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Niall Turlough

You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it.

0 · 458 views · located in Eastern Gradon Academy

a character in “Academy of Elements”, as played by RubyBlue


it's much easier to humiliate, degrade and just generally shit all over someone than it is to admit that you love them


Name: Niall (NYE -all) Riordan Turlough
Nickname: If any
Age: 20
Hometown: Galway, Ireland
Element: Water
Studies: Element control, Science, Balance - Majoring in Aquatic Biology

+Getting Wasted
+Being near water, be it streams, waterfalls, the oceans or a shower
+Ice cream
+Writing music.
+The Smiths
+Skipping out on classes
+Talking to people
+Speaking his mind
+Being told what to do
+Being called obnoxious, even though he is.
+Waking up early
+Having responsibilities
+Striking out with the ladies
+People with horrible taste in music
+Being bored
+People who think they’re better than everyone else.

Drowning – Yeah, it’s weird for someone whose element is water to be afraid of drowning but Niall has always had the secret fear.
Being Incapacitated – Niall would rather just go ahead and die than live in a world where he couldn't participate, always sidelined due to whatever stupid thing he’d done to himself
Settling down, falling in love – To Niall all of those feelings are only temporary, they fade and you drift apart until you find someone else to cling to. Rinse,repeat. He fears the day that he might accidentally give his heart to someone and they trample all over it.
Quirks: Niall can be extremely obnoxious, especially the more inebriated he is or the more attention paid to him. It’s kind of a nervous habit, a way to keep everyone at an arm’s distance so to speak.


Element: Water
Niall has the ability to manipulate water, not in the way one would usually think. Instead of manipulating bodies of water like waves he manipulates the water pressure in an organism. People are over seventy percent water after all. In this way he's able to control people as if they were a marionettes, even able to one day rupture internal organs if he continues on with his studies.

He also has the ability to manipulate the water pressure in his own body, hardening it and enhancing it. It's not always foolproof, Niall usually has to be within ten to fifteen feet of his intended victim and even then if his concentration is right on nothing will happen except for a massive headache on Niall's part.

Niall is also capable of moisture absorption which means he can draw water into his own body, either from the air, a body of water or another living creature. He's not able to absorb much water but enough to enhance his durability significantly and if used against another living thing can and will cause dehydration to varying effects. He can give you a slight thirst or suck you dry.

Rival Element: Fire – I don’t mind the fire kids so much, as a matter of fact I like fire just fine. Without it I couldn't smoke and then what the fuck would we do?
Weaknesses: +The more water Niall is trying to manipulate the harder it is, it's mentally and physically taxing and is probably why he's focused his studies on controlling water that's fairly small and close instead of large and vast.
+Unlike most water students Niall is unable to breathe underwater, he is very much like a normal person in that regard. Most likely the reason for his fear of drowning. While he is capable of absorbing water he has no way of synthesizing it.
+Fire and Electricity. Water's two most dangerous foes.
+Inability to deal with his emotions or troubles. Niall prefers to live a life of not so subtle denial and has a good time doing so.
Strengths: +Is capable of being extremely charming when he puts his mind to it.
+Is fairly adequate when playing his guitar and is a talented songwriter, much to people's surprise.
+Niall is extremely loyal, he might be a bit of a lazy, mouthy dick but if you're his friend he's got your back for life.
+Extremely stubborn. When he wants something he will not take no for an answer and will do whatever he can to achieve his goals. Slightly strange for someone who rarely wants to do anything productive that is unless it intrigues him.


Personality: Niall's personality is very simple, at least on the surface. To know of him one would think he had no cares in the world and if he did they apparently didn't seem to bother him too much. Unable to properly deal with any emotion that seems messy or awkward, Niall instead prefers to keep his cards close to his vest when it comes to how he's really feeling. He's afraid of being judged or laughed at or even worse, pitied. Which is something that the young man just can't deal with.

Not to say he's a complete loss, he's capable of being quite persuasive and charming. Especially if it gets him something he wants. Generally an affable person, Niall usually has no problems making acquaintances but finds actual friendship a little harder. It requires a level of trust from him that has to be earned over time. Though when one does become Niall's friends they can be assured that the friendship will be a lively one. Parties, girls, schemes, skipping class and getting wasted were some of the things you could look forward to when you hung around with Niall. A reputation he gladly took on with pride. He can be obnoxious, annoying and over the top. He's a sucker for attention, good or bad and loves to have a laugh. Niall tends to be a figure that you either loathe or love.

He is capable of anger, a wrathful verbal onslaught and occasionally a bit of dehydration is what Niall has in store for people who piss him off, though it takes quite a lot to ruffle his feathers. Most barbs or insults thrown his way seem to fall from him like water off a duck, so to speak.
Niall was the last of three children born to Sean and Jane Turlough, who’d spent their entire lives in Galway, Ireland. Where they and the rest of their children still reside, it was a pleasant town, known for its culture and festivals and was a decent place to raise a family. Even now Niall’s two older sisters are married and raising families of their own in Galway, something that he wouldn't know anything about seeing as he’d left Galway when he was fourteen.

The young Irish lad had begun to manifest his ability at a relatively early age but seeing as how Niall’s powers aren't extremely aggressive or notable; at least they weren’t then, they went relatively unnoticed. Usually his elemental control would manifest when he was in danger of hurting himself, instinctually he would manipulate his body’s water pressure in effect creating a dense layer of water under his skin making him much more durable than your average youngster. Niall was barely even aware of the fact that he was different; of course he wasn't the most observant person especially when it came to himself. Yet, even as oblivious as he was, he knew there was something special about himself. He’d just always assumed it was his magnetic charm not his power to control water.

