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Harmony Baxter

"Some times the heart sees what is invisble to the eye."

0 · 808 views · located in Eastern Gradon Academy

a character in “Academy of Elements”, as played by Hallowed777


"Some times the heart sees what is invisible to the eye."


Harmony Lee Baxter
Harm or Lee
Twenty- One {21]}
Bisexual: "Some times I like to think of myself more along the lines of Asexual though."
San Diego, California
Element: Heart
Medical Science and English

+ Taking long walks
+ Gymnastics: "This is something I have done since I was a little girl."
+ Modeling
+ Being with a friend
+ Sitting in her room alone
+ Reading
+ Singing: "A lot of people have told me I'm a really good singer but I don't really believe them."
+ Drawing
+ Graffiti
+ Honest people
+ Chocolate
+ Flowers
+ Video Games: "What? I love them, especially First person shooter video games."
+ Music
+ Sappy romances: "I'm sorry, but its just the truth."
- Snobs
- Players: "Those guys need to watch whose heart they break."
- Action Movies
- Dramatic people
- When people are upset
- Others hurting
- Breaking Bones: "I've broken a bone before and I didn't like it at all."
- Liars
- Feeling alone
- Getting sick
- Really sweet food
- Annoying people
- Heights: "I don't have a fear of heights I just don't like them."
- Lemons
- Some Chinese foods: "There are only a few Chinese foods that I actually like."
Β° Losing a loved one
Β° Not becoming successful
Β° Never being happy
Β° Messes with her clothes when she isn't thinking and is bored
Β° Hums when she has nothing else to do


Element: Heart
"My powers can get annoying some times."
She has the power to see other's emotions. Whether it is mad, sad, depressed, happy, lustful, or anything else she can see it and will know how they are feeling so that if she thinks they might need some help she can kind of play therapist and help them out. Like if someone is feeling depressed it is likely she would see that emotion and would try to find out what's wrong. Finally another thing that she can do is talk to animals. She finds it weird that with just a few words an animal could hear her and communicate back. It's unique, but at times she finds it to be not that great really.
Rival Element:
"Its good to have no rival element is all I have to say to be honest."
None really, unless well you count the fact that death is probably her only weakness. Its not something that she okay with because really it is actually something that scares her just because she has had a few people die on her before, and she fears another one of her loved ones dying on her.
She is amazing at singing, often joining in a choir if she can or just doing it when she is no where near people. Like if she in her room alone, listening to music, or reading a book you can hear her singing along with in a shower. Another one of her strengths is a sport called gymnastics which she has been like a year after she was able to walk. Her mother had got her into gymnastics and ever since she has loved doing it. Finally she is an amazing artist, some times she likes to just draw on a sketch pad while other times is she is feeling quite rebellious she is known to go out into down town and draw graffiti on walls with a few of her friends. To other people know one would have ever guessed she would be the kind of person to draw graffiti on a wall in down town with some of her friends. Its not necessarily something she is proud of, and she prefers just to kind of keep it a secret.


Harmony to describe her would be kind of simple depending on what your definition of simple is. Some things about her may surprise you because even though a lot of hearts seem innocent she can be almost anything but innocent. First off you should know what strangers think about her. When you first meet her she comes off as this beautiful, innocent kind of girl. Talking to her for the first time you would realize that she is a kind girl who is energetic. She is the one to always learning about this stranger because well she is the kind of person who likes to get to know people whom she does not know. To those who are acquaintances to her know her mostly just as someone who is easy to get along with and who is funny while she gets to know you. She is the kind of girl who tries her best to get to know you and to try not to judge you until she really gets to know you.

Friends know her better than strangers and acquaintances do which means that they have learned more about her than they have. Her friends know her as this witty girl who always has something to say. She is intelligent even though she often denies that she is because she has a hard time doing tests or finishing things. Most of her friend's know that she is a caring individual who loves to take care of those who are either sick or aren't feeling important. There is nothing other than a few things that she dislikes more than someone hurting whether physically or mentally. Finally to her friends she is known as kind of a mysterious girl just because there are obviously a lot of secrets that she has. Due to the fact that she kinds of has this secret side to her she is known to keep a lot of secrets from her friends just because she has a little bit of trust issues just because a lot of people have broken her trust where they have lied to her, and back stabbed her before.

As for her best friends they know the most about her, other than her family though because they know the most about her since they have lived with her. With her best friend's she doesn't really keep any kind of secrets with them. Her best friend's are usually the people she does most things with they are also the people she goes to when she feels as though hopeless. With her best friend's she is known to be a rebellious girl who will do what she wants when she feels like it just because she doesn't like taking orders. She will do as she want, some times this gets her into trouble especially if she had been doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing, and other times she doesn't get into trouble because she doesn't get caught. They also know she is actually quite the perfectionist when it comes to things that she thinks need to be virtually perfect. She kind of has that problem where if something is out of place she doesn't like it and wants to fix it. There are those times when she can come off as a flirty girl often these are the times when she has a crush on someone. It doesn't happen all the time because she doesn't want her flirting with people to be obvious like a few guys that she has met before. Finally she is known as this loving girl who tries her best not to judge people since she has been judged a few times by other and she hated it.

Finally her family who has always been there even when a lot of bad things have happened in her life. Her parents love her to death, but they know that at time she can be kind of this snarky girl who will snap at them when they do something that she doesn't like. Her family have also realized that once her baby sister was born she was the one constantly trying to take care of her. Which this has always shown her to be quite the family oriented kind of girl. They describe her just as an amazing person who can some times have a short temper even though she does a great job of controlling it and hiding any fact that she may be mad at a person.

Harmony's life hasn't be entirely terrible like she was abused as a child or anything the only bad thing was how many people that she loved that passed away. Harmony Lee Baxter, current age is Twenty-One, and was born on February 14th at 2:23 a.m. She was born to a loving model name Yasmine Jane Baxter, and an engineer name Tyler Felix Baxter. The couple had three children all together. There was her older brother, Jaxson Baxter and then there was her little sister Hailey Baxter. All of them lived in a large house along with their grandparents Mariann Baxter and Gregory Baxter who lived in a room in their large house. Her mother traveled a lot for photo-shoots while her dad was out at work a lot lately so they were practically raised by their grandparents.

At age one her brother was only five years older than her at the time and he was trying his best to be the perfect big brother. Nothing was really wrong at this age just because her mother tried her best to be at home as much as she could so that she could take care of her children. After a while she wasn't able to do that because they were slowly loosing money so at the age of two she was being left more with her grandparents and her older brother. It wasn't until she was four that it started to get hard on her because she began school then. It was hard because her mother was constantly out at work and traveling around while her dad was out a work and coming home late some times when he wasn't able to come home any earlier. At age seven her grandmother got really sick, and no one was really sure why. They imagined that she was just getting a cold or something so they left it be it wasn't until Harmony came into their room one morning that she found that her grandmother had passed away in her sleep. This left the family devastated because now they were one grandparent short and Harmony's grandmother had been pretty much the one person she could go to when she needed something, other than well her brother, but he wasn't to much help until she was older.

At age 10 her younger sister was born and finally Harmony was slowly getting over the fact that her grandmother, the person who constantly took care of her, was now gone. She took over the roll of taking care of her baby sister as much as she could because she just adored her little sister until age 13 where she started to get frustrated by her. She find her younger sister who was now three years old was constantly trying to annoy her. It was a hard year for her because constantly she would be bullied by other children at school just because she would freak out when she saw other's emotions. At age thirteen she had first discovered her powers and it was hard for her just because she began to think she was crazy or something. It didn't help that when she was fourteen her grandfather had a heart attack and had passed away. Another person she loved to death was now again and all she really had was her brother to comfort her until her parents were able to get home. This was also when she started to get better at using her powers. It wasn't easy learning how to use her powers since she didn't think any one else could do what she could.

At age fifteen things started to slowly get better, her mother was there more and so was her father. Yeah some times it was rocky because she was still having problems learning how to posses her powers. She would go out and mess around with her friends. A few times she would get caught and would get bailed by her parents but everything was okay for now until age 16 when one of her best friend's killed themselves after being constantly bullied for something that had happened at school. It was a hard year once again because now once again she had to get over losing another person that she cared deeply about. Again she grew to learn how to cope with it even though it was hard. She worked hard in her school work and still took care of her younger sister when she could. For years she thought she had a good life going on until she had been able to try to get into this academy for... gifted people. By this time she had learned to read people's emotions and had learned to talk to animals. It was weird, but of course she had learned to get over that and just deal with it. Finally she kissed her parents good bye and is now here at this academy. Some stuff didn't go as she would have hoped but she wouldn't change anything because at least she is who she is.

Has a few tattoos:
❀ ❀ ❀

So begins...

Harmony Baxter's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Tanner Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Lisa Blue Daniels Character Portrait: Lockie Porter Character Portrait: Sumiko Kawahara
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#, as written by Issa
In an isolated pocket of the English countryside sits Eastern Gradon Academy. Overnight the school has been blanketed in a covering of snow, the first of the winter.
With the coming of the snow also comes the Winter Feast, a traditional feast that the Academy holds for its staff and students the night after the first snow fall. In the last hour notices have been posted around the school to announce the traditional feast.

'Dear Students,

Tonight the traditional Winter Feast will be held in the Dining Hall.
Students are expected to be seated an hour after the last period of the day.
As with past years the seating will be freely arranged.
The dress is formal, suits and formal dresses are expected.

A shot of port will be offered during the traditional toast and mulled wine will be served throughout,
however students are warned that intoxication will not be tolerated.

Looking forward to a wonderful evening,
The Academy Faculty'

The time is 8.30am, half an hour before the start of the school day. As expected some students have been out playing in the snow while others are wrapped up inside or sleeping. A hot breakfast is being served in the dining room. Teachers will be preparing for their classes. Students should also be beginning to ready themselves for their day.

