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Altara Koloyros

"Why do I keep thinking of that girl...yet, I can't remember ever meeting her? Am I...going crazy?"

0 · 581 views · located in World of Amtophia

a character in “Abandoned In Amtophia”, originally authored by Nightblazer, as played by RolePlayGateway


Altara Koloyros

ImageName: Altara Koloyros
Nicknames: None (right now)
Age: 21
Gender: Female

Theme: Xenoblade Chronicles - Memories

Orientation: Lesbian
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Sub-class/Skills: Fighter/Red Mage hybrid
  • Primarily fights using physical weapons
  • Able to use magic spells of various kinds, though not as effectively as devoted magicians
Alignment: Neutral Good?

Level: 10
EXP: 0/1000

Height: 173 cm
Weight: 63 kg

Abilities: Just to be clear, any attacks/abilities she has to manually activate will be referred to as "Arts" here.
  • Peerlessness: Doubles Physical Strength for Altara (and other party members) Upon activation, debuffs currently on party members near Altara are shortened by 2 seconds, and a massive amount of aggro is placed upon Altara from all enemies she is fighting. Lasts 8 seconds, 45 second cooldown. Denoted when her eyes glow bright red, and an aura resembling flame of the same color surrounds her.
  • Mistral: A very fast thrust using Altara's spear, propelling her forward 2 meters. Inflicts Bleed for 10 seconds, causing the opponent to take a small amount of damage every 2 seconds. 15 second cooldown.
  • Sirocco: Powerful two-strike combo. Starts with a diagonal slash and then with a powerful thrust. Second hit reduces the target's Defense (resists physical damage) by 20%. If used on an opponent suffering from Bleed, it also reduces Physical Attack by 20%. 30 second cooldown.
    (Note: Any underlined abilities cannot be activated at the same time, and activating one of them will cancel out any other that is currently in effect.
  • Cannot take physical attacks very well, particularly impact-type ones.
  • Getting hit with water attacks causes her to flinch. Also, speed is reduced by 10% while it's raining. Seems situational for now, but...
  • A lot of her arts rely on Mistral hitting an opponent and inflicting Bleed in order to work, so nullifying Mistral effectively ruins her strategy.
Personal Items and Weapons:
  • Steel Lance: A relatively useful spear, with decent durability and power. It resembles a sword with a long pole in lieu of a hilt. The entire spear is made of silver metal.
  • Zephyr Armor: Her silver armor, which isn't even a full set. Despite its appearances, it's actually quite light and rather weak--its true defensive power comes in its Resistance (reduces Magic damage).
  • Red and white sleeveless dress, and red thigh-high boots.
  • A pouch containing many small blank cards and a charcoal stick for keeping notes.
  • 25 gold coins (to start off).

Appearance: A young lady with long, unkempt red hair which is kept slightly more organized by wing-shaped hair clips. Not quite as tall or bulky as the next fighter, but still has a decent amount of muscle. Her eyes are bright red, and her face is rarely (if ever) adorned by makeup.
Oddities: Really likes doodling on blank cards from time to time.

Quite adventurous and bold, though she usually catches herself before she can do anything too reckless. Tries to act maturely most of the time, though she isn't above making bad jokes--like puns. Is more content to travel around and get lost for a while, discovering a lot of new things before finding her way again, and usually doesn't buy maps as a result. Amazingly, Altara seems to have a good memory of the landmarks and scenery of places she's been to, though she usually downplays it.

Is one of those types of people who really gets hyped during battle, and frequently shouts out encouragement to her allies in the heat of the fight. However, she usually tries to hide any pain she herself is feeling, whether emotional or physical. If her allies notice something's wrong, she downplays it, telling them to worry about anyone else who is injured first.

But lately, there's been something troubling Altara. In addition to the amnesia nearly everyone else has suffered, an image keeps entering her mind--it is of a young lady with violet hair and blue eyes, wearing blue magician's robes and a kind smile. Whenever she has a moment to think, the red-haired knight wonders who it could be, unable to realize that girl was the player who owned her...

  • Player's version: Altara was created on June 21st, 2014, as a travelling companion for a female player bearing the name "Stella." Having no friends in the game, Stella found it was difficult to handle the opponents in a certain dungeon, for they had high magic resistance. And with so much time and energy invested into her magic stats, she didn't want to build from the ground up all over again. Thus, she undertook a quest to hire a knight as an assistant in battles. The quest generator created a female spear wielder to help her--Altara.

