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'Dear old dad made a real shit outta this didn't he?'

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a character in “Aeonis Academy for Demigods”, as played by afreerobin


'So if I'm part God does that mean I can smite people? Cause that'd be awesome.'



Alberta Böttcher





12th Year




Dialogue | #990000
Thoughts | #107182



Despite her deep dislike for her father Link is a lot like him. She snaps easily, has the mouth of a sailor, and takes out her anger with a punch rather then words. This causes Link to drive away most people but she can't really bring herself to care. To her people can't be trusted nor can they proved themselves useful. If you want to befriend Link you'd have to work hard and spend months at it. You also could expect her to go from hateful to buddy buddy after she grows used to you. It'll take time.

Secretly Link has always been jealous of the normal families. She yearns for the mom and dad who tuck her in at night. The older sibling to tease yet watch her back. A younger brother or sister to watch out for. Unfortunately Link can see herself worthy of (what she thinks) is a horrid secret.

While Link puts up an act that she can beat anyone, she fears men. Ever since that night in the alleyway she can't bring herself to be alone with one. She'll treat men very diffrent then woman. Sneering at them. Avoiding them. Refusing to work under them. Deep down she knows it's stupid to do but with both fear and stubbornness fighting against her Link just treats them like shit.


Getting Drinks

Confusing people by speaking German


Spicy Food




Kids stronger then her


Being drugged
She thinks it to be stupid but after that night she can never take a drink from a stranger.

Again she sees it as stupid but just can't help it.

Going back to Germany[/i]
The other children there treated her horribly. They teased her for having no father and in turn she'd beat them.

☠[/i]Finding love[/i][/u]
To Link true love is both a weakness and not real. Her parents obviously didn't love one another and if they couldn't, no one can.

Having a child
Link doesn't want a child to grow through what she did.



Father- Ares, God of War- Alive
Mother- Elena Böttcher- Alive

To Link Ares is a no good bum of a father. She had only seen him once when he saved her and if it wasn't for that night she might hate him completely. Still the fact he never visits her causes Link to anger, thus a lot dub her as a daddy issues girl.

Even for a Demigod Link had a rough life growing up. Ares leaving her mother alone after she became pregant cause the woman to resent her daughter. Her mother didnt want a child anymore and did her best to prove that. At ten Link was forced to move from Germany to America and learn English by herself. Then called Alberta the poor girl practically raised herself and soon growing weary of her mother's constant usage of drugs and alcohol, she left at the age of foureen. She then dubbed herself Link, after a character in the first video game she ever saw in America. Link traveled for a long while and all seemed well. For two years she didn't run into much trouble, just jumping from each homeless shelter. A little after she turned sixteen Link met a man at a bar (She was known to fake an ID) and they started a conversation. All went well until Link realized the man had drugged her. At that moment Link was sure she would die but as she was dragged out into the alleyway a bright light broke through the night time. The man dropped her and let out a screech. Link couldn't see what was going on but next she knew another man was touching her shoulder and she suddenly felt renewed. The man introduced himself as Link's father causing her to laugh. He left long ago and to her she had no father. The maybe dad just shrugged and handed her a slip of paper. Her eyes flicked down for a split second but when she looked up her was gone.

A month later Link showed up at the Academy as it was writen on the paper. While she didn't believe at first she was the daughter of a God the placed seemed good enough for her to start a new life.

The ability to conger weapons at her own pleasure. If anyone ever pisses Link off she'll use this to scare them.

Link owns two ferrets. Both are pale gray and are seem to hate everyone but Link.

Link gave herself the name Link after the character from Legend of Zelda.

So begins...

Link's Story


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Character Portrait: Link
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In the corner of the Ares cabin sat a cot that looked completely unslept in. The sheets were perfect and the pillows didn't sag at all. The owner of said bed across campus, sat under a tree. Link was hunched over a handheld device while her two ferrets lounged lazily on the ground next to her. Every once in a while she'd breath out a chuckle, or her eyes would wrinkle intently. 'Arschloch. You can't beat the Hero of Hyrule. I own you.'

The defeated cries of the villain rose from the screen and a smile crept into Links face. 'Hell yeah! Ich tötete du Schlampe!'

For the twelfth time Link had beaten Phantom Hourglass. Upon coming to America she saw an add for the game and it wasn't long before she stole both the game and it's system from an unsupecting nerd in a park. She didn't feel bad about it but the dudes crying did get annoying.

After powering the game down Link stood and popped her back. Her pets, Zucker and Gewürz blinked sleepily up at her. In return she smiled and patted her shoulder. The two animals leap up from their makeshift beds and climbed up her legs to rest in either shoulder. After packing her game she rubbed both on the head and began the stroll back to camp.

Link arrived about ten minutes later and headed straight for the bulletin board like she did everyday. There were already plenty of people around though Link payed little mind to them.'Special guest?' She muttered in thought. 'Hope they aren't an arsch, huh guys?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa White Character Portrait: Link
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Link sighed as the grounds behind her began to fill out. So many of then seemed to enjoy the early mornings, something the daughter of Ares still had a hard time sharing. When living with her mother the woman never got up earlier then noon and usually just stayed in her room till the urge for alcohol dragged her into the kitchen.

