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Tharin Karzaduk

"What'd ya need? I can get it for ya. Especially if it's a beating you're looking for."

0 · 1,095 views · located in World of Amtophia

a character in “Abandoned in Amtophia Rebooted”, originally authored by Durandal, as played by RolePlayGateway


Tharin Karzaduk


Name: Tharin Karzaduk

Nickname: Dirge

Theme Music: N/A

Age: 117

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Dwarf

Class: Pit-fighter

Sub-Class: Black-market merchant/Battle Dancer

Alignment: Neutral Evil


150/150+90 HP

100/100-35 MP

Experience Points
0/1000 to next Level

Height: 4'3"/129.5 cm

Weight: 205 lbs/93 kg

Appearance: Tharin is similar to most other Dwarves in terms of height and weight, as well as body construction. While many Dwarves braid or decorate their beards in some fashion, Tharin leaves his lose, a giant piece of hair covering much of his chest. Unkempt, he nevertheless keeps it clean. Other than his beard and heavy eyebrows, Tharin is bald, leaving a very shiny scalp. Slightly tanned from his time in the fighting pits, he has paled a little because of the time he spends inside or in his armor.
His armor is composed of massive pieces of form fitting armor with added spikes and edges. These additions are used by Tharin when fighting to increase the damage done. Dried blood and scratches adorn the armor, testaments to the brawls that Tharin has taken part in. Parts of his armor have fur lining, both to increase comfort while wearing the suit and to give him a more barbaric appearance when in combat.
When not in armor, Tharin is usually wearing a close fitting tunic and breeches of a brown color. The clothes does not have much adornment except for simple gold scroll-work along the sleeves and collar of the tunic. He wears brown leather boots that reach up to just bellow his knees, finely crafted pieces fit for a palace or an adventure. A large platinum and gold pendant hangs around his neck, shaped into the form of a hammer for the Dwarf gods. On the middle finger of his right hand lies a signet ring of worked silver, engraved with his personal symbol, that of a rearing bear.

Oddities: Has a penchant for drinking, the stronger the brew, the better. Covered with various scars from his time in the pits

Abilities (Passive):
  • Battle Rage- Makes Tharin immune to any mind-debilitating effects for the duration of the battle and affords resistance to pain. (-1 to damage)
  • Observant- Is able to spot hidden items and areas more easily than most due to his time as a merchant in the black market (+3 to die rolls for perceptions)
  • Tharin's Special Brew- A horrifyingly disgusting draught crafted by Tharin himself, it induces his battle rage state. Because of the various poisons used in crafting the drink, he has natural immunity to many poisons that would harm normal people.
  • Dwarven Might- Due to Tharin's short stature, immense strength, and constant training, he is relatively unaffected by heavy weights or slowing terrain.
  • Dark Vision- As a Dwarf, Tharin is able to see in very low light fairly well, though he is not able to see through complete darkness.

Arts (Active):
  • Ram Charge (60 second cooldown)- Tharin lowers his head and begins to barrel towards the target at full speed. Upon slamming into them, he impales the spike into the enemy's midsection and begins to shake the spike violently, dealing 1d12 damage to the target and stunning them. If he misses, there is a 10% chance he will become dazed.
  • Thrasher (30 second cooldown)- Tharin launches himself onto a nearby enemy and begins quivering violently, causing the spikes all over his armor to begin to tear into the opponent. Causes 1d10 damage on hit and 1d6 bleeding damage the next round unless a save is achieved.
  • Ballad of the Dwarf Gods (25 MP, 20 second cooldown)- Tharin begins to sing a battle litany in homage of the Dwarven gods, imbuing himself with increased strength. Heals 1d12 HP and reduces other cooldowns by 10 seconds.
  • The Dirge (50 MP, once per encounter)- The song from which Tharin gains his nickname, it is an violent, eerie, wordless tune. Dazes enemies within 20 ft/6 meters of him, slows those out to 26 ft/8 meters. Heals Tharin for 1d10 HP, removes 3 conditions, and deals 1d8 damage to those within 10 ft/3 meters.

  • Lack of ranged abilities
  • Battle rage causes Tharin to lose a good amount of decision making ability
  • Vulnerable to magic

Personal Items and Weapons:
  • Half-plate with armor spikes (+90 HP. -35 MP)
  • Merchant's scales
  • Artisan's outfit
  • Map and compass
  • Flask- Ale (15)
  • Flask- Tharin's Brew (3)
  • Ink, quill, and parchment
  • Sunrod
  • Manacles
  • Backpack
  • Signet ring
  • Platinum and gold pendant
  • Good trail rations 10
  • Coin pouch- 61 gp

Personality: Tharin is, in one word, gruff. When one first meets him, Tharin will have already formed an impression from the way one is dressed and acts. This impression will stick with Tharin unless one does much to prove otherwise. Though known by many, he does not have many actual friends. The life of a black-market merchant causes one to become distrusting of others, paranoid over simple facts that would not seem threatening to most others. However, he is more than willing to place trust in someone. In fact, Tharin values trust more than his ability to lie. He prefers fairness rather than deceit, a trait uncommon for one of his profession. Carrying over to his fighting, he refuses to use 'dirty tricks' against his opponents, though his definition of unfair changes from encounter to encounter.
He will speak his mind plainly, offering his opinion without any form of coverage. Some dislike him for this while others hold nothing but admiration. A mixed reputation, he carries himself with a confident air, unwilling to let what others think affect him. And when it does, they usually find themselves smashed to a pulp.

