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Pravus the Grave Tender

"I shall bury them all. When you die you too will be buried."

0 · 1,882 views · located in The Lands of Galderia

a character in “Adventures in Galderia”, as played by Zalgo


Name: Pravus the Grave Tender of Sed

Age: 42 at Death, 1024 current.

Place of Birth: Sed, a city within the great empire of Tiatha

An appropriately somber mood and dreary attitude to suite a member of the living dead. Pravus does not like to talk a lot but he is not expert at hiding his disdain towards almost everyone. In a way his mask actually makes him more approachable as anyone talking to him without it could immediately see the resentment painted clearly across his face. Given his undead state he has had very little to be happy about and is pretty much always wearing a frown.

If anyone ever manages to get him to warm up to them then they would see a strange fellow indeed. His respect for the dead and people's ancestors is great and he would go to great lengths to appease a spirit should one be disturbed from it's afterlife. He looks down with great disgust upon the mutilation and defiling of corpses. This level of kin-hood didn't begin at reanimation either, he's been this kind of person from childhood. Around undead like himself he is polite and has quite a kind and charitable soul to his fellow unliving ladies and gentlemen. To a true friend he can be similarly kind but he has a large round zero on his list of closest friends indicating just how many he's made.

When put to challenge he has the character of a mountain. He can be calm and calculating, carefully planning his way to his goal when a solution needs to be had. When a moment requires action he persists with a precise and steady onslaught, his mind still ever processing for more solutions while he presses on. His will is strong like a mountain, refusing to yield no matter how hard he is pushed. He may come up with better tactics to better suit his situation but never has the day where Pravus refused to do something he knows is right because it wasn't easy been seen.

Ultimately he simply wishes to perform his duty in peace. He has accepted that his role in life was to tend to the needs of the dead, making sure people do not suffer after death. He does not seek the company of the living but is not against cooperation for everyone's betterment.

The first thing anyone would notice about him is his plague doctor's uniform, not that anyone would see anything else underneath this thorough getup. Clad in a brown full circle cloak his most notable feature is the mask. A long curved brown cloth mask with two armored glass eyes. Atop his head sits a wide brimmed brown hat that looks like it was put together like a quilt, all pieced together from several parts of other hats.

Underneath this uniform lies a rather grim sight. He is dressed in a black baggy shirt which has seen better days worn underneath a suit of plated chain mail. He is almost always wearing long black leather gloves and high rimmed black leather boots which are caked in mud and well worn from the countless hours they've been walked in. Around his neck he wears a thin grey scarf which has seen better days.

Pravus's own face is could give the grim reaper something to compare his own to. He's got medium length pitch black disheveled hair and dark brown eyes that almost look black from a distance. His skin is a cold, lifeless grey color, small cuts and scraps still present from past confrontations with the other living dead resident's of Sed. He stands at about 5'5" and weights around 198 pounds.

Spoken Languages: His native tongue is Sedian though in his time serving in the Tiathan army he has picked up a smattering of Ru'ulian.

Theme Song: The World - Yuki Kajiura

[Combat Section]

His weapon is a specialized shovel handed down through the family on his father's side. This five foot long shovel is designed to be able to cut through rocks and especially tough dirt with ease. The region this shovel herald's from is mountainous and very rocky. There is very little dirt that doesn't lead about a foot or two down simply to rest atop buried boulders in it's homeland. With the advanced metallurgy and technology of the Tiathan empire this shovel could, supposing if it's wielder were both strong and patient enough, Cut a mountain's worth of rocks down until there lay nothing but a pile of pebbles and chips before it's edges would begin to dull.

Powers: Firstly he is a member of the living dead. His power's mostly derive from this mysterious state he's been left in. He lacks the need to eat, drink, sleep or breath and he never tires no matter how hard he exerts his body. He cannot get sick and poisons are useless against him. If he is damaged he does not heal the wound naturally nor does healing magic heal him. He can instead put himself back together again from any lost pieces or body parts from himself or other dead bodies.

Secondly he can see and interact with ghosts and other intangible beings that normal life forms cannot perceive.

Technology: The society he is from possesses a very advanced pseudo-magical state of technology. Despite having access to an advanced state of mechanical engineering they were at about a renaissance stage of medical science and computers are basically non-existent to them. In addition they utilize a variety of magical metals, the most commonly used being orichalcum which they use as wires to transmit magical energy to their various techno-magical devices. They used to wield an advanced array of alchemical knowledge and some of the finest magic universities in the realm called Tiatha home.

The last and most prominent invention of the great empire was the Empowerment Gem. The Empowerment gem could grant a nearly endless multitude of qualities to any structure, device or item it is socketed in. Furthermore these gems could grant these qualities to the wielder of said items they were socketed in, capable of transforming even a lowly peasant into a mythical hero of both might and magical prowess. These improvement's would only last so long as the gem remained socketed to the item and the item on it's user's person. Actual skills could be learned while using the skill gems but once removed the vast well of information disappears, leaving a person with only what he or she experienced while using it.

It was the ease with which these Empowerment Gems could be removed and replaced with other gems that made them so widely used. The wealthy would carry dimensional pockets loaded with piles of these gems, adorned head to toe with various types of jewelry which they would gem depending on the circumstance. If they wanted to cast magic they would deck themselves out with Empowerment Gems granting them the needed magical essence and many life times worth of magical knowledge in an instant. If one was cooking he or she could pop in a set of Empowerment gems gifting it's user with a natural talent for cooking and an extensive knowledge of every single culinary food item known to the empire. For combat, Empowerment gems to grant oneself the spirit and strength of a warrior as well as a mastery of all weapons. If anything was possible for someone to do, there was a gem that could do it. Very few people actually knew how these gems were made. They weren't telling anyone back then and they are most certainly not telling anyone now. The process of creating the Empowerment Gems was a very closely guarded secret.

Pravus has used Empowerment gems in the past but at the point of crossing the gate he possesses none.


- Pravus has served in the Tiathan military for twenty years as a front row spear man. This has made him a veteran when it comes to combat.

