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Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone

"Why hello there, my friend! What can Weasel Eyes Zeebarl interest you in today? Perhaps a nice cloak?"

0 · 448 views · located in World of Amtophia

a character in “Abandoned In Amtophia”, originally authored by Lazyscreename, as played by RolePlayGateway


Zeebarl Jorlinstone


Name: Zeebarl Jorlinstone

Nickname: Weasel Eyes Zeebarl

Theme Music: Wario Land 4 - Crescent Moon Village

Age: 61 (appears to be late thirties)

Gender: Male

Orientation: Asexual

Race: Half-human Half-Dwarf

Class: Merchant

Sub-Class: Orator and Mercenary

Alignment: Tends to be Neutral but can act Neutral Evil.

Height: 5' 2'' ft

Weight: 62 kg

Appearance: Quite a broadly built man, Zeebarl has wide shoulders, a barrel chest, and a surprisingly well toned for his occupation. He also has thick arms, and unwieldy hands to match, with stout legs like tree trunks, with surprisingly small feet.
The half dwarfs face is also an interesting spectacle, oddly seeming to have facial hair whatsoever despite his heritage, or even eyebrows,though with plenty of dark blonde hair atop his head, which he keeps combed back, though has a tendency to flow outwardly. His hairless chin is also quite a large and protruding one, rivaled only by Zeebarls large cheekbones, leaving him with an odd lumpy look to his lower face area. His squinted dark brown eyes that give him his namesake however are much smaller, with an unsettling air of malice in them, despite Zeebarl's usual intentions of merely making a deal. He also is adorned with a long forehead, and a longer thinner nose, as well as a pair of circular ears.
He also dressed in an elaborate white military jacket he once took as payment from a rich noble for a handful of 'priceless' jewel, with odd feathering on the shoulder covers and golden buttons, which is also worn along with a pair of dark green thick cotton trousers held up with suspenders, a purple scarf, a brown shirt which he leaves the first few top buttons left free, and a pair of black steel toe cap boots.

Oddities: Oddly, Zeebarl seems to grow his hair extremely quickly, as well as the hair on his back, arms, legs, chest and pits, though oddly not his eyebrows, and despite his lineage, not a single facial hair to be found.
No matter how hard he tries, he cant remember who his family was, where he came from, or how he managed to come upon the odd mini catapult.
Due to his willingness to work for the right price, Zeerbarl is happy to take up pretty much any job that he he personally think matches the pay well enough, whether it is morally good or not, and therefore his only true allegiance is his pay check and himself.

Abilities: Thanks to his Dwarven heritage, Zeebarl is rather sturdy and strong when it comes to taking ordinary punches or dragging luggage around, helping him greatly with dragging around his cart, and giving him an extra edge in battle, even though weaponry and moderately sized iron objects still would give him pause and effort when working against them, though with his own weaponry, he is surprisingly well versed for a merchant.
He is also quite the orator, often choosing to talk his way out than fight it, having managed to converse his way to safety from a number of sticky situations, as well as convincing customers and potential employers into decisions they would normally disagree on.

Personal Items and Weapons: Weapon wise, Zeebarl wields a simple blackjack club, along with a odd Dwarven contraption that seems to be a miniature catapult, used to fling projectiles at the opponent. As a result he also carries rocks and junk to use as ammunition. It is roughly the same size as a crossbow and tends to need resetting after firing like one too.
He also somehow manages to drag around his own wares, provision and currency in a large cart, often to sell and buy products from and to those he meets, as he is after-all a merchant.

Personality: Zeebarl is a man who seemed to be born a merchant, loving any opportunity to make a tidy and often fair profit, and seeming to enjoy peddling his wares immensely, tending to bring a smile to his face when commerce and bartering comes into play, whether he is selling or buying wares. He indeed loves to play the shopkeeper, which makes it all the more fitting due to his immense love of money as well, to an all most greed hungry extent, though would rarely wish to cheat someone out on a fair deal, though has been know to conduct less than legal trades, such as with black magic items or cursed apparel. He also tends to hoard his money, using it mostly only to pay for goods sold to him and for ordinary provisions for him to live off.

Due to this business mentality of his, Zeebarl is immensely against theft, considering it to be the worst of sins, and would out right try to murder anyone he caught taking from his stock, or worse, his fortune, chasing them relentlessly until the stolen possession in question was returned. In truth he is immensely protective and obsessive of his possessions and wares, and has a deep suspicion of anyone not wishing to conduct business approaching him to an almost paranoid extent, acting defensively around them.

With customers however, Zeebarl is all smiles and kind words, trying his utmost to make a sale or at least provide good service, often following the old rule, the customer is king, unless of-course they attempt to cheat him out of his money or rip him off on some wares, which he will change to a more condescending tone.
In truth though, Zeebarl feels oddly detached from people even in a crowd, with an odd sense in his gut that they all seem, well, empty. His feelings are for others are usually just seeing them as either just customers or unavailable products, treating them more like a means to and end or as cheap furniture, and as a personal rule, tends to avoid speaking first to others unless necessary and seems to not fully understand the meaning of morals because of this. He also tends to shrug off most attempts of any friendship, spite, seduction, hatred and romance, as one would for the fondness for a type of beverage or annoyance of an old watch, though on the bright side, he is completely unable to fathom the concept of slavery, and thinks it is immensely idiotic.

