve to live anymore. Chastity flailed around and forgave her for ignoring her.
No, no! Don't say that, it's okay, I'm okay, really!
Chastity nodded cheerfully at her friend as if saying "you're welcome" before turning to Jin, who had just entered. Chastity smiled at Jin and waved.

Raine suddenly got a call, which seemed pretty intense. Chastity immediately assumed that it was a call concerning dark spirits, and she was right. Their little Zodiac meeting would be cut short. Raine suddenly took control and commanded the other Zodiacs to their locations. Chastity didn't mind, she was never the leader type, but she figured that Leo would give orders. It didn't really bother Chastity who the leader was though. She wiped her dress off and nodded at Raine. She decided not to give Eva a hug or anything, because she knew that she'd overreact and get all emotional. Chastity waved at the group and smiled.
It was nice seeing you all again, I'm glad we all met up!
In front of the whole restaurant, without a care, she pulled her key out and unlocked an invisible barrier.
Spiritus Terras, White Mountains!
A portal opened in front of her and wind blew everywhere, even causing a few of the servers skirts to fly up, as well as her own. She apologized with a sweatdrop and hopped in before she could give everyone a panty shot.

As Chastity jumped into her new location, she looked around and realized that she was literally on top of a mountain. Chastity let out a screech when she slipped, but quickly caught onto a small cliff. Her heart had basically stopped for a moment, but she rushed to open another portal beneath her.
At the bottom of White Mountain, you freakin' idiot!
She yelled at no one in particular before falling into the portal. Chastity landed at the bottom of the mountain, a few feet about the ground. She landed right on her heels, surprisingly, and didn't hurt herself. She made her way towards the Dark Reflection Gate as quickly as she could. She made an attempt at running as fast as she could, but ran out of breath right away and well, she was wearing mini-heels. Chastity mentally slapped herself, and assumed she would arrive last, so she teleported, again, and this time right exactly wear she had to be.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raine Knight Character Portrait: Jin Hatta Character Portrait: Chastity Pure Character Portrait: Leo Ritz Character Portrait: Ryu Tachibana Character Portrait: Kira Reindl Character Portrait: Grace Amara Character Portrait: Eva Pudritz Character Portrait: Ichiro Nakamura Character Portrait: Kai Loncarski
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Leo watched Raine take out a phone and start calling someone. He had seen Imi and Tadashi leave, he knew this meeting had already gone bad. Leo looked to his phone, some cheap prepaid thing. He jjust thought it was intersting, and shrugged it off. He got it himself, not wanting a handout from his father, the previous king.

Soon Raine was assigning people. He didn't really mind that either. He knew his people weren't being forced to do it, and they needed to take care of this demon. "Aight... wheyah? White mountain?" He took his key out, and made a portal. Stopping to his house first. He quickly went in and grabbed some tubes with little strings coming out of them. They were wrapped in tape. "Gonna need a few of these.." he muttered to himself as he made another portal to get to the mountain. He put the tubes into various pockets in his jacket before entering.

He arrived there, and soon after, Chastite appeared next to him. It jumped him. He shouted and backed away, getting ready to throw a punch. Seeing it was just her, he calmed down, he came back blushing a little. "Geez... don't do that.." Leo looked down to the ground for a little. He finally did something, reaching into his jacket. I pulled out a tube and drew a lighter from his pocket. He lit the fuse and threw it. It was still in view. Soon, the tube lit up, and started spinning around in small circles. It lifted off the ground a bit, it's circles getting larger. Leo watched it's path, absorbing all it was putting out. He'd need it soon.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raine Knight Character Portrait: Jin Hatta Character Portrait: Chastity Pure Character Portrait: Leo Ritz Character Portrait: Ryu Tachibana Character Portrait: Kira Reindl Character Portrait: Grace Amara Character Portrait: Eva Pudritz Character Portrait: Ichiro Nakamura Character Portrait: Kai Loncarski
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*Ignore dis pls.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imi Waters
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Within an hour she had managed to trade a few gold coins for multiple plates of Stuffed Grape Leaves, Spanakopita, and Baklava, as well as learn about all the odd happenings around the province. Most elders were turned off by her appearance but the youth in the area had no problem answering her list of questions - as long as she answered theirs as well, which ranged from "Who did you hair" to "What's that thing dangling for your hip?"