- Pravus knows a great deal about human anatomy and disease given how much of it he has seen working as a mortician.

- Pravus possesses a fair knowledge of chemistry. He learned much about which chemicals he was working with when preparing bodies for burial.

- Pravus has learned various burial rights as a result of all the funerals he has attended. He has had a long time to practice them in his service in undeath.


- Pravus can be a quick learner.


Father: Gravitius the Grave Tender of Sed

Mother: Vitalis of Sed

Connections and Affiliations: The Imperial Army.


Pravus was born into a family who's family business was preparing bodies for burial, burying them and tending to the graves forever after. It was his father's profession, his father's father's profession and every father of his family for many generations. It was expected that Pravus become a Grave Tender as well when he becomes old enough to. Every day his father taught him the trade, preparing him for the time when he would pass the family shovel down to him. Interesting thing about Pravus was that he was gifted. He could see ghosts as well as other spirits lingering in the material plane. His whole family thought him strange for talking to seemingly nothing most of the time. Instead of socializing and having fun like the rest of the kids he would go out into the graveyards and converse with the dead, fascinated by the tales they had to tell.

Now this may all point to how he'd be ideal for becoming a Grave Tender but it all lead to him looking out towards a very different path. Out of all the dead he listened to, the ones with the most fascinating were the ones of soldiers out in the fields of battle. He always wanted to see a battle from their point of view. Him and his father had many heated arguments over the matter. Pravus was determined to be a soldier but his father was adamant about him becoming a Grave Tender. When he was twelve years old, old enough to join the army, on one fateful evening Pravus and his father had one of their more unpleasant arguments. The last words he had shouted at his father were "I'm leaving this accursed household forever! May your health falter in the years to come!". He left his home and ran off to the recruitment center in Sed that night. After signing some forms they directed him to the Traveling Stone and he was instantly ported thousands of miles away to a Tiathan military barracks.


There he trained hard both physically and mentally. He took rather quickly to the information they had to offer, quickly climbing to become one of the top students of his class. He was honed until he became the ideal soldier. After successfully passing his training course he was assigned to be the one of the foremost spear men of his legion. Of course most of the soldiers in his legion were all new to true combat, just like him, so they were picked less over the veteran legions. Eventually after proving their mettle in some skirmishes his legion was assigned to a general who was promoted rather recently but showed promise. General Atus took the legion to the snowy wilderness's to the north where the barbarian kingdom of Ru'ul stood and promptly invaded it.

The employment period of a soldier in the Tiathan army was twenty years, no more, no less. During that period each soldier receives a monthly salary as well as having the costs for eating and equipping covered by the imperial taxes. Pravus spent pretty much that entire time fighting in the cold northern woods of Ru'ul. Walking fifty miles on a typical day, more if haste was needed and constantly cutting down trees to make temporary fortifications for each night. Pravus fought seemingly endless hordes of wild men wielding primitive weapons and bolstered by druidic magic. Some of the Ru'ulian armies would call upon all sorts of tamed beasts, from worgs and war bears to mammoths and dragons.

His legion's odds were stacked against them but they had something to even the playing field: Some of the first Empowerment Gems. The reason this new general was given these rather green troops was because he would be the first to test what was a completely new magical invention. Each of them had been equipped with several prototype combat Empowerment Gems to see how they would function in combat. They worked brilliantly, giving General Atus and his men strategic victory after victory, crushing the forces of Ru'ul under heel as his forces conquered the lands in the name of their glorious empire. In these twenty years the Empowerment gems would become universally used throughout the Tiathan army before getting the green light to be released for civilian use.

Twenty long years Pravus fought, using the Empowerment Gems they gave him. In some ways he had become somewhat bitter, disappointed that all his greatest victories were won using the knowledge and power granted to him by special gems rather than by his own skill. He never got to know just how good he truly was at fighting in all the battles they fought. Though disappointed as he was Pravus was not totally disenchanted with the whole experience. He was still happy to have seen so many odd sights and unfamiliar settings. He was thankful for the memories of getting to do battle with strange and unusual monsters and witnessing the effects of foreign magical practitioners. The wealth of loot they plundered from these villages made him quite rich indeed. Now that his term of service was over Pravus could retire with the cash he collected over the years. He couldn't keep the Empowerment Gems because they technically belonged to the military but he wasn't so attached to them anyways. He decided he would return back to his home city. He was homesick and though he had plenty of bad memories from there he also had many good ones. The nostalgic sight of his city would be a welcome sight indeed He thought. Oh, how things had changed.


He returned home greeted by a lonely widow. His sisters had all gone off and started their own careers and some had even gotten married. The only person left to look after his childhood home was his mother. His father had died of a painful illness of the lungs about five years back. This news hurt Pravus down to his very core. In a way he felt it all his fault as he had wished this upon his father so long ago. His anger towards his father that he felt on the day he left had whittled away as he grew more mature while serving the legion. He regretted what he had said that faithful day. It tormented him in his dreams and in every thought of every waking hour. He spent several days mourning his fathers death, the guilt refusing to leave him. In the end there was only one way he could possibly stem the guilt. He went and took up his fathers shovel. He became the Grave Tender his father always wanted him to be, continuing the family tradition.

The city of Sed had changed greatly as well since his absence. Empowerment Gems had become the height of fashion, everyone trying to get their hands on whatever gems they can for the sake of having one. They were both a tool and a fashion commodity now, something he never really got. Then again, being a Grave Tender meant he wasn't expected to be seen in public much anyways. Almost no one wanted the title of "Grave Tender's friend". Of course, they all might of fared better had they been his friend when the sickness came.

