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Robin Volcus

"History is the important piece in life, it'll be the only thing to help us uncover the dark secrets ahead of us."

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a character in “Aboard The Phoenix”, as played by Depressence


Character sheet

Name: Robin Volcus

Role: Informant/Librarian

Nickname: The Devil Woman

Race: Human

Age: 27


1) Intellectual - Robin has a very large knowledge over history and facts of famous (or even infamous) places, events, and people. This is what gives her the role as the Informant on the Phoenix from her vast knowledge.

2) The Raven - Robin possess a magic skill that allows her to summon, communicate, and call out to a specific type of bird; Ravens. Any raven can come from no matter how far in flocks to aid her in battle against enemies. With enough, the flock of ravens can also pick her up and carry her across places to protect her from harm, if needed.

3) Ancient Ritual - An ancient ritual called the Faradiel was made by a tribe of high-powered magical beings that grant highest power to those able to activate it. The only way to activate it, is to find the Faradiel Stone, which was hidden for protection, but the only way to activate it is if you are able to read and decipher the language it speaks. All who are able to read the language have been killed. All but Robin.

4) Over-Average Athlete - Despite being tall, her works and childhood has made her an above average athlete.

Bio: Born in a family of librarians and historians, Robin grew up on a small island named Jotaria which was famously known for the Great Tree of Wisdom, that had millions of books stored inside of it. But the librarians of the island all had a deep secret; they could decipher the Faradiel language. This hereby became illegal and dangerous to many. Troops from unknown branches of justice-upholders came in and set the Giant Tree ablaze, burning it down and crashing onto the town beneath it. All the librarians (including her parents) were murdered in the while of this, but Robin was unsuspected being only a child. The entire town began to be set to fire, burning and killing all those living on it, while Robin made her escape on a small aircraft that was only large enough to hold a few people. Soon they realized Robin was the last left, but she had already escaped, becoming a Devil in the world.

In her teen years, she moved from island to island, city to city, looking for organizations and jobs to provide shelter for her. Each company or family she would take part of, were set to ruins, and Robin left as the only survivor. She would go from place to place, but they'd all fall. Then one organization saw her skill of being able to decipher the language and immediately wanted her. This company was Harolding Halls, HH for short. The boss, Deluhishi, was an undercover con-artist that was able to hide his tracks very well from anyone and anything. He reigned on a city named Bullivask which was known to be a large island made up of sandy regions and hot temperatures. There, Robin served as the 2nd In Command of Harolding Halls and became a trained assassin for the company and in search for the Faradiel for Boss Deluhishi.

After working for him and his organization for several years, they finally found a stone, a stone largely known to be as the Faradiel. But it was not, it was just a clue of the known masterpiece. This clue only gives hints about it, and this enrages Deluhishi, and sees Robins company no longer needed and attempts to kill her. He nearly succeeds but of course, she is able to escape, retaliating against the Boss by devouring him in a flock of ravens that pick and pinch at his skin and fling him away as she escapes. And from there, she lived in desolation until the next year, now, she comes aboard the Phoenix. She doesn't intend to wreck this organization, but the possibility that she'll stay forever is slim. Her secret must be kept hidden from them. She's just staying for the providing shelter, but who knows? Maybe she'll actually stay here and become part of the team...

Appearance: Robin stands at a good 6'1 and weighs approximately 156 lbs. She stands tall and slender, but in fit position and above average athlete. She has a lightly tanned skin tone that is darker than most, but isn't fully tan. Her eyes are a colorful aqua marine. Robin's hair is long, straight, and black, flowing down to the bottom of her shoulders with all bangs and front-hair pulled back. At the moment, she's wearing a full-leather black outfit that is a long-sleeved leather jacket black, and long pants of the same color and also leather, and the same colored boots black and leather. The black is not pitch black, it's a light black color, and the leather isn't skin-tight like jumpsuits.

Personality: Most likely from her tragic childhood, Robin has an emotionless and calm demeanor to where she doesn't speak aloud and talk often unless something noteworthy and thrilling happens. She does not panic or frighten over things, but thinks rationally and calmly over things. She also isn't easily amused and can see through deception or lies, being a master of deception herself, so she isn't the easiest to fool. Also, she likes to stay up late before sleeping and still wakes up early.

Weapons: None other than her own knowledge, skills, and ability.

Other: Robin's favorite color is purple, animal is a raven, ( of course) and her favorite thing to eat or drink is coffee and vanilla cakes.