Living in America made no difference to her mother's sleeping habbits but she did see some rather intresting folk walk by at nine in the morining. Even when she was on her own the city seemed half asleep. It was peaceful to Link who sought enjoyment in walking around with no destination. That was pretty much how she got around back before meeting her dad.

Link still did it here at camp. After a fitful four or five hours of sleep she'd sneak off with her pets and her handheld. After finding a hiding spot she'd either play till the power went out or it was time for activities around here to start. However as Link had beaten the game already today and whatever special guest wouldn't be around for a bit longer she turned to her old habbit of walking aimlessly.

Eventually Link let out a loud yawn, the kind when you stretch out your arms and scrunch up your eyes. Normally Link would lean against a building to do this but as nothing was near enough she just stopped dead in her tracks. The yawn lasted a good ten seconds so when Link opened her eyes she had no time to stop the girl from running smack dap into her chest.

At the sudden impact Zucker and Gewürz let out a screech and jumped from Links shoulders. They hissed loudly at the distracted girl and took off. Link sighed knowing full well they'd go hid under her bed and wouldn't come out for a long while. 'Gott Verdammt. Stupid animals.' She pinched the bridge of her nose and turned to the girl. 'Good job watching where you're going. What the hell are you doing anyway?'


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Character Portrait: Tessa White Character Portrait: Link
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Tess found her balance was off and fell straight back, but being a demigod, she managed to turn enough to landon her side rather than her butt. What was unfortunate though, was that the tiny pieces Tess was working with, flew into the grass. She nearly groaned out loud as she tried to pick up the pieces. She looked around, finding a few pieces but not seeing the smallest of them. This caused her to sigh, unhappy that she had lost pieces that she had needed in order to fix the phone. She hoped she had some spare parts back in her room. She could get it working again, but not with the same system or anything.


She hadn't even noticed the ferrets until they had already run off. She looked up to then see some girl she didn't know. She rolled to sit on her but, holding the phone pieces in her lap unhappily. She looked back up at the girl and nearly, nearly, rolled her eyes. She looked at the girl with a curious look, wondering if it was possible she could have gotten a concussion from that hit. How could one be so... blind to their own fault?

"I was trying to fix a phone. Now I don't have all the parts I need. Got any extra contact clips, logic boards, or flex cords?" Tess asked as she realized she had torn one of the cords with the small eyeglass screwdriver she had been using. She sighed, running a hand through her hair, looking around her one last time before standing and pocketing the remains with both hands. That side of the romper then titlted, pulling down though the shoulder parts kept it from sliding down badly.

"Sorry, I ran out of some other parts last night. It's hard to get ahold of the ones you need when you don't have the ability to pull parts out of thin air. Name's Tess, yours?" She asked, finding that she was at fault for the situation as much as this other girl was. Neither could really help it, unless Tess coul work looking up and this other girl did whatever she was doing with her eyes open or whatever. She put her hands in her pocket, smiling at the girl with the biggest smile she could muster, which wasn't very large since she wasn't very happy.

Tess studied the girl with the eyes of a mechanic, taking her all in with one sweep of her gaze. The girl was someone Tess probably wouldn't really talk to or start a conversation with unless something like this, which wasn't the best, had happened. "And where'd you learn German?" Tess asked, her curiosity about the language causing her to ask.


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Character Portrait: Tessa White Character Portrait: Link
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Link studied the girl curiously. 'Got any....what? I don't know what the hell any of those are. Contact clips? Doesn't that like, go into your eye?' To emphasize Link pointed to her own eye. After a few seconds she let her hand drop and gazed at Tess with a raised eyebrow

The girl pocketed whatever thing she was messing with and smiled wide. 'Tess eh? Nice name I guess. Mine's Link. And no, it's not my birth name. Dont ask why I'm called that now.' She sucked in a breath. So much for having a peaceful day until whatever speak showed up. This girl just had to bump into her. And no it was not her fault thank you very much.

Anyway this wasn't a very interesting conversation and Link doubted she and this girl would get along well. Tess seemed too....perfect. Pretty, smart, no doubt had a large group of friends. You had to be a special type to befriend Link and she could tell this girl would probably not fit. Of course even Link knew not to judge a book by its cover. Maybe this girl would be a suprise?

And....nope. The girl just had to open her mouth and ask about her speaking in German. 'Where'd I learn it? Baby I grew up with it. I was born in Germany. Spoke it before learning English at all. Stupid language.' She paused and staring at Tess bit the inside of her cheek. 'Würden Sie eher ich nur Deutsch sprechen? Ist diese Arbeit für Sie?'

There was a long moment where Link did nothing but stare straight faced at Tess. Finally a grin broke through and she doubled over in laughter. 'Nah I'm just teasing you.' Playfully, though Link didn't really know her own strength, she pushed the girls shoulder. 'You know German? Or did you just know I was speaking it?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dylan Ramirez Character Portrait: Tessa White Character Portrait: Link Character Portrait: Daniel Keisuke
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Tess considered the girl's name. She had heard that name when she had gone into a video game store once. There was some tournament going on but she had ignored it because she had been busy picking up a bunch of broken video game systems so she could fix them and return them to the store so they could then be returned to the rightful owners who were super happy about their fixed gaming system that had cost them hardly anything.