It was when he was fourteen that he finally began to realize his true potential, accidental though it was. Niall had been sneaking around with a girl from his class for a few weeks. They would meet up after school or whenever they could steal a minute away to indulge in what young couples tend to indulge in. It was on one of these occasions that Niall’s ability manifested in a way he’d never expected. While kissing his girlfriend something had happened, a strange sensation took over and suddenly he was sucking her dry. Literally. Her body slowly began to turn into a dry husk of itself while Niall tried unsuccessfully to extricate himself from her though once he finally broke contact it was too late. She was nothing but a horrible shell of what she used to be and immediately the teenage boy vomited at the scene before him.

Freaking out he left her beneath the bleachers where they’d met up only twenty minutes before. Feeling extremely guilty, sick and scared he ran home to confide in his parents. While they might have thought that their only son was a bit of a lazy jackass he was certainly no murderer, though even they had difficulty swallowing the explanation Niall offered them. It was then the knock came and immediately Niall broke down in tears, certain that he’d be spending the rest of his life in jail not to mention the fact that he’d just accidentally murdered his first girlfriend.

Surprisingly enough it wasn't the authorities, it was representatives from Eastern Gradon Academy. They’d come to explain to Niall and his parents what he was exactly and to offer him a spot at the school. Niall knew that they had to have known what he’d done, why else would they be here? How was it possible to brush past a thing like murder and get right to enrollment? His parents, knowing that this was his only alternative convinced him to leave that night for his own safety and to be honest for theirs as well. He’s been at the Academy ever since.

Other: Left-handed - Quite proud of his native country, Ireland, and doesn't care if anyone can understand his accent or not. - Has started his own band, which consists of other young, lazy musicians so they probably won't go far.

So begins...

Niall Turlough's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Tanner Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Lisa Blue Daniels Character Portrait: Lockie Porter Character Portrait: Sumiko Kawahara
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#, as written by Issa
In an isolated pocket of the English countryside sits Eastern Gradon Academy. Overnight the school has been blanketed in a covering of snow, the first of the winter.
With the coming of the snow also comes the Winter Feast, a traditional feast that the Academy holds for its staff and students the night after the first snow fall. In the last hour notices have been posted around the school to announce the traditional feast.

'Dear Students,

Tonight the traditional Winter Feast will be held in the Dining Hall.
Students are expected to be seated an hour after the last period of the day.
As with past years the seating will be freely arranged.
The dress is formal, suits and formal dresses are expected.

A shot of port will be offered during the traditional toast and mulled wine will be served throughout,
however students are warned that intoxication will not be tolerated.

Looking forward to a wonderful evening,
The Academy Faculty'

The time is 8.30am, half an hour before the start of the school day. As expected some students have been out playing in the snow while others are wrapped up inside or sleeping. A hot breakfast is being served in the dining room. Teachers will be preparing for their classes. Students should also be beginning to ready themselves for their day.

Alanna Ascot

Alanna liked the idea of snow; she liked to watch snowflakes falling quietly to earth, but only from the safety of a warm room. The library was one such room. It was in fact its own separate building and several stories high. Books lined its walls from floor to ceiling and there were many alcoves and partially hidden rooms in its depths. It was the kind of library where one could spend all day and never see another person. During the winter months the fire was constantly stoked and you were always guaranteed warmth. Alanna had been here for some time, reading in one of the many window seats. Snow always made her more irritable and she had woken earlier that morning to see the school sheeted in the stuff. Not being able to return to sleep she had showered, dressed and made her way to the library.

Now, with half an hour until class started she decided that it was time for a warm breakfast. Alanna replaced her book in the shelf and made her way through the large library doors. As she stepped outside the cold immediately hit her and the girl drew her clothes tighter around her. Alanna made her way along covered paths, aiming for the old dining hall. She thrust her hands into her pockets to keep them warm.

She reached the end of the covered walkways. Across a courtyard of undisturbed snow stood the dining hall. Smoke could be seen coming out of the large chimney and the windows were misted, further indicating the warmth that awaited inside. But first Alanna would have to make her way across the courtyard. Pursing her lips she took the first step, her foot sinking ankle deep into the snow. By the time she had made it to the dining hall door her toes were going numb and her irritation had reached new levels, still she hesitated before entering the hall. She had caught sight of the notice pinned to the door.
The only good thing she could say about winter was the annual Winter Feast. The food was always excellent, the decorations were fantastic and the atmosphere was something to look forward to. Not to mention the student after-party. It was just as much a tradition as the Feast, even if not entirely within the Academy's rules. While drinking for over 18s was legal in England, drinking on campus wasn't something that the teachers allowed without supervision. Still, every year the after-party went ahead and every year the majority of the student body attended.

Having finished reading the notice Alanna pushed through the doors and into the warmth of the dining hall. She grabbed a plate, served herself breakfast and then chose a table close to the fire. She sat down with the fire to her back, happy to let the fire warm her.

Lockie Porter

Buzz! Buzz! BUZZ! BUZZ!

The insistent ringing of Lockie's alarm was what woke the young man. His eyes fluttered open as the noise pierced through his dreams. His hand reached out to snooze the alarm only to find the device not on his bedside table. He let his eyes close for a moment. A cool breeze was playing around his room, streaming in through his open window.

In one swift movement the boy collected the breeze to him, using it to fling the blankets off him. His hands gave another twirl and the winds returned, this time he set them on the pile of clothes that littered his floor. It was from this pile that the incessant ringing was coming. With a blast of his collected air Lockie sent the clothes flying around his room, landing across his desk, bed and other portions of his floor. And there sat his alarm cloak. Lockie stood, tapped the alarm with his hand and gave a satisfied smile as the noise finally stopped.

Lockie grabbed his towel and left his room, wondering down the Air elemental's portion of the dormitories. He entered the male bathrooms a moment later, flicking on the lights and a shower as he entered. The water was blissfully warm. He stepped out a good deal later once the water had began to run cold. Lockie was prone to day-dreaming and his mind had wondered, only being brought back to reality by the shock of the cold water.

Back in his room he quickly got dressed in the only clothes that didn't seem to decorate his floor. His stomach rumbled a moment later, indicating that it was time for breakfast. So he left his room and began to make his way down to the dining hall.