Trading wares aren't the only way he spends his time however, as Zeevarl will on occasion hire himself out as a mercenary or negotiator, or really taking up any temporary jobs purely for the cash. He personally believes money truly does make the world go around, and as such, would happily do anything for the money obsesses over so much, or really any kind of payment as long he believes it fits with the terms and scale of the work, though in truth would prefer any less violent work to the more peaceful variety, often opting to talk than fight his way out of danger.

Bio: Saying Zeeborl's memory is somewhat patchy of his past is an understatement, as he struggles to remember much about his past. He remembers having a dwarf mother and a human father, but not anything about them or the rest of his family, including their faces. He remembered he worked at his family's trading post, learning the ways of the merchant there, but not who he worked with, or where this building was. He remembered he learnt how to wield a club from a renowned guardsman, but not how he had learnt this or when. He couldn't remember where he got his odd miniature catapult construct, how he managed to convince a rich noble to hand in his coat for some so called precious gems, or why he began travelling around in the first place.

Yes, Zeerbarl couldn't remember much of his past at all, but he could remember selling, and buying and trading, He could remember what items he had on his persons and in his cart. He could remember of how much and how little he wanted for his wares. He could remember the glorious shiny coins he kept. He could remember stuff and things and money. Especially money. They all seemed so real to him, so important, as if he had hoarded it since he became a merchant, as if it was his biggest desire in his past. Though those around him, seemed like hollow shells, empty beings, just walking wallets for him to barter and work with. It almost seemed as if, they weren't real, they were just ideas floating around or straying pieces of a lost dream.

Zeebarl couldn't make sense of the world around him in the slightest. But he could make sense of things. Yes, the things he kept and carried around so dearly were real to him, they were what stuck in his mind when he felt so lost. They were the reason he was a merchant, and why he still was one. So on that day, in the inn where his memories became hazy, he decided to roam around the world still, not searching for his past, but for gold and opportunity, trying his utmost to become the wealthiest merchant he could be. He didn't seem to care much of the rain that drummed against his coat. If anything it meant he could sell more robes and hoods.

Likes: Payment, Working as a merchant, Money, Fair Deals

Dislikes: Thievery, Losing out on a deal, Non-Customers approaching him

Fears: Losing his fortune, Becoming redundant as a Merchant

So begins...

Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK

Zeebarl was currently wishing he had a cloak of his own for all that water that was tumbling out of the sky. Of-course he had his ornate military cloak, a prized piece of clothing he managed to somehow convince a wealthy lord to part with, for some 'precious' gems, however it did little to keep the rain off his head. He still was puzzled on how he managed that, though that was just a piece of a much bigger pile of things he was puzzled about these days. He quickly decided against thinking about it, and was just thankful the sky water had begun letting up for once, continuing to plod along, dragging his precious cart filled to the brim with wares and provisions, making his way at a leisurely pace through the alleyways.

"When will this bloody water cease? Honestly, i'm not sure my goods will keeps dry for much longer! This bizarre weather really has no consideration for the honest hardworking merchant! Best find a pub or inn to keep dry, hopefully with some chance of finding out where in world I can sell my wares without getting drenched!", the half-dwarf grumbled to himself as he wrung out some unwanted moisture in his soaked, dark blonde, locks, doing the same to his water clogged scarf. He was however honestly relieved he wasn't the only one that seemed dazed and confused however, as the residents seemed just as bewildered as Zeebarl was when the water began to fall, even if they were just empty shells in his eyes nowadays. Zeebarl pondered briefly on why this strange weather began to happen, but honestly he didn't give much of a care, and only knew it would be easier without. He had been to Briande before, that he was certain of, but he honestly barely visited the place, thanks to the local guard often being immensely uncaring, though thankfully theft was usually high on their priorities list, something Zeebarl was hoping would be enforced the most in any town. His lack of visits certainly didn't help him his knowledge of the area, seeming to have a bit of trouble with remembering the quickest routes to the local inns and pubs, grumbling to himself about any familiar surroundings. He was slowly getting more and more frustrated, irritated at the lack of obvious signs around him, and his own choice in choosing narrow alleyways instead of the open street to avoid the cart tumbling from trying to drag it through a puddle.Then he found the corpses.