By the time she began to make her way towards a local church the sun had dropped out of the sky - leaving just a faint trace of itself via orange streaks.
"I know another portal opened as I reached town, I wonder who followed me....." she'd think to herself, before making her way inside the building and then up to the top of it's bell tower.

Sitting atop the towers circular roof wasn't possible, however she found it quite easy to swing her legs over the side of the window-like openings, and from her current vantage point she'd be able to see the entire town easily as well as the wooded area that led to the Temple and beyond.

"A pied piper.....I wonder what kind of tune such a spirit plays.....maybe it's slow an entrancing, or perhaps it's energetic and joyful!"

Imi's excited thoughts would begin to settle down as an hour, then two, passed. She had noticed a group of trees moving far off in the distance within the first hour and figured it was the other demon spirit in the area, but she was determined to wait for the one luring children.

"Perhaps the demon left this small town..." she muttered as she fiddled with her hair, however no sooner did she begin to complain did a light melody begin to play. It was so soft at first that she thought maybe she was just hearing music from someones house, however as the flute continued to play Imi would spot a young girl, no older than eight, skipping down the road - soon to be followed by a handful of others.

"Well look at that...." the Zodiac whispered, before jumping down to the roof of the chapel and then to the road.
Imi followed the trail of children, albeit at a distance, until they suddenly detoured off the road and headed into the woods.
"Oh great." she complained. Thankfully though there was enough moonlight that she could see where was going, the children however seemed to be using the music as direction instead of their eyes.

After several minutes of dodging through trees Imi would finally make her way out into a clearing a couple hundred yards from the Temple of Poseidon. The Children were dancing hand in hand in a circle, all but one, who was aimlessly walking towards the edge of the cliff.
"No!" Imi would call out, but she was too late - the young boy would walk off the edge.

Within seconds she'd be there herself, peering down expecting to see a small body laying on rocks. However instead she'd see a young lanky boy staring up at her.
"What the...." was all she'd be able to get out before the boy disappeared.

"Now you're not a kid, are you?" a child-like voice said behind her, causing Imi to turn around sharply, where she'd come face-to-face with the same boy who had just been staring up at her.
It was obvious for more than one reason that this was the demon she was looking for, but the most obvious in the moment was the golden pan flute he was holding.
"Me? What about me....I'm just a boy."
The smile on the demons childish face was growing annoying, but instead of getting angry Imi would begin to smile herself.

"Oh but of course, so-" she'd pause and take a few steps closer to the boy as she unhooked her meteor hammer from her hip - keeping it at it's shrunken size for the time being. "-you'd have no problem with holding an enchanted object then - would you not?"
As she held out the weapon the grin on the boys face would quickly vanishing, and the smirk on her own would grow.

"What's the matter? Oh, could it be that you're afraid?"
"Pfft, afraid? Of that small thing, not in the least woman."
"Cute, but we both know you couldn't touch this without showing your true form......but if you wish to play dumb by all means, play dumb, it really doesn't matter."

Without another word Imi would flick the Meteor Hammer down towards the ground, causing it to steadily grow until it reached it's full size. The boy would jump back several yards but he was well within range of her weapon, an he'd be unable to escape it as Imi slung the Hammer towards him - wrapping the chain around his waist.

Much like expected the enchanted weapon caused a reaction that forced the demon to transform into it's true form.

As the boy grew into a warped humanoid figure with greyish green skin, standing nearly three stories tall, Imi would uncoil her weapon from around the demons waist as the children suddenly stopped dancing - their trance being broken as the pan flute - now enlarged in proportion with the spirit - hit the ground.

"Celestial wench!" the demon bellowed as he struck at the ground with a clenched fist.
Imi easily dodged the attack and created three clones of herself in a circle around the creature.