    [•]Tharin was created as one of the original 'shady' NPCs in the game, being provided one of the first and most original AI coding. Later 'evil' characters would usually embody some common aspect: sadism, necromancy, desire to conquer, bloodthirst, etc. Tharin, however, was coded as a more neutral type of evil NPC.
    The AI created was so interesting for his profession that when he was implemented early on he was immediately successful. Created as a black-market dealer in Merrowvale, many would seek him out for rarer items, ones that were either extremely difficult to acquire or banned in the in-game region as part of the lore. As time passed, he was enhanced, being made leader of an underground-fighting ring, one without restrictions found on the public tournaments. Tharin himself was modified to become an opponent, one of the greatest challenges players would face, even more than many outside bosses.
    As people began to leave Amtophia, Tharin began changing the nature of his ring as less people came. There were not enough to warrant the expense of gladiatorial combat so he hosted beast fights, featuring combat between many of the more dangerous creatures of Amtophia. Sometimes players would be allowed in themselves, fighting to the death against unrelenting enemies. Despite having changed the way his ring was run, Tharin himself still enjoyed fist fighting, so much that many named him the Fist-Fighting King of Amtophia. People would come to him for skill training just as often as for illicit trade.
    When the plug was pulled, Tharin was in one of his stupors, unaware of the entire thing. When he woke from this particularly violent inebriation, he went on a rampage, killing many of the beasts kept penned in the lower levels.

-Fighting fair
-Physical prowess
-A good brawl

-Dirty fighting
-Drinks that aren't alcohol

-The possibility of being executed for his crimes
-Finding he has no alcohol left
-Magical creatures

So begins...

Tharin Karzaduk's Story

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Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk
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Tharin woke groggily, eyes blurred in the haze of drunken stupor. A splitting head-ache pierced his senses soon after, immediately clearing his vision. "Damn it, I didn't go on the greatest drinking binge known to Dwarf-kind," he muttered, picking his face off the wooden table, which smelled of smoked fish and spilled ale. He couldn't remember much of the past for whatever reason. There was him walking into the small, shady inn, ordering some food. A Dragonid had insulted his mother for whatever reason. Provocation enough for Tharin.

Struck with that thought, he looked around him. On the floor lay about a dozen or so bodies. Bleeding badly, all were groaning in pain or unconscious. The sight reminded him of his parched throat; brawling was taxing endeavor, especially for one as renowned as he. Finding the Dragonid that had began the altercation sprawled against a shattered chair with his skull partly split open, Tharin lifted him up and set him in a chair before wrapping a bandage around his head. Whistling the whole time, Tharin noticed many of the other patrons eying him and the carnage, fidgeting uncomfortably at his gaze.

Laughing, he grumbled cheerfully, "No worries friends, 'twas simply a brawl. I won't hurt ye." Going around and slipping three silver pieces into each combatant's clothing, he waggled a finger towards the others as they inched towards the bodies. "Now now, no thieving. Unless you want to end up the floor like them." The patrons who had attempted to move forward darkened before returning to their original seats.

Returning to where he had fallen unconscious himself, vexation overtook him once again. What he would not give to enact the greatest feat of inebriation in Amtophia; this dream had pursued him his entire life ever since he had drunk an entire cask of ale without fainting. Now there was a good day, he thought smiling. If not for that event, he would never have realized his quest to find the strongest alcohol ever created. For years and years he had searched the world only to yield nothing. There most certainly had been drinks that had driven him into drunken fantasies, losing control of his body to his inebriated mind. He had based his own brew off of that drink. But never had he encountered something that would put him unconscious.

Shrugging, a memory tugged at him as he felt a small sheet of paper tucked into his grimy tunic. Unfolding the parchment, he recalled why he was in this forsaken village. Tucking it back into his pocket, he threw a small silver piece to the proprietor for the damages in addition to the payment for his meal. Reaching down into his bag, he took out a book titled Treatise on the Effects of Medicines and Plants before sitting down to make adjustments to his drink's formula.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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As Zeebarl lifted his slumped face from the table, he took a quick look around at his surroundings after rubbing his eyes. The first thing he noticed was the simple ordinary fact that he was inside an inn of sort, seeming to have collapsed at the very table he decided to take a rest and sit at, as well as it seemed happened to a few other dazed and puzzled customers and staff members, some seeming more puzzled at what appeared to be a sudden mass sleeping. Was it merely just a quick kip or a lengthy drawn out slumber? Zeebarl seemed more curious on why on earth a merchant such as himself would care. It was most likely some prank of a mage who wanted to skimp out for paying for a meal, as from what he could tell, had not ordered any food or drink to have been drugged by someone.

Sudden realization hit when he realized he had called himself a merchant in his thoughts. As he pondered more on it, he remembered he was in fact a traveling merchant, with memories of various instances of bartering and sale with various customers of all ages and species, but oddly not of why or how he had become a traveling merchant. Even more quizzically as he attempted to delve his mind further into the past he was met with oddly steadfast resistance, managing only to scrape a few teeny scraps of his memories, including working at a family trading post, and trading some gems for the warm exquisite coat he wore on his shoulder snow. Oh, and he also somehow trained in using a club and this odd 'minipult' device in his pockets. That, and he was a halfling. Zeebarl was rather puzzled that he managed to remember his own name immediately, but all other basics eluded him for a few moments since the start of his conciseness. In fact, he still had trouble at grabbing any memory of his family other than his parents were both merchants. He decided to push the thought aside a she carefully lowered himself from the stool he sat on to his feet, seeming unfazed by the fellow patrons of the inn struggling to get to grips of the same issue he faced. He looked at them bit longer for a few moments, and then realized they weren't dazed exactly from the more softer variety of being forced unconscious like himself, as he saw a heavily armored dwarf cheerfully chuckle to himself as he treated the wound of a rather unfortunate dragonid fellow, while most of the other patrons were laid out on the ground in pain, seeming extremely weary of the dwarf even when he announced he had no intention of harming them, possibly for a second time at least. Curiously the possible threat of the place seemed more interested in mixing drinks than repairing anyone else's wounds, and even more bizarrely handed out silver coins to the injured. People were very bizarre.