    The duo was able to clear the dungeon easily, and Stella found it was very helpful to have her own personal knight. Altara would attract the monsters' attention, tank all the hits with her armor, and inflict heavy physical damage to keep Stella safe. She was there to defend Stella when the player needed to use a healing item, and while Stella went to towns to buy new equipment or simply relax, Altara would go off to obtain items for crafting and more gold. Above all else, the A.I. given to Altara shouted out encouragement to Stella nearly all the time.

    Unfortunately, as August came, Stella played the game less and less. She was sometimes asked by her knight companion about why she was awake (logged on) less often, but she frequently answered "none of your business." Finally, Stella stopped logging in altogether without cancelling her account, leaving the account to gather dust, and Altara was forgotten...
  • Rewritten version: Awaking in a forest near a seaside town named Brainde in Merrowvale, Altara could not remember a single detail about her past life. She didn't know where she was, or what she had been doing. The only thing that met her were hallucinations of a Blue Mage girl...unsure of what to do, she started walking towards Brainde so that she would be less vulnerable to monsters and bandits and such.

    (Will fill in more of this later. After all, Altara has had amnesia, so why would this be on her profile right now? Hah.)
Likes: Traveling, fighting monsters (and winning, of course!), sweets (particularly of a strawberry variety), fruit, walking outside on a clear night
Dislikes: Stormy weather, bitter blends of tea, being forced to stay indoors for an entire day, TOMATOES.
Fears: Frequently worries she's going insane, due to her dreams of that violet-haired magician. And dreads swimming, of all things.

Other: Altara's name is derived from "Altarf," also known as Beta Cancri, the brightest star of the constellation Cancer. Her last name, Koloyros, is the Hindu name for Cancer itself. Even her spear, Acubens, is named after a star in Cancer--Alpha Cancri.

It seems the system went out of its way to emphasize how she was created during the first day of Cancer...

So begins...

Altara Koloyros's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Scarlet Evalynne Black Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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Drei frowned deeply at Revik's reply to her, but she didn't feel angry. "You know what I mean," she said defensively, wondering if he took it as a compliment. He knows what I mean, right?

When Sariya arrived and thanked Drei for holding her bag, Drei seized her chance. As she handed the bag out to her, her eyes flashed, and suddenly, everything moved slowly, except for Drei. Her heartbeat sped up and she could hear her blood pounding in her ears - all other sounds had ceased. With a flick of her hand, her flower was out of her corset and tucked tucked into Sariya's ponytail. Two seconds later, everything had fallen back to its usual speed, as though nothing had even happened.

Drei's inner self cheered when Sariya didn't react, which she knew she wouldn't, as she was good at this sort of thing. The flower looked not as good as she imagined it to against the pink, either the pink too light or the orange too reddish. Shrugging to herself, she turned her attention back to the mage girl.

"Edible food is the only kind," she stated not-so-helpfully, then pointed over to the marketplace she was at 15 minutes ago, "There's a market over there. If you get there in time, you can snag a live chicken - for free. Some sort of deal they have going on at the moment." She said with a little pleasant laugh that she didn't know she possessed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Scarlet Evalynne Black Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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#, as written by Zalgo

"I know what you mean." He answered Drei in a playful tone, still not entirely cluing in to what she was actually meaning. He looked over to Altara when she questioned his knowledge of the route they were to embark upon. "I've been all over the lands! Wherever adventure lies I'm never far!" He proudly proclaimed both loud and proud.

He looked back over to the newcomer who just confirmed that she was a healer, the most valuable of magi. Well, it would be a real shame to let a talent like that slip through his fingers. He resolved to bring her along, a benefit which would make their trip so much easier than he'd of estimated. She did seem to have doubt in her physique, seemingly a little self conscious about her size.

Just as he was about to speak Altara spoke with the white mage on the matter of food. Now that she mentioned it he couldn't remember eating anything since he left the docks about a day ago. "Now that you mention it, I think getting a bite to eat before we head out would hit the spot." He spoke to Altara as she turned to leave. He dwelt on the matter a moment longer before coming to a solid conclusion. "Alright my bold and brave crew! We get some food so we're not walking hungry and then we set forth to Crystalden!" He announced his new brilliant plan before striding ahead of both Altara and the white mage. He walked a few feet only to stop as he realized nobody else was with him. Looking back he saw the two stopped at the first merchant's cart looking at knives. Well, this is certainly an auspicious start to this cash run He rolled his eyes even though they were concealed behind the dark mask which hid his face quite excellently.