Most times the quick trip to the dining hall would take longer than anticipated as Lockie's attention was usually drawn to whatever caught his fancy. Today was no different. Now he stopped short of the hall, watching as a tree branch slowly caved under the pressure of the snow. The day had a moderate amount of wind, enough for him to collect a small ball and send it flying towards the tree. The snow was blown up in a flurry of wind before crunching down onto the tree branch and then onto the ground.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lockie Porter Character Portrait: Theia Aide Character Portrait: Niall Turlough Character Portrait: Alexander Jacobson Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl
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“Mother of God, it’s too fucking early.” Niall grumbled to himself as he snaked one of his arms out from beneath the heavy down comforter on his bed and smacked at his phone until it clattered to the floor and stopped ringing. Smiling to himself he began to drift back into the warm embrace of sleep before his phone once again started to blare. Cursing, he threw back his covers and immediately found himself covered in goose bumps; fumbling for his phone he regarded it carefully with one eye still glued shut from sleep. “Well, shit.”

It was his alarm and not a text from some asshole before nine in the morning as he’d originally thought. Niall thought he’d be done waking up early when he graduated high school, he hadn’t exactly thought about the fact that if he wanted to go to Uni he’d have to be an even earlier riser. He supposed it was their way of getting them ready for life in the world of adults, though he sincerely doubted if he’d ever quite grow up.

Rising from his messy bed, he stretched and contemplated making his bed before blowing it off and grabbing his stuff before heading to the showers. Making his way to the bathroom he was for once completely silent which only happened at this time of the day, which many morning people were grateful for. Stepping into the steaming shower he rested his head against the cool tile and let the warm spray bring him back to life so to speak.

After finishing his shower ritual, he quickly absorbed the water clinging to his skin and soaking his hair and dressed himself in a pair of tight, faded, tattered black jeans, a thermal long-sleeved shirt and a even older, rattier Joy Division t-shirt over that. Stuffing his feet into his usual broken in black boots he made his way back to his room and grabbed his coat, a grey plaid pea coat affair that he paired with a long green scarf he wound around his neck, topped off with his black ski cap. Finally feeling as if he were finally prepared to step into the winter wonderland that was the school grounds, Niall girded his loins and left his dormitory.

As he pushed open the door he was hit full force in the face with a tightly packed snowball. Flinching out of fright and pain, he quickly strode out to where there was a snowball fight happening
apparently. “I wasn’t even ready!” he shouted as he once again absorbed the moisture clinging to his face and bent down to begin forming his own set of snowballs. Niall had been planning on getting something warm to eat but this had become war.

Grinning madly he began chucking his snowballs willy-nilly as he ran for cover, no one was safe. Not even Lockie. The Irish boy was a kid at heart and he loved things like this. You could actually get away with throwing projectiles at people and you didn’t get in trouble. It was amazing. It was then he noticed Theia and her nonchalant toss of a snowball in Kevin Stihl’s direction and then watched as she used her ability to whip up a tiny tornado for even more snowball destruction directed at Alexander. Still being pelted by snowballs, Niall used his ability to keep himself dry; absorbing whatever moisture was clinging to him and made his way over to his best friend.

“Oi, prick!” he called out to Kevin, hoping that he’d turn around just in time to get a face full of snow but in all probability it would only made Niall look like the person who attacked him with snow to begin with. Not that he gave a shit what Kevin thought anyway. Smiling down at Theia he arched his eyebrows at her exaggeratedly.

“You didn’t hit me in the face with a snowball, did you?” He asked, casually looking around for more victims as he bent down to begin making a small stack of snowballs.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lockie Porter Character Portrait: Theia Aide Character Portrait: Niall Turlough Character Portrait: Alexander Jacobson
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Alex took a few steps back, laughing at Lockie's surprise, when suddenly a snowball pelted him in the back. Alex's face instantly changed from amusement to confusion. Lockie wasn't above a good joke, but they weren't this elaborate. He turned in the direction of the snowball... only to be instantly pelted in the face with another. He shot a burst of air off of his face, knocking off the snow and moisture like it had never been there. He looked up and saw, surprise surprise, Theia standing nearby. The mere fact that she was standing there was all the prove Alex needed to find the culprit. "Oh, hah hah. Very funny. I guess I did deserve that though", he said. He bent down to casually scoop up a lump of snow. "Regardless," he said as he tossed the snow into the air, "this means WAR!"

Alex created a vortex of wind around the airborne snow, creating a perfect sphere. He then launched the snowball right at Theia. Breakfast could wait. For now at least. Alex dove to his own side of the field, and opened fire with snowball after snowball at Theia and Lockie. It had gone on for a few minutes when, out of the blue, Niall randomly jumped into the fray for seemingly no reason. In the midst of this seeming chaos, inspiration struck Alex, but not towards the usual subject.

Alex ran into the middle of the fray with his arms extended, yelling "Hold it! Time out! Hang on a second!" With the action around him calmed, he said "I have had the best idea ever. I'd say we do it now, but..." His thought was interrupted by a rather loud complaint from his stomach. "Well... yeah, that's why not". Composing himself, Alex said "Anyway, find every air elemental you know, and tell them to meet here at break." He looked over at Niall, suddenly remembering he was a water elemental. "Niall, you can join in to, if you want, but you'll be at a disadvantage. We are going to have an air elemental snowball fight!" Alex's stomach yet again growled. He used his current to blow his journal from the bench to his hand. "Anyway, I'm going to the dining hall before someone takes all of the bacon. Anyone want to come?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lockie Porter Character Portrait: Theia Aide Character Portrait: Catarina Viello Character Portrait: Niall Turlough Character Portrait: Alexander Jacobson
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Caterina woke up to her alarm clock blaring, her head pounded a little. She slipped out of bed and did a long yawn, stretching her slender arms above her head. She walked over to her window, which brought a smile to her lips. She was delighted to see snow. She opened up her window and tilted her head back, enjoying the cold morning. She smiled as one delicate little snowflake landed on her lightly freckled nose. She chuckled to herself before closing the windows again.