Alanna Ascot

Alanna liked the idea of snow; she liked to watch snowflakes falling quietly to earth, but only from the safety of a warm room. The library was one such room. It was in fact its own separate building and several stories high. Books lined its walls from floor to ceiling and there were many alcoves and partially hidden rooms in its depths. It was the kind of library where one could spend all day and never see another person. During the winter months the fire was constantly stoked and you were always guaranteed warmth. Alanna had been here for some time, reading in one of the many window seats. Snow always made her more irritable and she had woken earlier that morning to see the school sheeted in the stuff. Not being able to return to sleep she had showered, dressed and made her way to the library.

Now, with half an hour until class started she decided that it was time for a warm breakfast. Alanna replaced her book in the shelf and made her way through the large library doors. As she stepped outside the cold immediately hit her and the girl drew her clothes tighter around her. Alanna made her way along covered paths, aiming for the old dining hall. She thrust her hands into her pockets to keep them warm.

She reached the end of the covered walkways. Across a courtyard of undisturbed snow stood the dining hall. Smoke could be seen coming out of the large chimney and the windows were misted, further indicating the warmth that awaited inside. But first Alanna would have to make her way across the courtyard. Pursing her lips she took the first step, her foot sinking ankle deep into the snow. By the time she had made it to the dining hall door her toes were going numb and her irritation had reached new levels, still she hesitated before entering the hall. She had caught sight of the notice pinned to the door.
The only good thing she could say about winter was the annual Winter Feast. The food was always excellent, the decorations were fantastic and the atmosphere was something to look forward to. Not to mention the student after-party. It was just as much a tradition as the Feast, even if not entirely within the Academy's rules. While drinking for over 18s was legal in England, drinking on campus wasn't something that the teachers allowed without supervision. Still, every year the after-party went ahead and every year the majority of the student body attended.

Having finished reading the notice Alanna pushed through the doors and into the warmth of the dining hall. She grabbed a plate, served herself breakfast and then chose a table close to the fire. She sat down with the fire to her back, happy to let the fire warm her.

Lockie Porter

Buzz! Buzz! BUZZ! BUZZ!

The insistent ringing of Lockie's alarm was what woke the young man. His eyes fluttered open as the noise pierced through his dreams. His hand reached out to snooze the alarm only to find the device not on his bedside table. He let his eyes close for a moment. A cool breeze was playing around his room, streaming in through his open window.

In one swift movement the boy collected the breeze to him, using it to fling the blankets off him. His hands gave another twirl and the winds returned, this time he set them on the pile of clothes that littered his floor. It was from this pile that the incessant ringing was coming. With a blast of his collected air Lockie sent the clothes flying around his room, landing across his desk, bed and other portions of his floor. And there sat his alarm cloak. Lockie stood, tapped the alarm with his hand and gave a satisfied smile as the noise finally stopped.

Lockie grabbed his towel and left his room, wondering down the Air elemental's portion of the dormitories. He entered the male bathrooms a moment later, flicking on the lights and a shower as he entered. The water was blissfully warm. He stepped out a good deal later once the water had began to run cold. Lockie was prone to day-dreaming and his mind had wondered, only being brought back to reality by the shock of the cold water.

Back in his room he quickly got dressed in the only clothes that didn't seem to decorate his floor. His stomach rumbled a moment later, indicating that it was time for breakfast. So he left his room and began to make his way down to the dining hall.

Most times the quick trip to the dining hall would take longer than anticipated as Lockie's attention was usually drawn to whatever caught his fancy. Today was no different. Now he stopped short of the hall, watching as a tree branch slowly caved under the pressure of the snow. The day had a moderate amount of wind, enough for him to collect a small ball and send it flying towards the tree. The snow was blown up in a flurry of wind before crunching down onto the tree branch and then onto the ground.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Rachel Alena Grace Character Portrait: Kara Gray Character Portrait: Beau Miller Character Portrait: Mark Lewii Tom
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Kara punched her pillow several times and flipped it over as she laid uncomfortably on her bed in her room. She shoved her face in her pillow, not really wanting to get up right now. All she really wanted to do was to sleep another hour or two, but she had school to get to. Mumbling something angrily she finally threw her pillow off her bed and sat up slowly as she rubbed her tired eyes. One look at the clock she realized that she had been late on waking up. Really? She thought it was like 7:30 but it was truly an hour later than she usually got up to get ready for school. Oops. She shook her head, sighing softly as she got up and went to go fix herself up for the day.

The girl ran a brush through her hair a few times and applied some make-up before going to her closet which she started to slowly scan through for something to wear. There was soon a disappointed look on her face when she really couldn't find anything that she actually wanted to wear to class today. After about five minutes of debating what to wear she finally took out a outfit that she thought would be suitable for the day. It wasn't like she was really trying to impress anyone, so why should it matter what she wore today? She could figure something out better for tomorrow later on today, so that she didn't spend so much time looking for something to wear.

After throwing on her outfit for the day she walked over to next to her bed where her bag was laying. Scooping the bag up she checked to make sure she had all her books and necessary things before she slung it over her shoulder and walked from her room. She went from her room all the way down to the Dining room where she went and just got herself a plate of food then went to the table where Alanna was sitting. She slid into a seat next to her, placing her bag on the floor near her, and then placing her plate onto the table. Glancing over at Rachel she felt a small pang of anger towards her for some unknown reason, but managed to keep a warm smile on her face. "Hey Alanna, Rachel." She nodded over to Rachel before looking at Alanna again then down at her food as she messed with it a little.


Beau smashed his hand down on his alarm when it went off at 8:30. A lot groan escaped him as he got up slowly and dragged himself out of bed. He rubbed his face once then slowly half walked and half stumbled over to his dresser where he searched for something to wear. He ran a hand through his blond hair, sighing softly as he pulled out the first outfit he found, though, minus the glasses of course just because he doesn't really like sunglasses. Honestly he could care less how he looked today because all he really wanted was for today to be over so he could just go back to sleep. After putting a small amount of cologne on, he grabbed his bag, looked at himself in the mirror then left his room so that he could just start the day in hopes that the day would be over quickly.

Attempting to avoid the snowy outside world -with little success- he made his way to the Dining room where he went into and got some milk before he went to an empty table and sat down. He messed with the carton of milk then took a book from his bag and he began to read it. His eyes scanned over the words as he preoccupied himself with just reading because there was really nothing else he thought that he could do at the moment. This was all because he didn't want to go outside and play in the snow because he isn't too much of a fan of snow.


Harmony had been up since about 7:25 a.m. which was a little more than an hour before most people went down to the Dining Room. Upon waking up at the time she had already seen how snowy it was and it made her have the urge to go outside and play in it for a little while before making her way to the dining room so at 7:30 she made her way out of her room and outside in her PJ's to go mess around in the snow a little until it turned 8:00 and that was when she came back into her room, took a quick shower then slipped on her outfit for the day. After getting her clothes on she dried her hair, fluffing it a bit then throwing it into a very neat braid. She applied her makeup then double checked to make sure everything was in order then she slid her messenger bag onto her shoulders. All of this took at least a half hour by this time it was 8:30 and she was now heading down to the Dining room where she could finally get something to eat.

On her way down to the Dining room she did her best not to avoid going outside. As she walked outside- without a jacket- she held her hands out and listened to the snow crunch beneath her feet. Smiling gentle she sighed and shivered a little when she began to feel a little cold because of all this snow. Sighing softly she walked the rest of the way to the Dining room, putting her hands by her side. Upon entering the Dining Room she got a plate of food then scanned the room for a friend she could be around. When she saw Mark the smile on her face grew slightly as she walked over and sat next to him. "Hey Mark," She said kindly. She crossed her legs then took a bite of her food when she looked away from him and down at the table.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Rachel Alena Grace Character Portrait: Kara Gray Character Portrait: Mark Lewii Tom Character Portrait: Jaydon Janvier
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When Rachel's name was said by the girl of water she didn't want of reply, and if this had been any other season she would have. "Hi." Her reply was monotone as she kept from trying to sound to harsh. Rachel hasn't known Kara to much, but she was prejudice again certain powers for her own special reasons. If this wasn't winter she most likely wouldn't have replied, maybe causing a bicker or a fight, something she could easily handle then, but with if being winter and her still cold from the unintended snow fall touching her she felt washed up. The only times when she could stand water was when if was being eaten or bathed in. Rachel could feel cold chills going throughout her body of anger, not at Kara exactly, but at herself for not moving. Rachel was cold, but not really rude and she knew that Alanna had more friends besides just her and if she wanted to talk to her she had to get use to her friends.

Sitting up start she had finished her plate of food, quickly but in a mannerly way. She was a small girl, but eating was something she was good at and the food was always so yummy. "How you two enjoying the snow day?" She questioned them trying to give off her best fake smile. She didn't want to seem mean, but this was uncomfortable for her and talking wasn't her strongest point about her. She was use to being seen and not heard, but sometimes she made exceptions to be more social if she felt needed be.

Pulling her hand up to her mouth she released a small yawn, "Excuse me." She said to be polite. Slightly looking around the room the dining hall was slowly filling of people, but not to much. Mr. Janvier. "I'll be right back." Her voice was dry as she picked up her tray and threw it away to the trash can closet to the Professors seats and then walked over to them. "Morning." Rachel wasn't to friendly, but this teacher she did have a soft spot for. "How are you enjoying the snow?" When questioning him she let her voice light up a tad then she had when she was speaking to others. "I honestly find it dreadful. like I tell you every year." Giving him an actually smile she let out a small laugh, something she only did around people she felt really comfortable around. The laugh had come from the fact he was ice, meaning he might have a strong liking for snow, then again maybe not. "Well, see you in class later." With that she gave a small wave of bye and returned to her seat in front of Alanna without saying a word and returning back to her unfriendly mood.