Strange really, the people around him seemed, fake. Well, not that they were disingenuous, but more of that they weren't, well, real. Almost if they were just hollow shells, walking dolls even, just there to fill space than actually exist. It seemed like the reason he even interacted with them is purely for daily business, but why? Zeebarl uncomfortably turned round, feeling a bit stiff in his joints from whatever caused him to collapse soundly asleep, to be met with the sight of a large cart filled to the brim with all sorts of merchandise. Ah, now this was familiar! This was his cart, and all the mixes of weapons, armor, potions, edibles, drinks, food, trinkets, relics, scrolls, books and variety of objects, items and knick-knacks, whether they were shoddy or in amazing condition, were his wares and possessions. Yes, it became clear to him now as he rummaged through his belongings in the cart. He did it for what did seem real, what he could truly grasp and fathom, money and material items! They were real! They were of importance! They purely were genuine, on a constant basis, even those made to fool others were always what they were. He gave himself a small grin that shrunk as he realized the doorway into the place was much smaller than the cart. How on earth did he bring it into the place?

Sudden remembrance of the earlier events came back to him, flashes of the recent brawl bringing cringes as he remembered the rather violent antics of the armored dwarf, which also had some impressive feats of strength in the mix. Zeebarl smirked smugly as he sauntered over to the dwarf and babbled to him; "Excuse me sir, I couldn't but help but notice your rather impressive combat skills and shows of tremendous strength earlier in that brawl. May ask of you a request?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

The young man remained didn't open his eyes, instead laying still with his head in his arms on a table. There were some loud noises coming from around him, but he was too busy thinking to focus on them. His mind moved in a whirl, and the young man furrowed his brows, trying to calm himself down and get his mind in order. The most prevalent questions were where he was, who he was and why his head was on the table. There were many other questions, too, like why he couldn't remember anything, but -

Oh, right. His name was Esclava Hernando Maegstire, though he pretended the middle name didn't exist and normally responded to Esk. He was in the Minstrel's Mug, he had came here to eat but had fallen asleep before he did, he was 21... Although Esk still couldn't remember the majority about his past, he could recall a few bits, like the fact that he normally fought without weapons and his identity. And that he had a master, a friend, a aunt, and an uncle. As soon as he thought of them, Esk felt the urgent need to find them, which caused him to open his eyes and sit up in search of them, looking around.

Esk looked around in surprise, seeing many people on the ground. There was a dwarf, trying to write something, and... Another dwarf? He had a cart full of wares and was trying to talk to the first one. Which reminded him, he needed to buy some needles. Maybe the dwarf would sell Esk one; he looked like a merchant. As for the men currently collapsed on the floor, maybe a brawl had happened or they had all passed out drunk... Ah well. It was probably allowed, if the innkeeper hadn't thrown them out yet. At that moment, someone placed a plate of food in front of him, and Esk looked up, surprised and grateful. He paid the waiter, and began to eat, glancing curiously at the two as he did so.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

Sitting down, Tharin pulled out a notebook along with the book on herbs and medicines. Opening to his most recent formula, he eyed the different ingredients over, a complex affair that required time, patience, and no small amount of skill to create. Acquiring stocks of barley, rye, and sorghum were fairly easy as long as the harvests were good and some other merchant hadn't decided to procure all the available produce in a given area. He hated those types of people. An elderberry mash also appeared fairly frequently in most places. Combining that with devil's claw gave a fairly healthy medicinal effect, counteracting the alcohol's adverse symptoms on the body without doing anything to clear the mind; the taste was also stupendous, if he said so himself

What he was interested in, however, was the rarer plants, ones that normally wouldn't be considered drinkable due to their poisonous effects. Pure alcohol did not drive him into a wonderful stupor; his body seemed to have a natural resistance to the substance, though that did not mean he didn't enjoy drinking it. So he sought out more- questionable- herbs to mix into his drink. One item that had stayed constant was the use of wolfsbane. Inducing a tingling sensation and nervous excitement, the plant afforded him the rush associated with being drunk, albeit a short-lived sensation. Over time, he had used other plants such as belladonna, hemlock, daffodil bulbs (yes, daffodils), black nightshade, and wormwood. Of those, only wormwood and black nightshade were still used in his drinks. The others were simply to detracting from the taste or repeated effects of the other plants.

Attempting to look through the recently procured book, he found himself distracted even as he found new plants that seemed promising to use. A nagging sensation pulled at him, diverting him from his work. Putting the quill and parchment down momentarily, he thought through things in reverse order: he had just woken up, before that was the brawl, him coming to the village for business, him receiving his first customer on the black market- Tharin stopped, stupefied. He was missing entire years of his life. Struggling, he slowly recalled his age, 117 years old. Encountering a similar situation, he deduced that his first deal had been made at 52 years old. He was missing 65 years of his life.