She went over to her armoire, covered in beauty products, scented lotions, and perfumes. She took a nice, hot shower, and washed her long dark hair before getting dressed. She sorted through her wardrobe for a suitable outfit, painfully reminded again that she forgot to pack proper clothes for winter.

She ended up settling on a Aztec print body con dress that hugged her body and was thick enough to keep her warm. She matched that with a pair of heeled boots with a wool inside. She paired that with a fur draped coat. She brushed her curly hair until it fell in soft waves to the small of her back. Maybe not the most practical outfitbut it would do. She sniffed the air around her that now smelled like her brown sugar lotion and perfume, as well as her strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner.

As she stepped outside the cold hit her and she instantly felt her cheeks become rosy and her nose nipped with Jack frost. She tightened the fur jacket around her. She smiled at the passing students as she reached the dining hall, she smirked at the picturesque building with its cute little chimney.

She immediately grabbed a steamy hot cup of coffee. The smell wafted into her nose, making her finally feel one with the world. She walked out of the dining hall and back into the cold winter air. She began strolling around the campus, for a familiar face. She found a group of students playing snowball. "Can an ice student join," She asked noting that it was predominantly air students.She smirked mysteriously and narrowed her cat like eyes before forming a snowball in her hand out of falling snow

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theia Aide Character Portrait: Niall Turlough Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl
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My snow sense kicked in before the rest of me did, catching the snowball in midair one-handed without even looking. Had the snowball been a little more packed, the move would have looked cool(pun intended). However, all it did was cause the snowball to explode in my hand, sprinkling me with now melting ice.

"Did you guys REALLY just challenge the Wisconsinite to a snowball fight?" I said, this time pulling out the steel strings from my backpack, which were already forming into a jai alai glove on my hand. As I dug the glove into the snow, the metal kneading the raw material into six balls of perfect ammunition(packed enough to stick together for the flight, loose enough to break on impact), I had a smile on my face, because for the first time since I was little, people had NO idea what they were getting into.

Once the six snowballs were prepped, I spun to build up centripetal force, then slung them off three at a time towards the two people I most expected to have fired off the shot, Theia and Niall, each getting one directly at them, and two blocking off their paths of escape. With the speed they had been launched at, the snowballs would reach their marks in under a second. I laughed a bit once I realized I had made a Jai alai glove, remembering the Foxtrot comic that had given me the idea in the first place, and thus secured my position as the King of Winter every year in Mercer. To give myself cover as I ran towards my class(I wanted to drop off my bag first, I hate getting the thing wet), I drug the glove along the snow, changing its shape so that it would shoot powdery snow into the air in front of me and provide a smokescreen of sorts. The snow itself felt like a bunch of little bunnies licking my skin as it landed on my bare arms and face, which made me feel a little overdressed for the season.
(OoC: His apathy towards cold weather isn't just me making him a Gary Stu. I myself am renowned back in Minocqua for being the kid who would go out to recess in the middle of a blizzard wearing a tee shirt and sweatpants, MAYBE a jacket. In first grade. You could also look at it like this: guess what type is resistant to Ice in Pokemon. Either way, Kevin just doesn't register cold as something to worry about.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lockie Porter Character Portrait: Theia Aide Character Portrait: Catarina Viello Character Portrait: Niall Turlough Character Portrait: Alexander Jacobson Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl
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Niall only had a second to register the passing of Caterina on her way to the kitchens before Kevin’s shouts pierced the air. Niall wasn’t in the habit of listening especially when faced with the appearance of a pretty girl so he was in no way ready for the snowballs headed his way. As he slowly spun around to keep his eye on the slim figure that was Cat, the impact on his rib cage was immediately noticed as the snowball exploded into powder as it struck home, immediately he began rubbing his left side and watched as Kevin took off running, flurries of snow hiding him from sight.

“Wanker!” He called out, as he began to absorb the excess dampness on his torso. “I didn't even get a chance to do anything, yet.” Niall yelled after him grumpily as he dusted his hands off and stuffed them in his pockets as he listened to Alexander’s proposition. Lifting a dark eyebrow quizzically at the idea of an exclusively air elemental snowball fight. It’d be fun to watch but he wasn’t quite sure if he’d stand a chance. Of course, when snow melted it was just water after all.

“You’re exclusivity hurts me deeply, but I suppose I can look past it and grace you all with my mad snowball skills. If you've noticed I’m the only dry one here.” The boy said with a teasing grin, as he looked once again at Caterina, who now held a cup of coffee and apparently wanted to join in on the fun. Immediately switching on the charm, he watched the snowball form in her hand and figured that not even the air kids would stand a chance against an ice elemental.

“Oh, most definitely, the more the merrier, right? Though I think this lot is off to breakfast. Something about meat, I’m not sure. “Niall replied to Caterina with a slight shake of his head and a shrug, a grin plastered to his usually pale face, now rosy from the cold.

“But I’m sure I could keep you entertained until they’re all done.” He offered flirtatiously, never one to miss an opportunity to spend time with someone of the fairer sex, especially one as fair as Caterina.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Tanner Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Theia Aide Character Portrait: Catarina Viello Character Portrait: Rachel Alena Grace
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#, as written by Issa
Alanna Ascot

It wasn't long before Alanna was joined at her warm table. The first to sit with her was Rachel who slid silently into the seat opposite Alanna. Alanna, her mouth full of jam toast, gave her a smile and a nod. Next to join them a moment later was Kara.
"Hey Alanna, Rachel." Kara greeted both girls, although Alanna could easily detect the tension that seemed to run between the two. Rachel was a fire elemental while Kara was water. Like lightning and ice the two didn't mix and Alanna could understand their hesitation around each other. Her mouth now empty of food, Alanna gave Kara a wide smile,
"Morning Kara."