Pravus was the only person who saw it coming. A black cloud was rapidly traveling towards Sed. By the time he saw what it really was it was too late. The black cloud was in fact millions upon millions of dark spirits, their twisted black skeletal forms howling curses towards everyone. He tried to warn them. He told everyone to flee the city as fast as he could but no one believed him. No one could see the cloud he was seeing and simply believed him to be deranged. Pravus could only take cover as it swept through the city, infecting everyone with a deadly plague overnight. It devastated the city, the whole populace was in a massive panic. Pandemonium swept through the streets, people were looting stores and running for the Traveling Stones. It was to many a victim's dismay when they arrived only to find every other city in the exact same state. The whole empire of Tiatha was suddenly struck by this devastating illness. All the plants and wildlife were dying as were the people. Interestingly though the spirits seemed particularly drawn to those who carried Empowerment Gems on them. Pravus had no gems on him so on the night the disease hit he was passed over by the howling dark spirits virulent touch.

As the disease progressed all the streets and buildings were homes to literal piles of corpses. It became nearly impossible to walk through the city without stepping on an infected body. Pravus and a few other people who had stronger immune systems banded together to do something about the rampant amounts of death and infection in the streets. The small few who were still healthy enough built him a suit that would allow him to go gather bodies and perform the proper burial rights for them. It was Pravus's vigil and he would carry it out, even if it meant burying every single member of this entire city. He put on his plague suit and accompanied by the few noble souls who remained to aid their city he gathered bodies in a large wagon, taking large stacks of bodies from the streets and burying them in mass graves before saying the appropriate funeral rights for this situation. Interesting note is that there was a funeral right written specifically for people who died from a large plague and had to be buried in a mass grave. One of his followers would carry a bell, ringing it loud and clear while announcing for everyone to "Bring out your dead!" to everyone who was still alive so that they could bring out the bodies for them to take.

For the months to come Pravus worked hard burying all those who had died to the dark spirits touch. Many of his assistants died from becoming infected after handling some of the bodies. No matter how cautious they all were when handling the dead it was impossible to avoid infection for too long. He buried his treasured helpers in single marked graves, a way for him to honor them for their service by allowing them to be remembered and putting their souls to rest. Pravus never once doubted his duty, even when he had to bury his sisters and finally his poor widow of a mother. He bore the sorrow for that was his purpose in life. His selfishness had cost his father his life. He would not betray the duty of a Grave Tender and forsake his only way to serve penance for what he had done. He continued to bury the dead, even when he was the only one left alive to do it.

As winter came even Pravus himself eventually became ill with the infection. Even as protected as he was from it, not even he was exempt from the all consuming plague. Even as his health began to fail he continued to bury Sed's dead and say their prayers. Eventually he became so ill that he could no longer physically walk. When it became obvious that his end had come he decided he needed to accept one last responsibility. He managed to crawl his way up the graveyard until he came up to a hill with a small dead tree on top. He sat himself against the tree and watched the sun set across a graveyard that stretched farther than the eye could see. He could feel a sorrow greater than anyone in the history of Tiatha ever could. He felt the sorrow of having been chosen to witness the death of all life in the whole empire of Tiatha, possibly the world. As the sun set, Pravus passed into the night.

of course, this story doesn't end here.

Pravus awoke. He doesn't know how or why but he was suddenly awake. At first he thought he was alive but that cheerful thought soon passed as soon as he observed that he couldn't feel any warmth. His blood no longer pumped through his veins, he felt no pain, no hunger, no need to breath, almost nothing at all. He realized what he had become. He was now a member of the living dead. But why? He pondered before he was stunned to see what stretched out before him. There were rows of colossal headstones so numerous these rows extended beyond what his eyes could see. Upon each of these headstones was the name of every single person who lived in the empire of Tiatha. The names were all etched out in the basic Tiathan alphabet. Who could of done this? Why did they bring me back? How much time has passed since I died? He wondered, questions now clogging his brain. With a sigh he resigned all the questions he had to simply sit unanswered for now. After all, he had a duty to uphold. There were still many bodies in the city that had yet to be buried so he got back to work. In the dead empire of Tiatha in the rotting city of Sed Pravus worked to make sure the dead were all properly respected, his eternal vigil.

At least, for a while...

So begins...

Pravus the Grave Tender's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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#, as written by Zalgo

He tried to keep track of her movements but as she jumped up onto a crossbeam the rim of his hat blocked his upward line of sight causing him to lose sight of her. Before he could reacquire sight of her an arrow pierced through his hat and imbedded itself right next to his left foot. It seems she wasn't as unequipped as I had assumed.

As he was about to look up to where the arrow came from a snake grew to great size inside the room. There was little time to think as the snake was prepared to strike so he reached back and grabbed his shovel, bringing it forward in preparation to fight this enchanted beast. He had dealt with enchanted animals before but at the time he was in possession of fine tools of war, all socketed with warrior gems which granted him unparalleled skill in spear fighting. His skills were so enhanced by the gems that he once had put his spear through the eye of a swooping drakin, a lesser species closely related to dragons but smaller and far easier to tame, piercing through the back of it's skull sending it toppling down.

Of course before they could engage the small fae looking person had obviously cast a spell over them. He lost the desire to fight anymore, looking forward to being done with this nonsense more than anything else at the moment. Once his opponent ceased her assault on him he simply set his shovel back up on his shoulder while he examined the hole she had made in his hat. She spoke to the others and the kid from earlier spoke some and then she spoke again and then it seemed everyone was making their way out. He was not keen on lingering inside a jail seeing as how he had a duty to fulfill elsewhere and these people were keeping him from it so he followed the assembly out from the prison on his own initiative.

As they left the jail the group was stopped once more by a large half-breed accompanied by the captain. Many telling details of the man gave away his heritage to him. The sight of the partly demon man clad in armor like so wasn't much of a surprise to him. Tiatha extended the right to citizenship to any city who surrendered to the empire so long as they agreed to obey certain rules which maintained peace throughout and payed an extra tax for the first five years of their membership in the empire. There were quite a number of half-breed's who lived as ordinary citizens even in Sed, though their numbers were far fewer than the number of humans there. There were also many more who were kept as slaves. The empire wasn't very picky about who they took as slaves. The only people the guards protected from being taken as slaves were citizens who payed their taxes. Everyone else was free game for slavers.