"Now what did you do with that boy, the one who went off the cliff side, is he-"
A deep chuckle would escape the malevolent spirits mouth, causing a scowl to form on Imi's face.
"The boy? Well I ate his heart of course, how do you think I kept my youthful appearance girl!?"

"Well then..."
Imi an each of her clones would in unison spin their Meteor Hammers up in the air, much like a cowboy would a lasso, for a brief moment before one by one wrapping the chain around the demons neck. Once secure they'd twist their chain so that the circular hammers would each release a blade - pinning the creates neck in place.

"Y-you....filthy we-"
"-not that word again for crying out loud!" she interrupted, before pulling the target towards the ground.

A loud scream, one mixed with frustration and pain, would escape the demons mouth as his back hit the the ground hard - causing the blades to rip at his neck.

"You eat the hearts of children, yes?" Imi's fifth replication would taunt after appearing on the chest of the pied piper. "Well...I fillet the hearts of beasts."
In a blink of an eye Imi's 5th replication would unsheathed both swords and plunge them into the heart of the demon. For good measure she'd twist the blades in a complete circle to cement the deed.

After the demon disintegrated into a black powder Imi's replications would disappear in a poof of white dust, leaving only her true self standing with a fully extended Meteor Hammer.

The sound of whimpering children would snap her back into reality and cause her to shrink the chained weapon.
"Einai entaxei...."* she'd say as she hooked the shrunken Meteor Hammer back to her hip, trying to reassure them everything would be okay in their native tongue, but as she approached them they simply cowered more. However when the ground began to shake the children would suddenly all run behind her.

"Don't worry, it's far enough away - we're fine. Let me walk you home."
She'd repeat her statement in Geek as she squatted down to their level, all in a bid to earn their trust.
The children were uneasy at first, but when the ground shook again they were more than willing to use Imi as their escort.

"Kali nichta!"* she'd say to the children before they ran back towards their houses. The ground had vibrated a few more times during their walk an Imi could sense it was the other demon spirit.

"Why couldn't there just be one?" she'd complain with a sigh, before backtracking to the edge of the woods.
After taking a second to estimate what direction the spirit was Imi would slowly but sure begin to head towards it.

* Einai entaxei = "It's okay" in Greek.
Kali nichta = "Goodnight" in Greek.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Imi Waters
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Tadashi opened his eyes as the waves demons let off got stronger, signalling it was almost time for it to show itself. The Taurus zodiac blinked again, before getting up. The blonde made his way into the forest, following the demon's trail, as well as the small steps of the human children that were enraptured by the sound of the flute.

Though he paused, as he heard another voice. A woman's voice, which was no doubt the other zodiac that had beat him to the demon it seemed. He watched from behind a tree, as the zodiac kill the demon, after conversing with him. A frown pulled at his lips, as the woman killed it easily.

Tadashi had a general idea of how the other fought, but not enough in his opinion. He knew the general powers they possessed abut not enough to satisfy him in how they would fight a real full out battle. Tadashi would need to observe more of the other Zodiacs before deeming who was weak, and who was strong.

As the zodiac led the young humans back toward the town, he stepped out and closed his eyes. There was still one more. Typical. Cowardly spirits like that always traveled in packs. The earth warrior turned, before walking in the direction.

He as pulled to the east end of the forest, and soon was greeted by a pale, brunette figure. In her hands were a silver pan flute, similar to the one the other had played. His blue eyes narrowed, and he drew the Taurus blade that hung around his waist. Teh demon turned, before offering a small smile toward the man.

"It seems I attracted the wro-" Though the sentence was stopped, as he charged and sliced out the blade in a Vertical curved slash, making a crescent moon that formed as that moon reflected off. His blue eyes hardened into icicles as he scowled at the demon, as it landed behind, flustered.

"How rude! Most Zodiacs talk you know!" came an outraged female voice that rang in his ears. He scoffed before shaking his wrist out and holding the blade in front of him.

"...I don't talk to herbivores..." He muttered, before charging again.