"How you two enjoying the snow day?" Rachel's question seemed strained. Alanna gave a grimace, thinking of her toes that were slowly thawing.
"It's way too cold to be outside.' Came Alanna's quiet reply, "I almost froze my toes off coming across the courtyard."
A moment later Rachel excused herself from the table and Alanna was left with Kara. With Rachel's absence Alanna had a perfect view of the whole dining room. Her eyes followed Marion March as she entered, a large snowball in her hand. As Alanna watched Marion sneaked behind Mark and let the cold snowball fall down his bare back. A small smirk formed on Alanna's face as Mark jumped up with a yelp. Alanna was not a fan of the ice boy and it amused her to see him pranked, even if by a friend. Her smirk stretched further across her face when Professor Javier told Mark off. Of course the room did take on a much cooler temperature as the teacher stood, but soon enough the fire was flickering back into full life.

"You looking forward to the feast tonight?" Alanna asked Kara, turning her attention back to her friend. Alanna gave her a smile, "And the after party?"
Alanna wasn't one of those people that was always the centre of attention but she liked a good party as much as the next person.

Lockie Porter

Being hit by a snowball wasn't usually so shocking. But when the snowball in question seemed to come out of nowhere the shock was laced with confusion too. Lockie, his mind completely occupied by his branch of snow, gave a yelp of surprise as the snowball hit him. He turned towards the direction it had (apparently) been thrown from, only to find nobody near.

Puzzled Lockie spun further around and found Alex standing a few short paces away from him. Lockie opened his mouth, about to ask if Alex had seen the culprit when suddenly the dots connected. A playful smile appeared on Lockie's face and he was just about to retaliate when a stream of snowballs hit Alex from another direction. Lockie could help the laughter that burst from his mouth. Alex's initial confusion disappeared as the other boy spotted Theia. Theia was another air elementalist and another good friend of Lockie's.

Lockie's laughter was cut short as another snowball hit his face, a mouthful cutting off his laughing. This time it took Lockie little time to find the culprit, Niall.

"This means WAR!" Lockie could only grin at Alex's words, they were an echo of Lockie's own thoughts.
"Bring it on!" Lockie shouted, scooping up a handful of snow as he spoke with his left hand. His right hand gave a quick twirl, calling any stray wind nearby to him and into a miniature tornado. The snowball went in and then shot out. Multiple snowballs followed, each aimed for either Niall, Alex or Theia. He received his fair share of snowball hits, but managed to dodge anymore of the face shots.

Halfway through the fight, with all sides more or less soaked and covered in snow (apart from Niall who seemed immune to it), Alex ran into the middle of the action.
"Hold it! Time out! Hang on a second!" His call to stop got to Lockie a second too late and before Lockie could hold it back a lone snowball shot out at the boy. Lockie couldn't help but shrug, not too concerned about it. Or rather considering it fair payback for Alex's first shot at the unsuspecting Lockie.

Lockie listened as Alex suggested an air elemental, with Niall, snow fight. The idea definitely had a certain appeal to it.
"We should invite the other elements too, we could have an elemental snowball fight." Lockie suggested, already picturing a school wide snowball fight. His eyes flicked to Catarina's freshly formed snowball in her hand, he hadn't even noticed the girl appearing. Of course the ice students would have a major advantage but that would just make it more of a challenge. Also Lockie had to agree with Niall's statement that he was the only dry one. Being able to absorb water was also a definite advantage.

"Anyway, I'm going to the dining hall before someone takes all of the bacon. Anyone want to come?"
At the mention of breakfast Lockie's stomach gave a grumble, agreeing with Alex.
"Breakfast sounds like a fantastic idea" Lockie said. He also wouldn't mind drying off a bit. He could see the smoke from the dining room chimney and was already thinking longingly of the warm fire.

Brent Tanner

Brent's head was pounding, the rhythmic thumping in his skull no doubt punishment for his night of excess. While students may not be allowed out of the Academy grounds during term time the teachers had no such restrictions. Brent's trip into the nearest town and pub had seen him returning in the early morning hours of the day.

"I'm never drinking again." The man grumbled to himself, rolling out of bed and hitting the ground with a thud. He pushed himself to his feet and took a look around the room, his eyes squinting at the light streaming through his open window. He stumbled over to the window and swore quietly under his breath, snow. It wasn't that Brent disliked snow. Actually, he quite liked it. But today he really couldn't be bothered dealing with the problems that snow brought. Cold hands, slippery walkways and a limited access to the outdoors for class experiments. Added to that was the fact that the light glaring off the white snow was doing Brent's head no favours.

Closing the window shut and pulling the curtain Brent slumped back into his bed, only to be shocked a moment later by the blaring of his alarm. He swore and threw his hand out. The little metal alarm clock went flying through the air, breaking into pieces as it hit the wall. However, much to Brent's immense irritation, the buzzing continued.
"Enough already! I'm up!" He said to himself, pushing himself off the bed. He gave a quick wave of his hand and the metal pieces of the alarm clock reformed. He quickly turned it off and made his way to his bathroom.

Showering helped to wake him up some as did brushing his teeth. He dressed in his usual casual jeans and shirt. He slung on a jacket, grabbed a pair of sunglasses to protect his fragile head from the bright outdoors and then headed out the door. He entered the dining hall from the kitchens, waving to the cooks as he passed the hot elements. A moment later he was out amongst the tables, passing the few seated students as they ate their breakfast. Quickly he chose his meal, bacon and toast, and made his way to the teachers table. He nodded a greeting to Jaydon and Michael before digging into his meal.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lockie Porter Character Portrait: Theia Aide Character Portrait: Catarina Viello Character Portrait: Niall Turlough Character Portrait: Alexander Jacobson Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl
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Theia is surveying the damage of her tornado with a pleased grin, watching as all goes according to plan- Alex is pegged not once, but twice with the snowballs and the force that her tornado gives it. She hears a familiar voice shouting some insult or another, and glances over just as Niall saunters towards her, his eyebrows arched in an exaggerated fashion as the young man interrogates her. "Well, I can't really say- I throw a lot of snowballs at a lot of people," she says innocently, shrugging her shoulders and facing her palms upward. Of course, this isn't technically a lie, not by a long shot. She's an avid participant in snowball fights, after all. She glances over just in time to make a face at Alex as he declares war, and then have a snowball launched straight towards her face, she uses a burst of air to jump, planning to fly over it, but hadn't reacted quick enough, and thus receives a blow to the stomach. The young woman immediately clutches her stomach and falls back to the ground, exaggerating the blow by a large amount. "I'm hit! Critical Blow!" she declares, before looking up through the hair that has fallen over her eyes with with a mischievous expression and a growing smile.

