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Haylie Trevers

Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.

0 · 1,125 views · located in Aeonis Academy

a character in “Aeonis Academy for Demigods”, as played by aurban16



"Good things do not
come easy. The road is lined
with pitfalls."

Robert Delong | Long Way Down





Haylie Rosemary Trevers


Hails, Lee, Trev


June 14th












50% Romanian, 50% French






Haylie is a typically shy, ambitious, curious individual. She has never been the girl with a lot of friends or the girl gets with all the boys. In fact, she was usually the outsider at the public schools she used to attend. But it was a comfortable position for her to take, and she didn't mind the weird looks she got while walking through the halls or sitting alone in the cafeteria. She can be found in the library with her nose in a book or in the music room playing around on her drum set. She hates confrontation, and will avoid it at all costs. When she gets to know someone, Haylie can be super flirtatious and affectionate. She is touchy-feely towards those she feels comfortable with. And overall, she is almost always optimistic. She likes to look on the bright side of things, and see the glass as half full rather than half empty.

Haylie's first major encounter with music was in the second grade. Her music teacher selected her to play the flute for a class play. After one lesson, it was easy to see that her skills were far past the rest of her classmates. She was, in terms, a prodigy. She picked up the drums in the fourth grade, and hasn't stopped playing yet. She plays in Aeonis' school band. She also enjoys singing, dancing, and playing the guitar, piano, and bouzouki, a Greek instrument. She wishes to further her music career and play in an orchestra one day.


Nature, Music, Learning, Greece, Animals


America, Being Indoors, Kids and Babies, Meat, Being Told What To Do


Snakes, Aging, Enclosed Spaces, Death, Nightmares




Sophie Trevers-Ellery // Mother // Age 46 // Living
Manolo Ellery // Step-Father // Age 47 // Living
Willow Ellery // Half-Sister // Age 13 // Living
Amorie Ellery // Half-Sister // Age 3 // Living


Haylie's father, Apollo, tries to see her whenever possible. To do so, Haylie travels to Greece to visit with him. He pays for her visits since her mother refuses to do so. Sophie isn't a fan of these frequent visits, but she won't tell Haylie no. Manolo is also against them, but Haylie doesn't care about how he feels.


Sophie Trevers and Apollo met at the Temple of Hephaestus in Greece when Sophie was only 21 years old. She was on a vacation with her two roommates, and he was catching up with one of his many brothers. They bumped into each other in the parking lot of the Temple, and continued to "bump into each other" later that night, if you know what I mean. The next morning, the two went their separate ways like it never happened. Sophie ended up pregnant, and gave birth to an astonishingly beautiful baby girl nine months later. When the baby, named Haylie Rosemary, was two years old, her father came searching for her. He wasn't one to ignore his offspring, no matter how many of them there happen to be. He told Haylie that he would visit her whenever he could find the time, but that he was very busy controlling some of the universe.

Sophie met Manolo Ellery a year later, and they were married within two months. Manolo was lazy, to say the least. He and Sophie had two children, Willow and Amorie. He is a heavy drinker and smokes a lot of pot. He also was the reason why the family lives in a two-bedroom trailer in the shittiest trailer park in town. He does not have a job, so Sophie was, and still is, forced to work two jobs. Haylie maintains an okay relationship with her mother, but they are not close. She feels like a guardian over her two little sisters and tries to protect them from their father. She will do anything to make sure Sophie and the girls are safe.


She loves being able to play any and all music, especially drums.


Has been a vegetarian for five years.
Wants to attend a normal university and major in music.

So begins...

Haylie Trevers's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliette M. Kingsley Character Portrait: Amanda Cartwright Character Portrait: Dylan Ramirez Character Portrait: Jensen Adler Character Portrait: Haylie Trevers Character Portrait: Daniel Keisuke
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“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

Time : 6:50
Location : Her hiding spot in the forest
Outfit : [X]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ Lavender || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ Violet

"This was... not what I thought would happen." The young Brit told herself as she looked up at the thick branch she was caught on because of her small backpack. She looked at her watch and saw that it was still really early; 6:50. Meaning she had easily been hanging around for a good twenty five minutes from her favorite tree away from the academy. It was just like her to go disappearing in the middle of the night and since she didn't even fly anywhere, she was wide awake. Best part about rarely leaving the city, no jetlag like the others. Jules huffed as she tried to squirm to find a way up or to the trunk where she could just leave her backpack and get later and since just falling to her death or broken leg wasn't an option she kept looking for a way out. She just let herself hang for a second as she thought of a plan. She chuckled to herself as she bit her lip. She slid on arm out from the strap of her backpack and reached for the branch of the tree, when she got a hold on it she let out the air she was holding in and sighed in relief. "Piece of cake, not worried at all." She convinced herself as she pulled herself up onto the tree and sat down to get the hook of her bag off the branch. The blonde took a second as she looked at the view from where she was, just letting her feet dangle as she took a deep breath.