Of course that is when he saw it coming from beyond the street corner on the other side of the street. People running in panic in their direction, numerous voices shouting and yelling in panic as civilians rushed their direction.

"Look out! Get out of the way!"

"They're coming!"

"Run! Run while you still can!"

A number of people from the market district cried out while running through the streets. The panicked citizens attempted to push right through him and his group, not caring about how rough they are acting in their hysteria. As a man attempted to tackle him out of the way he just stuck a foot forward and leaned out of the way. When the man's front foot met with his own the guy tripped, bouncing harmlessly off Revik's shoulder and falling roughly to the ground.

"Hey, what's going on?" He demanded an answer from the fellow who just attempted to bowl him over.

"T-they are coming..." The man shivered as he spoke, fear clear in his eyes.


"THE CHICKENS!" The man screamed in horror as from beyond the corner of the wall came a flood of rampaging chickens. There were at least fifty chickens and they had all managed to escape. The chicken that ran at the very front of the herd was the very same chicken that Drei had released earlier though that was unknown to Revik. It was complete chaos.

Chickens all ran in one large swarm, scrabbling over merchant carts and wagons, sending hundreds of articles of various items and produce scattering to the ground in their wake. The man who Revik had tripped was already back on his feet, clutching the tomatoes concealed in his coat close to his chest even though a number of them had already been squished by his fall.

As the parade of panicked poultry rushed them in their bid for freedom Revik could only stand dumbfounded by the spectacle of it all. His mind raced to wonder what chain of events could have started this bizarre avian assault.

"What the hells?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Scarlet Evalynne Black Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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As Zeebarl took out a small blunt knife from his pile, and began sharpening the now slightly shinier kukri, he noted that one of the adventurers, a young and beautiful woman who Zeebarl thought he heard mention of them being a magic user, was interested in some edible food, something which Zeebarl knew for a fact was the best feature of the food he sold, though joking aside he could make a very easy sale with such a vague requirement, a thought that stuck in his mind even if he felt puzzled at the drow's comment about chickens. He began pondering to himself, lost in the rhythm of the sharpening he was doing, on how he would lure the possible adventurers to him. Perhaps offer some fine weaponry and armor? There was always the risk one or two prideful types would be offended at any insinuation of needing replacements. Maybe food as the young mage wanted to find? Certainly an easy way to aim for, but of only the one customer possibly. Perhaps simple enchanted trinkets and potions? They tended to sell well to these brands of customers, simply functional and easy to carry.

Before Zeebarl could decided on his sales pitch however, he was startled at the sudden request of the kukri he was sharpening by the red haired knight. As quickly as the surprise came, the vendor regained his composure, turning to the red haired knight with a wide smile he always used with customers.
"Well madam, i'm glad you asked, for you are very lucky to come to old Zeebarl 'Weasel Eyes' today! For you see sir knight, this grand kukri blade, a valiant weapon and reliable tool in equal measures, does not come alone. Oh no, with it's purchase, I shall thrown it's smaller cousin, the karda for half-price, and this tool skillfully crafted for maintaining these multipurpose blades, the chakmak, for completely free!", the half-dwarf babbled excitedly, acting as if this was a once in a blue moon offer, when in truth it came up any time someone asked for weapons he tended to have counterparts of maintenance tools for.
"You are probably thinking to yourself, how on earth can I afford this tremendous offer? But worry not my friend, for this immensely advantageous combination is yours for the low and lovely price of 25 gold coins!", he exclaimed enthusiastically, hoping the quick fire words would of convinced her leaning towards purchase, though due to her being a woman of adventure no doubt, it was very unlikely.

Just in case it didn't work however, he turned to the blonde magic user openly announcing; "I heard there was also some mention of food? Don't be shy, feel free to request whatever quells your appetite! We have your fruits, we have your veg, we have your breads, we have your meats, we have your cheese, we have all kinds of drink, including those of the alcoholic variety if that takes your fancy, and we even have some rare dwarven and ogre delicacies! Take your pick now, anything at all!", he then threw his arms open as if he was greeting an old friend, which quickly lowered down as he saw the stampede of people barging past them.