It seemed that Pravus's rather laisserfaire attitude towards the looming armored character was not shared by the others though as the kid was brought to boil by his mere presence. The half breed was also agitated and it almost seemed as though conflict was inevitable until the captain and the golden haired armored man spoke, their words seemingly calming the lot of them.

Some of them joined to do good and help the people, some for more self centered purposes. Pravus on the other hand didn't even know he was on a quest to slay anything other than the occasional undead who's soul needs liberating. Currently the group was heading a large castle, a hard to miss fixture in the center of town which looked large and protective. The castle could not even compare to the architectures which call Tiatha home in any way. It seems this society is quite primitive indeed. He couldn't help but wonder just where he even was. 'Londe' Was about as close to an answer as he'd received since he arrived but that was hardly informative.

Did the castle hold anything that could possibly help him figure that? There was only one way to figure that out. He silently followed the group like he was it's shadow, saying nothing and doing nothing but still there. He hoped that once he was in there he'd be able to find anything that could solve his current problems.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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#, as written by Wake
Bliston sighed in annoyance. Well, so far this wasn't the most charming of prospects. But he had made the time to come this far so it wouldn't do to back out on this job already just because of a few grievances on the initial outset. He had be able to make do with less, and hopefully this lot would prove more competent than the impressions given.

He looked down over at the green haired new comer. She looked... small. And frail. Truthfully he thought her the least likely to be of any use. The gnome at least, by virtue of what he knew of them, might posses some magical talent and be potentially old enough to have experience in it. But he had yet to see anything of this child that spoke of the same. In his eyes she reeked of untested mettle.

"It might not be my place to say," Bliston said to her as he started to walk past her. "But you should go home girl. This venture is going to be too dangerous for the likes of children." He briefly directed a stare at the back of the farm boy, but made no other attempt to make that sound outwardly accusing. Simply, he was stating his thoughts on the matter and nothing more as he strode away.

He walked a little ways a head the group at large, already capable of seeing the castle in the distance and finding himself able to navigate his way there on his own. He was going to need to visit the palace anyways in order to iron out the details for this contract and see exactly what it was that he was getting into.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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Lara joined the group and smiled to Kamlin as she said, "Thank you for letting me go with you. Honestly I've never been in a fight, but I have training and my services as a healer will be more valuable. Actually, the sight of blood makes me dizzy, but this journey will change that I'm sure."

As she walked with the group she kept a distance from Bliston. This was the first time Lara had seen a Daemon before. The stories she had heard of them made Lara uneasy, but she fought to keep a strong demeanor in Bliston's presence. She walked close to Kamlin and dangled her hand against the mace on her belt. As she walked her mind went to Iator and glanced in his direction a few times, but she couldn't help it. This was Lara's first time being in such odd company, Sylphine and her bird had also caught Lara's eye. Overall Lara enjoyed the company of her new comrades, but couldn't find the confidence to speak to any of them except Kamlin. He was a Guard Captain and that made her feel safe talking to him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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The Captain eyed the girl as she walked next to him. "You know, this is a dangerous quest. A dragon is no small beast and combat with it will likely be deadly. Are you sure you want to put yourself at that kind of risk?" He looked at the others, foolhardy, veterans, brave. Except for the younger members, this group looked combat worthy, the young priestess didn't really fit in at all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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Day 1

The daemon's comment made the girl bristle slightly, but she forced herself to keep a calm face. "I appreciate your concern, sir," she replied, doing her best to kill any sarcasm in her voice, "but I assure you, I...we won't be a burden upon you at all. I very well might be the youngest person here, and my body might look frail, but I'm still useful. My partner and I can pull our own weight." A bit belatedly, she realized that the daemon was already walking away. "Wait, are you even listening t-ugh, he's already too far away."

Great. Next you'll be talking about how you can take the dragon on solo, Pirika thought, rolling her eyes.

You know, it's times like this that I wish I could just mute you out whenever I pleased. The girl turned to the guard, still keeping her voice as respectful as possible. "And I'm aware how dangerous the dragon could be, sir. But I'm still willing to take the risk. And finally, this most likely sounds cliche, pointless, and exaggerated, but...I want to do this for-" Here she gestured at herself and the bird on her shoulder. "-our very existences as tamer and familiar."

The green-haired maiden didn't think anyone would believe it if she tried to elaborate why their "existences" depended on this journey, especially because her reasoning was still based completely on her own intuition. So instead, she just finished, "I think I've gotten across everything I can convey with words. Do you still want anything else from me?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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The Paladin listened closely to the girl's reasons for wanting to join this quest. Taethion supposes those reasons make some sort of sense, but the girl seemed unsure herself as to why she wishes to do this. Although her final reason had the most resonance within the Paladin's mind, as he could relate. She wants to test herself and become stronger, which was something he strived to do himself when he was young. He recalled his many training sessions with Grandfather Quincy, and often he would pester him for a true test of his skill. More than not, he would deny him, saying that seeking conflict where there is none is foolish. Still, he can expect her bravery for volunteering, most people wouldn't waste their time doing even that. Then Bliston appeared and spoke his thoughts on the matter. As much he didn't want to admit it, he was correct, and Taethion felt similar.

This quest will be absolutely perilous and everyone here might not survive it...including him. Yet the Green-Haired Girl surprised him with her determination as Bliston's words didn't seem to deter her. This brought a small smile to Taethion's face but was it really his place to allow her on this quest? Well, it seems the King is accepting just about anyone to kill this Dragon, a sign of desperate times to be sure. It seems she has finished speaking her piece, and while Taethion in not sure about what she can do to help, it would seem she is alluding to some hidden power. "I am impressed that you held your ground against Bliston, most people would have been easily intimidated by him." "Maybe you are brave enough to face what we face, although I am not sure if I could recruit you, but I suppose that doesn't matter, considering the Kingdom is accepting any and all volunteers." "In the end it is your decision and while I believe it may not be wise, I will not object to it and will welcome you to the party." Taethion finished speaking on the matter. He wasn't sure quite what he was saying but something about the girl's words made him hopeful. Yet, he would keep a watchful eye on her, after all Paladins are there to help.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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"This is the farthest I've been from home and yes I'm scared, but no matter the risk, I have to do this for my order." Lara said as her smile faded.