The only reason she looked away was because her alarm on her watch began to go off. Looking at the time, she squinted her eyes as she silently cursed to herself as she slid her backpack back on and started to make her way down from her little hiding place from the rest of the world. This time, making sure she didn't go too fast that she would get caught; 7:30. How time flew by so fast, she has no idea. All she knows is that she should probably start her journey back to the school before breakfast was over. When she hit the ground she grabbed the tan beanie she had dropped on the ground when she got caught while also picking up her circle rimmed glasses and sliding them on. Looking at the time once more she scoffed and started to walk back towards the trail she found herself walking off.

“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

Time : 8:00
Location : Aeonis Academy; her room
Outfit : [X]

Jules walked into her room, not seeing her roommate as she went to the bathroom to try to freshen up a bit just so she could get the smell of the outdoors off of her. She pulled off her hat to reveal the curly mane that was her hair. She didn't even try fixing it because there was no use. For years she had tried straightening it, with an iron and chemically but, it never stayed. She tried keeping it controlled with a ponytail holder which only snapped with how thick her hair was. She brushed her teeth once more, sprayed her jasmine perfume before walking out and towards her closet where she decided it was for the best that she changed all together that way she didn't look like she had had a rough morning. She rummaged through her drawers and tossed articles of clothing on her bed. She didn't really pay close attention to looking how perfectly they went together like most did and once she knew she had a shirt, pants, and shoes picked out she quickly changed from her navy hoodie and black jogging pants and into her new outfit.

Before she knew it she was sliding her hat back on to help and tame her hair and was back out the door, not taking long to observe herself in the mirror. As she walked through the corridors, she was about to slide in her headphones but, before she did she caught a group of sophomore girls speaking about a 'special guest' the academy was having at 9:30. Juliette raised an eyebrow and she spoke to herself. "Special guest? Now I wanna know who it is." She huffed as she finally put in her headphones and started her 'Morning Adventure' playlist, one that was filled with songs to keep her awake and ready for the day. The girl somewhat skipped through the halls and outside as she looked through her phone and decided to text Daniel, Haylie, Jensen to see if any of them were already eating so she wouldn't have to sit alone out in the common area as she waited for one of her friends to come by.

To : Hails (Haylie) and Dannyboy

"Hey guys, are you in the cafeteria already? If so, let me know. I don't want to sit alone like some loner. :(

To : Jensen

"Hey loverboy, are you and Mandy in the cafeteria? I need some friends and I missed being the third wheel over the summer with the two of you.

She put her phone in her pocket as she continued on her way to get some food after such an interesting morning. For the most part she kept to herself with the except of smiling and saying 'hello' to a few people who had smiled and waved towards her. They never asked how her summer was seeing how she spent most, if not all of it on the island. And this year was no different, sure her father took her to California for a day and a half but, soon after she returned to her home, not that she minded. It had a lot of places to explore and it was much easier to do when you didn't have several students thinking that you were just a crazy, childish girl.

She found herself in the cafeteria, looking around for anyone that she could sit with and have a real conversation with. Sure, she saw Daniel's best friend, Haylie's ex, and Juliette's crush, Dylan Ramirez sitting with Hayden Cenix. Sure, she knew them by name but, that was it. Other then the fact that they were both really attractive, they were Danny's friends honestly not her's. So, instead of sitting and waiting around, she found herself at the buffet probably grabbing more food than most people thought she could eat. Still looking like a lost little girl as she looked around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliette M. Kingsley Character Portrait: Dylan Ramirez Character Portrait: Haylie Trevers Character Portrait: Daniel Keisuke Character Portrait: Hayden Cenix
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X || Outfit || X

9:14 am, Day One, Aeonis Academy - Dining Hall

Dylan looked up from his phone for a few seconds and Juliette walked in, he couldn't help but smile a bit, he quickly looked back at his phone and texted Danny and Haylie as he quickly said a sentence to Hayden, "Nevermind, I dunno your name, I have something that I need to do."

To Dan The Man and Hails: Gonna talk to Julie, if I can't make her fall in love with me or friendly acquaintances, at the least, jump in and try to help me. All new school year = all new life goals. xD

He got up from his chair and put his phone in to his pocket and walked over to where Juliette was standing at the buffet, "Uh... um... hi, Juliette," He waved, face-palming on the inside, 'You're the biggest idiot ever, Dylan.' That's all that was running through his mind, but it couldn't be that bad, right? "I'm Dylan.... son of Athena. You've probably never heard of me... I'm Danny's friend... You're his half-sister, right?..." He knew everything about her but he was trying to stay as chilled out and as calm as possible and act like he didn't know a lot about her, he wasn't sure if it was working.