The demon jumped back, but a second to late as his blade made contact with the demon's flesh. Black blood spurted out, and he flicked it off his blade. He didn't need it rusting from such a weak prey.

There was always more prey to be found.

The demon shrieked, as it turned to its true form. It was the exact replica of the other demon the zodiac had taken care of, except it was a darker shade of green. Perhaps it would create more entertainment.

The demon tried to punch, but it looked so slow in his eyes. The earth manipulated into a dome around him, and the second it contacted with the earth, the rock moved again, around the fist and trapping it. After that was done, he stabbed the ground, and soon floating segments of rock, morphed like sharp daggers shot at its eyes. It hit easily, and the demon shreiked, filling the night air with the stench of blood.

Tadashi smirked inwardly, before drawing his blade out again, and soon it slashed its hand off, with the reinforced earth. The demon shouted again, and soon fell over with a loud boom that easily shook the forest ground easily. When teh demon fell, Tadashi was right by it's neck. And soon the blade came down, and spikes of earth shot up, shooting through various parts of the demons body, including the neck, heart, legs, arms torso and of course head. The crack of the skull being broken was something he could hear.

It was indeed over kill, but he never held back in a fight.

As he sheathed his sword, the demon vanished, leaving black ash behind. With a wave of his hand, the earth missles, and various boulders receded back into the earth, and in no time it was back to the original scenery. With that done, yawned to himself before taking off the black gloves, sticking them in his pocket. He fixed his coat, making it neat before deciding to wait if more prey would come out.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raine Knight Character Portrait: Jin Hatta Character Portrait: Kira Reindl Character Portrait: Grace Amara Character Portrait: Eva Pudritz Character Portrait: Ichiro Nakamura
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Drifting off from the current events at the table, Grace had let out a rather quiet yawn as she waved at Jin during his somewhat late arrival. "Trust me, this is something far from being a meeting, Jin." Grace's tone of voice only proved this as it hinted slight frustration, and perhaps even a mix of boredom within it as she played with one of her bandaged hands.

Her head only picked up quickly enough to spot Raine take what seemed to be an urgent call. Grace's eyes narrowed as she began to sit up straight, her hand drifting to the key in her pocket to leave at even the slightest of command. Sure, this wasn't an ideal way to spend her time that could of been spent away from so many people, but it didn't matter now.

"There are two siting of demon's at the moment, Jin, Kira, Ichiro, Grace and Eva I need you to go and deal with a hydra demon in Dallas, Texas, Grace you are head of that mission so take you team and lead at once, Leo, Kai, Chasity and Ryu you are coming with me, there's a hexed demon sighting in the White Mountain's in Spiritus Terras near the Dark Reflection Gate, we need to move now before it gets close to the mountain towns."

With that, Grace bounced right up. "Alright guys, let's get out there and end this as soon as possible!" A tight grip on her key, Grace opened up her portal quickly to her house, throwing open the closet and she nearly ripped off her sundress, quickly throwing on her shirt and trading her shows in for her pair of combat boots and was off inside another portal to Dallas, Texas.

'A hydra demon shouldn't be too hard to miss, with three heads and poisoned breath... But what were those things doing here, of all places?'
Within about two minutes, Grace was back at of the location of the hydra demon, Richland Chambers Lake. Grace gripped Libra's Balance tightly in her hands, eyes locked onto the Hydra before her, all of it's heads glaring and dangerously opening their mouths. 'Oh boy, this is going to be fun...'

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Imi Waters
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Imi would stop in her tracks as another pan pipe melody began to play - this one seemingly higher in pitch.
"Dammit!" she'd mutter.
By the vibrations the demon she was tracking set off it was likely the one flattening trees and crop fields - a true menace, but having a soft spot for children she couldn't help but turn back and head towards where she heard the music coming from at top speed, hoping to reach demon before it attracted the children too far from their homes. However several seconds into her mad dash the music would suddenly stop, causing Imi to come to a stop as well.

"It stopped playing? But why would..."
The Zodiac's thought would be cut short at the sound of a voice yelling up ahead in the distance, which caused her to take off in the direction she was going before.