"My order has given me a list of locations that they want me to stop at along the way and places where we may stay with meals included. If we happen to pass through any of these towns or villages I will let the group know. I may not be a veteran warrior, but I can still make a difference."

Lara waited for the Captain's response, but continued walking with the group. She had been successful in showing no fear over fighting the dragon so far, now she grew quiet and held tightly to her mace.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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They arrived in the Castle proper and were left to their own devices for an hour or two whilst Kam saw to their supplies. Those that had the need were welcome to feast in the dining hall while anyone else was able to see to their affairs around the town. Kam made sure that there were enough horses for those who would ride, getting a pony for the gnome and no steed at all for Bliston. When the wagon had been partially filled with rations, bedrolls, and standard adventuring tools, Kamlin returned and gathered the party.

"I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your willingness to join this quest. This dragon's attack has been one of the worst disasters in all of Londe's history. Your bravery in taking on this mythical beast is the stuff of legends. I wish you all good fortune and many victories. Your first destination is the Fortress Town of Andril, to the east. They have recently been attacked and may be able to give you clues as to where the dragon's lair may be."

With that, Kamlin provided them with their steeds and the wagon and bid them farewell.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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Day 1

Hearing the paladin's compliments, the girl giggled softly and brushed aside one lock of her green hair. "What can I say? Maybe I'm such a ditz that I can't be intimidated by even a daemon. Anyway...looking at things, I guess there are no objections with me coming along." She bowed slightly, from the waist. "Thank you. I'm looking forward to this journey."

I'm not, Pirika retorted, prompting an annoyed look from her tamer. Ah well, you know what, you're being led to the castle; you enjoy yourself there. I'll come back once you're ready to leave. The flight may cheer me up a bit. With that, the green-feathered bird flew off, into the sky above them.

Once in the castle, the newly formed band of warriors was treated to a feast...which went rather awkwardly for the emerald-haired maiden, because she never had eaten in elaborate setting...before. She tried her best to not look out of place, but failed miserably. Needless to say, she was very glad once she had the opportunity to leave the table.

After the feast, they were provided with horses and a wagon for supplies. With only one long stare at the horse intended for her (that stare was actually a mental conversation between the two, but no one else knew that), the girl turned to the stable's keeper and shook her head. "I'm sorry...I'm afraid I have to refuse. As bizarre as it sounds...I really have no idea how to ride this!" She couldn't help but give an embarrassed giggle as the horse was taken away.

On their way out of Beystead, Pirika returned and landed on the girl's shoulder. Wha...? You don't have a horse, unlike them? she inquired, looking amused. I didn't think you'd give up trying to learn how to ride it that quickly.

...the horse I was getting had a really bad attitude, the girl explained, looking away. Since I don't know how to ride one anyway, I'd much rather walk...or fly...than ride that particular one. And I was too afraid to ask for a spare.

If her face could be so expressive, the bird would have been smirking. Bad attitude, huh? Going by our conversations with each other, that's one thing you two have in common.

...please just shut up now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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#, as written by Wake
While everyone else was busy getting their things in order, Bliston was finishing up his affairs. Namely, filling out the details of his employment, the terms of payment, and finalizing it via the signing of a hand written contract. Said contract was copied thrice, one returned to the court, another to be carried by Bliston, and a third sent to be stored in a bank account that Bliston had in another country. The official left to take care of this process was exhausted by the time they were finished, and wondering why the mercenary was going to such lengths for documentation. Bliston didn't bother to tell him that he had been burned on his dealings before and learned to always make doubly sure to have written proof to avoid having people skimp him on payment. For that reason he took his paperwork very seriously.

Once that was finished he finally went to join the feast which had already gotten a good bit underway by the time he arrived. He didn't say much during the course of it, mostly only speaking when directly addressed and responding largely in one sentence replies, but he did show a surprising amount of table manners, even if he did drink the most ale.

When the food was finished and the supplies were stocked up, Bliston took to waiting by the wagon until it was time to leave. Bliston was the only one who didn't receive a horse, at his request. He already weighed a lot more than what the stranded horse could carry for an extended period of time. That and they generally didn't take kindly to him, something about the way he smelled. Besides his legs were long enough to keep up with them in stride easy, centuries of walking everywhere already having built up more than enough stamina in him to keep pace.

He raised an brow at the grass head girl's refusal of horse of her own but didn't comment. He was still of the opinion that she should return home but he wouldn't push it. If she fell behind it would be on her. He wasn't going to pick her up and carrier if she started lagging.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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#, as written by Zalgo

He was brought into the castle, following the group through the gates. Once in a majority went down to what appeared to be a dining hall while others went about their business gathering materials and the likes from the castle he looked about on his own. whether be it servants, guards or even the other people from the jail the castle was fairly busy most of the time.

Making a turn down a hallway however he saw a fairly lonely hallway with stairs leading down. Seeing as how he was unfamiliar with the castle's layout he had no reason to not go down the stairs. Following the grey stone steps he made his way down. He started noticing that something was off about this passage as there were no windows and the torches were set farther apart, growing in distance as the tunnel continued down in a straight line. After some time he came up to an old wooden door, something which was more reminiscent of some of the older buildings he passed in this town.

When he opened the door that's when he knew there was some form of magic at work. The staircase continued downwards into the darkness while the walls and roof were absent, only darkness in their place. He contemplated turning back but something about the path seemed to draw him down it. He proceeded down the into dark before stopping a moment. He noticed a very unnerving detail about the stairs that were beyond the door. These stairs were all one solid piece of stone, a tell-tale sign of terramancy which was the preferred method of construction back in Tiatha.