Zeebarl almost immediately began protecting the cart, hoping atop his hoard and defending against any panicked idiots who though it was a good idea to mess with his wares along the way, often being met with a strike to the hand with Zeebarl's blackjack, which he continued to aggressively chant at them. "No purchase, no touching!". That was when it appeared. The chicken flock, swarming down the streets like a typhoon of clucking feathers. And beaks. And other chickens parts. The lack on analogy did not matter to Zeebarl at that moment as one simple and immensely unexpected sentence burst from his mouth.
"Oh by the god's not this again!"

The setting changes from Merrowvale Brainde to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Amynta Zografos
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Merrowvale Brainde
Server Down for 3 Days

That's definitely gotta be a scam.
Gazing at the kukri with eyes narrowed in suspicion, Altara just couldn't make herself believe it costed 25 gold. Sure, it looked quite a bit shinier now that the merchant had sharpened it, and he was including both of its companions, just didn't look high-end enough for 25 gold. At most, it looked to be worth 18...

Even worse, she only had 4 gold left in her pockets right now, after buying all that food and the enchanted pack, as well as getting her armor and Acubens repaired. Geez, how was she supposed to handle this...should she just decline?

Right at that point, chaos erupted from the far side of the market square. Her head snapping to point in that direction, Altara couldn't help but stare in disbelief. "Chickens...?!"

Yes, the flightless birds were stampeding through the square, knocking down stalls and carts and scattering goods of all sorts everywhere. People ran away from the feathery carnage, screaming and shielding their belongings. It was so bizarre, Altara almost immediately raised her spear...

Just as she was getting ready to take the leather wrappings off the blade, however, a new image entered her mind--for once, it didn't have that blue magician girl in it. Instead, she could see herself attacking some random chicken, the look on her face suggesting it was just for some childish form of amusement...but almost immediately, she got attacked by 20 more in retaliation.

Uh...forget it. Sidestepping a fleeing man, Altara glanced over to the merchant, who looked horrified by the chickens coming in. With him paying so much attention to the chickens and the people retreating towards him, could she...just take the kukri from his hands right now?

No, it probably was best to just get out of here. The blacksmith's shop wasn't too far from here anyway...moving her head to the right and letting a chicken fly past, she looked to the others. "It's kind of pathetic that I'm suggesting this, but we probably should get out of here quickly. Come on!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Scarlet Evalynne Black Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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Scarlet followed behind Altara in agreement, not sure if she should laugh at the merchants fleeing with as many of their goods as they could carry, or if she should assist them in some way. Just as the thought to help passed through her mind, the chickens seemed to turn towards her group and she drew her scythe in a wide arch, the blade running sideways as she spun causing the air to distort into a small torrent of visible wind that blew the chickens back in a small storm. She replaced her now folded X-Scythe at her hip and began to run towards the rest of her companions.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Scarlet Evalynne Black Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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The first thing that hit Drei was how damn funny the whole situation was. The second thing that hit her was that she couldn't teleport as she had used the talent previously and that getting trampled by an enormous flock of non-threatening birds was an incredibly stupid way for someone like her to go, especially as she was the one to cause the disaster. She grit her teeth, keeping in the laughter and forcing herself to take the problem seriously. She could laugh about it later, if she got out of the stampede alive.

I swear that there weren't that many, Drei thought to herself, an edge of humour to her inner voice. She tossed her head back to her companions, "I agree with the knight," she said, "The heroes of legend may claim that adventurers who run from their enemies are craven, but..." Drei glanced at the girl with the red cloak as she rushed past her and tossed the front lines of the chicken army up into the air with a swoop of her scythe, "I doubt those heroes ever had to deal with this, and I don't feel in the mood to slaughter a mass of helpless birds today." She finished, the weariness in her voice breaking through. And it hurts my dignity even witnessing this, so let's get out of here as soon as possible. Drei grimaced. She could blame the needle all she'd like, but ultimately, this was all her fault.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to Merrowvale Brainde

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Scarlet Evalynne Black Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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#, as written by Zalgo

He snapped out of his moment of befuddlement to look around and observe the situation more clearly. From the sounds of it the general consensus was to run from the chickens rather than fight the poultry and endure numerous small foes. He himself was none too keen to tackle this predicament himself. Chickens were kind of like rats, easy enough on their own but in numbers could be quite inconvenient. The sheer number of scratches would be a painful and unnecessary ordeal to put up with.

