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Lucca D'Antonio

"I don't judge people on first impressions, that's like how some of our parents judge us."

0 · 860 views · located in Aeonis Academy

a character in “Aeonis Academy for Demigods”, as played by Zoey26123


"I like to think people are genuinely nice and just choose to be complete jerks and idiots. That's why I try not to judge when I first meet someone. When you grow up with so many different kinds of people in your life with so many different facades, its easier just to wait for them to reveal who they truly are rather than let yourself get played or hurt in the long run."




Lucca Oliver D'Antonio

Lucas || By Samuel or his friends on occasion
Ollie || By his mother when he was younger

January 13, 1998










Lucca is the type of guy everyone in school wanted to be friends with. He is always nice to everyone even if he hasn't met them before or they are not nice in return. He doesn't believe in stereotypes and therefore tries to avoid them. He was bullied in elementary school to the point he had to go through intense therapy in order to get over it. Because of this, he refuses to be mean to anyone, unless there is no other choice and someone is in danger. Lucca hates when people feel they can't talk to him just because he is a child of Zeus and will actually go out of his way to talk to those he hasn't talked with in a while in order to make it clear he does not do stereotypes. He will abide people's wishes and listens when someone needs him to, but he will not tell others the secrets he might hear.

Lucca is super sweet when it comes to talking to girls, shy actually. He has a hard time picking up signals and needs to be told by others or very bluntly by the girl that he is being flirted with. He is a natural flirt though he doesn't realize when he does it since he doesn't understand that kind of stuff. He is a hopeless romantic in the way he so wants to find someone to be with, yet he doesn't want to seem desperate or weak from it since his mother did teach him that. When it comes to Lucca and his mental state however, he is not as stable as he appears on the outside. He is extremely insecure about himself in the way that he always worries he has hurt someone and therefore needs to make up for it. He has never forgotten anything he has done that could have possibly hurt someone and hates that he can't. Though Lucca is selfless in the way he likes to look out for others, he does hate the idea that he can't really do anything without hurting someone else. He is brave and loyal to a fault.

When faced with being by himself, he's often quiet and likes to take in his surroundings, thinking about others. He absolutely can't stand it when he sees someone being harassed or hurt by someone else, yet will not hurt the offender unless he has no other option or the attempt fails. Lucca is gentle and yet firm when it comes to leading. He will not allow someone to talk back to him in a rude manner yet will listen to everyone's opinion. He is very good at leading yet he can't stand it when someone tries to take over without his permission. He will listen and follow orders so long as he sees why they were given and he does not see a better option. Lucca constantly worries he is not good enough though he has never told anyone that. He is a hypocrite in the way that he tells others to not put on a facade when he does so everyday, being genuine except when it comes to expressing all of his feelings all the time.

Flying Baking Reading Football Soccer Basketball Track Baseball Nice People Girls Cool Shops Music Poetry The Idea of Romance Electricity Being in Charge A Good Plan A Plan Working Well With Others Winning Seeing Others Happy His Family Australia Cities Learning New Languages

War Fighting For No Reason Any Unnecessary Violence Death Nightmares Fears Swimming Water Running for Too Long Condiments The Color Yellow Snakes Spiders Bugs Walking Jerks Stereotypes Councilors Therapy

☠ Hydrophobia || Fear of Water/Swimming ☠ Fear of Being Alone Forever ☠ Fear of Loosing Everyone He Still Cares About ☠ Fear of Death ☠ Fear of Not Living Up to People's Expectations ☠ Fear of Hurting Someone Too Badly ☠



Jane D'Antonio || Lucca's mother || Jane was born in Australia where she was raised with her brother Samuel by their parents. When Jane was eighteen, she traveled to the United States to go to school. There she became a citizen and eventually joined the Marines. She quickly climbed in ranks and after some time off to have and raise Lucca for a bit, returned to become a general as she had been expected to be. As a general, she excelled. However, overseas, she was in a battle when her group was ambushed and outnumbered. She was taken hostage and after some time as a captive, was killed rather gruesomely though she succeeded in not telling the enemy anything that might help them.

Samuel D'Antonio || Lucca's Uncle/Guardian || Not a major part in Lucca's life until he became Lucca's primary guardian, Samuel is a laid back, yet overprotective brotherly figure in Lucca's life considering the close age. He was very hurt at the loss of his sister though he still does not regret agreeing to take care of Lucca for her so she could go back to her old life. He loves Lucca like his own brother and would do anything to keep him safe, including sending him away to a school where he can be safe.