Tharin usually did not feel fear or even discomfort but he certainly felt both now. Snatches of that era came back to him as he attempted to recall vast pieces of his life but was for the most part unsuccessful. Images of him subduing an opponent in a ring match, fighting his way out of a deal gone wrong, arranging the first beast fight, came back to him briefly, affording a few seconds into a lost side of life. He remembered that he was a black-market merchant and pit-fighter, some of his aspirations, but so much was missing from his life, almost as if something had wiped it...

Looking up as Zeebral strode over to him and asked his question, he examined the halfling. Slightly shorter than him, Zeebral was quite thin and unarmored, causing Tharin to look a giant in comparison. Closing his notebook and the treatise, he sat backa nd placed his hands behind his head. "Aye, you may. Depends what ye want."

The setting changes from The Minstrel's Mug to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

"Ah very good to hear my good man!", the halfling replied, seeming pleased with his answer before carrying on; "You see my good man, I am but a humble merchant who it seems has always been immensely protective of my wares to the good of the public, and have somehow managed to drag my cart indoors. I was wondering, since you are obviously a powerful and strong individual having managed to win a brawl against all these individuals, that you could assist me in moving out this cart?"
He stared at the dwarf hopefully, having indicated to his large cart of possessions before adding on as an after though; "Oh, and I do not mind paying for the services of others."
He was confident that this man was indeed vaguely kind-hearted and charitable, having seen him had silver coins to apparent thieves of all people, for an apology of a brawl they no doubt started. He was surely happy to help a poor merchant with a ridiculous conundrum, wasn't he? As he looked closer at the table it seemed he was not concocting potions, but drinks, which he was unsure if the inn's staff would have anything to say about it, but personally did not care. He eye's shifted to the dwarf now, seeing how jagged and spiked his armor was, having definitely seen some use over the years from the old darkened blood stains adorning it like war paint.

As the merchant waited for the dwarf's response, he noticed at the edge of his eye of one of the patrons, wearing a sleeveless green coat who was chowing down on a meal, taking occasional glances at him and the armored fellow he was talking to with his blue eyes, making Zeebarl curious in turn, but mostly if the man had overheard he was a merchant. It never occurred to him the man could simply have never seen a dwarf or a halfling in person. He strolled up to him calmly and simply asked the man; "Excuse me sir, is there something you need? You seem to glancing at us an awful lot.", before realizing if this was a pub hooligan, he had just set himself up to be the next bullying victim. Nonetheless he awaited the the spiky, red-haired human's answer also.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK


Esk looked at the dwarf, finishing the mouthful of food he had eaten before talking. It was bad manners to talk with your mouth full; he knew that much. Esk could remember that his aunt and uncle had taught him, but he couldn't remember how or why, let alone their faces and names. They had also taught Esk that it was against the rules to stare, which he had apparently been doing. Ah. Well, they weren't here, so they wouldn't be able to punish Esk for his transgression...

Keeping his face neutral, Esk replied to the dwarf "Yes. You're a merchant, right? Do you sell needles? If so, I'll buy some." He had more than enough money to buy needles. Which reminded him, he also needed to buy some thread, in case he needed to do some sewing. Esk had checked his pack and apart from a few oddities and a long piece of string, he had a few empty flasks, some rope, a bedroll, a spare change of clothes and a towel. In Esk's pouch, he had a dagger, a flint and steel, a fishhook and a brass watch with a starry design. And a small drawstring pouch which contained some money. But no thread and needles, which were necessary so that he wouldn't have to buy new clothes unless what he was wearing was not salvageable.

Realizing that the dwarf might need some help with moving the cart (which was probably why he had approached the other dwarf in the first place), Esk finished his meal and stood up, slinging his pack on his shoulders. He could pay for his rudeness by helping to move the cart as well. "Do you need help with the cart? If so, I'll help you out." He asked politely, quiet as ever.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to The Minstrel's Mug

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

Nodding slowly, Tharin finally noticed the cart sitting inside the tap room. Jerking backwards, he fell over in surprise, spluttering as he stood up. Wiping non-existant grime from his armor, he eyed both Zeebral and the cart strangely. "Now how the hell did ye manage to get that in here?" he asked, genuinely confused. Laughter burst out of him. The scene was absurdly hilarious: a cart stood in the middle of a room, loaded with goods and seemingly there impossibly while sprawled across the floor were about a dozen people, bleeding and with silver stuffed into their pockets.

"I'll help ye get it out o' here, no payment required. The laughter was payment enough," he said as Zeebral offered payment. Not that he needed money anyway. Reflecting over that thought for a moment, he realized that it was a new memory. Faint glimpses of a gilt coffer filled with gold flitted into his mind, seemingly out of nowhere. Yes, he remembered a bit now. Fitting, considering he was apparently a black-market merchant and fight organizer. They usually made quite a bit of cash.

Stashing the two books in his pack, Tharin collected the few ingredients he had with him to experiment. It didn't seem like he had had time to add anything new. Eyeing a piece of ginger randomly sticking from his pack, he grabbed the plant, crushed it, and threw it into the concoction. Taking up the small mug, he downed the contents and immediately spat them out. Wiping his lips, he took out a flask from his pack and drowned away the taste with his supply of alcohol. Never trying that again, he thought.

Standing up, he sidled over to the cart and leaned against it, waiting for Zeebral to give a command.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uona gel-Gahal Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Richard the Pawn of Dinius Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

Brainde, Merrowvale
October 21, 2014--4:24 PM

The female orc walked straight up to Altara and Lyra, with a rather menacing expression, and lowered her huge sword to her side. Then she suddenly cleared her throat, and began talking...with stutters. "I am U-Uona gel-Gahal. I see you are an adventurer, and request a, uh... a... thing." Just as she finished saying this, she faltered and looked around, as though she were trying to remind herself of what she was supposed to say.