So begins...

Robin Volcus's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dnaria Renigeen Character Portrait: Durzog Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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In the depths of the sea, Calypso was swimming peacefully until she noticed a dark figure. It had two big threatening eyes, hundreds of teeth sharper than needles and massive strength that could be felt with the ripping bite in Calypso's left leg. This is what happened around a month before she joined the crew. This is what happened in her nightmare.

She had a dream about this misfortune. Calypso had this nightmare for the first time, but it felt so real, even lucid dreaming couldn't help her turn this into something peaceful. She could feel the pain in her left leg even if she didn't have it any more. She was screaming both in her dream and reality. "GET AWAY FROM ME! LET ME GO! LET ME GO RIGHT NOW! DAMN SHARK!" her voice invaded the ship. "TAKE THAT!" She threw a punch in the air while still sleeping. Afterwards Calypso fell off the bed, but that didn't wake her up. She was peacefully sleeping on the floor. However this probably interrupted most of the others', if not everyone's sleep.


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Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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Had already been awake for several hours now, Robin sat patiently on a stool on the inner-section of the Phoenix. With a book open ahead of her, lying in the near end of the book, she glances downwards at it, reading the page like a scanner. She doesn't even flip the page, she has a raven beside her at the edge of the book to do that bidding for her, flipping it with its beak. "Thank you" is all Robin says each time it flips it with its beak and it just responds with a short crow.

Robin turns her body and the seat of the stool follows with her as she turns, her back now to the counter and her previous book. She looks around the room of the stuff lying around and the artifacts. "Was this the best thing to do," She says to herself quietly "Maybe I should reconsider some thing. I don't think it's too late to leave. But leaving is no longer an option. Even if this place burns down, it'll be a short shelter to myself then..." A drift of wind from the open window blows her hair gently across her face and she pushes it back to place.

"Let's just see how long it lasts then." She turns her head and looks back at the raven, who looks back up at her. "Shall we?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aykio Natoi Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus Character Portrait: Gamut Bilsan
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Slipping and stealthily making her way through the crowd in the kitchen of the cook and the two others helping, Robin managed to grab a quick bite and leave while still eating it. She left the kitchen abruptly and headed out to the deck, where another stir was about to be brought up. She saw an unfamiliar woman, the captain, and the reptilian doctor. Robin doesn't bother to call people by name, so she uses nicknames, like Mr. Captain, or Doctor.

Robin, standing in front of the closed door, watches as the scene rolls out. Was she a stowaway? Thief? Had she been here the whole time?

Robin walks forward again, getting closer to the trio, to get a better view and of what's happening. "What's going on here? Is there a problem?" She asks both questions softly yet loud enough for all to hear. She doesn't mean to get in their business, but it is her crew and shipmates. Or, they will be for a period of time, that is.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aykio Natoi Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus Character Portrait: Gamut Bilsan
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Anne followed behind the Little Captain, Doc, and the quiet Robin drawing her sword as she went. "Hello and who are you to board my ship? Without permission?" Markus asked the robe clad woman. She was wondering the same question, coming onto someones ship uninvited was like entering a home when you weren't invited to do so. The doc didn't seem to think much of her though "From the look of her I'd say she's a thief, trying to find a place to hide. What are you doing here, Child?" Anne decided to leave the interrogating to the two of them as she stood just off the the captains side sword ready if it was needed. She hadn't had a reason to use it in a while and she was itching to do so but she would wait for her cue, no more slicing first then asking questions while they were taking their dying breaths.

From the looks of her she could have been a thief, the stealth was there that's for sure but she didn't have that element of 'Shady' that most thief's had. That didn't mean she wasn't dangerous though and she could tell by her muscle build that she wasn't some weakling but trained in some fashion that left her body build lean. Anne stood tall and maybe a little too eager for a fight as she looked down at the woman as she made her way up the plank.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aykio Natoi Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Robin Volcus Character Portrait: Gamut Bilsan
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Aykio looked to Catlike male raising a brow as he called The Phoenix His ship but quickly did a bow in the monk fasion (like japanese bow of earth) she snorted at the old lizard's words before she spoke "I am no thief I am called Aykio Natoi a monk...Fate has brought me to you and my quest lays with you and this ship...I seek only passage on your ship till such time the visions speak to me again and reviel the next path of my enlightenment"