Zeus and Lucca have a somewhat weird relationship. Lucca has only met his father three times. When his mother went away, Zeus visited to check up on Lucca and see how Samuel was faring. He did not tell Lucca who he was though he did alert Samuel. Zeus then visited for Lucca's first game for high school, just as support considering he knew how Lucca was not entirely mentally stable. The third time, and time Zeus told Lucca who he was, Zeus was taking Lucca to the academy in order to keep him safe, eventually apologizing rather terribly and telling Lucca about his mother and what happened to her. Zeus even gave Lucca the purple heart that would have gone to the family anyway, saying Lucca should hold onto it and draw strength from it.

From this, Lucca looks up to his father though he does not really know why. He wishes he was around more but tries to understand because of the way he is. He does respect his father more than anything, especially because he wasn't afraid to comfort Lucca and try to ease the pain of loosing his mother.

Lucca was born in Australia when his mother was staying over there with her family for a few months while on leave. Lucca's mother, still a part of the United States military, found that she was going to not continue her military service for a few years in order to raise her son considering her four years of service were up and she had been debating staying in the military or raising Lucca. As she raised Lucca in the United States, Lucca went to elementary school and did other normal kid things. He did not know who his father was at all as his mother would not tell him.

When Lucca was halfway through elementary school, he was faced with bullies that traumatized him. He was at risk of growing depressed and his mother knew she needed to keep that from happening. In order to do so, she took Lucca out of that school and moved back to Australia. When Lucca's mother was asked to come back to the military, she agreed reluctantly, knowing she was needed and that it was her true passion. She entrusted Lucca with her brother Samuel, telling him who Lucca's father really was as she did so.

Samuel acted more like Lucca's older brother than his uncle since they were only fifteen years apart. The two interacted very well and Lucca learned how to stand up for himself while also being kind to people. Samuel began training Lucca so Lucca could also be safe considering Samuel could see Lucca was beginning to attract attention that Samuel was worried was unsafe. He was unaware that it was actually Zeus trying to lead Lucca to the academy considering Lucca's mother had been killed and therefore, could not worry about taking her son to the safe academy Zeus had told her about.

Samuel, upon one day being confronted by Zeus, allowed him to guide Lucca to the academy, promising to stay in touch with the boy.

Flight || "The thrill of being in the air by myself cannot be matched by anything else. It lets me think, and see things from a place few people can see things from."
Electrolocation || Lucca has terrible eye site and when he has no access to any other form of sight aid, he must use electrolocation to a certain degree to keep from bumping into people and or things as well as recognizing them as well.

Faceclaim || Luke Pasqualino
Pet || Jackie
Lucca can hardly see without the help of glasses, contacts, or when both are unavailable and in desperate times, electricity.
Languages || Lucca can speak three languages fluently thanks to his uncle. He can speak English, Italian, and Latin as well as read all of them.

So begins...

Lucca D'Antonio's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Nyeong Character Portrait: Lucca D'Antonio Character Portrait: Phoebe Lane Character Portrait: Abilene Beasley
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Lucca paused yet again, setting down on the green grass on his way to the academy. There was no need to pay for a taxi when he could fly himself to school. He was only a few miles from the airport anyway, so long as he moved quickly and paused a little often in order to rest from carrying his bags, he was fine. He would sleep hard at night, and briefly hoped his roommate wouldn't want to stay up all night.

Lucca's suitcase hung at one hand, his duffel bag slung over his shoulder, and his backpack in his other hand. He didn't like that he had to carry everything, but he didn't want Samuel to worry about getting things here. It was just easier, and logical, except for the part about Lucca being able to manipulate the air. He raised himself up again, taking his bags with him. He flew hard and longer than usual, landing right outside the dining area at around eight thirty. He saw Dylan playing on his phone at the time, so left him to continue playing so Lucca could unpack.

He checked the bulletin board for announcements in time to see that there was a meeting in an hour. He nearly groaned but pushed the bad attitude away, moving forward towards where he had been told his room was when he had gotten the information for the year. Lucca walked, a smile on his face as he considered his trip. He had only lost control of the winds two or three times and had only dropped a few hundred feet, nothing bad at all for someone who was so used to flying short distances with little to no baggage.


