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Ricky York

"Always smile, because you never know when that could be taken away from you."

0 · 259 views · located in The Lab

a character in “Abducted Experiment”, originally authored by Andrea Rose, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Richard Maxwell York Jr.
Age: 15
Role: Project Five
Personality: Ricky is probably the cheeriest of all of the projects. He can always find a reason to laugh and smile as much as he can. Ricky sees himself as a big comfort to the other expirements, because he loves consoling and protecting people. If he loves and overprotects someone, he can become violent and aggressive if she (or he) is taken away. After than that, he's just a teddy bear.
Powers: "Project Five has the gift of Mind Manipulation. They can edit and read your thoughts and memories if you keep eye contact or once again have phsyical touch."

So begins...

Ricky York's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylvia Lightwood Character Portrait: Avrille Ashen Character Portrait: Ricky York Character Portrait: Kuroko Fujitaka
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Avrille struggled restlessly as a bulky strong looking man threw her back into the room wih the other projects. She turned around to run back at him only to find the locked bars already in place. "For gods sake why!" She yelled after the man she turned and looked at the other projects. "Whatthey tried to inject me again." Her answer was lame but amusing. She flopped down on the sofa and looked at the others. "Heya fello projects warning that new nurse is seriously snappy." Sue said his everytime she came back from a test normally there wasn't even a new nurse just the same old nurse wih newly dyed hair but one time it had been a new nurse but Avrille punched her in he nose when she tried to inject Avrille with genetics. You see Avrille hates needles and nurses means needles and needles mean nurses with Jose bleeds and nurses wih nose bleeds mean new nurse.. With new needles.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylvia Lightwood Character Portrait: Avrille Ashen Character Portrait: Ricky York Character Portrait: Kuroko Fujitaka
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Sylvia rolled her eyes dramatically at the annoying girl.

"Arville, for the last fucking time, there are no new nurses, it's the same nurse, now shut up unless you have something important to say." She almost growled these words. She had had enough of this girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylvia Lightwood Character Portrait: Avrille Ashen Character Portrait: Ricky York Character Portrait: Kuroko Fujitaka
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"Oi, you guys mind not fighting for once? I was kind of enjoying the silence." Kuroko made a face at the two arguing girls and floated back towards the ground, having been hovering by the ceiling.
Landing on the arm of the couch, he balanced precariously before hopping lightly to the floor. As much as he hated the abilities that the scientists had given to him, he had to admit they were handy and even a bit fun to play with.
"Anyway, anyone got an idea about what the plan for the day is? Only been up for a bit and I'm already bored out of my mind." Kuroko sighed and flopped down on the floor, not particularly caring that he was mostly in the way of anyone that wanted to get through the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylvia Lightwood Character Portrait: Ricky York
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(I think

Ricky pouted playfully, but shrinked when Slyvia reminded him of what happened last time. The guards had beat him to a bloody pulp. His eyes turned a clear blue, new genetics in his eyes to change with emotion, and he forced a small pout. "Party?" He asked, more rhetorically than anything. He heard boots pounding and a resounding and dark laugh. It was the laugh of the man who took him to experiments everyday. Ricky started to shrink into himself, almost shaking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylvia Lightwood Character Portrait: Avrille Ashen Character Portrait: Ricky York Character Portrait: Kuroko Fujitaka
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The mention of a party made Kuroko groan. It was just more noise, though he didn't see how a 'party' here was any different than the current situation, but with someone doing bad karaoke and dancing. Normally he would have lost his temper at someone calling him Peter Pan, and he almost did, until Sylvia mentioned that they were coming to do more testing on him. Eyes wide, he sat up and scooted back into a corner, as if he hoped to meld with the walls and never be taken to the labs again.
"Well, at least I'll get to see that new nurse that Avrille mentioned earlier." the joke was weak and his voice was a tad squeaky.
It was obvious to anyone remotely paying attention that he was absolutely terrified of the labs and really anything to do with them. Even the faint smell of antiseptic that filled the place set him on edge, even though he knew he should be safe here with his comrades.

He didn't even see Sylvia's mostly flirtatious smile, but he did give a stiff nod. "Definitely a boy. And I'm not Peter Pan. Hell will freeze over before you get me in tights. Actually, hell will get frostbite before you crazies pick out my clothing." he dragged out a bit of his usual sarcasm, though it was still strained.

The arguing snapped him back to his usual self, though. Standing up, he narrowed his eyes; his temper had decided to make its appearance. "Can't you two get along for one freaking minute? We're all in this shit hole together, so do you really have to argue every minute of the day? Yeah, you're girls, I get it. Cat fights or whatever are in your nature I guess, but seriously. Get over yourselves."
Taking a deep breath, Kuroko shut his eyes and tried to calm himself. Of course, that's when the guard decided to make his appearance and start pulling Kuroko, suddenly back to looking like a terrified, blue-haired statue, out of the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylvia Lightwood Character Portrait: Avrille Ashen Character Portrait: Ricky York Character Portrait: Kuroko Fujitaka Character Portrait: Alchemy Smith
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Kuroko didn't have to wait long before people started speaking up for him; telling the guard that he was ill or some other nonsense.

"Pardon me, good sir, but I do believe you have the wrong person." a voice from the corner of the room spoke up.
A moment later, Alchemy could be spotted getting to her feet from some unseen spot. Her blonde hair was ruffled slightly, revealing that she'd most likely been sleeping, as usual. If anything, that was one thing that she and Kuroko had in common; sleeping all the time.
Walking across the room with a slightly unusual grace, Alchemy bowed slightly toward the guard. "As I am yet to have my testing, I would graciously accompany you in Kuroko's place. However, as you have come solely for him and I know that to join you in his stead would only cause him worry and suffering, I shall allow you to take our dear blue-haired fairy to the laboratories. I sincerely hope you have a good day, sir." pivoting on her heel, Alchemy walked back to her little corner of the room, though she did not lay down.

Despite his fear of the guards and the laboratories, Alchemy's speech made Kuroko smirk and mutter some remark about not being a fairy. It was rare to see a real smile from him in this place, and even rarer to get a laugh, but Alchemy always seemed to be able to drag one out of him. It was probably because they'd been childhood friends and knew each other like the back of their hands, but who knows. With a grimace, Kuroko let the guard put a collar around his neck and attach a leash to it- a precaution should he decide to try and fly away. Casting a last glance back at his friends, Kuroko watched the guy shut the door and then began leading him down the hallway.