To be honest, Altara found this quite funny, but she stifled a laugh, and instead turned back to the wizard. "Sorry, looks like I might not be available to help you out." Just as she finished saying this, she turned back to Uona, putting on a welcoming smile despite how awkward things were. "I'm listening. What do you want me to do?" She didn't notice that Lyra's gaze was elsewhere...

Just at that moment, she heard another male voice speaking to her, asking about something. Gods, how many people do I need to talk with at once?! But Altara didn't even have the chance to turn to see who was talking before without warning, the elf girl slumped against her rain-soaked armored shoulder.

"Wha-Lyra?!" The red-haired lady quickly caught her companion before she could fall into the mud. "Is something wrong?"

Groaning, Lyra put a hand to her head under her blonde hair. "U-ugh...s-sorry, Altara...I-I of w-weak..."

Oh, no. Just how long has she been standing under the rain? Picking the elf girl up under the knees and back, bridal style, she turned first to the wizard, and then to Uona. The smile was no longer on her face, now replaced by an expression of urgency. "Um...I'm sorry. I need to get her inside and dried off quickly. If it doesn't bother you, could you two maybe speak to me later about your matters? Thank you."

Just as she finished that, she quickly pushed the door open and entered the Minstrel's Mug, dashing past several people trying to move a huge cart. The thoughts about how such a huge cart managed to fit through the door failed to register in her mind as she hurried to the front desk. "Excuse me! Are there any rooms available?" she asked the clerk--who seemed to be a very tall boy with blonde hair.

Looking bewildered and a bit nervous, the boy looked around quickly for things on the desk--records, keys, something--before he remembered. "Oh. you, er, want a private room?" he asked, clearly not comfortable in this job. "It's, uh, 3 gold for one night..."

"Yes, a private room will be fine. Only me and this elf girl will be staying there," Altara answered, letting go of Lyra with one arm and fishing around in her pocket. Finally, her hand found the three gold coins she needed, and she slid them across the table to the clerk, who fumbled around a little before giving her a key in exchange. "Thanks," the red-haired lady told him hurriedly before rushing past him and finding the room written on the key.

As she unlocked the door, Lyra finally managed to find her voice again. "Uh...y-you...sort of, um, o-overreacted to that," she commented quietly, as Altara locked the door behind them and laid her down on the straw mat in the center of the room.

"Don't call that overreacting," Altara insisted, finally returning to a normal pace as she stood up again and started to remove her armor. "We couldn't have you lying face-down in the mud while feeling like that, could we? Plus..." She suddenly let out a loud sneeze, and shivered a little. "...I think I need to dry off a bit, too..."

The elf girl couldn't help but giggle as Altara rubbed her nose, looking a little embarrassed. "Yes...we probably should get out of these wet clothes, shouldn't we?"

"Yeah. Hopefully mine will be a lot dryer when I go see Uona and that wizard again," Altara agreed, pulling her dress over her head. She hung her dress from the long pole at the far end of the room, then turned around to take Lyra's dress...and suddenly realized the elf girl was laying on the only bed in this room. THIS is going to be even more awkward.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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"Ah I see! Well no problem at all sir, have some needles I shall sell you some as soon as my cart is outdoors my fried!" Zeebarl replied with a grin to the stranger clad in green, who had began rummaging around with his own supplies. The merchant then turned to see the dwarfs surprise a she quizzically asked how he had managed to get the cart indoors, to which Zeebarl could only shrug in reply, having no memory of it other than struggling at the doorway for hours. Though he didn't expect the dwarf to be so surprised, it was almost as if he had never seen a cart inside a inn that was much larger than the entrance before. The dwarf the suddenly burst out laughing, leaving Zeebarl puzzled this time, the humor apparently lost on him entirely.

The dwarfs laughter was so loud, he almost didn't catch the polite human's offer to help, which Zeebarl snatched at almost immediately, quickly replying; "Why yes thank you, your help would be greatly appreciated! It shall certainly be a hassle to move out of here!", rubbing his hand sin satisfaction as he turned to the dwarf telling him no payment was needed, his growing even wider.
"Ah I see, much obliged good sir, well, when your both ready!", he happily told the two, as the dwarf packed his things. Nothing made a merchant smile more than free labor. Well for Zeebarl anyway. Pretty much only on someones free will as well, due to his dislike of slavery. How could you put a price on something that's not truly there? After-all, these people were just empty husks that happened to be carrying things Zeebarl liked to buy and sell to gain. It confused the halfling vendor immensely, the whole business seemed illogical to him.

As he rubbed his chin in thought, he quickly had to take a few steps back to avoid the spat out drink by the helping dwarf, but before he could chide the fellow, he had already began ready to move the cart, to which Zeebarl took a deep breath ready to issue him orders as well as the spiky haired man. He had to take another dodge first however, as a red haired knight burst through the door carrying a elf woman in her arms, asking hastily for a private room and quickly paying the fare before rushing off upstairs. Honestly, young ones these days. They had no tact or restraint.
That wasn't what was important to Zeebarl however, his cart was.
"Right then you two, on the count of three lift. Ready? Of course you both are. Oh and it goes without saying, but just in case, don't be feeling inclined to be light-fingered around my stock, please. Anyways without further ado. One, Two, Three!", he quickly babbled, seeming greatly unfazed by the sudden entrance of the hasty pair earlier.