By the time she arrived on scene Imi would glimpse the true form of a demon that was nearly identical to the one she had just killed, and underneath it stood Tadashi - the Earth Warrior.
"So it was Taurus who followed me." Imi whispered to herself with a smirk, before leaning against a nearby tree to observe a battle she knew was over before it began.

After the demon turned to ash and the Earth in front of her was resettled Imi would push herself off the tree trunk and begin to walk out of the woods.

"Very nice, but a bit overkill don't ya think?" she'd joke.
"I was wondering who followed me but I'm surprised it's you, I know how much you just love get togethers with the others - you must be itching to get back."
Imi would come to a stop a few feet back from the other Zodiac and shove her hands in her shorts back pockets. She knew Tadashi was easily the least sociable of the Zodiacs, but she still couldn't resist a couple jokes.

Before she could think of something else witty to say the ground would shake once more. It wasn't nearly as violent as the last time though, suggesting that the larger demon is even further away than it was before - which caused her to sigh.

"There's a big one lingering outside of town, probably in the farmland by now. We wouldn't be very good at our jobs if we let it be, no?"

Pulling her shrunken Meteor Hammer off her hip Imi would begin to twirl the weapon at her side as she headed towards the deserted roadway.
"Come on, I don't bite!"

She was anxious to wrap things up as soon as possible and spend the rest of the night taking in the scenery, even if it was with someone who probably wanted to glue her mouth shut. Anything was better than sitting around a table at what felt like Spiritus Terras's most awkward family reunion.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Imi Waters
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The crunch of the earth signaled the newcomer that had come for the forest. He blinked, before turning to meet the other zodiac. He gave a brief nod in greeting, and simply listened again. He noted her sarcasm, and bit back a response and instead simply shrugged in response.

"...I don't enjoy to waste time." He said back simply with another shrug. "I thought you of all people would enjoy that type of gathering." He added after, as he recalled the girls personality. She seemed like a bright and cheery girl. Though that was his opinion of her from a first look.

He despised gatherings like hat personally, and had to hold back from challenging all of the zodiac to a fight when things like that took place. Tadashi was still one of the youngest guardians, which caused some of the others to look down on him at times in his opinion.

Also, with the fact that they hardly ever had a gathering like that. When he had left, most of them were quarlling and so he didn't want to get annoy and challenge people. He didn't have his tonfas, so he didn't feel like fighting against people.

He felt the earth shake more. It indicated the last prey was further ahead of them, and hopefully would provide more entertainment for the earth warrior. Tadashi gave a brief nod again, agreeing with her statement.


with that simple sound, he turned, and started headed back toward the farmland, to catch the last one and kill it.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Imi Waters
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0.00 INK


"You know you're right, I love random get togethers!" she'd say as soon as Tadashi began to follow her. "However it wasn't very interesting after a while, so I got bored....Greece sounded much more fun."

She'd spend the majority of their walk acting like a tourist, ogling at the scenery and buildings like she was star-struck since it had been many millenniums since she was last in the country, until the scenery all began to disappear - turning into nothing by wide open spaces.

"I don't see anything" Imi muttered more to herself than Tadashi as she looked out at the acres of farmland lit by the full moon's light.
After several seconds she'd stop in her tracks as she noticed a group of trees a few hundred yards away,completely flattened.
"Okay, so this thing must be invisible, or my eyes are really-"
Imi's sarcasm would come to a halt as a giant mass began to drop down from a lone cumulus cloud high up in the sky.
"So much for invisible..."

Once the mass lowered itself substantially Imi could see it was an obese ogre, four or five stories high, with dark blue boiled skin and a ring of clouds around both ankles and wrists.
"Egh, you wreak of Spiritus Terras....." the demon bellowed, causing Imi to wrinkle her nose in disapproval as the demonic spirit kept talking.

"I guess he's not coming down."