"Well if chickening out is what's on the menu I guess I'm all out of cluck." He spoke in jest at the situation they were in. Waiting a moment for the almost inevitable groans he shrugged. "I promise that'll be the last chicken pun from me for now."

Turning tail and dashing away Revik ran well ahead of the group. He was quite used to rapid sprints like this, both when charging and running away from something he likely caused. It was little surprise when he ended up back in the front of the group even though he was one of the last to flee the feathered scene. After a turn here and there the chicken swarm eventually dispersed. As it turned out the chickens just really wanted to get out of there, little direction or order to their actions besides that. He was certainly fine enough with that so long as it's not him that's caught in the rush.

Taking a moment he began stretching himself out like one usually should after a brisk warmup like that. He was quite a potent physical figure but flexibility was not one of his strong suites. His back made a series of relatively audible popping noises as he turned his upper torso as far around as he could while keeping his lower torso centered. As he finished that up he looked up to see which shop he was standing in front of now. Finally leaned back enough to see past the rim of his helmet he noticed that he was in front of a blacksmith's shop. He turned around to see who else amongst his newest crew of new bloods had managed to keep up.

The setting changes from Merrowvale Brainde to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Scarlet Evalynne Black Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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Sariya had taken her bag, and was placing the small coins in the pouch in her bag before looking at the others, the mage was talking with the knight about food, Drei was giving Revik some hell for how the party was, and then she noticed the harem that she was in, Revik seemed to arguably be the leader of the party as the rest were women of varying colours, classes, and personality. Sariya looked to Revik with a face that screamed 'I see what you're doing, and I may or may not like it...' Before speaking with elegance, "So Revik, what's the plan-" she asked before a yell cut the dancer off,

"Lookout! Get out of the way!"

"They're coming! Run while you still can!"

This confused Sariya, and as Revik had inquired about what they were and that's when she heard it, chickens. Of all things that could insight fear into the hearts of man, chickens were what got this town going from civilized folk, to a shower of savages in an instant. With a sigh of sheer annoyance, she mumbled to herself to make her own comment on the situation,

"All this panic over some chickens?"

As she prepared she thought of the small incantation, Muse, guide my song to the hearts of the weary, calming them. Spellsong: Soothing Heart. before giving a few notes and turning it into the song that was meant to quell any panicked crowd with relative ease as the crowd calmed, though she had no idea if the chickens were calmed, but she knew that if the humans were calm enough to rationally think, the chickens wouldn't stand a chance, though she was hoping, since she couldn't really move, that nobody would unintentionally hit her.


Amynta was about to respond to the red knight about the food, at least, until a crowd had run into her sending her to the ground and to the mercy of the panicked feet, which she took a couple of kicks before she quickly moved herself behind the cart, where she'd be safer. As she recovered a little, she heard a song that calmed her at the least. Soon she healed her minor injuries before rising looking at the man, whom in actuality wasn't much taller than she was, but then again she was in heels, and she could tel that the man was a dwarf, whom are known for being short, though soon she moved herself out from behind the cart and bowed,

"My apologies, sir.... I was just trying to get out of the way of the runners." she said as she looked at the res of the crowd as she regrouped to Revik rather quickly and sighed seeing the feathered mess, she didn't hear what had caused the panic, but she saw it now, and quite to her dismay, she knew the feathers were that of a chicken... Though she looked at Revik with calm eyes, and spoke with a motherly and calmed tone, Sariya's song could be heard in the distance,

"Are there any injuries that you can see?" she asked before laughing a little after thought of people fleeing from chickens, that had always amused her, that people would flee from a seemingly harmless creature known as a chicken. Yet, she continued scanning her eyes about for anyone badly injured, not like she'll find someone harmed by the chickens.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to Merrowvale Brainde

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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Merrowvale Brainde
Server Down for 3 Days

Unable to help cracking a smile at the pun, Altara shook her head. "No, it's fine. Make all the puns you want. Now let's go!"

She hadn't moved far, when she noticed a man with red hair--wait a minute, it's that man with the dual knives who apologized to me last night, in the Minstrel's Mug!--kneeling on the ground, hands over his mouth and body shaking. Surprised and a little frightened, Altara was about to stop and ask what was wrong, when she noticed a vendor carrying far too much crude-looking pottery to be safe...stumbling right towards this man.