Against better judgement he continued on his dark descent, going deeper into the depths of the darkness until the stairs ended. Standing on the broken ledge where the stairs no longer continue he looked forward into the pitch black abyss which consisted of the world around him at this point. From the darkness a shape began to emerge. It was though the fabric of the dark was forming a black skeletal hand. Once it was defined it reached back into the dark, it's hand dipping into the black. Out from the darkness emerged an amulet dangling by it's string from the index finger of the hand which fished this trinket out of the fluid like dark. It was a golden medallion with a design stamped into it which resembled a human mouth biting on a green empowerment gem which was set in a socket in the center. The medallion hung from a silver wire which connected to itself through an intricately designed clasp.

Pravus knew that the gems were an ill omen. During the great plague the dark spirits which spread the plague with their very touch seemed drawn to these gems. Without even thinking about it though his hand reached out, palm up and ready to receive it. Before he could consider what his body was doing the hand dropped the amulet into his grasp.

As though waking from a dream the world suddenly popped back into view. No longer was he standing in a staircase set in a void but in a wine cellar. He looked around slowly coming to the realization that he might of hallucinated that whole scene. Looking down he saw that in his hand he was still holding the amulet.

"Are you looking for something?" Before he could discard the jeweled trinket he heard the voice of a servant who had come down to fetch more wine for the meal which was in progress upstairs. It surprised him mainly because despite still being in Londean he could understand what she had said just fine. He turned to her, putting his hands in his pockets to hide his latest acquisition. "No." He simply replied as he moved past her, proceeding back up the stairs. When he was no longer in sight for the moment he brought the amulet back out, staring down at it through his mask's glass eyes. I do not know who gave this to me or why. It seems like bad luck just to have this on me. On the other hand without it I have very little ability to communicate with the people here. If I do not wish to end up like I did back in the jail I'll need this... It seems bad luck is the only luck I've got to work with. With that thought in mind he donned the amulet, concealing it underneath his armor. He didn't want to let anyone else see what he had since he couldn't trust anyone. Underneath his shirt, armor, cloak and mask the amulet was now impossible to see through normal means.

As he returned upstairs he retraced his steps until he was back near the castle's main entrance. He caught the tail end of what the captain was saying upon arrival. "-I wish you all good fortune and many victories. Your first destination is the Fortress Town of Andril, to the east. They have recently been attacked and may be able to give you clues as to where the dragon's lair may be." He wrapped up his speech, bidding them farewell.

There was a single horse which wasn't taken by anyone else there amongst the supplies they had gathered. He looked at the steed for a long hard minute and then turned towards the group, walking away from the animal. In his time in the military everyone but the commanders walked by foot, carrying their own supplies in backpacks as they would march for many miles in freezing blizzards or under a scorching sun. Pravus was well accustomed to walking everywhere and quite frankly he actually never learned how to ride a horse.

As he walked alongside the group while they left the safety of the city walls he never uttered a single word. Before it was because he didn't understand their language but now it was because he preferred to let them think he couldn't. What on earth did he mean by dragon's lair? What did I get myself into anyways? He wondered, keeping pace with the wagon well enough.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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0.00 INK

After the mess with Bliston had cleared up, he headed with the rest of the group to the castle for a feast. The feast was grand and well spread out with many different types of food and drink. Apparently the King was happy to have anyone brave enough to save his daughter, so much so they gave them horses and a wagon full of supplies. Of course Taethion requested his own horse to be fetched from the Common Stables. He told the servant to call out his name Herod, he would find him once he arrives at the stables. Soon the white horse with a golden-brown mane was brought to him. Taethion's smile returned once he saw his good friend and the horse seemed happy himself. Once he saddled up he saw the group of people he will be traveling with.

He attempted to get know some of them better during the feast, but in all honesty, only a few spoke anything for any great length of time. Some of his fellow travelers weren't quite the chatty types, and hopefully they will become more friendly and open over time. If they don't well then there was nothing that could have been done about that. He noticed a few of their group refused to accept their horses. Bliston, he supposes could understand why he wouldn't need one. The masked man, well he wasn't sure why he wouldn't take his. As for the girl with the green hair-whose name he had learned to be Sylphine- surprised him when she denied her horse. She seemed to be the kind of person who would do well with horses. Considering out of most of the people he would be traveling with, she was one of the ones who would speak with him. As long as they can keep up with the rest that decided to accept a horse, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Alright Captain Milner, thank you for all that you have done, and hopefully we may see each other again!" He spoke waving to the Captain of the Guard. "Alright Herod, lets go." He spoke to his horse as he patted the side of his neck and then tapped his heels against his body. The horse moved, albeit at a smooth pace. It would seem the great journey had begun.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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0.00 INK

Asha remained silent for the entirety of the feast, eating just barely enough to fill herself while Gale enjoyed the chatter while he could, picking out the most delicious meats and desserts while he could, knowing the coin he had left to spend would end up finding use in other provisions later along the road.


"...What are you doing?" Gale asked, watching with some amusement as Asha was gradually surrounded by horses, forming a misshapen circle that gave a fair margin of breathing space for her. She fed them one by one, gently stroking their manes down after doing so.

"Just giving them a little snack," she answered, picking one out of the horses that had gathered around her. "Looks like they still had an appetite and smelled food on me."

"Huh, I see..." he murmured. "You, uh, mind letting me take one of them, your horse-majesty?"

Asha only smiled, climbing onto the saddle and leaning slightly forward against her pick.

"Only if you ask nicely."

"Oh, is that how we're playing?" he grinned in turn, managing to pull one of the horses away from the herd with some difficulty. "Doesn't seem like this is the first time it's happened for you."

"I like animals," she shrugged. "I don't know, I suppose they like me as well."

"Yeah, I'm starting to see it," he grunted as he pulled himself up onto his horse. "You do kinda look like that type." He patted his horse on the side. "I shall name this noble steed 'Gale Junior.'"

"Really?" Asha laughed quietly. "Maybe you should."

"Maybe I'll give him a serious name once we've been together awhile."

"Her, you mean," she corrected.