They both seemed to be killed by bladed weapons, one from a knife in the head, the other from something larger, perhaps simply just a larger knife? Zeebarl cared not, but he knew this would definitely not be a good position to be caught in, not to mention an absolute pain to pull his cart past, cursing under his breath, wondering if his day would get worse. It also seemed that some of their possessions had been taken as well, or at least in Zeebarl's mind it did, causing him even more fury, snarling to himself as he dragged the corpses; "Better not attempt stealing from MY possessions, unless you want to end up in worst state than these two! Hard to pinch belongings with your head caved in."
He than dragged his cart along behind him, still grumbling under his breath as he turned right, and wandered around the back-alleys some more until frustration took it's toll as he ran back onto the mud covered road, glumly deciding to simply give up on finding a dryer path. He hoped all this water wouldn't start rusting the metal on his steel toe caped boots. Certainly wouldn't be cheap to fix with the wear and tear he had put his boots through. He shrugged it off in irritation, glaring at the sky water as if it had a personal vendetta against him, until it suddenly began to let up, which the merchant was thankful for, giving a smirk of relief about it. When his eyes lowered from the sky, he saw ahead of him a small cluster of travelers waiting outside an inn, named the Minstrel's Mug, to which his smirk widened at the sight of not only a place to rest, but also of possibly some new customers, though one however, a crimson haired, well muscled man dressed in a faded blue robe that seemed to have been injured somewhat, had already wandered into the inn. No matter, Zeebarl was sure to get round to all of them. Fussing over his hair and his coat, Zeebarl sauntered over to the group casually, with his cart in tow, giving his best smile.

"Good evening fellow weary travelers! I trust you are all as eager to wander into this fine inn as am I? Hahaha, but of-course! Though I am sorry to keep you when you are so close from shelter, but perhaps you could take just a slight moment to browse the wares of this tired merchant?", he greeted them, giving them all an expectant look.
He then directed his eyes towards a young neko lady and a serious looking half-dragon, of all people to wander into a inn in these parts, hoping to get them convinced first, due to his begrudging lack of experience with reptilian half breed man, while with neko kind he had found to be generally more ditsy compared to the average human.
"Perhaps you sir would wish for a new set of clothes? Not there are anything wrong with yours good sir, oh by the contrary those are a fetching combination of garments you wear sir, burlap does wonders for you sir, but perhaps you would wish for more comfortable and luxurious clothes fr those days where you wish to simply just have a relaxing time in peace, perhaps for a night of romance with the lovely lady besides you there? Fear not madam, for I have wares for you as well! Perhaps you would like to treat yourself to a new elegant dress or some priceless jewelry to help bring out more of your youthful beauty? Perhaps some exotic perfume? Though in truth, I doubt you can do much to change perfection, isn't that right gentlemen? Hahahahahaahahaha!", Zeebarl continued to chatter, putting as much warmth and friendliness he could fake into his voice, face and especially his eyes, which he mostly tried his best to avoid staring at any of the strangers for long. He was called Weasel Eyes for a reason after-all.

He then moved his spiel onto the other two men, one a tall an wiry fellow that also had red hair with plenty of scars, the other a rather effeminate looking with long flowing raven black hair that took him a few moments to figure their true gender, which he counted himself extremely lucky for and glad he avoided an embarrassing mistake.
"As for you two fine gents, I can tell you that I certainly have what you need for all your maintenance need for those fine looking weapons your carrying! For those longswords of yours sir, I have the perfect wax to help you slice and dice your way even through solid stone! Surely worth their price i'm sure you will find!As for you my tall friend, I realized you have a wonderful pair of saxes their, a true wonder of craftsmanship if I ever saw one, though it seems their luster has dimed somewhat. Worry not my friend for I have the perfect polish to bring the shine back, perhaps even giving a slight edge in battle with the light blindingly reflecting off of them?", he babbled again before giving all present a good old grin, and finishing off his sales-pitch in a reassuring tone; "Of-course I have plenty more wares in this old reliable cart to pick from, so feel free to ask for anything, and I mean anything lady and gentlemen, that you wish for!I have plenty of wonders and much desired items in stock! So what do you fine folk say? How can Zeebarl assist you today?"
He finally beamed at them, giving the look of an honest worker while in his mind he was sneakily smirking, fully convinced he had at least brought three of them under curiosity and most certainly purchase.

The setting changes from Merrowvale Brainde to The Minstrel's Mug

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK

Tollun reached into his pocket, slowly sifting his fingers through his coin pouch. He could feel the urge to keep his money hidden from this strange merchant, and the pain of the though of giving even a single coin to the strange merchant. He had no reason to even get new clothes, but the man was good enough to at least make the half-dragon pause and think of what he might need.

"Do you have a leather chest-guard?" Tollun asked, his voice calm and collected, and extremely serious. He gave off the air of someone who was far from flaky, and more than willing to live in the crappiest of places just so he could have a pile of gold. It wasn't far from off, and definitely something that any merchant who has worked with a customer with even the slightest bit of dragon blood in them would tell you they are like.

The setting changes from The Minstrel's Mug to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK


Kazu took Esclava's hand in his and shook it with a strength that was seemingly impossible from such a delicate looking figure. His face cheerful as he did so. "Thank you very much." As he said this, he felt the warmth from the presence of the Neko girl moving closer and turned slowly to look at her. He too was curious about her from the moment he laid eyes on her, and the Draconian as well. His manners faltering, he reached out as if he were about to offer to shake her hand, but instead scratched her head softly between her ears with a slightly nervous grin locked upon his lips.