Hearing Harmony's voice made him feel a warmth of happiness burn inside of him. "Good morning!" He respond to her as he whipped dripping water from his eyes. Being around her always put him into a better mood, maybe because she was heart. "You look beautiful this lovely morning." He told her sweetly then took a bite from some oat meal. "Actually," he said once all the food was clear from his mouth, "you look more beautiful every time I see you." Moving a little in his seat he could hear small squish sounds from the water in the seat. "Sorry for the mess, I was playing in the snow." Chuckling he continuing eating.

Every morning it felt like he talked to her, something he loved to door. Mark had lots if friends at school, but some he felt closer to than others, she was one of them. There was something about Harmony that was different then most girls at school, making him kind of fall for her. Her just sitting around him made him feel strange with joy. "Maybe you and I could have a snow ball fight later." He teased with her.

Looking down at his plate he realized he had eaten all his food, but he didn't care because he wasn't all the hungry. Pushing his plate aside he rested his arms on the table. Looking into Harmony's eyes he smiled, but soon lost attention in her when he noticed a snow little stream flowing from his shirt. "Wow." He said looking at it in a little amazement, he was really wet. Taking off his shirt he began wringing it out in the floor. "Sorry," he told Harmony as he tightened his gripping on the shirt as water flowed to the floor, "I hope you don't mind." When he had squeezed all the water out if it the he could he had placed it in a empty chair next to him to allow it to dry more quickly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Mark Lewii Tom
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A hardcore screamo song was blasting out of the laptop in the girl's room. After a long, dreamless sleep, she had easily awoken to the loud music. Her plan had been to wake herself up with something instead of an alarm clock, as she was a blatant offender of pressing the snooze button over and over again. This usually made her late for breakfast, and drowsy throughout her classes. Without hearing the usual buzzing sound that she heard every single day, Marion had immediately jumped out of her cozy bed, and ran to silence the wailing guitars and pounding drums. When everything stopped, she breathed a sigh of relief, and turned on the lights. She crossed her arms, as it was unexpectedly cold in the room. As she looked out the window, she understood why; there was a thick layer of white snow lying across the campus ground. Excited to jump right in, Marion bolted throughout her room, and started to get ready for class.

Marion lazily picked out an outfit while also pulling her short brown hair up into a messy ponytail. She didn't bother to make herself extra presentable. All she wanted to do was cannon-ball right into that white fluffy snow. She quickly grabbed her bag, shoveled in her textbooks and papers, and sprinted right out of her room. As she quickly walked down the corridor, she placed her earphones on her head, lifted her red hood, and started to play some background music on her ipod. Marion didn't typically listen to slow, relaxing songs, but occasionally her choice of music was influenced by the weather outside. Today was one of those days where she wanted to highlight the majestic beauty of the winter snow. If not to anyone else, at least to herself.

Once outside, she spread out her arms, and inhaled the freshness of the winter snow.
Marion screamed as she ran through the layers of frost as quickly as she could. Her small legs sunk easily in the snow, and she was getting wet, but she didn't care. It had been the longest time since she had seen snow. Snow always reminded her of her life back in Toronto, where it was always cold. As she bolted across the courtyard like a lunatic, she couldn't help but feel more alive. Maybe her real element was air, but if she could change her element, she'd easily be a manipulator of ice. As she made a long journey to the dining hall, Marion paused as she came to a large tree with snow creviced between its branches. She blasted a gust of air skywards, and closed her eyes as snowflakes showered down upon her. She looked around, hoping to find someone near her, but she was all alone. She put her hands in her pockets, and as her song came to an end, Marion sauntered her way to the dining hall.

As she neared the door, she detected the notice for the Winter Feast. She smiled as her eyes skimmed over the paper. As a very sociable and outgoing person, Marion always enjoyed parties and gatherings. Even though it was a fancy occasion, Marion was still looking forward to going. Who could turn down free food? Not to mention, she'd probably be drinking alcohol for the first time in her life. Suddenly, as if a lightbulb had flashed on in her head, Marion had a wonderful idea. She grabbed a big chunk of snow, and using her air manipulation, she crafted it into a perfectly smooth sphere. She grabbed the snowball, hid it in her sleeve, and rushed as quickly as she could into the dining hall.

She looked around, deciding who in her head would be the lucky recipient of the cold ball of snow. Her eyes skimmed a few students, and then immediately rested on Mark Tom. He was perfect. Not only did Marion know that he would be able to take the prank lightly, but his shirt was off, making her efforts all the more pleasurable. Plus, he was an ice elementalist. Perhaps he could shake off the snow quickly in front of his girlfriend, Harmony. (Of course, they weren't ACTUALLY in a relationship, but just by his body language, Marion had the feeling that the boy had the hots for Harmony. He was making it quite obvious without a shirt...)

She snickered as she slowly approached behind him. She stopped, looked around, and then without hesitation, she chucked the wet ball of snow right onto his back. With blinding speed, she used a gust of wind to propel herself underneath one of the empty dining tables. As she tightly crouched underneath the dark space, she covered her mouth to prevent herself from laughing too loud and giving herself away. Her eyes widened as she watched Mark's, as well as Harmony's reactions.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Mark Lewii Tom
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Mark was calmly about to speak to Harmony when out of no where a cold sensation hit his back. Jumping up he yelped, not from the cold but from the shock. Wiggling around the ice slid down his back, making a light slush sound when hitting the floor. Spinning around there was no one in sight. "Did you see who did that?" He asked Harmony as he busted out laughing. "Because I'm defiantly going to get them back!" The shock was taken over by thrill. Mark bent over and picked up the left over slush and formed it into a small ball. Holding it up to his eyes he took in a deep breath and concentrated, adding his own ice to the ball to add to it in size. "I only know two people that would do this to me!" He announced louder than he should across the dining hall. "Theia and Marion! So come wherever you hide!" He knew it was one of those two girls, he seemed to end up in their pranks somehow, but he never minded, it was entertaining to him.

Looking around it was clear to him they had been hiding. With his eyes looking down the table he had caught the attention of a fire student giving him a death stare, One or both of the girls surely aren't over there. He thought maybe the girl staring might have seen, but she was in fact not about to ask for her help from fear and he knew she wouldn't tell him. He had known the girl for about two years that was staring him down, she'd wouldn't even give him a bucket of spit.

Walking around the dining hall me began looking under the tables, searching for his suspect. He knew that they had to be hiding where they could see him but he couldn't see them. "Where are you?" He said in a low merry-full voice. Getting on his knees he began crawling, searching the floors of the room. As he crawled he spotted an object that didn't look like floor covered in shadows. "Do I spot myself a snow thrower?" He couldn't tell who it was, but it was someone. Pulling his arm back he threw it, but to his dismay it hit a table leg. "Well then, you've won this battle!" He called as he crawled closer to the person he had failed to hit.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Mark Lewii Tom
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Harmony rolled her eyes playfully at Mark when he mentioned how beautiful she looked today. She muttered her thanks to him as she finished up her food and looked at him. "Maybe you and I could have a snow ball fight later." He had said and she nodded. "Maybe," She responded softly. Her eyes scanned over the length of his body as soon as he began to take off his shirt. A small blush made it's way onto her face and before he knew it he was about to speak when snow slammed against his back and he had jumped up, yelping. She busted out laughing, covering her mouth then he face as she laughed at his reaction. She shook her head at him as her laughing slowed and she lifted her head to watch what he did. "Did you see who did that?" He had asked and she shook her head even though she thought she knew who did it. She though it was Marion, but she wasn't positive that was one of her reasons why she didn't say anything. Smiling as she watched while he searched for who did it and what he did. She giggled, watching him closely until he had thrown the snowball at someone who she didn't really know. Glancing down at her lap she thought about something for a moment, but decided that it probably wasn't a good idea if she started something just because chances are people would get in a lot of trouble for doing it.

She began to mess with her outfit, thinking and debating a few things. She sighed softly, waiting for Mark to return to the table as she imagined her smashing a ball of snow into his face. Suddenly out of randomness everyone's emotions seem to come exploding out at her even though no one else seemed to notice them. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she looked at each other's individual emotions. She shook her head as she tried to shove away being able to see everyone's emotions, but it didn't work. She mumbled something a little angrily before she began to concentrate and then she finally was able to shove being able to see everyone's emotions away. Even if it was just temporary it was a relief. She looked at Mark again, smiling a little as she giggled when watching him. He was so cute. She bit her lip, looking down at her lap where her hand were neatly folded on.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Mark Lewii Tom
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"Yes sir." Mark said quietly as he got off the floor. I knew it was Marion or Theia! He celebrated in his head, knowing he'd get her back later. Mark was a little competitive and he knew he was going to get Marion back later, snow ball fighting was he game and he could win this war she had started. Walking back to Harmony he sat down and put his shirt on. "Do you think I'd make a good stripper?" Mark had asked with a chuckle. Dramatically running his chin and looking into the distances and when his conclusion was reached his eyes slowly returned to looking at Harmony. "I think I would." He said with a small head nodded. Dropping his hand he busted his hand to his side and busted out laughing at himself, he was kind of an idiot. Looking over his shoulder he said in a loud whisper, "Marion, do you want to sit with us?" With that question his attention turned back to Harmony as he waited to see if Marion would come over or not.

"She doesn't know this, but later I'm going to kill her in a snow ball fight," he told Harmony with a wink, "and you're going to help me." Mark had already invited Harmony to a snow ball fight, why not help him fight the enemy? "Oh!" Mark had almost forgotten about the Winter Feast taking place after school. "You're sitting with me at the feast, aren't you?" He was hoping she would, he liked spending time with this girl, and the feasts were also so fun. Mark had attend about four feast perhaps, give or take some, they were always a ball and why not sit to someone he thought was amazing? "Why'd have a lot of fun together. Like we could talk like we are right now... and eat like we are right now." He let out a small snort. Noticing Harmony was done eating he picked her tray up for her along with his, "Let me get this out of your way."