Without thinking hard about it, Altara reached out and picked up speed again, grabbing the left wrist of the red-haired man. "MOVE!" she ordered, just as the pottery vendor tripped, sending all his clay goods scattering and shattering behind them.

A little bit further down her path, Sariya was singing something. Her voice sounded nice, and for a moment, Altara felt her heart's beating slow a little, the urgency and hurrying in her movements lessening...before she remembered what she was doing. Tapping the dancer on the shoulder, the red-knight urged, "This isn't time for another street performance! Let's go!"

Her eyes scanned the crowd quickly to see where Revik had gone, completely failing to notice that the panic in the square had lessened a little bit through Sariya's song. Eventually, she finally noticed he was heading in the direction of the blacksmith's shop, and ran after him, still dragging the red-haired man behind her without really paying him any mind.

It didn't take her long to catch up to the man with the gauntlets, who was stretching in front of the blacksmith's shop. Loud cracks erupted from his back as he flexed, prompting Altara to wince slightly even as she caught her breath from running. A moment later, the blonde magician who had been asking for food arrived, and Altara finally looked back at the red-haired man she had unceremoniously dragged behind her. "Well...this man doesn't seem to be feeling too great. Can you do something about him?"

The setting changes from Merrowvale Brainde to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Scarlet Evalynne Black Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone Character Portrait: Amynta Zografos
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As Zeebarl saw the group of adventurers began to turn tail and run from the chickens, and rightly so, the merchant almost immediately followed in suit, almost having a miniature heart-attack as the red cloaked girl swung her scythe at the stampede of chickens, though secretly sighed to himself when he saw that they were unharmed.
"Whatever you do, do not harm those chickens! I have seen this before, and it did not bode well for those that attacked them!They will only be angered all the more!", He cried out as he fled, dragging his cart of wares behind him, taking glances back, not to see the chickens progress, but if his cart was in danger at any point, though luckily his pace was faster than the flood of feathered frenzy. He was puzzled at the appearance of the attractive magic user on his cart though, but decided now was not the time to ask her to hop off. He almost froze up at how terrible the large lightly armored man's puns were however, deciding against at shouting at the possible future customer.

Luckily, after a while of running and dragging a cart around, the chicken swarm began dispersing, leaving Zeebarl to screech to halt, almost being run over by his own cart, and left wheezing and panting from the recent escape from bird based catastrophe. The vendor wondered who on earth was stupid enough to anger a group of chickens? Sure they weren't most terrifying beasts, but if you managed to rile up a whole group of them it certainly would turn dangerous very quickly. He was furious at this, as well as his moment of dealership was interrupted and that he had no way of knowing if the magic user that was at the back of his cart had taken anything.

He was about to turn and shout at her over it, but mostly due to letting his judgement clouded by feelings, until a sudden wash of calm soothed him, draining any ill will from that moment, staring blank faced at the magic user as she talked, replying to her; "No problem at all friend, we all had a moment of panic when the villagers had theirs. Also I do not think there was any grave injuries inflicted luckily.", and began staring into space for a few moments before asking aloud; "I don't suppose anyone would like to buy some grain to feed these chickens?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Scarlet Evalynne Black Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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When Esk felt someone grab his wrist and pull him up, he didn't really care. He was miserable and he couldn't think through all the fear and other emotions wrapped up in a ball inside him and he couldn't stop shaking even though it was warm and even though he wasn't going to hurl he couldn't stop gagging; he couldn't move couldn't breath -

Then someone grabbed his wrist and yelled, "MOVE!" Breaking through the haze of terror and nausea and misery clouding his brain.

An order. Follow it.

Esk moved on autopilot, following whoever was in front of him, dodging any obstacles. Dimly, as though he were in a thick fog, he registered multiple crashes behind him, followed by a deep voice swearing. He shoved the ball in his stomach and the nausea away as best as he could, doing his best to follow the order even though he couldn't stop shaking and every step felt as though he was going to fall. His mind was still in turmoil, but his body was moving and he no longer felt like throwing up. He was following orders, he was a good boy even though he couldn't - couldn't -

Then music wafted through Esk's ears and he felt the nausea and fog recede, and the turmoil in his head lessened. He only heard a bit, but it was enough to lessen the hold his emotions had over him. They were still there, but... Less, and he could hear better and see better too, enough to see that the one leading him by the wrist was Lady Knight from the inn and the loud (though not as loud as before) noise which the people and chickens were making. Thats right, he thought desperately, trying to pull himself together, Get it together, Esclava, there's no time to panic, people don't like it when you freak out, anyway...