She is being launched at from all sides now, as far as snowballs go. Lockie, Kevin, and Alex are all aiming at her, although not exclusively her, and it occurs to her that she might have hit too many people in a short amount of time. The thought is brief and easily dismissed, however, because Theia is a lover of games, competitions, and challenges- like this one. She is able to stop many of the snowballs from hitting her by throwing out a blast of air to send them away. However, the young woman is still hit on several occasions, not certain about which snowball is coming from who. She is whipping up another round of tornado balls when Alex calls out into the battle, passing into no man's land. Despite his attempt to stop the warfare briefly, he is pegged by several more snowballs, both from her and Lockie, before being able to properly express his opinions- or, rather, his plans. As the young man is interrupted by his own stomach, Theia arches an eyebrow and smirks at her fellow air elemental.

"Are you keeping a little monster caged up in there?" she questions him, before beginning to question his proposal. Of course, she also plans on distracting away from the breakfast plan, though she knows such a delay will be short lived. "Sounds good to me- I don't know that you want Niall to join in though. Don't tell anyone I said this, but he's rather obnoxious," she says, before glancing over toward Niall, who is well within earshot, and making a silly face at him.

At that moment, some Ice student, Catarina Viello, shows up, and she watches Niall immediately go into flirt mode, not missing a beat. This is just as amusing as hitting him with a snowball- well, almost as amusing. When the ice girl inquires if she may join, looking all cozy with that cup of coffee in her hands, Theia shrugs exaggeratedly. "If you have to ask, then probably not," she says, although she's not really serious, and is soon vetoed by Niall anyway- though he isn't even an Air Elemental. Lockie seems receptive to allowing in other elements anyway, so she supposes that it doesn't matter. If all of the elementals join in, then it's really just a normal snowball fight, isn't it? she muses to herself, but figures that it will be a bigger challenge with more students. Besides, it isn't like all of the students would join in- the fire and lightning kids are unlikely to deign fit to take part.

As Lockie chimes in with agreement towards the breakfast proposal, Theia masks her disappointment. Whatever, I've gotten good at pretending to eat, anyway, she muses to herself, somehow proud of this fact. To say that she is battling anorexia would be poor phrasing, because the young woman really doesn't seem to be putting up much of a fight. She eats just enough to live, really, perhaps less. At least she got proper sleep last night. Well, almost proper- she went to sleep about four hours before waking up, and that's just enough for her to run off of.

"Breakfast it is, then?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Lockie Porter Character Portrait: Theia Aide Character Portrait: Catarina Viello Character Portrait: Niall Turlough Character Portrait: Alexander Jacobson
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Alex heartily replied to the group, "Breakfast it is!" He turned in the direction of the dining hall with Lockie and Theia in tow behind him. He called back to Niall, "You can catch up with us later if you want, Niall.". Turning to Lockie and Theia, he said, "About adding the other elements. My thought is, why can't we do both? We can do the all air elemental fight at break, and gather the others for after classes are over. We can do a sort of, battle of the elements, or something. I doubt the fire and lightning guys will want in though. Same goes for earth; too pragmatic."

Arriving at the dining hall, noticed a note hanging on the door. Alex quickly scanned over the contents, and his face shone with delight. He turned to his two friends, and said, "Probably shouldn't be a surprise, with the first snow and all, but the Winter Feast is happening tonight!" Of course, this wasn't the only reason he was thrilled. The food would be great and all, but it was less the feast and more the after-party that interested him.

Alex entered the dining hall with his two friends behind him. He quickly grabbed some breakfast (pancakes, bacon, and orange juice, as usual), and grabbed a table. As Lockie and Theia arrived, Alex noticed his other friend, Marion, standing a few tables away, having apparently finished some prank. He called over to her, "Hey Marion! What are you standing around over there for? Come on, get over here!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theia Aide Character Portrait: Catarina Viello Character Portrait: Niall Turlough
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"Oh, most definitely, the more the merrier, right? Though I think this lot is off to breakfast. Something about meat, I’m not sure." Niall replied with a obvious flirty nature. “But I’m sure I could keep you entertained until they’re all done.” He offered , also flirtatiously.

"If you have to ask, then probably not," She heard a bright eyed blonde say. She immediately had a witty comeback but deemed it unnecessary when she heard the collection of other participants decide to go eat breakfast.
"Well are you going to leave me too Niall?" She asked widening her eyes innocently, a smirk played on her lips and she bit the inside of her cheek to hold it back. She smirked and took a long sip of her coffee, black, just the way she liked it. She preferred a pure diluted flavor. The only time she drank it drowned in sugar and cream was when it was a low quality coffee. Though since the school offered her favorite Jamaican blend of coffee she accepted it gladly.

She smiled and strolled toward Niall, remembering the walking technique her oldest sister taught her.More accurately it would be called strutting. Her sister, who had the same curvy body as her, though she was more bodacious than curvy, would sway her hips as she walked and take long slow strides seductively. However Cat preferred to walk a little faster and still swayed but she she did it it was more mysterious and though it still had allure it was a natural allure, not a seductive one.