Taking the trays over to the nearest trash can, next to the Professor tables, he threw them away and quickly returned to Harmony not wanting to stay away from her long. "Gosh," he said when sitting back down, "you get more beautiful every time I see you, I swear." As he swore he did the scouts honor hand sign. Resting his arm on the table he held his hand out and held his head as he watched Harmony. "I can't wait for Winter Feast, it'll be so yummy!" Mark and food were best friends normally and he sensed he would probably over eat at the feast and have to exercise it off. "You want to go running with me tomorrow morning?" He invited her because he did his run almost every morning, but the more people the merrier it would be.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Tanner Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Rachel Alena Grace Character Portrait: Kara Gray
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Kara took a bite of food, hearing Alanna respond with a morning back to her was nice. Sighing softly she heard the girl, Rachel, whom she didn't like too much start to talk. "How you two enjoying the snow day?" She had asked and Kara shrugged. "I mean I'm not too much of a fan of the cold, but I don't mind it too much." She answered once all the food in her mouth was gone. It was also then that Rachel had gotten up and walked off after excusing herself. There was a small roll of Kara's eyes as she quickly turned her attention from Rachel walking away to Alanna who was sitting next to her. Right when Rachel start to talk to Professor Janiver a girl, Marion, hit Mark who for some reason had absolutely no shirt on. He jumped then once Rachel was a distance away from Mr. Janiver Kara shivered when feeling him drop the temputure. She flinched hearing that booming voice of his as he told Mark and Marion off. Sure maybe Mark had deserved it since he was crawling around on the ground, but they were just messing around. Rolling her eyes at the teacher she looked at Alanna as soon as the tempeture rose again.

Sighing softly she shook her head. She just decided not to say anything that she was thinking right about now about the teacher who told poor Mark off. It was quite rude, but she knew she should probably just keep her thoughts to herself. "You looking forward to the feast tonight?" Alanna had finally said which broke Kara from her daze. "Oh yeah, are you?" She questioned with a smile. "And the after party?" Alanna had added afterwards. "The after party is probably going to be the best part." She commented as she messed with her outfit a little. She had always been a fan of the after party just because she was finally able to drink and because she was always a fan of parties. By this time while Kara and Alanna were talking Rachel had reached the table and wa sonce again sitting across from Alanna. "What are you going to wear?" Rachel asked both of the girls which made Kara think about it for a few moments. "Honestly? I have no idea. I was thinking like a dress that was pink or blue, but I'm not really sure." She answered Rachel's question. "What do you think your going to wear?" She asked the girl, trying to be as kind as she possibly could.


Harmony was in her own world when a teacher had suddenly snapped at Marion and Mark for messing around in the Dining Room. She lifted her head to see Mark coming towards her and it made her smile a little. He still had his shirt off! She bit her lip gently as he sat next to her and put his shirt back on. "Do you think I'd make a good stripper?" He had asked and she laughed softly. "Oh yeah. Definitely," She was half joking, half telling the truth to him. He then just kept talking, and agreed with himself. Man could this kid talk. "She doesn't know this, but later I'm going to kill her in a snow ball fight," he told Harmony with a wink, "and you're going to help me." A small blush made its way onto her face after seeing him wink at her. "Oh is that so? Maybe I'll go against you because you know some times I'm not really a team player." She told him with a small grin on her face.

She had just started to mess with her hair when suddenly Mark had exclaimed, "Oh!" which just out right startled her. "You're sitting with me at the feast, aren't you?" Harmony put a finger on her lips, tapping it lightly as she thought about it for a few moments. Who else was she planning on going with? She had never really thought about going until he mentioned it. "Sure I'll sit by you Mark," She told him gently. It was then when her eyes caught on a certain teacher just now walking in... Mr. Tanner. Rolling her eyes at the teacher she returned her attention to the boy who was now known in her book as a talker. Which she didn't mind because honestly she was used to him talking a lot, she was more of the person who liked to listen and answer him when he wanted her too.

It was also then when he had noticed her empty plate, and took it for her. She would have taken it, but she had been busy trying to communicate with Mark. "Gosh," he had said when sitting back down, "you get more beautiful every time I see you, I swear." She rolled her eyes playfully at him. "Every time?" She asked then smiled brightly. "Thanks Mark, you freaking flirt." She joked, gently nudging him with her hand. "You want to go running with me tomorrow morning?" He asked and she nodded. "Yeah of course! I love running in the morning when I can. What time are you going to go running?" She questioned him, resting her elbow on the table then resting her head on her open palm. Her open hand that wasn't supporting her head went to her back pocket where her phone was slowly slipping out after pushing it back into the pocket she sat up straight, giving Mark a bright smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Rachel Alena Grace Character Portrait: Kara Gray Character Portrait: Mark Lewii Tom
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What do you think you're going to wear? Kara had asked. At least she's attempting to be nice like I am. Rachel's thought went deep into the closet in her room. She had done some shopping over the summer, she had gotten clothes galore. With images of clothes floating in her mind she saw three different dress: a pink dress with a gold belt from American Eagle, a dark navy blue cocktail dress with a tutu like materiel constructing the dress, and a Black Bandeau. Thinking about all of them she then pictured herself in them, and of course she looked good in all three. For her the choice wasn't simple, because like always she wore red. "The past few years I've wore red, so I know not a red dress for sure." Commenting with a small smirk she started twirling her soft locks of hair around her fingers. "I'm really found of the color red," she continued, "but after awhile it becomes boring and expected." Giving a glance down at her own shirt then back up to Kara. "See? Boring."

Rachel tapped her finger on the table while she thought about what she would wear. "I'm probably going to where a black dress with golden heels I'd gotten over the summer." She told Kara as she finally came to a conclusion. "It's a Black Bandeau I'm pretty sure and it shows my figure off the best." Rachel figured Kara didn't care, but at least she was playing nice, because Rachel really didn't care either. Rachel saw moments like this when she proved to herself she could accomplish anything. To her she struggled talking to water, ice, it heart people, but when she did it without being rude she was proud of herself. Even though this conversation was unintended she was becoming more comfortable in it with her and Kara's effects of being civil. "Now the party this year I think will be my favorite part, because honestly I've never attended the parties that were thrown. To that I'll wear a crop top and shorts." Rachel really was excited about the party this year, even though she knew she wouldn't have fun she was going to try to enjoy herself and hit in with the other students. "What will you two being wearing to that?"


"Thanks Mark, you freaking flirt." Harmony had said then nudged him. With a shocked look on his face it made him myself look surprised, "Me a flirt? I would never!" And of course this wasn't true because he did flirt with Harmony, she was beautiful, funny, and kind, that's all he could want in a girl. "All I said was you were beautiful, Harmony, that's not flirting. It's stating a fact. Since we are now going to being together though," Mark continued talking, "what color is your dress going to be so my tie can match?" Why did he want to match her? Well, Mark didn't know, maybe because if it matched it would give off to people they were there together, or no one would notice at all. "Yeah of course! I love running in the morning when I can. What time are you going to go running?" Sweet! Silently in his own mind he did his fist pump. "Around seven, if that's fine by you." He smiled, happy she was going to come with him. He enjoyed running and he enjoyed her, two things he liked at the same time. The mornings were always his favorite time to run because he was cool and before the bugs had woken up, also it was when the sun was rising making it so beautiful and peaceful. "So, it's a date," yelling her this he pushed her playfully with his hand, "and that's for nudging me." He chuckled some then returned his hand to the table.

"And let's not forget the after party the ice students throw, it's going to be amazing, especially because you're going to be my date." Giving her a flirtatious smirk. "I can't wait to dance with you, and drink some." He added on with laughter. "I'm not sure what I'm going to wear to that, but it's defiantly not going to be my tux, probably blue jeans and a t-shirt or something. All I know for a fact is no one will look as good as you." Ok, he was a flirt when it came to her, he couldn't help himself, well it's not like he tried to. Maybe it was that she made him feel so comfortable and warm inside, yeah, that had to be it. Harmony was just a extremely perfect person to him, and she deserved all the compliments he could give out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Sapphire Cassidy Character Portrait: Lil Evans Character Portrait: Mark Lewii Tom
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Lil had gotten up earlier than usual this morning to enjoy the first of the snowfall. Well, not that she usually slept in until the last minute on average school days, she couldn’t really afford to. She always spent a large portion of her morning picking out her outfit and doing her hair and makeup. She wasn’t a perfectionist or incredibly vain, but she wanted people who she met to at least think she looked nice.

That morning after going about her usual routine, Lil was now talking a leisurely walk through the ground of the academy by herself. Though unlike some who were either cold proof of foolhardy, she was completely rugged up for the weather. She was wearing a large coat to keep the cold out, which held her hands deep within their pockets. A scarf wrapped tightly around her neck, and the not quite so obvious piece of clothing was the two pairs of socks she was wearing. Hey, she never preached to enjoy the cold.

In fact Lil never really liked the cold, or the snow for that matter. When she was little her mother used to tell her that in winter all the plants went to sleep, which wasn’t too close from reality. Though that wasn’t going to stop Lil from enjoying the change of scenery, as far as she was concerned it was magical how different everything looked when it was covered in white blankets of snow. It was like overnight she had been transported somewhere new.

After a nice refreshing walk through the snow filled academy, Lil arrived at the diner hall. Luckily just as her stomach was starting to complain of hunger, and her hands of cold. Though she was stopped at the door by the notice of the doors when she was reminded at the traditional winter feast, she had pretty much forgotten all about it. Lil enjoyed the chance to dress up like any girl, but she never really enjoyed such large social gatherings, so many people in one place, it was kind of intimidating. Sighing it off, she pushed her way through the doors into the hall and grabbed herself a plate of food and a piece of fruit. Though to Lil, choosing what to eat for breakfast wasn't the main decision of breakfast as much as it was where to eat.