Just as he was about to speak to her, a man, slightly shorter than himself but with a much larger frame approached the group from an alleyway causing Kazu to hurriedly retract his hand. He outspokenly introduced himself as Zeebarl, a 'tired traveling merchant' with a cart full of many wares. As Kazu listened to this banter, he couldn't help but feel somewhat skeptical. As a blacksmith, he knew his jewelries, armour weaponry better than most, and only a few times had he ever heard of waxing a blade, and even then, it was only for long term storage. Furthermore, one would not expect to see 'priceless jewels' being carried around in a cart, and if they were, they were not advertised so openly. Kazu was about to speak up, but decided instead to listen and humor the merchant.

When the half-dragon spoke, his voice gave Kazu a slight chill. He watched though as he went through his coin pouch and decided to check his own monetary standing. As he rummaged through the small bag at his slender waist, he discovered that he was actually quite well off and decided to inquire to the merchant once he was done with the Draconian.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to Merrowvale Brainde

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK

So...apparently this merchant gentleman was not all the familiar with dealing with a Neko. Cardista forgot all about the uncomfortable feeling of being hopelessly filthy. Honestly all the sales talk went in one ear and out the other. As she lurched closer to his cart wondering how he could possible fit all those treasures in there. A finger pressed hard to her chin as she leaned in closer, closer, and closer still. "Can I get new pants for Tollun?" She was not going to let up on getting the man a new pair of pants.

Her eyes scanned over the wares...but they were covered. Surely the half dwarf wouldn't mind if she moved the coverings some. With her free hand she gingerly lifted a covering open and closer she leaned in. She shot a quick look at the merchant he seemed busy soliciting his goods to the two new men that joined her little group and probably would not mind if she got in for a better look. And with that, all that could be seen of the cat girl as she dove head first in was a pair of booted legs and a fluffy red tail sticking out of his cart, as she dug deeper through his wears. There was an occasional muffled "Oo or Ah" as Card found quite a few trinkets that caught her fancy, but having a problem locating proper pants for her friend. An occasional crushing sound echoed from the cart, as she became more furious in her search.

The setting changes from Merrowvale Brainde to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK

Seeing Cardista jumping in head first into a merchants cart he quickly darted over and pulled her out. Holding her up by the back of her shirt. "Um I don't think you should do this." He gently placed her on the ground and patted her head with a slight chuckle. He turned to the man trying to sell his wares hoping he has not seen. "Just ask the man what you are searching for might make things easier." Remeil looked down at his shirt and noticed it was in shambles and wished he had kept a bit of his money for new clothes but he had given it all to the Neko to use. Another time. He thought to himself. Finding money after he rested shouldn't be to hard.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK

Esk returned Kazu's grip with an equally crushing one of his own with a nod. He turned to follow the draconian man - Tollun, wasn't it? He wasn't really too sure - and was about to follow him (he was allowed to do so, right? Esk honestly didn't know) when a small man with a large frame came out of the alleys. He was carrying a cart filled with items that were covered over with cloth, and introduced himself as Zeebarl, a tired travelling merchant who seemed friendly, even if his eyes were constantly moving around. Esk dutifully listened to what the merchant was saying, subtly checking his saxes. They weren't dull, he had just polished it a few days ago. Maybe the merchant had bad eyesight and didn't want glasses, which was why he kept moving his eyes around?

Esk did a mental checklist, ticking off the items he had in his head. He didn't really need anything except a spool of thread and some needles, which he had given to an old lady who needed it for sewing up her son's arm after an accident with an axe a few days ago. There was so much blood that Esk was surprised he didn't bleed to death. He saw the process first handed, and had refused to take it back, in case something like that happened again. The old lady had given him a few coins in exchange.

With that in mind, Esk turned his attention to the merchant, who was conversing with Tollun. He opened his mouth, then closed it again. Master had taught him that interrupting a person's conversation was bad and deserved punishment, even though Robin claimed that it wasn't and Master's head belonged up a horses arse for teaching him that. For now, Esk decided to keep his mouth shut. Master might not be here, but Esk really didn't want to risk getting a book to the head with a yell of how rotten and worthless he was, only stopping when he obeyed the order to kiss his feet.

Esk turned to the cart instead, intending to get the items he needed from there himself. He found himself facing a man with blood-red hair patting the neko on the head with a faint chuckle, before looking down at his clothes with faint concern on his face. Why - ah, Esk thought, noticing that his clothes were in shambles, maybe he needs new clothes. The three of them are probably travelling companions. He decided to hep out. After all, he had to repay them for leading him to the inn.

"Excuse me," Esk said quietly, striding over to them. "I've got pants. And boots. Thanks for leading me to the inn." He held the items out to them. The pants were light blue in colour and the boots were a dark blue-green, but they were in good condition.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK

As Remeil pulled her out, Card's legs kick for a sec as he held her by her shirt, having ride up some exposing her navel before put her on the ground. She had to fists full of "treasures". By treasures of course meaning a couple of pretty loose buttons and piece of what seemed to be jerked meat of some kind. She gave a small pout to Remeil not quite sure why he had rushed out like that to pull her from the cart, the man seemed busy talking to everyone. Though the moment he gave her that small bit of affection, with the light pat upon her fiery head, her soft lips turned up into a smile. She held out the piece of jerky to Remeil knowing he was hungry. Pocketing the buttons, before turning to the Merchant hands on her hips puffing her chest out, though her discolored seemed warm and the smile still pulled at the corners of her mouth, hearing Tollun ask about a piece of amor of some sort she added, "And Tollun needs pants. The meat was how many coin?"