"Oh, wouldn't you know?" he sighed, rolling his eyes. "Alright, let's hit the road."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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Lara sat quietly during the feast and watched her comrades. She looked around at the servants and the many faces in the room. She hadn't eaten much today, but saw nothing she craved on the table. She listened in on conversations and studied different people's body languages, but when her hunger grew stronger she couldn't sit still. Lara stood and excused herself from the table while quickly walking from the room. She went near the stables to get fresh air. As she stood in the sunlight she spotted a stable servant carrying tools. Lara followed him to the small shed behind the stable. He opened the door and Lara pushed the man inside and quickly closed the door behind her.

Lara didn't say anything while the stable master helped her tie her gear to the saddle. He watched her curiously and noticed her eyes brimming over with tears. He couldn't help but put his arm around her, she reminded him of his daughter. She pushed him away and started gagging.

"Are you alright lass?" He asked as he finished prepping her horse for the journey.

"I-I'm fine. Just...never been so far from home."

"Where are you fro-"

"I don't want to talk about it...I'm sorry, but I don't feel like taking to anyone right now..."

The man finished tying her gear and left her alone. Lara spat a dark red spittle to the hay covered floor and wept as quietly as she could. She crunched on a toothe that wasn't hers and forced herself to swallow it. Hearing voices of her approaching comrades, Lara wiped her eyes and forced a friendly smile. She led her horse outside and waited quietly for the rest of the group to arrive. When her comrades did arrive she stayed quiet and avoided eye contact with any of them. Her smile is all she could muster to show that she was alright.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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Day 1

It wasn't long before the group left Beystead, and set off on the path towards Andril. For her part, the emerald-haired girl was very glad she could finally take her hood off. If the others thought anything about her green hair, well, too bad. Pirika also ended falling asleep in a short time, and was huddled in the girl's arms.

Since it would be hard for her to keep up with horses on foot for very long with her short stature and poor muscle build, she instead let the wind pick her up so that she gently floated a few inches off the ground. Right now, she was hovering next to the paladin, whom she had talked with during the feast. His name was Taethion, and he was quite a nice man. His horse seemed very fond of him, too.

Of course, she still hadn't talked to the other members of this party, or even introduced herself to anyone else yet...maybe this was a good time to get a read on them. Turning her body around in midair, she floated backwards in a reclining pose so she could get a good look at what they were doing. Hopefully they didn't find her actions suspicious already.

The daemon and that...strange man in a mask had also refused to take horses. Looking at them, she figured the daemon probably couldn't use a horse without causing harm to it, simply because of his size and weight. The masked man, however...right now, she knew nothing at all about that man, but something just seemed off about him. It was as if he was giving off an unnatural aura, a foreboding one at that. She had never encountered anything like it before...Am I imagining things?

Shaking her head, she redirected her gaze to two of the people Pirika had spotted in the riot while she was outside Beystead--specifically, the lady with that sword of glowing runes and the shapeshifter. They were on good terms with each other, it seemed...but hadn't they been fighting earlier? Guess they made things up rather quickly.

The boy, the elf, and the dwarf hadn't really done anything which she could judge their characters based on.

That priestess, though...once again, something seemed off about her as well. The girl couldn't quite put her finger on why, but the priestess was just too suspicious. That holy woman's attitude towards this quest was absolutely wrong; she didn't seem to have nearly as much drive as any of the others. So what was the point of even coming? Was there an ulterior motive here...?

Quit letting your imagination go wild, the girl chided herself, and instead turned back to face forwards. "So," she started, trying to strike up another conversation with Taethion, "I'm a bit bold in asking this, but since I practically gave a sermon about mine, I'll ask anyway. What are your reasons for taking on the dragon?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ____
Adrian twitched slightly at Bliston's words, but left it at that. He finally calmed down to properly eat his meal, he didn't ate much, but it wasn't that little either. He would occasionally glance at Bliston as he just can't get his mind off him. Trying to start over again, he wanted to start a conversation with somebody, but it seemed that they all had things on their hands. He just watched the others for a while before getting up to go to the stable. He immediately picked a horse to be his steed and it was quite friendly. He pat the horse on its head before placing the saddle on it. He wasn't really the type to bring much during his travel and the food was already taken care of by the king. He was just about to leave when he saw Asha and Gale talking nearby. He listened for a while and it looked like they were quite close. He set off before they notice him.

On the road, he saw the two girls who just joined them out of the prison. One had a green hair that seemed out of the ordinary. "Is it dyed?" He thought. He later saw her took flight? "She could do that?" He commented in awe, but later took a look of the other girl. She was quite normal, perhaps too normal to be on a dangerous quest. "Is she gonna be alright?" He thought worriedly. Later he saw Taethion, he calmly handled the previous mess and Adrian saw him in respect. He saw the green haired girl approach him and started a conversation with him. He didn't let this stop him from talking to him and moved closer to him as well.

"Sir Taethion?" He tried to get his attention. "The way you handled the situation a while ago was very wonderful, but me on the other hand... Flipping out like that." He said with a forced chuckle. "How were you able to remain calm? I wouldn't have been able to hold back if he was insulting me." He asked him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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The gnome prepared his gear and readied himself for his travel. He spent a brief moment placing an altar to his god, Amenazor, outside the temple of Beystead. He made sure it was a respectable distance away from the other altars so as not to anger anyone. The simple stone tablet read "Amenazor: God of the Fae, Travel, Magic, and Knowledge."

Once he had finished the altar he went and collected his pony. The dapple grey was hard tempered and resisted the bridle, it was a simple matter of speaking to it with a spell and with a little charm thrown in, it let him ride it easily. He patted the pony on its neck. "Thank you, Siabar." He said with a smile.

Once they had gotten out on the road, Iator took the time to inspect each of the other members of the party with great interest. First he took in their physical aura, that which is seen by all eyes. He saw two distinct groups, those that were obviously warriors and those that must have something else. The warriors were mostly male, had much muscular definition, and both rode and walked with the confidence of lesser deities. The others were different, they were oddly colored, oddly dressed, they were almost all small and not very muscular and many seemed to lack confidence.