Without another word she looked to the ones gathered waiting for their answer or for them to laugh in her face...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aykio Natoi Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus Character Portrait: Gamut Bilsan
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"Passage is all? I don't see why you shouldn't come aboard" Markus kept his hands by his swords, just in case the female monk tried something. He looked at Gamut "I suppose you have something to say on the matter?" Markus already knew the answer, Gamut had always been judgemental of all his decisions, Markus knew that Gamut was against Markus sailing the air, he told him so in the beginning of Markus's career as a airship captain. Markus remembered how he and his father built this ship themselves, so Gamut couldn't stop him, he zoned back to the present and waited for Gamut to grumble about something or other that would make the monk boarding a bad idea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aykio Natoi Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus Character Portrait: Gamut Bilsan
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From seemingly nowhere, a raven flies out from the distance and lands on Aykio's shoulder and glare at her with deep red eyes, like a never ending trance. Quickly, the bird realizes Robin is there and flies over to her and perches on her shoulder, but still glaring at the intruder.

Robin remains quiet, but locked on the group around her, lingering in the back. Slowly, one by one, few ravens start to appear on the sides and railing of the ships, just for the protecting. Another one comes up and lands on Robin's shoulder, all of their eyes locked on to Aykio's figure and presence. "Don't mind the birds, they're just wary of you." Robin said clearly. Despite Aykio's request for passage, she didn't come off to be trustworthy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aykio Natoi Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus Character Portrait: Gamut Bilsan
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#, as written by Wake
"Passage to where exactly? This isn't exactly a simple ferry ship or cruise liner." Gamut ground out, shooting a look to the captain. He still wasn't convinced that this woman wasn't a thief or other criminal looking to make a quick get away or to philter something from the ship. He was a bit displeased at the captains willingness to let some random stranger on board without any sort of inspection. Not that he hadn't already let less then reputable people on the ship before.

He was thankful, though, for Ann and Robin's presence, as two of the more level headed crew members.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aykio Natoi Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Robin Volcus Character Portrait: Gamut Bilsan
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Aykio sighed brushing off the shoulder the bird had been on and then looked to the Lizard man who seemed to be some sort of advisor to the young Were cat captian "If i knew that i would tell you...This Ship is a light in the darkness i'm sure of it for it is not like the others gracing this dark dock....Only by following the light will i find the right path. It may sound crazy to you but i assure you i mean this ship and her crew no harm....and once my visions return i will be gone onward to the next part of the path...but leave me here and my path ends only in darkness.."

Aykio would let the words sink in for a moment before adding "So i once again request passage on your ship"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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0.00 INK

Robin, confused and bewildered by the sudden burst of emotion, was left standing on the deck with those who didn't leave after Mr. Captain's outburst. Robin hadn't even realized Captain and the Medic had a history together or were aware of each other, really. But then she focused her attention back to the city surrounding them.

Mr. Captain had left to meet up with a client earlier, leaving the others on the ship to mingle and do any duties they have. Robin gently leans on the side of the ship, facing the dock and the city that lies ahead of her and waiting for the arrival. So far, she hasn't accomplished anything. She isn't even really here to be a crew member just for providing needs like food, shelter, and such, but that doesn't mean she wants to sit on a stool all day and talking to birds either.

There's a good history about this place, from black markets to sneaks, but Robin hopes to find more. That's her job as being a historian or whatever title you'd like to give her, but she thrives for history and knowledge. She has an outstanding memory and intellectual capability in her mind, and she puts it to good use. But here she is, leaning on a boat early morning, waiting for her emotional teenage boss to arrive with a quest. If she didn't know any better, she'd think this is all just a child's dream. But the boy has everything he needs to be a captain. The ship, the crew, supplies. But most importantly, he has the largest factor of all; the desire. Anyone can build a ship and jump off of a cliff, but you need the desire to do it. That's why Robin chose to join the Phoenix. Not because it'll be famous, but because that rookie captain will be the one to change it all.

But her biggest question is how long will it last until they come looking for her? Or how long until the people on this ship realize she's wanted and a notorious traitor? Hopefully she'll be gone before they find out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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After a while of leaning and inspecting the others on the crew after the outburst, Anne came out to announce we have several hours and she's heading out. If Robin had to choose one person to accompany or set out with, it'd be Anne for sharing such similar personality to herself. Robin, not speaking to anyone else or announcing she'll join them, just casually walks past the crowd toward the plank where Anne was at.