The setting changes from The Minstrel's Mug to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK


Esk nodded and stood up, carrying his pack with him. He walked to the cart, but stood back to let the redheaded girl who had burst into the inn carrying a Elven girl in her arms pass through without hindrance. For a moment, Esk stared at them, bemused. He wondered why they were behaving like that before realizing that the elf had probably fainted, which was why the redheaded knight had passed through the inn in such a hurry. Then he walked towards the cart, taking hold of it as well, opposite the dwarf.

Esk adjusted his grip, taking a more firmer grip on the cart. He didn't speak to the dwarf opposite him, instead wondering about how the cart had fitted in here. He didn't really remember seeing it till just now, so how had it suddenly appeared here? And how did the dwarf merchant managed to get it in here? Esk's musings were interrupted by the dwarf merchants words, and he gave a small, quick nod in response, his hands tightening on the cart. Stealing was bad, and therefore should not be carried out. He knew that.

At the count of three, Esk lifted the cart in time with the other dwarf with surprising ease. It was heavy, but Esk was strong and he could carry it out of the door to wherever the dwarf wanted them to put it. He probably wouldn't be able to bench press it without getting a back injury, though. Esk began to move in time with the other dwarf, ready to follow the dwarf merchant's instructions on where to place the cart.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to The Minstrel's Mug

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

As Tharin leaned against the cart, he examined the various people rushing through the room of the inn. A red-headed woman clad in armor rushed in, carrying an elf lass in her arms. She quickly arranged a room before rushing off upstairs. Upon hearing the price of a stupid room at this stupid inn he almost suffered from apoplexy. Three gold pieces for a private room in a small village in the middle of nowhere?! He grumbled quietly about the thievery of the building while thinking what the cause of the commotion was. Either that elf girl fainted, which seemed very possible considering her condition, or...he shook his head, discarding the thought from his mind. Wasn't decent at any rate.

Following came a wizard of some sorts, judging by his attire. Glancing out the door, he saw a large stone post set in the ground. That definitely was not there when I came in, he thought, puzzled. Realization came as he saw the stone move. So it must be a stone golem, most likely belonging to that wizard that had recently gone upstairs on his own. He listened as it thumped its way around the building, coming to rest somewhere around the rear of the inn. Shrugging, Tharin saw both the armored lady and the wizard return downstairs and speak briefly before returning upstairs. Most likely some form of business. Might have been related to the pound he heard earlier from the wall. The golem must have done something.

As Zeebral gave the command, Tharin began pushing with his legs, using his arms simply as a means to concentrate the force and stabilize the vehicle. Lifting the cart up, he began walking towards the doorway in tandem with the man next to him. Eying the opening, he grinned. If the door wouldn't admit the cart then the door was about to be a bit wider. Maybe that golem could make the front of the building more accommodating to a cart.

The setting changes from The Minstrel's Mug to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Richard the Pawn of Dinius Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Validus
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0.00 INK

As the his two 'assistants' lifted the cart, Zeebarl quickly grabbed the tarp that sat on top, quickly pulling it over the carts contents and strapping it down, giving the ropes a tug to check their tightness before giving a satisfied nod.
"There we are, that'll sort out my wares from tumbling out.", the merchant commented while he added in his thoughts; As well as any wandering fingers too hopefully , as although his memories were blurry, his distrust of strangers was unchanged.

As he stepped away from the cart, he saw a young wizard speed past him to inquire for a room, no doubt his nervousness was of the rough looking and injured patrons of the inn, which would be understandable for anyone wishing to avoid strife. Zeebarl payed no mind to the young man, as he turned to face the cart before he suddenly stumbled as the ground he stood on suddenly shook, staring around in bafflement at the event. He shrugged to himself, having no clue that he managed to completely miss a 1000 kilogram and 13 feet tall stone golem having wandered over to the side of the inn. If Zeebarl knew of his lack of perception in this moment he'd of been horrified. Of his own behavior that is. For now though, he merely stared at the armored dwarf quizzically as he seemed to have been staring at something behind him, which Zeebarl decided against checking when the dwarf merely shrugged himself. He was about to finally add on more orders until the red haired knight suddenly wandered down to have a look around, before bumping into the young wizard from earlier as he returned downstairs, the pair of them seeming to have met before, and chatted about some employment of sorts. Most likely for the knight to be a bodyguard or the wizard for magical expertise. Either way, Zeebarl didn't give a toss.

His attention was now thankfully back to the cart, as well as the human and dwarf holding it, who kindly waited for his instruction.
"Right then you two, from what I can see of this narrow door way, the only way to attempt to push it through, is via diagonally, to one shall need to tilt it up while the other stands steadfast on the lower side, and keep a firm grip as you move it through, we wouldn't want it wedged in now. Oh and frankly it doesn't matter which way you tilt it. Thank you both again for assisting old Zeebarl Weasel Eyes.", he babbled without pausing for breath, backing away towards the door slowly as he indicated at the pair to follow, adding as an afterthought; "Oh, and I shall be pulling the cart from the outside as well."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK


Esk nodded seriously at the merchant's words. Putting a tarp on top so that the contents of the cart wouldn't drop out was practical and effective, and he filed this bit of information away for future reference. Esk ignored the wizard who had sped in asking for a room (was the amount for a room really that high nowadays? Ah well), instead focusing on moving in time with the dwarf and on stabilising the cart so that it wouldn't fall over. Since Esk was doing this as an apology, he didn't want to be the one who caused the merchant's cart to fall over. And Esk also wanted to get his needles and thread, which he probably wouldn't be able to until he moved the cart outside.

