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Esclava H. Maegstire

"The rules... Are made to be followed. However, if Master orders me to ignore them... I will obey."

0 · 506 views · located in World of Amtophia

a character in “Abandoned In Amtophia”, originally authored by Alle9009, as played by RolePlayGateway


Esclava H. Maegstire


Name: Esclava H. Maegstire

Nickname: Esk, Ehm

Theme Music: nil

Age: 21 years old

Gender: male

Orientation: celibate, but probably bisexual

Race: 1/4 elf, 3/4 human

Class: Assassin

Sub-Class or Skills: Green Mage, Alchemist

Alignment: lawful neutral

Height: 174cm

Weight: 64kg

Tall and wiry, Esk looks completely human, with spiky red hair and dark blue eyes. However, he has inherited their gracefulness and height. He has a vague frown on his face at all times and has a serious, stoic demeanor around him. He has multiple scars all over his body, which are faded and sometimes hard to see due to age. He has a more visible, ugly reddish-pink scar which runs across his body, like someone had slashed at him diagonally. Quite ripped, although his clothes disguise this fact.

He wears a green sleeveless jacket with a hood, and a long-sleeved white shirt with a really large collar underneath that. He wears brown pants, dark brown boots with buckles and dark brown sleeveless gloves.

He sometimes take things a bit too literally.
He has a kind of tactile thing with his watch, like a teddy bear.
He likes to hide part of his face in his shirt's oversized collar. If he doesn't have the collar, a scarf is the next best thing.

healing - good with treating injuries. Was forced to learn this the hard way.
Graceful - due to his Elven heritage, he is deft and quick on his feet. Has pretty good balance and is very fast.
Determination - will do his utmost best to accomplish his task. The only way to stop him when he's ordered to kill you is to strike a mortal blow, and even then he won't stop until he's dead.
Survival skills - knows how to survive in the wild. Learnt when he was master-less and when he was with his aunt.
Sharp eyes - can see far distances. Sharper vision than most humans. Helps with spotting traps.
Battle instincts - his battle-honed instincts lets him sense whenever someone tries to take him by surprise, causing him to move out of the way extremely quickly.
Weapons - the daggers are like an extension of his body. Too bad he only knows how to use daggers.
Wind - surprisingly, Esk only knows one spell, though that may change. He uses the wind like a buffer spell to enhance his speed.

Personal Items and Weapons:
a brown backpack filled with basic necessities for traveling and alchemical items.
A brown pouch filled with some food, odds and ends, and a dagger. It's attached to his belt.
Two saxes designed to be magnetized to each other, so that if he throws one it'll always come back to him, provided he has the other saxe in his possession. They can be used for both throwing and close combat and is about the length of his forearm, possibly longer.. Nearly indestructible. Made by himself, his friend and the castle blacksmith, who taught him how to repair it and take care of it properly. Has a leather hilt with the initials of both him and his friend carved on the bottom of both hilts.
A knife hidden in a waterproof sheath on his belt. Made so that it could be used for both domestic and fighting purposes.
A dagger hidden in his boot, made for throwing.
Multiple daggers hidden around his person, which can be used for both close combat and throwing.
A small pocket watch with a starry design on it, made out of bronze, with a long chain made out of the same material. He wears it around his neck sometimes, hidden under his clothes. Other times it's stuffed inside a secret pocket only he knows about. He has no idea how he got it, or when.


Esk has a calm and serious demeanor. He has no social skills due to being naive and inept when it comes to people. He won't fight you unless you engage him in battle first, and it is almost impossible to provoke him, which is why the rare times he loses his temper is terrifying. He's pretty logical and practical, and prefers to do things by the book. He has the ability to keep a blank face in almost any situation and is kind of emotionally stunted. Pretty asocial, with no interest in politics and gossip. The kind of guy who can keep his cool in the battle field but freaks out when he has to socialize. Very hardworking, terse and likes to communicate with physical gestures. He is unnervingly subservient, with a very strong moral code, but that comes second to orders and rules. When he fights, he slowly grows more immerse in battling until he only has thoughts of fighting and is grinning from ear to ear; increasing his abilities and skills. Fortunately, you can still order him out of that state and it only happens when the fight is long. Short battles doesn't affect him like this. Otherwise, he's calm and collected and rarely smiles; being stoic instead.
Basically: orders-> rules-> personal opinion.

player: Esk was created by a player who was new to gaming. This was his first time gaming, and he was a loner online, so he didn't make any real friends or permanent party members and kind of sucked. He just chose to travel around and play by himself, occasionally joining others, but never sticking with them. Finally gave up using Esk's character and went on to a new video game after the shutdown, having gained more experience in gaming.