She probably wasn’t all that casual, but at least she tried to be as she surveyed her options. She noticed Harmony and Mark sitting next to each other, and had actually walked over to them before changing her mind and walking away while a awkward smile to them both, she wasn’t really friends with either of them and she’d probably only bother them. Though then she noticed Sapphire sitting by herself, and Lil headed over to her. She knew Sapphire was friendly enough and she had decided she wouldn’t actually sit next to her. That way she wouldn’t look weird sitting with someone she wasn’t friends with, but she also wouldn’t look like she was sitting alone, plus she’d be sitting close enough to start up casual conversation.

Plonking herself down close to Sapphire, Lil started picking at her plate while trying to build up the courage to say something. In her mind she was convincing herself to just make a casual remark about the snow and give the other girl a friendly smile, it’d be fine. β€œSo-β€œ Lil said after a few minutes passed, but she immediately froze and couldn’t get out the meaningless comment about the weather she had meant to say. Instead she gave Sapphire a small awkward smile and immediately went back to playing with her food.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Lil Evans Character Portrait: Mark Lewii Tom
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"All I said was you were beautiful, Harmony, that's not flirting. It's stating a fact. Since we are now going to being together though," Mark had continued talking, "what color is your dress going to be so my tie can match?" Harmony couldn't help, but to smile a little at him. He wanted to match her? Why? She would have been fine with just any simple tie that he wanted to wear, but if he really wanted to match her then more power to him. "Well I don't want to spoil what I am going to wear so just wear like a pinkish- pale colored tie if you want to match the color of my dress." She told him with a shrug. Part of her began to daze off a little as she thought of the possibility of people thinking that they were a couple even thought they weren't. It was also then when Mark had mentioned what time they would start their jog, "Around seven, if that's fine by you." She nodded to him before responding, "Yeah that's totally fine. I usually wake up around that time depending on how hard I'm sleeping." She told him. Suddenly the thought of snow being tomorrow she knew that it probably wasn't going to be the best idea to go jogging, though, if he still wanted to go then she wasn't going to be a wimp so she decided she would go with him even if it was still snowing tomorrow. Chances are it would still be snowing tomorrow.

Glancing up momentarily she noticed a girl, Lil, approaching their table before giving an awkward smile and walking off. Oh poor girl. She shook her head once, sighing softly. Obviously Lil didn't know what she was doing or where she was going so she wasn't going to say anything and she was going to act as if she hadn't just seen that. "So, it's a date," telling her this he pushed her playfully with his hand, "and that's for nudging me.", She gasped dramatically then put a hand on her shoulder. "I can't believe you did that." She said with a dramatic sniffle. She rolled her eyes, smiling playfully at him afterwards. "And let's not forget the after party the ice students throw, it's going to be amazing, especially because you're going to be my date." He had said which made her raise a perfect eyebrow at him. "Oh yeah? I don't know... I mean you probably can't handle me. When it comes to parties I can kind of get a little out of hand." she joked, rolling her eyes playfully at him. She glanced from him, over to Professor Tanner for a split second before returning her gaze to Mark. "I can't wait to dance with you, and drink some." He added on with laughter. "I'm not sure what I'm going to wear to that, but it's defiantly not going to be my tux, probably blue jeans and a t-shirt or something. All I know for a fact is no one will look as good as you." Flirt. He was being a total flirt again! She grinned at him then shook her head. "Your flirting again. I swear, how do you not even realizing your totally being a complete flirt!" she exclaimed with a giggle. "Your such a fliiiirrrttttt Mark," she sang then gently bit her lip. "Anyways, since I have gotten that off my chest I just want you to know I already have my outfit all planned out in my head so don't worry your guaranteed to look better than me. Most people that is anyways," She told him as she examined her nails momentarily. She knew he would end up objecting her saying that most people would look better than her, but she was going to stick with what she said because she thought it was true.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Lockie Porter Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Theia Aide Character Portrait: Mark Lewii Tom Character Portrait: Alexander Jacobson
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As Marion silently held her breath underneath the dark table, she watched Mark's and Harmony's reactions to her harmless prank. While Harmony merely sat in place and did nothing, Mark jumped right out of his seat, formed a snowball with his ice powers, and with watchful eyes, looked around the dining hall. "I only know two people that would do this to me," he loudly announced with pride, "Theia and Marion! So come wherever you hide!"

Oh geez, he's onto me... she thought as she watched Mark pace around the large room in circles. A smile crept on her face every time he came closer to her location. Eventually, he started to crawl on all fours, as though he were a wild animal hunting for his prey. "Do I spot myself a snow thrower?" Mark said in a merry voice. Although it was obviously cheerful, it almost sounded demonic to Marion. As the snowball flew in her direction, she quickly dodged to the right. However, she didn't need to, as the practically melted sphere of precipitation had hit a table leg instead of her eye. "You have terrible aim for an ice kid, Mark." she silently murmured as she chuckled at his foiled attempts to get her back for her crime.

"Well then, you've won this battle!" the boy exclaimed as he started to draw nearer to her location. She was just about to hold her hands out and blast a gust of air right onto his face, when; "This is not a gymnasium Mr. Tom and Miss March!" boomed a loud voice from above. Marion knew that voice from anywhere; it was Mr. Janvier, the instructor of the Battle Theory class. "If you would please return to your seats and behave like the civilized human beings you are, you may be able to survive second period today!" She subtly rolled her eyes, and then took her time as she followed Mr. Janvier's instructions. She had never been intimidated by him like other students at Eastern Gradon, nor did she really hate him, but he was one of the teachers she didn't particularly care for. He was always so strict, and he always had a crazed ax-murderer look in his eyes. (at least, that's what Marion thought.) Sometimes his points on Battle theory itself seemed invalid to her. Although she pretended to act like one, she was never really a fighter, and his importance on the whole subject seemed almost impractical to her. Besides, wouldn't a snowy day be the one time when he WASN'T in a cranky mood?

She couldn't help quietly chuckling as Mr. Janvier addressed Mark's bare chest, as Marion was going to make the same comment. As she watched the tightly-wound professor leave the scene, her attention turned back to Mark and Harmony. As she heard the eighteen-year-old boy make a comment about himself being a stripper to Harmony, she unconsciously raised an eyebrow from behind him. Maybe he was a king at flirtation, but Marion was confused as to why Harmony was laughing when his comment just seemed so...disturbing. Shrugging it off, she was about to turn around, when she heard two remarks addressed to her at once. Mark had called her over to sit at the table, while another voice came from across the room. Sharply turning her head to the side, Marion could see a bunch of students approaching her. Not just any group of students, however, but her fellow air elementalists. Alexander Jacobson, a university student who studied in creative writing, seemed to lead the group, while Theia Abide, a girl similar to Marion in traits, and Lockie Porter, a blonde-haired boy who Marion thought had particularly exceptional genetic makeup despite the fact that he was much too old for her, followed behind.

"Hey Marion! What are you standing around over there for? Come on, get over here!" Alex called from across the dining hall. With a wide toothy grin on her face, she was just about to bolt right up to the group before stopping herself, realizing she had to address Mark first. "Thanks, but no thanks. Maybe I'll catch you guys later. Besides, I should probably leave you guys alone anyway...." She made her way up to Alexander as fast as she could without using her air powers, as she didn't want to arouse Mr. Janvier for the second time that morning.

"Sup, Jacobson!" she said as she strolled towards him, her arm raised in preparation for a high-five. She inspected the trio up and down, and dropped her jaw as she saw their snow-covered clothing. "Wait a second...did you...DID YOU ALL MAKE SNOW FORTS WITHOUT ME?!" She crossed her arms and widened her eyes, giving them all a "death-stare" as she ranted, "Y'know, I thought you would invite me to your little shin-dig, as I am the KING of making snow forts...Guess you guys just don't want my help...HOW CAN I EVEN CALL YOU MY FRIENDS?!" She approached Theia, giving her a light and playful punch on the shoulder, and jokingly stared at her straight into her huge bug-like eyes. "I might have even JOINED you, saving me the yelling by Janvier, BUT YOU NEVER INVITED ME. TYPICAL."

She ended her long statement in a chuckle, and turned to face Alex yet again. "So what's up, you guys? For some reason, I feel like I haven't talked to all of y'all in FOREVER." As she stood amongst the group, her eyes shifted towards the table with food. Her stomach was ecstatically growling, and she was craving a blueberry muffin at that particular moment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Mark Lewii Tom
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"Well I don't want to spoil what I am going to wear so just wear like a pinkish- pale colored tie if you want to match the color of my dress." Was Harmony's response to his tie question. "Pink is defiantly your color, and I have a perfect bow-tie of such color." He was happy she was wearing something pink, it was perfect for her skin tone and made her look even more gorgeous. She then continues answering his next question about the jog. "Yeah that's totally fine. I usually wake up around that time depending on how hard I'm sleeping." With his hands on the table he began taping on it without paying attention, "The early bird catches the worm," He told her, "so what worms are you catching?" Mark questioned her rising so early, not from suspension, but from curiosity. "I mean I'm up that early, but I never see you," he squinted his eyes at her, "I guess I'll just have to come by your room every morning and see if you're awake!" He wasn't sure if that came of to creepy or not, but he didn't mean it to if it did. Seeing her in the mornings would be fun, the more time with her the merrier he'd be. "And due to it being winter it will be cold tomorrow," Just state the obvious idiot, "so don't forget the wear something warm and cozy. It'll probably bring snowing like it is today, which I have no problem with." Even though it was cold, and he would sometime get sick from it, he loved the snow and the cold. He'd prefer it to be snowy everyday over the warm, mainly because he controlled ice and didn't get cold easily, but mainly because he just like planning in the snow. "We could even build a snow man or woman." Mark told her this with a kind smile.