As they were moving towards the door, a blonde haired man wearing a bandana - a kid, really - sped through it, narrowly avoiding bumping into them. The kid stared at them with curiosity for a moment, before cheerfully uttering an apology and speeding off to somewhere with a grin. Esk dismissed him from his mind, doubtfully studying the doorway instead. It seemed a bit too narrow for them to manoeuvre a cart through...

Huh. Esk blinked in surprise as he caught glimpse of the golem outside, but otherwise kept his expression neutral. That's... That's new. When did it get here? I don't remember seeing it before... then again, he could barely remember anything else either. Esk was interrupted out of his musings when the dwarf merchant spoke. He listened attentively as the dwarf - Zeebarl - talked about how to get the cart outside. He nodded, then politely asked the other dwarf, "Should I lift the cart higher while you act as the stabiliser? Or do you have a better way to bring the cart outside?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uona gel-Gahal Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Adriel Maalik Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Axel Rhodes
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0.00 INK

The man named Axel took her hand and shook it, which was a new experience. Was this something many people did? Hm. He sounded pleasant enough, at least. Maybe her suspicions were unfounded.

"I only thought that if we are to work together, I should know a bit more about your skills beforehand," She said, releasing his hand. "I am Unoa, by the way."

Her eyes flicked over to the door momentarily. It seemed they would be trying to get a cart through the door soon, which may make entrance into the tavern difficult.. She wondered how they had gotten it in there to begin with.

"Ah, perhaps we should continue this discussion inside," she suggested. "I am eager to know more about you, however." She stepped towards the door, checking to see if he'd follow.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to The Minstrel's Mug

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uona gel-Gahal Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

(Apologies for the hiatus.)

Tharin stroked his beard as the halfling merchant lay out his plan. Tilting the cart would afford the most space for it to pass through the door, something which was sorely needed if they were to have any chance of extracting the vehicle from the inn. Glancing at Esclava, he took stock of the man. Of an average height with many other humans, he was lean, sporting little hair on his body except for the shockingly red spiky hair on his head. Ears ending in slight points marked him as one of Elvish decent. A half-elf then. Sinewy in build, Tharin saw a deep inner strength, thinness belying that fact.

Taking stock of the cart, he lifted one arm experimentally. Resistance met his arm, the vehicle refusing to move. Placing his other hand under, he lifted slightly, managing to bring the wheels a small distance off the ground. Lowering the cart, he noticed an Orc enter the building, clad in armor and carrying a giant sword. Many of his kin carried hatred for the Orcish race but Tharin was not one of them. Orcs were one of his best customers and he was not wont to discourage an inflow of cash if his memories served him correctly. He hoped they did. Following her movements, he saw the red-haired woman from earlier, who was seated at the bar hastily scrawl something for the Uona on a small slip of paper, apparently in a panic handing it to her, before returning to her seat. A strange interaction to say the least. A lot of activity for such a small, unimportant village.

Nodding to Zeebral in recognition of his words, he gruffly muttered, "My pleasure, Mister Zeebarl." Turning to Esclava, he stated, "I think it would be best if we tilted the cart so that it rested upon my back. That way it would be stabilized on three points as you push from the inside and Mister Zeebarl here pulls. Do not worry for me, my back has taken worse." I think, he thought to himself in slight worry. Missing memory was certainly a problem.

Moving to the center of the cart, he took a deep breath before motioning to Zeebarl and Esclava to lift the cart.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uona gel-Gahal Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Hope Froloss Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

(No problem at all pal :) )
Yet again, before the steadfast group could accomplish their quest to carry the great merchants cart through the doorway of great inconvenience, more strangers decided to visit the inn. First, there was some blonde haired boy who sprinted in, nearly tumbling to Zeebarl's precious cart, giving the halfling a mild heart attack that was washed away with relief as the young bandanna wearing man stopped himself and apologized, before speeding off again. Good thing too, as Zeebarl was about launch a torrent of furious words at the strange if he hadn't done either, though his would wasn't exactly filled with joy when he realized the hasty stranger was giggling to himself in the corner of the inn.

The next bunch of patrons for the inn were a rather tough looking ogre woman, most likely a warrior from the look of her garb, being followed along by two young human men, one with brown hair and a red cape, the other with black hair and blue eyes. He stared in mild curiosity to ponder if these two men were after this warrior woman's heart? He then dashed the idea as ridiculous when they sat at a nearby table and pinched himself for his stupidity as they were clearly the adventuring sort. He tired his best to ignore the odd suspicious activity that followed afterwards, as the ogre stopped herself wandering upstairs to end up being given a note from that red haired knight he saw from earlier. He really should focus on the task at hand.

As the red haired human inquired on the method of moving the cart to the dwarf, he realized as he payed closer attention to the man's ears, that he was only but half human, the other being of an elf, which made Zeebarl somewhat thankful, due to them having more strength than the average fellow, and this example of his kind being a somewhat skinny one. His attention shifted to the dwarf however, having very politely addressed him and suggesting to balance the lower leaning area of the cart on his back, announcing he had lifted worse, which Zeebarl decided he was beginning to like the good manners of these two. Hopefully he was right in thinking these two were a good choice for moving his cart. The heavily armored dwarf then motioned for the merchant and their spiky haired friend to lift the cart, complying with his wishes to do so.
"Right then, follow my lead lads, well be done in no time!" Zeebarl exclaimed as he stared backing towards the inn's entrance, taking careful steps and occasional peers behind him.

The setting changes from The Minstrel's Mug to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

Esclava (it's ok.)