He then inspected their magical and spiritual auras. Iator took very little stock in these auras because they were so easily manipulated, but it was interesting to retrieve an insight as to how people wish to be seen.

Taethion, the paladin. His magical aura was weak and directed inward, he drew his power from a god and that was to be expected. His spiritual aura was like a warm summer glow, kindness flowed off of him like springs of fresh mountain water.

Gale, the shape-shifter. His magical aura was like looking at a man while drunk. He was in many places at once and not always in the form of a man. His spiritual aura was shifting almost as earnestly, it gave Iator a headache.

Adrian, the boy warrior. His magical aura offered insight into how he could be so strong. It was as if there were a monster, twice as big beneath the boy's skin. The boy's spiritual aura spoke volumes as well, hopes and ideals covering an anger that could not be held back forever.

Asha, the mystical swords-woman. Her magical aura was like strings tying her directly to her sword which shone with such brilliance that Iator had to blink to remove the spots from his eyes. Her spiritual aura was that of a black hole, sucking away all emotion or feeling into nothingness.

Bliston, the Scourge of many battlefields. His magical aura was scant if non-existent. It seemed as though he kept his power on the outside. His spiritual aura was less of a sight and more of a smell, like sulfur and decay.

Randionalia, assassin extraordinaire. She had a magical aura like a blanket of black ink, covering magic and making it useless. He spiritual aura was harder to read but she seemed to have a vehement hatred towards anything evil.

The emerald hedge wizard, he'd yet to get her name. He decided he would introduce himself, at least quickly, when she had finished talking to Taethion. Her magical aura had already been seen, and the fact that she was literally floating on air showed how much she complied with that element. Her spiritual aura was tied directly to that of her bird and hard to read the farther the two were apart.

The priestess, yet another of his party who's name he'd neglected to get. He wanted to get to know all of them but when he looked at her magical aura, he was shocked. It was like Gale's, constantly shifting but remaining like that of a human. Her spiritual aura was red like blood and mixed with remorse. He wanted to talk to her in private.

He sidled over towards the soldier with the shovel. His magical aura was odd, it held an ancient power unlike that he'd ever seen and the stench of death that lingered. His spiritual aura was that of honesty and loyalty. The man was an enigma to be sure. It would be rude of him not to introduce himself. And while the man probably did not know Londean very well, names shouldn't be too hard to understand. He pointed to himself. "Iator." Then he pointed towards the man.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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0.00 INK

Taethion was happy to be out on the road again, especially since he has something that needs to be done. As he rode, the green haired girl, appeared by his side and apparently in mid-air! "That's quite the impressive technique." Taethion spoke commenting on Sylphine's ability to levitate. She then asked him why he would go on and accept a quest that involves facing a dragon. He looked towards her and said with a smile, "Well, it's because it is my duty as a Paladin to assist those who are in need of help." "You see, my order, The Order of Saint's Illumination, have always dedicated it's members to teachings of Dedarius, Patron God of Saints and God of the Sun, Light and Illumination, and Life and Rebirth." "Their is a long list to his creed, but one section always spoke the clearest truth, and that was those with power should use that power to help those who could not do for themselves." "Ultimately power is not meant to advance oneself but to advance society as a whole into a peaceful future." Taethion spoke sort of looking between her and off in the distance.

"I could spend the day, preaching the tenements of Lord Dedarius, but then again I am no Priest." "Instead I chose the path that I believed would lead me to do the most good in life." Taethion spoke looking towards the girl, "So I believe facing this Dragon and rescuing the Princess will do the most good for this land; so was I successful in answering your curiosities, or did I fail miserably?" He then laughed at his last comment. Adrain strode up to his vacant side and then asked the paladin an entirely different question. He gave a smile and then bobbed his head, "Thank you, that was a very nice thing of you to say; as for how I managed to hold back my anger, well, truth is I nearly didn't." "You see, I was about every bit as enraged as you were, but...I remembered an old lesson taught to me. A wise man once said, their is a fine line between good meanings and good works." "You may have believed your anger was justified, but acting upon that anger never makes it justifiable. Anger leads to a path of sin, and the wise man said the world is filled enough of sin." Taethion finished. "I hope that was a satisfying answer as well!" He laughed once more, a bright, friendly laugh.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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0.00 INK

Lara watched the group quietly as she rode at the back. She listened to the Paladin's words and admired his bravery. She wondered if he knew of her order, but would ask him later when she wasn't feeling sick. She coughed to cover her gagging and spat into her hand. Seeing the red spittle on her palm and fingers she made a fist and held it to her mouth as she licked it clean as much as she could. Pulling out a small dark cloth she wiped the rest off and tucked it into her pocket. Lara turned her attention again to the group.

She had only listened to them and hardly spoken a word. Iator had been watching her, this she knew and made her uneasy. The others didn't seem to notice her very much she felt. There were glances in her direction, but understood she didn't look like she should be with them. Feeling her nausea fading she made an attempt to socialize with them.

She caught up with the group and rode up next to Iator. He made her uneasy, but she knew not to cast judgement on strangers before knowing them.

"Hi, my name is Lara. I've never seen a gnome before, What's your name?" She said with a friendly smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wake
Bliston was on the other side of the group from the paladin (Taethion was it) and was silent for the most part. He could tell the holy warrior and the boy were talking about him, they weren't very quiet about. He didn't bother to point out to them that he was still in ear shot. Bliston knew he probably was the least liked member of the party and honestly, he didn't care. The daemon mercenary wasn't here to make friends. He was here to make money. He didn't care much about the state of the lands, and he held secret doubts that the princess being held by the fire drake was still alive.

As they traveled away from the city gates and down the road and the day passed on, Bliston could feel a sensation of agitation gnawing at him. He briefly glanced down to something at his side and patted it, muttering something about 'being fed soon'. The restless feeling lessened a bit after that, but Bliston couldn't help but hope they got into some action soon. If he didn't spill some blood soon a bit of stir crazy might set in.