Character bio: basically, Esk remembers he had a Master, a friend called Robin who was an alchemist, and an aunt called Emily. He also has some memories about battling, hanging out with his friend, his weapons, etc. however, it's still spotty. He's basically trying to find his aunt so that she'd tell him what to do. Oh, and he has an abusive childhood (and adult hood) and that he has basically been brainwashed to have a servant's mentality ever since he was young, something his aunt and Master took advantage of and encouraged with great enthusiasm. He was often sent to battle as a result, which was why he ended up liking fights. Robin was horrified, though, and tried to get him out of that mindset with limited success. When he was 19, his Master and Robin died in a bandit attack, was left for dead and then spent the next 3 years wandering around the country in grief and sorrow while doing odd jobs. Kinda felt look the world was ending for him. Then he remembered at age 21 that his aunt; who had sold him to his Master at age 14 and disappeared off the map, and is now trying to find her. Oh, and he seems to know a girl dressed in pink...

  • orders
  • his watch
  • training
  • battles
  • people who resemble his friend
  • his aunt

  • unnecessary social interaction
  • dark, damp and small places
  • disobeying orders
  • bandits
  • being weak

People wearing white masks. Actually, mask's in general, especially the pure white ones.


he doesn't really realize that he was a slave and that he has slave mentality. He currently believes that his purpose in life is to serve others instead of himself. Possibly in denial.
Esk is really good with throwing knives and daggers.


So begins...

Esclava H. Maegstire's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revik Howster Character Portrait: Sariya Yotamaru Character Portrait: Drei Loraene Character Portrait: Altara Koloyros Character Portrait: Esclava H. Maegstire Character Portrait: Amynta Zografos
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#, as written by Zalgo

"Can't say for sure. Lets all get a quick check to make sure none of our crews too banged up right." He answered their newest member the healer's question. Scattered feathers and various tipped over objects lined the streets and people were only just beginning to come and try to recover what little was left after the chaos of the swarming chickens subsided. He looked over and noticed that there was a fellow who seemed to possess healing powers as well. Quite the coincidence it was that he'd run into two healers in one day. He was a little more hesitant to ask this fellow along his merry crew as they already had one healer in the group.

As it was it was a little difficult to manage just who was talking to him as everyone seemed a little stressed out and everyone was talking at once. Rather than let that interfere with him he rapped the side of his helm a couple times with his knuckle plate before shaking his head out. It was just a little something he tended to do when he needed to shake the cobwebs out of his head.

Still, even with that there was little direction to be had. First they were talking about food then they were going to get supplies and then chickens happened and now he could only wonder just what direction he even wanted to go in the first place.

That was when Drei proposed something completely certain. It was direct, simple and difficult to argue against. He might not of understood if she had any ulterior motives behind staying but he didn't really care either. She was proving to be a valuable asset to his little crew. Don't get too attached Revik. You remember what happened to the last group right?


It was good that no one could see him frowning underneath his helmet. Banishing the thought from his head before it sundered his confidence too much he held his helmeted head up high and pointed out to the horizon in a bold gesture, the light catching his frame just right so it appeared as though he was outlined with the honey golden hue of the sun itself. "She's got a good point!" He proclaimed. He then looked over to Altara, now addressing her.

"If we do not head out soon, if not now, then we can't expect to make it too far out the gates before nightfall. If you wish to make it to where you wanted to go within the span of this year then we'll need to pick up the pace."

Lowering his arm he took some steps forward before turning and going down a mental list of just everyone that was currently present with him. As it was there were some stragglers that had yet to make it around. He couldn't be sure of where they went when the chicken's rushed them but if they didn't catch up pretty much now he'd just have to make do with their current bunch. As for the matter of healing he was concerned their healer might slow them down if she insisted on healing the wounded. It was good that the healer fellow popped to mind.

"You there! You seem a competent healer." He pointed straight at the fellow who he noticed healing his own wounds not minutes ago. In a quick motion of generosity motivated by impatience instead of digging some gold coins out he simply tossed his pouch of gold to the man, a pouch which contained all the gold he'd taken from the slavers he'd fought not too long ago. There were roughly eighty gold coins left over after he'd bought his supplies back before the chicken nonsense. It was a surprise he was able to hold onto as much gold as he did since he was fairly loose with his change most of the time. There was always a reason he was always stranded somewhere without a buck to spare somehow.

"Heal anyone here who might need it. Keep the change." With those brief and perhaps mildly brusque words he turned to face down the street to the gates where the town opened up into a field. "With that settled it's up and onward! If the others catch up they can keep a fair share of the loot if they pitch in during combat. Besides that, Tally ho! Our route awaits!" He boldly spoke, his words filled with energy as he attempted to start the momentum on their adventure. After all, if an inspiring speech like that doesn't whet his fellow member's lust for fresh air, firm dirt and an endless number of possibilities ahead then he didn't know what would.

With that he set forward. With any luck there would be at least one person following up behind him.