By the time they (when had there been so many people surrounding them?) had reached the shop (blacksmith, his mind registered dully), Esk had managed to get a sufficient grip on his emotions. He no longer felt like throwing up and he had managed to push the fog away, though wisps of it still clung to his mind and he was still pale and shaking like he had been left out in the snow for too long. Esk's mind still felt a bit fragile, but he forced himself to think about his current reality. Sure, he couldn't remember Master's name or face, but he could remember his voice and clothes and he didn't have many memories in the first place. But more memories were coming back everyday, so it just meant that Esk had to wait and try until he could get it back. As soon as he realized that, Esk felt a bit better.

At the knight's words, he shook his head quickly, but made no move to remove her hand from his wrist. "I-I'm ok," he muttered, wincing at how shaky and frantic it came out. He took in a deep breath and tried again, sounding a little more stable this time, repeating "I'm ok.", unaware that his leg was bleeding from multiple gashes made by hungry chickens.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene
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0.00 INK

" odd...Should we go see what is happening and make sure Esk is not dead?" Though probably not worded in the best manner Card was concerned about the shy man. Her ears perked higher on her head still as she tried to listen to the chaotic sounds and make some sense of them...Was that clucking...of...CHICKENS?! She nearly squealed with delight at the realization that there were chickens nearby. Any doubt or concern seemed to melt instantly into excitement as she clapped her hands wildly at the thought of playing with a chicken. She just loved the dirty barnyard fowl with their sharp talons and weird danglily bits along their heads. So precious!! So cuddly!!

"Chickens!!!" And with that declaration Card ran off down the street with arms flailing wildly at her sides. Laughing like a crazed woman she disappeared through the maze of street ways. She stopped dead in her tracks as she looked over to disaster area that was once the market. Her jaw hung open as she took in this wondrous scene before her. Stall were knocked askew littering the grounds with their wares as merchants ran with what they could gather up in to their meager carts as they shuttled out of the of the chicken stampeding about with dirt flying up in the air and feathers dancing wildly about. Was this heaven? Did she die from the sudden headache and gone to the other side? There were so many things laying about that screamed "Pick me up~save me from the dirt, Cardista...They abandoned me..." Who could argue with such convincing voices echoing sweet nothings in their head like that. She was a blur of red and yellow as she waded her way around the river of chickens to rumage through an overturned stall. She picked up a pretty ring and held up towards the daylight to appraise it more closely. Soon she threw it grumbling under her breathe finding the darn this was colored glass. She froze for a moment in was she able to tell that?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Amynta Zografos
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0.00 INK

As soon as Revik broke into a run, Drei crouched down and darted forward, ignoring her other companions left behind her. There was one goal in her mind, and that was no matter what, don't you dare be left behind. Her helmet fell to the ground with ten feet behind her, flung over her shoulder and forgotten, clanging to the ground before being lost beneath the panicking chicken army. She maneuvered silently, shadowing Revik's footsteps and gracelessly sidestepping and jumping around obstacles - whether they be chickens, produce, or people. One particular person she narrowly avoided was a red-headed young man who was on his knees in the middle of the road, looking quite traumatized. Chickens aren't well liked round these parts, obviously. Drei thought and raised her eyebrow questionably as she dodged the man, wondering if he truly believed that the world as he knew it was to be overrun by these avian invaders. A glimpse at the man's eyes made Drei realize with a pang that the chickens could not have possibly driven the man into this state.

Drei's immediately fixated her gaze on Revik's back. He had gotten a head start, Drei told herself when she pushed herself further a little more, willing her legs to move as fast as she knew they could. C'mon, speed! Where did you go? Go further! Faster! Her own personal Master screamed at her as though she were competing. She couldn't help but grin at her own harshness as her thoughts of encouragement turned to insults and curses, until a rather surprising comment played out in her mind, You should have been born a light-dweller! A good for nothing light-dweller! I wouldn't be surprised if YOUR blood was chosen to be spilled upon Auvyren's roof! What?You're just like them! Valhilt will not take you, you will not know ulu dro lu't'yin el, Rath'arg's Aphyon! Drei's vision began going hazy and she felt her mind slipping away, but she tried to shake off the heavy feeling with all of her strength. No. She would not allow herself to slip into a state, given her current situation. If you dare … it will be your blood that paints the Drow's walls … Rath'arg's Aphyon, no, sssiks dalhar … Dreiado-

The screetching, horrible voice faded out, and Drei's eyes widened as she suddenly became aware of her surroundings again. Revik had stopped and was turning around, and Drei immediately halted, skidding to a stop not two steps distance from him. Without saying a word, she calmly walked to his side, just as the the green woman and red knight joined them dragging along the shaken looking man.