With her arms crossed and walking high, Robin seemed stealthily and sneaky as if it was intentionally, but it's just her nature. After walking across deck, she makes her way over to the plank. "I'd like to accompany you to the city." She had just blankly said it. Robin didn't know what Anne wished to see in the city, but hopefully she could find some history or knowledge of this place. It interests her, and she can possibly even dig up some dark secrets. She didn't know what Mr. Captain had thought of the ordeal going on or if he had plans to go out to city on his own, but Robin usually goes her separate ways from people who she ventures out with or accompanies anyway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dnaria Renigeen Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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Rueben ran over to Anne, eyes bright with child like excitement. "Hey! I wanna tag along!" Rueben grinned. He wanted to see the market, but going alone with no guide back to the ship anywhere near him scared him. "Just let me get my stuff," he quickly said, running off towards the kitchen.

There, he grabbed his dagger ,which doubled as his cooking knife, and his frying pan. He fitted the dagger into a hidden sheath by his hip and slid the pan wide side up in a belt loop on the opposite side. He smiled, satisfied, and began headed out. He paused for a moment and glanced at the direction of the workshop. Rueben ran towards it and knocked softly on the door. "Hey! Dnaria? Are you there? I just wanted to see if you'd like to accompany me to town. I'd like some company and I'm pretty sure Robin and Anne are going to leave me once we're off the ship, so..."

The young Avian was a curiosity for Rueben, as he had never spoken to her much. He would see her in the kitchen sometimes grabbing a purple apple or two, but that was it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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Once Anne had gathered all she wished to trade she went back to the plank and waited. It was then that Robin approached her "I'd like to accompany you to the city." Anne nodded, she wasn't so much worried about Robin getting herself into trouble but that didn't mean she was just going to leave her to herself. "Where I'm going there may be some things that would interest you. If you don't have anything to bring to trade we might be able to work something out." she said patting her rucksack that hung over her shoulder.

It was then that the cook Rueben ran up to her, stars in his eyes. "Hey! I wanna tag along! Just let me get my stuff." and off he went just as quickly as he came. He was one she would be worried about. The environment of the city was shady at best and he seemed far too innocent and eager to not get himself into trouble. Anne shifted while waiting for him to return as she thought about keeping him close by at all times, at least close enough that a shot from her pistol would still be useful if need be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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Markus walked out of his quarters and saw Anne and Robin on the gangplank, waiting for someone. Markus paid no mind, it was still early, so they had plenty of time. Markus looked down at the ocean, not to far below. He saw the ladder coming up from the docks, who in their right mind would dive off the dock? Markus thought quizzically. He would never go into the ocean, or any other form of water for that matter, he hated it. Markus walked over to Anne and Robin "You two and whoever you're waiting for be careful, I don't want you getting any injuries before we set sail, alright?" Markus looked up at them, they were older and therefore taller, sometimes Markus laughed at the fact that he was younger (and shorter) than most of his crew.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dnaria Renigeen Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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"Hey! Dnaria? Are you there? I just wanted to see if you'd like to accompany me to town. I'd like some company and I'm pretty sure Robin and Anne are going to leave me once we're off the ship, so..."

Ria was a little startled and almost dropped the tiny pieces of the broken toy bird that she had so difficultly picked up in the dark. She placed the pieces into a safe place, promising to fix the toy again when she came back. Breathing in deeply and making sure no tears were on her eyes, she slung her empty satchel across her shoulder and opened the door to greet Reuben.

"I'm coming. Ship needs a little bit more supplies. Can't leave the furnace with a cracked nut can we?" she chirped like a nightingale. It wasn't long before a few ravens flocked around her, to which she laughed at.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. I see Robin's been a little busy?" she spoke to the ravens, who flew back to wherever they came from. Birds didn't seem to leave her alone, and she enjoyed their company so she never chased them away.

"Are we going with Robin and Anne, Rueben? That's what I heard you say just now..." she glanced at the tall black head and the matured quartermaster, then noticed that their Captain was there as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dnaria Renigeen Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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Delighted that Anne had welcomed her, Robin responded with a quick thanks and nothing else. The captain warned them of injuries, but I don't see anything to worry over yet. Someone had mentioned Robin's named, or so the ravens had told her, as they whizzed past her. Being able to communicate to ravens, she can use them as spies to find out what's going on in other places, but it wasn't anything important other than someone else will be accompanying us now.