She wasn't about to try not paying for the dried meat. For a moment before she had a flashback of getting beaten by another merchant, much like a child for helping herself to the fruit on their market stand. She had thought how kind it was for him to of put out food to share only to find out it was not free the hard way. She gave a small shutter and went for one of the coin pouches concealed in her pack. She had no desire to repeat that experience.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK


Upon hearing the cat-girl's words, Esk hesitated, unsure if he should change his offering of clothes to Tollun. He seemed to need pants just as much as the man in front of him did. Still, Tollun was talking to the merchant for now, and the colour scheme wouldn't match, according to Robin...

Geez, Esk! Pink and green do not match. Same for green and blue, in certain situations. Like this one. Wear that green shirt with those blue pants and I'll plant a stink bomb in your closet. Time to raid your closet again...

Esk shooed the memory away, shaking his head. He didn't want that horrible, empty feeling to come back again; not when he had gotten rid of it so recently. If that meant he needed to close his mind to thoughts pertaining those of his friend and Master, so be it, especially when it aided in deepening the loss he felt whenever he thought about his dead friend.

He made his mind up, coming to a stop in front of the man. Resolutely holding the clothes out towards the tall man in front of him, he decided to elaborate further, in case the bloody-haired man didn't understand him. He kept having to do it a lot, especially now that Robin or Master wasn't here to do the talking. "Pants and boots, in return for leading us to the inn. Take it." He rose his voice to ensure that the man could hear him, adding "You look like you need it anyway. Here." Unsure of how he would take the gesture, Esk hid his chin in his collar again and waited.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to Merrowvale Brainde

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK

Zeebarl's grin seemed to stretch even wider, managing to protrude his thick cheek bones even further, his eyes shut in satisfaction as he smugly had a mental cheer at managing to attract some interest, with some surprisingly polite attitudes coming from the effeminate man as well as tall wiry red haired chap, as they waited for Zeebarl to first comply with the half-dragons request. And he could see in their eyes they were interested, though it sadly seemed not in the items he had been peddling out for a while, regarding his offers more with curiosity of what else had ins took it seemed. Pity, but nonetheless it was to be expected, he had to become at least a little rusty from his sudden amnesia. Or he simply was used to working his pitch in this way. Remembering was hard these days. He did not forget however, the reptilian strangers request for leather armor, more specifically a chest guard, which he was happy to comply with, though was wary at the man's tone, it definitely was thick with intents of him parting with as little as possible money-wise. Something Zeebarl could relate to.

"But of-course sir! I have an immense variety of armor in stock! Even some of the enchanted type, believe it if you will. Though I can see you man on the earth my friend, not one for hocus pocus tomfoolery such as enchantments, no?", he chattered away at the half-dragon, rummaging around for the leather armor as he heard the neko lady, who unfortunately seemed immensely unfazed despite Zeebarl's best attempts, inquired about a new trousers for some fellow called Tollun, to which he replied; "All in due time, my fair lady, as soon as I have made business with this sophisticated gentleman here, I shall acquire the finest of lower body wear I have to offer for your friend Tollun!", giving a chipper tone, as he finally gave an exclamation of triumph as he took out a decently made leather chest guard, which also seemed to have come with a guard for the back as well, looking similar to a vest of sorts. He was a little perplexed at there being somewhat more noisy than usual when he began rummaging. No matter, most likely his imagination.

As his head returned to above the cart covering however, he managed to glimpse the sight of the neko woman being dragged out of the back of the cart by the crimson haired man hastily, seeming to advise her against rummaging around without permission. Good advice, Zeebarl thought, especially since he managed to catch the sight of her having a fistful of buttons and a piece of dry meat, causing the merchant to freeze up in spite for a few moments, before having to feign innocence as the crimson haired man glanced over at him. He decided it probably be best to see what the possible thief would acquire about, no point in simply outing them immediately. Could put a bad taste in the other customers mouths. His utter malice towards pinching of possession would have to take a very temporary backseat for the moment.

Zeebarl first put his attention back on the half-dragon fellow, deciding to make a sale first and inhaled a gulp of air before he began again on his sales pitch. "Here my good man, is a plain, simple, but above all, reliable piece of leather armor, which for no extra charge comes with a guard for one's back as well as the chest, invaluable for those days were you simply weren't expecting a sneaky strike from behind, though I doubt a man of battle such as yourself would have trouble sussing out such a ploy, but it is still a feature that has no real disadvantage. It also surprisingly resilient for leather armor, trust me on this one for the man who sold it to me seemed rather reluctant to let it go, even though it was part of a trade for a solid steel chest plate, though it could be merely that he wasn't exactly the burliest of fellows. Nonetheless it is light, it is won't hinder your movement, and definitely functional. I would most likely price this at around 10, possibly 12 gold piece at the most, but for the behavior of you and your fellow impeccably mannered friends here, I shall knock it down to a rather tempting 8 gold piece, what say you?", he ended his ramblings with an expectant grin at the man, though more in the spirit of haggling to be done than actual assurance of payment, he had a feeling a hard bargain was to be made.