She smiled and ran a hand through her hair, again releasing the aroma of strawberries. "You better make sure you can handle me before you make a promise like that," She shrugged "I'd be careful if I was you, I'm at my most powerful state right now." She said glancing at the snow above her. She tilted her head back, letting more snowflakes land on her, she loved the soft moisture on her face,it was like the sky was kissing her. She blushed at her very girly and naive thought before pushing it aside and focusing on Niall.
"So the winter feast is coming up, shall I expect you looking very" She paused and licked her lips, which were cold from the snow "Dapper in a suit?" She scrunched up her nose "We ice students take it very serious and I'd hate to kick any bums out, even you," She said nudging him with her shoulder.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marion March Character Portrait: Lockie Porter Character Portrait: Theia Aide Character Portrait: Catarina Viello Character Portrait: Niall Turlough Character Portrait: Alexander Jacobson
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"I agree with Jacobson. What's the point if everyone's in on it?" she tags on as the trio walk to the dining hall, leaving the curly haired Irish boy behind to flirt with Catarina, who seems nothing if not receptive to his advances. She glances over her shoulder to see that the Ice girl is sashaying towards Niall, and doesn't bother to suppress an amused grin at the calculated style of walking. Subtlety is hard to come by, these days, she muses, despite not really being able to talk on this. While her lies and antics may occasionally be more toned down, they are more likely to not be, and she does now how to make bangs now and again. This seems a common characteristic around air students- especially the women, now that the young woman thinks about it. Marion is a walking firecracker, and Adelaide is always easy to pick out in a crowd- the latter is true of Theia as well, but that's because her eyes are like headlights that stick out in the crowd.

She glances over towards Alex as he announces the obvious with great enthusiasm. She smirks at his comment, "Give the boy a medal." Still, though she already knew about the feast, the girl is equally excited for the festivities that are to happen throughout the day. Not so much the feast, which she often skips anyway, but the after party that follows, which is one of the best of the school year. She spends most of the feast pushing her food around and messing with whoever is unfortunate enough to have decided to sit near her for the hour or so that it goes on, anyway. For obvious reasons, feasts aren't really her cup of tea. Well, obvious if one is perfectly aware of everything going on with Theia, which means clear to the few and far between. Even among her good friends, Theia isn't the sort to be honest about herself, giving cryptic lies and never talking about herself in a manner that even comes close to genuine. Most simply give up on trying to get to know her because of this trait in the young woman, and she can hardly blame them- or be upset about it. She prefers that people not pry past her lies anyway.

Theia makes herself a light plate of fruit and grabs a cup of water before sitting down beside Alex, who has loaded his plate up with all sorts of breakfast foods. Of course, she is soon bombarded by the fast and seemingly endless stream of words that flows through Marion March's mouth, as the hyperactive younger student comes over at Alex's call. Listening to the girl jump from here to there, verbally of course, Theia grins up at her, leaving her plate untouched as she sits through the playful accusations that are turned towards them, most having to do with the fact that they hadn't invited her to play in the snow with them. Of all of the elements, Theia believes the Air kids to have the tightest of bonds- perhaps because they all share a mischievous nature, and thus have a great tolerance for each other's many antics.

"Sorry, Marchy, but it was a game for big kids only," she says with a grin, as Marion is the only one among the current company who falls beneath the age of being a legal adult; Not that she doesn't have enough stories and tales to make the typical forty year old envious. When Marion punches her in the arm, Theia smirks at her and whips wind around her body in a very tight motion, so as not to flip over the plates, and blows the water on her onto Marion. "There- now it's just as though you had joined us, isn't it? Marchy, I can hear your black hole of a stomach from here. Hungry?"

She slides her own plate towards Marion, though it doesn't have a blueberry muffin on it, consisting only of fruit. "Here, have mine. I'm going to make myself as hungry as possible for the Winter Feast," she lies easily with a smile, knowing perfectly well that she doesn't plan to take a single bite at that feast. Well, perhaps one bite, if anyone pesters her, but not any more.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theia Aide Character Portrait: Catarina Viello Character Portrait: Niall Turlough
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Niall Turlough

Niall fell silent as he watched the girl very nearly sashay toward him, closing his open mouth he swallowed hard and wondered what in the hell was happening. Niall could be charming, this was true, but more often than not he was also drunk as were the girls who happened to find him appealing. It’s what he did, he partied and here it was morning and this girl was actually flirting back with him. Unprepared for a situation such as this he immediately fell back on instinct.

“Of course not. That’d be rude. You see, I’m not obnoxious like she said.” Niall replied, pointing to the departing group of air elementals which contained Theia. Pausing for a moment he quickly made a decision and yelled over his shoulder to his friend. “Hey, get me a muffin...” Cupping his hands around his mouth he finished with “Blueberry!” Before turning back to Caterina with a grin, rubbing his ice cold hands together he stuck them deep into his pockets and finding himself face to face with the girl.

She smelled like strawberries, and she was most definitely flirting with him. He was sure of it, pretty sure. At least seventy-thirty. “You’d be surprised at the things I can handle.” Replied, grinning wryly down at Caterina. “You know ice is just frozen water after all when you think about.” The tall boy in black and plaid said suggestively.

“Either way, I've got a suit. I won’t disappoint, though it is hard to improve upon perfection.” Niall answered s he gestured grandiosely at himself. He was nothing if not a bit vain and he was fairly obvious bout it. “How do you feel about velvet?” He asked seriously before moving on. “I've only been kicked out of a Winter Feast after party once. My first year, things got out of hand. Things were said
objects urinated upon. But I’m older, wiser
taller. You’ll have no problems with me. I swear it.” He said solemnly, placing a hand over his heart dramatically.

Knowing that he probably shouldn't have mentioned that previous part instead switched the topic, at least marginally so. “So, I suppose you’ll be sitting with the rest of the ice elementals at the feast?” Niall began in a roundabout way, stuffing his frozen hands back into his pockets and wrapping his coat around his thin frame.”Because if you’re not, you know, we could sit together. Or not. It’s whatever; I mean the option is there.” He finally worked out, blushing a bit at his own ineffectuality. This was not going as well as he’d hoped.