Lucca made it to his room, seeing that whoever was sharing a room had already made it in and gotten his stuff in as well. Lucca looked at the stuff but didn't dare rummage, considering it before tossing his own bags onto his bed, putting his backpack on the floor. He looked down at himself and frowned slightly, he was a little sweaty from the expression, figuring the sweat wouldn't be bad if it wasn't on his shirt. Lucca reaches into his bag, finding a new, clean shirt that he could wear without worrying about being sweaty. He changes, not bothering with the door since it was just his shirt. He tossed the dirty one on his bed, planning to put it in a dirty laundry area in the closet once he got back from the meeting. He studied himself by looking down, checking to make sure he also had his mother's necklace on. When she had gotten that purple heart, or more accurately, his dad had given him his mother's purple heart, Lucca had gotten a replica of the charm like part and put it on a chain to wear around his neck, it made him calm and reminded him of his mother often.

Lucca then looked at the clock that he had on his tiny flip phone. It was about to be nine. He nodded to himself, considered what he might be able to still get in, then decided not to risk it and started to leave. He saw Danny down the hall, leaning against the doorway of his room with a guitar on his back. He caught sight of some others and gave waves or smiles to everyone as he headed outside. He looked around, wondering briefly where people he knew were.

As he made his way to the dining hall, he caught sight of Phoebe, one of his favorite people. She was so sweet and was always looking to learn, something that he thought was cool even if he didn't seem like the type to think so. He jogged in that direction, catching sight of a girl named Abi and a girl named Luna. "Hello ladies," Lucca calls gently and in a friendly way that he that was just friendly but could come across as flirty as well.

"By the way Bee, I have a book back in my room for you, so Happy early Birthday, or Christmas. It's that new one by that favorite author of yours. I couldn't get it signed when he was in Sydney, but I did get it. You might already have it, but I still got it! It even has the stamp saying it was one of the ones they traveled with for the book signing tour," Lucca told Bee, excited about the present he had gotten her. He had sort of forgotten her birthday last year and had just barely gotten her something. This year, he was ready, and ready big time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Nyeong Character Portrait: Aiden W. Stuart Character Portrait: Lucca D'Antonio Character Portrait: Phoebe Lane Character Portrait: Abilene Beasley
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#, as written by Cloud

αmσng fríєnds

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“Thirty four minutes isn’t soon enough if you ask me.” Phoebe replies to Luna with a smile. Phoebe loved mystery, she loved the unknown and the many possibilities it offered, yet even more she loved solving those mysteries. After all, every question has an answer, you just had to dig deep enough to find it. This mystery was one she could not consult her books about, instead she had to employ patience. Of course, that didn’t mean that Athena’s daughter couldn’t make a few educated guesses with her friends, “Well, we know it’s unlikely to be someone not related to the Gods in some form or other, so we can rule out most of the world’s population. Perhaps it’s a past demi-god the school has enlisted to inspire us for the coming year?” Phoebe suggests, verbalising her thoughts as they come to her. Phoebe can't help but laugh in amusement at her own suggestions. Despite ruling out a vast swath of possibilities, it really didn't help that much. The Gods got around, and their offspring were too many to count. “It could even be a god, though which god would feel the need to visit is as good a question as who it is.”

“Well, it’s not Deme.” Abi contributes, using her pet name for her godly parent Demeter. Abilene takes a seat beside Luna, pulling her feet up so that she can sit cross legged on the bench. “I’d know if it was.” She adds confidently before pulling another twig from the cherry tree and amusing herself by growing fresh blows from the wood and altering the colours their colours.

“I guess we’ll have to wait-…” Phoebe pauses as she pulls her phone out and checks the time before finishing, “…-thirty one minutes before we know for sure.” As she's about to put her phone back away it gives a quiet beep and the notification that indicates a new message appears on her screen, “Sorry, just a second." Phoebe apologises to Luna and Abi as she quickly opens the message and finds its sender to be Aiden Stuart.

Aiden's message may not give specifics, but Phoebe was immediately captivated by the promise of lost treasures related to her divine family. Knowing Aiden they were likely to be genuine artefacts, he would never be conned into buying something of questionable authenticity. Intrigued, Phoebe let her thumbs slide across her phone as she typed a quick reply,

    To Aiden Stuart: Surprised at the indiscretion of our uncles and aunts?? Never. Do I believe in the obliviousness of mortals? Perhaps. When can I see these items and hear about your travels? - Bee

Phoebe locks her phone and once again slides it into her jeans' pocket, glancing up at Abi as the older girl directs a question Phoebe's way. “Is that Collie or Morgan?" She asks, her eagerness to see her best friends evident in the sudden light in her eyes and hope in her voice.

"Sorry Lenny, that was Aiden." Phoebe answers, feeling bad as her friend's face falls slightly. "But I'm sure they'll be here somewhere or else they won't be far away."