Esk waited patiently while the dwarf tested the cart, and nodded when he deduced what seemed to be a better way of dealing with pushing the cart out of the door. He followed the timing of Zeebarl, ignoring the other people who had entered. They didn't matter right now, the cart did. Esk was starting to wonder when they would ever get the cart through the door so he could buy the thread and needles he required. When they reached the door, Esk paused and turned to the dwarf, ready to place the cart on his back. "Are you ready?" Esk asked, adjusting his grip so as to lift it up and place it on the dwarfs back the moment he have the go ahead.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to The Minstrel's Mug

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

"Aye lad, ready as I'll ever be," responded Tharin is he settled into position. Spreading his legs to shoulder width, he locked his knees so that they wouldn't buckle upon the initial strain. Extending his arms out behind him to help hold the cart, he took a deep breath and exhaled as the cart was lowered. Tharin grunted as the weight settled onto his back, putting a strain on his legs. He should be able to support it out as far as the courtyard in front of the inn. Moving in tandem with the other two helping move the cart, he slowly crab-walked through the door, maneuvering his body so that the cart would fit.

Upon exiting, Tharin kept walking until the end of the cart had cleared the doorway. Motioning to Esclava and Zeebarl to set the cart down, he slowly made his way out from under the vehicle while still supporting with his arms. Breathing heavily, Tharin cracked his back in order to rid some of the strain from his muscles. He had expected the cart to be heavy, yes, but either he was not as physically fit as he once was, despite being a relatively young dwarf, or the cart had some heavy items under the tarp. Thinking back to his earlier talk about payment, he decided to rescind that decision. Everything always had a price to it, even when free monetarily. The only thing that Tharin had to think about was whether or not he should inform Zeebarl of the change in arrangements. While it might cause disgruntlement now, holding it off until later would most certainly create disgust. To tell it would be, then.

Walking over to the halfling Tharin made a short bow. "'Twas a pleasure to help ye, Marster Zeebarl. I would wish to talk about recompense," he stated, raising his hands up in a slightly placating manner. "I do know that I said I did not require payment, and I hold true to that-monetarily. If at all possible, I would be most happy if you could promise to provide a small favor should I ever need one. Have no worries, it will not detract from your possessions should I ever require something. Understandable if you should disagree but I hope that we can come to some accord on this matter."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

Staring at Munti for a moment as he fought to open the wooden door, Cardista pressed a cupped hand over her mouth to try to hold back a giggle. She shifted her attentions over to the three men that seemed of been trying to shove a cart through the door just moments before they reached the Minstrel's Mug. She had to take a moment to chant silently in her head she would not go over and dive into the cart...But something about that seemed almost like a deja vu moment. She was definitely getting the feeling she was here before and decided the cart driving was not worth the attention it would bring to the three already odd looking traveling companions. She gave a small curtsey to Munti before entering through the door, he seemed to be struggling to keep open. "Thank you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tharin Karzaduk Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

Zeebarl assisted the spiky red haired half-elf placing the cart's corner onto the dwarf, which he seemed rather anxious about due to giving a rather large grunt of strain as the weight finally shifted to his back. His worries of his precious cart landing with a shattering thud were unfounded however, as it seemed the dwarf could handle the weight with negotiable ease as the halfling as the fellow stranger maneuvered the cart to the door, with Zeebarl much more thankful that he did not have to resort to doing this on his lonesome, as he canted constantly with fret; "Easy now. Careful. To me now. Watch your sides. Easy, easy. That's right, just little baby steps now.", as if when he closed his mouth, an accident would occur.

As they surprisingly managed to squeeze it through the doorway, Zeebarl himself entirely surprised, but mostly extremely relieved, that they had got his cart through, but a large satisfied grin could be seen plastered on his face at their success, made even more wider when he realized he did no owe them any payment for this work, the pair of the assisting him out of their own generosity. He certainly had a stroke of luck here! He gave a sigh of joy and exhaustion from carrying the cart as they lowered it from the steadfast dwarf's back giving him a moment to stretch himself out from the tiring experience, and setting the cart down.
"Well, thank you greatly you two, I much obliged for your much needed and much grateful assistance in this endeavour, truly you are both kind and generous souls to assist this humble merchant for free!", he babbled cheerfully to the pair ready, as he his smile froze when he heard the dwarfs words his eye's seeming faded away as he listened intently to the vague acquaintances words.

Obviously being the selfish merchant he was, seeing no gain in such a decision, he would out right push away a favor, though then again it was not of any harm to his stock or possessions, not to mention his wallet. It also made him realize that this would be a pretty even transaction, as it simply seemed from the mans words that he would most likely just be doing some ordinary errand, and he did offer payment in the first place when he asked for his assistance. He mulled over his answer as he watched a young faun gentleman with the unfortunate lack of ability to wear trousers hold the door for also a pair of young neko girls, one clad in yellow, the other clad in green. Strange, he had a sense of deja-vu when he saw the neko girl dresse din yellow. In fact, now that he thought of it, the red haired knight had an air of familiarity to her, and as he stared at the skinny half elf fellow that helped him, he had that feeling about him too. He shook the idea away quickly deciding to reply to the dwarf.

"Well I suppose if it is truly just a small favor in return, it would not cause much harm. I did offer payment first hand after all. Well I suppose it's a deal good sir.", he said in a rather flat tone, offer his hand out to the dwarf before adding; "Though now that I realize it, I do not know the names of either of you. Ah well, that is up to either of you to divulge. I am not one to pry if you do not wish to be known."