The half-dwarf man however was met with the sudden words of the neko girl, which to her credit acknowledged the meat she had in her hands, but had failed to mention the buttons. Oh dear. Zeebarl sighed inside before turning to the young lady with his largest smile yet plastered on his face around the travelers, and closing his eyes to hide his true ferocious frustrations.
"Ah yes, the trousers for you friend Tollun! Do not worry I shall find them soon enough. My, a fine piece of meat you have there! Certainly would make do for a tasty snack my feline friend. That would come around to about 2 silver coins, though that adding with the price of the buttons you seemed to have accidentally gotten hold of and have forgotten to mention, unintentionally i'm sure, that would raise it to a mere 3 silver coins, but fear not for I deal in change. I am half-dwarf, not half stupid and blind.", he told his light fingered customer, a light condescending tone managing to slip into the last comment, his attention focused on the neko woman until he overheard the sudden charitable act from one red haired man to the other, handing out a decent pair of boots and trousers out for the lowest price of free, a notion that would of left Zeebarl's mouth wide open with shock if he let his composure drop down first.
Charity, the concept of giving out YOUR possessions for entirely NO profit was alien to the man. All items had a price in his mind, even the most insignificant and purposeless objects was worth something to someone. Unless if you counted people. Now THAT would of caused Zeebarl to brake out his work facade. For that moment though he did flicker his eyes open, though not quickly, at the two men behind the neko, but merely shrugged it off as he focused his attention back to his two paying customers, mostly giving the neko the expectant look of payment.

The setting changes from Merrowvale Brainde to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK

After nudging Cardista to pay knowing well she had the coin to do so, he turned to the merchant with a slight bow. "Kind sir please forgive her. Though in the matter of business I do not have any coin to spare but if you are willing I might have something I can trade for a new tunic." Remeil slowly removed the pendant from around his neck. "I'm not entirely sure how much it would be worth but it is old." The pedant shined a crimson red in the light. A strange emblem of a lion sat in the very center. It was one of the only clues to his childhood but saw this as a chance to help the others. "If you don't believe it worth much I'll gladly take any information on where I can find work in exchange." Remeil might have been a slave but he had dealt with merchants before as he guarded his old master from time to time. To be honest Remeil never really trusted them but this one seemed truthful enough.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK

At the announcement of price, Tollun's expression remained unchanged. The merchant had rambled on about the armor's history, giving Tollun enough time to decide his course of action. 8 gold was no where near unheard of for a leather torso guard, but it was for just the front guard, however, 8 gold was the high range. Tollun wasn't, isn't, and never will be will to pay in the high range without good reason.

Gently taking the armor, his eyes showing more of a curiosity at the quality than a will to take, observed every nook and cranny the armor had. After seeing its well done construction, Tollon only needed to be sure of one thing, the quality of the materials. Tossing the armor lightly into the air, he slammed his hand, balled into a fist, into the armor. A crack emanated from the piece as the impact released its sound.

Grabbing the armor with his free hand again, Tollon took another look over the armor. Unscathed. The amount of time that was obviously spent making this was apparent to him and he had expected the leather to truly hold. No craftsman tries to make perfection with shit materials.

Finally satisfied that the 8 gold would be well spent, Tollun reached into his pocket. After the sound of coins jingling, his scaled hand left his pocket with a perfect stack of coins. Tollun then placed them upon the cart, in the flattest spot he could see, leaving the coins like he was leaving an old friend. This could be seen in his eyes, but he held his composure together as he took off his shirt to adjust the guard.

His torso was pale, save for near his shoulders and neck. Across both the front and the back were countless scars of all varieties, even a brand, or two. The only spot that seemed to not have any scars was the patch of scales that followed from his head to his spine's end. On his sides, his ribs could be seen, but not very well, along with stringy looking muscle.

After only a few moments the guards were sitting over his back and chest, two leather straps at his shoulders holding them together. A few yanks on the two belts at his sides, and Tollun put his shirt back on, the leather guards impossible to know were there unless you have seen him without them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

Without giving Remeil a chance to trade his necklace, knowing darn well he had coin it was just in her pack, she grabbed it from his hands. She shook her head like she was in disappointment that he would even make that offer, especially with the kind gentleman beside him offering him clothes for free. She deposited the necklace into her pack. She pulled out one of the coin pouches fishing out three silver coins, though she honestly wasn't sure why he was charging her for the buttons... They weren't even connected to anything. She handed them over to half dwarf, mumbling some profanity in her native tongue about Remeil just giving away good stuff...