Seeing Harmony look away from him he looked over his shoulder to see Lil walk towards them and then she didn't look so sure anymore. Watching her awkwardly smile he gave her a warm smile in return and a small wave as she walked away to a different table. Turning his attention back to Harmony he listened to her comment and question on her being his date to the party. "Oh yeah? I don't know... I mean you probably can't handle me. When it comes to parties I can kind of get a little out of hand." He snorted at her reply, it had been a cute thing she said. "As long as you don't start swinging from chandeliers and start a fire I think I can handle you." Harmony was always saying the cutest things that could always put a smile on Marks face; she was just cute in general. He had told her how he felt about how he thought they would look at the dance, and her reply was also very cute to Mark. "Your flirting again. I swear, how do you not even realizing your totally being a complete flirt!" When she had gotten done with her first comment she have off a sweet giggle that made him feel warmth throughout his body. "Your such a fliiiirrrttttt Mark." Mark laughed after she was finished speaking. "I am not a flirt! I just state what I think is true!" He laughed with the girl by this point, this conversation was fun and simple to him, so very fun. "Anyways, since I have gotten that off my chest I just want you to know I already have my outfit all planned out in my head so don't worry your guaranteed to look better than me. Most people that is anyways." Marks lower jaw dropped, he was totally taken by surprise of what she had said. "You're beautiful and you will be the best looking girl in the room and you will be my date and it will be perfect." He didn't like how she viewed herself, but that just made him want to give her even more compliments. "I'll just have to start giving you thousands of more compliments until you feel as beautiful as you are."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Lockie Porter Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Rachel Alena Grace Character Portrait: Kara Gray Character Portrait: Lowell Livingston
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Kara smiled a little, thinking about what she would wear until she had heard Alanna. "I'm not certain yet." Alanna had admitted with a shrug, "I guess I'll have to search through my wardrobe after classes." Kara nodded, smiling at her friend. "Oh! You better tell me what you are wearing! I so want to know before almost anyone else." She told her before scooping the last bit of food that was on her plate into her mouth.

Suddenly Rachel had gotten up, excusing herself with a social studies book in her hand. She rose an eyebrow, not to upset that she was leaving, but wondering why on earth she had suddenly decided to go. "Was it something we said?" Her gaze turned from Rachel's back to Alanna who had just spoken. She shrugged, knowing as much as she did. "I have no idea. She just randomly gets up and walks off a lot." She said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Can you tell she doesn't like me? I don't know why though I haven't really done anything to her. Do you think it might have been me who made her leave, even though I didn't do anything?" She asked, looking at her best friend for a few moments.

Seeing Alanna glance over in the direction of a few kids walking in, one of which she noticed as Lockie she smiled a little, shaking her head once. She glanced away only for a few moments to mess with her make-up a bit. Upon putting away her make-up she suddenly felt Lockie greet them. Keep her back to him she bit her lip, holding back a grin that was trying to break it way onto her face. "Morning Lockie," She greeted him kindly. She flinched, surprised by the sensation of cold water hitting her. She smirked a little, glancing her shoulder at Lockie who got a bad reaction from Alanna. "Gosh Alanna chill out a bit, it's just water you know." She said with a grin then she gently nudged her with her hand. She stood up as Lockie fled, "I'm not too fond of cold water Lockie!" She exclaimed to him before waving to him. Slowly she returned back to the seat position in her seat. "He knows I hate being cold." Alanna muttered to her Kara, then moving closer to the fire to help dry herself off, "Which is exactly why he did that. You wouldn't think that he's one of the oldest students here by the way he acts." Kara nodded in agreement. "Understandable that you hate being cold, even though he hit us with cold water I don't like getting cold either." She told her then nodded once again in agreement. "True that, though, some people are just immature like that."

When she saw Lowell approach the table before sitting down she offered him a small smile. "Looks like it was a good thing I was late for breakfast." He said as a greeting. "Hey Lowell," She greeted him with a small wave after he had sat down at their table. After he had found a spot her start to eat and that was when she looked away then stretched her arms over her head for a few seconds. "Lockie and I are the same age and you don't see me going around pelting people with lightning. Though think of the possibilities." He remarked and Kara nodded. "Well possibly because you act more mature than Lockie does some times." She pointed out. His smile made her smile a little until he pulled out a notebook she tilted her head to the side slightly. Seeing him scribble in his notebook made her slightly curious what was in it. "Whatcha scribbling?" She asked curiously. "I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm just curious." She added afterwards.


Harmony sighed softly, feeling terrible that she kept dazing off often it was just that lately she hasn't been able to get much sleep so lately she hasn't been able to pay attention as much as she usually does. Now she felt bad for Mark because of her constant dazing, and day dreaming. She blinked a few times then looked at him in time to hear him say, "The early bird catches the worm," He told her, "so what worms are you catching?" Mark had questioned her rising so early, not from suspension, but from curiosity. "I mean I'm up that early, but I never see you," he squinted his eyes at her, "I guess I'll just have to come by your room every morning and see if you're awake!" She smiled, shaking her head at him a little. It wasn't that she woke up early in the morning just so she could go out for exercise or something because that wasn't the case. Silently debating whether or not it would be a good idea to tell him why she was up so early. It was also then that she realized what he had just last said about coming to her room every morning to see if she was awake. Okay so the last few discussions they had were a little weird and a bit creepy, but this was actually really creepy to her. She ran a hand through her hair, unsure of how to respond. "I, uh, I have trouble sleeping sometimes." She finally admitted with a shrug. "Also you don't have to come by my room every morning. Most likely I will be up, so don't worry about it." She told him in an attempt to be nice and show that he was kind of being creepy without her saying it and sounding rude.

She really hoped that just then didn't sound rude because she was trying her hardest not to at all rude. She didn't want to make him feel bad or anything like that so she just tried to keep it light. "And due to it being winter it will be cold tomorrow," Oh wow he had really just stated the obvious right there. "So don't forget the wear something warm and cozy. It'll probably be snowing like it is today, which I have no problem with." He had added and she nodded. Obviously because why would it just snow day and not snow another? She shrugged, "No worries there. I'm not too worried about how cold it is, but sometimes if I am outside for a long period of time I would wear a jacket or something like that." She told him simply. "We could even build a snow man or woman." He had said to her at one point an time. A small grin came to her face as she remembered the last time she had made a snowman. "I love making snowmen and women. They are hard to make some times, but they are pretty cool if you do them right." She said, twirling a strand of her hair between her fingers.

Upon finally getting on the topic about the feast again she sighed softly. She had thought about it and suddenly part of her didn't want to be there while the other part of her wanted to dress up and feel like a princess! Of course she had to go and she didn't really want to look virtually flawless. "As long as you don't start swinging from chandeliers and start a fire I think I can handle you." He told her and she rolled her eyes at him playfully. "Who does that anyways? What kind of after parties do you go to?" She asked with a small laugh. She shook her head, smiling lightly as she slowly began to drift off again. Dang it! There she went again, dazing off once again! She snapped herself from her daze and looked at him a little tiredly. After singing about how he was a flirt he had responded simply with, "I am not a flirt! I just state what I think is true!" She wasn't going to say anything about that just because she didn't want to argue with him. She had no reason to argue with him about it even though she knew he was flirting with her even if he was just flirting with her a little. You would have thought she did some kind of crazy dance move right where she sat because after what she had said about him looking better than she did his jaw had dropped. Unsure of what to do she just watched him and listened to what he had to say to that. "You're beautiful and you will be the best looking girl in the room and you will be my date and it will be perfect." She shook her head slightly, sighing softly then rubbing her eyes. "I am?" She asked when he mentioned that she was going to be his date. When did that come up until now? She didn't really mind... well okay maybe she did mind a little, but he had never really said anything about her being his date until now. If he did then she never noticed until now. "I'll just have to start giving you thousands of more compliments until you feel as beautiful as you are." Soon enough he had said that and she shook her head again. She looked at him, having more of a neutral face than any other expression. "You don't have to. I don't mind, I am at least comfortable with myself unlike a few other girls who aren't too comfortable with themselves." She told him with a single shrug. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to say. She wasn't used to people calling her beautiful or anything like that so she was still just trying to get use to this. She has talked to Mark a lot of times and knows he's a sweet boy, but gosh... he came off a little strong for her at times.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Tanner Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Lisa Blue Daniels Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Kara Gray
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Kara was a little nosy, she admitted that much. She sighed, shifting in her seat when Lowell responded to her. β€œI’m not writing much, just finishing something up I started this morning before the sunrise and right after it began snowing. Kinda got the creative juices flowing I suppose.”He finished which made her nod. "That's good, so do you draw or write stuff if that note book?" She asked curiously. Right afterwards she sighed, looking over at Blue who had just sat down. She offered the girl a gentle smile. "Are we meeting up in your room tonight?" Blue had asked Alanna. She glanced down at her lap for a minute, waiting for Alanna's response. "Sure are. Kara, you're coming too right?" Alanna had replied to Blue's question. "Of course I am!" She replied with a bright smile. There was no doubt that she would be there. Running a hand through her hair she sighed softly. "Do you guys know what you’re wearing to the after party?" She asked suddenly since they were on the topic of the Feast and After Party. She glanced at Alanna then at Blue and finally at Lowell.

"Lowell, why don't you come with us? We're going to go as a group of friends." Alanna had gave him a friendly smile before adding, "It'll be fun." Kara looked to Lowell, quirking an eyebrow at him as if wondering what his response would be. She kind of hope he would be there just because she thought the more the merrier. Plus she thought Lowell was a pretty cool person. She hesitated slightly before taking her phone out and playing angry birds while thinking of how Lowell would even respond to that question that came from Alanna. Lifting her head momentarily from her game after losing a round she noticed Brent Tanner making his way out of the Dining room and probably to his class. This reminded her that there was only a small time left before class was supposed to begin. Great... she was never really the one who enjoyed school or tried very hard in it either.


Beau slowly tore his eyes away from his book, and dispensed it back into his bag where it was supposed to be. After seeing several people stand up and leave the dining room where he assumed most were going to class. By checking his watch that confirmed his thoughts. Not at all did he notice Marion looking at him at any point in time because he was too focused on the book To Kill a Mockingbird at the time. He glanced around the room just in time to see the Marion leaving with a few of her friend's. He grumbled a little angrily as he remembered what class he had next... stupid Professor Tanner. He didn't even deserve the Professor part really all he deserved was Brent. He mumbled something under his breath about Metal's before he spun placed his bag onto his shoulders and left the dining room.