”I'm OK.”

β€œI'm assuming we're taking bird feed with us.” Drei said sarcastically, looking at the red knight and her tag-a-long -who looked as though he had been made a meal out of - disapprovingly, then sighed heavily. β€œWhatever. S'long as he can keep up and keep himself useful, there's no problem with him. And speaking of keeping up,” She tapped her foot impatiently on the ground, with both hands on the hilts of her knives, glancing around for her other companions who were nowhere to be seen. β€œWe need to get out of here, now.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Amynta Zografos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo

"Can't say for sure. Lets all get a quick check to make sure none of our crews too banged up right." He answered their newest member the healer's question. Scattered feathers and various tipped over objects lined the streets and people were only just beginning to come and try to recover what little was left after the chaos of the swarming chickens subsided. He looked over and noticed that there was a fellow who seemed to possess healing powers as well. Quite the coincidence it was that he'd run into two healers in one day. He was a little more hesitant to ask this fellow along his merry crew as they already had one healer in the group.

As it was it was a little difficult to manage just who was talking to him as everyone seemed a little stressed out and everyone was talking at once. Rather than let that interfere with him he rapped the side of his helm a couple times with his knuckle plate before shaking his head out. It was just a little something he tended to do when he needed to shake the cobwebs out of his head.

Still, even with that there was little direction to be had. First they were talking about food then they were going to get supplies and then chickens happened and now he could only wonder just what direction he even wanted to go in the first place.

That was when Drei proposed something completely certain. It was direct, simple and difficult to argue against. He might not of understood if she had any ulterior motives behind staying but he didn't really care either. She was proving to be a valuable asset to his little crew. Don't get too attached Revik. You remember what happened to the last group right?


It was good that no one could see him frowning underneath his helmet. Banishing the thought from his head before it sundered his confidence too much he held his helmeted head up high and pointed out to the horizon in a bold gesture, the light catching his frame just right so it appeared as though he was outlined with the honey golden hue of the sun itself. "She's got a good point!" He proclaimed. He then looked over to Altara, now addressing her.

"If we do not head out soon, if not now, then we can't expect to make it too far out the gates before nightfall. If you wish to make it to where you wanted to go within the span of this year then we'll need to pick up the pace."

Lowering his arm he took some steps forward before turning and going down a mental list of just everyone that was currently present with him. As it was there were some stragglers that had yet to make it around. He couldn't be sure of where they went when the chicken's rushed them but if they didn't catch up pretty much now he'd just have to make do with their current bunch. As for the matter of healing he was concerned their healer might slow them down if she insisted on healing the wounded. It was good that the healer fellow popped to mind.

"You there! You seem a competent healer." He pointed straight at the fellow who he noticed healing his own wounds not minutes ago. In a quick motion of generosity motivated by impatience instead of digging some gold coins out he simply tossed his pouch of gold to the man, a pouch which contained all the gold he'd taken from the slavers he'd fought not too long ago. There were roughly eighty gold coins left over after he'd bought his supplies back before the chicken nonsense. It was a surprise he was able to hold onto as much gold as he did since he was fairly loose with his change most of the time. There was always a reason he was always stranded somewhere without a buck to spare somehow.

"Heal anyone here who might need it. Keep the change." With those brief and perhaps mildly brusque words he turned to face down the street to the gates where the town opened up into a field. "With that settled it's up and onward! If the others catch up they can keep a fair share of the loot if they pitch in during combat. Besides that, Tally ho! Our route awaits!" He boldly spoke, his words filled with energy as he attempted to start the momentum on their adventure. After all, if an inspiring speech like that doesn't whet his fellow member's lust for fresh air, firm dirt and an endless number of possibilities ahead then he didn't know what would.

With that he set forward. With any luck there would be at least one person following up behind him.