Abilene nods her agreement, only slightly disheartened at being kept so long from her Collie-flower and sets her eyes to scanning the gathering crowd of students in the courtyard. However, instead of fair skin and red hair, her gaze alights on the tanned physique and brown locks of Lucca D'Antonio. As always the tall boy has a friendly smile on his face, and though it might not be directed at her, Abi couldn't help but return his smile. Cheerful people always made her happy, and she fully believed that smiles were infectious. “Hello..." Abi pauses as she considers what type of plant Lucca is, tilting her head as she takes him in, “...bamboo stalk? No, not bright enough. Lily? Maybe, maybe..." Abi's voice trials off as the possibilities run through her head, mumbling to herself and occasionally glancing at Lucca as she attempts to place him.

As Abi runs through her mental catalogue of flowers, trees, and scrubs, Phoebe turns her own glowing smile on Lucca. "Hey Lucca!" She says brightly, genuinely happy to see her friend again. She can count both Luna and Lucca among her close friends, and she's thrilled at once again being able to interact with them after the long absence. Her fondness for her friend only increases as she hears him describe the gift he got her. She opens her mouth to protest, since she hadn't expected anything, when Abi spoke,

“Where's my present, Hollyhock?" Abilene giggles, knowing full well that she's not good enough friends with Lucca to warrant one, hence the giggling.

Laughing along with Abilene, Phoebe turns to the newly dubbed 'Hollyhock' and gives him a nudge with her shoulder, "You know, I don't expect you to get me anything, Lucca. Besides, my birthday isn't until August." She tells him with a smile, “Though if it's the author I think it is, I might just be tempted to borrow it off you."

Behind the group a loud whistle sounds, drawing Phoebe and Abi's attention as their heads turn towards the high pitched sound. Standing a few feet away is Colin MacCormack, his eyes on Abilene as he draws her attention. With an excited shriek Abi jumps to her feet and, only pausing long enough to wave at the other three members, leaves the group behind in order to greet her best friend.

Phoebe gives the girl a fond laugh before turning her attention back to Luna and Lucca, knowing that she probably won't see Abi again until much later. If her years of friendship with Demeter's daughter has taught Phoebe anything, it's that Abi will be attached at the hip to Colin for as long as possible. “Speaking of birthdays," Phoebe remarks, shifting the conversation slightly as she addresses her two remaining friends, “I hope you both got my cards and the bag of sweets I sent. I picked things that wouldn't go off in the mail, especially if it was being sent all the way down to Australia."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Nyeong Character Portrait: Lucca D'Antonio Character Portrait: Phoebe Lane Character Portrait: Abilene Beasley
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Lucca smiled as he heard Abi, just barely, barely making out what she was saying. "What about the Australian Christmas Tree? They have that very pretty orange color," Lucca offered as he turned to acknowledge what Bee had just said to him. Bee had been one of Lucca's friends since he found that she was so, well, Bee.

Abi and him were friends well enough, not close but not so distant that he didn't have that awkward catch up moment. "You, Sunflower, shall get your present as soon as I find the time to get you Australian Christmas Tree seeds, you really must see them, they're so fun," Lucca insisted, considering it was also one of the few plants he knew anything about. Lucca looked back at Bee with his smile just as large as always, listening to her gently.


"Yes, but Bee, this way, I don't have to worry about forgetting this year! This is a makeup present from last year and your present for this year. Last year was just so horrible," Lucca stated as he took her hands and appeared to plead with her as he knelt, as if begging for forgiveness. He dropped her hands a moment later with a small laugh as he went ahead and flopped on the ground.

Lucca looked to the sound of a whistle by tilting his head and raising his chin, looking directly behind him without sitting up. He smiled as Abi got all excited, then looked back up to Phoebe. Lucca lit up at the mention of the cards. "Of course, I would've written back, but I couldn't get my hands on stamps. I wrote it and figured I'd just give it to you here, then forgot it of course. The sweets were wonderful, Samuel ate most of them, but I ate a lot and they were wonderful," Lucca stated at the thought of the sweets. It hadn't been Cherry Ripes or Crunchies, but it was still great!

Lucca stood, jumping up with a slight pop in his good mood. He was with people he loved and he cared about and would be for a few months, what could go wrong with life? That was excluding the people trying to kill him and his friends and loved ones because of who they were related to, but other than that, things were going well for them. "So, who's this special guest I heard someone talking about?" Lucca asked, his curiosity now causing his attention to turn elsewhere.