Upon walking from the dining room he went outside, buying himself some time before having to get to the class he disliked probably the most out of all of them. He stopped outside, scooping a cold ball of ice into his hand. Pushing it from hand to hand he debated whether or not he should throw it up into the air. Suddenly a grin took to his face this happened when he got the best idea he could think about. Of course like any other person would he second guessed himself when he knew he would probably get in trouble along with making Brent Tanner disliking him even more than he already did. He chuckled at the thought, it was a good one, but today he wasn't really in the mood for it. He hesitated before throwing it at the school then he went back into school.

Finally after wasting some time he went to class, looking around for maybe a fellow Wood student to be in the hallway. Shaking his head he hated the fact that there weren't that many Wood students. He crossed his arms over his chest, sighing softly. He passed by a flyer which said that there was a Feast tonight. Oh great, a feast tonight. When there was a Feast there was going to be an after party and that was pretty much the only thing that he actually looked forward to. Mostly because he didn't have to wear a tux while watching other's stuff their faces and dance. Plus he didn't really enjoy it because most years it was just him and a few other friend's. It was nothing that really interested him to be honest he kind of really just preferred to sit under a tree while other's danced and spent their time at the feast. He sighed softly, thinking more about it as he began to near the one class he didn't want to go to but had to go to.


Harmony sighed softly, shaking her head at Mark. She then noticed a few people rising from their seat, obviously class was about to start. She slid her phone from her pocket, checking the time before stuffing it back into her back pocket. "I better get to class Mark, it was nice talking to you. I'll see you in class later, okay?" She told him before getting up, slinging her bag over her shoulder then smiling at Mark a moment before walking away from the table. She thought about which class she had and soon enough she remembered that it was Professor Tanner that she had at the beginning of the day. Sighing softly she began to make her way over there, wondering if she had left anything in her room that she may have needed for the class, though, she doubted it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Tanner Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Lisa Blue Daniels Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Anastasia Marie Palmer Character Portrait: Tara Heart
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Kara sighed, watching as Alanna rose from her seat and excused herself since she did have class. This was when she remembered that the two didn't have the same period this period, so it was probably a good idea that Kara started to class too. She had no interest in being late to class and getting into trouble because she was busy talking to people. After a while of thinking about which class she had to go to she finally stood up. "I got to get to class too, but I'll see you two around." She announced before making her way over to where she threw away her plate. Once she finished getting rid of her plate she left the dinning hall and slung her bag over her shoulder carelessly. She was now on her way to Professor Heart's class whom of which taught Mathematics, one of the classes that she didn't particularly mind too much.


Beau finally made it to Professor Tanner's room, and suddenly he wished that he had brought that snowball to throw on the Professor. Too late now though, sighing softly he smirked a little as he walked into the room. "Hey, Hey! Mr. Tanner! Nice to see you this lovely snowy morning right?!" He said to his Professor loudly. He was obviously being both obnoxious and sarcastic on purpose just to get a rise out of the Professor and maybe even a few kids in his class room at the moment. He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "So, want to give us a little preview of what we are going to do today? Or no?" He asked, lowering his voice slightly as he sat right up in the front seat in front of Professor Tanner's desk. He grinned a little while setting his bag on the ground and began to lean way back in his seat.


Harmony slowly entered the room, gently fixing the book that she was holding in her hand. On the way to Professor Tanner's room she had stopped by her dorm room quickly so that she could get her text book for his class, and now here she was standing in his room and making her way over to a desk that in the middle of the room. She looked at Beau, raising an eyebrow slightly at him as he spoke to Professor Tanner. She had remembered that Beau was a Wood and Professor Tanner was a Metal so obviously they never really got along. It didn't help that Beau was always trying to get Professor Tanner mad or was always trying to annoy him. She bit her lip, opening her book and examining her work silently as she waited for further instructions on what they were going to do today.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Tanner Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Lockie Porter Character Portrait: Xanthia Qualim Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Anastasia Marie Palmer
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#, as written by Issa
Brent Tanner

The obnoxious voice of one of Brent's least favourite students broke through his rest.
"Hey, Hey! Mr. Tanner! Nice to see you this lovely snowy morning right?!" Beau's voice was loud and sarcastic, as Brent could only expect from such a student. "So, want to give us a little preview of what we are going to do today? Or no?" The boy continued, taking a seat at the front of the room.

Brent raised his eyebrows, not impressed at all with the young man's attitude. But, he had to admit that Beau had given Brent the perfect opener. With a slight twitch of his hand Brent called on his metal bending and directed his mind at the metal legs of Beau's chair. As Beau smiled smugly at Brent the metal legs of his chair buckled forward.
"Today we're experimenting with the concept of gravity." Brent explained, standing up and wondering around to the front of his desk. He addressed the whole class as most appeared to have arrived and taken seats. One hand removed his sun glasses as he spoke, while the other leaned back over his desk to grab an apple.
"You see gravity is the attraction of two bodies. You and the earth, Mr Miller and the floor. The larger the other body, the larger the gravity force acting on you. " Brent gave his apple a bite and flashed a grin down at Beau,
"I hope you're not going to be spending all day down there Mr Miller, you'll miss out on our class." Sarcasm was evident in his voice.

Sure, using your powers to throw a student off their chair was hardly teacher protocol, but Brent had always believed in the rule 'his classroom, his rules'.
"I want you all to partner up and begin the experiment. By the end of the period I expect all of you to have done the experiment and began the report." Brent Tanner paused, considering when to make the report due. He knew the Winter Feast was on tonight and that most of the students would be drinking at the after party, so there was little chance of anything getting done tonight.
"I expect everyone's reports to be handed in the day after tomorrow. Apart from Mr Miller, your report is due tomorrow." Brent couldn't hide the smirk that flitted across his face. He loved being a teacher.

Lockie Porter

Lockie had obviously surprised the girl. She jumped and exclaimed, 'Crymony!' , a very strange choice of word.
Lockie came closer, standing with his hands resting on his head as Xanthia answered.
"I was drawing the layout for the decorations and everything for the Feast tonight. But then you came along and scared me, successfully ruining my picture," Lockie frowned slightly, craning his head slightly to see where he had accidentally caused her to ruin her picture. He was just about to open his mouth and apologise when Xanthia continued,
"It's alright, though. I wasn't that far along, so I can just copy it onto another piece of paper,"

"Oh, that's a relief." He replied with a smile. He was considering leaving and letting Xanthia continue with her sketching when she scooted over slightly in her seat and patted the spot next to her. Lockie, completely oblivious to Xanthia's flushed cheeks, nodded happily as she offered him the seat which Lockie took. Xanthia offered Lockie some food and Lockie, despite having just eaten, accepted a granola bar with a happy shrug. In Lockie's mind you could never get enough food.
"I thought I was the only one that carried around a personal stash." Lockie remarked through bites of the bar. He pulled out of his own bag a small bag of small sweets and offered the bag to Xanthia, but pulled back when Xanthia began talking about the feast.

"By the way, do you have any ideas for the Feast, at all? I would love for another person's input. Also, what would you think of it being a masquerade feast? That would be fun, no?' Lockie had to smile at Xanthia's enthusiasm, but he merely shrugged at her idea.
"It's never been masquerade before." He told her, "It's probably best to stick to the traditional decorations and stuff. Y'know, ice ribbons, snow and all that kind of stuff."
He felt slightly bad disagreeing with her idea, but he knew the ice students would get angry if someone tried to change the feast.
"But hey, you're going to the after party right?" Lockie asked, his thoughts already jumping ahead to the fun night to come. "I'm determined to get one of the ice students to make a slide out the window this year."
A dream perhaps, but one that Lockie was determined to have realised.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Tanner Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Anastasia Marie Palmer Character Portrait: Beau Miller
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It didn't take too long for Marion to get to Mr. Tanner's class, however, she did take the time to make a journey out of the average walking through the hallway. After throwing out her devoured blueberry muffin, she made her way past several large glass windows. They let in a clear image of the snowy world outside, something that seemed quaint yet cryptic to the fiery girl. All of a sudden, she stopped. Marion was one for spotting details, and just out of the corner of her eye, she had seen a most vivid sight. Through the crystal-like glass, she could see a statue lying coolly in the winter wonderland that surrounded it. It's grayish-white detail shone brightly through the white snow. The precipitation that had covered the statue's head was now petering off down to the ground, making the statue seem clear and crisp.

Without hesitation, Marion pulled out her ipod and started up a fancy photography app. She snapped a picture, saved it, and added effects to the photo as she leisurely sauntered to her destination. Not only was she a riot, a rebel, and a child in spirit, but she was an artist as well. Not exactly a traditional artist who painted and sketched, but something a little bit different. She wasn't a photographer, but a crafter, a cinematographer, and a musician. Marion's art, whatever form it came in, wasn't complex, but indiscriminate. She did whatever came to her brain. She wasn't a planner or a schemer. Her art was free, much like her personality. At the moment, she had been hastily putting her time into making a birdhouse composed entirely of cardboard. It wouldn't be as good as using actual wood, of course, but it could prove itself to be just as big of a challenge. She needed something to paint on the side, and the photograph she had just taken would serve as her inspiration. Always in the corner of her mind, her daydreams of birds actually entering into her hand-made structure pushed her to keep working on the project.

She tucked her ipod deep into the crevices of her bag. Mr. Tanner was a metal elementalist, and he was particularly known for feeling and publicly revealing objects that were composed of the material. Marion, having a deep respect for the professor, wanted only to impress him, and would do anything it took to follow his command. She had this sort of dedication for only a few teachers in her life. The first being a private tutor who had home-schooled her during her circus days, the second being Mr. Tanner, and the third, Nicholas Youngblood.