"Now..." Card gave the coin purse a generous shake to make sure the merchant understood she did indeed have coin to spend. She pointed to the half dragon and repeated herself more slowly annunciating each word, trying hard to fight the accent that hung heavily on each. "He needs pants too." Tisking still at Remeil she shoved the coin purse in to his hands. She stared up at him sternly as if that expression was enough to show that she would beat him if he gave the merchant all the gold for a tunic. With a small pat to his hand that now held the purse, she retreated in to the inn. Needing a drink and a bath.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK


Kazu watched for as long as he could as the half-dragon considered the leather torso piece. He was about to speak up about the pricing. At his own shop, he would have never charged more than 4 gold coins for such a simple piece. There wasn't much he could do for the dragon-man now. He understood that once a deal had been made, you couldn't easily go back upon it. He couldn't help but want to help the gentlemen and the cat-lady, so he stepped forward closer to the cart next to the Neko before speaking.

"Um sir, Zeebarl wasn't it? Do you really intend to charge this young girl an entire silver piece for a few mere buttons?" He looked at card before taking her wrist lightly in his hand to hold up the hand with the buttons to Zeebarl. "Most of these buttons are of wood, and not yet complete in their crafting. At most, a half copper piece for each would be a much more suitable price." He continued to look to Zeebarl as he spoke in his bell-like voice while keeping Card's hand held to him. Kazu could see the underlying hint of greed resting in the merchant's pitch, but instead of outing him completely, he wanted to give the man a chance to redeem himself.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to Merrowvale Brainde

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK

Cardista wasn't so upset over the buttons as she was at how foolish Remeil was with his attempt to trade. If he needed coin he should of asked. She turned to storm into the inn, hoping to finally get into a warm bath, she felt the soft touch of the Kazu's fingers wrapping around her wrist holding it up to display her lovely wooden treasures. She looked up at him confusion cloaking her face not sure why he would care what he would charge. It donned on her all at once that he was calling out the Merchant on his deal. Her features softened though she no made attempt to turn around to face the merchant, but stood with her hand raised almost pressed to Kazu's metal armor chest piece, her tail swaying side to side. It was nice of him to worry about them being taken advantage of, but she really only had one thought on her mind...Well maybe two and both laid with the Inn. She reached up tracing a finger tip slowly down his jaw line, to get his attention. "It is alright...Really." She offered a small smile at him before closing her hand around the wooden trinkets, and giving the faintest tug to retrieve her hand.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK


Esk watched the proceedings with a vague frown on his face, thinking rapidly about what he was suppose to do. He remained where he was in the exact position - hands containing the items stretched out towards the tall, crimson haired man. Although he wanted to be in the inn, he also wanted the man to accept his exchange. Esk had no need of extra pants and boots at the moment, and he had to repay them somehow for leading them to the inn.

Esk frown grew deeper. Maybe I hadn't offered enough, he mused. Should I pay for the buttons as well? That might make up for getting her dress muddy... he placed the items into the tall man's hands, forcing the man to hold it. Esk didn't let go until he was sure that the crimson haired man wasn't going to drop it. He then strode over to the neko, who was talking in an almost intimidate way to Kazu, and said "I can pay for the buttons. In return for the dress. Um. Sorry for getting it muddy." He had more than enough to pay the merchant and pay rent for the inn, and if paying a silver coin was enough to make up for it, Esk would gladly do it. Esk really hoped that she would accept; he had no idea how else to repay them otherwise. He pulled out a silver coin from the money pouch he had taken earlier before and hesitantly held it out towards her, unsure whether or not the cat-girl would accept.

The setting changes from Merrowvale Brainde to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK

When Card touched his jaw, it caused Kazu's cheeks to redden and he let go of her hand. He looked away slightly and spoke. "I-I'm sorry for being so forward ma'am," Turning his gaze back to the merchant, he continued. "but it's outside of proper standing to overcharge for goods sir. I know sometimes it can be tempting to be able to make more money off something than it's worth, but it looks bad on you and your business later on. All this will do is either cause you to lose merit with your customers, or inflation then in which, all the 'extra' earnings you have made will be all for not." He saw Esk's attempt to hand the money to Card and nudged her to get her attention to point out Esk's offer.

As the Twin Blade spoke, He did notice something sitting atop some items in the cart that could actually be of use and was about to inquire about it, but realized that if he were to do so now, it would look as though he had just made an attempt at lowering the prices of the wares. He was in need of a new whetstone for sharpening his blades though, and though not of the best quality, there was one sitting right before him.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to Merrowvale Brainde

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Zeebarl "Weasel Eyes" Jorlinstone
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0.00 INK

After a long pause Remeil hesitantly took the pants and boots from the red haired man who offered. "Thank you..." The clothing was in good condition though a new tunic would still be in order for another day. He noticed that the group of people was steadily getting bigger and this fact made him extremely nervous. Any one of them could turn on him even though they seemed like good people. Kindness from others is not something he is use to in the slightest. Lightly running his hands over the fabric of the pants and inspecting the boots he decided he would change into them after a bath and some sleep. No need to mess them up he thought to himself.

Feeling he had been standing for a little too long he decided to move back into the inn. His limbs and body still ached slightly the poison had long since past but the effects could still be felt. Again his mind went towards a dark place knowing if a fight broke out he might not be able to go full force.