The massive demon was still a hundred or so feet in and the air and showed no signs of coming down, so without any thought Imi unhooked her Meteor Hammer and let it grow to twice it's normal size.
"When you're done spouting whatever nonsense you're up there going on about do you plan on coming down?" she said, taunting the demon with the knowledge that she hadn't been paying him any mind - something that infuriate the spirit.
"You insolent-"
"-guess not."

Cutting the demon off she'd swing her meteor hammer up towards his head - where he'd block her weapon via his club, causing the chain to wrap around it instead of his neck.
An expression of shock would make it's way on her face at first and the ogre would laugh, however she'd quickly begin to smirk and giggle a bit under her breath.
"Got ya!"

Four other clones several yards away swung their identical meteor hammers up towards the back of the demons head in unison, let the chains wrap around it's neck, and then together pulled the best down to the ground - causing a loud boom that shook the ground violently for several seconds.

"Whew." Imi let out, momentarily feeling the strain that was just put on her clones.
"That was a little too easy, care to finish it off Taurus? The night awaits."

She could of easily done so herself but saw no harm in sharing the moment. Besides, she found Tadashi's overkill methods entertaining to observe.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Raine Knight
Character Portrait: Jin Hatta
Character Portrait: Kira Reindl
Character Portrait: Ichiro Nakamura
Character Portrait: Imi Waters
Character Portrait: Kai Loncarski
Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi
Character Portrait: Chastity Pure
Character Portrait: Eva Pudritz


Character Portrait: Eva Pudritz
Eva Pudritz

"What are you looking- Oh, right, my facial expression..." Cancer (Nearly done)

Character Portrait: Chastity Pure
Chastity Pure


Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi
Tadashi Renichi

The Earth Warrior, Taurus

Character Portrait: Kai Loncarski
Kai Loncarski

The Archer [Nearly finished]

Character Portrait: Imi Waters
Imi Waters

A well studied girl who enjoys a good adventure.

Character Portrait: Ichiro Nakamura
Ichiro Nakamura

"If you think you're going to change my mind anytime soon, you're sorely mistaken." [Still working on finishing]

Character Portrait: Kira Reindl
Kira Reindl

"I'll make my own choices."

Character Portrait: Jin Hatta
Jin Hatta

{Almost done}"Yo, if you could be a color, what color would you be?"

Character Portrait: Raine Knight
Raine Knight



Character Portrait: Kai Loncarski
Kai Loncarski

The Archer [Nearly finished]

Character Portrait: Jin Hatta
Jin Hatta

{Almost done}"Yo, if you could be a color, what color would you be?"

Character Portrait: Kira Reindl
Kira Reindl

"I'll make my own choices."

Character Portrait: Chastity Pure
Chastity Pure


Character Portrait: Ichiro Nakamura
Ichiro Nakamura

"If you think you're going to change my mind anytime soon, you're sorely mistaken." [Still working on finishing]

Character Portrait: Eva Pudritz
Eva Pudritz

"What are you looking- Oh, right, my facial expression..." Cancer (Nearly done)

Character Portrait: Raine Knight
Raine Knight


Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi
Tadashi Renichi

The Earth Warrior, Taurus

Character Portrait: Imi Waters
Imi Waters

A well studied girl who enjoys a good adventure.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kira Reindl
Kira Reindl

"I'll make my own choices."

Character Portrait: Chastity Pure
Chastity Pure


Character Portrait: Raine Knight
Raine Knight


Character Portrait: Eva Pudritz
Eva Pudritz

"What are you looking- Oh, right, my facial expression..." Cancer (Nearly done)

Character Portrait: Imi Waters
Imi Waters

A well studied girl who enjoys a good adventure.

Character Portrait: Ichiro Nakamura
Ichiro Nakamura

"If you think you're going to change my mind anytime soon, you're sorely mistaken." [Still working on finishing]

Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi
Tadashi Renichi

The Earth Warrior, Taurus

Character Portrait: Jin Hatta
Jin Hatta

{Almost done}"Yo, if you could be a color, what color would you be?"

Character Portrait: Kai Loncarski
Kai Loncarski

The Archer [Nearly finished]

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