“So are you headed to class? I could walk you there if you’d like.” Niall offered, aware that he quickly becoming awkward and needed more time to rectify the situation before she came away thinking he was a total mental case.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catarina Viello Character Portrait: Niall Turlough
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“Of course not. That’d be rude. You see, I’m not obnoxious like she said.” Niall replied, before yelling at the group of students he was just with. “Hey, get me a muffin... " Before adding “Blueberry!”

She warmed her hands by tucking them in her fur wrap. “You’d be surprised at the things I can handle.” He Replied, grinning wryly down at her. “You know ice is just frozen water after all when you think about.” He added to which she lightly snorted.

“Either way, I've got a suit. I won’t disappoint, though it is hard to improve upon perfection.” Niall answered emphasizing his point by grandiosely motioning at himself. She smiled, finding his vanity charming, especially since she, herself was vain as well. “How do you feel about velvet?” He asked seriously before continuing. “I've only been kicked out of a Winter Feast after party once. My first year, things got out of hand. Things were said
objects urinated upon. But I’m older, wiser
taller. You’ll have no problems with me. I swear it.” He said solemnly, placing a hand over his heart dramatically.

She raised her eyebrow curiously at the mention of velvet, she wasn't a big fan for the record, but hell if you could pull it off so be it. But bothe her eyebrows shot up at the mention of urinating and a small shudder snuck out.

She supposed he noticed her slight horror, because he changed the subject. “So, I suppose you’ll be sitting with the rest of the ice elementals at the feast?” Niall began in a roundabout way, awkwardly wrapping his arms around himself.”Because if you’re not, you know, we could sit together. Or not. It’s whatever; I mean the option is there.”

She was about to respond when he quickly changed the subject.“So are you headed to class? I could walk you there if you’d like.” Niall offered, again in a nervous manner.

She held her hand up to make him stop talking. "First off if your offering to be my date, offer accepted as long as you don't piss on anything. " She let out a mock over exaggerated shudder that time before looping her arm in his and adding "And for the record I would love it if you would walk me to class. " She made a fake stern face and added "As long as you let me get a word in before you change the subject."

She shook her hair a little as more snow settled in it and looked up at him. Which was pretty normal since even with her heels he still had a goodmfoot or two on her, "And don't let me make you nervous, I like the cocky you very much already,"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alanna Ascot Character Portrait: Lisa Blue Daniels Character Portrait: Tara Heart Character Portrait: Catarina Viello Character Portrait: Kara Gray Character Portrait: Lowell Livingston
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Lowell Livingston

Lowell was slightly taken by surprise when Alanna extended the invitation to meet up with them later. Smiling at the thought of becoming a social butterfly for the evening he nodded and agreed. “I’ll be there then, thanks.” He replied, his gaze lingering on Blue for longer than was probably necessary. He admitted to himself that he was quite attracted to the girl and any chance to spend more time around her was a blessing in disguise.

As the small group began to break up he gathered his things, tucked his notebook into the pocket of his coat and saluted those who remained. “See you lovely ladies later, math calls.” Lowell said to Blue before he tossed the remains of his breakfast in the trash and stacked his tray along with the others. Bundling himself back up he placed his hat back on top of his thoroughly tousled head and once again braved the cold.

He watched as students in groups or pairs made their way along the snowy sidewalks to the building which held their classes. He himself was on his way to math, not to as a student but as a teacher’s assistant. Ms. Heart had asked Lowell to help her out with her high school classes seeing as how he was quite the mathematician and it was his major after all. He didn’t figure that he’d probably go into teaching, he’d much rather be a statician, but those kind of jobs didn’t just pop out of nowhere. Especially when you were only twenty-one years old and had no sort of work history, so as a fall back he decided why not see what it takes to be a teacher or a professor.

Funnily enough he actually found himself liking it. Helping someone understand a formula, or how something works was amazing. The look on a person’s face when they finally got it was completely worth it. Pushing open the door of the classroom he walked inside and immediately began to take off his outer layers. If it was freezing outside it was more than warm enough in the classroom. Looking around he noticed the absence of Ms. Heart and wondered what he would do if kids started showing up and she didn’t. While he liked helping out he wasn’t exactly qualified.

Niall Turlough

Niall couldn’t help the grin spreading across his face as Caterina lopped her arm through his and very matter of factly asked him if he was asking her on a date. The young Irish man was thoroughly intrigued by her direct manner and was even more pleased by the fact that she apparently liked his brash personality. Now that he knew she wasn’t the kind of girl you had to hide your personality with it would definitely make things a lot smoother.

“It’s a date then, shall I pick you up from your hallway. I promise I’ll not piss on anything or anyone or piss anyone off for that matter. Well I’ll do my best on that last one, don’t make promises you can’t keep right?” He replied playfully, as he began to escort her to her class. He had a free study period currently and there wasn’t anyone to mark him tardy so it wouldn’t matter if he was running a bit behind or not.

Looking down at the very lovely girl on his arm his mind wandered to the feast later that evening and even better than that, the after party. Not to mention he actually had a date this time. Niall usually went stag and hooked up with girls at the after party after everyone was nice and wasted including himself which was fine but this year had the makings to be quite epic.

Tossing his head back and laughing at the fact Cat was a fan of his so called cocky attitude, he ran a free hand through his snow dampened curly hair. He’d refrained from absorbing any more water knowing that if he did he’d be stuck in a bathroom at the urinal the rest of the day and he’d just promised about the whole pissing thing besides.

“Me, nervous? Ha. I laugh in the face of nerves. Either way, no worries, Love. I couldn’t stop being a cocky asshole if I tried and I have tried. It was quite painful.” Niall finished, his blue eyes dancing as he let Caterina try and get a word in edgewise. She had no idea what she was getting herself into and he’d be more than happy to show her.