A loud growl came from his belly signalling he should really eat. "Food first." Feeling a bit light headed he took a set at the nearest table placing the clothing on table in front of him. "Or sleep first." His body desired much rest and food. Pick which he should do first was the biggest task but it would seem his body would decided for him as his head fell onto the pants before him and sleep over came him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

Merrowvale Brainde
Server Down for 2 Days

The moment she passed through the seaside city's southern gate, Altara suddenly found a strange feeling filling her mind. Her eyes passed over the buildings of brick and wood to her sides, over the flooded dirt road, even into the filthy alleyways cutting between blocks. This place...looks familiar...?

She continued walking on, looking at everything in trance-like wonder. It was as though her body was guiding itself, knowing which path to take on its own. A market square opened up to her right, though the stalls looked rather bare and abandoned. And just further down this road was a place she could rest...right?

The name "Minstrel's Mug" surfaced in Altara's mind before the inn came into view, and surely enough, she could see the sign hanging from its entrance bore the exact same name. "This is really starting to freak me out," she muttered, looking around.

Just as she looked to her left, her eyes widened. There she was again--that girl who kept appearing in her mind's eye. She was running past, her blue robes and violet hair trailing in the wind. This girl's right hand was extended in the red-haired knight's direction, and her blue eyes were filled with excitement. Her lips were turned upwards in a smile, saying...

In a daze, Altara reached out towards the girl, only for her form to vanish into nothingness. Blinking, Altara stared at the space the blue magician girl had occupied for a long time. "...why do I keep seeing that girl?" she muttered, lowering her arm. "She's nothing more than a hallucination...right...?"

Feeling even more out of it than before, she decided she needed rest right away, and started walking straight towards the inn's entrance. But in her current mood, Altara carelessly held Acubens at a 45 degree angle over her shoulder, and there was a strange group of people from assorted species shopping at a vendor's cart just outside the inn.

She didn't think about how careless she was being until the spear's blade, still wrapped in its leather sheathe, came dangerously close to the head of a certain half-dragon with lustrous green scales.

The setting changes from Merrowvale Brainde to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

Tollun was turning to enter the Minstrel's Mug when he noted the sheathed spear so close to his head. Looking at it for only a few moments, he pushed it away from his head slowly. That was when he saw her. A knight in silver armor suddenly surprised about something. However, something else bothered Tollun.

Tollun blinked, his eyes now glowing a mix of purple and green from the slit pupils. He turned to the group, their bodies now red silhouettes with a light blue outline and a small green sphere in their centers. Turning back to the night, Tollun saw a red silhouette with light blue strands moving about it, connecting to a dark blue outline that had thicker strands flailing about, and her sphere was both smaller and a much darker green than everyone else. When Tollun blinked again, the world returned to how it had been before and eyes ceased their glow

Now Tollun was curious, even though he felt a distaste at the silver armor, and he chose to peruse his curiosity. "You are different." Tollun spoke, his voice monotone and strong, but not loud, "Like something is missing, but like you have something more. Perhaps the more is taking something... important." As he spoke, Tollun's head tilted, now resting halfway up from it shoulders, his eyes seeming to pierce the knight's physical form.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to Merrowvale Brainde

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Remeil Fado Character Portrait: Tollun Peert Character Portrait: Kazuyama Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire
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0.00 INK

Merrowvale Brainde
Server Down for 2 Days

When she suddenly felt something pushing against her spear, Altara glanced in that direction, realizing she had almost hit someone--the half-dragon, to be precise. She was about to give some sort of apology, when the half-dragon's disapproving eyes suddenly changed color, and he said something rather...cryptic sounding, to say the least.

"...what?...never mind, it's probably just some occult magic or something," the red-haired knight muttered, adjusting her spear so that it didn't threaten to knock into anyone's head again, and started walking away immediately, a bit more careful to avoid the other people in front of the inn this time.

While she passed by the vendor's cart, she glanced over the wares just in case there was anything she needed. Right now, she had around 20 gold coins in her pocket, and there wasn't much in the cart (as far as she could tell) that exceeded that in price.

Perhaps she should buy some food...but the Minstrel's Mug was right next to her anyway, and she could remember there was a dining area inside. In summary, it was probably best to leave any shopping for supplies for tomorrow. I'd better not be seeing phantoms again when that happens... Letting out a sigh, she pushed the door open.

But the clerk still looked confused, clearly still suffering from the effects of the amnesia. After asking herself whether she should bother the poor man or not, Altara decided she'd eat first, and so she headed for the doorway on the left side of the lobby, entering the large, dimly lit room which served as the dining area.

It didn't exactly look like much time had been spent trying to make this place look nice. There were no tablecloths, and some of the tables looked stained, as though no one had bothered to clean them properly. A bar was to the far end of the room, its shelves lined with various brands of wine. Nothing too famous, of course. However, no staff members were present as far as she could see--it almost felt like someone had simply set up all the tables, with candles and silverware and all that, and then just walked out without a care.

The only other person in the room was a lone man with long red hair (and a lot more disorganized than Altara's) sitting at one table, a pile of clothes set in front of him. As Altara neared, she could see this man was fast asleep. "Um...hey, you alright?" she asked quietly, nudging him gently on the shoulder. "There are better places to sleep than here, you know."