"I believe someone else is coming, invited by Rueben. Is that alright with you?" Robin asked towards Anne. Anne didn't seem to be the type to overreact, but not the kind of friendliest matters either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dnaria Renigeen Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Markus Redsail Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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Anne watched as her young captain approached and she stood a little straighter. "You two and whoever you're waiting for be careful, I don't want you getting any injuries before we set sail, alright?" She smiled down at Markus, he was so young and had such big shoes to fill. Anne could have easily been captain of her own ship and crew but when she was fleeing her death sentence and needed a place to go he had graciously opened his ship to her without much question into her past. She had grown fond of him in the time she had spent on the ship, he reminded her a bit of herself when she was younger, he was a bit more caring but still as feisty and rash as she had been. That is why she had decided to stay and eventually became the ships Quartermaster. Some day she would share her reasons for fleeing with him, maybe someday soon.

She ruffled his hair affectionately "My Little Captain, I promise that I will watch over everyone while we are out. The only harm that will com will be to those who wish it upon us." she had a soft spot for Markus and while she did like the other members of the crew the affection she showed him did not extend to the others.

"I believe someone else is coming, invited by Rueben. Is that alright with you?" Anne saw the ravens fly by and guessed that is where Robin got her information. Giving a simple shrug she replied "I invited any and all who wished to join, I figured it would be better if some of the crew went along with me instead of going off on their own. This city can be a dangerous place for certain types of people."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aykio Natoi Character Portrait: Dnaria Renigeen Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus Character Portrait: Calypso Octavien
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"Hey! I heard your invite! I accept!" Calypso exclaimed to Anne. "Who else is coming?"
Calypso was very excited to see the city. She has heard that it was dangerous. She was from the people who were attracted by danger, which made her even more excited. Calypso felt like spending solid time with at least a few of the crew members. She could be useful as a "healer" along the way.
"So, there's a passenger on the ship, right? Do you think that she would come with us too?" Calypso asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aykio Natoi Character Portrait: Dnaria Renigeen Character Portrait: Durzog Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Anne Marie Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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Durzog had paid close attention to everything that occurred upon the deck. He stayed out of all conversations, but his big eyes watched what was most important. Food was more than consumed. In fact, he may have missed some things happening simply because he was too busy shoving the food down his throat; hardly catching the taste. It took a lot to fill the Orc's belly and he well knew such. When a woman began to board the ship and both Markus and Gamut stopped her with questions, he began to get scared. He found a pole to foolishly hide behind, in case something happened. The pole was still smaller than most every body part of his, so this was a silly sight. It seemed, despite The Captain's approval, Gamut was upset with the newcomer. If something upset Gamut, Durzog did not like it. He did not like loud things and an upset Gamut was loud.

Eventually the Captain had returned after disappearing and announced the ship would be gaining two large crates. This, too, scared Durzog. What could those be? What was in them? Why were they transporting them? He would make special note to not approach those items. In fact, if he simply did not think about them, then they were not there.

After some time, the Captain had found his way to his quarters. Most others had gone about business, or began making groups to venture out into the city. This was not something Durzog liked. He either went with into the big scary dark city, or he was mostly alone on the ship. This confused him so. It was quite the predicament. The large Orc made his way to the edge of the ship where he could look out beyond the City. Despite the bad things he had heard, the sunlight shimmering off the city sure made it look pretty in Durzog's eyes. Perhaps it would not be so bad. If he followed with the others, he would be safe, right? Brows fell down slightly, lips turned upside down; frowning at the thoughts he could not decide upon. Eyes looked at Anne, Ria, Calypso, and the others in the slowly growing group. He would be afraid of squishing Calypso and Ria, but was more afraid of Robin and Anne. Durzog sighed heavily and leaned over the railing of the ship. Elbow rested on the railing, hand facing up and supporting his double chin. Eyes looked at the slowly busying dock. His fears outweighed anything else. This irritated him, but he figured there were more productive things to do upon The Phoenix, rather than dilly dally around town and break shops. His large frame made it easy for him to do so.

It had been decided by the over-sized creature; stay on the ship and do something productive. No fun for Durzog. he noted to himself. As always.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dnaria Renigeen Character Portrait: Durzog Character Portrait: Rueben Sanntrigo Character Portrait: Robin Volcus
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If it was possible, the eager boy's grin grew wider. "Thanks, friend!" he quickly said before scrambling towards the gangplank where he would wait for his companion's arrivals. Rueben stopped beside Robin. "Is there any places of interest we should go to?" he asked, eager to head off. He knew that the informative women would be able to tell him the ideal locations for exploration.