She walked into the room, neither being late or early, and took a seat near the front of the class. Marion always loved sitting in the front. To her, it was where the most action happened. She took out a green-colored pen, and started to write the date on the top the paper inside her notebook. Her black notebook had the Batman logo printed over the cover.

Marion jerked up when she heard the sound of scraping metal. Beau Miller was on the floor right next to her desk. Although she had undoubted feelings for the boy, she couldn't help but chuckle a little. The way Mr. Tanner's face looked at Beau with an utmost discrepancy gave her a clue as to what had actually happened. Mr. Tanner's mannerisms were the reason why Marion had taken a liking to Physics. He was what she strived to be. "Dude, you alright?" she silently asked Beau, a little bit too silently to say the least. She would have helped him up, but Mr. Tanner began to speak before she had the chance to even extend her arm.

"Today we're experimenting with the concept of gravity." he said, grabbing his sunglasses that he had been wearing. With a smile, Marion subtly shook her head. Anyone with the courage to wear sunglasses during the winter was a badass in her book.
"You see gravity is the attraction of two bodies. You and the earth, Mr Miller and the floor. The larger the other body, the larger the gravity force acting on you. " He took a bite of his apple that had been sitting on his desk, and continued, "I hope you're not going to be spending all day down there Mr Miller, you'll miss out on our class."
Marion exhaled rather deeply, and stared at Beau out of the corner of her eye until he got up.

"I want you all to partner up and begin the experiment. By the end of the period I expect all of you to have done the experiment and began the report."
A partner project? Marion had no idea. She had always considered experiments a pain in the ass, but having a partner would at least make it more tolerable. The only hard part about a partner project would be picking someone who would be able to get the work done fast while also having a good time doing it...

"I expect everyone's reports to be handed in the day after tomorrow. Apart from Mr Miller, your report is due tomorrow."
The words that Mr. Tanner had nonchalantly said to Beau stabbed Marion like a knife to the heart. She almost choked on the air she had inhaled. She turned her head to Mr. Tanner, then Beau, then to her blank notebook page. Why would Mr. Tanner torture Beau on the day of the Winter Feast? What had Beau done to deserve that kind of punishment? She thought back to a couple of minutes ago. He was talking to Mr. Tanner about something when she had walked in...

Great; whatever he did, he had pissed him off, and now he was going to feel the wrath of Iron Man. (Marion's nickname for the physics professor that she sometimes called him by.) What would he do? What would she do? Most of the kids in the class were older than her by a couple of years. Beau was the only one close to her age. If they joined forces, she'd have to suffer his pain. But then again, did age even matter? She could just go up to someone and ask them to be her partner. It would be a piece of cake and a time-saver for her. But she wanted to help Beau. She was fairly smart enough in physics that she could guide him through his work. She wanted to ask him, but she didn't, but she did.
A scramble of decisions and thoughts swirling around in her head like a cyclone, Marion stared at Beau out of the corner of her eye, then looked down at her notebook, then did it again, and repeated. She'd leave Beau's fate up to his own decision. If he wanted to make life harder for himself, then his own choice would bring about his defeat. Marion sighed. Why was she freaking out over this like it was life or death? He was just some guy...

...No he wasn't. Sitting in her desk while motion surrounded her, she waited until someone would ask her to join them in the experiment. Her actions were completely going against her normal personality, as she was usually the first one to jump up out of her seat during a partner project. She folded her hands, looked down at her notebook, and patiently waited for someone to approach her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Tanner Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Anastasia Marie Palmer Character Portrait: Beau Miller
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"I hope you're not going to be spending all day down there Mr. Miller, you'll miss out on our class." Beau let out a long angry breath. He put his head against the edge of his chest, grumbling horrid things about Mr. Tanner under his breath. He inhaled a shaky breath as he tried to contain his anger. His secreted anger issues were coming out right about now and currently he was just trying to contain it. "Dude, you alright?" He had heard the voice of Marion whom of which was sitting near him. He relaxed a bit, inhaling slowly then sighing softly. He lifted his head and looked straight at her. "Yup, I'm fine. No broken bones but I am just a little angry and embaressed." He whispered to her then slowly got up out of his chair and moved to the one directly next to Marion. He fixed his books on his table then slowly leaned back in his chair as he glared at Mr. Tanner while listening to what the Metal teacher had to say.

Sighing softly he ran hand through his hair before folding his arms down on his desk and he shoved his head down onto his arms. This was the usual sleeping position for students, but he had no plans on going to sleep due to the fact that he had no interest in getting in more trouble or to get even more ticked off than he already was. Upon hearing that they were allowed to have partners he instantly thought about having Marion as his partner if she even wanted him as a partner though he understood if she didn't want to be his partner. "I expect everyone's reports to be handed in the day after tomorrow. Apart from Mr Miller, your report is due tomorrow." Mr. Tanner obviously couldn't hide the smirk that flitted across his face. This made Beau absolutely furious. "That is completely unfair!" He sputtered angrily. By this time his head had shot up along with his body. He glared at Mr. Tanner for several moments then shook his head as he bit his cheek form spitting horrible words at him in front of the rest of the students in this classroom. This was stupid, he wasn't about to give Mr. Tanner the satisfaction of him being angry. He nodded over and over again and slowly slid back into his chair. "Okay, fine then. You know what Mr. Tanner I'll get an A on it don't you worry. Who cares if it's due tomorrow? Huh? It's not like I am going to be doing much during the Winter Feast any ways." He growled then smirked right back at him. "Thanks Mr. Tanner you make me such a better man." He said, leaning back in his seat again and tilting his head up to show Mr. Tanner the proud smile on his face.

Be the bigger man, right? You can't let people get in your head like Mr. Tanner always tries to do with Beau. His mama had always told him to be the bigger man when it comes down to it so he was going to be the bigger man. It was fine, missing a Winter Feast wasn't that bad there was probably always going to be another dance or another Feast. Something along those lines. He popped his fingers once as he slowly sat up and took out the stuff he would need for the project and he set his stuff down on his desk. Glancing over at Marion he ignored anything else that Mr. Tanner had to say to him. "Hey, Marion," He said to her in a hushed tone. "Want to work together on this project? I mean I'd understand if you don't, but it was worth asking." He added with a shrug. He smiled at her a little, relaxing much more and now he was becoming his usual self.


Harmony wasn't even sure what was going on. All she knew was that they were having some kind of feud up in the front of the room and here she was already thinking about the order in which she would do her project. Shifting in her chair she yawned softly, waiting until she saw Beau finally sit down after snapping at Mr. Tanner. Beau was taking this a lot better than he usually did when people weren't around and it was just Beau and Mr. Tanner. She bit her lip gently then started to flip through the Gravity section in her book. She felt her eyes get heavy slightly, so she decided that it would be a good idea if she just rested her head for a little. Placing her elbow down on the desk she left an open palm where she placed her head as she scanned through the Gravity section. Soon enough she felt her eyes get heavy and before she knew it she was drifting off to sleep. Not on purpose but by accident because she hadn't gotten really any sleep last night. It was rare for her ever to fall asleep during class unless something was wrong or she had been unable to get sleep the night before. Usually by now she would be hard at work on her work while up and ready for anything that was possible.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Tanner Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Harmony Baxter Character Portrait: Anastasia Marie Palmer Character Portrait: Lil Evans
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"Hey, Marion,"


"Want to work together on this project? I mean I'd understand if you don't, but it was worth asking."
She swiftly turned her head in his direction and plastered a cheerful smile onto her face.
"Yeah! Of course! Sure! Oh it's fine! It's totally fine!"

It was evident by her first response to Beau that although Marion was happy about her wish being granted, she was nervous as well. Maybe even frightened. Even as a little girl, she would become petty and apprehensive around those she considered to be admirable. She glanced down at her notebook, then Beau, then at her physics textbook. "Alrighty, let's see what we have to do for this experiment..." she said, quickly flipping over the book's contents until she landed on page seventy-four. It contained the instructions for the experiment.

Not wanting to waste any time with Beau around, Marion avoided staring at the pictures, and jumped towards the first step on the page. She read the instructions silently, then spoke out loud to the wood elementalist next to her. "Looks like we have to read part of the chapter first, and then go back and read over what we have to do." Marion hated backtracking, and would normally just skip the first step and cut right to the chase, but she didn't want to look like a slacker in front of Mr. Miller.

Dragging her finger over the words, she tried as hard as she could to get through the section without wasting too much time. As seconds passed, it seemed apparent that her goal wasn't about getting a good grade for herself, but it was about doing Beau a favor. She didn't want him to miss out on the Winter Feast. She refused to let someone she cared about not show up to something she cared about. It was as simple as that. "Okay," she quietly muttered, "So after reading this, I have a pretty good feeling I know what the experiment is going to be..." She flipped through the pages yet again, and then silently slammed her hand onto the book when she had reached the page. "Yup," she said, nodding her head, "Terminal velocity and air resistance."

She quickly read the passage inside her head, her eyes swiftly flickering across the page. She nodded, then got out of her seat, grabbed a tennis ball from one of the bins on the back table near the window, and brought the neon green ball back to her desk, tossing it every time she took a step. She sat back down, and as she opened her notebook, she started to speak again.
"So basically what we're doing is we're taking a tennis ball and a sheet of paper and dropping them at the same time. We see which one hits the ground first, record the data, then crumple the paper and repeat. It's supposed to show you air resistance and velocity and stuff. I did this all the time when I was really little. It's not hard at all."
As she did this, she didn't even give Beau an acknowledging glance. Sometimes, when she fancied someone, she didn't stare directly into their eyes or even at them. It was a quirk that she desperately wanted to get rid of.

Without hesitation, she ripped a piece of lined paper out of her notebook, and then quickly slid it away so that Beau wouldn't catch the Batman symbol on the front. She grabbed the green pen resting on her desk, slid it over her ear, and then held the paper and tennis ball out in front of her physics partner with a smile. "Would you like to do the honor of dropping these fine objects, Beau Miller?"