Tess just shook her head slightly at the question, finding that it was probably rude what she had said, but it wasn't entirely her fault the two ran into each other, and she had lost parts as a result. She looked down, over at the crowd of kids heading to the dining area. Tess could tell the girl was headstrong, and wasn't the... friendliest person ever. She was talking a lot, Tess did too, but this girl was comfortable about it, or appeared to be at least. Tess knew she didn't appear comfortable because she was hardly standing still.


Tess found that as the subject changed from inventions to languages, she was at a loss of words. She only knew three, so how was she supposed to know what this girl was saying in German? She wondered if the girl was saying something about her or was just asking a question or saying something simple. Tess imagined learning languages growing up and wished her mother had done it for her. Her mother wasn't actually as close as she was now back when Tess was growing up so it wasn't a large surprise.

Tess just shrugged her shoulders, shaking her head that she didn't understand. The laughing caused Tess to ease slightly, making her feel better about the conversation. Maybe this girl was a cool girl who Tess might talk to in the future. When Link pushed Tess, Tess fell back down again just as before, though this time, landing on the phone remains in her pocket. She winced slightly into the grass, not showing the face to Link before she smiled and rolled to yet again sit on her butt.

"I speak French and Latin too, so I just recognized it really. So, you're a child of Ares... You have the strength for it. Doesn't the name Link have to do with electronics?" Tess asked hoping to go back to topics she understood, and liked. She said it with a shyness that caused her to feel like it was very obvious that she was uncomfortable about the current subject, languages and people. She was more like her father than she thought, unknowingly though.


'Come down to the dining hall, we get a feast, plus I need some entertainment, you've got five minutes. :P' the text from Dylan said. Danny looked at the test, observing the name the text was said to come from. Danny had put the name into the phone as Dilly the Brain since he knew he could go to Dylan with any question, and had thought he was really smart when they first met. Danny groaned, sliding down even further to be laying on the floor as he looked into his room for Altair. "Altaaaaaaiiiiir," Danny called, "The meeting and our friends are waiting!" Danny looked at his phone again, then texted back: I have my guitar, Altair is just taking foreeeever. Danny was still on the floor as he just let the hand holding the phone fall to the ground. He was basically taking up the entire hall now, and he didn't really care.


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Character Portrait: Tessa White Character Portrait: Link
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Link chuckled when the girl went down. So she was as dainty as she looked. 'You're so small even a daughter of Hermes or someone whimper could push you down. But yeah, daughter of Ares. Imma badass with a bad as ass father. She grinned wickedly and twirled her fingers in the air. 'Does have its perks though. Making weapons appear out of thin air is awesome. I can use it against annoying people.'

Another laugh exploded from Link and she winked. 'You seem alright for someone so dainty. You need a weapon to kick some ass you come to me, all right?'' Grinning Link eyed the girl up and down. She was clearly feeling uncomfortable and maybe a bit shy but since she wasn't a male Link had no problem teasing her.

'Electronic thing? Hell if I know. I'm more of a swish swish stab kinda gal, y'know?' As if to prove a point Link made a stabbing motion to an invisible enemy next to Tess. 'Fear not Princess Tess. The Hero Link has saved you!' She broke into a fit of giggles. "God...It's been so long since I had a good laugh. Thanks kid. You're a daughter of what exactly?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa White Character Portrait: Link
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Tess looked up at Link, unsure if she was being insulted or was being straight up told the truth. She knew she wasn't strong, or sturdy, but she was clever, and that could win any fight if used properly. That, and she could use any weapon was helpful since it added possible options during a fight. "I... yeah, I'm not really... Yeah," Tess stated with a shrug as she stood up, looking at Link in a friendly way though she was not comfortable in the slightest.


"You know, I'm not as dainty as you think I am. I know weapons just as much as electronics, but maybe a little less," Tess said as she realized it was true. She could build a car from scrap materials with the right stuff in less than a week, a few hours with instructions. She could also build any weapon with a picture. She had once built a sword upon request and had made a very pretty bow for a cosplay her friend had wanted to do. She herself had gone as speed racer, just putting her hair up in a way that made it look like she was a guy since it was covered by the helmet.

Tess shook the thoughts from her head as she listened to Link speak more. This girl was so friendly, and open, it was slightly weird for Tess since there weren't many people in her world who were like this. She smiled a little more as Link seemed to admit that she wasn't very knowledgeable about electronics.That left Tess with the idea that Link probably just liked the game, not the way it was created, so the opposite of Tess herself. Tess looked to where link appeared to be pointing, then realized she was pretending to stab something. Tess made a confused face but let out a small laugh.

"I'm a... I'm a daughter of Hephaestus. So.So... I... I'm into mechanics and stuff," Tess says, her confidence rising by the second as she was back to things she understood and liked. She let her hands play with the pieces in her pockets, just moving them around and not doing anything with them. She rocked back and forth on her heels. "So... Are you new this year? I don't think I've seen you around before..." Tess stated.